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Dependence of the impact of magnetic storms on the year of birth. Magnetic storms and phases of the Moon. Impact on a person. The influence of magnetic storms on the nervous system

A geomagnetic storm is a disturbance in geomagnetic fields that lasts from a short period of hours to several days. The disturbance of geomagnetic fields occurs due to fluctuations in solar wind flows and is interconnected with the Earth's magnetosphere. Studying geo magnetic storms Physicists are engaged in this and, from their point of view, it is called “space weather”. The duration of geomagnetic storms depends on geomagnetic activity, that is, solar activity. The solar causes for "space weather" are coronal holes and masses. The sources of geomagnetic storms are solar flares. Thanks to this knowledge and with the opening of outer space for science, scientists came to the conclusion that the Sun should be observed by means of extraterrestrial astronomy.

Now there are not only weather forecasts for the population, but also forecasts of geomagnetic activity. With the help of astronomy, they are compiled for an hour, for 7 days, for a month. It all depends on the location of the Sun to the Earth.

Consequences of geomagnetic storms

Thanks to geomagnetic storms, the navigation systems of spaceships are disrupted and the energy system is disrupted. What is also important is that there may even be a disruption of telephone communication. In the presence of magnetic storms, the chance of car accidents increases, no matter how strange it may sound. The whole point is that each person reacts to magnetic storms in their own way. There is a certain group of people who are not affected by magnetic storms at all. Perhaps the whole problem is that people skillfully “wind up” themselves. After all, many are of the opinion that magnetic storms are dangerous and therefore harmful to health. In fact, the hardest time these days is for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and headaches. Most often, people's blood pressure starts to jump, heartbeat. And this applies not only to those suffering from these diseases, but also to ordinary physically healthy people. The consequences can be very dangerous if a person’s heart rate coincides with the sun’s. In such cases, you can get a heart attack. The solar system is an unpredictable thing. It is better for people suffering from such ailments to stay at home on such days and not overdo it with work.

People's reactions to geomagnetic storms

In addition, it should be noted that there are 3 types of people with different sensitivity to solar flares. Some react several days before the phenomenon itself, others during it, and others 2 days after. Those planning air travel during this period are out of luck. Firstly, at an altitude of over 9 kilometers we are no longer protected by a dense air layer. In addition, according to research, it is on such days that plane crashes most often occur. The influence of geomagnetic storms is also very noticeable underground, in the subway, where you are influenced not only by them, but also by electromagnetic fields. Such magnetic fields can be felt when the train moves or brakes sharply. The focal points here are the driver's cabin, the edge of the platform and subway cars. Apparently this is why machinists so often suffer from heart disease.

St. John's wort compresses using eucalyptus oil will help you ease the impact of geomagnetic storms. You can easily make aloe juice at home and take it orally. As sedative It is enough to drink valerian. Try to avoid alcoholic drinks these days. physical exercise. In addition, those who react to sun flares should not eat a lot of sweets and fatty foods, as cholesterol levels also increase these days. Always try to carry with you medications. And if you have stopped taking anti-inflammatory drugs, then you should resume taking them.

Who is affected by magnetic storms and how to protect yourself from them

“I have a headache today. Probably a magnetic storm." This phrase can often be heard from an elderly woman on the street, from a young colleague, and even from a doctor in a clinic. If earlier scientists still argued about whether storms affect a person’s well-being or not, now the question is practically closed, doctors and physicists unanimously admit: they do. True, it’s different for everyone.

“Storm sensitivity” depends primarily on the state of health (a healthy person doesn’t mind storms) and even... on the year of birth. Mikhail Orlyuk, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Head of the Department of Geomagnetism at the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, told Vesti more about what a magnetic storm is and how it affects us, and the Director of the Alternative Medicine Clinic, Doctor of Medicine, told Vesti about how to protect yourself from geomagnetic disturbances. n. Vladimir Vasilevich.


Inside our planet is a liquid core. It rotates, creates currents that generate the Earth's magnetic field and magnetosphere - the planet's invisible protective shell (see graphic). “If an ejection occurs on the Sun and magnetized plasma (solar wind) flies towards the Earth, then the magnetosphere protects against these charged particles,” says scientist Mikhail Orlyuk. “The particles collide with the Earth’s protective shell, causing magnetic disturbances—storms.”

Each of our organs also has its own low-frequency magnetic field. For example, in the heart its amplitude is about 1 second, in the brain - 7 seconds. And as soon as a magnetic storm enters into resonance with one of the organs, its work is disrupted. This explains why during one magnetic storm your head can hurt, and during another it can bother your heart. By the way, the ancient Egyptians discovered that by influencing a person with certain impulses magnetic field, you can cause unreasonable fear. “Such fluctuations often occur during a thunderstorm,” explains Mikhail Orlyuk. “It’s not for nothing that many people are afraid of her.” I once also experienced causeless terror during a thunderstorm. Only one thing calmed me down: my wife had the same sensations, but collectively they are not going crazy.”


Other reasons can also disrupt a person’s magnetic balance. For example, an accelerating train creates a magnetic field that is two or more times greater than the natural one. It is for this reason that many people feel ill on the subway. Iron objects also distort the natural magnetic background: beds, radiators (minimize the amount of iron in the house), metal jewelry (do not leave them on you overnight). Also avoid living near high-voltage power lines and mobile phone repeaters.

Magnetic storms - Tesis

Current solar activity. Radio flux (10.7 cm) = 129.
Average planetary A-index = 21. Average planetary...

On the other hand, the iron “shell” can serve as a protective screen for humans. “If you have a personal iron bunker without windows or doors and are able to sit in it for several days, then the magnetic disturbance will not disturb your body,” jokes Mikhail Ivanovich. “But you can’t stay in such a home for a long time.” The fact is that the rhythm of the work of human organs has developed under the influence of the natural magnetic field of the Earth, it supports it. Without this support, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, blood flow slows down, weakness and apathy occur—the person’s internal “battery” runs low. To prevent this from happening, you need to walk barefoot on the ground more often, walk in parks and travel outside the city, where there is a minimum technogenic impact on humans.”


The intensity of solar emissions repeats itself after about 11 years, and we recently passed one of the peaks of solar activity (see graphic). It is rated at only 62 units on the Wolf scale. This is one of the smallest increases in 100 years. There is a version that these solar declines and rises control civilization. When the Sun is as active as possible, people's intelligence increases, society makes a leap in scientific achievements, industrial development and improved quality of life. But, alas, at the same time the incidence of mental, oncological, and cardiovascular diseases is increasing, and problems with the thyroid gland are arising. As soon as the sun's activity decreases, the birth rate increases, diseases recede, but humanity becomes “stupid.” More precisely, people's business activity is decreasing. But during the period of minimum solar activity, the intensity of emotions increases, and this ensures the flourishing of culture and art. By the way, according to some studies, those who were born during the period of active sun are less susceptible to the effects of magnetic storms.

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from a magnetic storm (unless you have an iron bunker), but you can alleviate your condition during an unfavorable period. To do this, you need to follow geodisturbance forecasts (for example, on or on Wednesdays in the Vesti newspaper and on the website), which are created by employees of the oldest geomagnetic observatory “Kyiv”. And follow simple rules, which are based on protecting the cardiovascular system, because it is the system that suffers most from magnetic storms.



“Hypertensive patients on the eve of a magnetic storm need to take a long-acting drug to prevent a rise in blood pressure (concor, chemopamide retard, nicardia retard). Herbs will also help them: tinctures of motherwort, valerian, mint, zamanikha, advises the director of the alternative medicine clinic, MD. Vladimir Vasilevich. - Hypotonic patients are advised to use stimulants: tinctures of ginseng, schisandra, Rhodiola rosea or drugs: pantacrine, aveolus, avioplan, alfagin. For people with heart rhythm disturbances - anaprilin and potassium preparations (asparkam, panangin). If a migraine bothers you, antispasmodics will help out: no-shpa, spasmalgon, baralgin.”


The tolerance of magnetic disturbances is affected by the condition of the blood vessels. When the elasticity of their walls decreases, the blood moves more slowly and supplies the organs with oxygen less well. Therefore, the vessels need to be trained. This will help: contrast shower (twice a day), swimming in the pool (two to three times a week), visiting a sauna (once a month). “It is useful to take a soothing bath with water on the eve of a magnetic storm. sea ​​salt, pine needle extract, essential oil valerian, mint, orange, tangerine, rose, ylang-ylang, rosemary, anise, advises Vladimir Vasilevich. “And don’t forget about physical activity and breathing exercises.”


On the eve of and during a magnetic storm, avoid stimulating foods and drinks: energy drinks, strong tea, coffee, spices, onions, garlic, pepper, smoked meats, alcohol. “In addition, it is important to avoid overeating these days,” notes Vladimir Vasilevich. - The fact is that the influence of a magnetic storm thickens the blood, and if the stomach is overloaded with food, then it will “pull” a lot of blood onto itself, which is already difficult to move. Then the brain and heart will begin to experience a lack of oxygen - and the mechanism for the development of a heart attack or stroke may start. Although at another time this might not have happened.”


A couple of days before the storm, try to “control” your nerves - avoid quarrels and arguments. Find a way to protect yourself from psychological problems as much as possible during the days of magnetic disturbances and do not make important decisions, switch from internal experiences to positive emotions (go to the theater or just take a walk in the park and eat ice cream). By the way, doctors say that many people feel unwell during a magnetic storm because of their mood. “30% of our people are highly suspicious,” says Vladimir Vasilevich. - Such people, having learned about the upcoming storm, will be prepared for the fact that they will feel bad. And they will definitely feel bad. It's important to think positively."


During a storm, headaches often occur due to the narrowing of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain cells. Balance can be restored with acupressure. First of all, work on the “he-gu” point - between the thumb and index finger (two minutes on each hand). Massaging acupressure points located in a circle at a distance of approximately 7.5 cm from the navel will help. Just imagine a clock, let each point correspond to a specific hour, and follow the direction the hands move. You can also influence the feng fu point - it is located above the spine in a depression under the base of the skull.


Physicists recommend: if you feel unwell during magnetic disturbances, move an ordinary refrigerator magnet over your body and head. The mechanism of action is explained simply: red blood cells have an electrical charge, and under the influence of a magnet they take on an oval shape, this makes it easier for them to “slip” through the vessels and automatically improves the person’s condition. In addition, exposure to a magnet changes the polarity of the walls of blood vessels and cholesterol deposits come off from them. Just remember that the magnet should not be a ring magnet (a bracelet or a hoop), otherwise other harmful currents will arise. Also, you should not wear the magnet all the time.

Sun, Earth and Moon. Do they affect our physical condition and how? How to behave during magnetic storms? Should we believe superstitions about lunar cycles? The reader will find answers to questions in this article.

What is a magnetic storm and why does it affect humans?

The influence of magnetic, or more precisely, geomagnetic storms on living organisms inhabiting planet Earth, is dealt with by biophysics, or rather its section called heliobiology. By the way, the founder of heliobiology is Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, a Soviet scientist. It was he who, back in 1928, outlined the influence of geomagnetic storms on human life, and more precisely, the connection between the growing number of cases of injury on days of geomagnetic activity.

A magnetic storm is an element of the so-called “space weather”, which, in turn, is an applied part of solar-terrestrial physics. The definition of “space weather” was introduced in the 90s of the last century, when solar-terrestrial physics began to actively develop.

Science defines a magnetic storm as a disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field (a magnetic field created by intra-earth sources). The duration of such disturbance can last up to several days. The nature of a magnetic storm lies in the interaction of disturbed flows, the so-called “solar wind” with the magnetosphere of planet Earth. The Earth has radiation belts, i.e. areas that contain high-energy charged particles that have entered and failed to escape back into the magnetosphere. In these areas, there is a constant planetary ring current (an electrical current flowing around the Earth). When the interaction of the “solar wind” and the planet’s magnetosphere occurs, the ring current gains strength.

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences on Magnetic Storms

“Geomagnetic radiation really affects human health. The magnetic field changes the viscosity of the blood - physical characteristics. It is clear that changes in blood flow affect the entire body. Moreover, it is not even the Earth’s magnetic field itself that is dangerous, but its changes, which, by the way, are most often caused by the Sun, a powerful source of radiation in many spectral ranges. Biological processes are slow—the body simply does not have time to adapt to these changes that affect the blood; older people and those with weakened immune systems especially suffer.”

Who and why is most susceptible to the influence of magnetic storms?

As a rule, people with CVD (cardiovascular diseases), VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), as well as various mental illnesses suffer from the influence of magnetic storms. In addition, people suffering from chronic diseases are often exposed to magnetic storms (especially if they are associated with respiratory system or musculoskeletal system). This impact is most painful on children and the elderly.

A magnetic storm can cause spasms of blood vessels

Changes in blood viscosity increase the tendency for blood clots to form. Gas exchange worsens. This in turn leads to hypoxia. The body experiences stress, and accordingly the release of stress hormones (adrenaline) into the blood increases. At the same time, during fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field in the human body, the production of the hormone melatonin decreases, which is designed to influence the body’s resistance to stress - a powerful internal adaptogen and antioxidant.

This results in surges in blood pressure. This leads to a gradually increasing headache. Hypoxia begins to manifest itself as difficulty breathing. Lack of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia) triggers a number of negative sensations, namely pain in the heart, discomfort in the chest, heaviness, dizziness, darkening in the eyes. All this increases the stress that the body experiences. This can lead to a "panic attack" (vegetative crisis), which leads to a sharp increase in oxygen consumption (due to strong feeling anxiety increases the production of adrenaline), and since breathing is already difficult, a feeling of suffocation occurs, even to the point of loss of consciousness. The result: a sharp rise in pressure and a hypertensive crisis. This state of a person with all the ensuing consequences can last for days.

However, for most people, symptoms of exposure to a magnetic storm are limited to aching knees or elbows, insomnia, apathy, loss of energy, and headache. In children, these manifestations often explain their excessive anxiety, moodiness, hyperactivity, etc.

How to make you feel better on days of geomagnetic activity?

  1. Reduce the intensity of physical activity. Do not make sudden movements (especially those associated with straightening or bending), as this creates a colossal pressure difference and can worsen your well-being in a matter of seconds. Move calmly and smoothly, choose to walk at a moderate speed.
  2. It wouldn't hurt to accept herbal preparations, improving emotional stress (valerian, motherwort, peony in tinctures or tablets, or sedatives). You should always have first aid equipment on hand when chronic diseases that will help you cope with blood pressure, angina pectoris, headaches and joint pain, nervous tension, feelings of fear, etc. On days of magnetic storms you need to be especially vigilant.
  3. Eliminate from your diet all foods that can retain fluid in the body (pickles, smoked meats, sauces, hot seasonings, etc.). At the same time, you need to increase the consumption of “antioxidant” foods (for example, green tea) and liquids (plain water up to 1.5-2 liters). This will help reduce blood viscosity.
  4. During this period, it is advisable to spend more time in the fresh air and ventilate the room in which you are staying more often. It is necessary to limit travel in transport, especially underground ones. You should not sit for long periods of time.
  5. Deep and complete breathing during breathing exercises will help saturate the blood with oxygen and overcome the growing feeling of physical and emotional stress during magnetic storms, as well as reduce headache.
  6. During the most difficult hours (the peak of a magnetic storm), it is better to sleep, since sleep neutralizes the geomagnetic effect on the body.

A healthy lifestyle significantly helps to cope with poor health during magnetic storms. You should never smoke or drink alcohol in excess. On days of magnetic storms, bad habits can be fatal to health, especially for older people who have problems with cardiovascular system. On the contrary, hardening, moderate physical activity, walking and proper nutrition help reduce the impact of magnetic storms to a minimum.

Moon phases and their influence on humans

It is reliably known that the Moon has a certain effect on our planet. In particular, everyone knows from school that the Moon causes ebb and flow on Earth. But can the Moon influence the human body?

Probably no celestial body is as shrouded in superstitions and occult practices as the Moon. For example, superstitions claim that during the full moon, people with mental disorders become more active, and that many people begin to feel unwell during this phase of the moon. There are even statistical figures that during the “full” or “new” Moon the number of citizens seeking emergency medical care increases. Quite surprising is the compilation of the so-called lunar calendars, in which, as in horoscopes, the dependence of emotions and life situations on the lunar phases is shown.

What do experts say about the influence of the Moon on the human body?

Let us present a statement in response to this question from an expert - academician, chairman of the problem commission “Chronology and Chronomedicine” of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Semyon Rapoport.

“The phases of the moon - full moon, new moon - to some extent they really influence. But not in such a way that the number of accidents, morbidity, and so on increases because of this,” the academician added. - This is not the case. The Moon and the Sun influence together. They determine the rhythm of life on Earth, including humans. First of all, there is an effect on the endocrine system, which determines the quality of sleep.”

Physicists directly say that the phases of the Moon do not have a significant effect on the human body. The human body does not depend on the Moon to such an extent that it can cause significant changes in biorhythm. However, together with the Sun, the Moon, being the same cosmic body and possessing a certain gravity, influences the human body, but in such a small way that it goes unnoticed.

To confirm the above, we can cite the words of a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences:

“To influence a person, some kind of energy must be transmitted from the Moon to him. Species energy interaction there are only four: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak. The last two can be immediately discarded: they appear only at the atomic level. Electromagnetic is also doubtful: the Moon does not have its own sources of radiation, and I don’t know if there is a magnetic field. The gravitational effect on humans remains. But it should be approximately the same: both on the new moon and on the full moon. Of course, there are small fluctuations: the Moon’s orbit is not circular, but slightly elongated, the difference is about 10%. But these gravitational fluctuations are unlikely to be associated with the phases of the Moon. These phases depend on the position of the Moon relative to the Sun, and not on the distance from the Earth. They say that during the full moon some people experience insomnia. Indeed, if the moon shines through the window, and good sleep Complete darkness helps, but the moon can interfere. But, in the end, you can close the windows with curtains or go to another room. And there can be a hundred reasons for insomnia - is it worth blaming the Moon?


The sun as a source of energy has a huge impact on the human body. The “solar wind” is capable of creating magnetic instability on Earth, which causes changes in blood viscosity. In turn, viscosity affects the speed of blood flow and gas exchange. All this leads to a deterioration in the condition of people who have problems with the cardiovascular system or with blood vessels in general (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

The Moon, compared to the Sun, is not such a powerful source of energy. The existence of the Moon's magnetic field itself is being questioned.

The moon can only influence the human body through gravitational influence, but its effect is so minimal that it is simply not felt. Therefore, it is useful to monitor the weather forecast regarding magnetic storms, but you should not believe superstitions about the Moon.

Be healthy!

Lasting from several hours to several days, caused by the arrival in the vicinity of the Earth of disturbed high-speed streams of solar wind and the associated shock wave. Geomagnetic storms occur mainly in the middle and low latitudes of the Earth.

As a result of solar flares, a huge amount of matter (mainly protons and electrons) is ejected into outer space, some of which, moving at a speed of 400-1000 km/s, reaches the earth's atmosphere in one to two days. The Earth's magnetic field captures charged particles from outer space. Too strong a flow of particles disturbs the planet's magnetic field, causing the magnetic field characteristics to change quickly and greatly.

Thus, a geomagnetic storm is a rapid and strong change in the Earth's magnetic field that occurs during periods of increased solar activity.

The peak of solar activity during the previous solar cycle occurred in 2001-2002, when solar winds emanated from the surface of our star almost constantly, and sunspots reached their maximum. At the same time, experts noted the extremely unfavorable consequences of activity for our planet - electronic equipment malfunctioned, satellites in orbit worked with errors.

The most powerful flare in the history of observational astronomy occurred on November 4, 2003. Its energy, as calculations have shown, could be enough to supply electricity to a city like Moscow for 200 million years.

The influence of magnetic storms on people's lives and health

Geomagnetic storms affect many areas of human activity, from which we can highlight disruptions in communications, spacecraft navigation systems, the appearance of surface charges on transformers and pipelines, and even the destruction of energy systems.

Magnetic storms also affect people's health and well-being. They are dangerous primarily for those who suffer from arterial hypertension and hypotension, and heart disease. Approximately 70% of heart attacks, hypertensive crises and strokes occur during solar storms.

Magnetic storms are often accompanied by headaches, migraines, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, poor health, decreased vitality, and pressure changes. Scientists attribute this to the fact that when the magnetic field fluctuates, capillary blood flow slows down and tissue oxygen starvation occurs.

In the 1930s in Nice (France), it was accidentally observed that the incidence of myocardial infarction and stroke in older people increased sharply on days when the local telephone exchange experienced severe disruptions to the point of a complete loss of communication. Subsequently, it was found that telephone communication disruptions occur during magnetic storms. On this basis, it was concluded that heart attacks and strokes, as well as telephone network disruptions themselves, are associated with magnetic storms.

At one time, the issue of the influence of solar activity on the occurrence of accidents and injuries in transport and in production caused heated debate. This was first pointed out back in 1928 by Alexander Chizhevsky, and in the 1950s, German scientists Reinhold Reiter and Karl Werner, from an analysis of about 100 thousand car accidents, established their sharp increase on the second day after a solar flare. Later, a Russian forensic physician from Tomsk, Vladimir Desyatoe, discovered a sharp increase in the number of suicides (4-5 times compared to days of a quiet Sun) also on the second day after the solar flare. And this just corresponds to the beginning of magnetic storms.

According to various sources, from 50 to 75% of the Earth's population are subject to the negative effects of magnetic storms. In this case, the moment of the onset of the stress reaction may shift relative to the beginning of the storm by different terms for various storms and for specific person. Many people begin to react not to magnetic storms themselves, but 1-2 days before them, i.e. at the moment of flares on the Sun itself.

It has also been noted that up to 50% of the planet's population is capable of adaptation, i.e. to a reduction to zero of the reaction to several consecutive magnetic storms with an interval of 6-7 days, and that young people practically do not feel the effects of magnetic storms.

The theory of the influence of magnetic storms on humans has opponents who are of the opinion that gravitational disturbances associated with changes in the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and planets solar system, are immeasurably small in comparison with those to which people are exposed in ordinary life (shaking, acceleration and braking in public transport, sharp descent and ascent, etc.).

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources