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List of modern achievements of Karelia. Presentation on the topic "Our region is Karelia." On Lake Onega there is an open-air museum-reserve - Kizhi

Winner of the district and finalist of the Republican competition "Teacher of the Year - 2010" -
Martynova Margarita Anatolyevna

For four months, the TVR-Panorama newspaper published questions from four rounds V Quiz "My Karelia" , which was prepared by employees of the Petrozavodsk Central Library named after. D. Gusarova. Not only Petrozavodsk residents took part in it!
The absolute winners were Sergei Vereshko, an 8th grade student at Shuiskaya high school , and the women's club "Nadezhda", head Zinaida Vasilievna Isakova, Pudozhsky district, Vodla village.
Prizes for winning the quiz were also awarded to Olga Potapova from Kondopoga, Tatyana Stukina from Suoyarvi, Alexander Abramov from Tver, Lyudmila Romanova from Belomorsk, Ekaterina Kozlova, a 7th grade student from the village of Ruskeala, Sortavala district, 6th grade students of Shuya Secondary School No. 1, teacher Irina Semenovna Sergeenkova. June 2010

1April 3, 2010 at 14.00 the Award Ceremony and Gala Concert took place at the Children's Music and Choir School
II Republican competition “The Heart Remembers”.
The competition was held by the State Educational Institution Republican Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth “Rovesnik” with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia (once every 5 years).
3 works were submitted to the competition to participate in the nomination: Research mini-project. The themes of the works were chosen from those proposed: “Let us bow to those great years”, “They defended the Motherland”, “We remember”, “Teacher during the war years”, “Children of the war”, “Family archive”, etc.
At the Award Ceremony, children performed from different parts of Karelia (43 participants) in different categories. We were also among the winners. Your work on the topic FAMILY ARCHIVE – was worthily presented by Pavel Naimushin, an 8th grade student. From the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia Pasha was awarded a DIPLOMA, and the other two participants, Irina Golubeva and Yuri Sergeenkov, participant CERTIFICATES. Well done!

From January to April, the State Institution "Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia" held a republican competition creative works"The connection of times will not be broken: your family, your fellow countrymen, your small Motherland in the history of the Great Patriotic War"The competition accepted works from literary, research, artistic, computer presentations. In total, 298 works from 10 regions of Karelia were sent to the competition. The boys from grade 5b took 1st place with their research work"Children of war" , in which they talk about their fellow countrymen from the village of Shuya.
The guys were awarded a diploma and gifts (books).

In the spring of 2010, as part of the campaign, the Kivach Nature Reserve, with the support of the Center for Children and Youth Tourism in Kondopoga, held Republican competition of children's creative works "The wonderful world of six-legged creatures."
707 children from schools No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and the lyceum of Kondopoga and the village took part in the competition. Kedrozero, Yanishpole, Berezovka, Spasskaya Guba, Konchezero, as well as students of the Tourism Center, Children's Theater and Art School, Children's Art School, kindergarten“Zvezdochka” (Kondopoga) and RDEBC named after. K.A. Andreeva (Petrozavodsk). This year, schoolchildren from other regions of Karelia also took part in the competition: village Shuya (Prionezhsky district), village Karshevo (Pudozhsky district), village. Hiitola (Lakhdenpokhsky district), village. Gumarino (Suoyarvi district), village. Rugozero (Muezersky district). The winners in the “Drawing” category were:Artem Shkurko (1st grade, Shuya village), Julia Gudina (3rd grade, Shuya village), Arina Ablyalimova (3rd grade, Shuya village), Nastya Klimenok (3rd grade, Shuya village).

State educational institution The Republic of Kazakhstan for additional education of children "RD Ecological and Biological Center named after Kim Andreev" in the period from February 1 to May 15, 2010 held republican(correspondence) "Green Envelope" competition. From school to creative competition "Cipollino Family" 3 people participated. III degree diploma was given to the student 1st class - Lukin Ilya. results -

The authorities of Karelia combine development industrial production and construction of resorts. Yesterday, Governor of Karelia Sergei Katanandov told reporters about the achievements of the republic over the 10 years of his rule. The meeting took place just before the anniversary of his governorship.

The governor of Karelia called his main achievements the fact that during this time he managed to implement the plan for the electrification of railways. Now all Oktyabrskaya Railway provided with electric traction. The second achievement is the development of the Shtokman natural gas field. It is expected that by 2015, the development of this project will make it possible to lay a main gas pipeline with a length of almost 700 kilometers, through which about 2.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year will be delivered to republican consumers.

Also, in the near future, industrial development of ore deposits, including gold, diamonds and platinum, will begin in Karelia. We are talking about several deposits in the Pudozhsky district on the border of Karelia with the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions. It is planned to create the so-called “Pudozh megaproject” here. It is planned to build three mining and processing plants, a metallurgical plant and a plant, as well as a railway.

The estimated cost of the large-scale project, as Katanandov noted, is 100-120 billion rubles. But the implementation of these plans has its own difficulties, so the governor is asking for state support. Indeed, until recently, it was pointless to talk about the development of these deposits at all. It was impossible to even get here. And only thanks to the federal program for road construction in Karelia, the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions, the so-called “northern corridor” was built, and now it is possible to bring equipment to these deposits. “We have found partners, we already have plans, there are large investors. I think that this year we will reach an agreement on the development of these fields,” said Sergei Katanandov.

At the same time, despite grandiose plans for industrial development, Karelia is going to develop resorts. For example, a project is currently being developed to create an international-level resort, Spasskaya Guba. Land for development has already been transferred, which is about 3 thousand hectares. They plan to build high-tech ski and bike trails here. As well as all the necessary infrastructure that will allow carrying out on Spasskaya Guba international competitions. Construction will begin next year.

This object combined with two national parks- Kizhimi and Valaam - will allow Karelia to take its rightful place in the field active tourism. By the way, the governor himself prefers to relax in these places. But most of all he loves the White Sea. According to him, this is a unique place for observing animals. That is why it is planned to create a special diving center here. Moreover, Western tourists are also interested in this project.

But “the land of forests, fields and rivers” is, according to the governor, an already outdated idea of ​​Karelia. She must be the edge modern people. Therefore, now, within the framework of national projects in Karelia, education is being put on a new track. Now, together with Finnish colleagues, various technology parks are opening. Nanotechnology development is planned. And all this is done on the basis of Petrozavodsk University.

Within the framework of the national project "Health" in Karelia, special attention was paid to the creation of a modern cardiocenter. And it's already working. The first five operations were performed there by doctors from the Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg, where Karelian doctors are trained. In the first year of operation, it is planned to perform 70 heart surgeries. And although each of them costs about 10 thousand euros, they will be free for patients from Karelia, the governor said.

When asked whether Sergei Katanandov would agree to work in Moscow, the governor replied that he would not. “I know Karelia well, its problems and the problems of the northern territories in general. I have experience of my own mistakes, but I also have plans for the further development of Karelia,” the governor said.

In the north-west of Russia, near the White Sea, is the Republic of Karelia. The capital is the city of Petrozavodsk. The climate of Karelia is mild, with high rainfall. Winters are snowy and short summer period can be quite warm. The fauna of the republic was formed after the Ice Age; of the 63 species of mammals, many are listed in the Red Book. In this review, we have collected the main attractions of Karelia - 11 best tourist places.

What to see in Karelia?

The main and most interesting sights of the republic with photos and descriptions.

1. Kizhi Museum-Reserve

There are about 1650 islands on Lake Onega. Located 68 km from Petrozavodsk, Kizhi is famous for its architectural ensemble, which is the most popular attraction in Karelia. Ancient churches and huts built in the 18th century are considered unique monuments of wooden architecture. The most famous of them are included in the temple complex of the Kizhi Pogost, this is the main Transfiguration Church (1714), the Intercession Church (1764), and the bell tower. The Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus, the construction of which dates back to the 14th century, was moved to the island - one of the most ancient religious buildings. Chapels, peasant houses, barns, baths and barns were collected from different villages of Obonezhye and all regions of Karelia.

2. Ruskeala Mountain Park

The Ruskeala Mountain Park is considered a monument of industrial culture of the 17th – early 20th centuries, which is also an amazing natural attraction of the Republic of Karelia. After the cessation of marble mining, the Ruskeala quarries became mountain lakes with clear bluish-green water, and abandoned mines turned into caves and beautiful grottoes. Blocks from the Marble Canyon were used to clad historical buildings in St. Petersburg, such as St. Isaac's Cathedral, as well as the Ladozhskaya and Primorskaya metro stations.

3. Ruskeala waterfalls

The Tokhmajoki River is one of the largest rivers in the Ladoga region. The yellowish color of its water is due to the high content of iron salts in it. Because of this, local residents call the river Ruskolka. "Ruskea" translated from Karelian means "red-haired". There are four waterfalls in total, they are located near the village of Ruskeala. The waterfalls are flat, so their height is 3-4 meters. You can see them while driving past on the road. There is an observation deck nearby. The feature film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” took place here, and later many episodes of the fantasy film “The Dark World” were filmed at the waterfalls. During the Tahmajoki flood, lovers of rafting on catamarans and kayaks come from afar. And although at this time the current is especially strong and the descent is dangerous, there are more and more tourists.

4. Solovetsky Monastery

The next attraction that you should definitely visit during a tour of Karelia is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery. It was erected in 1420-1430. and even in pre-Petrine times he was one of the largest landowners in the state. In 1669-1676. He actively resisted the church reform of Patriarch Nikon, and then began to belong to the official church. For many years the monastery was a major defensive center. Thick fortress walls held back multiple sieges by enemy troops. In 1920 the monastery was closed, and from 1923 to 1939. the Solovetsky special purpose camp was located there. There are no exact data on the number of deaths. During World War II, a school for cabin boys was located on the islands. Currently there is a stauropegial center on the island monastery, monastic life there has been resumed since 1990.

5. Valaam

Translated from Finnish, Valaam means “high mountainous land.” This is the largest island in the archipelago, on which the Valaam stauropegic monastery and village are located. In 1960, the island was opened to tourists. In 1979, a reserve was organized on its territory and restoration was carried out. Pilgrims from all over the country come here to get acquainted with the life of the famous religious center, look at the 72-meter bell tower, and feel the spirit of high morality and mental fortitude. In December 2005, the sound of the 1000-pound bell “St. Andrew the First-Called” could be heard for the first time. Every year, the island of Valaam is visited by about 100 thousand pilgrims, of which approximately 90 thousand are tourists. This is one of the most visited tourist places in Karelia.

6. National Museum in Petrozavodsk

National Museum was founded in 1871. Its buildings are located in the historical center and were erected in the classical style of the last third of the 18th century. Today it is one of the oldest museum institutions in Karelia. In total, it presents more than 200,000 objects related to nature, archeology, as well as exhibits that influenced the history of the region. In addition, it is here that there are objects reflecting Russian culture, as well as the crafts and history of smaller nationalities, such as the Karelians and Vepsians. Currently, the museum is implementing a whole system of exhibitions that will be dedicated to Petrozavodsk and Karelia as a whole.

7. Kivach

Kivach is one of the most beautiful natural attractions of the Republic of Karelia. This is a powerful waterfall on the Suna River, whose name was used to create the reserve. The height of the total fall of the waterfall is about 10 meters with a length of 170 m. The waterfall is divided by a rock into two streams. Main thread (with right side) goes down along four ledges at once, while the secondary one (on the left side) is divided into several separate jets, gradually entering the main flow. Due to the construction of the Girvas dam, the waterfall has seriously lost its power, since water flows into it from only a 30-kilometer section. Despite this, Kivach is considered one of the most famous and accessible waterfalls in Karelia, which still remains very beautiful.

8. Zoo complex “Three Bears”

The Three Bears zoo complex was created in 2004. Located 70 kilometers from Petrozavodsk on the shore of Syamozero in a pine forest, which is known for its healing air. The main goal was to create a scientific wildlife exhibition where people could observe animals in their natural habitat. For this purpose, almost all the local fauna was brought to the complex, from bears to chinchillas. Thus, it was planned to educate young people about the intricacies of the interconnections of the animal world, as well as provide tourists with a decent vacation. Various games, competitions and events are regularly held for children on the territory of the complex, and the owners make every effort to improve ecological situation in the region.

9. Paanajärvi National Park

Paanajärvi National Park is a protected natural site of Karelia with federal significance. Created in 1992 as a result of a government decree to preserve Lake Paanajärvi and the Olangi River as natural complexes, as well as more rational use their resources. The territory of the park includes more than 103 thousand hectares, while throughout its entire area there is not a single settlement. There are a total of 15 major geological features in the park, as well as 54 monuments of high scientific value, such as the Kivakka and Zipringa intrusions as examples. In addition, this is where you can often observe the northern lights.

10. Vodlozersky National Park

The territory of the Vodlozersky Park includes 468 thousand hectares, and only 130 of them belong to Karelia. On its square there are permanent archaeological excavations, and eco-tourism is also available. The main attraction is the territory of Vodlozerye, the oldest cultural region of the Russian North. It was this park that became the first biosphere reserve on the territory of the Russian Federation, according to the decision of UNESCO.

11. Assumption Church in Kondopoga

A beautiful Orthodox landmark of Karelia, the Assumption Church is located in the historical district of the city of Kondopoga, on a cape that extends into the waters of the Kondopoga Bay of Lake Onega. The temple is a protected cultural heritage site of federal significance. The first documented description of the church dates back to 1563. Subsequently, the church was rebuilt about three times. The modern, fourth temple was erected in 1774 as a memorial to those killed during the Kizhi uprising. Construction took place during the decline of wooden architecture, which affected the architecture of the building. Among the surviving objects one can note the iconostasis, as well as the icon-painted sky ceiling. The height of the building is 42 meters, which makes the church a rather unique object and shows the skill of the workers of that time.

Karelia as a separate public education on the territory of Russia appeared on the world map a little less than a hundred years ago. After the Great October revolution in 1920, the Karelian Labor Commune was first proclaimed, and then five years later the Karelian Republic. Here live a stern and seasoned people who have had to endure a lot, but this only strengthened them, and therefore the republic has achieved a lot during its existence. The modern achievements of Karelia have become known to the whole world.

Development of the tourism sector

The main modern achievements of Karelia are associated with its unique nature and rich history. The Karelian region is simply a haven for wild tourism and extreme sports, because this territory contains pristine dense forests, stormy, crystal clear rivers and unique landscapes of the rocky seaside, indescribable in beauty. Thanks to the unique nature of Karelia, the tourism industry began to rapidly develop, and now the republic is recognized as one of the best vacation spots in the territory Russian Federation.

Both in winter and in summer

Fans of extreme recreation will have plenty to do both in winter and summer. Modern achievements of Karelia include outdoor recreation. In the summer, travel companies organize multi-day kayaking along and Okhta, a walking or automobile tourist safari through the dense and impenetrable thickets of an ancient forest, hikes to the protected areas of the region: to Mount Vottovaara, to the Kivach nature reserve with the waterfall of the same name, and to unforgettable In winter, you can try it yourself drive a dog sled or go fishing and hunting. You can even go one-on-one against a brown bear! There will also be something for avid mushroom pickers to do here: Karelia has a simply mind-boggling amount of delicious wild berries and mushrooms, just have time to pick them!

If you are interested in relaxing among the pristine Karelian nature, then we would like to offer a small list of remarkable places in this region, the preservation of which is a modern achievement of Karelia:

  • Vottovaara ridge.
  • Ruskeala marble canyon.
  • National parks: Voldozersky and Paanajärvi.
  • "Mircial Waters" is one of the oldest sanatoriums in Russia.

Caring for and restoring historical sites

In addition to natural resources, it is also famous for its original and long history. The people and government of the region jealously monitor the condition of the sights and try to do everything possible so that the rest of the world can see, appreciate and understand the centuries-old history of the multinational region. This fact is evidenced by the recognition of the Kizhi historical reserve as the best museum in the country in 2011 and the receipt of the main prize of the Intermuseum 2011 festival - another modern achievement of the Republic of Karelia.

About three hundred of Russia's largest museums are represented at this event, including famous metropolitan museums, but the grand prix of the competition went to the Karelian historical reserve. And this is not surprising, because Kizhi is a whole separate island on which there are unique masterpieces of wooden architecture ancient Rus'. The first buildings on the island were erected by immigrants from Novgorod, and over the past centuries the unique wooden buildings have been preserved in their original form, thanks to which historical place was included in the UNESCO list.

Some more attractions

Also, residents and guests of the Karelian region will be able to see and visit a number of beautiful historical monuments and noteworthy places:

  • Botanical Garden. This modern achievement of the Republic of Karelia is located on the outskirts of the regional center and is notable for the fact that the garden contains several separate natural zones, in each of which unique specimens of the flora of the Karelian region grow in their natural habitat. Here you can find the arboretum, healing herbs, berry and mushroom corner.
  • Death Valley. This gloomy name was given to a small valley where a bloody battle took place between the Red Army and Finnish troops during Finnish war last century.
  • - achievements of the Republic of Karelia from hoary antiquity. This is a historical monument, which includes in its composition a large number of ancient rock paintings with various scenes from the life of the first people in the lands of Karelia. They depict various sea and forest monsters, hunting and fishing, drawings of people and deities in whom they believed.

Raising healthy and athletic youth

While preserving the natural beauty of its region, the government of Karelia does not forget about future generations of residents of the region.

Recently, a luxurious sports and fitness complex was built on the territory of Sortavala, accessible to everyone. It contains halls for playing basketball, volleyball and football, a large 25-meter swimming pool and a number of rooms with the service infrastructure necessary for the functioning of a modern complex. It is recognized as the largest building for physical training and events in the Northern Ladoga region and is also a modern achievement of Karelia. The photos posted in the article demonstrate the inimitable beauty of the region and the result of the labor of its people.

This is a republic located in the north-west of the Russian Federation and part of the same name federal district. The date of formation of the republic is considered to be June 8, 1920. It was then that an autonomous regional association arose on the territory of the former Olonets province - the Karelian Labor Commune. In various historical periods, the state formation on the territory of Karelia was called the Karelian ASSR and the Karelo-Finnish SSR.

The area of ​​Karelia is about 180 thousand km2, which is 1.06% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. As of January 2009, this territory is home to about 685 thousand people, with the vast majority living in cities. The republic is divided into 16 municipal districts and two urban districts. Karelia is a kind of fort post on the northwestern borders of the Russian Federation. The favorable economic and geographical position of the republic has a positive effect on the development of the region’s infrastructure. Many people pass through the republic

The sights of Karelia are a separate and voluminous topic, about which you can talk not only for hours, but also for days. Many local historians have devoted their entire lives to researching the “land of lakes”. Karelia is called a lake country for a reason, because in terms of the number of reservoirs it is ahead of Canada, Finland and Sweden. The peculiar and unique relief was formed with the active participation of huge glaciers and tectonic activity. It was the glacier that created the bizarre plains with scatterings of stone blocks. High mountains covered with forests contrast brightly with the water surface of the purest Karelian lakes.

Forests and lakes of Karelia play an important role in preserving animal diversity and flora northern Europe. Almost half of the republic's territory is covered with forests, home to reindeer, brown bears, hares, moose, beavers and many other animals. Another quarter of the territory is occupied by lakes in which trout, navaga, salmon, salmon and many other fish are found.

Many epics, legends and the world famous epic “Kalevala” - all amazing literary works were created by local residents. The stories reflect the way of life, their beliefs and experiences. Evidence of the customs of the ancient inhabitants of these places has been preserved not only in stories. Seids and ritual sanctuaries are reminiscent of the pagan rituals that the Sami performed in the hope of the help of the gods. Archaeological finds allow us to imagine the life of an ordinary Karelian in various historical periods. A large number of historical and cultural monuments, many museums and Karelian villages that have preserved the classical buildings will help guests of the republic become closely acquainted with cultural heritage ancient inhabitants of these lands.

Russian is used as the official language in the republic. At the same time, the indigenous has its own writing and language. The republic is also implementing a strategy for socio-economic development until 2020, which in the long term is recognized to improve the quality of life of the citizens of the republic based on stable economic growth. To implement the assigned tasks, there are about twenty different budget programs in effect in the republic. Programs are also being implemented aimed at increasing the flow of tourists to the republic. Local residents are sure that everyone should enjoy the unique beauty of Karelia. Welcome!