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Vibrational-energy secrets of destroying people! how to raise your vibrations! Human vibration frequency - scientific explanation

In my opinion, this is such a little-studied topic (or little-spoken) that it’s worth paying some attention to.

This article will be a little science-oriented, and in some places difficult to understand for those who were not familiar with physics at school. But try to understand the meaning, because... I think it is important for understanding those processes that are invisible to us.

Schumann resonance is the phenomenon of the formation of standing electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.

Ultra-low frequency electromagnetic oscillations arising in the resonant cavity between the earth's surface and the ionosphere (Schumann resonance).

"So what?" - the reader will say! What is good or bad from these naturally occurring radio waves? And these electromagnetic processes invisible to the eye affect both nature and humans as parts of the life of the planet. I will try to draw some conclusions at the end of the article. In the meantime, let's continue...

The first to discover special low and ultra-low frequencies of oscillations of the Earth's atmosphere was the American physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla, and then, 50 years later, the research was continued by German specialists - physicist Winfried Otto Schumann and doctor Herbert Koenig. They found that in the Earth's atmosphere there exist so-called “standing electromagnetic waves,” later called Schumann waves.

After numerous studies and double-checks, the frequency of the Schumann resonance was precisely determined - 7.83 Hz. Due to the wave processes of the plasma inside the Earth, peaks are most clearly observed at frequencies of approximately 8, 14, 20, 26, 32 Hz.

Typical spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations of ultra-low frequency with Schumann resonances. The peak at 50 Hz is due to frequency alternating current in an industrial power grid

Typical daily variation of the frequency of the first harmonic of the Schumann resonance

In 1952, Koenig established a striking connection: the fundamental frequency of the Schumann resonance corresponds to the frequency of the alpha rhythm of the human brain - 7.83 Hz, and the frequency of the second harmonic of the Schumann resonance (14 Hz) corresponds to the rapid alpha rhythm of the brain. These values ​​were later confirmed by numerous studies.
The frequencies of the Schumann resonance coincide with the frequencies of the brain, which indicates the primary connection of living beings with the Earth.

Let's focus on this.
According to some data, starting from 2006-2007, the frequency of the Schumann resonance began to increase. This is an absolutely unique event; this has never happened before in human memory. More details about this in the corresponding section of this article. Now let’s remember the rhythms of the brain and their ranges:

1) Less than 4 Hz are Delta waves, deep sleep.
2) 4-7 Hz is Theta, normal sleep.
3) 7-13 Hz is Alpha, relaxation, trance state.
4) 13-40 Hz is Beta, activity, normal daytime brain activity.
5) more than 40 Hz are Gamma waves, strong activity(aggression or quick logical thinking, solving problems in difficult conditions or under time pressure).

And what happens - if the Schumann resonance reaches from 8 to 13 Hz, then it will already “knock on the door” to beta frequencies, and this is the rhythm of our ordinary life (not modern crazy, but just normal life). At this frequency, the brain already functions almost without fog, that is, sanely. In other words, people will no longer have to meditate in order to gain access to various fields, channels, and abilities. All this will be natural, just like breathing or speaking.

But in fact, the frequencies of the Schumann resonance do not increase, but rather decrease. Here are some graphs:

2007 The fourth harmonic corresponds (as expected) to 26Hz.

2010 The fourth harmonic dropped (on average) to 24.5Hz

2014 The fourth harmonic (on average) is 25Hz

But not 26Hz - as it should be! And according to forecasts from previous years, these frequencies should increase.

So, if the planet Earth and the space surrounding it, together with our luminary, in the course of natural processes increased the frequencies (and, accordingly, the harmonics of the Schumann resonance), then someone or something “slowed down” this process. And in the higher harmonics, which are responsible for a person’s wakefulness and energy throughout the day (this is at a minimum, and maybe we would even show telepathy) - it led to a decrease in frequencies.
I have a version that installations are responsible for this matter, the most familiar of which is HAARP:

The project was launched in the spring of 1997 in Gakona, Alaska.

At the beginning of May 2013, due to the end of the contract, HAARP work was stopped. A new contract is expected to be concluded, possibly with the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as the customer. It is expected that a number of studies will be conducted in the fall of 2013 - winter of 2014.

And this is not a climate weapon or a project to study the northern lights. And this is an installation for changing precisely the frequencies of the Schumann resonance, which affect the clarity of mind and intelligence of the population of the planet. Those. We all seem to be in a half-asleep state, there are no insights, bright ideas, aspirations, yes, there is simply no desire to move.
Here is another confirmation of my words:

In May 2014, US Air Force spokesman David Walker said that the command was no longer going to support the installation, and other ways to control the ionosphere, which HAARP was supposed to study, would be developed in the future. The station will be closed in June 2014 after the completion of the last research project of the DARPA program.

Note: "... other ways to control the ionosphere" I wonder if they stopped working or if it continues to radiate? But most likely, they found another way to influence the ionosphere, for example, from satellites it can be done more efficiently and does not attract the attention of the public and inquisitive minds.

There are three known installations:
HAARP (Alaska) - presumably up to 3600 kW (exact power unknown)
EISCAT (Norway, Tromso) - 1200 kW
SPEAR (Norway, Longyearbyen) - 288 kW

Even if one is mothballed, the capacity of the others is also colossal.

But this is just my guess, I am not 100% sure of this. But there is already a clear picture and understanding: why am I simply lulled to sleep by solar flares? And not just me. After analyzing all this information, the mechanism becomes clear: the increased electromagnetic flux from the Sun, which reaches the Earth in a little more than eight minutes, affects the ionosphere and introduces its harmonics and resonances into the electromagnetic spectrum between the ionosphere itself and the surface, the frequencies of the Schumann resonance change, or rather decrease (although this needs to be clearly observed), it affects the brain - it falls asleep.

Maybe some gurus told us about this a few years ago? About the fact that ours solar system comes out of the dark arm of our Galaxy into a zone with other energies and these energies will “awaken humanity.” Those. the radiation inside the Galaxy will be different and it will affect the Schumann resonances and increase them. NASA people with their space research stations clearly know better whether this electromagnetic spectrum has changed or not... But if it has changed, then they are deliberately “putting us to sleep.”

Biorhythms of the Earth
Let's look at the Earth's biorhythms during the day from the perspective of graphs:

These are the amplitudes of the fundamental harmonics of the Schumann resonant frequencies. Look when they fade! They begin to fade at 20-00, and “wake up” at 06-00. Although daylight hours at the latitude of Tomsk at this time of year are much wider in time. Now remember nature. In most cases, in calm weather, everything calms down after eight in the evening (even the wind subsides) and nature actively wakes up after six in the morning. The scientific graph and the obvious (but incomprehensible - why this is so) - converged!

Frequency dips are also visible at night

Certain biorhythms of the planet are also observed in the components of the Earth’s magnetic field

Many will say that there is nothing supernatural in all this, and few things have such an invisible and effective effect on a person. But this is what those who observe nothing in the flow of a crazy working day say. It doesn’t seem so to me and I believe that modern (especially closed and military) science knows much more about man and the influences surrounding him.

Now you can often hear about the frequency of human vibrations, the frequency of vibrations of consciousness, the frequency of vibrations of cells, food (see High-frequency nutrition >>>). But what kind of vibrations are we talking about?

Human vibration frequency - scientific explanation.

Usually, this refers to the frequency of electromagnetic vibrations, even the numbers are indicated in Hertz.

And everything would be fine, but somehow it’s not entirely clear where they come from, these electromagnetic vibrations, in the human body...

Vibration frequency - what does science say?

Recently, the theory of gravitational oscillations (vibrations) has emerged. This theory is confirmed by experiments.

Gravitational vibrations occur when masses move. But in a living organism, masses move constantly. Muscles contract, the heart beats, blood moves through the veins, and some kind of movement is constantly happening in the cells. All these movements of masses create gravitational vibrations of various frequencies - the faster the movement, the higher the frequency of vibrations.

If formulas don’t scare you, I suggest you familiarize yourself with detailed description this theory, with explanations of all sorts of different physical phenomena - “More on the experimental refinement of Maxwell-like gravity equations”, S. I. Khmelnik.

The frequency of gravitational vibrations is high-frequency power.

In light of this information, the theory is that different products power supplies have different vibration frequencies, can be considered proven. Now it is completely clear why the frequency of fried meat is lower than the frequency of fresh vegetables - in dead matter there is much less movement than in living matter. It is also clear why liquid food (soup, puree, smoothie) has a higher vibration frequency than solid food, and juices have an even higher vibration frequency - molecules move more actively in a liquid than in a solid substance.

The frequency of gravitational vibrations is the frequency of human vibrations.

The frequency of human vibrations consists of the frequency of vibrations of organs and individual cells and the frequency of vibrations of consciousness. Remembering that we are talking about the frequency of gravitational vibrations, which depends on the speed of mass movement, we can understand what affects the frequency of human vibrations.

What determines the frequency of human vibrations and how to increase it:

  • The frequency of human vibrations depends on nutrition. High-frequency products increase the vibration frequency of human body cells, while low-frequency products decrease them. More details about the frequency of vibrations of various food products here: >>">High-frequency nutrition - diet >>>
  • The frequency of human vibration depends on movement. Physical exercise improve blood circulation and lymph movement.
  • The frequency of human vibrations depends on quality rest. If your muscles never fully relax, it interferes with the free flow of blood and lymph. As a result, stagnation occurs (stagnation, lack of movement means a decrease in the frequency of gravitational vibrations).
  • The frequency of human vibrations depends on emotions. Negative emotions always make us tense certain muscles. Frequently or constantly experienced negative emotions lead to the muscles associated with these emotions spasming. Spasmed muscles stop the free movement of blood and lymph in the body, which, as in the previous example, leads to a decrease in the frequency of vibrations. At the same time, positive emotions make us straighten our shoulders and breathe deeply. With positive emotions, the muscles are relaxed, the movement of blood and lymph is free, and the frequency of human vibrations increases.
  • The frequency of human vibration depends on breathing. When a person breathes incorrectly, only partially using the lungs, the body experiences constant stress, the muscles are constantly tense. Proper breathing helps raise your vibrational frequency. Most people breathe incorrectly, but you can learn to breathe correctly in just 3 minutes! See more in the article How to breathe correctly >>>

The frequency of gravitational vibrations and the frequency of electromagnetic vibrations.

The existence of gravitational vibrations does not at all negate the existence of electromagnetic vibrations. On the contrary, there is a connection between gravity and electricity, which is proven in the article linked above.

Now, when I once again come across a mention of the frequency of human vibrations, the frequency of vibrations of consciousness, the frequency of vibrations of the Earth, the frequency of vibrations of food, etc., I will know what is behind it.

Every person, being a set of particle vibrations, molecules, cells, organs, has its own individual. The cumulative frequency depends on many factors: the state of the body, the quality of food; bad habits, hygiene, connection with the surrounding nature, climate, time of year; on the quality of feelings, purity of thoughts and other factors.

Man with light vibrations- one who is constantly in a state of inner joy, calmness, peace, love, silence within himself. He feels comfortable because he is in harmony with the world around him and himself. In a state of such balance, the body and all the endocrine glands work harmoniously, and, accordingly, the organs, tissues and cells subordinate to them.

Very reduce the frequency of human vibrations negative feelings: fear, envy, anger, greed. Any unseemly act, bad thoughts and feelings pollute the corresponding bodies, make them heavier, and the person begins to vibrate more intensely. low frequencies. There are also expressions: “heavy soul”, “dirty thoughts” - this also speaks of low vibrations of the soul and thoughts.

The lot of those who “sound low” is to constantly encounter negative phenomena and negative situations in life.

How more love a person is filled, the more free and joyful he is, the healthier his physical body, the higher the harmonious overall sound of his vibrations. The totality of all these vibrations determines the inner sound of a person.

A state of joy and happiness occurs with a great revelation of spiritual qualities. In humans good health, excellent relationships with people, necessary material support, creative abilities are revealed. His condition extends to those closest to him, relatives, friends, brightening their lives, and can also have an impact on the whole World.

Being in this state, a person shapes his destiny, harmoniously interacting with the world and the Universe. He lives and enjoys life! He can also solve higher problems. This is the Creator man. As the frequency of vibrations increases, a person becomes more and more free, talents and untapped abilities appear, well-being, health and potential improve.

Signs of increased vibrations:

1. The amount of food needed is reduced. There is no feeling of hunger. This happens because the energy potential increases along with the vibration level. The body stops accepting heavy (low vibration) food.

2. The time needed to sleep is reduced. The feeling of lack of sleep disappears, and your body feels cheerful all day long.

3. Dreams become lucid, vivid and vivid, then disappear altogether. They are replaced by the experience of light in a dream. The line between dreams and reality is blurred.

4. The body becomes light, and volatile energy is felt in it. Wings grow behind the back.

5. We begin to feel people keenly. One look at a person or even a photograph is enough to feel their essence. We become more sensitive on the subtle plane. By increasing our frequency level, we also begin to perceive higher frequencies of other people and learn much more about these people than they know about themselves.

6. The need for communication weakens or completely disappears, loneliness becomes pleasant. A feeling of completeness and self-sufficiency comes. There is an understanding that everything external is just a reflection of the internal. There is no need to look for what previously seemed to be in others, but not in you.

7. Fear and self-doubt disappear completely. They become no longer functional because... there comes complete acceptance of everything that happens. At a higher frequency level, the mind stops generating ideas of fear and uncertainty... as well as many other ideas.

8. The meaning of spiritual books once read becomes clear and understandable in itself. It's time for awareness.

9. There is a feeling of absolute confidence in the correctness of the goal. There is no doubt left about where we are going and why. Intuition comes into play, which is never wrong.

10.Our impact on the environment is increasing. What we say or think begins to come true. This is what people used to call miracles. They start happening every second. This is how energy potential manifests itself.

11. An experience of causeless joy comes from what is happening. This is the result of liberation from fears and self-doubt. Damn good feeling.

12. Sincere compassion awakens, a desire to help others, and opportunities for this appear. Again, very selectively, relying on your own intuition.

13. Glimpses of true existence arise. The desire comes to move without stopping and reach the end. There is a feeling that this is exactly what you have been looking for all your life, this is what you have been waiting for, this is exactly what you are. And you will never stop being this!


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Many people already know that every thought, every word, every emotion has its own vibration frequency. Naturally, the quality of thoughts, words and emotions a person carries within himself is what vibration frequency he represents. The criterion for a person’s frequency is a person’s awareness.

What does a conscious person mean? This is a person whose connection with the Soul is already “established” by 50%.

The average inhabitant of the planet, who has never thought about any higher matters at all and does not even intend to: goes to his job, eats and drinks, enjoys sex and vacations, saves money for all kinds of material benefits, is upset when a trip to the sea is suddenly canceled and considers the husband/wife to be his personal property like a refrigerator or microwave oven, - for such a person, the connection with the Soul fluctuates at different moments of his life from 10 to 20%.

The higher a person’s vibration frequency, the more complex and interesting the pattern of his life. The lower the vibration frequency, the more shapeless the pattern of such a person’s life.

Everything in the Universe is Energy! Everything that surrounds us consists of energy, which means everything has its own vibration frequency. Our Earth, as a planet, is no exception.

Our planet is an intelligent being with deep spiritual consciousness, and it is also now in the process of its spiritual ascent, growth and Transition. Her vibrations are rising. Therefore, the Schumann resonance also changes. Attunement helps to synchronize with these waves and the spiritual consciousness of the Earth.

“Schumann resonance is the phenomenon of the formation of standing electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.
The Earth and its ionosphere are a giant spherical resonator, the cavity of which is filled with a weakly electrically conductive medium. If the electromagnetic wave arising in this medium after bending globe again coincides with its own phase (enters resonance), then it can exist for a long time." (Wikipedia)

It is also known that when the frequency of the brain absolutely coincides with the frequency of the Schumann resonance, due to the connection with Mother Earth, a person, in addition to self-healing, receives a number of other abilities. The most striking of them are telekinesis and clairvoyance. By the way, according to many esotericists, it is at the Schumann resonance frequency that the border between the individual and collective unconscious passes. That is, this is a border, a transition from the world of things to the world of ideas, a transition to the other world. But, of course, the transition occurs not only and not so much due to frequency, but due to the correct state of the brain. Frequency is only help, help from the Earth.

But how can you tune your brain to work at the Schumann resonance frequency? Of course, there are ways to force the brain to work at a certain frequency (this includes self-hypnosis and meditation).
If the brain voluntarily reaches the frequency of the Schumann resonance, then it itself maintains this resonance, that is, it automatically tunes to it, regardless of place and time. In fact, this is exactly what many healers and clairvoyants do.

Today, the electromagnetic background of the Earth has changed radically as a result of human activity. Even the concept of “Electromagnetic smog” appeared - multi-frequency radiation generated by a variety of industrial and household appliances. The power of this smog is many times higher than the natural electromagnetic field of the Earth. There is so much electromagnetic man-made “garbage” in the atmosphere that the body “does not hear” Schumann waves.

Waves with the frequency of the alpha rhythm are very weak, their amplitude is negligible, but these frequencies coincide with the rhythms of the brain, and we all remember what resonance is! Therefore, devices that emit in the same range as weak but essential natural fields are dangerous for humans. For example, studies of "harmfulness" mobile phones were carried out taking into account only their thermal effects. But the information impact is also important, which was not taken into account. While one of the frequencies of cell phone radiation - the same 8 Hertz - is associated with our mental activity.

Thus, from the outside, in the immediate vicinity, signals enter the human brain that are capable of resonantly interacting with the brain’s own bioelectrical activity and thereby disrupting its functions. Such changes are noticeable on the electroencephalogram and do not disappear for a long time after the end of the conversation. This is why NASA uses Schumann wave generators to ensure personnel performance. Schumann waves are a real life factor.

At this time, each human being is ascending in his development at his own vibrational rate. Some rise very quickly, some slowly. Some still need to hold on to the third dimensional experience, while others would like to challenge their reality and move further into a light that they are not fully aware of. They want to look into places they previously only dared to dream about. But are they ready to open up to a new way of seeing their own reality?

The Earth and the surrounding air layer (ionosphere) form a giant spherical resonator. From the point of view of radio engineering, these are two spheres placed one inside the other, the cavity between which is limited by conducting surfaces. In such a resonator, waves of a certain length propagate (“resonate”) well. Every time the Earth pulsates, every second of our life on Earth is filled with these electromagnetic pulsations measured per second, or cycles per second, or Hertz.

The first to discover the special low and ultra-low frequencies of oscillations of the Earth's atmosphere was the American physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla, and then the physicist Winfried Otto Schumann and the doctor Herbert Koenig. They found that in the Earth's atmosphere there are so-called “standing electromagnetic waves”, later called “Schumann waves”. Resonance, or Schumann frequency, is standing electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. In short, these are the natural electromagnetic frequencies of planet Earth. One of them, the main one, is equal to an average of 7.8 Hz. This is the fundamental vibrational frequency of the Earth - a kind of heartbeat.

The waves are excited by discharges in the clouds (lightning) and magnetic processes on the Sun, they are necessary for synchronizing biological rhythms and the normal existence of all life on Earth, while these waves are damped by many building materials.

People experiencing heavy loads and stress, elderly and vegetatively sensitive people, as well as chronically ill people need these waves and acutely feel their absence. This can lead them to headaches, disorientation, nausea, dizziness, etc.

The exact resonance frequency is 7.83 Hz. There are also peaks at frequencies around 8, 14, 20, 26, 32 Hz. At higher frequencies the resonances become almost invisible. The frequency of the waves changes during the day, because on the sunny side the reflective layer (Heaviside layer) is located lower than the night reflective layer. The fundamental frequency of the Schumann resonance corresponds to the frequency of the alpha rhythm of the human brain - 7.83 Hz, and the frequency of the second harmonic of the Schumann resonance (14 Hz) corresponds to the rapid alpha rhythm of the brain.

It is believed that Schumann waves travel at the speed of light, circle the Earth 8 times per second and have a length of 38 thousand km.

It is noteworthy that the frequencies of the Schumann resonance coincide with the frequencies of the brain, which indicates the primary connection of living beings with the Earth. Which is not surprising - our bodies were born and formed on this planet, and therefore its frequencies are native to us. That is, by returning from modern frantic rhythms to the electromagnetic origins of our existence, a person receives a powerful connection with Mother Earth, and can thus self-heal by receiving the energy of the Earth.

Frequency is only help, help from the Earth itself. Infra-low frequency (ILF) waves travel much more easily from midnight to four in the morning, and are easier to transmit from west to east. As a rule, telepathy and clairvoyance are most effective between twelve o'clock at night and four o'clock in the morning, and during telepathic contacts the inducers (transmitters) are in most cases located more to the west than to the east of the perceivers (receivers). Wherein magnetic storms seriously interfere with the propagation of ILF waves.

For a long time, this frequency was 7.8 Hz and was so stable that the military tuned their instruments to it. This figure was first measured in 1899-1900 and remained approximately constant until 1980, 7.8 times per second. This is truly a constant vibration frequency and that is why it was adopted in 1958 by developed countries as a fundamental value for electronic communication.
And after 1958, they decided not to publish any more information about the main resonant frequency of the Earth, because it had become a key value in new system weapons.
However, Schumann's frequency gradually began to increase. This is an absolutely unique event, this has never happened before in the memory of mankind, and in the mid-80s the following is observed - 7.8 Hz in the period 70-80s, 8 - 8.2 Hz since the beginning of the 90s.
At the end of 1995, the value of the Earth's vibration frequency was determined to be 8.6 times per second, and this was literally in just a couple of years. At the beginning of 96, researchers recorded a figure of 8.7 times per second:

1995 - 8.6 Hz
1999 - 11.2 Hz
2000 - 12 Hz
2001 - 12.2 Hz
2002 - 12.4 Hz
early 2003 - 12.6 Hz
July 2003 - 12.89 Hz
and on November 13, 2003, it reached 13.0 Hz.
Higher brain frequencies are beta waves: 13-35 Hz (normal daytime brain activity). Gamma waves are even higher: 35 Hz or more (creativity, inspiration, about which they say “the muse has descended,” enlightenment).

At beta frequency (13-35 Hz), the brain already functions almost without fog, that is, sanely. In other words, people will no longer have to meditate in order to gain access to various fields, channels, and abilities. All this will be natural, just like breathing or speaking.

That is why it is now so important, as quickly as possible, to free the Earth’s energy space from “unworthy” thoughts, values, base ideas, etc. People who do not understand this gradually leave the Earthly plane in different ways.

These could be: illnesses, accidents, natural disasters, wars, etc. Every person now faces the right to Choose: to move on with the Earth to the next cycle of its development or to go to the next reincarnation in the next low-frequency world. The choice is always ours.

Gamma rhythm - 35 Hz or more: untrained brain ordinary person cannot reach, much less maintain, such frequencies. Therefore, we have few creative individuals, and most of those who do have periodically experience creative crises.

An increase in frequency “pushes” us to the perception of subtle worlds, thereby opening up wide opportunities for self-realization through creativity.

The higher the vibration frequency, the more complex and beautiful the pattern of a person’s life. The lower the vibration frequency, the more shapeless the pattern of life of a low-frequency person.

Not many of us know that:

Fear from 0.2 to 2.2 hertz;

Resentment - from 0.6 to 3.3 hertz;

Irritation - from 0.9 to 3.8 hertz;

Disturbance - from 0.6 to 1.9 hertz;

Temper - 0.9 hertz;

Flash of rage - 0.5 hertz;

Anger - 1.4 hertz;

Pride - 0.8 hertz;

Pride (delusions of grandeur) - 3.1 hertz;

Neglect - 1.5 hertz;

Superiority - 1.9 hertz,

Generosity - 95 hertz;

Vibrations of gratitude (“thank you”) - 45 hertz;

Heartfelt gratitude - from 140 hertz and above;

Unity and communication with other people - 144 hertz and above;

Compassion - from 150 hertz and above (and pity is only 3 hertz);

Love, as they say, is with the head: that is, when a person understands that love is a good, bright feeling and great power, but he still cannot love with his heart, then the vibrations are 50 hertz;

The love that a person generates with his heart for all people without exception and all living things - from 150 hertz and above;

Unconditional love, accepted in the Universe - from 205 hertz and above.

The human body receives the sharpest and brightest response at frequencies of 40 Hz, which coincides with the frequencies of the tertiary structure of the DNA helix; it is also believed that Schumann waves influence the alpha waves of the human brain; we can say that we owe the development of intelligence to Schumann resonance. Every brain has an electrical magnetic field, therefore, when the Schumann wave passes, the brain interacts with it with a magnetic field. There is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies. Most likely, there is self-excitation and an increase in the energy of both systems, the planetary body and man, of course, when the frequencies coincide, that is, fine tuning to resonance.

Indeed, a rhythm of 13-15 Hz is observed during intense mental work and creative ecstasy. For those accustomed to creative, intellectual and other mental stress, this state can be a status one, if it is also filled with pure and joyful feelings. But that wonderful meditative state that spiritual practitioners mention is already 30 Hz and above. Therefore, those who dream of “breaking through” do regular LONG meditations. Just train your brains to function at these highest frequencies.

Each person, through his mental activity, influences the change in his basic frequency; the frequency is influenced by the type of thinking. In addition, a negative attitude causes a decrease in rhythm, while a positive attitude increases the frequency of the basic rhythm of the brain. People in general create a whole range of vibrations. Formed gravitational attraction, which is determined by the energy of the average frequency and therefore an admissible spectrum arises, from the minimum to the maximum frequency.

But since people have freedom of thought, they can change their basic frequencies, and then a skew appears in the spectrum of the normal distribution, the energies are averaged, and the wave can slide in any direction. Unlike people, who can change the frequency, the planet cannot react so quickly, because the frequency is related to the size of the Earth. Therefore, the tuning may go wrong and the Man-Planet system will not match in frequency. And then the energies of both systems apparently begin to fade, as self-excitation disappears or loses strength. The “Man-Planet” system must always be in precise resonance, then the energies will constantly increase and accumulate. Then the amplitude of the planet’s vibrations will constantly increase, just like in humans.

Apparently it is for this purpose that cosmic cycles were invented. When the time comes, help comes from Space. Additional energy that helps to deform the distribution law towards high frequencies.

The Schumann frequency is the pulse of the Earth. At the same time, our frequencies rise as well. The physical world is being pumped with energy. For everyone who does not realize and does not think about it, everything is expressed in a headache (especially in people with low development). Massive headaches are of an energetic nature and in this case it is necessary not to take painkillers, which reduce the effect. For people who realize this, the solution is to consciously work to raise their own vibrations, because... conscious work does not hurt as much, and is much more effective. The bringing together of worlds and a further increase in vibrations will lead to a quantum transition. The physical world will disappear, and man will move into an energetic form of existence.

That is why it is now so important to free the Earth’s energy space as quickly as possible from unworthy thoughts, values, base ideas, etc. If this fails, then one of two things will happen: either everyone, even very bad people, will receive these abilities, and as a result, the Universe will be forced to intervene and, finally, “clean up the garbage.”

If alpha or beta rhythms allow you to tune in to the familiar world, then the gamma rhythm is already the perception of subtle worlds. The earth, increasing its frequency, seems to wake people up, forcing their brains to come out of hibernation and work more consciously. An increase in frequency pushes us towards the perception of subtle worlds. This opens up wide opportunities for self-realization through creativity: if the main frequency of the Earth corresponds to the creative impulse, this will be an excellent support for the creative brain. By the way, according to some data, in a state of lucid dreaming, the brain works precisely at such high frequencies.

If the frequency increases further, we will gradually reach the little-studied gamma rhythm (40 Hz or more), which, according to some data, is responsible for creativity and inspiration. This is the state about which they say “The Muse has descended...!” Interestingly, 50 Hz, according to Zen Buddhism, is already a state close to Enlightenment...


We are all experiencing a historical time when our native planet Earth is changing its vibrations, gradually increasing them. Human activity on the surface of the Earth has brought a lot of trouble to our home planet.

Exhausted Natural resources, and this process is gaining strength as the methods of obtaining energies that humanity uses are destructive to nature. Man uses aggressive technologies to ensure his life, trying to satisfy his ever-increasing needs. Thus, a person destroys, first of all, himself, violating the laws of nature and breaking stable connections in it. To avoid complete destruction, the Earth is forced to defend itself; it increases its vibrations. And in the coming years the vibrations will increase. We people, if we want to save the lives of ourselves and our descendants, we must raise our vibrations, because they are related to the Earth, because we are all its children.

In luminous vibrational technologies there is a classification of vibrations entering the subtle bodies of Man (Skvortsov A.V. Khmelinskaya E.V. MESSENGERS OF DISTANT WORLDS, p. 67). These are creative vibrations, that is, the highest, highest and highest, where the norm is 100 percent and above for each type. And destructive vibrations: the lowest, lowest, lowest, which in principle a Human should not have.

According to the test results, currently, the lowest vibrations are present in the range: above 0 and up to 2.7 hertz; lowest - over 2.7 and up to 9.7 hertz; low - over 9.7 and up to 26 hertz; high - over 26 and up to 56 hertz; higher - over 56 and up to 115 hertz; the highest - over 115 and up to 205 hertz; (over 205 hertz - crystalline vibrations or vibrations of the new, 6th race on planet Earth). Annex 1.
When do destructive vibrations occur? It turns out that they appear in a person as a result of the action of his negative personal qualities or emotions. Appendix 2. So grief gives vibrations - from 0.1 to 2; fear from 0.2 to 2.2 hertz; resentment - from 0.6 to 3.3 hertz; irritation - from 0.9 to 3.8 hertz; ; disturbance - from 0.6 to 1.9 hertz; self - gives vibrations of a maximum of 2.8 hertz; hot temper (anger) - 0.9 hertz; flash of rage - 0.5 hertz; anger - 1.4 hertz; pride - 0.8 hertz; pride - 3.1 hertz; neglect - 1.5 hertz; superiority - 1.9 hertz, pity - 3 hertz.

If a person lives with positive feelings, then he has completely different vibrations:
compliance - from 38 hertz and above
acceptance of the World as it is, without indignation and other negative emotions - 46 hertz;
generosity - 95 hertz;
vibrations of gratitude (thank you) - 45 hertz;
heartfelt gratitude - from 140 hertz and above;
unity with other people - 144 hertz and above,
compassion - from 150 hertz and above (and pity is only 3 hertz);
love, which is called the head, that is, when a person understands that love is a good, bright feeling and great strength, but the heart still cannot love vibration - 50 hertz;
the love that a person generates with his heart for all people without exception and all living things - from 150 hertz and above;
unconditional, sacrificial love, accepted in the universe - from 205 hertz and above;

A person, as a rule, simultaneously experiences several different psycho-emotional states or their shades and aspirations. Thoughts (mental body), words can be creative, be kind, or they can be destructive: contain rejection, aggression, and so on, which also adds its own vibrations. A person is followed by the tail of what he experienced earlier in this life and in past incarnations, depending on whether these events were joyful for his soul or destructive to the soul, corresponding vibrations reside in the person’s body. In addition, his clan, or more precisely 4 clans, to which he is involved by birth, leave traces in his subtle bodies. Therefore, in relation to a person, we can talk about a certain total vibrational component, that is, about his average vibrations that he has as a result of the influence of the listed factors.

This is how a person achieves success in life when his average vibrations steadily maintain vibrations of 70 hertz and above.
Unfortunately, so far, with the exception of rare individuals, the bulk of humanity contains in their subtle bodies the entire spectrum of destructive vibrations and, far from the norm, a small amount of creative vibrations!
According to the laboratory of Albert Vasilyevich Skvortsov (90s of the last century), health vibrations began at 40 hertz.

Now the vibrations of the Earth have increased and for more or less satisfactory health, at least 50 hertz is required.
From the above material we can draw a simple conclusion: accepting the World as it is, living with love for people, nature, our native planet, directing our activities and thoughts to creation (as a person is able to create with thought) - this is the key to health and success.

In the coming years, this will be of paramount importance for survival. The process of further growth of Earth vibrations is not reversible. Vibrations will gradually increase and reach a maximum in 2012. A person must also raise his vibrations - otherwise he will not survive.

You and I, depending on our age, consist of 70 - 90 percent water.
Water is a wonderful substance that “sees,” “hears,” “remembers,” and “reads” information. We can express our love to our body, ask it for recovery and restoration, express the intention to be healthy, putting the energy of aspiration into it, and it will hear us. A person is able to restore his Spirit, heal his Soul and restore his physical body. Moreover, he is able to safely enter the 5th dimension together with the Earth after 2012. But time is short, we need to hurry.

TABLE 1. Classification of vibrations according to Skvortsov A.V. Khmelinskaya E. V. (book MESSENGERS OF DISTANT WORLDS, p. 67)

Creative Destructive
highest highest high low lowest lowest
Vibration range (hertz) over 115-205 over 56-115 over 26-56 over 9.7-26 over 2.7-9.7 over 0-2.7

Emotions, feelings Vibrations, range or maximum value(hertz)
grief 0.1-2.6
fear 0.2-2.2
resentment 0.6-3.3
disturbance 0.6-1.9
false 0.7-3.5
irritation 0.9-3.8
flash of rage 0.5
pride 0.8
anger (hot temper) 0.9
neglect 1.5
superiority 1.9
doubt 1.9
self 2.8
pity 3.0

compliance 38 and above
acceptance 46
gratitude (thank you) 50
love speculative 50
generosity (nobility) 96
heartfelt gratitude 140 and above
unity 144 and above
compassion 150
heart love 150 and above
unconditional (sacrificial) love 205 and above
(From the report of Bozhenko N.M.)

What are “vibes” and why is it relevant these days?

The concept of “vibration frequency” may be familiar to you from a physics course, although it is not at all necessary that you have ever focused your attention on it. This was not so relevant in the old planetary scenario, when our physical reality was more or less constant and stable for several millennia. However, this concept is of decisive importance now, when the old scenario for the development of the planet, which at the end of the 20th century provided for the launch of the process of cleaning the planet from the dead-end spirituality of civilization, through its self-destruction and self-destruction, has been cancelled. It provided for the departure of all embodied souls from the Earth and the cleansing of the planet for subsequent civilizations. People managed to change the scenario of the planet’s development and now it is developing completely differently.

The process of “ascension” of the planet and humanity has begun, that is, part of humanity has the opportunity to experience the purification process, being in embodiment and not leaving the planet, but creating new world, based on fundamentally new, spiritual values. Theoretically, such an opportunity exists for everyone, but in practice it will be realized only for those souls who want to stay here, go through the entire process of adaptation and restructuring and actively participate in it. The possibility of the ascension was predicted by Jesus, he spoke of it as his second coming. The visions of the New Jerusalem by the Apostle John are also an anticipation of the ascension of the Earth and its transformation and cleansing from the consequences of being in darkness. To ensure this process, cosmic energy flows onto the Earth in a powerful stream. vital energies, energy from the Central Sun, energy of the Divine Consciousness of the Creator. This is the second coming of Jesus.

Cosmic Teachers of Light from the Pleiades constellation through Barbara Marciniak say the following:[b]
“The celestial structures associated with the galactic center are making powerful energy transfers that affect all earthly processes, and as these ultra-high voltage energies continue to invade your reality and accelerate everything in it.

Periodically in existence - which you perceive as time and space - there is a need to create opportunities for cleansing of certain garbage. You might be thinking about material trash; however, we mean energetic garbage, namely the frequencies of lower vibrations that have accumulated as false life programs - both in your external world and in your internal environment. Timeline healing is necessary to release the massive accumulation of blocked mental and emotional energy stored in the DNA structure.

During the first phase of transformation, from 1987 to 1996, the level of cosmic energy affecting your planet accelerates tenfold per year (relative to the previous year), gradually creating a calm impulse and imperceptibly changing everyone's life.

During the second phase of acceleration, from 1997 to 2006, the energy increases a hundredfold each year, intensifying every experience with even greater intensity.

Beginning in 2007, a new fundamental surge in intensity triggers the third and final phase. For the five remaining years, the energy accelerates a hundred thousand times each year, propelling everyone into their orbit.
(Barbara Marciniak “The Path of Strength”, 2007)

Have you probably noticed how much the world has changed and continues to change? This is because the time of ascension has already arrived and the ascension process is already in full swing.

What is this “vibration frequency”? This is one of the main characteristics inherent in manifested matter as such. All matter "vibrates". This is one of the basic principles of the manifestation of matter. The varying frequency of vibration in combination with other characteristics (wavelength, amplitude, density, etc.) makes matter infinitely diverse. We perceive differences in the vibration of matter with our senses and sensations: vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste, the “sixth sense”, that is, intuitively, people have also created many instruments to measure everything. If we consider the entire Creation, everything that was created by the Creator, then the matter of the Pure Spirit, that is, the Creator Himself, has the highest vibration frequencies. As it moves away from the Creator, matter becomes denser and its vibration frequency decreases. The best analogy here is how we perceive matter visually. We see high vibration frequencies as light, thin and less dense matter. The lower the vibration frequency, the “darker” and denser the matter appears. We also associate such concepts as love, knowledge, life, joy with light; with darkness we associate hatred, ignorance, death, fear. This is no accident. This reflects the principle that the Creator is the source of energies of high vibration frequency i.e. love, light, life, joy, harmony, and the absence of these energies makes our reality full of fear, ignorance, suffering.

“Waves of pulsating energies are the vital essence of the cosmos, and although you appear unchanging in your form, you are actually made up of vibrating energies flowing in and out of your body in dancing waves of light. The composition of your being is much nobler than you can imagine. The passages called chakras serve as non-physical openings, or gateways, into your personality field through which subtle energetic forces—etheric energy, chi, or cosmic rays—enter and leave the physical and non-physical versions of your body.” (Barbara Marciniak “The Path of Strength”, 2007)

The Creator created many worlds and realities, each of them exists in a certain frequency range, or in a certain vibration-frequency octave. The matter of worlds located on other vibrational octaves different from ours is practically not perceived by us, by our gross senses and sensations, by our physical devices, but it can be perceived by our subtle feelings, intuition, spiritual vision, if a person has developed these methods of perception . Developing these ways is part of the process of spiritual development.

We, as Beings of Light, have the vibration frequency of Pure Spirit. But since we are separated from the Creator, then between our part of the Pure Spirit and the Creator there is matter with a lower vibration frequency, in other words, our Essence of Light is embodied. In order to incarnate and live embodied in physical bodies, our Essence of Light has come a long way along the frequency-vibrational range in the direction “down”, from the Creator, lowering its vibrations. We seemed to descend into the worlds of darkness to gain experience of being in them. Ascension involves the opposite process. This is a process of movement along the frequency-vibrational range in the direction “up”, towards the Creator, that is, it is a process of increasing the vibrations of our entire multidimensional essence, including, of course, the physical body. This means raising your vibrations - in other words, means getting closer to the worlds of Light, where Angels and Gods live, getting closer to the Creator. This is exactly what is happening to us and to the planet now. This explains many processes and phenomena on the planet that did not exist before, for example, weather anomalies everywhere, many natural disasters and man-made disasters. Another example is changes in the effect of medications on people, which practically no longer help against the ailments from which they more or less saved before. The impact of alcohol and drugs on people who use them has changed towards a “heavier” effect. Many people have changed their sleep patterns and eating habits, for example, they don’t want to eat meat and dairy products. And there are many such examples of changes.

How to consciously raise your vibrations?

Just a few years ago average level The vibration of earthly man was 8 hertz (Hz). Now (beginning of April 2007) this level for those people who follow the path of ascension is 1400-2000 Hz, but this is for those who are not aware of the processes taking place. For those people who consciously raise their vibrations, this indicator can be measured as 10^n hertz (ten to the power of n), where [n] can be up to 90 and even more, and this is not the limit. These figures will grow rapidly over the next 5 years. As has already been said, transformation processes happen to everyone, regardless of whether a person is aware of it with his mind or not. By being aware of what is happening to us and actively contributing to these processes, we can avoid unnecessary worries and fears, facilitate and speed up the process of our transformation. There is a difference between sailing with the flow of a river in a boat while steering it, or sailing without steering the boat, when the current will carry our boat and throw it from side to side. It takes very little to consciously raise your vibration and go through the ascension process. It doesn't require much effort and doesn't take much time. You should devote time to meditation every day (see the section “About Meditation”). What do you do if you want to stay warm? Go where it is warm, sit closer to the heat source. Exactly the same principle here. You just don’t need to go anywhere, just call on the Forces of Light, which are the source of energy of high vibrations, and ask them, give them permission to enter you and raise your vibrations. Call upon the energies of Light, Love and Harmony, call upon the Supreme Creator, the Cosmic Teachers of Light, your Light Guardian Angels (be sure to say the word “Light”, “Light” since there are Teachers and Angels of Darkness) and ask them to fill you with Light and Love. Do this constantly, maybe several times a day. Before you go to bed, give them permission to heal you as powerfully as possible and raise your vibration. This will be your conscious participation and work on yourself.

Do this, for example, by saying the following words:

Supreme Cosmic Creator!
Cosmic Teachers of Light and Love!
My Bright Guardian Angels!
All the forces of Light and Love!
Please help me to be physically and spiritually healthy and developed, financially secure. Help me to be in a positive relationship with the visible and invisible part of planet Earth, to be loving and loved by everyone!
I give permission for my healing with the energies of Light and Love and for the raising of my vibrations to undergo the ascension process.
Fill me with Light and Love as much as possible and raise my vibrations as much as is harmonious for me! Heal me and be with me today, tomorrow and always!
Forces of Light and Love! Thank you for your help and love!

Reading this prayer morning and evening will greatly help you. In addition, add, if you want, in your own words what you want to ask. It should be added that dogmatic religious prayers, including the Lord's Prayer, are not suitable here. Do it with love and hope.

It is also important to realize that there are things that interfere with raising vibrations, and these are negative emotions and character traits of people, such as anger, hatred, fear, chaos. A person very strongly and quickly lowers his vibrations by drinking alcohol, engaging in various types of smoking, using chemical medications and drugs. Meat-eating and, in general, excessive food consumption also lower vibrations. Therefore, all these things are incompatible with the process of raising vibrations. This, especially the use of alcohol, drugs, and smoking, should be completely freed and abandoned. But of course, do as you please. Everyone has the right to choose.

You can also do simple, but effective exercises, one of which we will present here.

Exercise to balance the polarity of all human bodies and increase vibrations

1. Stand stable.
2. Cross your arms over your shoulders. Breathe deeply. Switch hands.

In this way, both halves of the body are balanced and practically everything is completely balanced.

3. Using the outer edges of your palms, touch the top edges of your ears.

If you can relax, you will feel the upper body making slight circular movements. This way you balance your rotational vibrations with the rotation of the Earth.

4. Curl your thumbs into your palms and curl the other fingers of each hand so that they are on top of your thumb. Cross your forearm joints and touch your fingertips without unclenching your fists to your forehead. Breathe deeply. Swap your hands. Breathe deeply.

Balances the hemispheres of the brain.

5. Without unclenching your fists, touch the back of your head with your fingertips. Breathe deeply.

Balances the kidneys.

6. Bend your right arm and place it on your left shoulder. Connect the thumb of your left hand with your index finger, and move the rest of your left hand slightly away from your body. Breathe deeply.

Balances the thyroid gland.

7. Touch the fingers of your right hand to the left side of your neck and place the palm of your left hand on the fingers of your right hand. Breathe deeply. Swap your hands. Breathe deeply.

Balances the thymus gland – thymus.

8. Place your right palm on the back of your head, your left palm slightly lower and slightly under right palm. Breathe deeply.

Balances the pineal gland.

9. Place your palms together in a lotus shape (the palms are touching at the joints, and the palms themselves are open as if you were holding a round object in them. Breathe deeply.

This is the anchor, the completion of the entire program. Helps stabilize your inner balance in all your bodies and anchors your essence in the magnetic grid of planet Earth.

Demidov Oleg Nikolaevich, healer,
Master Teacher of Traditional Reiki

Kryon Channeling on Vibrations (received 02/15/2007 from the DVS Urantija Foundation)

I greet you with love! Yes, that’s how it is, eat a lot and then it’s difficult. The foods you eat contain low vibration energy, which often interferes with the perception of subtle vibration information that we could give you. But it’s normal that you still consume food, since in order to completely switch to eating pure energies, it takes time for the structures of your body to be restructured, as you say, my multidimensional essence. In order to switch to eating clean energies, it will take more than one day, not a week, not even a year.

You are undergoing transformation processes all the time and your body’s metabolism accelerates, which causes increased appetite, so that cells are rebuilt. When the restructuring has occurred, then for some time you are given the opportunity to eat pure energy, as a result of which the use of food products for energy nutrition can decrease by up to 90% of the usual amount of food. In rare cases, there are days when this indicator is 100%. Water should still be consumed during this time as it makes up the majority of your body weight. Such a restructuring is also accompanied by changes in the emotional state, sometimes even a large lack of energy, since from time to time they stop at a short time different systems of the body so that changes can be made in them. There is no need to worry if any organ or part of the body seems to be lifeless or insensitive, or feels like it has stopped. At such moments, it is necessary to allow the possibility of using different chemicals in order to maintain balance in the “stalled” systems of the body, which at this moment are most susceptible to the harmful influence of various factors. It will not always be necessary to use these substances, but this possibility must be taken into account. When you feed on energies, you do not need these chemicals, since your energy potential is so high that there is simply no need to use them, and the vibrations of these substances are relatively low. At the moment when restructuring occurs and a feeling of freezing occurs, then the vibrations in these parts of the body drop, and therefore there may be a need for chemicals.

By restructuring the body into transition period you are also given breaks or the opportunity to strengthen your vibrations at a new level and realize the changes that have occurred and their potential. Then it all starts again. And this process is endless. People who do not follow the path of spiritual development also undergo transformation processes and it may look like their changes are happening forcibly, as if without their permission. However, all people now living on Earth have given their consent to be here during the changes.

That's why there are so many people on Earth like never before. I already spoke about this earlier, that souls stand in line to incarnate on Earth. Whatever people do, changes occur in them with or without their informed consent. If they use substances with low vibrations - alcohol, tobacco, drugs, although the first on this list should be drugs, medicines, meat, and this chain can be continued, then their life on Earth turns into a nightmare when they need to increase the next dose so that they can it was necessary to withstand and suppress in oneself those sensations that the increase in vibrations causes. If a person does this for a long time, then he pollutes his energy structure with such low vibrations that his entire essence becomes so dense that being on Earth is very painful. At such moments, in 95% of cases people leave their physical body. The soul agrees to end this life in a physical body in order to receive new opportunity continue development. IN otherwise, continuing its agony, it can give rise to more severe consequences in the future.

Those people who suffer from so-called incurable diseases are actually included in this group, however, the processes of lowering vibrations occurring in them can be stopped by themselves and delayed indefinitely in order to reassess the needs of the soul and the meaning of life here on Earth, they have such an opportunity, but they must realize what needs to be done. If the significance of their position is not fully understood, then the possibility of continuing to exist in a physical body in this life is reduced to a minimum. People create miracles themselves, and only they themselves can decide to continue living or leave. Many people might say, “But how can that be, I want to live so badly!”

And I will ask: “Man, what is your goal, for the sake of which you would need to be given the opportunity to continue living?” There is often a lot of confusion in this matter, you say, I know what my purpose in life is, but in most cases what you call a goal is not such at all. People often consider achievements that are useless to the soul as goals. Since the main goal of the human soul is to master the experience and abilities of the soul, which can be taken with you when leaving physical life. So what is your goal? Have you thought about this? When you have a goal, we will help you make sure you have everything you need to achieve Everyday life so that you can achieve this goal. We will help you, because your task of living in dualism is very difficult, and that is why we love and support you very, very much. Ask us, the Forces of Light, and we will respond and be with you. With love,