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All verb endings. Spelling of unstressed personal verb endings, conjugations, exceptions

Table of personal verb endings

NumberFaceEndings of the I conjugationEndings of II conjugation
The only thing1st
(I) -у(-у)
(You) -eat (-eat)
(he she it) -et (-et)
(We) -eat (-eat)
(You) -et (-et)
(They) -ut(s)

Stressed personal endings of verbs

Stressed personal endings of verbs of the present and future simple tense are written in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: you are flying, flying, flying; you scream, they scream(II conjugation); you carry, carry, carry; bring it, bring it, bring it(I conjugation).

After sibilants, the letter is written under stress her) , For example: guard e sew, guard e t, guard e m, guard e those.

Unstressed personal endings of verbs

When writing verbs with unstressed personal endings, you should rely on the indefinite form.

Of the verbs with unstressed personal endings, conjugation II includes:

  1. verbs with infinitive form -it , For example: ask - ask, ask, ask; buy - buy, buy, buy ( except the verb shave - shave, shave, shave);
  2. eleven following verbs: look, see, hate, offend, depend, endure, turn; hear, breathe, hold, drive, as well as verbs formed from them with prefixes or suffixes -xia (see, see, look, turn etc.).

In verb lay - lay personal endings are used only depending on the form lay(i.e. I conjugation), for example: steles eat, stele no, stele ut .

Personal plural endings

It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of the 2nd person plural verbs I conjugation indicative And imperative :

  • V indicative inclination is written -yeah ;
  • V imperative -ite .

For example: What are you writing? yeah? (indicative) - Pish ite a little bit faster(imperative mood); When choose yeah (indicative) the necessary material, you can prepare abstracts. - Choose carefully ite (Imperative mood) examples necessary for illustration.

In verbs of the second conjugation, both in the imperative and indicative moods, it is written -ite , For example: Breathe ite (imperative mood) deeper! - Are you breathing ite (indicative) restless; Turn off ite (imperative mood) gas! — When you turn it off ite (indicative), open the windows.

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Spelling verb endings

1. Depending on the personal endings, verbs are divided into two large groups: verbs of I and II conjugations.

The II conjugation includes:

· verbs in -it (except verbs shave, lay, rest, which belong to the I conjugation),

· 7 verbs for -there are (twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure),

· 4 verbs per -at (drive, breathe, hold, hear).

All other verbs belong to the I conjugation.

Personal endings of verbs in the present or future past tense:

2. There are several mixed verbs , not related to either of the two conjugations: want, run, eat, create, give .


1 person I read, I take

2nd person read, take

3rd person reads, takes


1 person read, take

2nd person read, take

3rd person read, take




we want

want to


I'm running

you're running


let's run


are running

we eat


are eating

I'll create

you will create

will create

let's create let's create will create

give it

will give

we'll give

give it

they will give

3. If the verb has a prefix un- (obes-) is transitive, then it is conjugated according to the II conjugation, and if intransitive, then according to the I conjugation (for example, compare the conjugation of verbs weaken (someone)) And become weak (oneself)).

4. In verbs of the first conjugation, the ending is written in the form of the future tense -yeah , and in the form of the imperative mood - the ending -ite (You will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document urgently.)

b (soft sign) in verb forms Oh.

1. b (soft sign) is written:

· V infinitive (write, bake, want, wash ),

· V 2nd person singular endings choose, wash, do, wash ),

· V imperative mood (fix it, hide ), BUT lie down, lie down,

· V return particle , which comes after the vowel ( bent, turned around, I'll be back );

2. b (soft sign) is not written:

· V 3rd person singular form present or simple future tense ( washed, done ).

Spelling verb suffixes

1. In the indefinite form, verbs most often have the following suffixes: -A- (hear, do); -I- (sow, bark); -e- (to see, to offend); -And- (nursing, nagging).

Remember: 1) a suffix is ​​never written after the vowel letters of the root in the infinitive -e- . In this position, only the suffix can be stressed -I- or -And- (stand, water, milk). In unstressed position the suffix -I- written in verbs winnow, start, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, soar, sow, melt, tea, smell, and the suffix -And- - in verbs build, cost, rest, double, triple, glue;

2) after soft consonants (except h ) in unstressed position suffix -I- written in verbs bow, cough, and the suffix -e- - in verbs see, offend, depend, hate, freeze;

3) in suffixes of past tense verb forms the same vowel is retained as in the infinitive. For example: get welle th - get welle l, laI blah blah blahI l, glueAnd t-kleAnd l.

2. Suffixes -yva- (-iva-), -ova- (-eva-).

In verbs with the suffix -yva- (-iva-) (always unstressed), meaning imperfective (sometimes also multiple actions), written before the letters s or i , For example: roll up, smear, see; overwhelm, talk over, jump up, hear, twist, beg, insist .

Verbs with suffix -yva- (- willow - ) should be distinguished in writing from verbs with the suffix - ova - (- Eve- ). Verbs of these two types form the present tense differently: verbs in -ovate (-eat ) have the form of the 1st person on -yy (-yuyu ) (Without -ov-, -ev - ), For example: I talk - to talk, I manage - to manage, I envy - to envy, I confess - to confess, I preach - to preach, I scourge - to scourge, I grieve - to grieve; verbs have the same - to come (-ive ) the 1st person form ends in -I'm (-Ivayu) (with saving -ыв -, -ive- ), For example: inspecting - inspecting, deploying - deploying, reconnaissance - reconnaissance, visiting - visiting .

3. Vowels before -va - . In imperfective verbs with a suffix -va- , having the form of the 1st person on -va-yu , unstressed vowels before V are checked according to the general rule, for example: overcome(overcome), outdated(outdated), wash down(write down), singing(sing), sow (seed), idea (get started), harden (freeze), outpost (catch).

However, in the following verbs - va-t b(in 1st person -va-yu) is written with a special suffix -Eve- with a letter e in place of an untested unstressed vowel: overshadow, prolong, corrupt(eclipse, prolong, corrupt), get stuck, get stuck(get stuck, get stuck); overwhelm, exhort, intend, doubt .

4. -e(t), -i(t). The verbs differ -eat And -it b. Verbs to -eat (in 1st person -by her ) – intransitive I conjugations – have the meaning ‘to become something, acquire a characteristic’, for example: become weak, become weak‘become powerless, lose strength’, to numb, to harden‘become harsh’. Verbs to - it (in 1st person And absent) – transitive II conjugations – have the meaning ‘to make something, to endow with a characteristic’, for example: weaken, weaken‘to make someone powerless, to deprive someone of strength’, anesthetize, neutralize, numb, weaken. Compare the same stressed suffixes in verbs like ( By)white And ( By)whiteness, (O)weakness , (once)have fun.

5. -ene(t), – eni(t). The acquisition of some attribute, the transition to another state is also expressed in intransitive verbs of the first conjugation in -nope , in which there is an unstressed vowel before n transmitted by letter e : freeze, ossify, stiffen, become numb, traverse, turf, become bloody, glazed over, frenzied, dumbfounded, numb. Correlative transitive verbs of II conjugation in -eni-t, denoting endowment with a characteristic, are also written with the letter e : freeze, numb, ossify, bloody, frenzied, numb and so on.

Writing verbs in - go crazy And -enit does not agree with the spelling of the corresponding relative adjectives, in which (if any) is written in the suffix before n letter I : ice, bone, blood, grass, wood and so on.

Exception: in verbs scarlet And purple(option: crimson thread) the letter is written I , as in adjective scarlet.

The rule about conjugating verbs in the Russian language is one of the necessary attributes of competent written speech.

Only knowing and being able to apply it in practice can you understand how to write verb endings correctly.

What is verb conjugation

The term "conjugation" first appeared in Russian in the seventeenth century. It was formed from the word “conjugate”, in the outdated meaning of “attach, bring closer”, from Latin - “to bend”, “to bend”.

In linguistics it is given the meaning: “a combination of various verbal forms.” In the ancient textbook of John of Damascus, this term is characterized by such words as “marriage”, “union”.

Conjugation in modern linguistics usually means changing verbs in person and number. There are only two of them in the Russian language: the first and the second.

How to determine verb conjugation by personal endings

Personal endings are called the endings of words denoting the actions of objects in the first, second and third persons (“-у”, “-yu”, “-eat”, “-eat”, “-ish”, “-et”, “-et” "", "-im", "-em", "-em", "-im", "-ete", "-yote", "-ite", "-ut", "-yut", "-at ", "-yat") singular and plural.

To determine the conjugation, you first need to isolate the stressed syllable in a word and see whether the stress falls on the ending or not.

For example, in the word “fight” the stress falls on the second syllable, i.e. the personal ending is unstressed. And in the word “run” the stress falls on “-at”, i.e. it is stressed.

Conjugation in stressed endings

Based on the stressed ending of a word denoting the action of an object, it is very easy to determine the conjugation; for this it is enough to know only the endings for the I and II conjugations.

Usually the second conjugation includes verbs starting with “-it”, and the first conjugation includes all the others (including those starting with “-t”, as in the words “live”, “is”, “-ti” for the word “go”, etc. .d.).


  • “weed” ends with “-т” - 1 conjugation;
  • “stand” - ending “-yat” - 1 conjugation;
  • “to doze” - at the end of “-at” - 1 conjugation.

However, there are many exception verbs, which will be discussed below.

Verb conjugation in Russian using examples in the table

Conjugating verbs using unstressed personal endings

If a word denoting the action of an object has an unstressed personal ending, then you need to form an indefinite form from it and see which letter comes before the “-т”. In this case, the initial form should be taken of the same type as the personal form.


  • “raises” is an imperfective verb. This means that the indefinite form must also be of the imperfect form - “raise”. The ending “-yat” means I conjugation;
  • “melts” is an imperfect verb, in the infinitive “melt”, i.e. this word should be included in the I conjugation, since it ends in “-yat”.
  • "glues". We put it in an indefinite form: “glue.” The ending is “-it”, respectively, this verb belongs to the II conjugation;
  • “you are fighting” - “to fight”, with “-ot” and is included in the I conjugation.

Task: conjugate (that is, change by persons and numbers) the above words.

To determine the person of a verb, you need to put a personal pronoun in front of it. We get “I lift” and “you lift.”

First conjugation:

  1. I lift, we lift;
  2. you lift, you lift;
  3. he lifts, they lift.

Now let’s conjugate the verb of the second conjugation to see how the endings change:

  • I glue, we glue;
  • you glue, you glue;
  • he glues, they glue.

To summarize, we note that to find out which vowel to put at the end of a word, you can use two methods:

  • The first way is to put the verb in the third person plural.

For example, you need to find out the ending of the verb “vert_t”. We put it in the third person: “they twirl.” The verb ends in “-yat”, which means that it is a verb of 2 conjugations and in the indefinite form the ending will be “-it”, i.e. "twirls."

It’s the same with verbs of the first conjugation, for example, “to start.” We put it in the third person: “they’ll start it.” The ending is “-yut”, therefore, this is 1 conjugation, and the indefinite form will have the ending “-yat”: “to start”.

  • The second method is definition by the indefinite form of the verb or infinitive(i.e., the verb must answer the questions “what to do?” or “what to do?”). Having put the verb in the indefinite form, we look at the ending. If there is a verb that does not start with “-it”, then it belongs to the first conjugation and the letter “e” will be written in the unstressed personal ending.

For example, the verb “stro_t”. We put it in the infinitive, it turns out to be “build”, the ending is “-it”, i.e. the verb is of the second conjugation and in the personal form the letter “i” will be written - “builds”.

The verb “zate_t” in the infinitive has the ending “-yat”, that is, it refers to the first conjugation and in its personal form it will have the ending “-et”, i.e. “starts”.

Exceptions 1 and 2 conjugations

It is important to remember all the exceptions that apply to this rule. Exceptions must be learned, since the writing of words denoting the actions of objects largely depends on them.


As you can see, it is not difficult to determine the conjugation of a verb; it is not for nothing that students learn this rule back in primary school. But this knowledge will allow you to correctly write personal verb endings, which is simply necessary for a person who wants to have competent written speech.

The verb is one of the most difficult parts of speech in the Russian language to learn and write. The most difficult spelling in this topic is the spelling of verb endings in unstressed position. Their correct spelling depends on such a concept as conjugation.

What is conjugation?

Conjugation is linguistic term, denoting a change in person and number of a verb. In other words, this is the set of personal endings that a word acquires when changing person and number. Fortunately for students, there are only two types of conjugation in the Russian language. Whatever verb out of several million existing ones is taken as an example, when changed it will acquire inflections:

  • U/YU, EAT, ET in the singular and EAT, ETE, UT/YUT in the plural.
  • U/YU, ISH, IT, in the singular and IM, IT, AT/YAT in the plural.

Let's conjugate the verb sleep: I sleep, we sleep, you sleep, you sleep, he sleeps, they sleep. Its endings, when changed, show that it belongs to the second conjugation. Another word - live. I live, we live, you live, you live, he lives, they live. Therefore, it is a first conjugation verb.

Prefix you- and verb conjugation

Verbs that have a prefix belong to the same conjugation as the non-prefixed verbs with the same root. This information is very important for words with the prefix You-, which has the property of “pulling off” the emphasis. For example, to determine the conjugation of a word will fly out, you need to remove the prefix, and you get a verb flies with a stressed personal ending, which refers to the second conjugation.

Thus, the endings of verbs in personal forms that are under stress indicate that they belong to one or another conjugation. But what to do if the accent is not the ending, but the stem of the word? Indeed, in this case, the desired letter is not heard clearly, it is in a weak position, and a mistake can be made. A rule comes to the rescue.

How to determine the conjugation if the personal ending is unstressed?

To determine which of the two types of conjugation available in the Russian language a verb belongs to, if the stress falls not on the ending, but on the stem, you need to form the initial form of the word. This form is called an infinitive and you can ask questions to it what to do?(perfect form) and what to do?(imperfect species). Next, you should look at what the resulting word ends with and apply the rule. In other words, unstressed endings Verbs can only be written correctly if their conjugation is determined.

The 2nd conjugation includes verbs that have unstressed personal endings, which in the infinitive form end in -it.

The 1st conjugation includes verbs with personal endings in unstressed position, which in the infinitive end in any letters except -it. These could be combinations -et, -at, -ot, -t, -ch and many others.

For example, the word dreaming. The emphasis falls not on the ending, but on the stem of the word. To determine the conjugation, we put the verb in the infinitive form: what to do? - dream. Ends with - at. This means that this verb belongs to 1 conjugation, and, changing in persons and numbers, it will take the corresponding endings.

You're sawing. Let's form the initial form - to nag. At the end of the word - it, therefore, it is a second conjugation verb, and the set of personal endings will be appropriate.

So, in order to correctly write vowels at the endings of verbs in an unstressed position, you need to put the word in the infinitive form and, depending on what it ends in, determine the conjugation. It seems simple. But if in the Russian language there weren’t a dozen exceptions for every rule, it would not be considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world to learn. And the simple rule about conjugation also has insidious exception words.

Exception verbs

Exceptions are those words that do not follow the general rule. There are 14 exception verbs in the conjugation rule that must be remembered in order to avoid spelling errors.

There are 7 words in -et, which, changing in person and number, take on the endings of verbs of 2 conjugations: these are words offend, depend,endure, hate, watch,twirlsee. For example, the word tolerate accepts the following endings: I tolerate, we tolerate, you tolerate, you tolerate, he tolerates, they tolerate.

4 verbs in - at, which are also not conjugated in accordance with the rule and have personal endings of 2 conjugations: drive, hear, hold, breathe. I hear, we hear, you hear, you hear, he hears, they hear.

And finally, 3 verbs starting with - it - lay,shave And rest on- have personal endings for verbs of 1st conjugation: I am laying, we are laying, you are laying, you are laying, he is laying, they are laying.

The endings of these 14 verbs need to be known by heart, because they do not obey the general rule.

Variably conjugated verbs

It is noteworthy that in the Russian language there are 2 interesting verbs, which are called heteroconjugated, because, when the person and number change, they acquire the endings of the first conjugation in some forms, and the second in others, without obeying any rules. Fortunately, their personal endings are stressed, so there are no errors in their spelling. But they still need to be remembered. These are verbs want And run. When they are conjugated, the following picture is obtained.

Want: I want, we want, you want, you want, he wants, they want(in the singular the verb changes according to type 1 conjugation, in the plural - according to type 2). Run: I'm running, we're running, you're running, you're running, he's running, they're running(in the 3rd person plural form the verb has the ending of the 2nd conjugation, in all other forms - the endings characteristic of the 1st conjugation).

Algorithm for choosing verb endings

So, the spelling of verb endings follows a fairly simple and logical rule; it is important to simply understand it. To correctly write the endings of verbs, you need to be able to determine their conjugation. To do this, you should use a clear algorithm.

1. See where the emphasis falls: on the ending or on the stem of the word (don’t forget about the insidious prefix You: if it exists, it is necessary to determine the conjugation by an unprefixed synonym).

2. If the emphasis falls on the personal ending, then the conjugation is determined from it, in accordance with the rule.

3. If the base is stressed, then it is necessary to put the verb in the infinitive form. The last three letters of the formed form will be important.

  • The verb ends in -it (except for three exceptions), which means it is of the second conjugation. Here we also include 7 verbs ending in - there, and 4 verbs -at.
  • A verb in its initial form ends in any other letters (except for the 11 verbs listed above), which means it is conjugated according to the type of first conjugation. Let's add here 3 exception verbs in -it.

4. Verbs want And run- differently conjugated, they cannot be attributed to either the first or the second conjugation, and this feature just needs to be remembered.

Let's sum it up

Spelling verb endings requires knowledge of the rules and the application of a clear algorithm. The main thing is to correctly determine which of the two conjugations the word belongs to, and depending on this, write the desired letter in the unstressed personal ending. Verbs are insidious, among them there are many exceptions that do not want to obey general rules, but paying attention to the word and applying a simple rule will help you avoid many mistakes!

Spelling: spelling personal endings of verbs. Personal verb endings- endings of the present and simple future tenses of the verb, as well as verbs in the imperative mood. The writing of the personal endings of verbs in the present and simple future forms differs depending on the type of verb conjugation:

Algorithm for determining verb endings

1 stage. To determine the conjugation of a verb, you need to know its personal ending is stressed or unstressed. Exists two way:

  1. Put the verb in the third person singular (he, she, it) and see which vowel is clearly heard. If a vowel is clearly heard Yo, this is a verb I conjugation: swim - swims, drink - drinks . If a vowel is clearly heard AND, then this is a verb II conjugation: fly - flies .
  2. Put the verb in the third person plural (they) and see which vowel is clearly heard. If you hear -UT, -YUT, this is a verb I conjugation: swim - float . If you hear -AT, -YAT, then this is a verb II conjugation: fly - fly.
  3. If both methods did not help, then we have a verb with an unstressed personal ending, we move on to the 2nd stage.

Stage 2. If the verb ended up with unstressed personal ending , then its conjugation is determined by infinitive . When determining the infinitive: do not change the form of the verb, do not drop -SYA, drop the prefix YOU-! Eliminate unconjugated verbs: WANT, RUN, as well as specially conjugated GIVE, EAT(however, the latter should not get to this stage, since they have shock endings)

  • II conjugation: verbs ending in initial form with -ITE(except for the verbs SHAVE, LAY, POSITION - they belong to the I conjugation), and also exception verbs PUSH, HOLD, BREATHE, DEPEND, HATE and OFFEND, and also TENDER, TURN, HEAR, SEE and WATCH (including all verbs formed from exception verbs).
  • I conjugation: all other verbs, as well as exception verbs SHAVE, LAY, LAY.

You should remember the spelling of some verbs in the infinitive!

  • blow, bleat, smell, bark, roar, melt, sow, tea and hope, cherish, cough, repent, stand - they need to be written in the initial form only through -Yat.
  • glue, dry, build, sting, mark, say and beckon, worry, overpower, ride, throw, win - they need to be written in the initial form only through -It.