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Libra and Gemini: compatibility in love relationships is one step away from perfection. Compatibility Gemini (woman) - Libra (man) Gemini and Libra are all about friendship

In this section we will look at the compatibility of the zodiac signs Libra and Gemini. We will discuss their relationships in various areas of life.

General compatibility of the zodiac signs Libra and Gemini, prospects for union

Libra and Gemini belong to the air element and are ruled by Venus and Mercury respectively. But, despite belonging to the same trine, these signs have quite different values.

Libras value consistency, responsibility and reliability. Geminis have opposite values: creativity, intellectual strength and freedom.

Their meeting point is the importance of intellect.

Since both signs are airy, they place a lot of emphasis on a developed mind and an open way of thinking. Therefore, they easily seduce each other with wordplay and, in the end, find mutual understanding.

Libra and Gemini are not a perfect match, although they can complement each other well. But to do this, the former must respect their partner enough to allow him to be their teacher, lover or friend.

And Gemini, in return, must take care of Libra, accepting their limitations and dependence on relationships.

Compatibility of Libra and Gemini in friendship and business relationships

The friendship between these largely congenial signs may not develop as smoothly as one might expect. Part of the reason is that Geminis are very opinionated and talkative. However, they often do not think about how their words can affect others.

While Libras have a tendency to take what they hear personally and get offended. Despite the fact that Geminis rarely want to hurt anyone, they sometimes greatly hurt the pride of a partner who is sensitive to any criticism.

Both signs have their own opinions and love to talk, but their communication can be tense and harsh due to a lack of tolerance.

Geminis can be adamant and stubborn when it comes to standing up for their point of view. Libra reacts painfully to any external pressure and tends to perceive Gemini's know-it-all attitude as an attempt to prove their intellectual superiority.

The irony is that both signs love to learn, and they could learn a lot from each other. But Libra is not ready to accept chatty Gemini as a teacher, who simply find it difficult not to share the information they receive.

Harmonious, friendly relations between these signs can only happen if they are mature enough not to prove their worth. Or when their company is diluted by other people they both respect. In this case, it will be interesting, sparkling and fun communication.

In business cooperation, it is good for Libra and Gemini to work in one team if each has their own tasks and responsibilities. Otherwise, they will get bogged down in endless disputes.

Sexual compatibility between Libra and Gemini

The fact that both signs are air trine plays a big role when it comes to intimacy. This helps them communicate their needs and desires to their partner.

The main purpose of physical intimacy of these signs is to express and balance emotions. Libra is ruled by Venus and is a sexy, sensual and seductive sign. However, Mercury-ruled Geminis often lack emotional and sexual maturity.

The basis of satisfying and healthy physical intimacy for this couple is their curiosity. Thanks to openness and curiosity, they will find new ways, words and places to diversify their intimate life.

In bed, these signs will be 80 percent compatible with each other.

Compatibility of Libra and Gemini in love relationships and marriage

It seems that due to the fact that air is not an emotional element, the compatibility of the zodiac signs Libra and Gemini love relationships can't be good. But Libra is ruled by Venus, which gives them a strong connection to the world of emotions.

And the way Libra’s emotions develop suits Gemini well; they move synchronously: the former are looking for depth, and the latter are hovering nearby in search of new impressions and discoveries.

They may not notice how love is born between them. Because some are too busy running around, while others are thinking about the reasons why they cannot be an ideal couple.

The problem appears when, instead of feeling and experiencing their emotions, partners prefer to talk about them. As a result of such conversations, instead of enjoying the connection that has arisen, they remain alienated.

Unless Libra has fallen so deeply in love that they are ready to follow their partner anywhere. Or Gemini falls in love deeply enough that all the words they have been hiding behind until now cease to matter.

He is Gemini, she is Libra, sign compatibility

Both the man and woman in this couple are very sociable creatures, so they will be surrounded by a lot of friends, will spend many evenings out of the house and this is something that suits both partners.

There is quite an intellectual understanding between a Gemini man and a Libra woman, and they love to talk. Libra is more idealistic and abstract, Gemini is more logical, but together they create a holistic picture of the world.

This is a very creative and joyful partnership. The Libra woman is a creative person and has artistic talents. The Gemini man is a versatile and outstanding communicator. Their union can be a fountain of ideas, and a completely successful small business team.

They have good sexual compatibility, they understand each other perfectly in bed. When air meets air, it creates a vortex, but that's exactly what this couple needs.

Their intimate life There may be a lack of deep sensuality, but what it lacks in emotional intensity it makes up for in joy and mutual respect.

The partner in this pair is a harmonious and peace-loving creature, and she gets tired of Gemini's need to argue and debate. So after a while she will agree with him just to keep the peace.

Justice and equality will be the main connecting threads family life Libra women and Gemini men. Spouses will share duties and responsibilities for ensuring the well-being of the family and raising children equally.

One potential problem could be the restless and fickle nature of Gemini. Libra, more than other signs, strives for long-term partnerships.

Geminis, firstly, are in no hurry to make commitments, and secondly, they continue to flirt even while in a relationship.

This harmless game can greatly hurt the self-confidence of a vulnerable Libra woman. Therefore, a flirtatious partner must be sure to allay the fears of his partner so that she does not feel depressed or neglected.

If the problems of jealousy and loss of freedom are resolved in a couple, then this is a delightful relationship. The compatibility of the partners is strong enough for the marriage to last a lifetime without losing its freshness and joy.

He is Libra, she is Gemini compatibility

The Libra man is attracted to the Gemini woman because of her lively intellect and easy sociability. She is attracted to him for the same reasons.

These are two of the most sociable signs in the zodiac, so it's no surprise that this couple has a lot of friends and spends a lot of time in large groups. The partners share a strong friendship; they can talk for hours on end. But where is the romance?

The Libra man is a very romantic and idealistic lover, he is ready to do a lot for his other half. But she is not so romantic, and does not show enough enthusiasm in response to all the efforts of Libra. It hurts him.

The couple is quite sexually compatible and will enjoy each other in the bedroom.

But both partners distance themselves from their deep emotions, so their physical intimacy does not develop into a connection at the soul level. Their relationship is lively, fun and sweet, but after some time, one of the partners may begin to ask themselves, is this happiness?

If they do decide to stay together, then lack of passion will not be their only problem. Libras are looking for a partner for life, which cannot be said about Geminis.

The partner in this union is known as fickle and not the most faithful woman. Her flirting is a big red rag for the sensitive and easily hurt Libra man. He doesn't feel like he can trust her completely, and this prevents their relationship from deepening and strengthening.

For her part, the Gemini woman may find her man too sensitive and too dependent, which will push her away rather than attract her to him. They have very different views on relationships.

Since both signs do not have an explosive temperament, all their disagreements will be resolved on an intellectual, verbal level. They will argue, but without hysterics, trying to convince or outwit each other.

Libra, as a cardinal sign, will tend to take a leading role in solving problems. The Gemini woman is a mutable sign, and if she wants, she is able to compromise and adapt to her partner's needs and desires.

However, the question is, will she want to? Compatibility in this union is rather superficial, so it is unlikely that any of the partners will actively fight to preserve the relationship.

Ultimately, the woman will likely decide that it was fun, but it's time to move on. Libras may be heartbroken, but they are not as soft as they seem and are smart enough to anticipate the breakdown of a relationship.

What Libra and Gemini need to work on in relationships

The main problem in such an alliance lies in the discrepancy between Libra's desire to have a faithful, reliable partner for life and Gemini's need for flirtation and freedom.

Therefore, the main task for the former is not to take their partner’s natural coquetry personally and seriously. And for the second main job is to connect with your emotions and stop running from responsibilities.

Anna Lyubimova

This is one of those options that can be said - perfect couple . The air elements of these signs are in close contact and complement each other. They are not attached to material wealth; there is never commercialism or profit-seeking in their relationships. They are connected by complete mutual understanding and common views, a desire to get away from routine and focus on understanding the world.

Both signs know how to value their freedom and respect the partner's individuality. Therefore, there are no violent quarrels and conflicts in their relationship. They approach problems lightly and do not overload their lives with negative thoughts and emotions. Sociable and friendly, these people are always happy to communicate and are themselves welcome visitors to companies. They are erudite, witty and friendly. Their relationships and everyday life are a creative, ordered chaos.

But only they can understand the true motives for such behavior, since this quality is inherent in both signs. What seems strange to others is natural to them.

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between them. However, their air is somewhat different. Libra has a calm breeze, Gemini has either a hurricane or a calm. Libra is more focused and demanding, although slow compared to Gemini. When making decisions, Libra carefully considers the pros and cons., but Gemini can solve everything quickly and simply and, of course, not always correctly, which then leads to regrets.

Having met, this couple immediately feels complete harmony and ease of communication. They are not only tuned in to the same wavelength, they are able to support each other, mutually complementing the life of each with those qualities that the other lacks. Gemini – with colorful optimism, Libra – with reasonable practicality.

Libra and Gemini are fickle natures and are often subject to mood swings

Compatibility Chart for Libra and Gemini

Compatibility of Libra Men and Gemini Women: Pros and Cons of Relationships

The union of this combination can be a little more tense in comparison when he is Gemini and she is Libra. The “twin” lady is very changeable and mobile, but Libra finds it somewhat more difficult to keep up with the dynamic behavior of Gemini. He wants more clarity in the relationship, although he perfectly understands the motives for his girlfriend’s change of mood. Perhaps, he will soon understand that not everything is balanced on his scales, he will come to terms with the impulsiveness of his chosen one and become more loyal, although he will leave certain rules and teach Gemini to them.

In contact with Libra, Gemini will learn to analyze information and not draw hasty conclusions. His prudence and unobtrusive advice will not allow you to do spontaneous nonsense, which the Gemini woman subsequently terribly regrets. Delicate, tactful Libra is ready to play the role of her shield from external troubles, with him she will feel safe and secure. The man is condescending towards the flighty spontaneous antics of the “twin” and is ready for her dual, fickle nature. She will bring positivity into his existence and the ability to find positive moments in all situations. The lightness and irrepressible optimism of Gemini will overwhelm Libra and make his life more colorful and varied.

But, dear Gemini ladies, beware of your thoughtless phrases addressed to Libra. Outwardly, he will not show any special reaction, but the consequences of careless and offensive words can become the reason for his very contradictory decisions, which are by no means in your favor.

If Libra begins to become disappointed, loses trust, and then love, then nothing will force him to continue the relationship with you

Are they compatible in love?

Love is perhaps the most important and defining aspect that holds these couples together. They are attracted intuitively, since the spiritual kinship and clarity of each other’s inner world is simply obvious to them. Libra does not limit the freedom of his girlfriend, she does not encroach on his secrets. Love story This couple is harmonious and trusting in all respects. Relationships are built on trust and sincere affection. Libra forgives Gemini for her spontaneity and frivolity, but she is ready to obey his unobtrusive rules. Understanding everyone’s need for outside flirtation, they give each other freedom, of course, within reasonable limits.

Libra and Gemini are attracted to each other intuitively

Libra guy and Gemini girl in sex

Both partners in bed find continued spiritual compatibility. Their intimate relationships are based not on animal passion, but on a subtle feeling of each other at the level of physical intimacy. They are ready to experiment, but within reasonable limits. Their temperaments match perfectly, so everyone receives an even and balancing charge of tactile confirmations of love.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Marriages in these unions are quite common. After all, their similarity in character and basic outlook on life is simply amazing. The Libra husband will immediately take on the role of owner and head of the family. And the Gemini wife is only happy. She does not cherish the dream of doing housework and everyday life. The lady values ​​her solid husband, who puts up with her dreams and keeps her from rash actions. Is it true, This couple is in no hurry to have children, afraid to drown in the routine of worries, responsibilities and everyday life. But this would be one more factor and one more love cementing the union.

Both are aesthetes, and their house is decorated with taste. The only disadvantage of family life may be the inability to properly distribute funds

They need to learn to be rational about finances, then at first they can hire a nanny for the children, and everything will return to normal. Domestic problems can dramatically affect this marriage. If they lose interest in each other, love and understanding, then nothing will save their relationship: neither obligations, nor children.

Is there friendship if he is Libra and she is Gemini?

Gemini and Libra are great at coming together on the basis of common understanding and work interests. They think and look at situations so much alike that they consider each other simply a godsend. Both are smart, friendly and non-conflicting. Libra does not pester Gemini with their problems, and she, in turn, does not impose herself on him with her “feminine” advice. They always have something to talk about, they do not try to re-educate each other, since they think almost the same.

How to win a Libra man?

Libra men are born aesthetes. They are impressed by girls who are well-groomed, stylish, and attractive. But not only external beauty is a criterion for attracting their attention. They attach great importance to delicacy and good manners, and to a woman’s ability to behave with dignity in society. They avoid vulgar and cheeky people; they especially do not like the obscene manner of speaking of ladies.

Libras are impressed by girls who are well-groomed, stylish and attractive.

Calm and non-conflict young lady, who does not throw hysterics and does not arrange scenes of jealousy - this is his heroine. The erudite and diversely developed Gemini lady has every chance to attract the attention of Libra. In addition, her optimism, ease of communication and ability not to get hung up on everyday difficulties and troubles will certainly find a response in his soul, since he cannot stand tediousness and depressive behavior.

How to get the attention of a Gemini woman?

According to astrologers, the Gemini woman prefers intelligent men who are intellectually superior to her, erudite and endowed with a sense of humor. She does not like boredom and monotony, so she will be interested in a guy who is witty, able to maintain an interesting conversation, offer an exciting event, capable of bringing dynamics, new knowledge and impressions into her life.

In Libra, she will be able to find a gallant knight who knows how to appreciate the Gemini girl, and most importantly, in many ways correspond to her ideal

Compatibility Horoscope for Libra Women and Gemini Men

In this union there is complete harmony and mutual understanding.. The Libra girl feels especially advantageous. Gemini does not pester her with demands for fulfilling feminine duties, treating this calmly and even indifferently. But at the same time, Libra does not relax with him. Knowing that she the chosen one is prone to flirting, she carefully monitors both her appearance and inner world, trying to remain interesting to him and constantly surprise him. Then he will not have the thought of looking for a new relationship on the side, and given their similarity in views, he will not run away from the spiritual comfort that Libra gives him.

But sometimes Libra wants their man to show his courageous side, for example, to be able to protect physically. Gemini, in this regard, uses another weapon - the gift of persuasion and wit, which sometimes disappoints Libra.

In the Libra-Gemini union there is complete harmony and mutual understanding

Love relationship

In the relationship of this couple, love is the main foundation on which everything is built. They are attracted on the basis of spiritual and intellectual compatibility. There is no place for suspicion, jealousy and reproaches in this couple. Everyone respects the right to personal space, does not pester their partner with interrogations and does not demand an account of their actions.

This state of affairs, on the one hand, may be good, but on the other, not entirely. After all, complete lack of control can completely destroy a relationship, since flirting is not always harmless. It’s just that everyone in a couple must understand that if the partner does not outwardly show excessive curiosity- this does not mean at all that he doesn’t care what the other one does. You need to be able to feel the boundaries, which you shouldn’t step over, respecting the trust of your significant other.

Sexual attraction of a couple

In bed, this couple builds intimate relationships not on rough instincts, but on soft, savory sensations

Sex for them is a continuation of a subtle, high relationship, and they do not view it as quenching their thirst. For them it is an aesthetic and sensual pleasure. Their temperament is balanced, they know how to completely liberate themselves, since they are close on a deep energy level, and receive true pleasure from intimacy.


In family relationships, the Libra wife is more practical and rational, so she takes upon herself the arrangement of the house and its aesthetic design. Gemini knows how to make money, but does not show composure in everyday life. He can grab onto everything at once and not bring anything to the end. This upsets Libra; she would like her husband to be a more stable and reliable support. It may turn out that gradually she will begin to completely take the reins of power into her hands and reproach her husband. You should stop at this stage because, Gemini will not tolerate a wife who saws.

Gemini knows how to earn money, but does not show composure in everyday life

How are a Libra girl and a Gemini guy friends?

These two can become great buddies and friends. They always have something to talk about, they love conversations and discussions on intellectual topics. Emotional closeness and intuitive understanding of each person’s inner world brings them together in any situation.

It’s easy for them, they can exchange jokes and also quickly concentrate on the main thing. Libra is more collected, helps Gemini, directing them to the right rhythm

How to win a Gemini man and build a relationship with him?

The Gemini guy is interested in women who are active, life-loving, with a positive and friendly disposition. He can entertain them interesting stories, lead heated discussions, but silent and phlegmatic persons make him blue. If the girl acts too secretive and does not carry on the conversation, he may get the impression that she is either stupid or too withdrawn. And this pushes him away. The Libra lady can attract the attention of a Gemini man with her sincere interest in people and communication. She is diverse and interesting, endowed with high intelligence and witty. And given the considerable amount of mystery and unpredictability of Libra’s behavior, Gemini will be simply fascinated by this extraordinary, beautiful person.

Is it possible to make a Libra woman fall in love with you?

The Libra girl chooses elegant, stylish men with good manners. The position in society of the chosen one is also important for her. Libra will not be attracted to an unambitious, too soft and quiet guy. She needs an active and energetic man, confident in himself, in whom she will feel support and moral support.

Gemini guy is interested in active and life-loving women

In a Gemini guy, this young lady will immediately spot a kindred spirit. After all, a few hours of communication is enough to make sure that he really sincerely understands her and is not surprised by her unpredictability and frequent changes of mood. Besides, Gemini is very sociable, easily supports any topic, he is interesting and not boring, which Libra really appreciates.

27 July 2018, 17:10

The dual zodiac signs Libra and Gemini have a lot in common, which allows them to quickly get along with each other and build relationships quite successfully. These signs strive with equal passion for fun, carefree and idle life and at the same time completely alien to hard physical labor. As for everyday life, Libra and Gemini are not very organized, although representatives of Gemini show great mobility and adaptability in this matter.

Compatibility of Gemini and Libra in love relationships

The relationship between Gemini and Libra could be called ideal, but there are still stumbling blocks that can destroy love and lead the couple to separation. In order to preserve their feelings, these signs should work on themselves and learn to be responsible, develop together and look at the world more realistically.

This couple is completely immersed in the world of dreams and fantasies, preferring it to the realities of life. They try to shift the problems that arise onto each other and do not want to burden themselves with anything. The Gemini woman goes through life very easily, not obeying rules and laws. Such independence is even liked by Libra, who receives tremendous emotional support from their partner. A couple where the man is Libra and the woman is Gemini may cause bewilderment among others, but they feel so good and comfortable together that they can claim complete compatibility in love and maintain feelings throughout their lives.

The Gemini man and the Libra woman have almost perfect compatibility in love, but their feelings can quickly cool down if she, having fully recognized his leadership in the relationship, forgets about her development and plays the role of the victim. Gemini will quickly get bored with this, and he may switch to another woman. Such feelings can only be saved general activities in the intellectual sphere, which will provide the basis for long intimate conversations and debates.

Sexual Compatibility of Gemini and Libra

This couple is indifferent to manifestations of animal passion, and the technical aspect of sex is not important to them. Gemini and Libra crave sensuality, romance, and leisurely enjoyment of each other. They also like to play with each other and try something new in their sexual pleasures. These signs always feel good in bed, because they do not encroach on each other’s freedom and do not descend into jealousy.

Gemini Woman + Libra Man

Bright, extraordinary, loving everything new and unusual, the Gemini woman transfers these qualities to sexual relationships. Such women have a particularly sensual and romantic union with representatives of the Libra sign. The Libra man completely submits to the game that the Gemini woman dictates to him in sex, so their compatibility is very harmonious.

Libra Woman + Gemini Man

Being in the power of a man of the Gemini sign, the Libra woman experiences incredible sensual pleasure. In turn, she introduces a touch of romanticism into their sexual relationship. Both do not tolerate violence, vulgarity and vulgarity, preferring them to leisurely pleasure in each other. Having the same temperament, the Gemini man and the Libra girl are doomed to harmony, mutual understanding and complete compatibility in sex.

Compatibility of Gemini and Libra in marriage

The compatibility of these zodiac signs in a family is sufficient to live a long and happy life together. Of course, like many couples, there are slight misunderstandings and quarrels between them, but the commonality of their interests, the same views on life and understanding of each other allow them to create strong and long-term alliances.

Gemini Woman + Libra Man

Compatibility in family life of such zodiac signs as the Libra man and Gemini woman deserves special attention. From the first minute, a strong and at the same time easy and trusting relationship develops between them. The most interesting thing is that these two are not afraid of any difficulties. They will easily survive periods of lack of money and crisis, and an unsettled life will not affect their relationships in any way. This marriage is completely based on feelings for each other, and it is always long and happy.

Libra Woman + Gemini Man

The Libra woman is distinguished by her fickle character and frequent changes of mood, which does not confuse the Gemini man at all, and often such compatibility finds expression in marriage. It must be said that the Gemini man does not at all strive for family relationships, and only representatives of the Libra sign are able to bring him closer to this. But at the same time, such a union becomes very emotional and restless, which will require wisdom and patience from the spouses, as well as the ability to make concessions and compromises.

Compatibility of Gemini and Libra in friendship

The friendship of Libra and Gemini is based on complete mutual understanding, vital interests and a common attitude. Representatives of these zodiac signs love not only to spend leisure time together, but also to conduct common business. They are united by a craving for beauty and comfort, as well as new acquaintances and travel. If friendship arises between opposite-sex characters, then there will be a place for friendly sex without mutual obligations.

Gemini Woman + Libra Woman

If women of these signs become friends, then they will definitely be friends with their families. They will always find topics for conversation, become good advisers to each other and will never be bored. The Gemini woman will bring novelty and bright emotions to communication, and the Libra woman will become pleasant and interesting conversationalist for your girlfriend.

Libra Man + Gemini Man

Men of these signs are able to transfer their friendly relations to a joint business, which will not cause their competition and rivalry. Together they form a team of leaders who will always be in the spotlight. They do not like to be content with each other's company and are constantly looking for new acquaintances and new experiences.

Compatibility of Gemini and Libra at work

Gemini and Libra are creative people who are passionate about their work and open to everything new. As a rule, their working tandem is successful. The only thing that can darken their relationship is boring routine work, which is better transferred to other performers.

Gemini Boss + Libra Subordinate

The Gemini leader has excellent reactions and quickly adapts to the situation and finds the right solutions. His subordinate Libra perfectly complements the work process with his ability to negotiate and come to an agreement. Together they objectively assess work situations, and what they do is always doomed to success.

Boss Libra + Subordinate Gemini

A more creative Libra boss will find in his Gemini subordinate a reliable and proactive employee who may well be his right hand and replace in emergency situations. For this work tandem to be successful and long-lasting, their team needs good performers who are ready to do hard and monotonous work.

Knowing the characteristics of the zodiac signs will help you correctly build your personal relationships, relationships in friendship and at work. Tell us in the comments how much you think the Gemini + Libra pairs match the astrological descriptions in terms of compatibility.

Who is suitable for Gemini?
Fine neutral Badly
a lionFishCapricorn
Who is suitable for Libra?
Fine neutral Badly
a lionVirgoScorpion

Watching a Libra and Gemini couple, compatibility in love, is like watching an intellectual drama by Bernard Shaw. These two are incredibly smart, which is what attracts each other. But their relationship often turns into a battle of wits and resembles walking on a tightrope, where every wrong step takes your breath away. Undoubtedly, this is a dizzying sight, but the question involuntarily arises - where is the love here?

What could stop them from being together?

Geminis are rarely capable of deep feelings. They tend to jump from one romance to another with the same ease with which butterflies flutter from flower to flower. Thus, Geminis are looking for the ideal life partner. The main thing for this sign is intellectual compatibility, and he finds in Libra a partner whom he can easily understand.

Such a union is wonderful for creativity, friendship, and adventure. But family is more than that. When it comes to important decisions, it is quite difficult for the ever-doubting Libra to make them, and for the changeable Gemini to carry them out. Thus, both have many reasons to blame each other for impracticality and unwillingness to deal with pressing matters.

Libras are great at complicating things. They spend a lot of time trying to predict different variants developments and evaluate all consequences. Geminis, on the other hand, simplify everything they can and live in the moment. Unlike Libra, they act without unnecessary thought and rarely regret anything. Of course, Libra tends to accuse Gemini of being unreliable, and Libra seems indecisive and cowardly to Gemini.

Libra and Gemini get along well until they have something to argue about. Both one and the other are selfish and too focused on themselves. They lack listening skills. In the absence of a strong emotional connection, such inattention to each other's experiences can lead to mutual confrontation and rupture of relationships.

Gemini and Libra have a lot in common, which can help them create a long-term union:

  • brilliant mind, common interests, love of novelty, creativity;
  • wide social circle and active social life;
  • optimism, sense of humor and cheerfulness.

Both are sensual and open to love experiences. This relationship is full of romance and tenderness. Their sexual relationship, like aged wine, tends to become... better year from year. And this is already a serious argument to be together.

In this pair, great responsibility lies with Gemini. Libra is a sophisticated and creative person who responds to every emotional impulse of Gemini. If things don’t work out, it means that the frivolous Geminis have missed out on a wonderful partner, one of the best for them in the entire zodiac circle.

If Gemini intends to start a family with a representative of the Libra sign, he will have to reconsider his frivolous attitude towards life and responsibilities. Libra expects natural things from a partner - fidelity and reliability, and they will not agree to anything less. In return, Libra will be an ideal life partner, gentle, caring and willing to compromise. If Gemini hasn’t had their fun yet, then you shouldn’t fool Libra – it could cost them dearly.

Being under the influence of the element of Air, Libra and Gemini often regard compatibility in love relationships as a reason for a frivolous affair. However, the stars say that if Gemini and Libra have the foresight to see the true potential of their union, then this couple can expect many years of happy life together. But such insight and the ability to work on relationships comes only with age, so only mature Gemini and Libra, ready for change and personal growth, should enter into a relationship.

Hello! I already published my review on your site, but did not receive a response to it, perhaps when the site was cleaned of spam, it was also deleted.
I have this situation. Immediately after meeting the young man, our relationship began to develop very quickly, there was a magnificent engagement, the whole thing was heading towards the wedding, we submitted an application, but then we also separated abruptly. The man seemed to have completely changed: at first he was kind, gentle, sympathetic, and then he turned into a tyrant. It was very difficult to separate. Is it possible that we will get back together or is this the end? I looked at compatibility, it coincides on many chakras. I have more character traits than him, but in the end he suppressed me. Can you help me figure it out?
Me 10/12/1990. He is 06/03/1992.
And one more question. Is compatibility possible with a guy born 11/14/1992?
Thank you in advance for your answer!
You have a wonderful site, many points became clearer after it. I wish you prosperity!)

In-contri: Nadya, today will be your day. I dug up both reviews. By the way, for other readers:
— subscribers of the VKontakte group are sometimes served out of turn :))
- for those who angrily ask in the comments “on what basis do you answer?” and “why don’t you answer my story!!”, I will say that there is essentially no principle. There is an understanding of the uniqueness of the situation described in the story, there is an interesting or uninteresting style of presentation, there is a subjective importance for a person of the answer, well, and a number of other reasons, up to the point that whichever review your eye fell on first is the one you respond to. However, the most important principle has emerged over the past two months: write in detail and then the chance of an answer increases many times over.

So, Nadya, you are a Libra, and your first partner was a Gemini guy. It seems like a good start - the combination of signs is considered compatible, both are odd, both belong to the Element of Air. Next chakras:
Physical 34% - not compatible
Emotional 79% - almost the same
Intellectual 82% - almost the same
Cardiac 66% - compatible
Creative 86% - almost the same
Intuitive 33% - not compatible
Top 3% - dissonance
And here we see harmony “from below” and mutual understanding thanks to the compatibility of emotions and intellect. There is also a little “friendship” of the heart and almost maximum creativity. For young partners, this compatibility is more than good. But the first alarm bell can already be traced in the dissonance of the higher chakras, which indicates that your ideals diverge and you yourself are not ideals for each other. With age, this dissonance would grow even more until it became a key problem, putting the relationship in great question. Therefore, the fact that you separated now, and not 15 years after marriage, with common property and children, is probably not even bad.

I have no idea why a person turned into a completely different personality during the course of a relationship, but you yourself have probably already read that this is exactly what always happens in relationships. In any. As for “oppression” on his part, here, in my opinion, the following two things interacted. First: your sign pair Libra and Gemini falls under the “Child and Parent” type, where “Parent” is Gemini in relation to Libra. Let’s add here that you, Nadya, have a character of 4 versus 1 of the guy, so to him, as a “Parent,” a “Child” like you could seem too wayward and requiring constant pressure. The second problem is that you have 3 energy, and the guy has 2, as a result of which inevitably the partner with more energy always becomes a donor for the other. Thus, the guy also appeared energy vampire towards you. But it’s one thing when the energy is positive, and another thing when it’s negative. It’s much easier to get a negative one through scandals and irritation, which is why “vampires” get hooked on it like a drug. Naturally, in my life, for example, I have never encountered positive energy vampirism. Therefore, Nadya, you will have to get used to the idea that for many around you you will be an energy donor all your life. In general, I recommend leaving you with thoughts about renewing this relationship. I understand that your family 4 requires registration of family status, but it is better not to rush, so as not to regret it for many years. The guy, by the way, has a family background and, to be honest, I’m surprised how quickly he agreed to the wedding at his age - also such a rapidly developing attitude, as an option, scared him away.

Let's look at the second guy, also 2 years younger than you. This time the pair of signs turns out to be “Best Friend and Best Enemy”, because... Libra and Scorpio go after each other. Not the best combination, but you can live with it. True, constant mistrust and difference of interests. Let's look at the chakras:
Physical 50% - not compatible
Emotional 75% - almost the same
Intelligent 93% - maximum
Cardiac 68% - compatible
Creative 84% - almost the same
Intuitive 75% - almost the same
Highest 32% - not compatible
Am I the only one who thinks that you seem to have subconsciously chosen almost the same partner as the first one, in terms of energetic compatibility with you? And this, Nadya, is not a coincidence. This is called a pattern. And very often we try relationship patterns throughout our lives, “remembering” in our heads the relationship with the first partner and then continuing to choose the same ones. It is worth noting that this time you have already added intuitive compatibility, thus filling all three “female” levels - emotions, heart and intuition. Therefore, I conclude that this Scorpio guy is very interesting for you as a partner and you are literally drawn to him.

And you know what I’ll tell you: let’s try. Even despite the incompatibility according to the horoscope. But his energy coincides with yours - 222 (here it’s more likely not even a coincidence, but the fact that like attracts like). And his family history is already 5, not 2. And his character is also 5, so to some extent he can become the very support for you that you talked about in the question about the Pythagorean square. There is just one nuance: his temperament is the coldest 0. Together with the characteristics of the Scorpio sign, this can result in constant affairs on the side, because people of this temperament usually either read about intimate relationships only in books, or, on the contrary, they try to assert themselves through the number of connections, albeit meaningless, low-quality and generally disposable. For such people, relationships in bed sometimes have no value at all. Therefore, temperaments 0 and 1 seem insensitive to hot temperaments. And this only drives the cold ones to new “feats” in order to prove to others and themselves that they are wow. Well, that's it for general information, Nadia. No one is saying that this will show up 100% in this guy. However, it's worth taking note.

Good day. Question to the author of the program. I found several options for calculating the coincidence of biorhythms on the internet. The results of the calculations are radically different, and even if the result for physical, emotional, and intellectual results is the same, then the result for the intuitive biorhythm is very different. Why are there such differences in the calculations? And here’s another question, I read your comments, judging by them I - 09/30/81 have good compatibility with the girl 06/05/79 but I have a very strange communication with her and it cannot be called normal. At the same time, she has been suffering for a very long time with a guy from 02.24.84 with whom, judging by the program, everything is quite sad, and not only in biorhythms... Please comment)))

In-contri: Nikolai, unfortunately, the Author himself cannot answer and, in principle, does not answer. He simply gave a ready-made method that he has been using for more than 20 years. We just studied it for a long time and tested it on ourselves, and then implemented it in the form of a script on the website and brought it to people. The meaning of each section of the calculation was this: not to distort the original input parameters. Be it the Pythagorean square, compatibility of pairs of signs or calculation of biorhythms/chakras. The fact is that some sites for calculating the Pythagorean square can be very easily checked by entering dates of birth with many zeros or nines. They immediately show nonsense. Sites that calculate biorhythms differently are also incorrect due to the fact that they take rounded periods. And this is the same as taking the number “Pi” exactly 3 or 4 - you will never get the right result. Our biorhythm periods have been refined to 4-6 decimal places - this allows us to make accurate forecasts with minimal error, even if the partners are 10 years apart. Therefore, sites whose calculations coincide with ours (i.e., use the same unrounded periods) give correct results. There are also wonderful sites where all zodiac signs are compatible with everyone :)) In In-contri there is no such thing. We tried to convey the truth as much as possible, even if it is not always pleasant.

Now let's talk about you and the girl: you have good compatibility according to the horoscope and, in principle, quite good according to the chakras. Only intellectual dissonance (yours, “male”, first of all, Nikolai), of course, will not allow you to communicate with her “in the same language.” This is the reason for your “strange” communication with her. And it will never become “normal” in the planes of logic and reason. But, in the end, a girl should not play the role of an interlocutor. What keeps her in her current couple with a man on 02/24/1984 is precisely the intellectual maximum. And the relationship of this couple can rather be called businesslike: they think alike, a pair of Patron-Advisor signs. But you, Nikolai, are noticeably stronger than that man and have more favorable compatibility with the girl. If you show character, then I am sure that the scales will tip in your direction. In addition, in addition to your stronger character (yours - 3, hers - 2, his - 1), your temperament also speaks in your favor (yours - 4, hers - 5, his - only 2). I think you are capable of ending her “torment” in an emotionally empty relationship.

Hello! Thank you for such a wonderful site and useful information!
I was married for 25 years, two years ago our marriage broke up. 3 months ago I met a wonderful man in every way with whom we plan to build a future together. Today I checked on your website our matches with both my new chosen one and ex-husband. I am 06/10/68, mine ex-spouse- 08/14/68 (according to other sources, our marriage was ideal even just according to the signs of the zodiac, but it was very difficult for us).
My beloved man was born on 10/08/70. He and I understand each other incredibly easily. We live far from each other, but we feel it very much, we love him, we miss him... it’s so easy for me to be with him!
Please tell me if the Intellectual, Heart and Higher biorhythms are not on high level, then what needs to be worked on? Everything else is just great! We are no longer young people, everyone has life experience and a strong desire to build a new happy life, now completely. We make compromises easier than younger people.
I look forward to your wise advice. With great respect, Oksana.

In-contri: Oksana, it’s obvious by calculation that you have a wonderful relationship. Let me remind you once again of the author’s words that you should not strive for 100% compatibility in all respects. You need to be able to appreciate what is given. And you are given 2 maximums (88% and 87% - this is almost 90%) and 2 very high compatibility on the physical and emotional levels. You should live and be happy, but you are looking for possible problems that need to be “worked on” :) Well, if we talk about possible problems, then probably the most common problem may be the problem of speaking in different languages, or omissions due to a discrepancy in intellectual biorhythms (third chakra). A woman may hardly feel this, but a man may sometimes perceive it acutely. Especially at the time of quarrels, when partners sometimes try to appear cold, distant, without showing real emotions. Those. in such difficult moments, communication takes place precisely at the intellectual level, namely dry words, facts, specifics, accusations, etc. And here because of the discrepancy intellectual levels(misunderstanding) a man might just get mad. Therefore, it is best for you to resolve any conflicts on the physical and emotional levels: for example, step over yourself (which is difficult for a man to do), hug or take your hand, look into your eyes and... you don’t even have to say anything. Considering, by the way, your very strong characters, this may not be so easy for you the first time. Otherwise, you have an excellent union and a very good future. Especially if you learn to tolerate each other’s impenetrable characters (the Gorbachevs did), then in the future you will discover a lot in each other - creative and intuitive biorhythms at their maximum. I advise you to read about the 5th and 6th chakras to understand where the continuation, and very successful and harmonious, of your relationship will be.