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The most beautiful autumn flowers in your garden. Perennial autumn flowers (blooming in autumn) Autumn flowers in the flowerbed names

The vibrant colors of fall don't stop at blazing foliage—there are perennials that brighten up the garden right up until frost. These late flowers reconcile us with the fact that another summer is over...

These late flowers reconcile us to the fact that another summer is over

1. Aconite Arends

Arends' aconite (Aconitum carmichaelii "Arendsii") will decorate the garden with the blue of its flowers. But do not forget that, like other aconites common in country flower beds, it is as poisonous as it is beautiful. You need to work with them wearing gloves.

Left: Arends' aconite. Right: perennial asters

Read about other types of aconites in the article Aconite will decorate your garden.

2. Perennial asters

Because of their late flowering, autumn asters are called octobers. The choice of varieties is large: from 20 to 180 cm in height, colors ranging from white through pink and violet to purple. It is only important to remember that not all of them have time to bloom in our conditions, so you should not choose late varieties. The following articles will help you understand the variety of October cards:

Perennial asters - stars of the autumn garden

Perennial asters - beautiful and unassuming stars

Lilac clouds: the most beautiful varieties of autumn asters

Varieties of perennial asters that you will surely like

3. Colchicum

From August to October, colchicums provide vibrant splashes of pink or purple in flower beds. Particularly spectacular are varieties with double flowers, for example, ‘Waterlily’. It is important to remember that this corm plant is very poisonous!

Left: Colchicum (Colchicum). Right: Vernonia arkansana

4. Vernonia Arkansas

Arkansas Vernonia (Vernonia arkansana) is an excellent late-autumn nectar supplier for bees and butterflies that have not yet calmed down. An excellent structural plant up to 2 m tall, suitable for the background of sunny flower beds.

5. Japanese anemones

Left: Japanese anemone. Right: dahlia

6. Dahlias

Dahlias meet the first frosts in full bloom - with numerous inflorescences and buds. A huge number of varieties different forms and colors allows you to choose options for any sunny flower garden. And, of course, do not forget to dig up the root tubers for the winter and store them at a low positive temperature. ^hide You can choose dahlia seeds and seedlings on our market, where products from various online stores are presented. ^category Read about growing these bright flowers and caring for them in the publications:

Dahlias - planting and growing

Pros and cons of dahlias

What to plant dahlias with?

Is it necessary to dig up dahlias?

Preparing dahlias for winter (video)

7. Polygonum

Knotweed (Persicaria amplexicaulis) may fall out in harsh winters, but will overwinter quite well if mulched in the fall.

Polygonum (Persicaria amplexicaulis) overwinters quite well under a layer of mulch

No other plant has such bright narrow “candle” inflorescences! The palette of varieties includes white, pink, red, magenta colors.

8. Geranium ‘Rozanne’

Geranium is a plant for all occasions in garden life. Hybrid geranium "Rozanne" (Geranium x hybridum "Rozanne") has large (up to 5 cm in diameter) bell-blue flowers with only a small admixture of violet and a white center. Each petal is decorated with about five radial purple strokes. The blue color appears especially clearly in the morning and evening, as well as in cool weather.

Geranium Rozanne

This variety blooms early, blooms very profusely and without interruption until frost. In a successful fine season with early spring and late autumn, it can bloom from early June to October.

9. Dubrovnik Hyrcanian

Dubrovnik hyrcanicum (Teucrium hyrcanicum) is similar to sage and speedwell, only it blooms from mid-summer until frost. A bush 40–60 cm tall is decorated with narrow pinkish-purple “candle” inflorescences.

Left: Hyrcanian Dubrovnik. Right: catnip shower

You will be introduced to other types of Dubrovniks in the article Garden vintage is back in fashion: the return of beautiful Dubrovniks.

10. Catnip shower cover

The haze of white or pale purple small flowers of catnip (Clinopodium nepeta) are good both in the foreground of flower beds and in herb gardens. This fragrant plant attracts butterflies to the garden until late autumn.

11. Willow sunflower

Willow sunflower (Helianthus salicifolius) can freeze out in severe winters, but mulching makes the chances of successful wintering quite high.

Willow sunflower (Helianthus salicifolius)

In October it just begins to bloom, if the small yellow flowers even manage to bloom before frost. But it is good even without flowers - the majestic tall shoots with thin willow-like leaves are absolutely monumental.

12. Kirengeshoma palmate

Light or deep yellow flowers of Kirengeshoma palmata are collected in inflorescences on the tops of peduncles and in the axils of the upper pairs of leaves. They look like bells, and their texture is as if they were sculpted from wax.

Kirengeshoma palmata

Flowers reach 2.5–4.5 cm in length. It should be noted that quite quickly they begin to turn brown around the edges, which is a little upsetting for particularly picky gardeners. In general, this situation fits well into the overall picture of the end of summer-autumn.

13. Clematis hogweed

Bush clematis hogweed (Clematis heracleifolia) does not know how to cling to a support, but it can beautifully fall apart in a flower garden, giving it a “natural” look.

Clematis heracleifolia

Bell-shaped flowers - depending on the variety, blue, violet or dark purple - appear at the ends of the shoots from September.

14. Black cohosh (cohosh)

Despite the unsightly name, black cohosh (Cimicifuga) has very spectacular silvery-white long candle-shaped inflorescences. There are varieties that bloom until frost.

Left: black cohosh (Cimicifuga). Right: Canadian burnet (Sanguisorba canadensis)

Black cohosh grows well in partial shade; some cultivars can also tolerate a sunny location.

15. Canadian burnet

The Canadian burnet (Sanguisorba canadensis) is one of the latest cowbreads. Its advantages include both its white color and its special appearance: unlike many other tall species, it never falls to the ground. You will find the most interesting species and varieties in the article The most unusual plant in your flower garden is the modest and graceful burnet.

16. Macedonian barkweed

Macedonian barkweed (Knautia macedonica) blooms in June and does not stop until frost.

Macedonian barkweed (Knautia macedonica)

Bright red “button” flowers sway gracefully on tall thin stalks. Be careful: the plant is sown abundantly. ^hide The market will help you find many of the listed plants, where you can compare offers from different online stores. View the selection and choose perennials that bloom until frost. ^collection

17. Goldenrod

Goldenrod (Solidago) blooms in August, and it seems that the sun has descended into the garden - these yellow flowers are so radiant. The show continues until frost.

Autumn is a magical time when nature prepares to take a break from the riot of colors and splendor of flowers. However, even during this period, a wide variety of plants bloom in the gardens, continuing to delight us with their grace and beauty.

They are also called autumn-flowering or short-day plants, because it is at this time of year that the sun is no longer so hot, and the light part of the day is significantly reduced.

Of course, the number of autumn flowers is not as large and varied as summer ones, but, nevertheless, there are enough of them to decorate your autumn garden and fill it with a pleasant aroma, making it unique and inimitable. Most autumn flowers are perennials, although there are also annuals among them.

So, the golden time greets us with its first month - September. What flowers has this month prepared for gardeners?

In this article we will look at the names of autumn flowers, descriptions and photos.

September flowers

In terms of weather conditions, September usually differs little from the end of summer, and only towards the end of the month can changes be noticed. Therefore, at the beginning of September, many summer flowers (begonia, gerbera, annual aster, etc.) still continue to bloom, but, unfortunately, they are unstable to the approaching cold and lack of sunlight. These plants are often grown as annuals, especially in colder regions.

However, as already noted, there are quite a large number of flowers that prefer to bloom in the fall.
The video shows an example of arranging flowers in a flower bed.

Chrysanthemums (Oaks)

It is these flowers that we will give the right to open our parade of autumn beauty. There is a wide variety of chrysanthemum varieties that differ in height (tall ones grow up to one and a half meters, medium-sized and small ones - from 0.5 m), flower sizes and color tones (from white to copper-red, and purple, as well as all kinds of yellow tones and orange).

Varietal plants with large flowers usually begin flowering from late summer to late autumn. They are quite sensitive to cold, while species with small flowers winter well.
Very popular in Lately unpretentious Korean chrysanthemums with an abundance of small flowers are used, with which the bushes are strewn, for example, Alyonushka(inflorescences are simple bright pink), Altgold(pompon flowers are dark yellow), Snow White(white double flowers), Hebe(blooms until frost, pink-yellow simple flowers), Lada(double pink-lilac flowers), Summer (large red semi-double flowers), Orange sunset(large double orange-brown flowers). Chrysanthemum leaves also vary greatly in their appearance and sizes.


They occupy a consistently high position in the ranking of autumn-flowering plants, thanks to their long and abundant flowering. There are many varieties that bloom in the first two months of autumn, for which they received their popular names “September” and “October” (for example, New Belgian and New England varieties). Like chrysanthemums, there is a huge selection of different varieties of asters to suit every taste, both in height and size of the bush, and in color (shades of white, blue, pink and purple).

This unpretentious plant from the herbaceous genus, which easily reproduces, is resistant to mild frosts, and its abundant flowering continues until winter, decorating the garden with bright stars of flowers. Often there are so many flowers on a bush that they hide the foliage of the plant underneath. There are both annual and perennial species astr.


An excellent decoration for a summer cottage. They are shade-tolerant, grow on almost any type of soil, love moisture, but cannot tolerate excess moisture.

There are 6 main types of dahlias:

  • peony-shaped,
  • anemoids,
  • needle-shaped,
  • collar,
  • spherical,
  • nymphaeal.

The main difference is the shape, doubleness and size of the flowers, reaching 10-12 cm. Today it's amazing beautiful plant There are approximately 20,000 varieties.

Dahlias are heat-loving, so their flowering usually continues until the first cold weather, since even slight frosts have a detrimental effect on them.

Dahlias look impressive when decorating paths, colorful parterres and large group compositions against the backdrop of a lawn.

Rudbeckia hairy

Everyone knows these beautiful bright yellow and orange flowers with a dark brown core, very reminiscent of a large (5-6 cm) daisy. The plant has straight, elastic, rough stems 45-65 cm high and thick, rough, elongated leaves.

Rudbeckia blooms until frost, loves fertilized, moist soil, is shade-tolerant and has no special care requirements. She's wonderful combined with coniferous shrubs, looks great against the backdrop of lawns and rockeries.

Zinnia graceful ("majors" or "majoriki")

This culture is also widely known among gardeners. The stems of zinnia are vigorous and erect, with hard fluff. The shape of the flowers depends on the species, varies from simple to double, and their dimensions reach 10 cm. Flowers have a wide range of colors and are characterized by their abundance.

The flower needs nutritious soil, plenty of sun and protection from the winds.

Zinnia is perfectly used for decorating flower beds, microborders, ridges and balconies, and also looks great in flowerpots.

Other September flowers

September types of flowers also include: pansies, gladioli, decorative sunflowers, cannas, tuberous begonias, geranium, impatiens (wet balsam), colchicums, Jerusalem artichoke (flowers), echinacea, cosmos, spurge, erica and heathers, castor bean, petunia, gillyflower, heleochrysum, osteospermum, datura, ornamental cabbage , amaranth, castor bean, marigold, fuchsia, sweet pea, coleus, oregano, pinnate carnation, delosperma, demorphotheca, calendula, lavatera, coreopsis, helenium, perennial cornflower, pyrethrum, and many other species that can make your garden plot truly colorful and joyful.

October flowers

October weather is usually very different from summer, many garden plants have bloomed, and any gardener dreams of prolonging the summer fairy tale as long as possible. However, this month is also not deprived of Mother Nature, who has created many October masterpieces.

Among the October fall-flowering plants, there are some beauties, which you can read about below.

Snapdragons ("dogs")

The perennial plant is often used as an annual. Its original small flowers resemble a lion's mouth, which is why it gets its unusual name. The plant pleasantly surprises with the variety of its color shades and transitions from snow-white to dark burgundy. "Doggies" can be like tall(up to 80 cm in height), and short and even dwarf, not exceeding 20 cm. The inflorescences are located on a straight central fairly strong stem in the form of a cone up to 35 cm long. Snapdragon stops flowering with the arrival of frost.

Snapdragon prefers light loamy soil in spacious, well-lit areas, it is very unpretentious, and regular removal faded inflorescences promote the development of lateral shoots, abundantly strewn with colorful flowers.

Snapdragons can be grown for borders, flower beds, ridges and microborders. The most popular varieties consider

  1. lemon yellow “Lemonade”,
  2. bright orange “Vulcan”,
  3. hot pink “Diamond Rose”,
  4. fiery carmine “Sharlah Triumph”,
  5. black-purple “Schwartz Prince”,
  6. bright red "Defiance"
  7. snow-white “Schneeflex”,
  8. dark purple-red velvet “Dunkel Garnet”.

Helenium autumn

Helenium is a real perennial miracle of nature, scattering over its bush a cap of delightful sunny yellow, brick-crimson or red-orange small (3-4 cm in size) flowers. He is absolutely unpretentious and belongs to tall growing species(from 0.7 to 1.5 m).

Most attractive to him damp fertilized soil. Snapdragon looks great on the banks of reservoirs, in the form of hedges, and in the background and middle ground of flower beds. They harmonize well with asters, delphinium, verbena and monarda. The most popular among gardeners are terry varieties.

Colchicum (colchicum)

This mysterious plant is a tuberous-bulbous plant perennial and acquired its name due to its delayed autumn flowering, unlike its counterparts. This is a real spring burst of beauty and tenderness among the fading colors of autumn. It does not exceed 20cm in height. Very unpretentious. Colchicum clearings in the autumn landscape fascinate with their sophistication and sophistication.

There are about 70 different varieties this amazing flower. Prefers loose, light soil and sunny southern areas. Looks great in rock gardens. Despite its attractiveness, the plant is poisonous and requires careful handling.

Pansy (viola or Vitrocca violet)

A wonderful low-growing (15-30 cm) perennial frost-resistant garden crop, the shape of its flowers resembles a violet. Viola refers to shade tolerant plants, but in shaded areas its flowering is less abundant. The color range of pansies is wide and varied. Pansies do not tolerate excess moisture and prefer loamy soil.

These flowers perfectly decorate balconies, borders, street flowerpots, various plantings and can be planted around trees.


Nasturtium is a very popular garden view, growing in plots with moderate nutrient content. On fertile soil it develops its green mass and reduces the amount of color, and on poor soil it loses its decorative effect. Almost all types of nasturtium are annuals.

There are several main types of nasturtium:

  • bush(small annual bushes up to 30 cm high are ideal for decorating landscapes, borders, microborders, flowerpots),
  • curly(an annual species for creating hedges, balconies, walls, fences),
  • ampelous(annual species for vertical gardening and decoration of buildings),
  • terry(an annual species well used in landscape design),
  • climbing(perennial used for the design of terraces, gazebos and flower beds).

Bush height of this crop varies from 25-30 cm to 2-3 m. It likes to grow in sunny areas.

Today, gardeners are offered about 90 varieties of nasturtium for every taste. In cold regions, the most popular plant is Nasturtium multileaf, which can survive temperatures down to -20 degrees.

Other October flowers

Other October blooming plants include ageratum, aster, marigolds, tuberous begonia, verbena bonarensis, gatsania, heliopsis, dahlias, hydrangea paniculata, sweet pea, kobeya, crocus, lantana, lobelia, daisies, pelargonium, petunia, rose, salvia, chrysanthemum , spotted sapling and many others. These plants, with their aroma and lush flowering, preserve a piece of summer in your garden.

November flowers

And now, finally, autumn is coming to an end. November comes - the month when the garden is empty, the trees have shed their leaves and nature is almost ready for winter sleep. Just at this time, you especially want to see a colorful corner of flowering plants, filling the air of the passing autumn with a special smell, reminiscent of the colorful summer. Flowering plants in November it’s like an explosion of positive emotions.

Many plants that begin to bloom in September and October remain attractive.

Marigolds (Tagetis)

Marigolds are both annual and perennial. Known more than 50 varieties This sunny crop, whose flowers vary from bright yellow to reddish brown, including a whole range of shades and combinations, creates a picturesque floral carpet. They have an incomparable smell and grow in bushes from 0.2 to 1.2 m in height.

Flowers continue to bloom until frost. Depending on the structure of the inflorescences, tegetis is divided into

  • Dianthus,
  • chrysanthemum-shaped,
  • terry,
  • semi-double,
  • simple.

Often used by gardeners hybrid species of Tagetis.


Another messenger of summer in your garden can be pitunias. Among 20 varieties This plant includes both annuals and perennials. The flower can withstand almost any climatic conditions, unpretentious to the place of growth, which makes it simply irreplaceable for the garden plot.

Petunias come with both erect and trailing stems, and usually do not exceed 10 cm in height. This is a wonderful decoration for your summer cottage, especially in late autumn, thanks to the variety of color options of this crop.

Petunia fits perfectly into the design both in flowerpots and in flowerbeds, borders, borders and tolerates cold well.


This evergreen plant is an excellent ornamental plant. Although it blooms in June, its lush, dark green foliage will wonderfully enliven a dull November landscape in your garden. The most winter-hardy variety of rhododendron is Rhododendron Katevbinsky grandiflorum.

The plant has lush crown and reaches up to 4 m in height. Its unpretentiousness, growth rate (8-12 cm per year) and ability to live up to a hundred years make the plant a godsend. Slightly acidic, sour, peaty or loamy soil is suitable for its growth.


The variety of these extraordinary plants is simply amazing, and their beauty and abundant flowering attract many gardeners. Late species include luxuriantly blooming phlox paniculata- a tall bush plant with bright succulent flowers of various colors from pink and scarlet to purple, there are even striped species.

Among the popular varieties of phlox are:

  • "Vladimir"
  • "Cloud",
  • "Andre"
  • "Creme de Mente"
  • snow-white "Anna"
  • light salmon "Bornimer Nachsrmmer",
  • blue and white “Novinka”,
  • tricolor "Margry".


And of course, one cannot fail to mention the queen of floral beauty - the rose, some winter-hardy varieties of which continue to delight the eye even after slight frosts. Today, a huge number of pink varieties have been bred that can survive the winter in the harshest climates and continue to bloom even with the onset of cold weather.

These types include park crops, as well as selected Canadian and American species. Moreover, the choice of color and type of roses is so diverse that even the most biased gardener will be able to choose a plant to his liking.

Other November flowers

In addition to those listed, plants such as echinacea, aster, Waller's impatience, gatsania, dimorphotheca notemata, nemesia, Drumond's phlox, fuchsia, chrysanthemum, pansy and many other frost-hardy species will make your garden a green island of summer throughout November.

There is nothing better than watching the seasons change while enjoying the pleasant aromas of plants. Particularly impressive are the autumn perennial flowers, which fill the fading garden plot with bright colors. They seem to say: “Rejoice with us until winter, so that you can meet again in the spring.” Let's take a closer look at the magnificent gift of the outgoing summer.

Colorful autumn perennial flowers for the garden: description and photo

Quite often, people associate the word dacha with a vegetable garden or orchard. However, such areas are almost always decorated with luxurious flowers. They are the calling card country house whole season. Autumn perennial flowers especially attract attention and decorate the garden with their splendor. Such plants are most often unpretentious, so they are always at the peak of fame among summer residents. They come in a variety of shapes, colors, and scents. Some species grow up to 1 m in height. Others spread out like a bright carpet underfoot. Let's look at the photos and names of autumn flowers in the garden to get to know each of them better.

Asters - a bright mosaic of shades

At all times, perennial asters have attracted the attention of summer residents not only with their unpretentiousness, but also with their lush beauty. At the beginning of September, when summer flowers have lost their attractiveness, asters take their place of honor on the site. They are like a bright mosaic of many stars descending from heaven to earth. When choosing autumn flowers for a flower bed, you should pay attention to several types. Each of them has unique features worthy of the attention of flora lovers.

New England aster

The plant grows to a height of approximately 2 meters. Among the slender shoots and green foliage, buds bloom, the diameter of which reaches about 4-5 cm.

Often they are:

  • snow-white;
  • blue;
  • soft pink;
  • purple;
  • blue.

These bright autumn flowers look wonderful in flower beds around the house or in garden plantings. Sometimes they are grown along the fence to create a lush flowering hedge Location on.

Aster novobelgica

The flower is a compact bush up to 50 cm high with graceful medium-sized buds. They are painted in the same colors as the New England variety. However, when they bloom abundantly, they resemble living, bright balls emitting a pleasant aroma. Often the plant is used to decorate borders and create ridges on the territory of a country house.

To create a chic flower wall, it is advisable to plant the New Belgian variety of asters at the foot of tall New England specimens.

Alpine perennial asters

These miniature plants reach a height of 10 to 30 cm. The buds are painted in traditional colors:

  • lilac;
  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • snow-white.

Alpine asters are planted under all kinds of hills. The plant is propagated by dividing the bush in early spring. To limit the growth of flowers throughout the flowerbed, they are regularly thinned.
IN otherwise asters will turn the area into a continuous multi-colored carpet.

Dense flower beds often lead to powdery mildew on the leaf blades of asters. To prevent disease, in the summer the plant is sprayed with special preparations.

Resistant chrysanthemums face frosts with dignity

These cute fall-blooming plants have gained particular popularity among many flora fans. They withstand the first frosts without losing their pristine beauty. In addition, chrysanthemums are stored for a long time when cut, creating a pleasant atmosphere in the house. There are a huge number of species of persistent autumn beauty that grow in the summer cottages of our compatriots. Scientists count about 150 varieties, which differ in the structure of the buds and the shape of the bush. Let's consider only the most popular of them.

Shrub chrysanthemums

Thinking about what flowers bloom in autumn and are not afraid of frost, many give preference to bush chrysanthemums. These plants grow up to 1 m in height and consist of erect shoots. The leaf blades have a divided structure. During the flowering period, the bush is covered with many fragrant buds. They can be simple or terry, single or collected in bouquets. Original baskets, inside of which the yellow center shines, gradually bloom throughout the year. It is these autumn perennial flowers planted in the dacha that give it a special flavor.

In areas where frosts reach 20°€, the crop should be transplanted into containers and brought indoors.

Chinese and Korean chrysanthemums

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, many hybrid varieties have appeared. Some of them are considered short, others are slender giants. Chinese chrysanthemum grows to a maximum of 100 cm. Its erect shoots are decorated with terry or simple fragrant baskets of various shades. The plant can withstand sharp drops in temperature, remaining attractive until the onset of winter.

Hybrid varieties of Korean chrysanthemum differ in the following characteristics:

  • plant height;
  • bud size;
  • flowering period;
  • colors.

Thanks to this, it is easy to choose the right variant of flowers that bloom in September from the series of Korean chrysanthemums. Popular varieties:

An amazing mosaic of Korean chrysanthemums on your summer cottage will give you a lot of positive emotions. After all, they continually bloom their buds until the onset of the new year.

Amazing decoration of a summer cottage for the joy of people

When the days get shorter and the leaves on the trees turn crimson, it’s such a shame to say goodbye to summer. And it doesn’t matter what flowers bloom in the fall, the main thing is that they still give people their warmth.


These flowers can be an amazing decoration for a flower bed. There are more than 15,000 varieties, which are divided into several subspecies:

  • peony-shaped;
  • collar;
  • anemoid;
  • nymphaeal;
  • needle-shaped;
  • spherical.

Although they are perennials, in harsh climates the tubers are dug up and stored in a cool room. In early spring, flowers are replanted in flower beds.

Dahlias are used to decorate garden paths and large flower arrangements, located against the backdrop of green lawns.


One of the famous autumn perennial flowers is the bright rudbeckia. Its pretty buds with a dark brown center resemble a large chamomile. True, the petals are colored yellow or orange. Majestic baskets are located on erect, rough shoots with elongated leaf plates. Flowers look gorgeous against the background of coniferous shrubs.


The magnificent queen of flowers occupies a special place among the luxurious decorations of the garden. Winter-hardy roses continue to bloom even after the first frost. There are many varieties of this wonderful beauty that can satisfy any needs of summer residents.

For small front gardens, low-growing bushes with small buds are suitable. And spacious flower beds will be decorated with large inflorescences on luxurious bushes. Various shades of roses can please the eye until the onset of winter.


To give the autumn flowerbed a presentable look, many people prefer buzulnik. Its exquisite inflorescences consist of many miniature buds of bright yellow color. Even in October these flowers impress with their beauty. They are perennials and do not require special care.


Helenium occupies a special place among autumn flowering plants. Its late, but surprisingly abundant flowering gives gardeners a real pleasure. Cute "daisies" are colored yellow, red or orange. The culture looks wonderful in group flower beds, and as a single plant on the lawn. Flower bushes grow up to 1.5 m in height. The crown is most often columnar in shape.

Because helenium loves sunny places, it is grown in open areas. In the shade, it stops growing and dies over time.

Despite the limited number of fall perennials, many of them tirelessly brighten up sleepy garden areas. The bright buds of asters bloom in September. Frost-resistant chrysanthemums lift your spirits before the January cold. Exquisite dahlias, roses and rudbeckias give the flower garden a luxurious look. And helenium and buzulnik can become a unique calling card of a summer cottage.

Autumn flowers for the garden - video

Autumn is a magical time when nature prepares to take a break from the riot of colors and splendor of flowers. However, even during this period, a wide variety of plants bloom in the gardens, continuing to delight us with their grace and beauty.

They are also called autumn-flowering or short-day plants, because it is at this time of year that the sun is no longer so hot, and the light part of the day is significantly reduced.

Of course, the number of autumn flowers is not as large and varied as summer ones, but, nevertheless, there are enough of them to decorate your autumn garden and fill it with a pleasant aroma, making it unique and inimitable. Most autumn flowers are perennials, although there are also annuals among them.

So, the golden time greets us with its first month - September. What flowers has this month prepared for gardeners?

In this article we will look at the names of autumn flowers, descriptions and photos.

September flowers

In terms of weather conditions, September usually differs little from the end of summer, and only towards the end of the month can changes be noticed. Therefore, at the beginning of September, many summer flowers (begonia, gerbera, annual aster, etc.) still continue to bloom, but, unfortunately, they are unstable to the approaching cold and lack of sunlight. These plants are often grown as annuals, especially in colder regions.

However, as already noted, there are quite a large number of flowers that prefer to bloom in the fall.

The video shows an example of arranging flowers in a flower bed.

Chrysanthemums (Oaks)

It is these flowers that we will give the right to open our parade of autumn beauty. There is a wide variety of chrysanthemum varieties that differ in height (tall ones grow up to one and a half meters, medium-sized and small ones - from 0.5 m), flower sizes and color tones (from white to copper-red, and purple, as well as all kinds of yellow tones and orange).

Varietal plants with large flowers usually begin flowering from late summer to late autumn. They are quite sensitive to cold, while species with small flowers winter well.

Recently, unpretentious Korean chrysanthemums with an abundance of small flowers are very popular, with which the bushes are strewn, for example, Alyonushka(inflorescences are simple bright pink), Altgold(pompon flowers are dark yellow), Snow White(white double flowers), Hebe(blooms until frost, pink-yellow simple flowers), Lada(double pink-lilac flowers), Summer (large red semi-double flowers), Orange sunset(large double orange-brown flowers). Chrysanthemum leaves also vary greatly in appearance and size.


They occupy a consistently high position in the ranking of autumn-flowering plants, thanks to their long and abundant flowering. There are many varieties that bloom in the first two months of autumn, for which they received their popular names “September” and “October” (for example, New Belgian and New England varieties). Like chrysanthemums, there is a huge selection of different varieties of asters to suit every taste, both in height and size of the bush, and in color (shades of white, blue, pink and purple).

This is an unpretentious herbaceous plant that easily reproduces, is resistant to mild frosts, and its abundant flowering continues until winter, decorating the garden with bright stars of flowers. Often there are so many flowers on a bush that they hide the foliage of the plant underneath. There are both annual and perennial species of asters.


An excellent decoration for a summer cottage. They are shade-tolerant, grow on almost any type of soil, love moisture, but cannot tolerate excess moisture.

There are 6 main types of dahlias:

  • peony-shaped,
  • anemoids,
  • needle-shaped,
  • collar,
  • spherical,
  • nymphaeal.

The main difference is the shape, doubleness and size of the flowers, reaching 10-12 cm. Today, this amazingly beautiful plant has approximately 20,000 varieties.

Dahlias are heat-loving, so their flowering usually continues until the first cold weather, since even slight frosts have a detrimental effect on them.

Dahlias look impressive when decorating paths, colorful parterres and large group compositions against the backdrop of a lawn.

Rudbeckia hairy

Everyone knows these beautiful bright yellow and orange flowers with a dark brown core, very reminiscent of a large (5-6 cm) daisy. The plant has straight, elastic, rough stems 45-65 cm high and thick, rough, elongated leaves.

Rudbeckia blooms until frost, loves fertilized, moist soil, is shade-tolerant and has no special care requirements. She's wonderful combined with coniferous shrubs, looks great against the backdrop of lawns and rockeries.

Zinnia graceful ("majors" or "majoriki")

This culture is also widely known among gardeners. The stems of zinnia are vigorous and erect, with hard fluff. The shape of the flowers depends on the species, varies from simple to double, and their dimensions reach 10 cm. Flowers have a wide range of colors and are characterized by their abundance.

The flower needs nutritious soil, plenty of sun and protection from the winds.

Zinnia is perfectly used for decorating flower beds, mixborders, ridges and balconies, and also looks great in flowerpots.

Other September flowers

September types of flowers also include pansies, gladioli, decorative sunflowers, cannas, tuberous begonias, geraniums, balsam (wet vanya), colchicums, Jerusalem artichoke (flowers), echinacea, cosmos, spurge, Erica and heathers, castor beans, petunia, gillyflower, heleochrysum, osteospermum, datura, ornamental cabbage, amaranth, castor bean, marigold, fuchsia, sweet pea, coleus, oregano, dianthus pinnate, delosperma, demorphotheca, calendula, lavatera, coreopsis, helenium, perennial cornflower, pyrethrum, and many other species that can make your garden area truly colorful and joyful.

October flowers

October weather is usually very different from summer, many garden plants have bloomed, and any gardener dreams of prolonging the summer fairy tale as long as possible. However, this month is also not deprived of Mother Nature, who has created many October masterpieces.

Among the October fall-flowering plants, there are some beauties, which you can read about below.

Snapdragons ("dogs")

The perennial plant is often used as an annual. Its original small flowers resemble a lion's mouth, which is why it gets its unusual name. The plant pleasantly surprises with the variety of its color shades and transitions from snow-white to dark burgundy. "Doggies" can be like tall(up to 80 cm in height), and short and even dwarf, not exceeding 20 cm. The inflorescences are located on a straight central fairly strong stem in the form of a cone up to 35 cm long. Snapdragon stops flowering with the arrival of frost.

Snapdragon prefers light loamy soil in spacious, well-lit areas, it is very unpretentious, and regular removal of faded inflorescences promotes the development of lateral shoots, abundantly strewn with colorful flowers.

Snapdragons can be grown to decorate borders, flower beds, ridges and mixborders. The most popular varieties consider

  1. lemon yellow “Lemonade”,
  2. bright orange “Vulcan”,
  3. hot pink “Diamond Rose”,
  4. fiery carmine “Sharlah Triumph”,
  5. black-purple “Schwartz Prince”,
  6. bright red "Defiance"
  7. snow-white “Schneeflex”,
  8. dark purple-red velvet “Dunkel Garnet”.

Helenium autumn

Helenium is a real perennial miracle of nature, scattering over its bush a cap of delightful sunny yellow, brick-crimson or red-orange small (3-4 cm in size) flowers. He is absolutely unpretentious and belongs to tall growing species(from 0.7 to 1.5 m).

Most attractive to him damp fertilized soil. Snapdragon looks great on the banks of reservoirs, in the form of hedges, and in the background and middle ground of flower beds. They harmonize well with asters, delphinium, verbena and monarda. The most popular among gardeners are terry varieties.

Colchicum (colchicum)

This mysterious plant is a tuberous-bulbous plant perennial and acquired its name due to its delayed autumn flowering, unlike its counterparts. This is a real spring burst of beauty and tenderness among the fading colors of autumn. It does not exceed 20cm in height. Very unpretentious. Colchicum clearings in the autumn landscape fascinate with their sophistication and sophistication.

There are about 70 different varieties this amazing flower. Prefers loose, light soil and sunny southern areas. Looks great in rock gardens. Despite its attractiveness, the plant is poisonous and requires careful handling.

Pansy (viola or Vitrocca violet)

A wonderful low-growing (15-30 cm) perennial frost-resistant garden crop, the shape of its flowers resembles a violet. Viola refers to shade tolerant plants, but in shaded areas its flowering is less abundant. The color range of pansies is wide and varied. Pansies do not tolerate excess moisture and prefer loamy soil.

These flowers perfectly decorate balconies, borders, street flowerpots, various plantings and can be planted around trees.


Nasturtium is a very popular garden species that grows in plots with moderate nutrient content. On fertile soil it develops its green mass and reduces the amount of color, and on poor soil it loses its decorative effect. Almost all types of nasturtium are annuals.

There are several main types of nasturtium:

  • bush(small annual bushes up to 30 cm high are ideal for decorating landscapes, borders, mixborders, flowerpots),
  • curly(an annual species for creating hedges, balconies, walls, fences),
  • ampelous(annual species for vertical gardening and building decoration),
  • terry(an annual species well used in landscape design),
  • climbing(perennial used for the design of terraces, gazebos and flower beds).

Bush height of this crop varies from 25-30 cm to 2-3 m. It likes to grow in sunny areas.

Today, gardeners are offered about 90 varieties of nasturtium for every taste. In cold regions, the most popular plant is Nasturtium multileaf, which can survive temperatures down to -20 degrees.

Other October flowers

Other October blooming plants include ageratum, aster, marigolds, tuberous begonia, verbena bonarensis, gatsania, heliopsis, dahlias, hydrangea paniculata, sweet pea, kobeya, crocus, lantana, lobelia, daisies, pelargonium, petunia, rose, salvia, chrysanthemum , spotted sapling and many others. These plants, with their aroma and lush flowering, preserve a piece of summer in your garden.

November flowers

And now, finally, autumn is coming to an end. November comes - the month when the garden is empty, the trees have shed their leaves and nature is almost ready for winter sleep. Just at this time, you especially want to see a colorful corner of flowering plants, filling the air of the passing autumn with a special smell, reminiscent of the colorful summer. Flowering plants in November are like an explosion of positive emotions.

Many plants that begin to bloom in September and October remain attractive.

Marigolds (Tagetis)

Marigolds are both annual and perennial. Known more than 50 varieties This sunny crop, whose flowers vary from bright yellow to reddish brown, including a whole range of shades and combinations, creates a picturesque floral carpet. They have an incomparable smell and grow in bushes from 0.2 to 1.2 m in height.

Flowers continue to bloom until frost. Depending on the structure of the inflorescences, tegetis is divided into

  • Dianthus,
  • chrysanthemum-shaped,
  • terry,
  • semi-double,
  • simple.

Often used by gardeners hybrid species of Tagetis.


Another messenger of summer in your garden can be petunias. Among 20 varieties This plant includes both annuals and perennials. The flower perfectly withstands almost any climatic conditions and is unpretentious in its location of growth, which makes it simply indispensable for the garden plot.

Petunias come with both erect and trailing stems, and usually do not exceed 10 cm in height. This is a wonderful decoration for your summer cottage, especially in late autumn, thanks to the variety of color options of this crop.

Petunia fits perfectly into the design both in flowerpots and in flowerbeds, borders, borders and tolerates cold well.


This evergreen plant is an excellent ornamental plant. Although it blooms in June, its lush, dark green foliage will wonderfully enliven a dull November landscape in your garden. The most winter-hardy variety of rhododendron is Rhododendron Katevbinsky grandiflorum.

The plant has lush crown and reaches up to 4 m in height. Its unpretentiousness, growth rate (8-12 cm per year) and ability to live up to a hundred years make the plant a godsend. Slightly acidic, sour, peaty or loamy soil is suitable for its growth.


The variety of these extraordinary plants is simply amazing, and their beauty and abundant flowering attract many gardeners. Late species include luxuriantly blooming phlox paniculata- a tall bush plant with bright succulent flowers of various colors from pink and scarlet to purple, there are even striped species.

Among the popular varieties of phlox are:

  • "Vladimir"
  • "Cloud",
  • "Andre"
  • "Creme de Mente"
  • snow-white "Anna"
  • light salmon "Bornimer Nachsrmmer",
  • blue and white “Novinka”,
  • tricolor "Margry".


And of course, one cannot fail to mention the queen of floral beauty - the rose, some winter-hardy varieties of which continue to delight the eye even after slight frosts. Today, a huge number of pink varieties have been bred that can survive the winter in the harshest climates and continue to bloom even with the onset of cold weather.

These types include park crops, as well as selected Canadian and American species. Moreover, the choice of color and type of roses is so diverse that even the most biased gardener will be able to choose a plant to his liking.

Other November flowers

In addition to those listed, plants such as echinacea, aster, Waller's impatience, gatsania, dimorphotheca notemata, nemesia, Drumond's phlox, fuchsia, chrysanthemum, pansy and many other frost-hardy species will make your garden a green island of summer throughout November.