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Cones were eaten in folk medicine recipes. Treatment of diseases with tinctures of fir cones. When, where and how to collect pine cones

Nature has given us the opportunity not only to admire the beauty of spruce, but also to provide great health benefits using spruce cones. Currently, it can be found not only in the forest. The cultivation of plants for gardening has become very widespread. Slender, graceful and incredibly beautiful appearance plants are used for decorative purposes.

The healing properties of the fruits of the fir cone are used in folk medicine. The bark, roots, inflorescences and resin do not go unnoticed by lovers of natural medicine.

Fir cones and their uses

Indoor air purification

Fir cones will not only decorate the house, but also clear the air space around them. This factor is used for indoors. The most useful fruits are those that are ripe and fall to the ground.

When bathing in a bath or sauna

Cones are used in steam rooms to create a special atmosphere when swimming. The cooking method is simple. Simply brew them with water and leave to steep for a few minutes. After taking a bath with this composition, you will feel lightness and calm. Steamed cones are recommended to be applied to the diseased part of the body. This procedure will relieve you of pain and speed up the healing process of a wound, if you have one. The antiseptic property possessed by the original product will facilitate this process.

To relieve stress

To remove negative energy, rub a fir cone between your two palms and you will feel it leaving you. Perhaps this occurs due to the release of ethereal aroma from pine needles. Traditional medicine recommends taking pine baths to relieve tension.

In dentistry

The antiseptic properties of the cones are widely used in traditional medicine for gum disease, periodontal disease and toothache. After tooth extraction or other dental procedures, it is recommended to rinse with alcohol infusion. In this case, the finished composition is diluted in a ratio of 1:10. If there is no alcohol infusion, use brewed one, preheating it.

Alcohol tincture with cones and its components:

  • 20 grams of crushed main product;
    200 grams of pharmaceutical alcohol 70%.

Decoction with cones

  • 6 grams of crushed raw materials.
  • 200 grams of water.

To prepare it, pour a quarter cup of the crushed product to the top of the container. You can boil for five minutes or let it sit for a while.

For the treatment of bronchitis and colds

The property of the spruce cone to have an anti-inflammatory effect is used in traditional medicine in the treatment of bronchitis, acute respiratory diseases, laryngitis and sore throat. An alcohol tincture or decoction is recommended for rinsing. The addition of anti-inflammatory components to the main composition enhances the effect of treatment.

Decoctions and infusions

Composition of decoction with calendula marigolds

  • One teaspoon of calendula marigold.
  • 200 grams of water.
  • Half a teaspoon of crushed pine cone.
  • One tablespoon of crushed pine cone;
  • 200 grams of oil (olive, sesame, flaxseed).

Method of using oil tincture

If you have a runny nose, we recommend thoroughly rubbing the composition into the upper point of the forehead above the bridge of the nose, the outer sides of the nose and the temporal part. The oil should be completely absorbed. After the procedures, it is not advisable to leave the premises. The heating process occurs gradually with increasing force.


For sinusitis and other purulent processes in the nasal cavity, we do not recommend heating.

For coughs and colds

For coughs, bronchitis and pneumonia, additionally rub the throat, chest and back. A tight wrap or warm clothing will help retain heat and enhance the effect of treatment.

Composition of the decoction with non-bitter chamomile flower:

  • One teaspoon of chamomile flower;
  • 200 grams of water;
  • Half a spoon of crushed fir cones.

It is necessary to rinse with the prepared solution at least 4–5 times a day throughout the entire period of the disease.

Inhalations from fir cones

Fir cones are rich in essential oils. This property is used to treat inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs using inhalation.
We offer the following recipes:

From the cones

  • Two crushed fir cones or three tablespoons of green buds;
  • 300 grams of water.

Combined formulations

With chamomile or calendula

  • One handful of flowers.
  • Two crushed cones.
  • Two glasses of water.

With ginseng root

  • 5 grams of grated ginseng root.
  • 2 cones.
  • 2 glasses of water.

Dolnik with grass

  • 5 grams of dolnik herb.
  • 2 cones.
  • 2 glasses of water.

With calamus and St. John's wort

  • 1 tablespoon of collection (in equal quantities).
  • 2 cones.
  • 2 glasses of water.

With milk and honey

  • 1 crushed pine cone.
  • 2 glasses of milk.
  • 1 tablespoon honey.

The drink is prepared as follows. The first two components of the drink simmer for 2 hours over low heat. Honey is added to the finished composition.

Cardiovascular diseases and their prevention

For heart disease and in order to clean and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, we recommend the following composition for the decoction:

  • 2 tablespoons of mature onion peel;
  • 3 glasses of water.

Consuming the drink for three months will provide health benefits.

For the same purposes, you can use medicinal jam. It is prepared from a pre-prepared decoction in its pure form, followed by combining it with sugar syrup. The recipe has the following components:

  • 10 cones;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar.

For osteochondrosis

The infusion has the following composition:

  • 1 cone;
  • 1 glass of water.

Leave overnight and take 0.5 cups in the morning before meals. Course duration is 20 days. Take a break for 10 days and repeat taking the composition. After 3 months you can expect positive results.

For skin diseases

Use a decoction of fir cones in the form of lotions for sore spots and existing wounds. Compositions for use can be combined, as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

For sinusitis

Wrap the crushed bud powder in four layers of gauze and tie at the base. The procedure involves inhaling the smell of the composition through your nose. To do this, first fill your mouth with water, and the pollen will settle in it. You should breathe alternately through each nostril. After completing the procedure, dry the bag with the composition and place it in a closed container. Don't be alarmed if pink mucus appears when you blow your nose. This will mean that the treatment process is going correctly.

For numb feet and diabetes

For these purposes, we recommend doing massages using the whole fruit. It can be rolled over the foot and calf muscle. For the convenience of the procedure, we recommend that the patient perform the steps himself. To do this (you can sit) place the pine cone on the floor and step on it. Roll it in both directions. Under body load, the effect will intensify.

This type of massage is recommended by traditional medicine for any type of disease, since there are a huge number of nerve endings on the foot. By putting pressure on them naturally, the effect on each organ separately will be triggered reflexively.

Video: Tincture of pine cones

With spurs on the feet

To do this, you need to regularly steam your feet in a decoction according to the recipes suggested above.

For joint disease

If you are not allergic to pine needles, then there are no contraindications to treatment with the compounds. Fir cones have been used in folk medicine for centuries. Recipes are refined, improved and become more popular every year. By studying the suggested tips, you can help yourself and your loved ones.

Fir cones are very popular in folk medicine. You can use them to prepare decoctions, tinctures, and most importantly, delicious, healthy jam. Read more about this in our article.

Fir cones medicinal properties and contraindications

A huge number of different plants find their use in folk medicine, including fir cones. They are used in decoctions and teas, to make jams, to make tinctures, etc.

Green fir cones medicinal properties:

diuretic effect.

Additionally, the composition includes some volatile compounds, biological substances, essential oils, vitamins (in particular vitamin C). All these properties are useful for vitamin deficiencies, low immunity or general weakness of the whole body. The benefits of using recipes from cones for strokes, arthritis, scurvy, dermatological problems, rheumatism and tuberculosis are undoubted.

But they also have contraindications:
hyperacid gastritis;

It is necessary to take special precautions in old age, since phytoncide has an ambiguous effect on a severely weakened body.

Fir cones use in folk medicine - recipes

For a runny nose, you can prepare nasal drops. Recipe: milk fir cones 100 gr. + clean water 0.5 l. Boil for 30 minutes over very low heat. Next, leave for at least 4 hours and strain thoroughly (folded in several layers of gauze). It is advisable to use the drops slightly warmed up.

For any colds, including the treatment of cough, as well as for cleansing the lungs, use next recipe: green cones are placed in a bowl and heaped with sugar. After a week, when they release juice, you need to boil the syrup over low heat for about 45 minutes. Do not stir the mixture, but you can press down lightly. As soon as everything has cooled down, lower the flexible tube to the bottom and carefully pour the syrup into pre-sterilized glass jars. They need to be rolled up.

Treatment consists of taking 1 tsp. syrup + 1 tsp. honey per glass of water, or herbal tea, 3 times a day. Moreover, in the morning it should be taken before meals, and in the evening just before bedtime.

For asthma and certain diseases respiratory tract, the air is refreshed with the help of spruce paws, pine needles, etc.

For dermatological problems, you can make medicinal baths, in which a decoction of pine or fir cones is added.

To do this, use the following recipe: Fill a large saucepan (10 l) 1/3 full with cones, add water to the very top. Then the young fir cones need to be boiled over low heat for about 12 hours. This decoction is not only added to the bath, but also used for washing.

To remove salts from joint diseases, use the medicinal properties of pine or spruce cones using the following recipe: collect 15 spruce cones, use 1 x 2 days. Rinse everything, put it in a thermos, pour boiling water over it in the evening. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink ½ of the infusion. The next morning the rest. The course should last 30 days, then a break of 10 days. Only 3 courses.

Tincture of pine cones with vodka application

The benefits of pine cone tincture are undeniable in folk medicine for stroke, in the treatment of heart attack, heart and blood vessels, as well as the prevention of these diseases, hypertension, recovery after stroke/heart attack, ulcers/gastritis.

Rare, unconventional, chemical composition cones, including tannin, which blocks the death of brain cells, cleanses capillaries and blood vessels, restores their elasticity, and makes the tincture quite effective.

You can make a tincture of pine cones using the following recipe: 10 pcs. add 0.5 liters to alcohol or vodka (high-quality moonshine can also be used). The tincture is prepared for 10 days. Next, filter it and pour in 1 tsp. either apple or grape vinegar.

When the medicine is ready, you need to drink it at night: pour 1 tsp into hot tea. tinctures adding honey to taste. Alcohol partially evaporates under the influence of hot tea and vinegar. This composition additionally treats blood vessels.

In order not to harm the human body, it is worth remembering about contraindications:
age up to 12 years;
intolerance to components;
age from 75 years;
inhibition or sensitivity to alcohol;
diseased kidneys, liver.

Fir cones for stroke - treatment

To prepare a folk remedy for stroke, not only tincture of pine cones, but also spruce infusion can be used.

Recipe: Arriving in the forest, you need to find a tree with cones that contain resin and seeds. In this case, it is desirable that the tree is located as far as possible from the road. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to grow spruce yourself in sufficient quantities for this. For the infusion, mix rose hips, onion peels, cones, all in a ratio of 3 x 2 x 5. 10 tbsp. l. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes in 700 ml of water. Leave the resulting product in a warm place for up to 12 hours. Take the medicine every day instead of drinking, limiting yourself to 1 liter per day for 3-4 months.

The disease stroke with paralysis of the limbs also responds well to treatment in this case. The damaged areas are massaged using the tincture 2 times a day.
Contraindications: severe liver/kidney diseases.

How to make jam

Jam made from pine or fir cones is not only tasty dish, but also a medicinal product, which includes various phytoncides (active biological substances).

Jam treats diseases such as bronchitis. And also almost all diseases respiratory system: sore throat, colds, asthma, etc. A strong effect can be obtained using medicinal properties to strengthen the immune system, with low immunity, gastrointestinal diseases, in order to strengthen teeth and gums. At the same time, it is not difficult to do.

The following may apply jam recipe 1: put 1 kg of the main medicinal ingredient in a pan (basin), add 10 tbsp of water. (water should cover the ingredients). Leave overnight.

Add sugar and cook according to the following scheme: 5 minutes of jam cooking time, set aside until the next day. Recycling must be repeated 3 times, be sure to remove the foam. The result will be jam with a pine smell and amber color, which you can see in the photo.

Use 1 tbsp. l. or one candied fir cone per day as an immunostimulating drug or for prevention.

Recipe for making jam 2: 1 kg fir cones are washed and placed in 3 liters. water and cook over low heat for 4 hours. Then leave for 12 hours and separate the main ingredient from the syrup. Add 1 kg of sugar to the resulting pinkish jelly and cook until it has a honey color and the same thickness.

Fir cone jam: benefits and contraindications:

This jam has many useful actions with tuberculosis, tonsillitis, ARVI. It is taken when treating children. In this case, you can be sure that negative consequences will not (contraindication for taking jam is sensitivity to some essential components).

How to take decoction and syrup from fir cones for blood vessels

In the practice of traditional medicine, vascular diseases are not treated with a decoction; it can only be used in addition to the main treatment in the form of baths, but for this you will have to collect and dry quite a lot of spruce cones, and several baths will have to be taken.

But the syrup and its medicinal properties are quite applicable. Use it every day 3 times before meals for half an hour. It is good to mix the syrup with honey and add it to tea.

Medicine for joints

Many joint diseases are difficult to cure in most cases. Alternative medicine offers several recipes for curing salt deposits using spruce needles and cones. Grind the spruce needles, place them in a tray and dry for several days.

It is important to remember that pine needles do not have the same properties as spruce needles and are not only useless for treatment, but can also cause a negative effect. At normal humidity, 5 days are enough for drying. Next pine needles 50 gr. pour 3 liters of water. Cook for 15 minutes. The broth is drained and drunk 3 times a day before meals.

To prepare a decoction if your joint hurts, you will need a whole basket of fir cones. They must be prepared immediately for the whole year. 20 pcs. pour 3 liters of water and cook for 25 minutes over low heat. Next, the broth is poured into a basin, mixed with cold water - the temperature should be as tolerable as possible. Immerse your feet in the healing broth and try to wrap them hermetically. Hold until the water has completely cooled down.

Almost every review of the use of traditional medicine recipes using fir cones speaks of their strength, high efficiency and benefits. But you need to be patient (and ingredients) as the treatment will take quite a long time.

Evergreen spruce is a storehouse of useful substances. For medicinal purposes, young branches with buds, needles and cones collected from spruce of any variety are used: common, Siberian, oriental (growing in the Caucasus), blue. However, dried medicinal raw materials already after 5–10 days lose a significant part ascorbic acid. In spruce tincture, vitamins and microelements are preserved much longer.

The healing properties of spruce. Fir cones and needles contain:

  1. vitamins C, D, K, P, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6;
  2. minerals: chromium, iron, copper, manganese;
  3. succinic acid;
  4. essential oils.

People have long noticed that it is especially easy to breathe in a spruce forest: the essential oils of pine needles kill pathogens. Scientists have found that the air in a spruce forest contains an order of magnitude less bacteria and spores of pathogenic fungi than in a deciduous forest.

Spruce needles and cones contain a record amount of bioflavonoids (substances that cleanse blood vessels and strengthen their walls). Spruce tinctures gently reduce blood pressure, soothe even a strong cough, and promote expectoration of mucus.

Spruce tinctures are used for:

  • weakened immunity, vitamin deficiency, low hemoglobin;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, memory problems;
  • bleeding gums;
  • cold;
  • sore throat;
  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including asthma and tuberculosis;
  • joint diseases (as an internal and external anti-inflammatory agent);
  • high blood pressure;
  • rehabilitation after heart attack and stroke;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Procurement time for medicinal raw materials

It is best to harvest pine needles in winter: at this time it contains approximately 2 times more vitamins than in summer (except for vitamin PP). If on New Year decorated a live spruce, you can even collect needles from it. Spruce needle tincture is rich in vitamin C, so it is good for colds and vitamin deficiency.

In May, young branches with buds are collected. Under no circumstances should you break off the tops of Christmas trees: the trees will not recover from such an injury. Young branches contain a lot of vitamin PP, which helps restore normal functioning of cerebral vessels after a heart attack or stroke.

Only female cones are collected for the tincture (from June to August). They should be green (in June they may have a red tint), with tightly glued scales. Brown (woody) cones with open scales are not suitable for medicine. Do not collect pine cones that are rotten or damaged by insects.

Spruce tinctures are most effective in the first six months, then their effect gradually weakens. It makes no sense to stock up a lot of medicine for future use, but you can alternate the medicines: infuse pine needles in winter, young twigs in May, green cones in summer.

Tinctures on spruce needles or young twigs

To prepare the tincture, 250 g of pine needles or young twigs with buds are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. After 2 weeks, the medicine is filtered. It must be stored in a cool, dark place. The shelf life of the drug is no more than 12 months.

In the old days, several orange and lemon peels, a pinch of cloves and anise, about a quarter of a cinnamon stick, and a tablespoon of honey were added to 0.5 liters of spruce vodka. These ingredients not only improve the taste of the drink, but also help strengthen the gums.

Fir cone tinctures

Young cones collected in June - July are washed, dried, cut into small pieces and poured with vodka: per 100 g of raw material - 1 liter of vodka. The medicine is infused for 2 weeks, then stored in a cool, dark place. If it is intended to be used to treat colds, you can add 2 tablespoons of honey and 5–7 g of crushed propolis to the vodka.

If the tincture of spruce cones is needed urgently, it can be prepared according to an “accelerated” recipe, but the shelf life of such a medicine is no more than 1 month:

  • 10 ripe cones (collected in August) pour 1 liter of water;
  • bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • strain the broth and mix with 300 ml of vodka;
  • leave in a cool, dark place for 1 day.

With a very strong cough, wormwood-pine tincture helps:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of wormwood leaves pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave in a dark, cool place for 7-10 days, then strain;
  • 1 tbsp. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of pine needles. Leave for an hour (preferably in a thermos);
  • strain the infusion of pine needles;
  • when the pine needle infusion has cooled to room temperature, measure out 6 tablespoons and mix with wormwood tincture. You can take it the next day.

For a dry cough, prepare an expectorant:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melted pork internal fat;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of black radish juice;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tincture of fir needles or cones.

The serving is intended for 1 dose; the medicine should be drunk warm (before the fat hardens). The mixture is taken 2-3 times over 4-5 days. The medicine is very effective, but has a powerful choleretic effect. The drug is contraindicated for diseases gallbladder and pancreas.

The use of spruce tinctures

In the treatment of various diseases spruce tinctures Take 3 times a day, a tablespoon:

  • in the morning - half an hour before meals;
  • during the day – 2 hours after lunch;
  • in the evening - immediately before bed, but not earlier than 2 hours after dinner.

Tinctures can be mixed with warm tea or milk.

If the tincture is taken to boost immunity or for prevention against high blood pressure, it is enough to drink the medicine 1-2 times a day: always at night, but you can also take it after lunch. The course of taking the tincture is 3 months.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous. Consult your doctor.

Contraindications to taking spruce tinctures

Spruce tinctures should not be taken:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • for hepatitis and chronic diseases kidney;
  • in the absence of a gallbladder (tinctures have a choleretic effect);
  • with exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers;
  • immediately after a heart attack or stroke;
  • with individual intolerance.

Hello dear reader!

Spring blossoming does not bypass our common spruce. It’s just “blooming without flowers,” like other conifers. Instead of inflorescences, male and female fir cones appear on the tree.

Conifer cones are modified shoots that play a vital role in the life of a tree. They ensure cross-pollination, fertilization, and then seed development. The structure of the cone is quite simple. There is a central spine, and there are scales extending from it. Under the scales of male cones, pollen matures in special “bags”. The scales of female cones cover the ovules and later the seeds.

I have already written in more detail about the “blooming” of spruce. Those interested can get acquainted with this very spectacular process by clicking on.

After pollination, the male cones, having fulfilled their function, become unnecessary and fall off. A number of metamorphoses occur with female spruce cones.

Metamorphoses of female fir cones

Female spruce cones appear on the branches (foot) of the spruce around mid-May. They develop at the ends of those shoots that are two years old.

Most cones grow in the upper part of the tree's crown, even if the crown reaches almost to the ground. This is understandable - at the top the chance of “catching” pollen carried by the wind is much higher.

The female cones were eaten just emerging from the buds, about the size of a thimble. At this time, on the branches of the tree they stick up, like New Year's candles. The color of the cones is crimson or bright red.

After pollination, rapid and noticeable changes occur. The pollinated cone closes its scales. By releasing resin, it tightly clogs the passages between them. Changes color. The pinkish tint still persists for some time, but already in early June the buds turn green.

From the moment they appear until mid-summer, the cones grow rapidly. As they grow, their position on the branch also changes. From vertical they become drooping, turning their tops to the ground.

The green color will be replaced by something close to violet, then turning into light brown. And already in August, “classic” fir cones – brown ones – hang on the tree. Their scales are still tightly closed.

In autumn, seeds ripen in cones. There is no need to stretch out this process for two years. Everything is accomplished in one season. But even at the beginning of winter, the cones on the spruce are still closed. Only in February - March, in dry sunny weather, do they open, scattering seeds.

After the seeds fall out, the old cones hang on the tree with their scales open for a long time. Gradually they fall off.

Useful properties of fir cones

What substances are these? Like , cones contain essential oil, emit a huge amount of phytoncides. The content of vitamins is also significant, especially C and D. There are many resinous substances that make up spruce resin. And it is similar, and contains turpentine.

Like, spruce trees are used primarily as a remedy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis - spruce cones will be useful for these diseases.

They will also help with sore throat, ARVI, flu, and colds. Substances from fir cones have an antimicrobial, disinfecting effect, and help strengthen the immune system.

You must also remember contraindications in the use of preparations from spruce, its needles and cones. They are the same as those of pine: kidney diseases , hepatitis , pregnancy . Elderly people should use fir cones with caution. There is also individual intolerance .

Therefore, consulting a doctor when using these drugs is mandatory! In the treatment of serious diseases, the use of preparations from fir cones does not cancel, but only complements the prescribed treatment.

When to collect fir cones, how to store them?

For medicinal purposes, only young spruce cones are collected. They can be considered as such only until mid-July. It is better to collect them in June, when the cones are still green, not woody and easy to cut.

You can also collect cones at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. But their healing use is very problematic. They will be good only for making some crafts and decorations.

Old, last year's cones, spilled seeds, for cooking medicinal decoctions are even more unsuitable. They will probably only be suitable as fuel for the fireplace. Or for a samovar, if there is one.

Fir cones are collected in June - early July. And for the assembler certain difficulties will immediately arise. After all, most of the cones are located high in the crown of the tree. You won’t cut down a Christmas tree for the sake of spruce jam!

So you will have to limit yourself to a few dozen cones that you can get from the lower branches. Moreover, it is pointless to look for them in a dense spruce forest - you need to inspect trees growing in isolation, alone.

In fact, you don't need that many cones. The weight of a fir cone is about 20 g. It turns out that fifty of them will weigh about a kilogram. This amount is enough, for example, to provide spruce jam"average" family.

You should collect cones that grow on the tree, not those that fall to the ground. We carefully inspect them, rejecting those that have any flaws: mechanical damage, stains.

If you need more cones, you will have to contact the loggers. Or visit (with their permission, for safety reasons!) cutting areas, where summer timber harvesting begins in June.

The harvested cones are dried, scattered somewhere under a canopy. Store them in a cool place with normal air humidity, preferably in a cardboard box.

Decoctions are made from spruce cones and medicinal spruce jam is made.

Decoction of fir cones

Crush two young cones and pour into a glass hot water. Cook over low heat for half an hour. Infuse, cooling the broth to a temperature of 35 - 40 C. Strain.

If you have a sore throat, you can gargle with this decoction. For a runny nose, instill 4-5 drops of the decoction into each nostril. For coughs, colds, sore throat and other diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract, you can use a decoction for inhalation. But in this case it should be heated and the vapors released should be breathed.

In principle, a decoction prepared in this way can also be used for baths. But this will require quite a lot of cones, and collecting them is not so easy. Therefore, spruce needles are still more suitable for baths.

Decoction of fir cones in milk

For bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, a decoction is made with milk.

5 - 6 fir cones, without crushing, pour 1 liter of milk. Bring to a boil, then cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent burning. We filter the broth.

Drink the prepared decoction in three doses - morning, afternoon and evening, warm. To improve the taste and enhance the healing effect, honey is added.

Fir cone jam

From young spruce cones you can make medicinal jam, useful for colds and respiratory viral infections as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Jam from cones, from young shoots was eaten, just like any pine jam- first of all, not a delicacy, but a medicine. Accordingly, he should be treated accordingly. And you need to remember about contraindications, and not get carried away with excessive use. The usual daily intake for an adult is 1 tablespoon, for children 1 - 2 teaspoons.

Spruces are perennial trees from the Pine family, the growth area of ​​which is unusually wide. In the CIS countries they grow different kinds ate (35 in total). Almost everyone who bothers to look near their own home has access to them.

The plant is unique in its own way: an evergreen tree in which healing properties have almost all components. In folk medicine, bark, needles, buds, young shoots, resin and cones are used. Even official medicine recognizes and uses some of the medicinal properties of the tree. It is not for nothing that many anti-tuberculosis dispensaries and sanatoriums are located near spruce groves and forests, where the air is saturated with healing phytoncides.

Fir cones are a storehouse of various health benefits.

  1. One of the most high levels vitamin C (from those available for modern man products). Regular consumption of the vitamin mentioned above not only strengthens the immune system, but also prevents scurvy.
  2. Tannins improve blood clotting, increase vascular tone, destroy harmful microorganisms, and can act as medicine for minor food poisoning, they have a beneficial effect on the body in case of radiation damage.
  3. Essential oils tone and destroy bacteria.
  4. Spruce cones contain manganese, copper, aluminum, iron and chromium, which are rarely found in the required quantities in common foods.

Traditional medicine recipes

Decoction for respiratory diseases

It’s hard to imagine that fir cones arouse gastronomic interest in anyone: they are hard, like an extension of a branch. Only rare herbalists know the true value of these gifts of coniferous forests.

Before use, they must be prepared in a certain way. For infusion and decoction, fir cones are crushed, poured with boiling water and boiled for several minutes.

The usual proportion is approximately one part to five (1:5), but only through trial and error can you work out the most convenient proportion that will bring you maximum results.

The resulting decoction is used to gargle and inhale for sore throat, bronchitis, and pneumonia. For sinusitis and persistent runny nose, an infusion of spruce cones is instilled into the nose.

Jam that restores immunity

Incredible but true: young fir cones serve as an excellent base for jam. The preparation of this drug involves the pine cones themselves, water and sugar.

The sweetness comes out thick, rich red, with a peculiar combination of astringency and bitterness. You can’t just eat this kind of jam with evening tea: despite the rather pleasant taste, it is very specific. At the same time, all the medicinal properties that ordinary spruce cones have are preserved. Serves to strengthen the immune system, prevent respiratory diseases, and has tonic properties.

Alcohol tincture of wide application

Green fir cones are needed for the tincture. The raw materials are infused for about a week in a warm and dark place.

Of all folk recipes exactly alcohol tincture has the properties of itself wide range. It is used in disinfecting and anti-inflammatory dressings, and taken orally as a general tonic.

This homemade medicine improves the functioning of the circulatory system, absorbs harmful substances, and destroys E. coli.

Sometimes the infusion is used as one of the components of pine baths, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Lesser known recipes

  • If the cold has “gone deeper”, degenerating into bronchitis with complications or pneumonia, medicinal milk drink will come to the rescue. You need about 6 cones, which are boiled for 20 minutes in 2 glasses of milk. Then the liquid is cooled to a pleasant warmth, honey is added to taste, and drunk several times throughout the day. Fir cones transfer to milk the substances necessary to disinfect the respiratory tract and strengthen the body's defenses.
  • Spruce cones can be used to make syrup. It has a beneficial effect on the condition and cleanliness of the lungs during colds and during smoking cessation. To do this, young spruce cones are sprinkled with sugar and left for 7 days in a dark place. Then the mixture is simmered over low heat, poured into jars and rolled up. Take 1 tsp of spruce syrup. on an empty stomach.
  • The properties of the cones allow them to be used to treat joints and salt deposits. To do this, leave one spruce cone in a glass of boiling water in the evening, and drink half of the resulting infusion in the morning. In total, treatment lasts 30 days.
  • The simplest method of use, which does not require much time, is as a natural air flavoring. Gives you a pleasant deep sleep at night, and during the day - a feeling of vigor and increased performance. It is enough to place one cone on the nightstand at the head of the bed, and you will notice that your sleep has become calmer and you are less likely to wake up feeling tired and drowsy.


The use of fir cones in treatment, in particular tinctures, decoctions, etc., is contraindicated orally for people suffering from:

  • kidney diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer.

You should refuse any treatment folk remedies during pregnancy. In old age, special caution is required: some properties of spruce cones can negatively affect a weakened body.

Don't forget about individual intolerance. In order to make sure that it is absent, you will need essential oil of spruce or any decoction of it. Apply a drop to the back of your wrist and do not wash off for half an hour. If there is no irritation, redness, rashes or any other allergic symptoms, everything is fine.