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What threatens today's solar flare. It didn’t flare like a child: what threatens the Earth with the most powerful solar flare in recent decades

According to scientists, coronal ejections on the Sun often negatively affect the weather on planet Earth, reports BPEarthWatch. As a rule, such phenomena on the luminary lead to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and so on.


Scientists warn that the emission, which will occur on July 16, 2017, will surpass in power all similar disturbances that occurred in Lately. According to their information, this outbreak will completely cover the surface of the Earth. At the same time, the brightness of the Sun itself will temporarily increase by several percent.

Researchers warn that the Earth will be affected solar flare for a few hours. At this time, powerful natural disasters may begin on the planet. Moreover, in such conditions, interruptions in electricity and communications are extremely likely. In particular, according to experts, people should prepare for power surges and explosions of transformers.

Let us recall that scientists regularly report powerful flares on the Sun. According to some theories, these emissions could even lead to the apocalypse. In particular, a number of experts suggested that anomalies on the luminary on June 24, 2017 would destroy humanity in three days. However, this theory did not come true.

The Earth felt the effects of a solar flare, the most powerful since 2005 and one of the five most powerful in the entire history of observation. Reportedly, it has already led to a deterioration in communications and interruptions in the operation of equipment in Europe and America, but no large-scale failures have been recorded. However, earthlings and, in particular, Muscovites should be vigilant in the near future. NASA informs: on September 6, 2017, two events occurred on the Sun powerful flashes at intervals of approximately 3 hours. The first one was classified by heliophysicists as class X2.2. The flash that followed was three times more powerful - X9.3. Both were recorded by the SDO solar observatory (NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory). In the classification of solar flares, class X is the most powerful, reminds "TVNZ". The flares on September 6 were ejected from the active solar region 2673, which began to “spark” on September 4, but with less powerful flares. Area 2673 faces the Earth - in fact, it “hits” it almost directly. Therefore, the consequences of the “shelling” can be very serious. The electromagnetic radiation generated by the flares traveled at the speed of light. It has already reached Earth and disrupted communications throughout the world. But the worst may be yet to come. The flares, including the last one - the most powerful - were accompanied by coronal ejections. That is, the Sun “spit” its plasma onto the Earth. It will reach our planet on September 8 (). According to the leading scientific specialist at the Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Georgy Goncharov, the outbreak provoked a geomagnetic storm, which can affect the well-being and, as a result, the concentration of some weather-sensitive people. In this regard, the expert predicted a possible increase in the number of accidents on September 8 and called on both motorists and pedestrians to be more careful, as well as to more closely monitor their children under 12 years of age. Yesterday in charge Researcher Laboratory of X-ray astronomy of the Sun of the Lebedev Physical Institute Sergei Bogachev told the portal that on the night of September 8, Muscovites are likely to see a phenomenon that is more than rare for the Russian capital - the aurora. He also did not rule out that the recent outbreak could be followed by others, including even stronger ones. Previously, the likely consequences of the most powerful solar flare in more than a decade for "Moskovsky Komsomolets" commented Boris Filippov, a researcher at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation. He said that such events are most unpleasant for the astronauts on board the International Space Station. space station, however, they also have the opportunity to protect themselves by taking refuge in the most protected from solar radiation segments of the ISS. At the same time, the specialist noted yesterday that on Earth geomagnetic storms can lead to some deterioration in the well-being of weather-dependent people, as well as to disruptions in power lines, pipelines and communication lines (

On Wednesday, September 6, astronomers recorded the largest solar flare in 12 years. On celestial body Two powerful flares occurred, one of them was assigned the highest class in existence - X9.The consequences of the cosmic phenomenon will be noticeable only by the end of this week.“360” found out what measures should be taken to protect yourself from the consequences of a powerful magnetic storm.

Such a powerful explosion resulted from the merger of two largest sunspots. The first outbreak, recorded at 09:10 GMT, was the most powerful since 2015, but was soon eclipsed by the second emission. This was reported on the website of the Solar X-ray Astronomy Laboratory Physical Institute Lebedev RAS (FIAN).

The last time scientists could observe a class X9 flare was in 2009. The current outbreak occurred at a point that is located towards the Earth, so its impact on the planet may be maximum.

Events of such power are among the largest that our star is capable of producing and which are formed only under very rare, unique conditions - usually at the stage of peak solar activity

- FIAN message.

Solar flares occur when the Sun's magnetic field, which forms dark spots on the surface of the star, twists and releases energy, overheating the surface of the star, Boris Stern, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told 360.

During this process, a large amount of energy is released in the form of various particles that fly towards the Earth. This, in turn, causes deformation of the planet’s electromagnetic field and magnetic storms. As a result, electronic interference, radio communications disruption, and power line problems may occur. I do not rule out that Russians will even be able to see the aurora in the near future.

— Boris Stern.

What happened on Wednesday is one of the largest events that released a huge amount of solar energy - the emission speed was at least a thousand kilometers per second, experts from the Lebedev Physical Institute calculated. Streams of solar energy are expected to hit the Earth in the near future. According to the forecast of world observatories, within three days the planet will experience at least 24 hours magnetic storms strength 1-2 on a 5-point scale.

In addition, if the direction of the ejection field turns out to be unfavorable for the Earth, our planet is likely to face the largest magnetic storm since at least 2010, say scientists at the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to their preliminary calculations, the peak approach of solar matter to the Earth will occur on the evening of September 8.

During the entire period of observation, scientists recorded five flares of such intensity on the Sun. The last one was 12 years ago - September 7, 2005.

Headache and depression

Such weather events are harmful to human health. In particular, deterioration in well-being is observed in weather-dependent people, as well as in patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases. These days there is an increase in the number of heart attacks and strokes, since such a powerful electromagnetic storm causes fluctuations in blood pressure, the doctor told the editors of “360”. medical sciences, nutritionist Maryat Mukhina.

This magnetic storm causes exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, and also provokes depression, headaches, sleep disturbances and reduces overall physical activity. Similar symptoms are observed in the heat, when thermoregulation is disrupted and all body functions are disrupted.

- Maryat Mukhina.

The doctor advises wearing foil near the heart in order to protect the organ from magnetic failure. In addition, Maryat Mukhina recommends kidney massage, as well as massaging the so-called “sun points” on the legs and arms. It is also necessary to drink at least three liters of water and avoid physical exercise. “Excessive nervousness in such weather can lead to excruciating headaches, so you should remain calm on such days,” concluded the doctor of medical sciences.