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Holy Mount Athos: history, how best to get there, main monasteries. Athos is the holy mountain, the main stronghold of Christianity. St. Mount Athos

Mount Athos is a concentration of Orthodox monasteries founded in the 10th century. Most of them are Greek, but some are under the auspices of the Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian communities. About 1,500 monks live here. The rules vary from monastery to monastery, and some monks, like in the old days, even live as hermits, settling in caves and kalivas. The rules on the Holy Mountain are very strict. Number of visitors (non-Orthodox)- limited (twelve people per day). Most tourists limit themselves to a boat excursion that approaches the shore. Women are prohibited from setting foot on the holy land of Athos. If you are lucky, during your boat trip you will see dolphins, which are not uncommon in these waters.

Byzantine monks built the oldest monastery, the Great Lavra, in 963. Already in 972, a unique agreement was reached with Byzantium, according to which Mount Athos was recognized as a spiritual state, independent of the Byzantine Empire, with full sovereignty guaranteed to Athos personally by the emperor. This made Mount Athos a political and religious center for Greek, Balkan and Russian Orthodox Christians. In the 14th century, the golden age of Athos, about 40,000 monks lived in 20 large monasteries and small “monasteries” - the same monasteries that resembled a small village.

Although the inhabitants of Mount Athos are nominally Greek citizens, its autonomous status has survived to this day: the last agreement confirming the sovereignty of the spiritual state was signed in 1912. According to the Charter, the highest legislative and judicial body of the monastic government of the Holy Mountain is the Extraordinary Twenty-Member Assembly, composed abbots of all 20 large monasteries and sitting in the capital of Athos, Kareya. Executive power on the Holy Mountain is exercised by the Holy Council (Kinotom), consisting of 20 members, each of whom represents his own monastery. The administrative authority is a separate committee of 4 “observers”, the composition of which changes every year on the first of June. Also in Karei is the residence of the head of government, Prota (in Greek - first). The Greek state on Mount Athos is represented by a governor who is subordinate to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has a small staff of administrative staff and police officers. His main responsibility is to oversee compliance with civil law.

The way of life of the monks in this “Mother of God’s Lot” has remained virtually unchanged since the times of the Byzantine Empire, when the state first officially defined their status. To this day, neither women nor most domestic animals have access to this holy land. The monks claim that this rule was established according to the biblical tradition, according to which the Virgin Mary herself chose Mount Athos as a resting place where she would not be disturbed by other female representatives. Today, 1,700 monks live outside the walls of the main monasteries.

The peninsula itself is distinguished by rare natural beauty. The slopes of the mountain are covered with ancient evergreen forests almost to the very top, the height of which is 2033 m. According to legend, the Mother of God traveled to Cyprus from St. John, and when a storm forced her to seek shelter, she stopped at the place where the Iveron Monastery is now located. The beauty of these places made such an impression on her that the Lord gave this mountain to the Mother of God, saying: “Let this place be yours, become your garden and your paradise, as well as salvation and shelter for those who seek salvation.”

Monasteries of Athos

Even those who managed to obtain permission to visit (and the wait may last several weeks), can only enter the territory of Mount Athos by sea, from Ouranoupolis: there are no other ways to get here. As the ferry moves on the western bank, you will first see the Dohiar monastery, with its watchtower resembling a fort, then Xenophon and Panteleimon monastery. It is quite impressive in size and is inhabited by Russian monks. Next comes Simonopetra, built like an eagle's nest on the mountainside, directly above the sea. Next is Dionysiatus, famous for having the oldest icon of Mount Athos, dating back to the 7th century. Its location will also not leave anyone indifferent. The southern point of the peninsula is the patrimony of hermits and small monasteries. On east coast is the Great Lavra, the oldest of the monasteries, founded in 693 by Saint Athanasius at the foot of Mount Athos. It is also the largest, accommodating a hundred monks. Its library is famous for its collection of 5,000 ancient books.

Closer to the north are the monasteries of Karakal, Stavronikita, Pantokrator, and, even further, Vatopedi, founded in 980, and Esphigmen. Far from view, in the very heart of the peninsula, lies Kareya, the administrative center of the republic.

Mountain top in the clouds

Facts about Mount Athos

  • Name: Officially this place is called the Autonomous Monastic Republic of Athos.
  • Location: Located in northern Greece, Macedonia. Athos is the highest of the three mountain peaks on the Chalkidiki Peninsula.
  • Capital: Karey city with a population of 300 people.
  • Parliament: Holy Council.
  • Population: 1,700 Orthodox monks.
  • Uniqueness: Monasteries can accommodate monks and all males, but women and most domestic animals are not allowed access.
  • Attraction: The 20 rich monasteries have world-famous frescoes and priceless icon collections.

Need to know

Visits are only allowed to men, they must register with the Administration of Pilgrims to Mount Athos in Thessaloniki, and at least 6 months before the trip. Only ten non-Orthodox pilgrims are allowed on the mountain per day, and you can only spend the night in each monastery once.

Holy Mount Athos, the spiritual center of Orthodoxy in Greece and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is revered by Orthodox Christians around the world as the earthly Destiny of the Mother of God.

According to legend, during a storm on the way to Cyprus, the ship of the Virgin Mary was washed up on the shore of Athos. The beauty of the peninsula delighted the Mother of God, and she asked for this place as her inheritance and received it from God.

The complex of monasteries of Athos forms the Autonomous monastic state of the Holy Mountain. The special status of the administrative unit is enshrined in the Greek constitution - a self-governing community, which includes 20 Orthodox monasteries, they are under the jurisdiction of Constantinople. Management is carried out by the Holy Kinot - the central council body. Greece has its own governor on the Holy Mountain. About 1,800 men live in the Athos monasteries and hermitages.

On Mount Athos, only the Julian calendar (Old Calendar) is used, unlike the rest of the Patriarchate of Constantinople

Mount Athos is located in the eastern part of the country, on the peninsula of the same name in the Aegean Sea. Geographically, Athos is the eastern tip of Chalkidiki. The mountain has a classic “pyramid” shape, its height is 2033 meters. At the foot of Mount Athos is the city of Ouranoupolis, from which the pilgrim route mainly begins.

Monasteries of Athos in Greece

Monastic life and prayer have continued on Mount Athos since the 4th century. A special stage in history occupies the 7th century, when, after the Muslim invasion of the lands of Byzantium, many monks and hermits arrived on the island. At the same time, by decision of the Trullo Council, the peninsula was transferred to monastic monasteries.

The length of the island is 60 km, there are many icons, relics of saints and other relics.

Monastic Mountain is known throughout the world for its ban on entry for women. Even female animals are prohibited here, with the exception of chickens and cats. However, there are known cases of women staying on the peninsula: monks received refugee families during times of hostilities.

Now on Holy Mount Athos there are 20 monasteries that have the status of patriarchal stauropegies and are communal. 17 of them are Greek monasteries, 1 is Russian, 1 is Serbian, 1 is Bulgarian. It is prohibited to create new monasteries on the Holy Mountain.

The leading monastery of the Holy Mountain is the Great Lavra

The Lavra of St. Athanasius was founded in 963 by St. Athanasius of Athos. The Lavra houses the Catholicon of the Annunciation (cathedral church); its main shrines are the cross and staff of St. Athanasius, the miraculous icons “Ekonomissa” and “Kukuzelissa”. The largest number of church relics on the peninsula (manuscripts, historical documents, frescoes, etc.) is stored here. There are 50 monks living in the monastery, each performing their duties. The monastery is open all year round from dawn to sunset. Many pilgrims strive to climb to the top of the mountain to the cross - on foot or on mules. There are two paths: a short steep one and a more gentle one. On average, the ascent takes about 6-8 hours.

Vatopedi Monastery

second in the hierarchy of the Holy Mountain, one of the most ancient and largest, was created in 972-985 by three monks - students of St. Athanasius of Athos, has an extensive library of ancient manuscripts and codices, two monasteries, cells and farmsteads. The main shrines are part of the Life-Giving Cross, the honorable belt of the Virgin Mary. The monumental monastery is surrounded by a high wall. About 50 monks live here, and work is currently underway to restore large buildings.

Greek Orthodox Iveron Monastery

Also known as Iveron: in the northeast of the peninsula, built by a Georgian monk at the end of the 10th century on the seashore. Iveron, the third monastery in the hierarchy of Athos, houses the largest number of relics of saints and the miraculous icon of the Goalkeeper. In the 16th century, the monastery was decorated with frescoes. The monks are actively engaged in the restoration of historical buildings around the monastery. About 30 monks and novices live here.

St. Panteleimon Monastery

Known to many as the Russian monastery on Mount Athos (Rossikon), it occupies 19th place in the hierarchy. It contains typical examples of Russian frescoes. Many priceless shrines and relics of saints are kept here. Formed on the basis of a Russian settlement that formed on the peninsula in the 11th century, it received formal monastery status in 1169. He became completely Russian at the end of the 19th century. Currently, his farmsteads in Russia are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The area resembles a small city with many buildings and domed churches. In addition to the monasteries, there are 12 hermitages scattered on the territory of the Holy Mountain peninsula, many of which are large settlements and differ from monastic monasteries only in status. Rossikon was rebuilt in the 13th century after a major fire. The brotherhood of the monastery includes about 40 monks.

In a special area hermit monks settle in the south of Athos. The road here is quite difficult and dangerous: along a narrow path along a steep cliff.

Rules for visiting the Holy Mountain

Most tourists have the opportunity to see the mountain and some of its monasteries exclusively from the sea - during a cruise excursion in the Aegean Sea - along the shores of the Athos Peninsula. Similar boat excursions are conducted from the coastal resorts of Halkidiki and take on average 5-6 hours.

To visit the monasteries of Holy Mount Athos, you need to obtain a diamonitirion (special written permission). A man who is a follower of any religion can receive it. Permission is usually given for 4 days, required document- passport, international passport. It is recommended to call the office in advance, as the number of permits issued per day is limited: 10 for non-Orthodox and 100 for Greeks and Orthodox.

Today, thousands of pilgrims and tourists from Russia flock to geographical, historical and spiritual artifacts located in various parts of Europe and Asia. Deluded by numerous stories, at times bordering on outright fables, Russians forget about the Russian shrines themselves. One of these pious myths of our day is the special role of Mount Athos- a kind of monastic republic, thanks to which “intact Eastern Orthodoxy” is maintained, and the world is preserved from final fall into sin. Whether this is true or not, one of the monks who lived on Mount Athos for more than 7 years tells us.

Good health. IN last years Information about the state of affairs in the Greek Church has to be drawn from conflicting sources, which are not always accurate and conscientious. What is the current Greek Church really like?

The current Greek “Orthodoxy” has long ceased to represent a single denomination or Church, but is divided into several directions. The greatest influence in modern Greece are the so-called news calendar And Old Calendarists. Newsletters represent a single religious association. They are subordinate to the synod of the Greek Church and, accordingly, to the Archbishop of Athens and are commemorated as the primate of the universal church ( Constantinople - approx. editorial staff) Patriarch. The New Calendarists are in eucharistic communion with the rest of the local churches and patriarchates, and are members of the ecumenical World Council of Churches.

The second part of Greek Orthodoxy is presented Old Calendarists, which, unfortunately, does not represent a single whole. Today there are four main synods of Old Calendar churches that do not have Eucharistic communion with each other. The division between the Old Calendar churches has various reasons. Sometimes this is due to some innovations introduced by the Old Calendar synods, sometimes with issues of a canonical nature or conflicts. In my opinion, the division in the Old Calendar churches is connected with personal ambitions of bishops. They have every opportunity to connect, but do not make the proper effort to do so. In recent years, the reverse process has been increasingly observed.

The New Calendarists, having a quantitative advantage, being more indifferent to religious particulars, gradually absorb the weak parts of the Old Calendar denominations. As for the quantitative ratio of New Calendarists and Old Calendarists, then, of course, the number of people visiting New Calendar churches is several times greater. However, the number of bishops in the New Calendar and Old Calendar synods is approximately equal.

It's interesting that on church life Modern Greece has virtually no influence from Greek Catholics. There are very few of them there now. The reason for this is that the New Calendarists actually took the place of the once widespread Uniates. Today, new-calendar churches are increasingly similar to Greek Catholic ones. Thus, in many Greek churches today there are not stasidia (special benches around the perimeter of the church), but chairs, like in Catholic churches or concert halls. In addition, Greek archpastors have long served with Catholic bishops. This is no secret to anyone. The Ecumenical Patriarch has concelebrated with the Pope more than once and this does not surprise anyone. Therefore, there is no longer any point in the existence of Greek Catholic Uniates.

The modern principle of Catholic ecumenism has a slightly different basis than the Uniate movements of the past. The main thing that is required is to recognize the supreme spiritual authority or at least be part of the organization, and the name of the church, or the particulars of its religion, do not matter at all.

What can be said about church-wide, popular piety in modern Greece?

Popular church piety in Greece is slowly but surely being leveled out and dissolving into the general European culture. This is partly due to the large number of visitors. In the 80s, many Albanians came to Greece. This was done under the guise of helping low-income residents of a neighboring country. With the advent of the European Union, representatives of Pakistan and African countries are traveling to Greece. The cultural identity of the Greeks began to be lost after the country joined NATO, and Greece’s accession to the European Union dealt an even greater blow. In the future - the adoption of a European constitution. Apparently, the old Greek constitution, based largely on the canons of church law, will be abolished. This could completely undermine the traditions of popular piety. Today, for example, after the birth of a child, his baptism must take place. Based on the baptismal document, a birth certificate is issued. The situation is the same with the sacrament of marriage. The church wedding document is brought to the municipality. The fact of marriage is registered there.

As for the direct authority of the clergy and church institutions in Greece, it is not high in the New Calendar church. In recent years, in the means mass media Numerous cases of abuse and outright crimes in the church environment are widely publicized. Individual representatives of the episcopate were accused of drug trafficking and slave trading. The society was horrified when it learned the facts of the organization of detention centers and slave trade in monasteries belonging to the Greek New Calendar Church. From there, the live goods were sold throughout the Mediterranean.

Of course, the spread of sin is also influenced by the so-called pan-European values ​​that justify a wide variety of vices. A priest from the pulpit can say one thing about sin, but a teacher at school can say something completely different.

Are there liturgical differences between Old Calendar and New Calendar churches?

If we talk about liturgical books and the main sacred rites, then there are no differences. Significant differences are found in the very approach to the performance of the sacraments, for example, in preparation for the Eucharist, for baptism, in the performance of the sacrament of repentance and penance. The New Calendarists have simplified many things; the essential requirements for preparing for the celebration of the Liturgy are not fulfilled. And, of course, the main dogmatic difference is the participation of representatives of other faiths in the service. A Catholic bishop can calmly come to a new calendar church, celebrate the liturgy in the altar, and then take communion with the rest of the clergy.

They say that smoking is widespread among the Greek clergy, is that true?

It is difficult to say how widespread smoking is among the Greek clergy. However, this is a well-known fact and not hidden by anyone. On the street or in a cafe you can meet a priest with a cigarette. There is no penalty for this and no penance is imposed.

In Russia there was an impression that Athos is an almost fabulous island inhabited by the righteous. That through the godly labors of his prayer books, hermits and hermits, the Orthodox ecumene, and even the whole world, is held together. Tourist and pilgrimage trips to Mount Athos are becoming increasingly popular. Today, almost anyone can visit the famous Athonite monasteries, communicate with a hermit, or live in a hermit’s cave. What exactly is modern Athos?

As one of my good friends put it:

“Modern Athos is a terrible spiritual locomotive that pulls down not only Greece, but also neighboring countries with the practice of Eastern Orthodoxy: Serbia, Bulgaria and even Russia.”

According to a long tradition, the believers of these countries had unlimited trust in the religious authority of Athos. When disputes or confusion arose, they often waited for what Athos would say?

Today the ancient authority of Athos plays a fatal role. People come to Athos. To the outside viewer, everything looks great. All over Mount Athos the old style. For a religiously illiterate person, this is the main criterion. In Athonite monasteries there are very long services, including night services, lasting 8-12 hours. The liturgical and everyday monastic regulations are strictly observed. This makes a great impression on visitors. Especially for guests from Russia and other countries where distorted and shortened service has long become a common occurrence.

But these external impressions are wrong. The overwhelming majority of today's Athonite monasteries recognize both the old and new calendar styles as equal. For example, the Nativity Fast began. On Mount Athos it begins according to the old style - two weeks later than in the rest of Europe. The Nativity of Christ has arrived according to the new style. If an Athonite monk or hieromonk travels to mainland Greece during this period, then he calmly, with the permission of his abbot, goes to the new calendar church and serves the Nativity service there. Although there are still two weeks of fasting ahead on Mount Athos. The New Calendar festivities end, the monk returns to Athos, fasts for the remaining time and celebrates the Old Calendar Nativity: he breaks his fast a second time, and celebrates it a second time. All this is called church “economy”, leniency, forgiveness of canons for the sake of the unity of church peace and love. But in fact, this is not oikonomia, but “paranomy” - a gross violation church rules and traditions.

All Athonite monasteries, except for the monastery of Esphigmenou, commemorate in their prayers the ecumenical patriarch, who has long been in prayerful and eucharistic communion with the Pope. For this reason, the brethren of the Esphigmenou monastery have no communication with the rest of the monasteries of Athos and do not participate in the work of Kinot - the church council of the monasteries of Athos, a kind of government of the island.

In my opinion, the traditions of Athos are maintained solely due to this monastery. Other monasteries of Athos, without changing the calendar style and external aspects of worship, are ready to recognize any spiritual authority. This is partly due to the financial flows that have been pouring into the island for some time now. The tourism business is also not interested in preserving the authentic Athonite traditions of monastic solitude.

In recent years, the official Athonite authorities have made several attempts to expel monks from the Esphigmena monastery through siege and police. In 2006, a fake monastic community was created. It was registered and solemnly recognized by the Athos Kinot as the official community of the Esphigmenou monastery. This was necessary in order to make various kinds of decisions in which all the monasteries of the island should participate. The current abbot of the monastery has not taken any part in the affairs of Athos for many years. And what kind of dialogue is possible with heretics? Only a monologue.

Not only Esphigmen, but also some hermits of the island living in cells stopped commemorating the ecumenical patriarch and broke off communication with the official monasteries of Athos. There are also inhabitants of the island who, like the Russian non-priests, believe that the true priesthood no longer exists, the entire hierarchy has fallen into heresy. Of course, visitors to the island from different countries the world is not aware of this situation and for them the monasteries of Athos are a kind of religious monolith, an oasis of orthodoxy. But this one is far from it.

Today, the monasteries of Athos are actively involved in the development of transnational financial resources. In recent years, not only Greece has allocated funds for the restoration of Mount Athos, but also the European Union and even the Vatican. Some allocated amounts disappear without a trace. For example, to restore the monastery, large funds were allocated to Esphigmen, which the monastery did not accept, and the money, nevertheless, disappeared. Many church leaders of Athos are accused of financial and land fraud. All monasteries have built multi-star hotels, equipped with a VIP room, elevators to three or four floors and much more.

In my opinion, the gradual apostasy of the Greek Church is associated with the strong Western influence, which for centuries, starting from the 12th century, had a pernicious influence on all aspects of spiritual and church-administrative life. This was the systematic destruction of Orthodoxy. Problems were set, the time for solving them was not exhausted by the life of one or two generations. They were designed to last for centuries.

If you believe the prophecies, then with the final acceptance of the heresy, Athos will perish, and the mountain itself will go under water. According to the covenant of the Mother of God, the end of Athos will be felt by everyone who does the will of the Son of God. Apparently, one should not expect other special signs, for example, the disappearance of the Iveron Icon, etc. One might think that as long as the icon is in place, nothing threatens orthodoxy. “Whoever does the will of My Son will understand this anywhere on Athos,” and then he will have to pack his things and leave from there, because the end of grief has come. And there is more than enough indirect evidence of the decline of Athos.

What can be said about monastic life on modern Mount Athos?

In Russia, many monastic traditions and monastic continuity have been lost. Old traditions were destroyed along with the generation of monks during the years of Bolshevik persecution. Modern Russian monasticism, regardless of confessional subordination, is young. Monasteries are more like either tourist centers or collective farms. And on Mount Athos I had to be surrounded by elders who had been practicing monasticism for 30-40 years. A monk with 7-10 years of experience in such an environment is considered young. In other places it is difficult to meet people with such length and experience of monastic life, almost impossible. Such a period of life for a monk implies a lot of experience. When you are in the company of such elders, it is inspiring. But the current Athonite elders, who have lived on the island for decades, say: “We came for shards, but there’s nothing left for you…”

When communicating with elderly monks, it is interesting to find out how the island lived 20-30 years ago. They came to Athos when there was no ship going there, when there was not a single store, not a single car. If he made an agreement with some fisherman, he could take him to the island, land him somewhere, and from there he had to go himself and look for shelter. Now Athos is two tourist ships, taxis around the entire perimeter.

For the convenience of tourists, there are buses that go to the pass. From the pass, minibuses go around the island, they deliver to the monasteries. Even in recent years, dramatic changes have been taking place on the island. I lived on Mount Athos for seven years and saw how everything changed. I had to live on Karula, this is a hermitic place. Only the Kelliots live at the foot of the mountain. There are no large settlements there. Two or three people live. In 2000, local hermits had no idea about a mobile phone, solar battery and, especially, the Internet.

And when I left Athos, only on Karula there were three Internet connections. When the first hermit started mobile phone, then hid it, ashamed that they would laugh. And now everyone has everything. Of course, this is a sign of obvious decline. If previously a hermit, in order to bring something to his cell, had to walk through the mountains and carry heavy luggage, today everything can be ordered by phone: food, candles, incense, ingredients for its manufacture. Everything is brought by ship, all that remains is to pay. Of course, those who are zealous for a pious life have to leave the island.

We lived on Karula, and the last Serb lives there, a tonsure of the elders of the early 20th century. He is actually the last one to have the continuity of the old generations of monks. It’s easier for us young people - we took off and left, but he, who had lived on the island for about 40 years, had nowhere to go. I think that it is also because of these last remnants of the Athonite tradition that the island is preserved, by the grace of God. They will die and everything will end with them. And young monks will have to make a choice: either stay in this ungodly atmosphere, live as an exhibit in a tourist center, or look for another refuge.

This sad scenario was tested in the Meteor monasteries. It was impossible to get there except with the help of a special lift, which was lowered by the monks. But we got to them too. They built a road. Now there is not a single full-fledged monastery there. Or rather, the monasteries remained as monuments, but most of the monks left in the 70s of the 20th century. Many monks moved to Athos. And now it’s Athos’ turn...

The emergence of Old Calendar church associations in Greece is associated with the schism of the Church of Greece, which occurred as a result of the rejection by some of the clergy and laity of the introduction of the new Gregorian calendar in Greece (March 10, 1924). The initiators of the movement to preserve worship according to the old calendar (old style) in 1925 were the laity who created the Association of Orthodox Christians (Secretary of the Board of Directors Pericles Getouris). They were supported by the monks of Athos, and then by a number of prominent representatives of the clergy. In 1926, the association was transformed into the "Greek religious society true Orthodox Christians." The number of parishes of this association reached 800. In May 1935, three bishops left the official Greek Orthodox Church and formed the Synod of Truly with four newly ordained hierarchs. Orthodox Church Greece (Chairman of the Synod from May 25, 1935 to June 30, 1937 - Metropolitan Herman of Dimitrias). At the end of the 30s, a split occurred in the Old Calendar Church into two branches. Later, several more divisions occurred among the Old Calendarists. Since the 1970s, Old Calendar churches have been negotiating about unification, but there has been no success in this process yet.

Holy Mount Athos in Greece is a small peninsula, one of the branches of the resort of Halkidiki, an incredibly picturesque place with amazing nature. There are two dozen here monasteries. Mount Athos is one of the most mysterious places, surrounded by legends. According to one legend, the mountain rose from the depths of the sea at the behest of the god Poseidon. With her help, the gods suppressed the uprising of the Titans. And according to another legend, Titan Athos, during the uprising, dropped a huge stone, which became a mountain.

general information

Simonopetra Monastery

The monasteries of Athos in Greece are a place of pilgrimage for thousands of guests. However, women are prohibited from visiting the mountain. There is another legend about this. The Virgin Mary, seeing the mountain, was fascinated by the local nature and asked God for it. Since then, no woman has been able to set foot on the slopes of the mountain. The myth is supported by a decree of the Greek President, according to which arrest and imprisonment are provided for a woman who sets foot on Mount Athos.

Athos – modern state, where its own Charter operates and approximately 2000 monks live, who pray day and night for the salvation of humanity. Monks are forbidden to eat meat, smoke and wear any clothes other than church clothes.


The capital is Karye, where the Museum of the History of Christianity is located, where ancient manuscripts and rare icons are kept. Simonopetra is recognized as the most beautiful on Mount Athos in Greece - a seven-story building located right on a steep slope, which gives the monastery special grandeur.

One of the features of the monastic republic of Athos is the calculation of time. Here they have their own method of determining the beginning and end of the day; in some places they are guided by sunset and sunrise, and in others by the time zone of Greece.

  1. Athos – the only place on a planet where women are forbidden to set foot, but this very place is the earthly destiny of the Virgin Mary.
  2. In the pre-Christian period, the mountain was also considered a special place - the temples of Zeus and Apollo were located here.
  3. Mount Athos on the map of Greece is part of the country, in fact it is an autonomous republic, there is an article about this in the main document - the Constitution. Power is concentrated in the Sacred Organs - the Cinema and the Epistasia. There is also a governor, police, post office, trade, artisans, a hospital and even banking organizations.
  4. The first monastery was built in 963 by Athanasius of Athos. This saint introduced the basic canons of monastic life. Today this monastery is called the Great Lavra.
  5. The Virgin Mary is recognized as the patroness of the entire monastic republic, since in 48, after her sermons, the local pagan residents converted to Christianity.

  6. Temple of the Assumption Holy Mother of God
  7. The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located in Karya, is considered the oldest on the mountain, built around 335.
  8. In its heyday, there were approximately 180 monasteries on the Athos peninsula. Athos received the status of an autonomous republic in 972, at that time it was patronized by the Byzantine Empire.
  9. Among the monasteries there is a Russian monastery - St. Panteleimon, built before 1016. There are also Serbian and Bulgarian monasteries here.
  10. The highest part of Mount Athos is its peak (just over 2 km), there is a temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, erected on the site of a pagan temple.
  11. In the southwestern part of the mountain there are hard-to-reach places - karuli - where the most ascetic monks live.


There are 20 monasteries on Saint Athos in Greece, each with premises for pilgrims and vacationers. The monks talk in detail about the history of the monastery, conduct excursions, and accommodate tourists. Of course, there are no luxury apartments here and the menu is quite modest, but people come here for something completely different.

The most famous and revered shrines of the Christian world are kept in the temples:

  • icons;
  • robes of saints;
  • holy relics and relics.

Great Lavra

The most ancient and largest monastery is located in the southeastern part of the peninsula, at the foot. The founder is Saint Athanasius of Athos, it was he who drew up the Charter of life on the territory of the monastic republic. On the territory of the Lavra there are 17 temples, numerous hermitages and caves where the monks retired.

Located above the sea, in the northeastern part of the peninsula. Built approximately between 973 and 984 by supposedly wealthy men - Anthony, Athanasius and Nicholas. The monastery is the second in the hierarchy of Svyatogorsk churches.

Icons and the belt of the Virgin Mary are kept here, amazing in their beauty of church vestments and utensils.

Iversky Monastery

The construction was carried out by Saint John of Iveron, a companion of Athanasius of Athos. The monastery was founded in 980-983 by Georgians and at the expense of the Georgian royal house of Bagration.

The main relic and shrine of the monastery is the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. Today, Iveron also houses the relics of saints and the miraculous icon of the Goalkeeper. The monastery is active and 30 novices and monks live in it on a permanent basis.


Occupies 4th place in the Athos hierarchy. Founded at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries with the royal benefits of St. Sava, who later became Archbishop of Serbia.

5 icons of the Mother of God, relics of saints, the staff of Saint Sava and particles of various relics are kept here. The monastery library contains more than 800 Slavic, 180 Greek manuscripts and about 20 thousand printed books.

Unlike other monasteries, Khaliand continued to operate and prosper during the Turkish occupation.

The monastery is currently being restored after a fire in 2004. About 20 monks live on the territory.

It is interesting that on Athos, in the Khalindar monastery, you can write a letter with a request and they will send you a branch of a grapevine, which, according to legend, heals infertile suprkgs.

Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos in Greece is located on the seashore near Daphne. Built in 1765. Until this time, the monastery was located further from the coast and was opened in the 11th century, when the first Russian monks came to the mountain.

The monastery stands out for its architectural ensemble. There are many buildings on the territory of the monastery, including multi-story ones, with beautiful domes. The overall impression is as if you were in a cozy town.

The cathedral church was built between 1810 and 1820, the refectory is designed for 800 people. The monastery owns five cells and hermitages. The relics of St. Panteleimon, the foot of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and individual parts of the Holy Cross, rare icons, beautiful church vestments are kept here; a separate room was built for the library.


The Temple of St. Dionysius was opened in 1375, located on a steep cliff, at an altitude of approximately 80 meters above the sea. The monastery was named after its founder, St. Dionysius. The temple houses the holy relics of John the Baptist and Saint Niphon.

Located in the northeastern part of the Athos peninsula, nearby are the ruins of an ancient settlement. The founders are the brothers Alexy (commander of the troops), John (worked in court).

The first mention of the monastery dates back to 1358. In 1362, the monastery was rebuilt and the courtyards were completed. The temple contains shrines - the relics of Theodore Stratelates, part of the Life-Giving Cross and part of the shield of St. Mercury.


The monastery is located in one of the most picturesque parts of the Athos peninsula. There is no exact information about the founder of the monastery. According to some sources, it was founded by Empress Pulcheria. Other sources mention Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus.

The largest part of the Holy Cross is kept here, in which you can see the hole from the nail.

Bulgarian temple, translated the name means “painter”. According to legend, the monastery was built in the 10th century by brother monks. During construction, a dispute arose - in honor of which Saint should the temple be opened - the Virgin Mary, Saint Nicholas or Saint George. Not having reached a consensus, the brothers left the icon plaque in the room. The next morning they discovered an icon of St. George on it.

The monastery is located in the depths of the island, so you will have to walk about 5 km to get there. Important shrines are kept here - the miraculous image of St. George, the icon of the Virgin Mary Akathista.

Located in the southwestern part of the peninsula. Built approximately in the second half of the 10th century by one of the associates of Athanasius of Athos - Saint Euthymius. One of the shrines is the icon of the Mother of God.

How to get to the Holy Mountain

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If you are interested in the question of how to get to Mount Athos in Greece, start by completing the documents:

  • Schengen visa or Greek visa;
  • diamonitirion - official permission to visit the monastery and stay on its territory (cost 25 euros).

It is important! The pilgrimage center is located in Thessaloniki, there is a department for issuing permits. Address: 109, Egnatia Street, Thessaloniki, 546 22. Requests can be sent by email - [email protected].

Official confirmation from the monastery that they are ready to accept you must be obtained before traveling to Greece. This is due to the varying degrees of workload of the monasteries. At different times of the year there is such an influx of pilgrims that not every monastery is able to accommodate everyone.


You can almost always stay in the monasteries of Dionysiat, Kostamonit, St. Paul or in St. Andrew's monastery. The most difficult places to stay are in the monasteries of Pantokrator, Stavronikit, Hilandar and Simonopetr.

After agreement with the monastery, you can book a hotel in Thessaloniki. Then you need to get to Ouranoupolis - this is a city bordering Mount Athos. You can get there by bus; flights depart regularly from the bus station. Exact schedule you need to find out at the ticket office, since it changes depending on the time of year and the influx of tourists. You can also take a taxi. The cost of the trip is approximately 80 to 100 euros.

From Ouranoupolis to Athos there is a ferry or speedboat, you will need to buy a ticket. If you have Diamonitirion, the ferry ride is free. It follows to Daphne and the monasteries, located in the northwestern part of Athos. You have to walk to the monasteries, which are located in the depths of the peninsula (an average of 5 km).

It is important! If you want to catch the ferry, you must take the first two buses to Ouranoupolis. You can only get to the Holy Mountain by water, since the land border with the Greek mainland is closed.

A city bus runs from Daphne to the capital of the peninsula, Karye. As a rule, its flights are coordinated with the arrival time of the ferry.

On the return journey, the ferry departs from Daphne at noon, passes through the piers of all the monasteries and arrives in Ouranoupolis at 14-00.

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How to get permission

List of documents:

  • Schengen or Greek visa (for Ukrainians - biometric passport);
  • Diamonitirion is a special visa issued to tourists to visit the Holy Mountain, valid for four days.

You can obtain permission directly from the monastery or the building of the Pilgrimage Bureau, which is located in Thessaloniki.

It is necessary to plan a visit to Athos and send a request for permission very much in advance - six months before the intended visit to Greece. The request must indicate:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the tourist;
  • scan of international passport;
  • date of arrival on Athos;
  • contact details – telephone, email;
  • religion

Send this information need by fax or email. All contacts can be found on the website

A positive decision to visit the Holy Mountain comes several weeks before the specified date by email. The pilgrim is also notified by telephone.

How to get diamonitirion

Pilgrim Bureau Office

Tourists receive a visa in Ouranoupolis at the pilgrimage service office after presenting their passport. The document is presented on the day of departure to Mount Athos. Upon receipt of a visa, the tourist pays a fee of 25 EUR.

You must keep the document with you along the way, since you can only enter the ferry by presenting a monastic visa. Having arrived on Athos, you must immediately visit the monastery that issued the diamonitirion to the pilgrim.

Prices on the page are for April 2018.

As you can see, in order to make a trip, it is not enough to find out where Athos is located on the territory of Greece; you will need to fill out documents and go a long way. Athos in Greece is a unique place where there is a special atmosphere, peace and you can find answers to the most complex and intimate questions.

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