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Development of leadership skills. Twelve exercises at the initial stage. About the power of enthusiasm. Leaders are born or become

30 Sep

A simple truth of life: Leaders are not born, but made! You need to cultivate leadership qualities if you dream of success. You must work hard on yourself and develop leadership skills to become a respected and independent person in the future!

You must first learn to lead your own life, and not wait for a lucky ticket! Shape your own circumstances, create good conditions, both in life and at work!

If you want to become free and independent, be a leader! No one can influence the leader, since he has his own iron-clad opinion, developed by experience! A leader is someone who knows what he needs from life and persistently achieves it!

Do you dream of being in control of your life, not being dependent on circumstances, building a career and becoming the master of your destiny? Then you should develop certain character qualities that LEADERS have! Believe me, as soon as you cultivate these qualities in yourself, you will feel like a Human, with a capital “H”!

Key leadership qualities:

1) To become a leader, be purposeful.

Set clear goals for yourself and work towards achieving them every day! Remember the proverb: “Without effort, you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond!” So it is here!

2) To become a leader, be able to make decisions quickly.

To become a leader in everything and everywhere, be proactive! Train it in yourself. A person who is a leader always thinks through future steps and draws in his head a scheme for translating them into reality.

3) To become a leader, have strength of character.

Learn to say NO! In life you need to say this word very often! People tend to try to be good to everyone, but this is impossible. Believe me, life will become much easier if you include in your vocabulary the word that saves you a lot of time and effort - the word NO!

4) To become a leader, be balanced.

Whatever situations happen to you, always remain calm. This is one of the most important leadership qualities. Don't give anyone the opportunity to piss you off. Throw out everything negative from your life! This includes people who are unpleasant to be with. Be with those you like, those who really please you! You know, no matter how rude it may sound, but when you communicate with people who constantly whine about their lives, you become saturated with their problems and lower yourself to their level! Avoid such people! Always think with your head, not with your emotions! There is an old and very effective recipe to calm down - prayer!

5) To become a leader, be confident in yourself.

This is the most important quality of character, without which there is no leader! To develop confidence, you need to record your small victories every day. Personal diary achievements, successfully completed tasks.

6) To become a leader, be resilient and persistent.

Do you know about the drive and endurance of Thomas Edison himself? So, he was able to create an incandescent lamp only after performing more than 10,000 scientific experiments! The most interesting thing is that this amazing man had no technical education behind him at all, but only saw the sarcastic ridicule of his “certified and educated” friends. When asked: “Was it difficult for him to continue his research, after so many failures?”, to which Thomas replied: “I had no failures in my experiments, I found 9,999 ways not to create a light bulb!”

7) To become a leader, be responsible.

There is a good method to understand and develop your responsibility: take a piece of paper and write 10 sentences that begin with the words “I am responsible for...” This method will allow you to analyze what you are responsible for.

8) To become a leader, develop organizational skills.

As soon as quarrels arise within the team, this can lead to disruption of the work process. A leader must immediately extinguish all misunderstandings and conflicts between employees. You need to learn to unite people into one whole. This can be done with the help of a common goal, an idea.

9) To become a leader, develop your intellect.

If you are engaged in self-development, half the success is already yours. Read a lot of books, different genres and different specialties, and not just in your field. You know the proverb: “Whoever owns the information owns the world!” Always learn from other people. Carefully study how those who have achieved excellent results and achieved what they wanted, who deserve applause, work.

10) Don’t wait for weather by the sea, get up and DO!

Another simple truth - if you continue to do what you do constantly, you will get what you got before! This is the same as stepping on the same rake with the persistence of a sheep! Feel yourself in the shoes of a leader - that person who boldly takes on those things from which ordinary people running with rounded and frightened eyes!

Think about it...if you help a butterfly get out of its cocoon, while cutting it, you will thereby steal the butterfly's ability to fly. Because when a butterfly resists, trying to break its cocoon on its own, liquid flows into its wings, which nourishes and gives them strength to fly. The same applies to humans!

Here is a short program for developing leadership qualities:

Step one. Decide why you need to be a leader. Can not be successful people In general, there are no leaders in everything, there are no real leaders “just like that.” You must have a Goal, what you really want from life. Leadership is a means.

Step two. Keep a success journal. Write down your successes and victories every day. About five a day, preferably ten. Difficult? Try! Then it will be much easier. You will raise your self-esteem and convince yourself that you are truly successful.

Step three. Find leaders and communicate with them often. If they are not in your circle, make new acquaintances. Communicate with them as much as possible. Ask for advice about this and that (people love to give advice 🙂), ask for their opinions and always listen to them! Take them as your teachers (that's what they are), and you won't notice how their positive qualities will become yours. Success is contagious!

Step four. Do something! Get busy social activities, open your own business. Do whatever you want, but it's better if it's related to leadership. Get used to being responsible for everything yourself. Set yourself up for success, but don't be discouraged by failure. Take every chance. Your goal is to gain experience and develop initial leadership skills.

Good luck to everyone!

And finally, we suggest you watch an interesting video

A leader is a person who is able to lead others. Many passionately desire to become a leader, study hundreds of brochures and books of the same name, and attend trainings under the general title “Become a leader in 48 hours.”

1. All managers are leaders

In fact: Some managers are able to lead people, others are not. Management is one of the possibilities of leadership, but not an equivalent.

Managers have well-developed communication skills and are able to organize the work process. They hire people to work. But if they are not able to identify the best employees, constantly improve the organization's work, and develop their employees, then they will not become leaders.

Leadership a priori implies favorable changes, continuous improvement and development.

2. Some people are born to be leaders.

In fact: even those who have a predisposition to lead must master leadership skills.

A child may have a predisposition for basketball, but if he does not practice hard, he is unlikely to become a great basketball player.

In addition, a predisposition to leadership is not always as obvious as it might seem at first glance. So it's better to focus on what you can do now than to think and look for life's purpose.

3. A leader always has the right answers.

In fact: leaders know how to ask the right questions and know where to look for the right answers.

If people in your company constantly come to you with questions that they could answer on their own, remember that you are depriving them of the opportunity to “turn on their brains and think.”

If you give a person fish, he will be fed for one day. And if you give him a fishing rod, he will be fed for the rest of his life.

Leaders don’t have “absolutely all the answers,” they just know where to look for them.

4. To be a leader, you need a high position.

In fact: to lead people, you just need to know when is the best time to do it and how to do it. And most importantly, you must be able to take responsibility for yourself and other people.

When I stay at a hotel, most of the people I encounter there - from the receptionist to the waiters and cleaners - do not have a high position or authority over people, but they are responsible for the comfortable stay of all hotel guests. Good staff are much more likely than top management (who, in essence, are the formal leaders) to be ready to take responsibility.

A leader always makes people's lives better. In successful organizations, any employee is able to bear responsibility, even if his position is low.

5. Leaders do everything themselves.

In fact: a leader is able to motivate himself and his team to work.

If a leader has a great desire to work on a task, but he cannot “infect” his team with the same impulse, he is not a real leader. This is what distinguishes a leader from a manager: a manager, as a rule, is focused on the task, but a leader can make sure that not only he himself is focused, but also the people on his team.

6. Leadership is ambition

In fact: Leadership is the ability and desire to benefit people.

There is nothing wrong with ambition, but it usually only plays into the hands of the person himself. If what you do only benefits you, you are unlikely to be considered a leader.

If what you do benefits others - customers, colleagues, suppliers, society at large - then you can truly be called a true leader.

7. Anyone can become a leader

In fact: Only someone who wants to become a leader can become a leader.

You cannot force a person to lead if he does not want to. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink. In addition to talent and ability, you also need desire.

You want to become a leader so that other people will follow you. To become a leader, you do not have to be a director or head of a department, but you will need to fulfill the five qualities of a leader every day. Alexander Samsonov will tell you more about this in the training video lesson “How to become a leader.”

Who are leaders, people who know how to lead others. To be a leader means to always be first, to be popular best girls and great respect in any team. Some people think that a leader must be born, but in fact, leadership is the same skill as driving a car or snowboarding. Even if you have never been a leader since childhood, you can become one today. In this video lesson, Alexander Samsonov will talk about five qualities that will help you become a leader and change your life.

The first quality of a leader is initiative. The very essence of a leader is to be in front, to lead people. If you are decisive, if you don’t wait for others to do everything for you, you act first, then that means you are a leader. It’s very easy to train initiative in yourself, be the life of the party, be the ringleader, be a generator of ideas at work, take the first step towards the girl you like. All this will bring you pleasant results, and as a bonus you will improve initiative, one of the main qualities of a leader.

The second quality of a leader is trust in the people around you. Trust the people from your team - these are either employees at work, or partners, or your close circle.

Remember: alone you will achieve 1000 times less than with a good team.

We are not talking about blind trust in everyone, know your surroundings and trust tasks that they will cope with perfectly.

For example, you are throwing a party. Someone is going for groceries, someone is in charge of music, and someone is making phone calls beautiful girls. But there is someone who watches cartoons. Since his hands grow out of his ass and in organizing a party, he will only do harm. But at this party itself, he will be the main ringleader and make it unforgettable.

Remember that the strength of a leader is in those people who are next to him and follow him. Find strengths every person from your surroundings and entrust him with the task in which he can prove himself best.

The third quality of a leader is the desire to develop his environment. Everything is simple here, if you jealously look at the successes of your colleagues and friends, seeing them only as competitors, then you are unlikely to grow into yourself. Your environment is your strength and how stronger people around you, the stronger you are. A true leader helps his loved ones grow and sincerely rejoices at their successes. A person who is constantly afraid of being relegated to the background will never come to the fore.

The fourth quality of a leader is flexibility and critical thinking. Here let's look at the opposite: what kind of person blindly believes everything that he is told, only a follower. If you want to be a leader, you should analyze what you hear.

Analyze people's motives and benefits!

Analyze the motives and benefits of the people who contact you and come into contact with you. Learn to understand people, develop critical thinking - this will quickly lead you to success. Don't become paranoid, but learn to weed out the good, kind and honest people you can rely on from those with whom you are clearly not on the same path.

The fifth quality of a leader is a positive mindset. A good leader sees the future in any situation. Even when it seems that everything is against him. He believes in himself and in those who are shoulder to shoulder with him. This distinguishes him from most people who give up at the first difficulties. This quality is also easy to train. Remember that ideal conditions almost never happens.

Every time you encounter difficulties, find a way out of the situation. Always understand how these challenges will make you stronger right now. But the main thing: never let go.

Never let go of your hands

By fulfilling these five qualities to become a leader, which Alexander Samsonov spoke about in the video lesson “How to become a leader,” you can do this every day. Upgrade yourself constantly and remember that your life is in your hands.

In this article I will tell you how to become a leader in a team. I will reveal the 5 most important secrets from the pros. I step by step and in simple language I'll explain the details.

Tested from my own experience, the methods are effective. If you master them, you can become the soul of your team. Even the smartest people will come to you for advice. You will shine in the rays of glory and receive all the best, from gratitude to bonuses.

How to become a leader at work?

Can everyone become a leader? Perhaps yes, and you know this very well. Of course, there are subtleties and nuances, but if you wish, of course you can. There is really nothing impossible in life.Anyone can become a leader.

But how and why to become a leader? Admit it, how many times while sitting at the next meaningless meeting in your hearts did you want to hit the table with your fist and shout something similar: "So! And now everyone shut up and listened to what I tell you!!!”

Well, it happened, didn’t it? But you’ve never done this, right? Eh.... Apparently, they didn’t teach you how to become a leader, so you are still a subordinate...

I know that now many will object to me, they say, leadership must be in the blood... those born to crawl cannot fly.... NONSENSE! Justifying yourself and your failures!

Who is a leader and what do they eat him with?

A leader, just like happy man, it's never too late to become! But... first, let's figure out who a leader is. As a standard, I would like to say here that this is a person who can lead.

A person whose opinion has a certain weight in society. And finally, this is a person who is respected, but not feared.Perhaps these are the most understandable qualities of a leader.

But!!! Before you manage someone, you need to... A true leader will never allow circumstances to get the better of him. Having spoiled them, he will subjugate them and take advantage!

A true leader knows HOW TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Moreover, he changes it in better side every day, every hour. You too can change your life, make it rich, full of meaning and happiness. To do this, you need to change a little, learn, develop certain skills.

Start with this course. You can watch the first trial video and TRY THE PRACTICES right now via this link

Try also practiceAgree, it is much more pleasant to follow a happy leader than an unhappy one.

Do you think it is possible to become a leader, or is it, as they say "either it's given or it's not"? I assure you, anyone can become a leader! Age, appearance and other rubbish are absolutely not important! The main desire! ( Burning desire- as the English say.)

How to become a leader in a team

So, let's say you work in a small team and want to become a leader in it. You have a clear GOAL - this is already half the success.I suggest taking the following steps.

1 Absolute competence in work

You must know everything about your job. A leader is someone who leads. TO smart person There will always be a queue of people wanting to gain quality skills.
Napoleon Bonaparte brilliantly said this: “An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram.”


Your appearance, posture, gait, impeccably ironed suit, and finally, a piercingly deep look - EVERYTHING should indicate that you KNOW what you want and KNOW HOW to achieve it.

3. Strength of character

Develop the character of a leader. Learn to say NO. Try to take on important decisions starting from tomorrow.
With a confident look and a firm gait, boldly step TOWARDS difficulties! Remember: “Brave cities take!”

4. Determination

Set a specific goal for yourself. Announce it in front of everyone and achieve it no matter what - this will elevate you in the eyes of your employees. You probably know this hackneyed phrase: “If you don’t have a goal, then you have to work for someone who does.”

5) Charm

“There are people who are capable of leading entire nations solely thanks to their charm,” said Emerson R. Here, of course, one can argue, recalling
saying: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are escorted by your mind”, but, you see, charming people have a much greater chance of becoming a leader.

As you can see, everything is very simple.
But…. Before becoming a leader and leading people, it is still better to become a leader over yourself - not to allow someone or something to control you, to lead you astray from YOUR path. Learn to manage yourself and, who knows, maybe then you will become a leader both at work and...

I can’t help but add a fly in the ointment at the end. In my article “HOW TO BECOME A LEADER” I teach you to become “leaders”, to control the minds of others, you probably have plenty of reasons for this, but... still... for yourself - what is the true reason, maybe?.. the goal is still not always justifies the means? And... perhaps, having acquired the status of a leader, you will lose something that will be very difficult to return???

PS. Leonid Sukhorukov once quipped: “And a ram leading a flock of rams is still a ram.” There's a lot to think about, isn't there?

Let us tell you the main SECRET of real leaders.

It turns out that real leaders have developed and well-functioning MUST chakra and ALIVE chakra. If these channels are clogged, damaged, and don’t work, then even if you hit your head against the wall, you won’t become a leader.

You can learn about chakras and their meaning in our lives in these articles:

And find out the state of your energy, chakras.

Cleansing important chakras with the help of a healer gives a very high-quality, lasting result. People will start to HEAR YOU! They will be drawn to you and treat you with respect. You will be filled with energy from the inside and those around you will not be able to help but notice it.

You can also take a course and learn how to manage your life independently.

You can try to cleanse the chakras yourself right now, but if you have never tried energy practices and do not really understand what we are talking about, it is recommended that you first read the articles about chakras - links above, and also watch and do the practices from the introductory video to the “Online Esoterics Course”. Links are also in this article above.

I, Manoilo Oksana, am a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. You are now on my website.

Order your diagnostics from me using a photo. I will tell you about you, the causes of your problems and suggest the best ways out of the situation.