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How many grams of folic acid should pregnant women take? Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy. How much, how and when to drink B9 while carrying a child? What else do you need to know about this drug?

Vitamin B 9 plays a serious role in the body. This is especially true for pregnant women. Therefore, doctors often prescribe folic acid (this is a synonym for vitamin B 9), which is so necessary for expectant mothers. This happens in almost every case when a woman is pregnant. Vitamin B 9 is involved in many important processes. Thus, it is responsible for the formation of blood cells, participates in the structure of DNA, and helps strengthen the immune system. Its use is necessary for the formation of the neural tube without pathologies. If disturbances occur in the development of the embryo, very negative consequences can occur, leading to difficulties in the physical and mental activity of the unborn child.

With such a broad meaning of the drug and its frequent use, many people have a lot of questions about how to drink this vitamin. In this article you can find detailed instructions According to the application, you will learn what the required dose is, how long you need to take the drug over time and what precautions to take.

What does a lack of vitamin B 9 lead to?

According to statistics, about 20% of the total population experiences hypovitaminosis of group B. However, acid deficiency is not always acutely noticeable. As a rule, only a doctor can reliably determine the lack of this substance.

An insufficient amount of folic acid during gestation is caused, first of all, by disorders in correct formation and development nervous system in the unborn child. Due to this factor, the following defects may appear in the fetus:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • anencephaly (lack of brain structure);
  • cerebral hernias;
  • difficult mental and physical development.

In addition, insufficient B9 content in the body during pregnancy contributes to the development of the so-called “open back” syndrome. This implies nonfusion of the spine. Other defects of the spinal column are also possible. If there is a lack of folic acid, there is a high risk that the child will not be able to carry the child to term, since the deficiency increases the risk of premature termination of pregnancy.

Severe folic acid deficiency is quite rare. But its consequences are very serious. Thus, a lack of B 9 can cause irritability and loss of appetite. Further, the negative consequences progress, and in addition to rapid fatigue, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract appear (they are expressed in the form of diarrhea and vomiting). There may be increased hair loss and small ulcers in the mouth. The result of a long-term and acute lack of acid can be death, which is caused by megaloblastic anemia.

Normally, a healthy human intestine can independently produce vitamin B9 in small quantities. However, due to the abundant consumption of strong tea, various medicines(such as oral contraceptives, antacids, medicines, which have an anticonvulsant effect, as well as those that contain zinc as the main active ingredient), its leaching is accelerated. Also, excessively rapid removal of folic acid from the body is provoked by pregnancy itself.

Therefore, doctors prescribe the use of vitamin B 9 to expectant mothers as an additional therapy. This avoids the risk of developing many pathologies and brings the content of this substance to normal.

When is folic acid needed?

Every person needs this vitamin. It becomes especially acute during pregnancy. At the same time, folic acid is perhaps the only drug that even the most convinced fighters against vitamins of artificial origin do not resist the need for additional intake.

It is worth increasing the content of folic acid in your diet even at the stage of pregnancy planning, because in most cases the mother is not aware of the onset of pregnancy for the first few weeks.

Already on the 16th day after conception, the formation of the fetal neural tube begins. Here folic acid plays a significant role. It plays an equally important role in the process of placenta formation in a woman’s body. In case of any violations, the risk of early or emergency termination of pregnancy increases. Therefore, it is extremely important that vitamin B 9 is in the required amount in the body during the first 12 weeks of gestation.

But even if it happened that the woman found out about the fact of pregnancy later than it would have cost to start taking it, she still needs to drink folic acid. This is due to the fact that in the first trimester the neural tube undergoes significant changes, the successful occurrence of which also requires vitamin B9.

Particular attention should be paid to taking this drug if you have the following risk factors that may adversely affect the development of the child.

  • diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman,
  • epilepsy,
  • developmental defects in close relatives.

Why is it necessary?B 9 ?

Folic acid plays a significant role for the baby. Despite the fact that it is normally produced by the intestines in small quantities, this may not be sufficient for the development of the fetus. There are a number of important processes that require the participation of vitamin B9.

  1. Hematopoiesis. This acid is needed for the formation of leukocytes, red blood cells and platelets.
  2. Formation of DNA and RNA. It is with them that all genetic information is transmitted.
  3. Together with vitamin B12, the acid is necessary for successful cell division, which is so important for the growth and development of the unborn baby.

It is also worth noting that pregnant women themselves suffer from vitamin B9 deficiency. Deficiency causes anemia, acute toxicosis, depression, and leg pain.

Thus, folic acid during pregnancy is necessary in order to create conditions for active growth and development of the future baby.

Folic acid dosage

For normal well-being and the course of natural processes, there is a certain norm for the content of this substance in the body. So, for an adult, 2 mg per day is enough; for a pregnant woman, this dose is doubled to 4 mg per day. If we talk about the presence of folic acid deficiency, then it is replenished with therapeutic dosages - 5 mg per day.

There are two ways to provide your body with the required amount of acid:

  • taking special medications;
  • balanced diet.

Folic acid is found most in foods of plant origin. Coarse flour is especially rich in it. Oranges, lemons, and avocados are no less valuable in this regard. A lot of B 9 is also found in greens: parsley, spinach, asparagus, onions and green onions. Among animal sources, a large amount of this substance is also found in the liver. Less in fish, meat or cheese. As a rule, those who adhere to a vegetarian diet do not face a lack of folic acid in their bodies, but the classic menu can cause vitamin deficiency. This is especially acute in winter time of the year.

The most effective and accurate is to replenish the deficiency of B 9 with the help of special vitamins and medications. The most popular are folic acid tablets. The content of the active substance in the drug may vary, so it is better to check the dosage with your doctor. Much depends on the overall picture of the health of the expectant mother. If the deficiency is pronounced, then the daily dose may be increased or another drug may be prescribed that contains a higher concentration of vitamin B9.

If health expectant mother Normally, she is not in the group at risk (these are diabetics and those who suffer from epilepsy), then it is quite possible that there will be no need for increased intake of folic acid. The dosage contained in special vitamin complexes will be sufficient. They are prescribed to many pregnant women by doctors. At the same time, when taking certain medications containing only B9, it is worth considering its amount in other medications that the expectant mother takes. This vitamin is found in the MultiTabs, Pregnavit complexes, as well as specially developed Vitrum Prenatal, Materna and Elevit.

How to take folic acid

The instructions for using this drug are very simple. Your doctor can tell you how to take vitamin B9. This information is also stated in the attached description.

It is best to take folic acid in the form of independent tablets. A small dosage is sufficient to meet the daily requirement. The tablets should be taken in the indicated quantity after meals, with water.

Overdose and side effects

Like all medications, folic acid during pregnancy can cause allergic reactions. But this phenomenon is extremely rare, as is an overdose of the drug. For the latter, daily consumption should be tens of times higher than the required dose - twenty-five tablets per day or more.

In other cases, an excess of this substance in the body is unlikely, since it is easily eliminated naturally. It is worth considering that during pregnancy this process accelerates significantly.

There are no precise studies on whether complications are possible with increased intake of folic acid. However, in Norway it was found that women who took this drug in significant excess had children suffering from asthmatic diseases. If you are confused by the amount of folic acid that your doctor prescribed for you, you can always consult another specialist on this issue.

To enjoy motherhood and successfully bear a child, it is important for a woman to follow the doctor’s recommendations. So folic acid during pregnancy It is considered a must-have element, along with other useful supplements and products. They take it long before conceiving a new family member.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy

– a representative of folates, water-soluble vitamin B9. The second name is folacin. Its content in the human body is about 7 mg, and most of it comes from food products and only a tiny fraction is synthesized by the intestinal mucosa. Folates in the human body are concentrated in the liver, so they have direct meaning for the formation of red blood cells. Another part is present in the kidneys and plasma. Despite its low content, vitamin B9 is involved in the following processes:

  • maintains normal levels of blood clotting;
  • promotes synthesis;
  • regulates the number of leukocytes, activates immune defense;
  • supports the functioning of the nervous system, is partially responsible for memory and mood;
  • ensures the integrity of cell DNA structures.

Folic acid. Photo:

If a child in childhood regularly does not receive enough of this substance, the risk of developing malformations of the nervous system, malfunctions of the immune system, brain, and hematopoietic system increases. A similar situation occurs during intrauterine development. In addition, B9 deficiency increases the risk of early unplanned birth. Therefore, before pregnancy, it is mandatory for both future parents to take it.

Folic acid during pregnancy for women

Doctors include vitamins during pregnancy in their list of recommendations for two reasons. Firstly, you need to support female body, experiencing a heavy load on all organs and systems. Secondly, minimize the risks of abnormal fetal development.

Interesting to know! Initially, folate was prescribed only if women were at risk of developing iron deficiency anemia in the first trimester of pregnancy. Later, a relationship was noticed between developmental defects in infants and B9 deficiency. After that they began to prescribe it to absolutely everyone. It is not toxic to adults and children, even if there is a short-term dose overdose.

Why do you need folic acid during early pregnancy?

This is one of the most important substances for the fetus. In the first two weeks after conception, the neural tube is already formed, which later, through cell division, gives rise to the formation of the spinal cord and brain. To prevent serious pathologies in the development of the central nervous system, doctors recommend starting to take B9 at the planning stage. This helps reduce the risk of deformities such as cleft palate, cleft lip, and mental retardation.

In addition, children who received enough B9 during intrauterine development suffer less from neuroses and have a stable psyche. In general, a developing fetus needs folic acid for normal cell division and the formation of organs and tissues. This substance is especially important for epithelial tissue, nervous and plasma. Therefore, they take folacin preparations all trimesters. Folates are important when carrying a child as they participate in the formation of the placenta and support its functioning. These substances can also protect a woman from premature birth.

Folic acid during pregnancy. Photo:

How to take folic acid during pregnancy, dosage

As already mentioned, B9 is important even before conception. Moreover, both women and men drink it regularly. Why is this needed and how much to drink when planning pregnancy? This substance improves sperm quality in men and makes a woman's egg more accessible for fertilization. Thus, folic acid increases the likelihood of successful conception. The quality of the seed material of the mother and father is the key to healthy offspring.

Interesting! protects the integrity of the DNA structure of sperm and eggs, and this is important for the transmission of parental characteristics to the fetus. This is the color of eyes, hair, facial features, character, etc.

The daily requirement of the vitamin for an adult is 400 mcg.

Folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy it is mandatory to take it even if it was taken at the planning stage. The drug is indicated in a dosage of 400 to 800 mcg for the first 12 weeks. The tablet is taken after meals with water. There are categories of women for whom the maximum dosage is indicated:

  • those suffering from severe toxicosis and having problems with the absorption of nutrients;
  • vegetarians;
  • women with multiple pregnancies;
  • women under 18 years of age and after 35 years of age;
  • full or very skinny women those whose body mass index deviates by more than 25% from the norm;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • at risk of miscarriage.

Folic acid and during pregnancy are usually prescribed together in the first trimester. These substances reduce the risk of miscarriages and protect the mother and child from harmful effects.

Folic acid in the second and third trimester of pregnancy

After 12 weeks, the nascent body’s need for folacin decreases. Therefore, the dosage of FA is reduced to 200-400 mcg. If a woman has signs of anemia, the dosage is 600 mcg. The question of whether or not to take a vitamin at this time is decided only by a doctor based on the woman’s well-being and fetal ultrasound indicators. The prophylactic dose is absolutely harmless, so you should not refuse an additional source of folacin. An overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is not observed. The substance does not accumulate in cells.

Folic acid after childbirth

After a successful delivery, a woman should continue taking vitamin B9 for several more months. It's better if the entire period breastfeeding both mother and baby will not feel a deficiency of this substance. Folacin will help a woman cope with emotional stress, relieve postpartum depression, and normalize lactation. In addition, with breast milk the baby will receive this vitamin and develop correctly physically and mentally.

What is folic acid incompatible with?

Several factors influence the absorption and absorption of folic acid. This is drinking alcohol oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants. It is incompatible with barbiturates. If a woman suffers from dysbiosis or other intestinal diseases, the absorption of B9 from food, as well as other beneficial substances, will be incomplete. In such cases, reception pharmaceutical drugs required.

What foods contain folic acid?

Folacin was first synthesized from spinach leaves, hence the name of the substance. Until now, the main source of the vitamin is fresh ground greens: spinach, parsley, onions, arugula. There is a lot of it in green fruits and vegetables, red berries, but folic acid is better absorbed from animal products, but there is one caveat: when heat treatment 75% of folate is destroyed.

  • liver of birds and animals;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • mushrooms;
  • strawberries, bananas.

Table 1 - Folic acid content in foods. Photo:

These products are consumed every day to maintain normal folacin levels.

What folic acid to take during pregnancy

What to drink during pregnancy, what complexes to choose? If a married couple took the process of planning a baby seriously and both spouses took pure B9, then after successful conception it is taken in combination with other minerals and vitamins. Doctors recommend choosing complexes created for pregnant women, in which folacin is in the optimal dosage.

If a woman took multivitamins for a long time before pregnancy, after conception and pregnancy she can limit herself to pure folic acid or dietary supplements additionally containing yeast.

Contraindications to the use of folic acid

A direct contraindication for prescribing B9 is an allergy to all representatives of this group of vitamins. In case of renal failure and pyelonephritis, it is also not advisable for use. If a woman suffers from anemia, which develops due to deficiency, folic acid is also unacceptable. The instructions for use of folic acid indicate possible adverse reactions from the use of the substance. If they exist, they speak of individual intolerance.


The doctor informs the woman about how much folic acid she needs to drink during pregnancy, as well as about the dosage of the drug. Its recommendations are based on WHO provisions, but are adjusted based on the woman’s individual health indicators. This vitamin is important and all young couples planning healthy children should take it!

This acid itself is biologically inactive and is not suitable for medical purposes. obtained artificially in the form of tablets or vitamin ampoules. It is found in sufficient quantities in fresh vegetables (spinach, beans, beets, tomatoes), meat, liver, eggs, etc.

Acid is converted by body cells into biological active form, called tetrahydrofolate, which is found in enzymes and thanks to it the human body produces amino acids.

Learn more about folic acid and the foods that the body gets some of it from. daily norm this vitamin is possible.

Purpose of folic acid

Taking folic acid is necessary for:

  • normal functioning of blood cells;
  • DNA synthesis;
  • the process of formation of erythrocytes and normoblasts;
  • treatment of macrocytic, megaloblastic, hyperchromic anemia;
  • effective antimicrobial therapy;
  • preventive treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This acid also promotes the formation of enzymes that have a preventive effect on the formation of tumors.

Instructions for use of folic acid

How and how much to take folic acid? On average, vitamin B9 must be taken orally for 30 days at 0.5 - 1 mg from 1 to 3 times a day for adults, and for children from 25 - 200 mcg 1 time.

Folic acid release form

As a rule, this drug is produced in tablets or powder and is sold dosage of 1 mg, 25 or 50 pieces in one package. Conventional packaging is a polymer container or a contour cell box. This drug is also produced under the name “Folic acid 9 months” for pregnant women. One tablet contains 0.4 mg and is available in 30, 60 and 90 pieces.

Vitamin B9 is also available in ampoules, good for injections and hair masks.

Production is carried out by pharmaceutical factories different countries, both in pure form and in combination with other drugs. Depending on this it fluctuates the price of this vitamin ranges from 15-20 rubles to 200 and above. So every consumer can find a worthy alternative at an affordable price.

Indications and contraindications for the use of folic acid

Why is folic acid prescribed? For the treatment of anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B9, as well as as part of complex therapy in the presence of leukopenia or anemia that has developed while taking medications and ionizing radiation.

Folic acid is no less effective in the treatment of tropical diarrhea sprue, intestinal tuberculosis and chronic gastroenteritis.

Almost always, vitamin tablets or injections are prescribed to pregnant and lactating women to avoid the development of hypovitaminosis, which is extremely dangerous for a growing baby.

Folic acid is a fairly safe drug, but its long-term use is still not recommended - it reduces the concentration of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) in the body. Contraindications for use are kidney disease, individual intolerance and bronchial asthma.

Folic acid dosage: how to take it correctly?

The dosage of the drug varies among different population groups. Thus, daily doses of folic acid in women, men and children vary depending on the needs of their bodies.

Folic acid for women

World medical research has shown that almost Every 2nd woman has a deficiency of vitamin B9. This is especially pronounced among those who take hormonal contraceptives or abuse alcohol.

Folic acid is especially important for women when planning pregnancy, because its insufficient amount in the mother’s body can provoke a variety of congenital defects and pathologies in the fetus. The risk of miscarriage, premature birth and placental abruption increases greatly.

There is also a very high probability of a neural tube defect, the development of cerebral hernias, hydrocephalus, anencephaly and various spinal defects. The risk of having a child diagnosed with mental retardation or mental retardation increases many times over. Pregnant women with a lack of vitamin B9 develop:

  • bad feeling;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • hair loss;
  • Anemia may develop.

That is why, long before the wonderful moment when a woman discovers two long-awaited stripes on the test, she needs to prepare to the maximum.

Already 100 days before planning a long-awaited pregnancy and during the entire period of bearing a baby, doctors recommend consuming 0.4 to 0.8 mg of this acid every day. If this is not the first pregnancy and developmental pathologies are detected in the previous baby, the dosage of folic acid should be increased to 4 mg.

Read about the rules for taking folic acid during pregnancy.

Folic acid for men

Vitamin B9, which is responsible for the formation of new cells in the body of men affects sperm count. A lack of vitamin leads to a decrease in the quality and quantity of sperm, and sometimes even to infertility.

Also, a limited amount of vitamin B9 in the body can negatively affect the unborn child in the form of hereditary disorders - schizophrenia, epilepsy, Down syndrome. That's why, Men, like women, need to take folic acid before conceiving. within 100 days.

For teenage boys, folic acid is also necessary for the normal regulation of spermogenesis, as it is for adult men. With a lack of vitamin, boys grow much slower than their peers, their memory deteriorates, they become absent-minded, and their appetite disappears.

To obtain the required amount of vitamin you need to eat foods rich in its content, namely fresh vegetables, offal, fish, cottage cheese, cheese. Also, additional use would not be amiss: to prevent deficiency, the dosage for men is only one tablet of folic acid per day (1 mg), and for treatment, 2 to 5 tablets are prescribed.

Folic acid for children

For children's bodies vitamin B9 is especially needed during active growth from development in the womb to 3 years of age. In the first months after birth, folic acid is necessary for the growth of all organs and systems.

Children under one year old who are breastfed do not require additional folic acid intake, provided that it is balanced and good nutrition moms.

Depending on the age of the child, vitamin B9 is prescribed in the following quantities per day:

  • from 0 to 6 months – 25 mcg
  • from 6 to 12 months – 35 mcg
  • from 1 to 3 years – 50 mcg
  • from 3 to 6 years – 75 mcg
  • from 6 to 10 – 100 mcg
  • from 10 to 14 – 150 mcg
  • from fourteen - 200 mcg.

One tablet contains 1 mg (1000 μg) of the vitamin, so for ease of use, parents are advised to dilute the tablet in water and measure the required amount using a measuring syringe.

Side effects and overdose of folic acid

TO side effects from long-term use of this vitamin include:

  • displacement of vitamin B12;
  • development of pernicious anemia;
  • rash, itchy skin, asthma attack (allergic reaction);
  • enlargement of the epithelium in the renal tubules.

An overdose of folic acid contributes to insomnia, cramps, excessive excitability, and can also cause diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, and abdominal pain. In such a situation, you should contact your doctor. In the future, you may need to reduce your dose of folic acid or temporarily stop taking it altogether.

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Unfortunately, for the vast majority of people such a substance as folic acid is associated with pregnancy. Mostly women remember it and only when they have already entered this crucial period of their lives.

This approach absolutely eliminates the enormous potential of folic acid in shaping the health of the unborn child. Although it would be worth paying Special attention on the feasibility and method of its application, which will help to significantly improve the quality of health of future generations.

What is folic acid?

More in 1926 It became known that eating liver dishes helps treat megaloblastic anemia in pregnant women. A in 1941 It was possible to identify the substance that caused this effect.

Due to the fact that this substance was discovered and isolated from spinach leaves, it received the name folic acid(from the Latin word folium - leaf).

This name has become the most commonly used, despite the fact that folic acid is also vitamin B9, pteroylglutamic acid, folamin and a number of other equally complex terms.

Folic acid belongs to the B vitamin group. It takes part in amino acid metabolism which are responsible for protein synthesis in the body, without it, the formation of DNA and RNA is disrupted, mucous membrane of the digestive system, bone marrow function is suppressed(the hematopoietic system of the body).

These are precisely the fastest processes in the body, which also include the development of the embryo. The range of functions of folic acid is extremely diverse and is constantly expanding.

Hypovitaminosis is most dangerous and common among young children and women expecting a baby.

There are many factors that cause insufficient supply, malabsorption, or increased consumption of folic acid. They are relevant not only for these groups of people. These include:

  • taking certain medications (anticonvulsants, contraceptives, methotrexate, sulfonamides);
  • poor nutrition, in which there are few foods containing folic acid;
  • diseases of the digestive system (in particular the small intestine), infectious and oncological diseases;
  • regular abuse of alcohol, strong tea;
  • increased need for folic acid during pregnancy and lactation.

Vitamin B9 deficiency dangerous for a number of pathological conditions.

Pregnant women have an increased risk of toxicosis, depression, spontaneous abortion, placental abruption, stillbirth, serious congenital malformations of the fetus, often incompatible with life (impaired development of the central nervous system of the fetus, namely the brain and spinal cord) or causing mental retardation and disability of the child .

In older children and adults, macrocytic anemia, neuritis, memory impairment develop, insufficient body weight is observed, and physiological processes in the body are impaired. bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, skin. In addition, the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and related diseases (angina, heart attack, stroke, heart failure), and thromboembolism increases.

Excessive amounts of folic acid in the body are quite difficult to achieve. Even multiple excess daily dose passes without any consequences.

As with any other vitamin, allergic reactions are possible.

With prolonged use of high doses of the drug, a decrease in the level of cyanocobalamin is possible with the subsequent development of anemia, digestive disorders, increased excitability of the nervous system, which in the worst case manifests itself in the form of a convulsive syndrome.

Instructions for use

Indications for use

Taking folic acid is indicated for suspected and obvious deficiency of the vitamin, which is possible in case of malnutrition, alcohol addiction, removal of the stomach and various diseases of the digestive system (including the liver), long-term hemodialysis.

The intake of folic acid during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of medications (some anticonvulsants, painkillers, sulfonamides, as well as contraceptives, methotrexate, erythropoietin) are especially indicated.

Folic acid deficiency is manifested by anemia (both folate-dependent and of other origins), glossitis.

Contraindications for use

There are significantly fewer contraindications, and these include increased sensitivity to the vitamin and anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, since it masks its neurological manifestations.

Side effects are also few: erythema, rashes and itching of the skin, general weakness, fever, bronchospasm.

Dosage and duration of taking the drug during pregnancy

Pregnant women who have not previously experienced pregnancy complications associated with folic acid deficiency are recommended 400 mcg of vitamin per day.

In case of a burdened anamnesis in terms of folate-dependent fetal malformations, the dose is increased up to 800 – 4000 mcg per day (0.8 – 4 mg). The same doses are prescribed when taking folic acid antagonist drugs.

During breastfeeding, take 300 mcg of vitamin per day.

Since the central nervous system of the fetus is formed up to 16–28 days after conception, folic acid should be taken at the planning stage of conception (at least 3 months before) and continued throughout pregnancy and lactation. This reduces the risk of developing neural tube defects by 70%.

Features of the use of the drug and folic acid analogues

Multivitamin preparations contain a sufficient amount (0.8 mg) of vitamin B9, so there is no need for parallel use of a single drug.

500 – 600 mcg vitamin enters the body with food, but 50–90% is destroyed in the cooking process. There is especially a lot of folic acid in rich green fruits and vegetables, liver, eggs, legumes, nuts, cereals, and dairy products.

Folic acid is also synthesized by intestinal microflora. After entering the body, it is quickly transported to all tissues, and it can also accumulate in the liver and cerebrospinal fluid. The normal content of the vitamin in blood plasma is 6 – 25 ng/l, in erythrocytes – more than 100 ng/l.

Folic acid can interact with many medications, which requires mandatory consultation with a doctor and individual dosage prescription, frequency of administration and duration of treatment.

The underestimation of folic acid is obvious. But with increasing priority healthy image life in the system of human values, she will occupy her rightful niche and will be able to fully demonstrate her wonderful abilities.

About folic acid. The program “Live Healthy!”