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Buddha's protective mantra. Protective mantras will help you get rid of problems, improve your health and achieve longevity. Are there texts for dangerous situations?

There are situations in life when the situation seems hopeless. Troubles are coming from all sides. They say that in such cases one can only rely on God. In the Christian tradition, people turn to prayer. In the East there is another way to protect yourself from grief and misfortune. These are protective mantras - a set of ancient sound combinations.

In this article

How to choose the right protective mantras?

Follow a simple algorithm, and you will have only the most necessary magic formulas in stock:

  1. Sorting by destination. You don't need all the mantras in a row. Define a purpose, and then look only for those that serve that purpose. State the terms clearly. If you want to strengthen your immune system, then you need mantras that protect against diseases. If you are worried about gossip and gossip, look for a mantra against slander. Of course, there are universal sacred sounds that must certainly be included in the arsenal.
  2. Own feelings. Having chosen the appropriate ones, listen to them in a calm environment. Watch what emotions the performance evokes. The mantra should be to your liking. If the sounds do not find a positive response, then this option should be abandoned.
  3. Degree of effectiveness. The next step will be to test the sound formula for effectiveness. The effect does not occur immediately, but after a week, as a rule, the first results already appear. If practice brings positive changes, then the choice was correct. It is wiser to choose those sacred verses that give quick and lasting results.

How to correctly read mantras for protection?

The same rules apply to the reading of protective mantras as are recommended for the performance of all sacred sounds.

  1. First of all, you need a calm atmosphere so that you are not distracted.
  2. The second important condition is the inner attitude and firm belief in one’s own strength.
  3. The third condition is correct posture. Ideally, a basic yoga asana (Lotus pose). However, you can just sit comfortably on the mat. The main thing is to keep your back straight.
  4. At first, the mantra is repeated using an audio recording. Then you can move on to independent reading. You need to listen to how your own voice sounds and feel how your body reacts to the sound.
  5. Count the number of repetitions. It must be a multiple of nine. The maximum effect, according to ancient treatises, is achieved by a circle of 108 repetitions. To keep the correct count, yogis use rosaries.
  6. In practice, visualization is often used to enhance the effect. For protective formulas, you can imagine an energy cocoon, a reflective shell, or a deity to whom the prayer is addressed.
  7. After finishing the meditation, remain in place for a couple of minutes to allow the results to take hold.

Cleansing sound

Effective protection depends on strong energy. Therefore, the first step is to cleanse the energy system of elements that interfere with its full operation. Start practicing the following phrase:


It contains both a protective function and a cleansing effect. The sound formula will strengthen the immune system and eliminate pathogenic environments from the body. Energy channels will return to normal, and general healing of the body will begin. They will retreat chronic diseases. Thanks to cell regeneration, rejuvenation processes will begin in the body.

The mantra is designed to be used 3 times a day. The practice uses a classic circle of 108 repetitions. If a specific organ or area of ​​the body is bothering you and you want to influence it, then during meditation you should place your palm on this area.

Mantras for any adversity and misfortune

Building such a barrier will take time and patience. You need to repeat the protection mantra regularly and at least 9 times during one meditation. The duration of the course is 15–20 days. The recommended time for exercise is in the morning after waking up, so that the protection remains in effect throughout the day. If you pronounce the mantra in the evening, its vibrations will protect you during sleep.


Supreme Indian God Shiva

Shiva belongs to the triad of the most powerful Indian gods. Her protection makes a person practically invulnerable. There is a legend about how a protection mantra dedicated to Shiva stopped the god of death. And if death itself recedes before prayer, then no misfortunes or misfortunes are scary for those whom Shiva protects. Tradition offers two variations of prayer. The first one is not too difficult to remember; it consists of three words.


Repeat this phrase every day 108 times, while creating an image of Shiva in front of your mind's eye. Then this god will protect your life from any unpleasant events and hostile attacks.

There is also an extended version of the mantra that provides enhanced protection. But it will be more difficult to learn.


Goddess Kali, the wife of Shiva, can also take you under her wing and protect you from various misfortunes. They address her like this:


In Indian mythology there is a character named Narasimha. He looks like a man with the head of a lion. This image represents Vishnu, another of the supreme gods.

Narisimha - incarnation of Vishnu

The protection mantra addressed to this powerful being is called Narasimha-Kavacha. The first part indicates the name, the second is translated as the word “armor” or “chain mail”. The method of use has this peculiarity. The text itself must be read over a bowl of clean water at least 9 times (18, 36, 54, 108). When the water has absorbed the power of Narasamha, it should be drunk. Here is the sacred text:


A person who chants Narisimha receives powerful armor that protects him from the negative influence of others. This shield will stop not only banal envy and discontent, it will protect you from a serious energy attack. In addition, Narasimha-Kavacha heals diseases, removes the evil eye, damage and other energy-informational infections.

Prayer to Narisimha:

Universal protective mantras

In addition to mantras that are addressed to specific deities, ancient scriptures mention universal protective formulas. There are no specific conditions for their execution; they are not tied to the time of day. Such a prayer will protect you in a moment of danger and save you from problems.


The following mantra is intended to protect against unpleasant and annoying people. It will eliminate the very situation of a collision with such types. In addition, the spell easily neutralizes the negative energy that clings to you, for example, when visiting a supermarket.


You may have heard about short bija mantras. They consist of a single syllable, but contain concentrated energy, and therefore there is no doubt about their effectiveness. By chanting the bija, you can create a whole symphony. For protection use the following mantra:

A mantra that is quite popular in India is used as an appeal for emergency help. Apply it in difficult times, and your guardian angel will protect you from trouble.


Ganesha mantra is also suitable for daily practice. It protects you from people who are plotting evil against you.



Full version of the Vajrasattva Mantra:

To prevent conflicts, refer to this sacred formula:


While at home, say it out loud. But in critical cases (for example, if there is an explosive situation), start reading the mantra to yourself. Potential conflict will be resolved. When reading a prayer, a person’s aura is cleared of disturbing vibrations, an atmosphere of calm is created, which makes conflict impossible.

Buddha's protective mantra and more

Buddha Gautama is a great Indian saint who has been revered in Asia for two and a half thousand years. He became the founder of Buddhism. This teaching is now one of the largest world religions. The wisdom of the Buddha is recognized not only in the East, but also in the West.

Buddha sitting in Lotus position

At the core of Buddhist philosophy is compassion for living beings. Therefore, Buddha is always ready to come to the aid of those who need it. If you turn to this saint in prayer, he will avert trouble, protect you from offense and protect you from hostile influence.

The root protective mantra is powerful and is used to cleanse space from dark energies. Space refers to your home, body and mind. To completely clear the room of accumulations of negative energy, repeat the mantra at least 27 times:


There is a famous mantra associated with Buddha:


It perfectly cleanses a person’s consciousness of evil thoughts and emotions and brings the mind into harmony.

From the Buddhist tradition came the Mantra of Great Knowledge, used to protect the body from disease.


Yogis are confident in the effectiveness of this scale. The ancient formula strengthens the immune system and expels pathogenic microbes from the body. A person gains health and longevity. The effectiveness of prayer increases if mudras, ancient hand gestures, are included in meditation along with singing.

As for the next mantra, it can provide protection for a whole year. It is important to choose the right time for the ritual. This is your date of birth. Your task is to keep it in memory. A mantra pronounced 108 times on this day will give a charge for the next 12 months. If you manage to meditate, then within a year you will not encounter illnesses, unpleasant situations and hostility from others.



For those who practice sacred singing, internal vibrations become more positive and harmonious. The mantra not only restores health to the body, but also promotes spiritual growth. The aura becomes bright and even. Openness attracts well-meaning people to you, and envious people mysteriously disappear from your life.

Using mantras to protect and activate the chakras

Without full-time work energy centers the effect of any practice will not last long.

Diagram of the relationship between chakras and mantras for their activation

Each chakra is known to be responsible for a specific aspect of life. In particular, the first chakra, Muladhara, affects your security. Weak Muladhara makes a person vulnerable. A strong chakra, on the contrary, provides him with powerful protection. By activating the first chakra, we increase our security.

For the full work of Muladhara there is a bija mantra:

This sound must be practiced regularly to maintain Muladhara at the proper level. This is the basic, root chakra, and without its strength, other centers will lose potential.

But to ensure harmony, do not forget about the other chakras. The figure shows the bija mantras for each chakra. Start at the bottom and gradually work your way up.


You have become acquainted with protective mantras for different occasions. Each of them has its own purpose and methods of influence. When choosing a mantra for yourself, you must take into account the goals you set and the characteristics of your psychology. Only personal feelings will tell you that the mantra has been chosen correctly. Soon you will find the right text with the right vibrations, and then troubles will become a rare guest in your life. Or maybe they will stop visiting you altogether.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Protective mantras will help get rid of problems, improve health and achieve longevity

How effective are protective mantras? Such magical chants can actually create invisible protection for a person and protect him from all misfortunes. It is believed that mantras can protect an individual from illness, physical and psychological trauma, damage and the evil eye.

Protective mantras from troubles and grief

In order to provide yourself with reliable protection from various negative influences, you need to read special mantras every day. Remember, this is not a simple spell, and casting it once will not be enough.

Experienced practitioners insist that the text should be repeated exactly 108 times. In order not to get confused, you can use a special rosary with 108 balls. However, if you have just started practicing meditation and have not yet learned how to read prayers, you can repeat the text fewer times.

But the more, the better. In this case, you should completely abstract from the outside world. Nothing should bother you: neither people, nor animals, not even your own thoughts.

When devoting time to meditation, you should learn to clear your mind of any thoughts. It is advisable to repeat protection mantras in the morning or evening, every day. For example, you can use one of the most effective prayers:


Experienced practitioners insist that it must be repeated daily for at least 3 weeks. There is another, no less popular and effective prayer called "5 syllable mantra to Shiva". If your choice fell on this text, remember all its words. Repeating the prayer without errors or stuttering will ensure the achievement of the desired goal.

When reading the text, you must necessarily imagine the image of Shiva himself. If you do not do this, the effect will be achieved, but it will not be so impressive and you will have to wait a long time for it. There are two versions of this prayer. Big:


And short:


Do you know who he is Nrsimha Kavacha? In Vedic culture it is a famous mythical creature. It is known that he is half lion, half human. Most people are convinced that he is the reincarnation of God Vishnu.

There is a mantra with which you can turn specifically to him. Its action is truly unique, since it allows not only to put very strong invisible protection on a person, but also to get rid of illness, eliminate negative magical influences, and remove the black streak of life.

There is a legend according to which an individual who can recite the mantra 32,000 times (x108) without interruption will be gifted with Nrsimha for the rest of his life.

Important: the text is read onto the liquid, thus it is enchanted, and after completing the ritual it must be drunk. Sacred Text:


In fact, there are prayers not only to specific deities, but also universal ones that can be used at any time. The peculiarity of such spells is that they are allowed to be cast as many times as you consider necessary (not only in the morning or evening, but also in various situations when you understand that support and protection are necessary). Text:


Another prayer will help you avoid unpleasant situations. It is recommended to use it if you are about to meet an unpleasant person, you feel danger approaching, or you simply have a lot of negative energy accumulated on you, which you need to get rid of immediately.


Do you know who she is goddess Kali? This is an extremely powerful deity, capable of destroying any evil. Prayer to Kali is considered one of the most effective, powerful and fast-acting. You can repeat it whenever you feel that a threat is looming over you.


Bija mantras- prayers consisting of one syllable. They are often repeated many times during meditation. As a result, they form a full-fledged song. The more times a syllable is repeated, the more effective the mantra will be. There is also a syllable for protection:

If you want to turn to someone for help in a difficult time, but don’t know how to do it, use this prayer. It helps to call upon your strongest defender and save yourself from various troubles.


There are special mantras that help in some specific cases. They are used not for defense in general, but to neutralize a specific problem. For example, from terrible dreams:


From gossip and enemies:


Buddha- an important character in general in Vedic culture. It is to him that you can turn to if you need to escape from some kind of bad weather, resentment, and so on.

Do you know what is considered one of the strongest? For many centuries, similar spells have been recited over infusions, medicines, and water given to sick people. After all, it was Buddha who revealed the secrets of medicine to mortals. Mantras are also used to cleanse karma and in funeral rituals.


In order to build the strongest protective barrier for your apartment or any place, you can repeat the following prayer:

Om satchitanandaparabrahama, shoibhagavatisameta, purushotamaparamatma, sribhagavatinamaha, nari om tatsat

It is also often used if it is necessary to cleanse a room of evil and negative energy. In this case, the spell should be repeated at least 25 times.

Birthday- a special holiday in the life of every person. There is a lot. If we turn to Vedic culture, we will find a special prayer that is used on this particular day. Practitioners are convinced that it allows a person to remain healthy throughout the year and not fall under negative influence.

People are sure that it is the combination of these sounds that helps to get the right vibration, which strengthens the body and spirit, allows you to establish contact with the outside world, helps improve immunity, and prevents you from getting tired and getting sick quickly:


Often, in order to provide protection, it is necessary to get rid of existing negative energy. Most mantras are capable of simultaneously purifying a person and providing him with protection. But you can also use special spells to cleanse each chakra.

They help open them, eliminate all ailments that are associated with this particular chakra. There are also spells that can cleanse an individual's energy field, the witchcraft circle in which each practitioner works.

Text 1:


Text 2:


Text 3:


Protective prayers, of course, cannot be considered a cure for adversity, but they will help strengthen your health, fortitude and get into the right frame of mind. Do not neglect Vedic wisdom, because it helps to improve human life for the better.

A protective mantra is a combination of sounds that helps to concentrate attention, calm the mind, and relieve stress. By repeating sacred sounds, a new energy code is built at the cellular level. Unfavorable situations are transformed at the level of potential. A feeling of joy and security comes.

You need to understand why you should use meditation in order to choose the right mantra. According to ancient Tibetan beliefs, there are texts:

  • for home protection;
  • universal - from any evil;
  • against diseases;
  • to transform problems.

Look deep into yourself, think about what needs to be improved in life, what you want to achieve. After that, choose or read several mantras and pay attention to the one you like more than the rest. Start practicing with it.

Neuroscientist Wendy Hasenkamp observed people in a state of meditation. She and her team proved that in high states the brain creates neural connections and activates the body's protective functions. People feel a sense of security and calm. The experience varies depending on the text read.

Overview of protective mantras

Each sound corresponds to a geometric pattern and color - in ancient India it was called a yantra. The combination of sounds creates a color map with patterns in space, which affects the person’s aura.

A protective mantra is read to create an energy barrier from enemies and ill-wishers.

In Tibet, these texts are associated with the image of deities that personify spiritual energies.

Dr. Joe Dispenza at scientific works proved the influence of meditation on the human mind and body. Through visualization and chanting, the mind moves into an altered state - from the beta wave range to the alpha wave range. Attention switches from external objects to internal sensations. The subconscious opens up.

Mantras differ in their effect on a person - one clears the mind of fear, the second gives confidence, the third helps transform emotions. Each carries a unique protective energy.


The Sitatapatra mantra against witchcraft and gossip is strong and universal. In it, a set of sounds is built in such a way as to connect consciousness and the energy of protection.

The vibration is compared to the appearance of the goddess who sits in the lotus position. She holds a white umbrella in her hands - a symbol of protection. She protects everyone who turns to her with a pure heart.

The goddess has a second image - with a thousand arms and legs. She looks in all directions of the world, tramples under her feet all types of misfortunes and negativity. Translated from Tibetan, her name means invincible.

The power of this thought form builds energetic protection around a person:

Teyata om anale anale

Kasame kasame baire baire

Saume saume sarva buddha

Adishtana adishtite matchmaker

Om sarva teyata ushnisha

Sitata-patra hum pe

Hum mama hum ni matchmaker.

Sitatapatra mantra helps against evil and gives confidence. The brain is tuned to problem solving. Anger, fear and guilt are transformed into love, a sense of invulnerability and faith. Say it 7, 14 or 28 times, imagining an umbrella over your head.

Ari nari tunari

There is a text that protects against troubles and helps the family cope with illnesses. After pronouncing, the person is in a state of peace and happiness. This is the Buddha's mantra, called Ari Nari Tunari:

Ari nari tunari anaro nabi kunabi.

In another way it is called dharani, translated as a spell. It is given in the Sacred Lotus Dharma Sutra and is intended to protect all practitioners from mental obscurations.

When activated, a person can easily cope with laziness, apathy, and depression. His mind is transformed: it becomes easier to learn new things, ideas and favorable events in life appear. The practitioner improves memory, concentration, health, and increases bioenergy.

Repeat the text 108 times. To avoid losing count, use a rosary. Daily practice will improve the effect. To quickly enter a state of meditation, visualize Buddha Shakyamuni before your eyes in a calm state.

Gate gate

One of the main texts of Buddhism, called the Heart Sutra, contains the message:

Teyata gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.

These are mantras for protection from enemies gate gate or great vision. The energy contained in it removes suffering, grief and anxiety from all who read it. It takes a person’s mind beyond ordinary thoughts, purifies emotions, gives peace, wisdom, and security.

Through the singing of sacred words, a person directs consciousness inward, connects to the unconscious, experiences unity with the whole world, and receives unique information about himself.

Say the text 108 times in the morning to feel the support of God, establish contact with your emotions, free yourself from bad habits and destroy illusions. This will help bring into life a feeling of lightness, inner comfort and security.

If you pronounce the sacred words of the mantra once for protection from enemies, the energy is activated around the energy centers - chakras. This will give protection from sorcerers and black magic.

Are there texts for dangerous situations?

In cases where help and protection are required, use action mantras. They encrypt vibrations of love and light. Through sound they transform the space inside and around a person, troubles recede.

One of these combinations:

Om mani padme hum.

The text carries the energy of happiness and good mood. These vibrations in Buddhism correspond to the deity Avalokiteshvara. It seems to be multi-armed, always coming to the rescue. The light contained in these sounds reveals the energies of goodness. By chanting the words daily, you can protect yourself from bad luck.

To protect against severe punishment and misfortune, use the Green Tara mantra. Her energy eliminates greed, cleanses the heart from envy and lies, and transforms external events for the benefit of a person. It reads like this:

Om tare tutare ture soha.

The text corresponds to the goddess Tara. She will always come to the rescue, protect you from misfortunes, and prevent bad things from happening. Protects against bad influences and rumors.

Read the mantra to curb your emotions and bring peace to your life. The vibrations will gently direct the mind towards the truth, the spiritual search. Singing in the morning and throughout the day will open energy channels, will improve the functioning of the chakras.

How to read mantras correctly for maximum protection

Sacred words contain energy that can influence a person’s body, mind and way of thinking.

When pronounced correctly, the sacred sounds of the mantra change events in life, help achieve goals, protect, and activate talents in a person.

It is easier to tune in to meditation in silence:

  • sit in a comfortable position, straighten your spine;
  • feel your body, listen to your breathing;
  • relax, let go of all thoughts;
  • think about your desire;
  • start reciting the mantra;
  • concentrate on the sounds.

When reading or singing, pay attention to your breathing. Speak the words as you exhale - this will increase your alertness. The more consciousness, the faster the protection acts. The mind perceives a single object and directs all its energy to it. This is how resonance occurs with high sound frequencies.

How many times do you need to repeat and what difficulties may arise?

Strong protective mantras need to be repeated 7-28 times. These include the text of Sitatapatra and Green Tara. They have powerful action energy. Repeat them clearly and consciously. For a quick effect, visualize the deity above your head - the energy will manifest itself immediately.

Circle of beads, read the words of Buddha and Avalokiteshvara 108 times. They have a gentler effect on the mind. These mantras transform external events; more time is required for meditation. Use wooden beads, preferably sandalwood. Choose the color according to your inner feelings. In this case, visualization is not necessary - it is important to feel the energy.

It is better to sing the mantra of the heart. It is designed for active protection and transformation of emotions. Read it once to gain an energy shield. One hundred and eight - to calm emotions, remove negative impacts. It is recommended to use rosary beads made from natural material.

At the initial stage, it is difficult to remember words and clearly pronounce the mantra. Listen to it on audio first. This will allow you to understand the pronunciation of complex combinations. To quickly remember words, it is better to hum them.

When reading, you cannot use the text against other people. Sacred treatises are aimed at protecting people through light and goodness. The desire to harm people returns.

Set the right attitude, remind yourself: the main thing is peace and mutual understanding. Intention will allow the energies to act correctly.

The meditation should be completed by wishing happiness to all living beings. This will align the protective biofield and strengthen it. Negative situations will transform into favorable ones, and those around you will become kinder.

The protection mantra will help protect you from evil intentions, protect you from the actions of enemies and strengthen your aura. There are several different mantras, you can practice any of them or all at once, the main thing is to follow the rules and carefully study the techniques.

A mantra is a set of sounds and words in Sanskrit designed to create special vibrations and attract what is desired into a person’s life. In essence, this is a specific way of communicating with the gods.

The mantra of protection creates special vibrations that seem to envelop a person’s aura in a strong cocoon, impenetrable to evil coming from outside.

A protective mantra can be used in various situations. Vibrations clear the mind of negativity, strengthen the aura, and help concentrate energy to repel any negative external influences. Some mantras were created to protect home, children, and loved ones.

The main condition for such melodic formulas to work is correct visualization and the ability to manage one’s own energy. Mantras can only be used by a person with a pure heart, who honors and worships the gods, knowing that he is part of the divine plan.

How to choose a protective mantra?

There is no need to take the first text you come across, it’s better to spend time, but choose something “for yourself” based on your feelings.

There are many different mantras for protection. They differ not only in text and dedication to the gods, but also in functions. To truly choose “your” mantra, you need to:

  • listen to all protective chants;
  • listen to yourself;
  • choose the one that will resonate in your soul.

You can also try to work with each of them, carefully analyzing your own feelings. If, when studying a text, the body responds, a feeling of goosebumps appears on the skin, or fatigue suddenly sets in, then this is exactly the formula for working with energy that a person needs in a specific situation.

Some people respond to several mantras at once. There are two options here - either choose one of them, the most suitable, or practice everything one by one.

Note! Response to multiple mantras may indicate ruptures in the aura.

Thus, a mantra against enemies will help a person holding a high position, and a prayer to strengthen the aura will help someone who is exposed to stress and anxiety.

Rules for reading mantras

Any mantra requires concentration and awareness. Before you start practicing, you should carefully study the text and understand the pronunciation of all words and syllables. The rules for reading mantras are as follows:

  • cleanse the mind and body;
  • take a comfortable position;
  • focus on your own feelings;
  • visualize energy;
  • recite the text the required number of times.

Before practice, you need to discard all unnecessary thoughts. A relaxing bath will help you tune in to working with subtle energies. You can also meditate - this will allow you to better tune in and clear your mind of everyday worries.

The next stage is creating the right atmosphere. Mantras should be read alone, in a well-ventilated room, or in nature, but in a place where no one will interrupt the practice. You also need to choose spacious clothes made from natural fabrics that do not restrict the body - this is necessary for the free flow of energy throughout the body. If the practice is carried out at home, you can recite mantras naked.

Additionally, you can use various incense that relaxes nervous system and create the necessary vibrations.

When reading the mantra, you should focus on your own feelings. You can work in three ways:

  • mentally fill all chakras with energy, starting from the pelvic area and ending with the head;
  • imagine how the body is enveloped in a cocoon of golden energy;
  • draw a mandala, mentally redirecting the energy into its lines.

It is important to visualize what a person wants to get in the end. If you need protection for yourself, you can imagine thick armor or a ball that hides the body from strangers. When reading a mantra to protect your home, you need to focus on how a dense energy cocoon is formed around your home.

The most important thing is pure thoughts and worship of the gods. Any mantra is read with a feeling of love, gratitude and reverence for God.

Some types of mantras can be pronounced mentally, silently

There are several ways to protect yourself from enemies, evil entities and evil in general. It is recommended to carefully read each mantra, pass it through yourself, and then make a choice.

It should be remembered that the practice involves repeating the chant daily for a certain period. The results of using protective mantras are not noticeable immediately, but approximately seven days after the start of practice.

Sound cleansing and protection

A very strong and at the same time very simple mantra is protecting your energy field. The peculiarity of this mantra is that it protects both from enemies and from the negative effects of own hands. For example, a person may unknowingly harm himself when he does what others require of him, contrary to own desires. This mantra prevents such situations and gives strength in time to say “no” to everything that negatively affects the reader.

It sounds simple enough:

“Om Sri Para Maha Durgai Aya Namah Jayam.”

You need to pronounce it melodiously, stretching out all the vowels, the rhythm is chosen independently. This mantra will protect you from evil, negative entities, and also cleanse you of accumulated negativity.

Interestingly, this simple chanting prayer has a positive effect on health. Regular practice gives strength, increases energy potential, and eliminates back pain. In addition, the formula helps to find inner harmony, increase spiritual and personal potential, and reveal your talents.

You need to read it three times a day for 108 repetitions. The healing effect can be enhanced by directing energy to a specific part of the body while chanting. So, if you are worried about stomach problems, you need to read the text of the mantra and mentally direct energy to this area. For better visualization, you can place your palm on your stomach and imagine how the heat radiates from it.

The more often and more you pronounce the words, the faster the result will be.

Mantras for protection from evil entities cannot be imagined without the most effective and famous prayer to Shiva. It will protect from enemies, ill-wishers, induced diseases and failures.

The text is very simple and familiar, probably to everyone:

“Om Namah Shivaya.”

Essentially, this is a mantra in praise of Shiva. The Supreme God will never leave his admirer unprotected, so repeating these words helps strengthen the aura.

Protective mantra from troubles and evil people read 3, 9, 27 or 108 times. While reading these words, you need to imagine how energy fills the body and goes out into space through the crown.

This mantra is chanted quite quickly. To catch the desired rhythm, it is recommended to listen to the recording first.

Sound Om

If other mantras seem complicated, it is best to use the universal protective sound - “Om”. It is widely practiced in yoga, and any mantra begins with it. This sound is regarded as a transmitter of pure energy into space, and also stimulates the process of accumulation of one’s own energy in the chakras.

It is necessary to pronounce “Om” slowly and with concentration. You need to take a comfortable position, it’s better to practice and learn how to take the lotus position. Free your mind, mentally “walk” through all the chakras, opening them and filling them with energy. Then you should chant “Om” 108 times. The duration of each chant is selected so that during this time a person has time to mentally fill each chakra with energy, moving from bottom to top. Having activated the last chakra, you should release the energy into space, and return some of it to your own aura, creating a protective cocoon.

You can practice as needed. Such a simple mantra can also be pronounced silently, for example, if there is an ill-wisher or an envious person nearby.

“Om” is a simple, but very strong and powerful protective amulet for everyone. A complete cycle of 108 repetitions will throw away any evil directed at the practitioner and help avoid any trouble. In addition, people who regularly practice this mantra cleanse their aura, reduce karmic debts and unlock their spiritual potential.

Universal protective mantra Gate Gate

There are a number of universal mantras. Their main advantage is that they work even if they are spoken silently.

The mantra from enemies and protection from ill-wishers is “Gate Gate”. It is a powerful protective formula that can be used in any situation. Mantra text:

“Gate Gate Poro Gate Poro Som Gate Bodhi Matchmaker”

If a dark streak has come in life and it seems that everyone around wishes harm to a person, the Gate Gate mantra will come to the rescue. It surrounds a person with a protective cocoon, patches up holes in the aura, and makes a person strong and wise. You need to read it 3 times in moments of danger. You can also repeat this before leaving the house to protect your home.

Regular repetition of a mantra makes a person more purposeful and smarter

If a person knows that he is envied, the following mantra will help protect himself from enemies and envious people:

“Ari nari tunari anaro nabi kunabi.”

It must be said four times 27 times. Except protective functions, this mantra has one more unique property– practice makes it better and cleaner. Regular repetition of the chant for 40 days will help improve concentration and mental abilities, increase energy potential, and help in achieving goals.


The most powerful, but also one of the most difficult mantras is Sitatapatra. Helps protect against witchcraft, damage, and someone else's evil eye. Protects from enemies and ill-wishers, makes a person strong and invulnerable to those who wish him harm.

The text is as follows:

“Teyata om anale anale

Kasame kasame baire baire

Saume saume sarva buddha

Adishtana adishtite matchmaker

Om sarva teyata ushnisha

Sitata-patra hum pe

Hum mama hum ni matchmaker.”

The words of the mantra are powerful protection from enemies and ill-wishers, but it only works after a week of repetitions. You need to read it 27 times, best at dawn.

While reading the chant, you should imagine a strong shelter around you. Even more effective method protection is a combination with a mandala. It is necessary to draw a protective mandala and fill it with energy by reading the mantra. It is recommended to carry the image with you, preferably near the chest - this way the protection is stronger. Each time you read a mantra, the mandala must be charged with energy.

The mantra “Om” is read mentally or out loud, as desired

To gain practical experience, it is recommended to start by listening to protective mantras. The records are not difficult to find; they are publicly available. You need to turn on the recording, take a comfortable position, and allow the sounds to fill your body, passing through each chakra.

If at first after practice you feel tired and tense muscles, do not be alarmed, this is a normal phenomenon, indicating that the energy has begun to move.

This mantra, like a sword, cuts off all enemies of the body and mind. It gives strength and confidence, transforms consciousness and gives protection to the one who pronounces it.

Mantra is a verbal method of meditation. It represents a certain set of sound vibrations, thanks to which we activate the hidden capabilities of consciousness. The mantra against enemies gives enormous mental strength. If you feel a threat from envious people and ill-wishers, site experts advise reading this mantra so that its power will cover you with an invisible shield from any evil.

How to recite a protective mantra correctly

  • First of all, you need a calm environment so that nothing distracts you. Another important condition is the inner attitude and self-confidence.
  • Practitioners advise taking the correct posture. The best option Lotus pose has always been considered. However, no one forbids just sitting comfortably on the mat. The most important thing is to keep your back straight.
  • Beginners are advised to repeat the mantra while listening to its audio recording. After such training it will be easier to move on to independent reading. It is very important to feel how the body and mind react to sound vibrations.
  • It is believed that the effect of the mantra is enhanced by visualization techniques. For protective sound formulas, you can imagine an invisible shield or energy cocoon.

You need to let go of extraneous thoughts, take a comfortable position, and then you can start chanting mantras.

Mantra of purification

Energy protection depends on energy. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to cleanse your energy of negativity that prevents it from working fully. There is a mantra that contains the functions of protection and cleansing:

“Aum shri para maha durgayaya namah jayam.”

With the help of these words, the energy sector will return to normal, they will retreat internal problems and negative thoughts. The mantra can be used 3 times a day. The number of repetitions is a traditional circle of 108 times.

Mantra that defeats enemies

A mantra from enemies is a special formula that gives confidence and neutralizes all negativity in life and consciousness. Repeat it 31 minutes or 11 times a day for 40 days, without breaks. By adhering to the rules, you will clear your life of visible and invisible enemies that deprive you of happiness and success. For beginners, the words may seem very difficult, but this feeling will quickly disappear if you say the mantra along with the audio recording:

“Khaag khand bikhandan khaal dhaal khandan
at ran mandan baar bandhan
bhuuj dhand akhandan tej parchandaan
jot amandan bhaan prabhaan
sukh santaa karnan dhurmat dharnan
kilbikh harnan as sarnan
jay jay jag kaaran srist ubaaran
maam pratipaaran jay thegan.”

With the help of eastern practice, you can not only protect yourself from enemies. Mantras according to your Zodiac Sign will attract good luck, happiness and prosperity to you. We wish you well, and do not forget to press the buttons and