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Trekking, hiking. Hiking: hiking and active recreation Trekking travel

Hiking, hiking and tour routes in the mountains of Russia
Trekking - hiking trips and walks in the mountains with maximum comfort
This page presents the most popular and quality Hiking tours and hikes in the Russian mountains
Hiking in the mountains, mountain-sea tours

The famous "Thirty" - Through the mountains to the sea with a light backpack. In the past, this was the most popular tourist route in the world, successfully restored by our company. It starts in the resort of Khadzhokh and ends in Dagomys. All overnight stays are in permanent shelters. The route is interesting for both beginners and experienced tourists. Fisht is one of the most grandiose natural monuments in Russia. Tourists on this route pass through all climatic and landscape zones of the country
To the land of mountains and waterfalls- a week-long tour in Adygea, one-day hiking and excursions combined with comfort (trekking) in the mountain resort of Khadzhokh. Tourists live at the camp site and visit natural monuments: Rufabgo Waterfalls, Aminovskoye Gorge, Lago-Naki Plateau, Meshoko Gorge, Azish Cave, Belaya River Canyon, Dolmen, Guam Gorge. Program for everyone
Mountain kaleidoscope- in that year-round multi active tour in Adygea you can participate in the simplest and safest way in alloy along a mountain river, swim in geo-thermal springs, To participate in jeeping, trekking, go down rope from the cliff and enjoy the fabulously beautiful nature
Trekking in Crimea - route 22 from Bakhchisarai to Yalta- T There is no such density of tourist facilities as in the Bakhchisarai region anywhere in the world! Mountains and sea, rare landscapes and cave cities, lakes and waterfalls, secrets of nature and mysteries of history. Discovery and the spirit of adventure... (price 9500 rubles)
To the edge of the Crimean mountains- a week-long tour with hotel accommodation nearbeautiful mountainCrimea - South Demerdzhi. Trekking, auto-walking excursions with a tour of the most beautiful places in the mountainous Crimea, the Valley of Ghosts, stone chaos, waterfalls, with a visit to the MAN cave and the equipped Red Cave
Crimean mountain kaleidoscope- tour with hotel accommodation at the verybeautiful mountainCrimea - South Demerdzhi. Trekking, auto-pedestrian excursions, ropes course, trekking, horseback riding to the sea, jeeping with a tour of the most beautiful places in the Crimean mountains, the Valley of Ghosts, waterfalls, and a visit to the MAN and Krasnaya caves

Tour of Primorye

Hike to the Stone Giants on the plateau Manpupuner

Hike to Dyatlov Pass
Travel to the Putorana plateau. The most affordable tour with accommodation at a camp site, a unique ethnographic collection.

You will see the incomparable beauty of Putorana: hundreds of waterfalls, dozens of canyons, inaccessible mountains with picturesque terraces, Putorana bighorn sheep and much more..., without a helicopter transfer!!!

Hiking in Altai:
To the foot of Mount Belukha, Journey to the country of Aktru. IN Gorny Altai it's so easy to achieve stunning harmony with environment, feel like part of a huge organism of mother earth

Hiking and easy walking tours on Lake Baikal
, mountain walking and walking tours in the area of ​​Lake Baikal

Kamchatka - walking and combined tours in Kamchatka

Sakhalin and Kuril Islands
- walking and combined tours around Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands

Khibiny - Kola Peninsula - hiking

Hiking in the Western Caucasus of varying difficulty levels
Spring in Arkhyz From Arkhyz to Dombay A difficult category hike from Dombay to the Elbrus region From Arkhyz to Krasnaya Polyana Summer in Arkhyz
Climbing Elbrus. Climbing Elbrus is not technically difficult, but usually requires the use of crampons and an ice ax. The key to climbing success is smooth acclimatization. Before climbing Elbrus, exits will be made to the nearest gorges up to an altitude of 3000 m.

To the Shrines of the World - Dolmens + Sochi

Why do we recommend the standard types of tourism? First: as you know, mountaineering is a school of courage, and tourism is a school of marriage. On a tourist trip, against the backdrop of some difficulties and isolation from the usual way of life, the girl sees right through her chosen one. The poet said: “Take a guy into the mountains, take a risk, there you will understand who he is.”

Second: representatives of the stronger sex have the opportunity to show themselves as real men. Third: two days spent on the beach are difficult to distinguish from each other, and two trips to the sea, in different years, are not much different. During the hike, every day is completely different, full of many events and impressions.

People who have only been on a hike once in their lives remember each day separately as the best moments of their lives. And finally: communication with the divine beauty of nature is simply wonderful!

“In the home sofa and armchair rest, fatigue accumulates from the bustle, from the artificial image of forests, mountains and rivers, there is no that sharpness and real feeling of living nature, when with your whole being you feel its blessed energy, the aroma of a coniferous forest, the tenderness and warmth of the gentle sun, the shady the coolness of a mountain river, when the mountains live with you, when the dangers of the mountains lie in wait for you at every step, disturb your soul and excite your blood, when they are visible and real. Risk, daring, mischief, seemingly reckless overcoming of rapids water element, steep cliffs and icefalls - this is a state of real life, energy, the romance of that wonderful time that remains in memory for a lifetime, and which we call youth."

Friends! Since 2016, we have been offering you perfectly organized trekking tours in several European countries.

Everything will be perfectly organized for you!

If you love to travel and explore your travel region as deeply as possible, join us! With us, you will be in good hands! Each of our trekking tours is perfectly organized and planned. You will always travel light, as we will make sure to arrange the transportation of your luggage. always with luggage transportation, accommodation in carefully selected hotels for walkers, secure luggage transfer and detailed description route and travel documents. You always walk along the most fabulous paths, having with you only a few things necessary for the journey and without any of the stress that comes with organizing such routes yourself. We invite you to enjoy either self-guided tours or group tours with professional guides. So every individual vacation becomes a real adventure and an unforgettable experience for you!

The routes pass through the most beautiful regions of Austria, Italy and Spain.

With the help of our package of documents (these are maps and necessary tourist information, descriptions of attractions and photos of the main points of the trekking route), you will have all the necessary information to walk along the most amazing paths of the selected region without any problems. Each daily tour will be a unique experience full of unforgettable memories.

Self-guided or group tour?
Our company invites you to cast aside all doubts and go on a self-guided walking tour. High level the information presented and the transportation of luggage is guaranteed to make your, even your first, experience successful and surprisingly rich. And the service Hotline» (Service-Hotline) will give you even more confidence. However, for unsure tourists, sometimes we can offer a group tour - write your request!

Accommodation in comfort.
We choose only those hotels where trekking tourists are treated with care and attention! And this is another one of the most important components of organizing walking tours. Replenish your strength after a long walk in a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere - isn’t that the main thing?! All our hotels are not lacking in charm and style, regardless of category!

Trekking - detailed information about walking tours around the world. Types of trekking, popular routes, photos and reviews from travelers about trekking on the “Subtleties of Tourism”.

Trekking was invented by ancient people when they were exploring new territories. Yes, this sport is thousands of years old. In those days, it was unkempt and unkempt, and everyone did it indiscriminately. Moreover, people didn’t even understand that they were preaching trekking - that’s how dense they were.

We're talking about hiking. You wake up, for the sake of decency, dress and put on your shoes and go on a journey. Everything is very simple. Trekking is accessible to everyone who has legs and is able to move them. More simple type tourism, perhaps, will not be found.

What is trekking

Trekking is similar to football in terms of its degree of democracy. In both cases, no special equipment or equipment is required. True, if you go on a long trip, you will have to take care of comfort and safety. After all, professional football players don’t play barefoot.

Hiking takes everyone into its ranks, indiscriminately. The main thing is that you can walk and not complain about your health. There are difficult routes that run through mountains or deserts, which only a physically resilient person can handle.

Typically, during a tour, a traveler covers about 40-50 kilometers. Of course, a lot depends on the weather and the road. In the heat you get tired faster, in the bitter cold you think about how to warm up as quickly as possible, during a strong wind you don’t walk, but barely crawl.

Trekkers usually choose routes with already established trails. They collect as much information as possible about them in order to take the necessary equipment with them. One of the tasks of hiking is to get to know nature, terrain, customs and life of other peoples. These are such educational walks.

In general, tourists claim that walking, first of all, helps a person to know himself, and only then the world. Imagine: you are walking along the road, relying virtually only on yourself and the people who walk next to you. You don't have any transport. Rescue services can only contact you by radio, but when they arrive. So think about it: do you trust yourself or not, are you ready to walk hundreds of kilometers or would you rather stay at home in front of the TV.

Trekking in the Alps

Trekking Features

Hiking, for all its simplicity, has a number of nuances. For example, before you set off, you need to do pre-trip training. This is to ensure that group members get to know each other and what they are capable of. By the way, groups usually consist of 6-12 people. Instructors cope worse with large numbers.

It is worth paying a lot of attention to getting ready: take documents, a first aid kit, check in with the control and rescue service, grab the necessary clothes.

The travel route is calculated in advance. And the organizer takes on the greatest responsibility along the way. This should be an authoritative and experienced person, a good psychologist who knows the route, who can help in an extreme situation and will not allow people to get upset with each other.

The travel schedule depends on the endurance of the participants. The guideline is according to the weakest. Usually these are women or children. It’s clear that men can go further, but they shouldn’t drag everyone else down with them.

The guides do not welcome extreme sports. If someone suddenly wants to conquer a mountain or swim across a river, then it is better to do it another time, as part of another group with an instructor who is more loyal to such things. There is a route that everyone has agreed on and it is worth sticking to.

Trekking in Russia

Foreigners adore Russia for its nature and size. Walking tours are great for helping you feel the distance. In our country, you can choose tours in almost any region - from the Baltic to Primorye. Moreover, these will be journeys of varying lengths and levels of difficulty.

South Region

Mountains and sea - that's what awaits travelers in the south of Russia. Here the regions differ in climate - from subtropics to glaciers. Most often the route passes through the Caucasus Mountains.

The most popular tour is called “Thirty” - it starts from the resort of Khadzhokh and ends in the village of Dagomys. During the trip, participants can visit archaeological and natural monuments such as dolmens and shelters of ancient people. The route goes past waterfalls, lakes, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, more lakes, more rivers and mountains - you can see enough for two lifetimes.


The ancient people who lived on the territory of Altai left many interesting places as memories of themselves. They are exactly what trekkers meet on their way. Here you can choose summer or winter hiking of different lengths.

The Altai Mountains are easier to conquer than the Caucasus Mountains - they are lower and without steep elevation changes. In summer, many stopping points are located in the forest. Natural monuments are mainly located around Mount Belukha, with which myths about Shambhala are associated.


Karelia is a beautiful region with lakes, swamps and taiga forests. Here, while traveling, you need to get to know the aborigines as closely as possible, with their way of life and customs.

In Karelia, hiking is slightly extreme: in summer trekkers are haunted by mosquitoes and other blood-sucking creatures, and in winter they can only travel on skis. During a camping trip, you most often have to live in small houses with amenities in the yard.


One of the main hiking trips on Lake Baikal - in addition to visiting the lake - is to the Shumak mineral springs. They are said to have great healing powers. Thousands of tourists come and come here to try this water. They carry backpacks and conquer rocky paths. But this is even better. Because, as they say, if you don’t get tired, you won’t rest.


In Kamchatka, hikers are sent to the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes - this is one of the most interesting corners of the country in terms of the activity of the “breathing” mountains. The trails are laid along the spurs and slopes of Klyuchevsky volcano. Here you can see a powerful chain of the highest ones - Nameless, Stone and others.

Prepared tourists can climb the southernmost volcano of this group - Plosky Tolbachik, its height is more than 3 kilometers.


A tour of Siberia is a visit to parks and reserves. For example, you will be sent to the Stolby Nature Reserve, famous for its wildlife, to the foothills of the Western Sayan Mountains, to the Ergaki Park. Afterwards you can explore the endless expanses of Tuva and its salt lakes. Khakassia will offer cedar taiga for a snack.

Trekking in Nepal

Hiking in other countries of the world

There are several classic hiking routes ahead of you. If you consider yourself a real traveler, then you must conquer at least one of them. The trails are not easy, but you can be proud of the experience gained for the rest of your life.

Corsica, France

The trek through Corsica stretches 170 kilometers and takes 15 days. Along the way there are forests, granite landscapes, craters, lakes, peat bogs, snow and so on. Sometimes the path is complicated by rocky paths, rickety bridges and embankments of boulders. This route was developed in the early 70s of the last century and is considered one of the most popular among trekkers.

Inca Road, Peru

They say that this trail, more than 30 kilometers long, was laid by the Incas. It starts from the Sacred Valley and ends at Machu Picchu. Along the way there are snow-white mountains and elevation changes. Tens of thousands of tourists visit this South American trail every year.

Dogon, Mali

The Dogon are a people of Mali, and their lands are considered one of the most interesting in Africa. The hike can last up to 10 days. The Dogon people build their dwellings in the cliffs, practice wood carving and greet guests by dancing on stilts.

Indian Himalayas, India

It is believed that trekking in Himachal Pradesh is suitable for people who are looking for solitude and want to hide from the world. This is possible here because few people agree to walk along the Indian side of the Himalayas.

A challenging route takes two weeks from Spiti to Ladakh. This is how tourists retrace ancient trade routes. The area around is harsh and deserted.

Overland, Australia

The 80km Overland Trail offers up-close views of Tasmania's wilderness. It leads between Cradle Mountain and the freshwater Lake St. Clair, through forests and heaths. Side trails will reveal waterfalls, valleys and even more mountain peaks, including Ossa, the highest point in the area.

Zion, USA

The 26-kilometer The Narrows trail runs through Zion National Park in the United States. The route includes a river, so you will have to swim about half the way. Well, or you can wade around, which will take more time.

The Narrows can be conquered in one day, but many are in no hurry to leave it so quickly - tourists love the hanging gardens, natural streams and campsites of the park.

Venezuela, climbing in the Andes to Humboldt Peak (4970 m)

Chamonix-Zermatt, France-Switzerland

Your route begins in the French Chamonix, then goes through the southern part of the Swiss canton of Valais and ends in the resort of Zermatt. This way you can cross some of the highest and most picturesque places in the Alps that are accessible to hikers.

This walk can be done in both winter and summer. In the warm season it takes about two weeks. In winter, the route is slightly adjusted so that you can conquer it on skis without any problems.

Once you decide to go hiking, most people develop a hobby for the rest of their lives. It is difficult to say exactly why this happens: the opinions of travelers vary, everyone finds on the road what they lacked for happiness. Here, in the lap of nature, far from the benefits of modern life, people are actively engaged in self-knowledge, improving their moral and volitional qualities, learning to look at the world and their fellow travelers in a new way, and beginning to appreciate and enjoy every moment of life.

The capacious formula “the one who walks can master the road” is not easy beautiful phrase, it remarkably accurately reveals the essence of one of the most popular types of outdoor activities - hiking. And this type of active recreation has more than enough advantages. Walking at a moderate intensity is a surefire way to avoid many health problems. Long walks increase body tone, stimulate muscle activity, improve cardiovascular function vascular system and lift your spirits. Hiking is the best way to unite people, promote mutual assistance and develop team spirit.

Hiking attracts both professional athletes and amateur tourists. Classic hiking has six difficulty categories, which are determined depending on the nature of the terrain and the duration of the route.

An important role in a multi-day hiking trip over rough terrain is played by the physical training and technical equipment of a group of travelers. Many experienced tourists, long before the onset of the tourist season, carefully prepare your equipment so that it corresponds to the planned route and expected weather conditions.

The Adventure Club has developed hundreds of exciting trips for all lovers of active and educational recreation. The variety of hikes under the guidance of professional instructors allows both elderly people and families with children with minimal preparation to go on a walking pilgrimage without the slightest risk. If you're not sure about your physical fitness, check out car tours.

We offer tours to the most remote and interesting corners of our planet with various options accommodation and movement of equipment. In a circle of like-minded people, you will be able to take a complete break from the bustle of the city, “conjure” a pot over a fire, sing songs with a guitar, capture stunning sunrises and sunsets in your memory and in photos, feel unity with the surrounding nature, and also get acquainted with cultural attractions and representatives of the animal world of the region under study.

Main hiking routes in Russia and the CIS countries is a selection of the best routes for tourists who prefer to walk through unexplored places on our planet.

Hiking routes - who are they for?

Hiking is a very special type of travel.

Hiking is a special type of travel

Such journeys require remarkable preparation, enormous strength of spirit and will. An ordinary unprepared person, after the first kilometers covered on his own two feet, will think a dozen times whether or not to travel on foot in the future. Previously, I myself walked along some routes, covered dozens of kilometers along them, saw a lot of beautiful places, and received a huge number of positive emotions. On some hikes I took friends with me, along several routes, where the path was not the longest or most difficult, my friend and I took our classmates.

Hiking Russia

  • Kola Peninsula

The climate of the peninsula ranges from subarctic maritime (northwest of the peninsula) to moderately cold (centre, southwest and east of the peninsula). Most of this territory of Russia is located beyond the Arctic Circle and consists of terraces, mountains (rising more than 800 meters above sea level), depressions, reservoirs (rich in a variety of fish) and plains of numerous lakes and swamps. Climatic conditions The peninsulas provide the opportunity to enjoy the polar day (solstice) in summer, and the aurora in winter.

  • Karelia

This region is called a “pioneer” in active recreation and tourism in Russia. The cleanest air, mixed forests with rich flora and fauna, rivers and lakes attract tourists from all over the world. The climate varies throughout the territory from maritime to continental. The territory of Karelia is composed of hilly plains turning into highlands, lake basins, ramparts (up to 2 km high and up to 200 meters wide), kamas.

  • Komi Republic and Arkhangelsk region

The Arkhangelsk region is located along the coast of the Arctic seas, which makes the climate varying from subarctic to maritime to temperate continental. The island part of the territory and some areas of the coast are classified as a district Far North. The territory is a plain with hills on the coast, depressions and lakes in the continental part (Summer Mountains of the Onega Peninsula), creating chains of mountain ranges, hills in the south (Konosha-Nyandoma Upland), low mountains with peaks up to 450 meters high in the east (Timan) and plateaus (ridges) in the west of the region (Wind Belt). The region has a huge number of rivers and lakes. Particularly large lakes and rivers are Lacha, Kenozero, Kozhozero and Northern Dvina, Onega, Mezen and Pechoga. The forest area of ​​the region is presented in the form of mixed forests. It should be noted that such famous nature reserves as the Pinezhsky Nature Reserve, Vodlozersky Nature Reserve are located here. national park and Kenozersky National Park.

The Komi Republic is a continuous forest area, since forests occupy almost 70% of its entire territory. The famous Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve (the territory is represented by forests that have never been subject to anthropogenic impact from humans) and the Yugyd Va National Park are protected by UNESCO and included in the list of “Virgin Forests” of the Komi Republic. The climate is temperate continental. The terrain is flat, changing in places to mountains, washed by rivers.

  • Leningrad and Vologda regions

The Leningrad region is located on the territory of the Russian Plain, with small hills up to 150 meters above sea level, and lowlands on the coast of Lake Ladoga and the Gulf of Finland. The climate is Atlantic-continental. Nature - mixed forests, rare species of animals and plants, glacial lakes, rocks, caves and moraine ridges.

The Vologda region is called the region of “white stone cities”, located in the northeast of the East European Plain. The relief is hills, alternating with lowlands and hills. The region is full of lakes, rivers and swamps.

Ural trails

The Urals are a chain of mountains stretching between the East European and West Siberian plains, dividing the continent into Europe and Asia. The climate is sharply continental in the mountains, changing to temperate on the plains. The Ural Mountains can be divided into regions:

  • Polar Urals (Konstantinov Kamen mountains and the upper reaches of the Khulga River),
  • Middle Urals (up to the Yurma Mountains)
  • Southern Urals (from the Yurma mountains to southern borders Russia).

The relief of the Urals is plateaus, hills and plains.

Walking through the European territory of Russia

The territory of the European part of Russia is divided into federal districts:

  1. Central,
  2. Northwestern,
  3. Southern
  4. Privolzhsky.

Hiking in Russia is of course not limited to the routes listed below.

Russia has many routes for lovers of hiking tours

But the lion's share of them falls on the European part of Russia. The diversity of natural conditions, large extent, flat nature of the terrain and other indicators of commonality make it possible to combine them into a single hydrographic region. Natural conditions due to the extent of the area with a change in geographical landscapes from north to south. The northern part, passing through Kazan - Ufa, belongs to the forest zone. The southwestern part is mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests, and the northeastern part is taiga. The territory is also dominated by forest-steppes, steppes, lakes and swamps. The relief is a hilly plain with small hills over 200 meters above sea level. In the east, the plain is bordered by the Ural Range, the central part is represented by the Central Russian Upland, in the south the Donetsk Ridge with heights reaching 370 meters above sea level, in the southeast there is a vast depression adjacent to the Caspian Sea (Caspian Lowland) and in the northern part there are basins of the upper Dnieper, Upper Volga and Kama. The climate is continental, but due to the extent of the region, climatic conditions vary. Climatic differences are manifested in changes in the landscape from taiga in the north and mixed forests in the northwest to steppes and semi-deserts in the south and southeast.

Southern Siberia

This region of Russia consists of mountain ranges that form the watershed of the Irtysh, Yenisei and Ob rivers. Climatic conditions are a transition from sharply continental winters to short, hot summers. The landscape of Southern Siberia can be divided into five relief belts:

  • Alpine high-mountain belt - the highest peaks of Altai, Stanovoy Highlands, Tuva and the Barguzinsky ridge with a height of more than 2500 meters with glaciers and snowfields
  • Mid-mountain belt - prevails over most of Southern Siberia, the height of the ridges reaches 2000 meters, and in some places 2200 meters
  • Low-mountain belt - represented by ridges of hills turning into foothill plains. An example is Transbaikalia.
  • Plain - undulating plains on the ridges of Eastern Altai, Sayan and Northern Transbaikalia
  • Intermountain belt of basins - steep slopes of ridges with glaciers

Khabarovsk region

It is located in the eastern part of Russia, washed from the southeast by the Sea of ​​Japan, separated from Sakhalin Island by the Tatar and Nevelsky Straits, and includes several islands. Climatic conditions vary from north to south (from continental to subtropical) depending on proximity to the sea and landscape. The landscape is mountain ranges (Sikhote-Alin, Pribrezhny and Dzhugdzhur) and a plateau up to 2500 m high. The Khabarovsk Territory is unique in that it is a “country of taiga”. Light-coniferous taiga covers almost the entire region from north to south, where it turns into spruce-fir taiga.

The territory of the region is rich in rivers, lakes and waterfalls (more than 100), which indicates the diversity of flora and fauna, nature reserves, caves and archaeological sites. The island part of the Khabarovsk Territory is light-coniferous and dark-coniferous taiga. The main inhabitants are birds that fly here to reproduce.

Exploring Primorye

The region is located in the southeastern part of Russia and is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan. Its territory is represented by lowlands in the west, turning into mountains in the central and eastern parts of the region. Temperate and monsoon climate. The region's attractions include caves and waterfalls, nature reserves and parks (national and natural), rivers and lakes with the purest water. The landscape of the region consists of rocky peaks with snow caps, rocky slopes and wooded slopes, smoothly turning into plains, steppes and swamps. The forests are mostly mixed and coniferous-deciduous with interlacing lianas.

Sakhalin island

Sakhalin Island is the largest Russian island along the eastern coast of Asia, washed by Pacific Ocean, Seas of Okhotsk and Japan. The geographical position of the island makes the climate temperate monsoon turning into maritime. The island has a huge number of rivers and streams, lakes and waterfalls, mineral springs with healing mud, volcanoes, sites of primitive inhabitants, natural (Moneron Island) and archaeological (more than 250), monuments (about 1000 cultural and historical heritage sites) and geothermal springs. The richness of the flora and fauna is amazing.

Kurile Islands

The Sakhalin region includes the Kuril Islands, consisting of a chain of small islands (more than 30) with a length of 1200 km. The islands have a maritime climate with high humidity. The territory mainly consists of mountains (volcanoes), mineral springs, natural (Kurilsky Nature Reserve) and archaeological monuments. The length of the islands from north to south represents the diversity of nature. Due to the harsh climate, the flora on the northern islands is shrubs, while on the southern islands there are coniferous forests and broad-leaved trees. One of the attractions of the southern islands is magnolia and bamboo.


Kamchatka is located on the Kamchatsky Peninsula, which is famous for its volcanoes (more than 1000, of which 29 are active), geysers, and on the islands Karaginsky and Komandorsky. There are many rivers and lakes on the peninsula, which originate at the foot of mountains and glaciers. The peninsula is divided by two ridges: the Sredinny (the longest) and the Eastern, between which is the Central Kamchatka Lowland. The coastal climate of the peninsula is dominated by a maritime climate, while the central and northern parts are dominated by a continental climate. Vegetable world peninsula - coniferous and sparse birch forests, cedar and alder dwarf trees, meadows and moss tundra. The fauna is diverse and amazing.

Magadan region, Chukotka

The Magadan region is located along the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in Northeast Russia. The region is characterized by a subarctic climate, turning into a marine one. The region consists of mountains (in the North they are called Sopki) and plateaus, such as: the Verkhoyansk ridge, the Oymyakon and Upper Kolyma highlands, the Yanskoye, Yukagir and Elga plateaus. The forest occupies most of the territory and consists of evergreen forests and relict poplar forests.

Chukotka is the most severe and mysterious region in the entire territory of Russia. Most of the territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Chukotka is located on the entire Chukotka Peninsula and adjacent islands. The subarctic climate gives way to marine on the coast and continental in the interior. Permafrost covers the entire Chukotka region. Most of the peninsula is mountain and arctic tundra with shrubs, lichens, grasses and mosses. Light coniferous and relict poplar forests are occasionally found. The peninsula consists of several natural zones (arctic desert, typical and southern tundra, forest-tundra and deciduous taiga) which explains the great diversity of flora and fauna.

Such natural phenomena as the Northern Lights and winter, lasting 10 months, do not occur anywhere else.

Caucasus (Western and Eastern parts)

The Caucasus is a mountainous region of Eurasia, located between the Azov, Black and Caspian seas.

You can watch an excellent video about a category 4 hiking trip in the Caucasus.

I have always admired the guys who walk such routes. The landscape of the mountains depends on the height and distance from bodies of water. Starting from swamps and glacial forests in the center and west and moving to high-mountain semi-deserts, steppes and meadows in the south. Mountain forest - fir and spruce forests. The Caucasus mountain system is divided into three regions:

  1. Western Caucasus (mid-mountain and high-mountain ranges covered with snowfields and glaciers). For example, Arkhyz and Sofia waterfalls),
  2. Central Caucasus (the highest peaks exceeding 5,000 meters above sea level. For example, Elbrus)
  3. Eastern Caucasus (low-height mountains running from the mountain from Kazbek to the Absheron Peninsula).

Hiking – Crimea

The relief of Crimea ranges from plains in the East to hills and mountain ranges in the South-West of the republic. Nature is rich in mixed forests, pine forests, steppes and forest-steppes. Most of the country has a temperate continental climate, turning into a Mediterranean climate. south coast Crimea (Crimean Peninsula).

The main destination of tourism in that region is Crimea. Therefore, it is not surprising that

Tourists in Crimea could always find stunningly beautiful places

and has always been popular. Mountain Crimea is interesting for its historical and archaeological cultural monuments (cities and monasteries in caves, medieval fortresses), palaces, waterfalls, salt lakes (about 50) and landscapes. A distinctive feature of Crimea is the smooth transition from mountains to flat steppes, the change cool air on the sea breeze.

Kazakhstan and Central Asia

The relief of the territory of Kazakhstan is highlands, lowlands, hills and plains with endorheic basins. The climate is mainly sharply continental. The mountain system is represented by the ridges of the Mangystau Mountains, deserts in the Balkhash-Alakol depression, and the Saryarka upland.

We have truly magnificent places in Kazakhstan in their beauty. Having walked many routes, I was convinced of this more than once. I invite everyone to come and see this for themselves.

Most of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) is occupied by semi-deserts and deserts, which indicates an arid climate. The mountain range of Central Asia includes: the Ustyurt plateau, the Turan lowland, the Turgai plateau, the Kazakh small hills, the mountains: Kopetdag, Pamir-Alai, Tien Shan, Dzungarian Alatau, Saur and Tarbagatai. The relief of the territory of Central Asia can be divided according to its constituent states:

  • KAZAKHSTAN: plains from the Volga to Altai and from Western Siberia to the oases and deserts of Central Asia;
  • KYRGYZSTAN: Tien Shan ranges with valleys and basins;
  • MONGOLIA: vast desert and semi-desert plains; in the west and southwest there are mountains; in the southeast the Gobi Desert;
  • TAJIKISTAN: Pamir and Alai Mountains; Fergana Valley (western part) in the north, Kofarnikhon and Vakhsh valleys in the southwest;
  • TURKMENISTAN: hilly or flat sandy desert with dunes, merging into mountains along the border with Iran;
  • UZBEKISTAN: flat sandy deserts with dunes; wide and flat, valleys abundantly irrigated by the Amu Darya, Syr Darya and Zeravshan rivers; Fergana Valley (eastern part) surrounded by the mountains of Kyrgyzstan.

Tien Shan

Tien Shan (“Heavenly Mountains”) is a mountain range located in Middle and Central Asia. The main part of the Tien Shan is located in Kyrgyzstan, the northern and western ranges are in Kazakhstan, and the southwestern part of the Tien Shan is in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Geographically, the Tien Shan Mountains are divided into regions:

  • Northern (Kyrgyz Range, Kungey-Alatau, Ketmen, Chu-Ili Mountains, Trans-Ili Alatau and Issyk-Kul)
  • Western (Chatkal, Sandalash, Pskem, Maidantal, Ugam, Fergana and Atoynok ranges)
  • Eastern (Kuylyu, Akshiyrak, Dzhetymbel, Naryn-Too, Borkoldoy and At-Bashy ranges),
  • Central
  • Internal (valleys covered with moraine sediments, covered with grass, which creates conditions for pastures (syrts)).

The Tien Shan ranges are characterized by mountain-glacial relief, which indicates a sharply continental climate. Vegetable and animal world individual areas of the Tien Shan Mountains varies significantly depending on climatic and relief features.

Republic of Belarus

The republic is located in Eastern Europe, which indicates a temperate continental climate with mild winters and warm summers. The terrain is flat and in some areas becomes elevated. Nature, rivers and forests, attract tourists from all over the world. The routes pass through nature reserves and national parks with minimal impact on the environment.

The tourist’s path passes along specially equipped trails. Examples are such parks as “Narochansky”, “” and Polessky Reserve.

Carpathians - Ukraine

The Carpathians are a mountain range in Central Europe, passing through states such as Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine (which is why I decided to insert an overview of the Carpathians in this article), Poland, Serbia, Romania and part of Austria, the peaks of which are covered with glaciers. The total length of the chain is 1600 km. The relief is represented by turbulent rivers, forests and meadow valleys.

The entire mountain range can be divided into alternating climatic zones: Highlands (cold with high humidity), middle mountains (moderate cold), Carpathian region (warm and moderately humid), Lowlands (high humidity) and Transcarpathia (warm and humid). The climate is generally temperate continental, sometimes warm due to the frequent presence of the Atlantic cyclone.

Well, it seems to me that I covered almost all the main hiking routes Russia and CIS countries. Go, explore, admire the great nature and beautiful views.

If anyone has anything to add, I would also be grateful for comments. And please share the article materials with your friends using the social network buttons.

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