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I'm late for school, what should I do? To make the morning good, or How not to be late for school? Competitive moment in training camp

In such a situation, parents need to understand that it is not the child’s fault, they just have a slightly different rhythm of life, they are not used to constantly rushing. Below are six ways to quickly and calmly get your student ready for school.

Proper storage of clothes

Ideally, of course, clothes should be stored in their places, on special shelves or cabinets, but in real life In order to get ready quickly, the clothes should be in the place where it is easiest to take them.

You can put the student’s uniform in the bathroom or hallway; you can consult with your child on this issue. The same can be said about the portfolio. All necessary things should be within reach. But the ideal option would be to pack the backpack in the evening, this will save the child from the fuss in the morning.

Getting ready in the evening

Many children pack their things in the evening. If there is a first-grader in the family, then parents need to help him. You can hang your school uniform on a chair in your room, put your comb in the bathroom, and your toothpaste and brush there too. Hang outerwear in a visible place in the hallway. You can also prepare breakfast in the evening: put a tea bag in a cup, make sandwiches and put it in the refrigerator.

Competitive moment in training camp

Parents can pretend that they are also going to school with their child. And let them offer the student a competition. Victory will be for the one who reaches the elevator button the fastest. Naturally, the child will have enthusiasm and incentive to get ready faster than his parents.

Using a stopwatch

Many children improve their discipline using a timer. It must be asked at intervals of fifteen minutes. You can start the report from thirty minutes and tell your baby when fifteen have passed. The child must be collected within 30 minutes.

Scold or praise

Many mothers use threats to encourage their baby to get ready. Most often, they propose banning a computer, phone, or tablet. This method works, but it can be done more productively. For example, you can reward a student for every day without delay. You can also use the competitive moment in the family: whoever is late the least number of days wins and receives a nice bonus.

Reason for delay: parent

The student is not always to blame for being late. Perhaps it is one of the parents who is holding everyone back. Therefore, he also needs to plan his morning wisely. Let mom or dad keep their things in a visible place so that they don’t have to look for anything and waste precious time on it.

The morning rush of getting ready for school and running should not reach the point of madness. Follow our tips to get your child to school on time.

1. Lay out your school clothes the day before.

Have your child's clothes ready next to the bed, including pants and even socks.

2. Keep your shoes in one place

Find a place where shoes will always be kept, a great option next to front door. Instill in your child the habit of putting shoes in the right place.

3. Put your child to bed on time

This may be easier said than done.

4. Wake up before the kids

When your child or children are sleeping, make lunches, place homework into their backpacks and check that there is enough milk for the morning.

5. Buy an alarm clock

When your child starts school, buy him an alarm clock.

6. Help your child

Help your child comb his hair and brush his teeth. If anything, she will not only feel a sense of accomplishment but will also save your precious time.

7.Have a simple breakfast

Don't feel guilty if breakfast is simple. A good option- Breakfast of healthy cereals, yogurt and pieces of fruit.

8.Gather a spare bag

Pack a comb, hair band, cosmetics, and a bottle of water or juice.

9. Take breaks

In chapter:

The modern world dictates its own rules and we are simply forced to adapt to them. And the rules are such that every year for some reason the time becomes less and less. No, we are not talking about impending old age. We are talking about the fact that we don’t have enough time even for small things: from the very morning we rush around the apartment looking for keys, a mobile phone, and make up our eyes as we go, swearing at sudden traffic jams. And we're still late.

As sad as it is, our children will grow up exactly the same. For some reason, the habit of being late is “inherited.” In many families, the morning begins with phrases like “come on faster”, “hurry up”, “we are late”. However, there will still be no positive result, even years later. The child will grow up to be the same hoarder, unable to meet time limits, like his parents, and will be late everywhere.

To avoid this, you will have to not only teach your child to keep track of time, but also change your own. Learn to be on time everywhere without forgetting anything. After all, such a skill is developed over time, and does not arise at birth.

Children under the age of five, and some even up to school, are deprived of the concept of time. They play around, get distracted and forget about planned activities. When they go to bed closer to midnight, they have difficulty waking up in the morning, and as a result, they are slow to get ready and are late. To develop the habit of being on time everywhere, you will have to follow some rules.

Follow the regime

Yes, yes, a child, and especially a child, should go to bed and get up at the same time, as was customary with our grandmothers. Over time, his body gets used to the schedule and you will have the opportunity not to wake up your child with screams in the morning - he will wake up on his own. The same applies to other vital matters - eating, resting, doing homework. The child should have a clearly allotted time for rest and sleep, then in the morning he will get up alert and will not sleep on the go during the day.

Organize your space correctly

The things around us significantly influence our lives, including punctuality. The space in the child’s room should be clearly organized: toys in the recreation area, textbooks and office supplies in the work area, and of course, all things should be in the wardrobe and not on chairs. Properly organized space helps save time and quickly get ready.

Give hints

Time managers advise even adults to draw up an action plan for the coming day. The daily routine should be clearly scheduled not only for you, but also for the child. Time should be allocated for rest, study, play and homework. Place colored sticky notes around the room indicating the time or order of activities. This form of play will help the child get ready and not get lost in a sea of ​​important matters.

A special alarm clock purchased for such purposes will also help. For example, you allow your child to play on the computer for half an hour. Of course, after this time no one will turn off the game unless you force it. Set an alarm clock for this time, or better yet two - for 20 minutes and for 30. Such reminders will help the child get his bearings.

How many times have you been late for meetings, missed important moments, or offended your loved ones because of the habit of being late? But they say correctly: “Accuracy is the politeness of kings.” Sometimes being late for an important meeting can mean missing out on an opportunity. And for many employers, frequent tardiness indicates an employee’s irresponsibility. And in order not to create problems for the child in the future, we need to teach him to save time now.

Punctuality in the broadest sense of the word is not only the ability to arrive at a meeting on time. It is also the ability to plan your time - and the effort that will be required to travel and achieve your goal.

The child initially gets used to being led by the hand by parents or educators and monitoring the completion of daily tasks - but sooner or later this changes, because none of the normal, sensible parents wants to raise an infantile person who is not able to plan his own time - therefore, and respect other people's things.

How to teach a child to understand and accept the passage of time - and, for starters, at least not be late, so that later he can perform more complex actions with this capricious, elusive - and inexorable - substance?

Understand the time frame

Many children find it very difficult to understand how to practically apply the numbers on a clock to real life. How do you understand what “in an hour” means? Is five minutes a lot or a little? How about five seconds? For a preschooler, these categories gradually become familiar: for example, an hour is as long as we go to the country or watch a specific film. And fifteen minutes is as long as it takes to walk to the supermarket.

As soon as a child begins to show at least some interest in clocks, days, calendars, it’s time to initiate conversations about time. This can happen at different ages - it all depends on the degree of independence of the child and on the relationship with time accepted in the family in principle. For some, this happens at 5 years old, while others may not be interested until 9.

Make learning time visual

A simple method tested by many generations of mothers around the world is to make or buy a model of a watch on which you can turn the hands, and teach your child to do this. Of course, there are electronic watches - and some of them are even capable of telling the current time by voice, but it’s important for us to explain the principle of time itself, right? It is on a watch with a round dial and hands that it is easiest to study and understand the cyclical nature of time.

You will also need a calendar in a language familiar to the child - one in which the weeks are marked with weekends marked in a separate color, month and year. It is important to draw the child’s attention to the difference between a young and an old month in the sky, teach him to recognize the length of the month by his knuckles, and understand what the word “leap year” means - and where this word even came from. Watching the sunset and dawn, counting the days until an important event - a birthday or New Year, a trip to the sea or to your beloved grandmother in the village - all this helps to gradually begin to master time and navigate it using generally accepted categories.

Be aware of your own characteristics

In principle, people who are slightly anxious are almost never late and are very fond of keeping everything under control - more often they arrive 10-15 minutes in advance, and this quality has been evident since childhood.

It is common for almost everyone to be late from time to time: among them very anxious people- these people rush around too much, fuss and as a result forget to take something, then they have to go back - and those who are completely careless by nature - they, on the contrary, don’t care. Just think, the meeting was scheduled for an hour ago, and I’m still at home with a freshly washed hair.

Anyone can learn not to be late if they set such a goal - it is important to first understand what problems on this topic are typical for you personally or for your child? It’s worth asking yourself: how exactly am I late and why exactly? I can’t get ready quickly in the morning - maybe this should be done in the evening? I don’t notice that I’m sitting on social networks past midnight and not getting enough sleep - perhaps I need to set an alarm not only for waking up, but also for going to bed?

There can be many reasons - you need to consider each of them separately, making a detailed list if necessary. Simply putting pressure on the child - or blaming yourself - will not work: you need to understand the roots of the problem, and for this all cause-and-effect relationships must be reviewed.

Assess your child's ability to plan

How to understand that a child is ready to independently plan his own school day and stay within the given limits? There are several direct and indirect signs.

The child spends part of his life separately

Moves from school to section, independently goes to visit grandma, attends various events, and so on - it makes no sense to ask your child to plan his morning on his own if you live outside the city and go into the city together in the family car.

In cases where the child does not do his homework or go for walks on his own, he does not make any key decisions regarding time and trying to force him to do this is quite stupid.

The child understands cause-and-effect event relationships

It is very important that the child develops an understanding of the “if-then...” principle. Until this happens, he will live for one moment, not realizing that, without finishing playing at a certain time, he will not have time to continue his homework, then he will be late for class in the section, and so on. Making noise at him “faster and sooner” means turning on white noise, it’s simply useless.

The child loves what he does

If he struggles to go to school because there are unloved teachers and classmates who bully him, maybe it’s worth thinking first about transferring him to more comfortable conditions or considering alternative forms of education, and then working on his punctuality? To learn to plan, at least in childhood, you need something that evokes at least neutral emotions.

Take things gradually

First, you plan the life of the whole family - and the child too, then you plan together with the child, then he does it himself and you periodically control him, and only then he is able to completely plan everything himself.

Set an alarm for key steps

Yes, for kopush this is a very real way out. Draw the child’s attention to the fact that from getting up to the state of “standing ready at the door,” five rings pass, for example. The first bell is a signal to rise, let's get up. The second is time to get out of the bathroom. Third - we sit down to breakfast. Fourth - we put the dirty dishes in the sink and went to get dressed. Fifth - with things to go out.

This strategy works much more effectively than if you just run around the house fussily and constantly rush everyone. Over time, the child can choose his favorite music at given time intervals and will eventually know exactly how long a certain action takes.

Start the countdown

Learn to count time with your child, starting from the end. For example: the cartoon you want to watch starts at eight. By this time all household chores should be completed. It's half past four now. Your lessons usually take you two hours, and you still wanted to have time to go for a walk. This means that you need to sit down for your homework at five, then you will have 50 minutes to take a walk and have time to return from the walk.

Sometimes a child may start to rebel: “No, I can do it in half an hour.” Even if you clearly understand that this is not so, give him the opportunity to make a mistake: set a timer or time the start of the action. A few mistakes of this kind - and he will learn to calculate his time more realistically.

Using this principle, you can calculate the time that needs to be allocated for any action - travel, lessons, visit to a friend.

Hang a board with a marker or chalk

This tool is needed for children who are learning to plan the number of tasks for the whole day. This could be a removable sheet of paper pinned in a visible place - for example on the refrigerator - or a board with a marker or chalk. It is important that the child can write independently and see the list clearly.

You can mark with pros and cons what has already been done or postponed, and you can also indicate the time for which the action is planned. More often than not, even the most carefree children become much more mature and more responsible about their plans, although at first they tend to make long lists of 100 items. Over time, they learn to more calmly assess their capabilities and needs.

Teach your child to use the phone

We're talking about the simplest reminders - it's not so easy to carry an alarm clock with you anywhere except at home, and even at home it can be difficult, but we almost never part with our phone. Teach your child to set reminders for key events of the day: among them there may very well be a place for such an important point as “call mom that you’ve arrived,” for example - such a developed habit will significantly save the nerves of all family members.

Teach your child to use a paper diary

The same board with a marker, only in miniature: many adults admit that they will never learn how to keep a diary. They forget to enter important things there, are lazy to mark the right time, and as a result, their professional activities suffer. A beautiful and convenient diary, selected taking into account the interests and age of the child, will help you learn to plan your day independently from a very early age - and in adulthood a real problem will be avoided.

We all know that being late is not good. However, sometimes we still allow ourselves to lie in bed a little or linger at home, choosing the perfect outfit for the day. It’s good if you do this really rarely, and in fact, your lateness doesn’t really bother anyone. But what to do if this has already become a habit for your child, and he almost never comes to school on time? There are several absolutely universal ways to help your student get rid of this. Remember that the sooner you take up this, the easier and faster he will wean himself from this unpleasant habit.

1. Role model

If you force your child to get up at seven in the morning, and at this time you yourself are curled up comfortably dozing under his nose, you yourself understand that it will be quite difficult for him to get up on his own. Or, for example, you yourself sit late at the computer or TV and end up going to bed very late, it is logical to assume that he will behave in exactly the same way. Which in turn will lead to frequent delays and constant lack of sleep. Try it on own skin what is ahead of your son or daughter, show him by your example that it may not be so difficult to go to bed early and get up early, then it will really be easier for him or her to do the same. In addition, try to wake him up in several stages. That is, wake him up a few minutes earlier so that he can soak in bed at the appropriate time.

2. Breakfast

A huge number of people believe that breakfast is completely optional, however, almost all doctors are ready to challenge this judgment. Breakfast is considered the foundation of the day, and no matter what you eat, it will not harm your figure, but will only improve your mood. Try to teach your child to have breakfast before school if he is studying from the first shift. Give him something he loves for breakfast, try to have something new every time. Then it will be much more interesting for the child to get up in the morning and he will be less and less late for school.

3. School subject

Pay attention to exactly when your son or daughter is late for school. You may notice that he or she is increasingly trying to skip the same school subject. If this is the case, be sure to talk to your child. Perhaps he did not have a good relationship with the teacher or he does not understand the subject at all. If so, then solve this problem. Children often do not talk about such situations, they simply try to avoid them. Maybe it’s worth talking with the teacher and figuring out what the reasons for their disagreements are. If you have problems mastering the material, you should try to work with your child yourself, or. If you do not have the appropriate knowledge for this, find out whether the teacher provides additional hours or simply simply hire a tutor. When this problem is more or less resolved, your child will stop trying so hard to be late or miss school under any excuse.

4. The way to school

A huge number of schoolchildren get to school on their own, even though the distance is not small. And sometimes it’s not at all surprising that the child is often late. Constant traffic jams, periodically late buses, overcrowded transport during rush hour - all these factors can really greatly harm your child’s punctuality. The situation does not always depend on him; sometimes it is really difficult to predict how things will be on the road, especially if you live in a large, densely populated city. Try to reduce the likelihood of a traffic delay situation. It may still be worth transferring your child to a school with a different shift or a school that is closer to your home. You can also choose the one to which you can deliver it in your car.

5. Plans for the day

Perhaps your child simply lacks composure. Help him so that he will always be on time everywhere and be less late. When you know exactly in what order you need to do all your tasks, it is much easier to calculate when and what time you need to be where. At first, schedule your child’s day literally minute by minute, so that there are no distracting situations that provoke tardiness.