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Topic University Education. My University My University theme in English with translation

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“My University” is a topic in English with translation, in which you will find many interesting phrases on the topic of studying at the institute. The text “My university” will help you write a story about your educational institution.

The University of Milan is one of the largest and most essential universities in Europe. It is also a member of the League of European Research Universities and it is the only Italian university which is included in the group of twenty-one research-intensive European Universities.

The university consists of 9 schools which include the school of law; medicine and even veterinary medicine schools; agricultural and food sciences; pharmaceutical science, political, economic and social sciences; science and technology; exercise and sports sciences, school of humanities and finally, Linguistic and Cultural Mediation Sciences school. The last one is the place I study in.

I have been studying at the University of Milan, which is simply called UniMi or Statale among students, for almost 2 years and I do enjoy studying there. The program is various and challenging and we have competent and qualified professors. In addition, we have an opportunity to choose subjects and courses.

However, the Italian education system is not easy to understand. I still have a lot of doubts regarding some aspects. Even if I got used to the knowledge assessment system and to the methods of teaching, I sometimes arrange appointments at the secretariat to dispel all my doubts and get the answers to the questions.

I am glad to be a student of such a prestige university and I hope to graduate with highest marks.


The University of Milan is one of the largest and most important universities in Europe. It is also a member of the League of European Research Universities and is the only Italian university included in the group of 21 universities.

The university includes 9 faculties, including: the faculty of law, medicine and even veterinary medicine, the faculty of agricultural and food sciences, the faculty of pharmacy, political, economic and social sciences, scientific and technical, humanities and, finally, linguistic faculties. The last one is the faculty where I study.

I study at the University of Milan, which is more commonly known among studentsUniMi orStatale, it's been almost 2 years now and I love studying here. The program is varied, complex, but interesting, and our teachers are competent and qualified specialists. Moreover, we have the opportunity to independently choose subjects and courses.

However, the Italian education system is not so easy to understand. I still have some doubts regarding some aspects. Even though I am used to the assessment system and teaching methods, I still sometimes sign up for the secretariat to clear my doubts and get answers to questions.

I am glad that I am studying at such a prestigious university and hope to graduate with top marks.

Useful phrases and words:

Competent - competent, knowledgeable

Subject – subject (at school/university)

Education system - education system

To have doubts - to doubt, to have doubts

Regarding - regarding, regarding

Knowledge assessment system

To arrange an appointment - make an appointment

To dispel doubts - dispel doubts

Moscow State University

The best known university of Russia is the Moscow State University. It was founded in 1755 on the initiative of the prominent Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov. The university has got a high reputation of the world's scientific centers. Among its students were famous Russian scientists, historians, philosophers and others.
There are about twenty faculties at the University. The University Library is one of the leading libraries in the country and in the world. It contains millions of books and manuscripts. There is a number of graduate schools at Moscow State University. Every year thousands of students from different countries enter the famous Russian university. They study physics, mathematics, economics, law and many other sciences.
The laboratories and observatories of the Moscow State University have got the world's fame. There are also several Research Centers.
The main building of the University is located on Sparrow Hills. In 1920 the Sparrow Hills were given Lenin's name. After World War II the building site was offered to the Moscow University. It had only one building on Mohovaya Street at that time and could not house all its faculties. The new building was designed by Lev Rudnev, an outstanding Soviet architecture.

Moscow State University

The most famous university in Russia is Moscow State University. It was founded in 1755 on the initiative of the great Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov. The university has earned a high reputation as a world scientific center. Among his students were famous Russian scientists, historians, philosophers, etc.
The university has about 20 faculties. The university library is one of the largest in the country and in the world. It contains millions of books and manuscripts. There are several graduate schools at Moscow State University.
Every year thousands of students from different countries enter a famous Russian university. They study physics, mathematics, economics, law and many other sciences.
The laboratories and observatories of Moscow State University have gained worldwide fame. There are also several research centers operating on its basis.
The main building of the university is located on Vorobyovy Gory. In 1920, Vorobyovy Gory received the name of Lenin.
After the Second World War, the site for construction was offered to Moscow University; it had at its disposal only one building on Mokhovaya, which did not accommodate all the faculties. The new building was designed by Lev Rudnev, a prominent Soviet architect.


1. What Russian university is the best known one?
2. When was it founded?
3. On whose initiative was it founded?
4. Who were their students?
5. How many faculties has it got?
6. What does its library contain?
7. Are there any graduate schools at the Moscow State University?
8. Who enters Russian universities?
9. What do they study?
10. Where is the main building of the Moscow State University located?
11. When was the building site on Sparrow Hills offered to the Moscow University?
12. How many buildings had the University got at that time?
13. Where was the University located?
14. Why was it necessary to build a new building?
15. By whom was the new building designed?


on the initiative of smb.
graduate school
to offer
to house contain, contain

Topic: Universities of Great Britain

Topic: UK Universities

Education is a process of teaching and learning, gaining new knowledge, experience, and practice. It is a very valuable possession for every person, as the earlier you start, the deeper knowledge you are going to have. We have been taught for all our lives since the birth. Our first teacher is our mum, later we receive useful information in the kindergarten, then we develop our skills at school, but eventually each intelligent person makes a decision to enter a higher educational establishment. If you desire to become a student of the university, you should work hard to prepare for it. Usually the choice of the university is a very serious decision, so no wonder that more and more school graduates want to study in the best educational establishments. Many European teenagers head for Great Britain, as its universities are famous all around the world and their diplomas are valued everywhere.

Education is a process of learning, gaining new knowledge, experience, and practice. It is very valuable for every person, because the sooner you start it, the deeper the knowledge you can gain. We are taught all our lives, starting from birth. Our first teacher is mom, later we get useful information in kindergarten, then we develop our skills in school, but ultimately every reasonable person makes the decision to go to higher education. If you want to become a university student, you must work hard to prepare for it. Choosing a university is usually a big decision, so it's no surprise that more and more school leavers want to study at top institutions. Many European teenagers head to the UK as its universities are renowned throughout the world and their degrees are valued everywhere.

British universities have their own peculiarities: all of them but one, receive the State financing and have considerably higher fees, usually students have only a major specialty without a minor one and almost all students attend establishments far away from their native towns, so universities provide students with accommodation.

British universities have their own characteristics: all but one of them receive government funding and have significantly higher fees, usually students have only a major without minors, and almost all students attend universities far from their hometown, so universities provide students with accommodation.

There are several types of universities in Great Britain. The first type is the ancient ones. All of them were founded between and are very reputable. The top place of them is divided between two well-known universities: Oxford and Cambridge, both known as Oxbridge. Though they have rivalry, there is also a great cooperation between them. A lot of elite people are the graduates of these universities, though they have differences in the educational process. Each of them is divided into more than thirty colleges. Colleges at Oxford suggest only those subjects for the students that depend on the field of their study, but Cambridge colleges give a chance to choose the subjects from the list according to your preferences. Oxford University was founded in 1096 and now more than 20,000 students attend it. It offers a broad array of courses, cooperates with numerous organizations, but a degree there will cost you a pretty penny. Cambridge University is also known as the largest public research center and was founded in 1209 by scholars who had escaped to Cambridge from Oxford. There are more than 18,000 students there and some of the colleges admit only women. Students attend not only group teaching sessions, but also have supervisions. Each of the graduates remains a member of the college forever.

There are several types of universities in the UK. The first type is the most ancient. All of them were founded between the 16th and 19th centuries and are very reputable. The top places are shared by two famous universities: Oxford and Cambridge, known as Oxbridge. Although they have a rivalry, there is also great cooperation between them. Many elite people have graduated from these universities, although they have differences in the educational process. Each of them is divided into more than thirty colleges. Colleges in Oxford only offer subjects to students depending on their area of ​​study, but Cambridge colleges give you the opportunity to choose from a list of subjects according to your preferences. Oxford University was founded in 1096, and now more than 20,000 students attend it. He offers wide range courses, works closely with numerous organizations, but a degree there will cost you a pretty penny. The University of Cambridge is also known as the largest public research center and was founded in 1209 by scientists who fled Oxford for Cambridge. There are more than 18,000 students and some colleges only admit women. Students not only attend group classes, but also have personal communication with the teacher. Each graduate remains a member of the college forever.

The second type of the universities is red brick ones. They got their name because of the material they are built with and are located in Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds. They were established during Queen Victoria’s reign and before World War II. They differ from the ancient ones because of being non-collegiate and they have taught only locals. They used to admit only men and focus only on “practical subjects”. Red Brick Universities were started as preparatory courses, but nowadays they award with their own degrees.

The second type of universities are red brick universities. They get their name from the material from which they are built and are found in Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds. They were created during the reign of Queen Victoria and before the Second World War. They differ from the ancients because they were not cathedrals, and teaching was carried out only for local residents. They only allowed men to study and focused only on “practical subjects”. Red brick universities were founded as preparatory courses, but today they award their own diplomas.

New universities are subdivided into two types: the campus and the newer civic ones. They appeared after the Robins Report and the ones founded are considered "Plate Glass Universities". The Campus Universities are located in the countryside, have enough accommodation for international students, provide teaching in small groups and put an emphasis on relatively new disciplines. The New Civic Universities used to be technical colleges and . Gradually they were given the right to award with the degree. They are known as “polytechnics” and suggest “sandwich” courses (outside the establishment).

New universities are divided into two types: those located on campus and new civilian ones. They emerged after the Robbins report, and those founded in the 1960s are considered "Glass Slab Universities." Campus universities are located in rural areas, have ample housing for international students, offer small class teaching, and emphasize relatively new disciplines. The new civil universities used to be technical schools and are called universities After 1992. Gradually they gained the right to award degrees. They are known as “polytechnics” and offer “sandwich” courses (the opportunity to study outside the institution).

The last type of the universities is called the Open University. It centers on a distant learning. In 2005 there were more than 180,000 students and it became the largest institution of the UK higher education. The administration of it is based in Buckinghamshire and it has 13 regional offices all over the country. The students of this university get information on TV, radio, in the course-books or the Internet. The students have tutors, who check their works and discuss them. In summer they have short residential courses according to the field of study.

The last type of university is called the Open University. At its center lies distance learning. In 2005 there were over 180,000 students and it became the largest institution higher education Great Britain. It is headquartered in Buckinghamshire and has 13 regional offices throughout the country. Students at this university receive information from television, radio, textbooks or the Internet. Students have supervisors who review their work and discuss it. In the summer they have short courses in their field of study.

Higher education plays an important role in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for future development and progress. In all industrial countries standards of living are steadily changing. This means that styles of teaching, quality of learning materials and organization of the university itself have to be continuously brought up to date and improved. The scientific and technological progress of a country is determined by the qualification of specialists.

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University is one of the largest and most prestigious institutions not only in Bashkortostan, but in Russia too. It trains young people to become engineers in oil and gas industry. We are all proud of being students of our university. It was founded in 1948 as Ufa Oil Institute and in 1993 it got a university status. There were only 150 students and 3 faculties at that time. Now it has 3 branches (in Salavat, Sterlitamak and Oktiabrsky) and trains 14,000 students at eight faculties:

2. Oil and Gas Mining

3. Pipeline Transportation

5. Technological

6. Architecture and Building

The head of the university is Rector. Each faculty has a number of specialized chairs and is headed by dean. The course of studies lasts 5 years. The academic year begins on the 1st of September; it lasts nine months and is divided into two terms. Students take exams at the end of each term. Twice a year students have vacations – two weeks in winter and two months in summer. The first – and – second year students obtain thorough instructions in the fundamental sciences, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and drawing as well as computer engineering and a number of others. It is known that the knowledge of the general engineering subjects is necessary for future engineers. The curricular are enriched and broadened by instructions in such subjects as foreign languages, history and economics. The third – year students get more advanced knowledge and begin to concentrate on their special interests, so to say, on their “major” subjects and take many courses on these subjects. Specialized study help students to become specialists and prepare them for their future work.

Theory is accompanied by practice. We’ve got a lot of laboratories, classrooms, libraries, computer centers, workshops to provide high level of training. The university is in close connection with oil enterprises, so our students can have their practice in oil plants, refineries, pipe-line construction sites, at research institutions, oil and gas companies and other places throughout the country.

Students are provided with student’s hostels. The making students good progress get state grants. Some of the students are sponsored by enterprises.

In their spare time students may go in for sports in our own sports center, attend computer centers, dance classes, English theater and other societies and clubs.

Education is a process through which culture is preserved, knowledge and skills are developed, values ​​are formed and information is exchanged. Education is the way to success!

Date: 2015-12-11 ; view: 1656

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On this page, you will find oral topics for an English language exam at a school, college, institute or other educational institution. Good luck on your exam! This may also be useful to all those who study English language. You will be able to communicate with your friends and colleagues abroad.

1. Topic: My home (in English)

My house

  1. Recently, my family and I moved to a new apartment.
  2. Now we live in the same house with my parents.
  3. It is very convenient because our children can more often visit grandma and grandpa.
  4. There are 3 rooms in our apartment.
  5. One is the son's room.
  6. The second is the daughter’s room.
  7. The hall is at the same time a living-room, my wife’s and my room.
  8. We have a small but cozy kitchen.
  9. This is the place where we often gather at the table with the whole family.
  10. We also have a balcony.
  11. With a beautiful view of the pine forest.
  12. Therefore, in the apartment there is constantly a fresh forest
  13. There is also a large loggia.
  14. There I plan to do a parlor.
  15. There in my spare time, I can engage in the planning process of my work.
  16. All the windows of our apartment facing the courtyard, the playground and the parking.
  17. It is very convenient, you can see the children playing on the playground.
  18. My wife loves houseplants.
  19. So, our apartment is constantly in plants.
  20. My family like our new apartment very much.

My house

  1. Recently my family and I moved to a new apartment.
  2. Now we live in the same house with our parents.
  3. This is very convenient, since children can visit their grandparents more often.
  4. Our apartment has 3 rooms.
  5. One son's room.
  6. The second nursery is for my daughter.
  7. The hall is both a living room and my wife and I’s room.
  8. Our kitchen is small but cozy.
  9. This is the place where we often gather at the table with the whole family.
  10. We also have a balcony.
  11. It offers a beautiful view of the pine forest.
  12. Therefore, the apartment always feels the freshness of the forest.
  13. There is also a large loggia.
  14. I plan to make a study in it.
  15. There, at my leisure, I can plan my work.
  16. All windows face the courtyard, playground, and parking lot.
  17. It is very convenient to control children on the street.
  18. My wife really loves houseplants.
  19. That's why the house is always in flowers.
  20. My family really likes the new apartment.

2. Topic: My family (in English)

My Family

  1. My name is….
  2. I have a big family.
  3. My wife’s name is Tatiana.
  4. My eldest son’s name is Vladislav.
  5. The youngest daughter's name is Catherine
  6. Our pets are also the members of the family.
  7. Persian cat's name is Milka.
  8. Small kitty's name is Kuzma.
  9. Hamster name is (Dzhungarik) Piratik.
  10. I love my family and I try to spend more time with them.
  11. One of the favorite activities in the family is to keep watch over our animals.
  12. My wife and children care for our animals.
  13. The whole family likes to go to the cinema or in the park.
  14. In summer we go to the river, in the forest and in our garden.
  15. We like to travel and relax in nature.
  16. All the holidays we spend with our family.
  17. Everyone has his own hobby.
  18. The son likes to play computer games.
  19. The daughter loves to draw and to play outside.
  20. My wife likes to sew and cook.
  21. My hobbies are History, Politics and Cooking.
  22. I have a wonderful and friendly family, which supports and helps me in everything.

My family

  1. My name is … .
  2. I have a big family.
  3. My wife's name is Tatyana.
  4. Eldest son Vladislav.
  5. Youngest daughter Ekaterina.
  6. Animals are also family members.
  7. Persian cat Milka.
  8. An ordinary kitten Kuzya.
  9. And the hamster (Dzungarik) Pirate.
  10. I love my family and try to spend more time with them.
  11. One of our favorite family activities is watching our animals.
  12. The wife and children take care of the animals.
  13. The whole family also loves to go to the cinema and the park.
  14. In the summer we go to the river, to the forest and to our garden.
  15. We love to travel and relax in nature.
  16. We spend all holidays joyfully with our family.
  17. Also, everyone has their own hobbies.
  18. My son loves to play computer games.
  19. My daughter loves to draw and play outside.
  20. My wife loves to sew and cook.
  21. My hobbies are history, politics, cooking.
  22. I have a wonderful, friendly family that supports and helps me in everything.

3. Topic: Healthy lifestyle (in English)

Healthy lifestyle

  1. HLS helps us to get the most pleasure from our work, the environment and our life itself.
  2. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  3. I have no bad habits.
  4. In my spare time I go to the pool.
  5. If possible, I try to eat the right meal and eat more fruits.
  6. Recently I try to keep the post.
  7. I lead a more active lifestyle in the summer.
  8. With my family we go into the woods or on the river.
  9. We also work in your own garden.
  10. In winter I and my family like to ride a roller coaster.
  11. In my childhood I loved to swim and ski.
  12. I still like to swim.
  13. At home we have two simulators.
  14. My wife and I are constantly engaged in activities to them.
  15. Our both children also go to sports clubs.
  16. My son goes to the swimming pool.
  17. My daughter goes to dance.
  18. The whole family, we try to lead an active lifestyle.

Healthy image life

  1. A healthy lifestyle helps us get maximum pleasure from our work, environment and life itself.
  2. I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  3. I have no bad habits.
  4. In my free time I go to the swimming pool.
  5. Whenever possible, I try to eat healthy, eat more fruits.
  6. Lately I've been trying to stick to fasting.
  7. In summer, you have a more active lifestyle.
  8. I go with my family to the forest or to the river.
  9. We also work in our own garden.
  10. In winter, our whole family loves to ride the slides.
  11. As a child I loved swimming and skiing.
  12. The love for swimming remains to this day.
  13. We have two exercise machines at home.
  14. My wife and I play sports on them all the time.
  15. Both of our children also go to sports clubs.
  16. My son goes to the pool to swim.
  17. My daughter goes to dances.
  18. As a family, we try to lead an active lifestyle.

4. Topic: My work (in English)

My work

  1. I work in a large trading company.
  2. It is a big distributor of different manufacturers.
  3. The company sells food.
  4. The company operates in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chelyabinsk region, Orenburg and Perm regions
  5. I’ve been working in the company for 3 years already.
  6. I am the head of the sales department.
  7. I work in the North West of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Perm region.
  8. In my direct submission there are 6 people.
  9. The tasks of our department are contracts and delivery of food.
  10. I work with both large and small companies.
  11. These are shops, distribution centers, canteens, cafes, industrial productions.
  12. The specific of my job is business trip.
  13. My trips take from 70 to 80% of the time.
  14. I make my trips by my car.
  15. As a rule, my day is not normalized so I come home late.
  16. The scope of my work involves frequent interaction with people.
  17. My job is exciting.
  18. I like what I’m doing now despite various difficulties.
  19. In this area, I have been working for 18 years.
  20. I hope to fulfill my potential better in this area.

My job

  1. I work for a large trading company.
  2. It is a major distributor of various manufacturers.
  3. The company sells food products.
  4. The company operates in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chelyabinsk region, Orenburg region and Perm region.
  5. I have been working for the company for 3 years.
  6. I am the head of the sales department.
  7. I work in the north-west of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, and Perm Territory.
  8. There are 6 people under my direct subordination.
  9. The tasks of my department include concluding contracts and supplying food products.
  10. I work with both large and small clients.
  11. These are shops, wholesale centers, canteens, cafes and industrial production.
  12. The specific nature of my work is traveling.
  13. Business trips take up 70 to 80% of working time.
  14. On business trips I travel by personal car.
  15. As a rule, my day is not standardized; I come home late.
  16. The scope of my work involves frequent communication with people.
  17. My work is exciting.
  18. I love what I do now despite various difficulties.
  19. I have been working in this field for 18 years.
  20. I hope to realize even better self-realization in this area.

5. Topic: My studies at the university (in English)

My study at the University

  1. This year I’ve entered the Faculty of Economics at BSU.
  2. I had no opportunities to study earlier.
  3. After school I served in the army.
  4. Then I married and get my family.
  5. During this time I studied remotely.
  6. It was in Ufa Commerce Economic College at the Faculty of Management.
  7. Now there is a need for higher education.
  8. I need it for further career growth.
  9. I like to learn.
  10. It’s very hard to combine work and study.
  11. I have to make a lot of efforts to keep up everywhere.
  12. The system of education is new for me.
  13. I have to study a lot, so in a short period of time to master my program.
  14. I’ve chosen Department of Finance and Credit not by accident.
  15. Firstly, this specialty is very close to the industry in which I work.
  16. Second, this education will give me the opportunity to understand more professional operational issues.
  17. Accordingly, this education gives the opportunity for career growth
  18. In addition, I have economic education in management, now I’m getting a degree in finance and credit.
  19. It gives me opportunities more for self-realization.
  20. I hope to complete the university successfully.

My studies at the university

  1. This year I entered BSU at the Faculty of Economics.
  2. Previously, there was no opportunity to study.
  3. After school I served in the army.
  4. Then he got married and started a family.
  5. During this time, I studied remotely.
  6. It was at the Ufa College of Trade and Economics at the Faculty of Management.
  7. Now there is a need for higher education.
  8. I need this for further career growth.
  9. I like learning.
  10. But combining work and study is very difficult.
  11. You have to make a lot of effort to be on time everywhere.
  12. So far, the training system is new to me.
  13. I have to study a lot in order to master my program in a short period of time.
  14. The Faculty of Finance and Credit was not chosen by me by chance.
  15. Firstly, this specialty is close to the industry in which I work.
  16. Secondly, this education will give me the opportunity to understand work issues more professionally.
  17. And accordingly, this education provides an opportunity for career growth.
  18. In addition, I have an economic education in the field of management, and now I am receiving an education in the field of finance and credit.
  19. This gives me a wider opportunity for self-realization.
  20. I hope to successfully graduate from university.

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