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Strength training on an empty stomach for weight. Is it possible to exercise on an empty stomach? What happens to our body when training on an empty stomach?

Hunger training is possible in the morning before meals or throughout the day using intermittent fasting. When the body is fasting, the concentration of glucose decreases. Thanks to this, the production of endogenous somatotropin is accelerated. This, in turn, promotes fat burning when using appropriate nutrition programs and enhances the anabolic background.

Today there is a specially developed method of intermittent fasting. It involves fasting for 16 hours and an eight-hour eating window. Within the specified time periods, you can create any nutrition plan.

The digestion process takes quite a long time and can last for six hours. At the same time, in intestinal tract food residues can remain for 15 to 20 hours. Thus, we can say that if you ate food at 11 pm yesterday, then most likely it will not be processed by the morning, and you will receive the necessary nutrients during training.

Also, the advantages of “hungry training” include the absence of the desire to take a nap, which always arises after eating. This fact is associated with the beginning of the production of serotonin, which has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. When the body does not need to process food, its performance will be higher.
On average, food is digested for about 3 hours and after this time the glucose concentration begins to fall. At this moment, the body is ready to synthesize anabolic hormones, and you can safely go to the gym. It should also be said that if you have not eaten for four hours, the muscle tissue will not begin to break down.

Note that when using a low-calorie nutrition program, training on an empty stomach stimulates fat burning processes. However, this is only possible if you feel hungry.

If you want to train on an empty stomach, then you need to maintain the appropriate calorie intake and the correct nutrient ratios. Thanks to this, you will be able to replenish your glycogen stores and be able to train effectively.

Possible problems when training on an empty stomach

During fasting, you may feel weak in three cases:
  • The body cannot maintain blood sugar levels;
  • Lack of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • You want to justify poor quality training.
If your body is unable to maintain sugar levels, you should contact your healthcare professional. This is a fairly serious disruption to the body's performance.

Carbohydrates are the fastest and most accessible source of energy. However, people often believe that this nutrient is the main cause of weight gain and remove it from their nutritional program. This results in a reduction in total calories, which is the main tool for weight control.

If your body doesn't get enough carbohydrates, you may experience a loss of energy. Consuming 50 to 60 percent carbohydrates of your total caloric intake will help you maintain adequate glycogen stores.

As you can see, training on an empty stomach has a right to exist and can even bring benefits good result. However, there are some nuances that we tried to talk about.

More details about fasting training in bodybuilding:

Several studies have been published on the problem of training on an empty stomach. According to some, this burns more calories and is beneficial. According to other sources, everything is exactly the opposite, and a person wants to eat after such exercises all day. We decided to figure out how to properly train in the morning.

Several studies have been published on the issue of fasted training. According to some, more calories are burned and this is beneficial. According to others, everything is exactly the opposite, and a person wants to eat after such exercises all day. We decided to figure out how to properly train in the morning. For training on an empty stomach Scientists believe that working out on an empty stomach will help you lose more weight. Some studies have shown that working out in the morning on an empty stomach increases endurance, makes you more energetic, speeds up your metabolism, and increases muscle mass. It was found that the peak of muscle strength occurs between 2 am and 6 am. At about the same time, hand-eye coordination and lung function increase. At the same time, the risk of injury is extremely low.

Back in 2010, it was found that such training allows you to burn more body fat. Now the research has been repeated - volunteers were divided into three groups. They ate 30% more calories than usual for six weeks.

The first group led sedentary lifestyle life and gained 3 kg, and also gained insulin resistance. The second group trained after breakfast and gained about 1.5 kg. She also had deviations in insulin levels. But the third group worked out before breakfast. This allowed me to maintain my original weight and insulin levels, while burning more calories throughout the day. Against training on an empty stomach According to a study by Brad Schoenfeld, M.D., a certified strength training specialist in the Strength and Conditioning Journal, light snack 30 minutes (maximum 2 hours) before training helps you train longer and burn more calories. But you can’t train on an empty stomach. You can eat breakfast at 7 am and go for a run an hour later. Or have a snack after training at work not later. for a long time. After all, not having breakfast can only make you fatter, because people compensate for what they haven’t eaten during the day in the morning.

Also, based on the practice of members of the Wellness nutrition dietetic practice group at the American Dietetic Association, in order to lose weight faster, you should drink about 330 ml of still water before training.

Previously, scientists from the University of Arkansas proved that training will have a faster effect on burning calories if you eat foods high in protein before training.

The essence of the problem Fat burning occurs due to a daily calorie deficit (when we spend more than we take in). Most morning workouts are cardio. In this case, people most often mean jogging before breakfast, notes a fitness trainer at one of the clubs. Even in the case of cardio, it is better to take 5 g of whey protein or amino acids B C A A before training. It’s also a good idea to drink a cup of coffee. This will increase your endurance and help you burn more calories. Athletes use training on an empty stomach, if only during drying. It will not be fat that will be consumed, but muscle - after all, the body has nothing to take energy from immediately after sleep if a person has not eaten. At the same time, traditional cardio exercises separately from strength training are not an effective way of burning fat. If we mean interval cardio exercises, then they help speed up metabolism in the time following the workout. But directly during high-intensity cardio, the body uses mixed energy sources - and the fat itself will be consumed in smaller quantities. But you can do interval cardio for at least 15 minutes - there will still be a certain kind of benefit. According to fitness trainer Daria Karelina, the effectiveness of fasted cardio should be tested on yourself. “In my personal case, I felt a positive effect. That's why I advocate doing morning cardio on an empty stomach with amino acids taken beforehand. And be sure to have breakfast after cardio in order to support your metabolism and not aggravate the process of catabolism,” Daria notes on her website. According to the famous nutritionist and author of many books, Lyle MacDonald, the best time for cardio will be the one in which it can be done most conveniently and regularly. If this time is the morning before meals, great. If not, that's fine too. In this situation, it is more important that the cardio is done at all than when it is done. It is worth remembering that this idea usually comes from the bodybuilding subculture, most often from competitive bodybuilders who, given that their diet is working well, are approaching the lower limit of subcutaneous fat levels. And the short answer to your question is that your overall level of subcutaneous fat is the main determinant of whether it is important to do cardio on an empty stomach or not. For relatively lean people trying to get very lean (15% body fat or lower for men, 22% body fat or lower for women), various strategies including fasted cardio may be necessary to spur mobilization and blood flow issues in some areas. That's why this group found decades ago that fasted cardio actually works best.

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There is an unspoken classical attitude according to which an athlete’s diet before training should consist of either food containing proteins and carbohydrates, or sports nutrition with the same composition (for example, gainers). The scheme is used to provide the muscles with enough energy for training. It is recommended even during drying, and by experienced athletes. But there is another opinion on what is presented as an axiom. Many athletes believe that training in the morning on an empty stomach is more effective. How justified is this, is it worth training on an empty stomach and breaking existing rules

? This is what we are talking about today. Many people believe that morning workouts on an empty stomach are dangerous because by the morning glycogen negligible remains. They are sure that if you don’t have breakfast, your body will have to waste energy to get energy. own

potential. Therefore, it is urgent to replenish it, so as not to faint on the exercise machines and not go into the “other world” from catabolism. However, not everything is so sad. During sleep, the body enters the anabolic stage. Adrenaline and corticosteroid levels drop and the body begins to produce growth hormone, which is responsible for protecting and repairing muscles and bones. For the functioning of brain cells, cardiac activity, nervous system

and other important functions performed in the absence of food, the body uses liver glycogen. The breakdown of muscle glycogen occurs only during muscle activity and is used by them exclusively for their needs. Muscle catabolism during sleep is not true

. An overnight “hunger strike” will not reduce the supply of muscle glycogen, and, in fact, the liver glycogen, too. You shouldn’t load up on protein at night - drink milk, protein, eat cottage cheese, there’s no point in this no


It is known that the fastest supplier of energy in the body is glucose. Fats and proteins are its “slow” form, because much more time is spent on their fermentation.

An athlete's daily diet should contain 60% carbohydrates. Under this condition, glycogen is preserved to the maximum. Its total amount in the body is from 300 to 500 g, muscles account for 200-300 g, the rest accumulates in the liver.

Every hour of intense strength training on an empty stomach causes the body to consume about 150 g of glycogen. After it is spent, the destruction of muscles will begin and only then - adipose tissue.

Glycogen reserves are vital for the body, so they are not completely depleted (we are not talking about long-term fasting). Active training processes reduce glycogen reserves, but not enough to switch to a strategic type of fuel - fat. In one workout on an empty stomach, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely extract all the glycogen, therefore:

  • do not rush to immediately pounce on nutrition because of the threat of death from catabolism;
  • do not replenish glycogen stores within 20-30 minutes. after training, and within 24 hours.

The theory of increased fat burning during training on an empty stomach became especially popular after the publication of the book “Body for Life” by American writer and entrepreneur Bill Phillips. This training strategy is explained by the fact that in the morning, before the first meal, we reduced level glycogen - in this form, the body stores carbohydrates in the muscles and liver for energy supply. This is a tactical reserve, in case of deficiency of which the body chooses an alternative source - fats. It is logical to assume that this way you will lose weight faster. Sounds reasonable. Let's find out if this is true.

When and how do we burn fat?

Always. The most important thing to understand and accept is that the body cannot completely turn off one energy source and start another. There is no way to run on fat alone or squat solely on carbohydrates. It doesn't happen that we run and burn only fats or do squats exclusively at the expense of carbohydrates. We spend both stored carbohydrates and fats, just in different proportions, in which the body decides.

Briefly about the physiology of fat burning:

  • Fats in the body are stored in the form of triglycerides in special cells - adipocytes.
  • Mobilization (lipolysis) occurs due to special enzymes - lipase. They break down triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids that enter the bloodstream.
  • Next comes the oxidation of what has entered the blood, followed by the production of ATP, a molecule that we use as an energy source.

Why is everything not the way we want it to be?

Studies conducted in 2011 and 2014 showed how the body reacts to training on an empty stomach, whether it can use increased level fatty acids for energy production and whether the consumption of carbohydrates interferes with the fat burning process.


1. In 2011, two experiments were conducted in which people exercised on exercise bikes for 80–120 minutes. The results showed:

– Consuming carbohydrates before or during exercise does not interfere with the use of fat as an energy source.

– In participants who trained in a fasted state, the mobilization (lipolysis) of fatty acids actually occurred faster and in greater volume. But they did not oxidize - that is the body did not use more free fatty acids for energy. Accordingly, everything unnecessary returned to its place.

2. 3 years later, in 2014, in JISSN (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, “Journal of the International Society for Sports Nutrition”) sports nutrition") came the result of a study in which participants performed cardio training for an hour at moderate intensity 3 times a week for a whole month.

There were 20 people in total, who were divided into 2 groups: 10 people trained in the morning on an empty stomach, the rest - after eating.

Both groups ate the same meals throughout the day, with a calorie deficit of 500 kcal.

The result: All participants experienced the same changes in body composition regardless of whether they exercised after a meal or on an empty stomach.

3. It is incorrect to consider the fat burning process only during training. We have a complex body that constantly adapts to changing living conditions and regulates the proportion of use of fats and carbohydrates as energy sources.

4. The rational way is to monitor the training process and nutrition comprehensively and over a long period of time.

Ideally, do a bioimpedance analysis of the body, at least twice with an interval of several months. This is a study that shows body composition: the amount of adipose tissue, basal metabolism, muscle mass, weight (normal, deviations), etc. The service can be used, for example, in fitness clubs. If repeated analysis shows that nothing has changed, it is worth, for example, adjusting the training format (mode, intensity, type) and nutrition.

Possible consequences of training on an empty stomach

  • Any exercise on an empty stomach can make you feel unwell: nausea, loss of consciousness, and in the worst case, hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic coma due to low blood glucose. If you prefer to train in the morning, but cannot or do not have time to eat before training, take slightly sweet water with you - this will protect you from unpleasant situations.

This debate is “is it good or bad to pump on an empty stomach?” arose back in the days when the very first weight was lifted. Wars have been fought and nations have died throughout the endless struggle (in general, for a very long time) between “working out on an empty stomach or in a full state?”, but the time has come to put an end to the madness. Find out the final answer here.

It's time to debunk old myths about food and exercise

Okay, this may not be the final answer. To different people For best results it is necessary to train under different conditions, and the decision - whether someone should eat before training, as well as what time of day to "work out" or what diet to follow will largely depend on what works best for them. specific person. However, old myths will have to be dealt with.

Contrary to popular belief, research shows that eating frequently throughout the day will not speed up your metabolism, skipping meals will not make you fatter, and working out on an empty stomach will not undo the benefits of exercise. . In fact, skipping one or two meals, also known as "intermittent fasting"(IF) or "interruptible fast"(PP) may even be useful.

Hormone optimization (fasting)

A quick way to improve your performance

Exercise, especially intense exercise that targets multiple muscle groups at once (compound movements like deadlifts and squats), causes a big spike in testosterone, which is why it makes sense to combine physical exercise and fasting.

Many studies have shown that exercising in a fasted state is an amazing way to build muscle mass and increase insulin sensitivity.

and not only because of clear hormonal reactions, but also because the body absorbs food more efficiently after exercise.

In short, exercising on an empty stomach is guaranteed to help protein, fats, and carbohydrates get into their proper places in the body (with minimal storage of them as fat). has been shown to be especially important for fat loss, it has also been found that people who exercise on an empty stomach burn fat progressively better over more high levels intensity (possibly due to increased levels of fat-oxidizing enzymes).

Not interested in building muscles like a bodybuilder? There are also potential benefits for endurance athletes, as fasted training can increase the efficiency of muscle glycogen utilization (by about three times). This means that with an empty stomach, the body makes better use of its energy reserves. Sometimes " fasting workout” can improve the quality of your “fed workouts” (or runs) later on. In a nutshell:

As the body adapts to being without food, it becomes more productive with "fuel in the tank."

Some studies have also shown that fasted training can significantly improve endurance performance in athletes, increasing VO 2 Max, which measures a person's ability to take in and use oxygen during exercise and is a fairly accurate way of determining someone's physical condition.

We'd be remiss if we didn't acknowledge that some studies have shown decreased performance as a result of fasted training. However, many of these studies were conducted during Ramadan, when drinking liquids is not allowed (and participation in sports activities is not recommended). However, the predominance of people who are eating pre-workout is pretty good evidence that exercising after a meal can work. There are even studies showing that eating before a workout can lead to fewer calories consumed throughout the day. But that doesn't discredit the evidence that fasted training, even occasionally, has many benefits.

Fasted Training: Action Plan

You may be thinking something like, “How can I do intense exercise on an empty stomach?” First, give yourself a head start! You are capable of more than you think when in the right mood. Secondly, there are some tips you can follow to help you with your new approach to eating in relation to your workouts:

  • You can drink more than just water. Don't suppress your cravings and get your energy boost with black coffee, tea, caffeine pills, amino acids, creatine, and other virtually zero-calorie drinks or supplements. According to leading experts on this issue, Diet Coke or chewing gum without sugar will not interfere with a hunger strike.
  • Stop your hunger whenever you want. Most people want to eat immediately after a workout, since hunger improves the “post-workout” absorption of food, however, it is not at all scary if the fast lasts a little longer. Even if you exercise in the morning and don't eat until the evening, the surge of growth hormone will keep you going all day to prevent loss. muscle mass. In any case, your body will help you.
  • Eat as much food as you want. Note: This does not mean any number of calories. You don't have to eat often throughout the day. Despite some long-standing myths that the body absorbs a strictly defined amount of protein at one time, we are quite capable of digesting the daily requirement from one large meal (but this does not mean that this is exactly what should be done). Some studies have shown that this approach does not lead to loss of strength or muscle mass, and some have even found that concentrated eating in one or two meals a day may be better for building muscle mass. More protein will take longer to digest and absorb, but it will be digested all. Even after a regular-sized portion, amino acids enter the bloodstream and are absorbed by the muscles for another five hours after eating. So figure out the eating style that works best for you.

In short, metabolism and digestion are not as temperamental processes as you might think.


Eating food is perhaps the most ingrained habit and people are essentially derivatives of it. Changing this habit of skipping a meal or two can be incredibly difficult for some people (especially those who have struggled with disordered eating). Indeed, intermittent fasting takes some getting used to as the body adjusts to eating less frequently. This discomfort usually goes away

but if fasting isn't for you, then there's no need to stick with it, just don't be afraid to try it.

Intermittent fasting is just one approach to health and fitness and certainly not the only one that will produce results.

But the myths and misconceptions really need to be debunked, and this article aims to say: there is no need to eat before working out. If you feel great during a workout, then all means are good! However, if you're concerned about the idea of ​​having to eat a banana or a bowl of oatmeal before a workout just because it's supposed to help you avoid muscle loss/fat gain, you can relax. You are absolutely free to eat whenever you want. Just listen to your body, it will take care of you.