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There are still fruit trees in the greenhouse. Growing fruits in a greenhouse. Business in a greenhouse - growing grapes

Since most regions climatic conditions are not favorable for good development and the growth of most heat-loving crops in open ground, it is increasingly common among amateur gardeners and farmers to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse. This ensures a high, high-quality and guaranteed harvest. Setting up a small film greenhouse on a summer cottage is not at all difficult. However, you should know and take into account certain nuances, such as the cucumber planting scheme and further plant care.

What should the soil be like?

Before planting cucumbers, it is necessary to determine the area where the greenhouse will be located and prepare the soil in advance. To do this, they dig it deeply, remove the roots of perennial plants and at least 5-7 cm of the top layer of soil, since pathogens and viruses of various diseases that can infect young plants accumulate in it. After removing plant debris, you can disinfect the soil using a 7% solution copper sulfate. The soil must be enriched and fertile, with good absorption and throughput capacity, neutral or low acidity.

The soil mixture is prepared 20-30 days after processing the site. As practice has shown, it is better to plant cucumbers in a substrate of turf soil and fresh humus. To prepare it, use 45-55% peat, 25-35% humus or compost, 15-25% fertile soil and 10-15% wood sawdust scalded with boiling water. Add 10-15 g of superphosphate and urea, 250-280 g of sifted ash to a bucket of such an earth mixture; no nitrogen fertilizers are added.

When grown in greenhouse conditions cucumber is used only seedling method. Since this plant does not tolerate transplantation well, in order not to waste time on adaptation and survival, it is advisable to sow the seeds for seedlings directly into peat cups, pots or bags. It is recommended to plant seedlings 25-27 days old with 4-5 leaves. The timing of its planting varies depending on the region, size and type of greenhouse.

Planting scheme

The most optimal conditions for fruit growth are provided by a two-line scheme for planting cucumbers in a greenhouse on ridges and ridges, measuring 95-110 cm wide and 22-28 cm high.

To increase productivity, steam beds or ridges are used. To do this, dig holes 35-45 cm deep. A layer of hot manure is placed at the bottom and covered with soil 14-18 cm thick.

Depending on the width of the greenhouse, the ridges are placed lengthwise or crosswise. If its width is 2-2.5 m, then a path is made in the center, and one row is planted on the left and right. If the width of the greenhouse is 3.5-4.5 m, make 2 paths and 4-5 rows of planting, placing one on the sides and 2-3 in the center. The distance between bushes in a row is left 35-40 cm, since with denser planting the illumination of the plant significantly deteriorates. Wire trellises are stretched over the ridges, to which cucumbers are subsequently tied using thread or twine. Sometimes lettuce, Chinese cabbage or low-growing greens are planted between the rows.

As soon as warm weather sets in and the soil warms up enough, you can plant the seedlings. Immediately before planting, water the prepared holes with a warm solution of potassium permanganate, and then just with water. Cucumbers from pots are planted in such a way that the earthen ball remains 1.5-2.5 cm above the soil level. The root collar should not touch the ground, since water flowing down during watering and pathogenic organisms can provoke infection and death of the plant.

What cucumbers should I plant?

Today, there are a very large number of hybrids and varieties specifically designed for growing in greenhouse conditions. They are characterized by high and stable fruiting, compact bushes, and resistance to major diseases. When choosing a variety, preference should be given not only to high-yielding varieties with low light requirements, but to self-pollinating cucumbers that do not need pinching.

Particularly popular are mid-season varieties such as Relay, Willow, Moscow Greenhouse, Regatta, Spotresisting and hybrids Annushka F1, Dynamit F1, Pyzhik F1. They are self-pollinating and do not require care. The fruits are medium, weighing 100-125 g, with a good watery-sweet taste, dense, crispy.

Features of care

Just like cucumbers grown in open ground, greenhouse plants require feeding, timely watering and bush formation.

Bush formation

In greenhouse conditions, the cucumber forms into one stem. 5-7 days after planting, the seedlings are tied to the installed trellises. As they grow, through each internode the plant stem is twisted around the twine. When the stem outgrows the trellis, pinch off the top. The lower axils are blinded - male and female flowers, as well as side shoots, are removed. Since the lower ovaries grow very slowly, they often do not ripen and inhibit the vegetative growth of the entire bush, drawing nutrients onto themselves. The next 4-6 braids that form at the bottom of the stem. Pinch off above the first leaf, leaving no more than 1-2 fruits for each shoot. The shoots in the middle part of the stem are pinched above the second leaf.

Then they only make sure that the braids do not go beyond the row spacing. To do this, their tops are pinched as necessary and directed into the ridge. If bee-pollinated varieties are grown in a greenhouse, then insects should have access to the plants. It should be borne in mind that in hot summer months, bees are reluctant to fly into the greenhouse. As a rule, they are lured sugar syrup, which is infused with the corollas of male flowers.


The soil must always be kept moist; waterlogging or waterlogging is not allowed. Sudden fluctuations in moisture are also detrimental to planting; this can provoke not only root rot, deformation of fruits, dying of leaves and falling of ovaries, but also the death of the entire plant.

In early spring, in relatively cold weather, cucumbers are watered only with warm water, regardless of the time of day. In hot weather, it is preferable to water in the morning, spending 5-8 liters of water per square meter. To speed up fruiting, short-term weak drying of the soil is used at the end of flowering. Since the film does not allow water vapor to pass through, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse daily, avoiding air stagnation. To prevent the soil from compacting, it is advisable to loosen it shallowly after each watering. And as the roots appear on the surface, add fresh nutrient mixture in a layer of 1.5-2 cm.

Top dressing

Infusion is used as fertilizer chicken manure, mullein, humus and rotted leaves. Cucumbers cannot tolerate high concentrations of soil solution. Therefore, 150-200 g of organic matter is added to a bucket of water. Leave for 1-2 days for the contents to ferment, then add 150-250g of wood ash and 30-50g of superphosphate. Mineral fertilizers include preparations intended for pumpkin crops. Throughout the season, cucumbers are fed no more than 4-5 times.

It is worth noting that an excess of organic and mineral substances also negatively affects yields. Plants begin to fatten, grow intensively, but budding and flowering are delayed.

Video “Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse”

This video tells how to plant seedlings so as not to damage the roots, how to feed the plants to obtain maximum yield.

I want to plant fruit trees on my property and install a greenhouse

Vladimir Bendrikov

I can advise you to plant trees so that in the future they do not shade the area; leave space and the sunny side for low-growing plants. It is necessary to dig up, remove weeds, fertilize if necessary, and then you will see for yourself what and how to plant so that it does not interfere with both you and the plants.

Evgeniy Sheiko

You can grow ANYTHING in greenhouses!


Fruit trees are best planted in early spring, when the buds have not yet bloomed, or in the fall - now you are already a little late. Dig a hole with a diameter of 40-50 cm and the same depth or more depending on the seedling, fill it with fertilized soil, and plant.


The right desire. Fruit tree seedlings are planted either in spring or autumn, after leaf fall. You can really grow anything in greenhouses, but different plants prefer different conditions(temperature, humidity). Therefore, the best option is to have (at least) two greenhouses.


Trees and shrubs with a closed root system can be grown at any time of positive temperatures. If you go into my world, there are photos and comments for them throughout the greenhouses and gardens. Everything is described in great detail, including varieties and agricultural technology. As for digging holes and planting in a greenhouse - this has already been discussed in detail here - there were many interesting recommendations. Go to these discussions through my account in the answers and you will find all our discussions on these issues. You will leave your office on the web of questions and learn many different opinions, you will see a lot of practical advice. It’s just that the topic is vast and interesting and cannot be described in a few words.


First of all, trees: apple, cherry, plum, pear. and a bush. Rhododendrons for beauty.


first of all, from the planning of the site, what is appropriate, otherwise transplanting from place to place does not bring any benefit; installing a greenhouse also requires choosing a location. and you can plant everything that grows in your region...
apple trees, pears, currants, honeysuckle, rowan, mulberry, nuts, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, sloe, serviceberry, barberry, chokeberry
gooseberries, blueberries, etc)) it is better to plant in the spring - the survival rate is greater

Kazimir Diamonds

You lay the garden on the north side of the site so that the shadow of the trees does not fall on the beds and shrubs. You place the greenhouse from north to south, also for lighting reasons. Well, you plant whatever you can get. Try one seed at a time, including even strawberries, watermelon and potatoes


trees and shrubs at your discretion and depending on the region (apple tree, cherry, currant, plum, honeysuckle, etc.) and preferably in early spring and better on the eastern side of the garden, and in the greenhouse I grow cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and This year I planted flowers for seedlings there in April - it’s very convenient - you don’t have to plant and worry at home, and you can sell the excess, and some people plant watermelons and melons - I don’t know if they grow there or not - I don’t plant, it’s easier to buy

where to plant fruit trees?


Here's a good article -
In any case, do not plant closer than 4-5 meters from paths and buildings. Better at 6-8 meters. Try to ensure that the grown tree does not shade the greenhouse.


in your case, the apple trees are only columnar, otherwise adult apple trees - apples - will break your greenhouse


Plant so that when the tree grows it will not shade the greenhouse, but the shadow will not interfere with the house


don't forget that the tree will grow

Vladimir Petrov

Plant where it is convenient for you but do not plant next to each other at least 3 meters between apple trees

Lyudmila Klochkova

trees are tall and short. When you plant, imagine that the tree is already mature and will fit into the space.

Planting seedlings "Orchard" How to create your beautiful garden

Preparation of planting holes and mounds, planting seedlings

When preparing the soil for the garden, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied in a higher dose throughout the entire area of ​​the site. The calculation of mineral fertilizers is described in the article “Fertilizing a new site.” Organic fertilizers are applied at least 10 kg per square meter of land. After this, the soil is dug to a depth of two spade bayonets or plantation plowing is carried out to a depth of 40-60 cm. But often fruit and berry plants have to be planted in areas where the cultivation process has not yet been completed or has not yet been carried out. Then prepare nutrient soil for planting holes.

Preparation of nutrient soil for planting holes and mounds

To prepare nutritious soil, peat, sand, and turf soil are used, and gardeners are offered imported black soil and manure humus. Peat is the preferred organic substrate, it has high moisture holding capacity and is practically free from plant pathogens. However, if the peat is acidic, it should be neutralized with lime. Well-rotted compost or manure humus can and should be used. Fresh or half-decomposed manure should not be used; it is better to cover it with film and leave it for 1-2 years to rot. Sand Usually they use pure river water. But to lighten heavy clay soil, it is not applied separately, but only in a mixture with peat, otherwise a “brick” will form. Chernozem It is extremely undesirable to use it taken from fields for agricultural crops due to its usually strong contamination with soil-borne pathogens of plant diseases. The same applies to soil from greenhouses, which is periodically replaced, and the old one can be sold to gardeners. Sod land(overburden soil) is the top fertile 20-40 cm layer of soil that builders remove in preparation for the construction of buildings. Turf soil is usually little infected with plant pathogens and is well suited for preparing nutritious soil.

For clay and loamy soils: Peat, humus, and sand are used to prepare nutritious soil. The peat-sand mixture is mixed in half with the top layer of clay soil taken out of the pit.

for a planting hole in dense clay soil, the nutrient soil must be mixed in half with clay and compacted after planting to reduce the flooding of the planting hole with water and the settling of the nutrient soil

Adding clay to the mixture is necessary to prevent the roots from getting stuck in planting holes on heavy clay and to reduce the settling of nutrient soil in it and the seedling being pulled down. If holes in dense clay are filled only with light nutrient soil, then rain or flood waters will fill the holes, the roots will become soaked and the plants may die.

For sandy and sandy loam soils: To prepare nutritious soil, peat, humus and turf (loamy) soil are used. To reduce the leaching of nutrient soil, it is placed in pits in layers and compacted. In addition to the recommended mineral fertilizers, magnesium-containing fertilizers, such as magnesium sulfate and potassium magnesia, are used for sandy soils. For example, instead of the required amount of potassium chloride or potassium sulfate, you can use double the amount of potassium magnesium.

For peaty soils: To prepare nutritious soil, peat, humus, turf (loamy) soil and sand are used. In addition to the recommended mineral fertilizers, magnesium-containing fertilizers are used, as for sandy soils.

Stone fruits do not tolerate acidic soils well, so when preparing nutrient soil for cherries, plums, and cherries, it is well neutralized with lime.

Preparation of planting holes

To plant apple and pear trees in a non-chernozem zone with ordinary poor sandy and loamy soil and a groundwater depth below 2 m, sufficiently large planting holes are prepared. For tall trees (apple trees, pears), the width of the planting hole is 1.0-1.5 m, the depth is 70-80 cm and deeper, in order to remove a very dense gley layer that is impenetrable to roots. For planting cherries, cherries, plums, and sea buckthorn, the width of the planting hole is 70-80 cm, but such a depth that the dense gley layer is removed. For currants and gooseberries, the width of the planting hole is 40-50 cm.

Planting cherries on heavy clay soils of the non-chernozem zone has some differences: they dig a wider hole of 1.3-1.5 m so that the tree “does not climb into the clay.” Conifers also do not like clay; they can make the same hole as stone fruits. A layer of drainage can be laid at the bottom of the hole, which, in combination with the drainage system of the site, will reduce the risk of the hole flooding and roots getting stuck.

On sandy soils in planting pits for fruit trees, you can make 2-3 screens from a mixture of clay and manure with a layer of several cm every 20 cm.

Table 1.Dimensions of planting holes


Among other things, we visited the greenhouse pavilion, where lemons, tangerines, etc. grew. Later, I read in Valentin Pikul’s novel “The Favorite” that during the time of Catherine II, peasants supplied both capitals with almost any fruit that they grew in their greenhouses and conservatories. And some landowners who were fond of agriculture, even organized the cultivation of pineapples. I don’t know how true these facts are, but I spotted citrus fruits at VDNKh.

I’ll give you another case. Once upon a time, a long time ago, I heard an Englishman being asked about when they get fresh strawberries. To this he replied: “Like when? At six o'clock in the morning." And the Japanese grow tomatoes, and not only them, on the flat roofs of buildings.

Of course, it’s difficult to surprise Muscovites with fresh strawberries in the middle of winter. All they have to do is go to the Riga market. But not even all Muscovites can afford this product, although the majority of Muscovites can sometimes afford this luxury “on a whim.”

So, we see that growing almost any fruit and berries is a very real thing. Moreover, it has already been implemented by many enterprising people. What is the essence of the idea proposed here? What's new about it? But the fact is that now, as a rule, hydroponic methods are used for these purposes. Moreover, special solutions are used mineral salts for plant nutrition. And flowers are grown more often in greenhouses, which is more profitable. But it is known that when plants are fed with mineral fertilizers, their ecological purity is very far from perfect. I propose a unique solution to the problem of growing environmentally friendly products, using the same hydroponics. To do this, it is enough to use vermicompost rather than solutions of mineral salts for nutrition. This site has an article on its production: . And for hydroponics, you just need to make a pipe system with holes and a tank where a suspension of vermicompost will be produced. And you'll need a pump. Technically, this is easy to do, so I won’t go into details.

This idea uses the basic natural principle of biogeocenosis, according to which animals utilize all unnecessary parts of plants (and in a plant, after it has produced seeds, all parts are no longer unnecessary), and plants utilize animal waste. The only difference from natural cycles is the significantly higher dynamics of the process.

A significant advantage of this approach is that the entire cycle can be placed in one room. Reducing costs for raw materials and transportation will help to dramatically reduce the cost of finished products. Consequently, even at relatively low prices for fresh strawberries or blueberries, the manufacturer will have excess profits.

There was a time when I even started to do all this. But then I was unable to solve the problem of eliminating many rather unpleasant odors. Now I am returning to this topic again, because here on the site this year an excellent solution to this problem appeared: .

Where can you grow berries and fruits using this method? It all depends on the required volume of finished products. For small production volumes, one room is enough. Even from this area you can completely provide for yourself, and there will be enough to sell. After all, the pipe system can be made in several rows, both vertically and horizontally. The only additional thing required for dense placement is the provision of light. Sodium lamps are usually used for this. You can also use quartz ones, but this should be done very carefully, because excess ultraviolet radiation will not lead to anything good.

In urban environments, if a large volume is required, you can use a basement or ground floor. True, now in major cities Already a room in the basement is not always easy to find, especially when it is needed close to where you live (Murphy’s law should also be taken into account). An excellent solution would be to equip such a “garden” on a flat roof. I must say that flat roofs- this is generally nonsense. They are always collectors of energy, which has a negative impact on people living in a house with such a roof. But that's a different topic. And if, after the appropriate equipment, you start growing plants on it all year round, then this will help to significantly reduce such negative impact. The Japanese should not be considered stupid people, but this is exactly the method of compensation they use - one might say, they kill two birds with one stone. But these are the Japanese, they have little land.

And, of course, rural areas are ideal for these purposes, or better yet, suburban areas - this is when you need to worry about transportation costs.

​Similar articles​

​Almost anything you have on hand is suitable as a container for tomato seedlings: plastic bottles, mayonnaise buckets, bags and boxes. But plastic cups are especially convenient: when planting in a greenhouse, we simply cut them on the sides and remove the plant with its roots preserved in dense soil. It is only important to make drainage holes in such cups - at least with the same awl, heated over a fire.​

​For glazing it is better to use special glass for greenhouses and greenhouses​

Greenhouse with a wooden frame - new trends

Undeserved oblivion

​The geodome wins the hearts of gardeners with its practicality​

​To build the frame you will need 4 trapezoidal blanks. The work begins with sawing the bars. 8 meter bars and 16 1.2 m bars are used. Blank racks are made from them. The edges of the joints are filed at an angle of 45°, the two bars are connected with screws. We connect the two racks together with a meter-long block. The result is a trapezoidal frame. It will need to be screwed to the base. A total of 4 such frames are made and installed in increments of no more than 1.5 m. The frame elements are connected to each other using wooden blocks. Two bars are nailed across the width from the inside of the greenhouse and on top of the transverse parts of the frame. An opening for a door is made on the end side of the building. The greenhouse can be covered with film and polycarbonate.​

A new era for the timber frame greenhouse

​Scheme of the end greenhouse frame.​

​Modern wooden greenhouse designs are durable and reliable structures.​

​The first layer has been laid, but the individual elements need to be fastened together.​

Transformer is quite real!

​This is the only element for creating a greenhouse.​

​By adding the required number of arcs, we can increase the length of our greenhouse, but its width will remain unchanged;​

  • ​Today we continue the conversation about greenhouses and talk about wooden greenhouses.​
  • ​There is only one difficulty in growing seedlings in glasses and boxes - the soil in them quickly dries out and cracks due to its small volume. But instead of endless loosening and spraying, use the remains of granulated tea you drink (not leaf tea, so as not to cause mold). This unusual mulching will allow you to retain moisture much better and create a more even surface, which is healthier for plants. The same applies to the coffee grounds of an unsweetened drink.​

​The glass should be placed from below, leaving an overlap of 1.5 cm. Before installing the glass, putty must first be applied to the frames. After installing the glass, you need to secure it with glazing beads and nails without heads and coat it with putty again.​

The most common option is a greenhouse with straight walls and a gable roof. It can be easily glazed or covered with film. Moreover, at the height of the beds, the walls can be covered with boards - this will make the structure more durable and will save on film or glass. It is irrational to use polycarbonate for such a structure - there will be too many residues that are unsuitable for use. Therefore, it is better to make wooden polycarbonate greenhouses arched; they are more economical: you will need two whole sheets, and one will need to be cut in half.​

  • ​If you want to make a glass greenhouse, choose a traditional design with a gable roof. And this is how it is built. Vertical posts with a height of 1.5 m are attached to the base. On top, along the perimeter, bars are attached - strapping. Next, two 1.2 m bars are taken, cuts are made, the parts are screwed at an angle of 45° and connected to each other. The result will be an isosceles triangle.​​The saying “the bigger the better” when choosing the size of a greenhouse will not work. Experienced gardeners advise growing crops with the same agrotechnical characteristics in the same greenhouse. From growing cucumbers and tomatoes together great benefit will not be. Cucumbers require high humidity, but it is destructive for tomatoes. You won’t get a big harvest if you grow eggplants and peppers together. They have different temperature preferences and day length requirements. Most the best option is a greenhouse with an area of ​​3x6. It is quite compact, and the harvest is enough for a family of 6 people.​ ​Building greenhouses from wood is sometimes preferable to constructing a greenhouse from other materials (window frames or double-glazed windows).​
  • ​The result will be the frame of the future greenhouse.​

​To do this, we place the second layer on top so that the center of the element of the second layer falls exactly on the center of the junction of the elements of the first layer.​

Building a wooden frame for a greenhouse

​We will also need to make stiffening ribs, but since we will be making them from 50X50 mm timber, we did not post a drawing of them, since making them will not be difficult, we sawed off a piece of 900 - 1000 mm and we’re done.​

​The arches are large, and storing arches that are not needed at this time is problematic. In addition, we told you about the possibility of changing the size of the greenhouse not only in length but also in width;​

  • ​More than ten years ago on our garden plots There were basically only do-it-yourself wooden greenhouses, covered with ordinary plastic film or, at best, glass.​
  • ​The soil for seedlings can be used as usual, from the garden, adding only a third of humus. In such soil, it will then be easy to extract tender shoots so as not to injure the roots. But then greenhouse tomatoes need denser soil.​
  • ​Film was and remains, at first glance, the most economical material. It is inexpensive, but its service life is one season. In winter, it will either tear, unable to withstand the frost and the weight of snow, or it will fade and lose its light-conducting qualities. Therefore, the greenhouse must be covered annually, and in dry, warm and windless weather. And you can forget about early planting of seedlings with such a greenhouse. In addition, the film is dangerous because it is too hot in the greenhouse during the day, and at night the heat quickly evaporates, and the plants are absolutely not protected from frost.​
  • ​The greenhouse can be very compact, it all depends on your preferences​
  • ​​

​As for the shape of the greenhouse, it can be tented, arched, in the shape of a pyramid or geodome - the choice here depends on the preferences of the summer resident. The geodome shape is gaining great popularity due to its practicality. The simplest and most common option is a greenhouse with straight walls and a gable roof. It can be glazed or covered with film. The walls at the height of the beds can be sheathed with boards, this will add strength to the structure and allow you to save on glass or film. It is irrational to use polycarbonate for such a building: unusable residues will remain. Therefore, it is better to make greenhouses covered with polycarbonate arched. This option is more economical: you will need two whole sheets, and the third will need to be cut in half.​

​Take our greenhouse for example.​

  • ​As you understand, this is the step size of our frame.​
  • ​This means that our arches must be completely dismountable, consist of exactly the same elements, and at the same time, when assembled, can withstand a serious load.​
  • ​Gardeners grew plants in them for many years until the wooden structure became unusable, because in those days there were no special impregnations.​

​When growing tomato seedlings, place crushed eggshells at the bottom of the container, which will serve as both drainage and calcium supplement. For elongated tomatoes that are susceptible to blossom end rot, this is especially important.​

  • Film greenhouses are a favorite option for summer residents
  • ​The frame of a building can be made of a variety of materials, wood being the first among them. Firstly, a greenhouse made of wood is cheaper than its metal counterparts: on average, the costs range from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, depending on the type of coating. Secondly, its construction does not require any special knowledge or any special skills. Thirdly, when proper care She “lives” long enough.​
  • Then the rafters are installed at a distance of 1 m from each other. Finally, the ridge beam is nailed.
  • ​The frame of a greenhouse can be built from a variety of materials and tools, and wood is the most popular of them. Firstly, a wooden greenhouse will cost less than a metal one: depending on the type of coating, construction can cost from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. Secondly, its construction does not require special knowledge and skills. Thirdly, with proper operation and care, the greenhouse can last quite a long time. To build a greenhouse you will need the following materials and tools:​
  • ​Having spare elements of this greenhouse in stock, you can always replace a damaged element in a very short time without the need to rebuild the entire structure.​
  • ​Stiffening ribs can be installed immediately after installing the arches, or during installation. For this purpose, pieces of timber 50X50 mm are used.​

​Accordingly, the joint of the elements of the second layer is laid in the middle of the element of the first layer. Everything is quite clear in the pictures.​

​Important - the number of elements to create an arc is strictly individual. It all depends on the size of the greenhouse. By adding or removing a certain number of elements, we change the width and height of the greenhouse. The length of the greenhouse depends on the number of installed arcs, it’s simple.​

  • ​Challenging task? Absolutely not. The fact is that we will produce elements that, although small in size and assembled, will perfectly withstand any load.​
  • ​Life does not stand still, the emergence of various new materials and the production of industrial greenhouses made of metal, plastic, profiles of various sections and purposes, relegated wooden greenhouses to the background.​
  • ​And it is important that the planted seedlings feel good in the greenhouse. Here is one of the most successful projects of greenhouse beds for this crop:​
  • ​The film is stretched as one piece, from bottom to top. First, the bottom edge is attached, then the film is carefully stretched and secured in the middle, then on top. It is best to use slats for fastening. This way the film will not tear at the fastening site due to gusts of wind.​

The first task is to manufacture the key element

​To build a 3x6 m greenhouse you will need timber for the base with a section of 100*100, timber for racks 50*50, boards for equipping beds, 20 meters of film or 3 sheets of polycarbonate.​

  • ​You can cover the greenhouse with your own hands with film, polycarbonate or glass. Each material has its own advantages.​
  • ​Foundation formwork diagram for a wooden greenhouse made from window frames.​

​All elements are identical, so there will be no problems with repairs.​

​Their length directly depends on the pitch distance of the arcs of our greenhouse. In our case it is 900 mm.​

​In order to produce the element shown in the drawing, it is necessary to make a pattern. Thick cardboard is suitable for this.​

  • ​Preparation of material​
  • ​And yet this is an excellent material for human and plant life, these greenhouses are special, they have a special atmosphere, smell, and I must add that they themselves are alive.​

​Having prepared the soil for planting tomatoes, make holes 20-25 cm deep. Leave the distance between holes within 70-90 cm, and plant plants in rows at a distance of 30-50 cm.​

  • ​Polycarbonate is a modern material with exceptional properties. It is more expensive than film, but cheaper than glass. It has UV protection, transmits light well, and retains heat. The material is light and durable, easy to transport, as it is rolled into a fairly compact roll. It can be easily cut with an ordinary stationery knife, and it is almost impossible to tear or break it. Withstands frosts down to -40˚С and does not lose its qualities. The only “don’t” in winter is to clear the snow with improvised means or garden tools.​
  • ​The wooden beam structure will harmoniously fit into the design of the garden estate
  • ​However, there is a general rule for covering greenhouses: you need to work in warm, dry and windless weather.​

​The frame of a building can be made of a variety of materials; wood comes first among them. Firstly, a greenhouse made of wood is cheaper than a metal one: on average, costs range from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, it all depends on the type of coating. Secondly, its construction does not require any special knowledge or any special skills. Thirdly, with proper care it will last a very long time. To build a 3x6 m greenhouse you will need the following materials and tools:​

Arc assembly - first layer

​It is enough to unscrew the damaged element and install a new one in its place.​

​The elements are fastened together using self-tapping screws.​

  • ​The pattern is ready.​
  • ​A DIY greenhouse made of wood necessarily involves the use of wood, so you need to prepare the material.​

​But there are still many gardeners who still have a love for wood and continue to use greenhouses made of wood, and for good reason.​

​If you have well fertilized the beds for future tomatoes, then in the summer there should be no problem with nutrients. The only thing that can interfere is diseases of the root and stem, which will prevent you from taking everything you need from the ground. In this case, you will then switch to foliar feeding, spraying the plants with Fertika Lux solution every week, taking 10 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.​

​Polycarbonate is easy to clean and lasts more than 15 years. In addition, even a fragile woman paired with a sufficiently mature son or daughter can cover a greenhouse with polycarbonate - this material is so easy to install.​

​In order to install a greenhouse, you need desire, a little knowledge, a standard set of carpentry skills, an assistant and one working day.​

​Glass is considered the ideal material for greenhouses. Most often, window glass with a thickness of 4 mm or special glass for greenhouses and greenhouses is used. It retains heat well, transmits sunlight and lasts a long time. The ground in such greenhouses thaws, which allows planting to be done earlier. However, glass is a fairly expensive material, and glazing a greenhouse requires special knowledge. In addition, this material is easy to break. It is not advisable to install a glass greenhouse in unguarded areas: it can be broken by hooligans and vandals.​

​bars for the base section 100*100;​

Second layer - fastening

  • But that's not all. In one of the articles we described dome-type greenhouses (see Dome greenhouse). So, having these elements at hand, it costs nothing to assemble a domed greenhouse of any size from them.​
  • ​As you can see, using one common element and one auxiliary element, you can assemble wooden greenhouses with your own hands for your plot of almost any size.​

​To do this, holes are drilled in the elements of the first layer of such a diameter that the screws fit into them with interference.​

  • ​We take a board 50 mm thick and put a pattern on it.​

​We will need a board 50 mm thick​

  • ​Modern construction of a greenhouse made of wood can be completely different from how greenhouses were built over the years.​
  • Well, the time has finally come to plant tomatoes. The soil is ready, the air and ground temperatures are normal, spring is in full swing - it’s time to bring seedlings to the greenhouse. And then everything is simpler:​
  • Polycarbonate is increasingly being used for modern greenhouses

​Let's look at the stages of construction work step by step.​

  • ​Diagram of a wooden greenhouse.​
  • ​bars for racks with a section of 50*50;​

Foundation and impregnation - components of durability

​As for fastening the stiffeners, it should be said this way: they are fastened using self-tapping screws and furniture corners.​ ​Next, the screws are screwed into the first, bottom layer and thus the entire structure is assembled.​

​Using a marker, we trace the pattern, transferring its outline to the board.​

​Beam 50X50 mm​

​Today we will just talk about the fact that you can make greenhouses with your own hands from wood in a completely different way, using prefabricated modular technology.​

​We bring in the boxes with seedlings and water them.​

​In order to cover the greenhouse with polycarbonate, you need to free the sheet from the protective film on the inside. Main secret– the frame of the greenhouse must be perfectly level. We place a sheet of polycarbonate on the frame, fasten it from bottom to top with special self-tapping screws at a distance of 50-60 cm. Another nuance: this material is very light, the slightest gust of wind makes it quite difficult to hold it. Therefore, we choose a calm, sunny day for work.​

Installation of arches - frame assembly

​We buy building materials and treat them with special impregnations for wood. They will protect the frame from cracking, rotting and mold.​

​Film, at first glance, seems to be an economical material. It has a low price, but does not last long. In winter, it can tear under the weight of snow or become dull and lose its light-conducting properties. Therefore, the greenhouse will have to be covered annually, and in warm, dry and windless weather. Therefore, it will not be possible to plant seedlings early with such a greenhouse. In addition, the film creates heat in the greenhouse during the day, and at night the heat is quickly lost, and the plants become unprotected from the cold. The film must be stretched as one piece, from bottom to top. First, the lower part is attached, then the film is stretched and secured in the middle and on top. It is best to fasten using slats. This will protect the film from damage in windy weather.​

  • ​polycarbonate sheet 3 sheets or 20 m of film;​
  • ​Some may think that a do-it-yourself wooden greenhouse built in this way is quite complicated and will take a lot of time.​
  • ​This allows you to use the same elements of stiffeners for a greenhouse of any size.​
  • Our advice is that you will need a lot of elements. Therefore, try to economically place the pattern on the board to obtain a minimum of waste.​


Stiffening rib

  • ​What is its advantage?​
  • ​We pick up wet soil from the hole with one hand, plant the plant with the other, and cover the roots with wet soil.​

We use boards for fencing. The optimal height is 30-40 cm. We add humus and fertilizers. On the north side we place a container with water. During the day it will heat up, and at night it will give off additional heat. In addition, this will allow you to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the greenhouse.​

​We level the land allocated for the greenhouse. We check the work with a building level. If the greenhouse will be heated, at this stage the heating system pipes should be laid under the future beds.​

  • ​Polycarbonate is a modern material with exceptional properties. It is cheaper than glass, but more expensive than film. Polycarbonate allows sunlight to pass through, is protected from ultraviolet rays and retains heat well. The material is durable, lightweight, and easily transportable. It can be cut with an ordinary stationery knife, but it cannot be broken or torn. Withstands low temperatures without losing its properties. The only restriction is the prohibition on cleaning the greenhouse from snow with improvised means or garden tools. Polycarbonate lasts more than 15 years and is easy to clean. Even a woman together with her son or daughter can cover a greenhouse with this material - polycarbonate is so easy to install.​
  • ​saw;​

​On the one hand this is true, on the other hand not quite.​

​The result is a strong arc of exactly the specified size.​

Windows – place them where it’s convenient

​Using a jigsaw we cut out individual elements​

  • ​Metal corners. Furniture corners are good

​The fact is that do-it-yourself wooden greenhouses are usually built from timber. For this purpose, timber is purchased, cut to right size and the structure is assembled. For such a greenhouse, the foundation is also often made of timber.​

  • ​Fill the hole with dry soil, level it as much as possible and compact it a little.​

​The optimal height of beds in a greenhouse is 30-40 cm​

Reliability - the ratio of elements plus shape

  • ​Building the base of the greenhouse. For this you will need a 100*100 beam. We fasten the sides of the base with special staples; for greater strength, we additionally attach steel corners.​
  • ​In order to make a polycarbonate greenhouse, you need to free the material from the internal protective film. The frame of the greenhouse must be perfectly level. The sheet is placed on the frame and secured from below with special screws at a distance of 0.5-0.6 m. Since polycarbonate is very light, it will be quite difficult to hold it in case of gusts of wind. Therefore, work should be carried out on a sunny, windless day.​


  • ​Indeed, a large number of elements will take a lot of time to produce.​
  • ​As you can see, our wooden greenhouse project is quite versatile and is a kind of Lego set for gardeners.​
  • ​In this way, all subsequent arches are made. Their number directly depends on the length of our greenhouse.​
  • ​The edges can be processed using a small plane.​
  • ​Required tool:​
  • ​Well, if you are planning to increase the size of your greenhouse or, on the contrary, reduce its size, what should you do in this case?​

New projects under wood

​We tie up the seedlings by hanging hooks with a wound rope from the crossbars. Tie the rope itself to the stem as low as possible. Leave a little margin so that heavier tomatoes do not tighten the fastening later.​

  • ​Whatever greenhouse you choose, it will provide the opportunity to obtain a rich harvest of heat-loving crops. Of course, preference should be given to the one that will last as long as possible. Therefore, it is best to build a wooden greenhouse under polycarbonate with your own hands. The experience of gardeners shows that this is the best combination of price and quality.​
  • ​The base can be installed directly on the ground, or you can pour a strip foundation, cover it with roofing felt and only then install the base. In the latter case, you will have to tinker and spend extra money on Construction Materials, but the service life of the greenhouse will almost double.
  • ​​

Need a dome? - No problem


​But you can build a small greenhouse first, and if necessary, expand it over time simply by adding new elements.​

Everything good takes time

​You can install such a greenhouse

  • ​The result should be an element exactly the same as shown in the picture.​
  • ​Hacksaw​
  • ​The situation in this case is clear, the greenhouse has to be rebuilt and cut, nailed or screwed again;​

By the way, you can also tie tomatoes in a greenhouse in different ways:

​Consultation with a competent seller or a detailed article on our website will help you in your choice. The main thing is to choose the variety that is most successfully grown in your region, is intended specifically for the greenhouse and does not require special “dancing with tambourines,” as gardeners like to say. There are also varieties that meet individual requirements: with fruits of the desired shape and color, a certain height of the bushes, and the possession of pickling or salad qualities. Lastly, be sure to look at the seed date and production.​

The timber base of the greenhouse must be treated with an antiseptic

​To fence the beds, boards 30-40 cm high are used. Fertilizers and humus are applied. A container of water is placed on the north side. It will heat up during the day and gradually release heat at night. In addition, this will maintain optimal air humidity.​

How to build a wooden greenhouse


​It's very practical and convenient. If you handle the wooden parts well, such a DIY wooden greenhouse will serve you for many years.​

​The only thing that is non-standard in our designer is the spacers in the end parts of our greenhouse, where the door and window are located.​

Choosing a place for a greenhouse

​on any flat surface of your site​


Determining the area and shape of the building

​At the same time, the configuration of the structure itself changes.​

​Plant tomato seedlings only after the end of night frosts, and preferably in cloudy weather. Overnight, such seedlings will have time to gain a good foothold in a new place.

​Basically, tomato varieties are distinguished as indeterminate and determinate. To summarize everything, indeterminate varieties are good because they manage to set 6-7 tassels up to the trellis, which promises a rich harvest, while determinate varieties do not grow above 1 m, and therefore there will always be enough light and air in the greenhouse.​

​We install a wooden frame for the greenhouse. The sequence of work for an arched structure is somewhat different from the construction of a tented greenhouse.​

Selection of materials and tools

​Ideally, you need to install the greenhouse on a flat, open area, on which the shadow of fruit trees or country houses does not fall during the day. If there is no such place in your garden, do not be upset. One of the optimal solutions is a wall-mounted wooden greenhouse.​

​concrete mortar;​

​When starting to build greenhouses, it is important to understand that wood greenhouse projects are very numerous and can satisfy a wide variety of requests and needs.​

  • ​About the windows. They can be installed in almost any part of our greenhouse.​
  • ​. But if you want a wooden greenhouse with your own hands to serve you for many years, you need to build a foundation for the greenhouse.​
  • ​In our case, it took 17 elements to make the arc. But we repeat this, everything is arbitrary, it all depends on the required size of the greenhouse.​
  • ​Screwdriver​
  • ​What if we tell you that you can do it in a completely different way. Just make the required number of elements, from which you can easily assemble wooden greenhouses of various sizes with your own hands.​
  • ​I can advise you to plant trees so that in the future they do not shade the area; leave space and a sunny side for low-growing plants. It is necessary to dig up, remove weeds, fertilize if necessary, and then you will see for yourself what and how to plant so that it does not interfere with both you and the plants.​
  • ​You can prepare the seeds manually by collecting them from the previous harvest. This is what many people do who are tired of bringing home counterfeit products from the market, which then don’t even sprout. There is nothing complicated in this matter, just remember that not all fruits can be left with seeds. For example, from hybrids - next year their offspring will give you crooked and sickly bushes with fruits that are far from marketable.​
  • ​Let's take a closer look at how to build a greenhouse from trapezoidal wood - one of the types of arched structures.​
  • ​It is attached to the southern wall of any dacha building, is in the sun most of the day and only “hides” in the shadows in the evening. In such greenhouses it is good to grow short-day crops, for example, eggplants.​
  • ​wooden formwork;​

​Therefore, it is too early to write off such greenhouses. In our article we simply tried to talk about one thing, in our opinion, interesting project such greenhouses.​

​Today we will not describe the construction of the foundation, this is not our topic, and on the pages of our resource there is a description of the construction of the foundation for a greenhouse (see the section foundations). Therefore, we will skip this part of the construction.​

​Our information is that with these elements in stock, you can always quickly assemble a greenhouse of the required size. They are compact and easy to store.​

Construction of a foundation for a greenhouse


​The most interesting thing in this case is that all the elements are strictly the same, in other words, by choosing one shape and size, you will simply make exactly the same parts from wood, from which you can successfully assemble a greenhouse under film or polycarbonate.​

​in greenhouses you can grow ANYTHING!​

How to make a standard greenhouse

But, if everything is in order with the chosen variety, and you really liked the resulting harvest, then leave the most beautiful and even fruits for seeds. It is advisable to take these only from the first brushes - your secrets of nature. But don’t pick them right away - let them ripen as much as possible, but also don’t allow them to overripe. Then collect these tomatoes, place them in a warm and dry place, and let them ripen for another two weeks. This will make the fruits soft, ready for harvesting. But, if during these weeks you find the first signs of rot on any of the fruits, take the seeds immediately.

​To build the frame you will need four trapezoidal blanks. We begin work by sawing the bars. You will need 16 bars 1.2 m long, 8 meter long.​

​Another option is to take a place next to low-growing bushes - currants, honeysuckle, blueberries. They do not provide much shade; their root system lies deep in the ground.​

​waterproofing material.​

​Looking at photographs and videos of various garden plots, you can see that wooden greenhouses are successfully used by many gardeners.​

Closing the greenhouse

​The rectangular parts of the walls and roof allow us to do this completely freely.​​But our entire frame is made of wood. Therefore, just building a foundation will not solve the problem of the durability of our greenhouse.​

​Let's try to assemble the first arc. This is done as follows.​

​Construction tape​

​Deleting or adding elements,​

​Fruit trees are best planted in early spring, when the buds have not yet bloomed, or in the fall - now you are already a little late. Dig a hole with a diameter of 40-50 cm and the same depth or more depending on the seedling, fill it with fertilized soil, and plant.

​And here’s what the harvest itself looks like: cut the tomato into two halves, then carefully remove the seeds with a spoon. Because they will be shrouded in pulp, rinse them under running water, for which it is more convenient to spread the seeds on a sieve. Then lay out a couple of newspapers and lay out your catch so that it dries well. The air temperature should be at least 30°C, but keep out of direct sunlight.​

​Installation of greenhouse stands​

​We choose the sunniest place for the greenhouse​

Do-it-yourself wooden greenhouse: how to build quickly and efficiently

Allocating space for a greenhouse

​In order to build a greenhouse, you need desire, a little knowledge, carpentry skills, a partner and one working day. The greenhouse you make will become a source of your pride and a real decoration of the site. What are the main stages of work? Construction begins with the purchase of building materials and impregnation wooden products antiseptics. They will protect the frame from rotting, cracking and mold.​

​Good luck to you!​

​Building a greenhouse out of wood correctly is not the whole task; the main thing here is to preserve the wooden frame from dampness and mold.​

​A cross-section of our future greenhouse is marked on a flat surface.​

  • ​Building level​
  • ​you can change the size of the greenhouse​
  • ​The right desire. Fruit tree seedlings are planted either in spring or autumn, after leaf fall. It is true that anything can be grown in greenhouses, but different plants prefer different conditions (temperature, humidity). Therefore, the best option is to have (at least) two greenhouses.​

​These carefully prepared seeds can be stored for up to 5 years, but remember that every year the germination rate will deteriorate slightly. And for convenience, make small paper envelopes for storage, on which write the variety and year of collection.​

​We make blank racks. We file the edges of the joints at an angle of 45 degrees, twist the two bars with screws. We connect the two racks together with a 1 meter long block. We received a trapezoidal frame. We screw it to the base. We make 4 such frames and install them at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters from each other. We connect them together using wooden blocks. We nail two widthwise bars on the inside of the greenhouse, as well as on top of the transverse bars. On the end side we make openings for the door. Such a greenhouse can be covered with polycarbonate or film.​

​The area of ​​the greenhouse depends on many factors, the following play a decisive role:​

​Then it is necessary to level the land allocated for the building. The work must be checked at the building level. If the greenhouse will be heated, at this stage it is necessary to provide for the laying of heating pipes. Then the foundation is erected and the base of the greenhouse is built from 100*100 timber. The sides are fastened with special staples and steel corners.​

​Since the dacha plot is mainly intended for growing vegetables and fruits, the vegetable garden should be used as efficiently as possible. However, the garden is dormant for most of the year until the weather warms up (since neither vegetables nor fruits can grow in winter). A building like a do-it-yourself wooden greenhouse will help solve this problem. What a greenhouse is and how to make a greenhouse will be discussed further.​

​This design is freely suitable for covering both polyethylene film and polycarbonate sheets.​

Choosing building materials

​Nowadays there are a large number of different products on sale for treating wood against moisture and rot. Take advantage of these tools.​

​The drawing is not always important (see Drawing of a polycarbonate greenhouse: how to make it?). We are presented with a wooden greenhouse covered with plastic film or polycarbonate.​

​, and store excess parts in the utility room.​

​Trees and shrubs with a closed root system can be grown at any time of positive temperatures. If you go into my world, there are photos and comments for them throughout the greenhouses and gardens. Everything is described in great detail, including varieties and agricultural technology. As for digging holes and planting in a greenhouse - this has already been discussed in detail here - there were many interesting recommendations. Go to these discussions through my account in the answers and you will find all our discussions on these issues. You will leave your office on the web of questions and learn many different opinions, you will see a lot of practical advice. It’s just a broad, interesting topic that can’t be described in a few words.​

  • ​Now we are preparing tomato seeds for growing in a greenhouse. To do this, first discard them by placing them in a 5% saline solution for 10 minutes, removing all floating specimens. After this, rinse them and place them on a clean paper napkin, previously moistened with water. Place another one of the same on top and leave for 20 hours in a warm place. After this, the planting material is completely ready.
  • It is necessary to correctly connect the frame parts
  • ​size personal plot: many summer cottage owners simply have nowhere to place a 10m*10m greenhouse;​

​The base of the greenhouse can be placed directly on the ground, but for greater reliability, you can build a foundation, waterproof it, and only then mount the base.​

​The greenhouse is designed for growing fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants in all seasons.​

  • A greenhouse made of wood and glass requires the construction of a powerful frame. This is primarily due to the desire to ensure better safety of the glass.​

Building a trapezoid greenhouse

​Our advice is to make the elements for your greenhouse, immediately treat them with protective agents before starting assembly. Disassembled elements are much easier to process, and the quality of the coating will be much higher.​

​If necessary, you can always return them to their original size.​

​First of all, trees: apple, cherry, plum, pear. and a bush. Rhododendrons for beauty.​

Tomato seeds should be prepared for growing seedlings as follows:

​For glazing, traditional greenhouses with a gable roof are more suitable. Let's figure out how to build a wooden greenhouse of this type.​

​type of crops to be grown: peppers take up less space than tomatoes or cucumbers;​

Closing the greenhouse

​You will have to tinker a little with the construction of the foundation, but the service life of the structure will increase significantly. Then a wooden frame for the greenhouse is installed. The sequence of work on the construction of an arched and hipped structure is slightly different.​

​The greenhouse is used to grow fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants late autumn, winter and early spring. A country greenhouse allows you to grow exotic plants growing 1000 km south of your region. The greenhouse design consists of a frame covered with transparent roofing material. The frame of this structure can be built from metal, wood or plastic. Film coating, polycarbonate and glass are used as roofing materials.​

​Having examined the greenhouse described above, someone may doubt its resistance to loads. Their doubts are understandable to us, because the individual elements assembled into a single whole represent, at first glance, an unreliable structure.​

​You can install the first arc of our frame.​

​In the end, you should end up looking like in the picture.​

​The question arises, how to build a wooden greenhouse with your own hands that contains the same elements and can be freely transformed to different sizes?​

​Tempting, interesting? So how can you build a greenhouse made of wood in such a way that it is no worse than greenhouses made from modern materials, and in some cases even surpasses them in certain parameters?​

​First of all, with the layout of the site, what is appropriate, otherwise transplanting from place to place does not bring any benefit; installing a greenhouse also requires choosing a location. and you can plant everything that grows in your region...

​Step 1. Pour the substrate into the box and shake it several times. In this way we achieve an ideal horizontal plane on which we lay out the seeds. If you have not processed them, then in increments of at least 1 cm.​

​We attach vertical posts 1.5 meters high to the base of the building at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. We nail the strapping bars on top around the perimeter. Now we take two bars 1.2 m long, make cuts, screw them to the harness at an angle of 45 degrees and connect them together. The result is an isosceles triangle. We install the rafters at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. Finally, we nail the ridge beam.​

​the amount of money that a gardener is willing to spend: the consumption of building materials depends on the size of the greenhouse.​

​Scheme step by step instructions, on which you can make a foundation.​

​Scheme of a small wooden greenhouse.​

​Your fears are completely unfounded.​

How to prepare seeds yourself?

​Before you create a greenhouse, be sure to have a drawing of a wooden greenhouse or, in extreme cases, a sketch. In our case this is not necessary.​

​Let's get on with it right now.​

​apple trees, pears, currants, honeysuckle, rowan, mulberry, nuts, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, sloe, serviceberry, barberry, chokeberry

How to grow healthy and strong tomato seedlings?

For the frame of a tented greenhouse with a gable roof, it is better to use 50*50 timber

​The more, the better - in the case of a greenhouse, this is not quite the right approach. Experienced gardeners know that plants with the same agrotechnical properties should be grown “under one roof.” So, there will be little benefit from co-cultivating cucumbers and tomatoes. For the former, high humidity is needed, for the latter it is destructive. Will not work big harvest and when growing peppers together with eggplants. They have different temperature “preferences” and radically opposite requirements for the length of daylight hours during fruiting.​

  • ​To build a wooden greenhouse, you can choose any type of foundation, the main thing is that it is stable and reliable. However, it is recommended to give preference to a brick or strip foundation. These bases have all the properties necessary for a greenhouse, and they are also affordable, making them the most practical option. However, if you choose from these two options, the most suitable for a wooden greenhouse is, of course, a strip foundation.​
  • ​It is best to build a greenhouse on a flat, open area where shadows from fruit trees or buildings do not fall during the day. If there is no such place on your site, do not despair; the optimal solution in such a situation is a wall-mounted wooden greenhouse. It is attached to the southern wall of any country building, which is in the sun most of the day and only hides in the shade in the evening.​
  • ​The greenhouse constructed in this way is very durable.​

​There are many options for attaching to the foundation, we will not focus on them;​

​It is important to note that we can easily change the configuration of the arc and thereby adjust not only the width and height, but also the configuration of the future greenhouse.​

​Before us is a drawing of the key element of such a greenhouse, indicating the exact dimensions.​

​Arc problems:​

​gooseberries, blueberries, etc)) it is better to plant in the spring - the survival rate is greater

Step 3. Cover everything with a 1 cm layer of soil and spray again. We put the box in a bag and place it in a warm place, about 25°C.​

​For this you can use film, polycarbonate or glass. Each material has its own advantages. There is one rule for covering greenhouses: you need to work in dry, warm and windless weather.​

Planting tomatoes in greenhouse beds

​The most optimal area of ​​the greenhouse is 3x6 m. This structure is quite compact, and the harvest can be quite sufficient for a family of 6 people.​

The foundation should have a depth of 40-60 and a height above the ground of 20-30 cm. The foundation must be reinforced, this will make it more durable and protect it from subsidence. Such a foundation can be built not only for a wooden greenhouse, but also for any other. If you decide to move and completely dismantle the greenhouse, the foundation can be reused to build a small outbuilding. Strip foundation it needs to be waterproofed, this will protect it from moisture and extend its service life. The shape of the foundation and its dimensions will depend entirely on the size of the greenhouse and the load on the foundation.​

​Short-day crops grow well in such a greenhouse, such as eggplants. Another option is to allocate space for a greenhouse next to low shrubs: honeysuckle, currants, blueberries. They provide little shade and the root system is deep in the ground.​

  • ​Using glass in its covering, it can be called a greenhouse made of glass and wood.​
  • ​When pouring a concrete foundation, you can embed pieces of a metal corner into the concrete and secure the arc with bolts;​
  • ​You can use these sizes, or you can choose your own. How to do this will become clear in due time, by the end of reading this article.​

​The frame of any greenhouse necessarily consists of arcs. The arches must have sufficient strength;

​You plant the garden on the north side of the site so that the shadow of the trees does not fall on the beds and bushes. You place the greenhouse from north to south, also for lighting reasons. Well, you plant whatever you can get. Try one seed at a time, including even strawberries, watermelon and potatoes

I want to plant fruit trees on my property and install a greenhouse

Vladimir Bendrikov

Now the seeds are provided with the best conditions for germination. All that remains is to check the seeds every three days, ventilating them and spraying them with water. As soon as you notice the first loops, pick it up for disembarkation, otherwise you may be late. The only thing you definitely need to pay attention to is the “caps” from the skin of the seeds, which can prevent the leaves from opening. Wet them with water or carefully remove them with your hands.​

Evgeniy Sheiko

​Glass is considered an ideal material. Most often, 4mm window glass or special glass for greenhouses and greenhouses is used. It lasts a long time, transmits sunlight well and retains heat. In such greenhouses, the ground thaws faster, so earlier plantings can be done. However, this material is expensive, and special skills are required to glaze a greenhouse. In addition, it can be easily broken. Therefore, it is irrational to install such a fragile structure on unguarded summer cottages: no one is safe from hooligans and vandals.​


​As for the design: will it be tent-shaped, arched, in the shape of a pyramid or geodome - here the choice of the gardener depends on his personal preferences. The fruits of the creative imagination of summer residents can be seen in the photos below of do-it-yourself wooden greenhouses.​


​Diagram of a wooden greenhouse covered with polycarbonate.​


​When choosing the area of ​​a greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account many factors, among which the following play a decisive role: size summer cottage, some areas simply do not allow for large greenhouses. Type of crops to be grown: Cucumbers and tomatoes require more space than peppers. You also need to decide on the amount of money you are willing to spend on building a greenhouse. The amount of materials needed depends on the size of the greenhouse.​


​But the use of glass in this design is not at all cost-effective, not because of the strength of the structure, but because of the complexity of installing the glass covering on this frame.​


Kazimir Diamonds

​It is clear that making arcs of a certain size will not be difficult;​


​trees and shrubs at your discretion and depending on the region (apple tree, cherry, currant, plum, honeysuckle, etc.) and preferably in early spring and better on the eastern side of the garden, and in the greenhouse I grow cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and This year I planted flowers there for seedlings in April - it’s very convenient - you don’t have to plant and struggle at home, and you can sell the excess, and some people plant watermelons and melons - I don’t know if they grow there or not - I don’t plant, it’s easier to buy

​As soon as the cotyledons open, lower the temperature and move the seedlings to a brighter place. And as soon as the first pair of true leaves appears, start picking.

Spring pruning of fruit trees

Greenhouse » Fruit crops

Fruit crops

A variety of fruit crops can be grown in an unheated greenhouse. The best results are obtained from growing melons, strawberries, grapes, peaches and apricots. Constant conditions maintained in the greenhouse and protection from adverse environmental influences make it possible to obtain an earlier and guaranteed harvest of fruit crops compared to open ground, especially in areas with low summer temperatures. Many gardeners are held back by the fact that fruit crops, in particular grapes, peaches and apricots, take up a lot of space. It is advisable to use the entire area of ​​the greenhouse for planting one fruit crop. If this is not feasible, choose a crop that will leave some space in the greenhouse for other plants and will not block the light for them. Sometimes they try to grow a fruit crop in pots, which limits its growth to a size that is convenient for care.

Choosing a greenhouse
For low-growing crops such as melons and strawberries, a regular-sized greenhouse is acceptable. Fruit trees, unless they are grown in pots, require large greenhouses. When placing plants, remember that grapevines require a bed 2.5 m long, and apricots and nectarines require a wall or glazed side of the greenhouse no lower than 4 m. When selecting a greenhouse for fruit crops, adhere to the basic principles set out on p. 24-27. Fruit trees are grown on the south side of the greenhouse.

Grapevines, peaches and related species, and melons are planted in an unheated greenhouse directly into soil that is prepared according to the requirements of the specific crop. It is better to grow strawberries in pots. If space is limited, grapevine, peach, apricot and even plum, apple, pear and cherry trees are planted in pots. To grow the last four, varieties are selected on dwarf rootstocks. The good thing about growing plants in containers is that you can precisely select the soil composition required for a given crop and, in addition, provide the maximum possible illumination. If a plant in a pot is obscured by actively growing species, it will suffer and bear little fruit.
Support system and formation. All types of fruit crops grown in an unheated greenhouse, with the exception of strawberries, require a support system and require that their growth be guided. The support system is usually installed before planting: pulling the wire behind growing plants is not only difficult and inconvenient, but can also damage the plantings themselves.

Greenhouse ventilation
Although the needs of individual crops vary, good ventilation is equally necessary for everyone. And peaches, for example, need ventilation not only from the roof, but also from the sides of the greenhouse. When growing tall crops, make sure that they do not interfere with the operation of the ventilation system or block access to the vents.
For details on growing fruit crops, see the book in this series, “Fruit Crops.”

Grape. To guide the growth of the vine, horizontal rows of support wires are pulled 40 cm from the glass surface at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Planting is carried out in November in a loose, well-drained bed consisting of loamy soil, peat and coarse sand with the addition of basic fertilizer and soft limestone. In early spring, the soil is well saturated with water. Mulching. In hot weather, the vine is watered every 7-10 days. As the berries ripen, watering is reduced. The greenhouse is ventilated from January to March, then the vents are closed until May, until the outside air temperature reaches 18°C.
Peaches, nectarines and apricots. To support peach and apricot trees, a system of support wires is required, attached at a distance of 25 cm from each other and 25 cm from the glass. Planting takes place in October. The soil of the bed is enriched with peat and lime is added at the rate of 560 g per m2. Mulching. After planting and beginning to grow, water thoroughly. After the fruits set, the greenhouse is ventilated during the day, but closed at night.

Each gardener and gardener has his own preferences, and they change over time. Apparently, this is why I often see greenhouses empty in the summer; someone is tired of fiddling with tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.

Or maybe there’s simply no time, because vegetables in a greenhouse require daily attention. My friend and colleague Roman suggests growing peaches in a greenhouse. And he boldly offers it because he himself has been doing it successfully for quite some time.

The last time he treated me to peaches from his greenhouse, I still extracted from him everything I could - both theory and practice. We even made a video on this topic.

Growing peach in a greenhouse - from idea to result

Why in a greenhouse, what is the advantage of this method of growing peaches in an unfavorable climate?

A greenhouse is an excellent protection against damping off of the root collar. This insidious phenomenon often destroys the entire tree, and the gardener does not even know why it died.

But the point here is not even the severe frost - the point is that due to the large, damp and dense snow cover, the lower part of the trunk and the root collar lack oxygen, as a result of which the bark and cambium die in these places.

Peach in the greenhouse - no sunburn or disease

The greenhouse solves the problem. There is no snow in it, which means that the peaches are not in danger of damping off.

Another reason for the death or damage not only of peaches, but also of other fruit trees, especially stone fruits, is sunburn and sudden changes in temperature.

In early spring, during the day the sun heats the bark on the tree trunks, it comes to life, and at night frost hits. An area of ​​bark that is overheated during the day and too cool at night dies and peels off from the wood.

And here the greenhouse will help, since polycarbonate or film perfectly diffuses direct sunlight, and the glass can be whitened with something on the south side. The novel leaves the windows open.

If they are completely closed, then, thanks to the greenhouse effect, overheating will be guaranteed to the entire tree. In a ventilated greenhouse, the temperature varies less between day and night than outside. Thus, peaches are not afraid of sunburn in the greenhouse.

But that's not all.

During the entire time that Roman grew peaches in the greenhouse, he never sprayed them with anything and never noticed leaf curl damage. But curliness is one of the main enemies of the peach.

Anyone who has ever grown peaches has encountered this fungal disease that can completely ruin your harvest. After all, it affects not only the leaves, but also the young shoots, and it is on them and only on them that the peach will bear fruit next year.

Why doesn't curly hair develop in a greenhouse?

Apparently because it’s always dry there, and mushrooms, as you know, don’t like it. Although Roman grew grapes in this greenhouse before peaches, under the same conditions he was very much affected by mildew and required constant spraying with fungicides. Peaches are always clean and healthy without a single spraying.

Peaches in a greenhouse - care

However, it must be taken into account that thanks to all these favorable factors, the peaches in the greenhouse produce many, even too many, ovaries, and if they are all left, there will be a huge number of peaches, but, alas, small ones.

Therefore, the ovaries of peaches must be thinned out, and radically. We do this work when the ovaries reach a size of 2-2.5 cm. We leave 1-2 ovaries on the branches at a distance of 15-20 cm. No matter how sorry it is, we tear off all the rest. As a result, we get the same harvest weight, but the fruits grow much larger.

Since our greenhouses are usually low, we form the trees low, with a low arrangement of branches - we do not let them “run away” upward and rest against the roof.

It is also important that the trees produce new growth every year, because peaches bear fruit only on last year’s growth.

Young trees grow and bear fruit intensively, while older trees require regular pruning. But this is a separate topic.

As for watering, Roman said that he only watered the seedlings planted in the spring, and after they took root and grew, he never watered them again! The roots of the trees go deep enough, as well as outside the greenhouse - this is quite enough for peaches.

I don’t know if you will decide to build a greenhouse specifically for growing peaches, but if you have one empty and you don’t know what to do with it, feel free to plant this delicious crop in it!