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Horizontal distance of underground networks. Minimum clear distance between pipelines and building structures. the outer edge of a ditch or the bottom of a road embankment

Minimum clear distances from pipelines to building structures and to adjacent pipelines

Nominal diameter of pipelines, mm Distance from the surface of the heat-insulating structure of pipelines, mm, not less
to the wall before overlap to the floor to the surface of the thermal insulation structure of the adjacent pipeline
vertically horizontally
1000 - 1400
Note - When reconstructing heating points using existing building structures, deviations from the dimensions indicated in this table are allowed, but taking into account the requirements of clause 2.33.

table 2

Minimum aisle width

Name of equipment and building structures between which passages are provided Clear passage width, mm, not less
Between pumps with electric motors with voltages up to 1000 V 1,0
The same, 1000 V or more 1,2
Between the pumps and the wall 1,0
Between pumps and distribution panel or instrumentation panel 2,0
Between protruding parts of equipment (water heaters, mud pits, elevators, etc.) or protruding parts of equipment and a wall 0,8
From the floor or ceiling to the surface of heat-insulating pipeline structures 0,7
For servicing fittings and compensators (from the wall to the fitting flange or to the compensator) with pipe diameter, mm:
up to 500 0,6
from 600 to 900 0,7
When installing two pumps with electric motors on the same foundation without a passage between them, but with passages around the double installation 1,0

Table 3

Minimum clear distance between pipelines and building structures

Name Clear distance, mm, not less
From protruding parts of fittings or equipment (taking into account the thermal insulation structure) to the wall
From the protruding parts of pumps with electric motors with voltages up to 1000 V with a pressure pipe diameter of no more than 100 mm (when installed against a wall without a passage) to the wall
Between the protruding parts of pumps and electric motors when installing two pumps with electric motors on the same foundation near a wall without a passage
From the valve flange on the branch to the surface of the thermal insulation structure of the main pipes
From the extended valve spindle (or handwheel) to the wall or ceiling at mm
The same, at mm
From the floor to the bottom of the thermal insulation structure of the fittings
From the wall or from the valve flange to the water or air outlet fittings
From the floor or ceiling to the surface of the heat-insulating structure of branch pipes



1. The calculated thermal performance of water heaters, W, should be taken according to the calculated heat flows for heating, ventilation and hot water supply, given in the design documentation of buildings and structures. In the absence of design documentation, it is allowed to determine the calculated heat flows in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 2.04.07-86* (according to aggregated indicators).

2. The calculated thermal performance of water heaters for heating systems should be determined at the design outside air temperature for heating design, °C, and taken based on the maximum heat flows determined in accordance with the instructions in paragraph 1. When heating and ventilation systems are independently connected through a common water heater, the calculated thermal performance of the water heater, W, is determined by the sum of the maximum heat flows for heating and ventilation:


3. The calculated thermal performance of water heaters, W, for hot water supply systems, taking into account heat losses by supply and circulation pipelines, W, should be determined at water temperatures at the break point of the water temperature graph in accordance with the instructions in paragraph 1, and in the absence of design documentation - according to heat flows determined by the following formulas:

For consumers - according to the average heat flow for hot water supply during the heating period, determined according to clause 3.13, and SNiP 2.04.01-85, according to the formula or depending on the accepted heat reserve in the tanks according to Appendices 7 and 8 of the specified chapter (or according to SNiP 2.04.07-86* - );

For consumers - according to the maximum heat flows for hot water supply, determined according to clause 3.13, b SNiP 2.04.01-85, (or according to SNiP 2.04.07-86 * - ).

4. In the absence of data on the amount of heat loss by pipelines of hot water supply systems, heat flows to hot water supply, W, are allowed to be determined using the formulas:

in the presence of storage tanks

in the absence of storage tanks

where is a coefficient taking into account heat loss by pipelines of hot water supply systems, taken according to table. 1.

Table 1

In the absence of data on the number and characteristics of water taps, hourly consumption hot water for residential areas it is allowed to be determined by the formula

where is the coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption, taken according to Table 2.

Note - For hot water supply systems serving both residential and public buildings, the hourly unevenness coefficient should be taken based on the sum of the number of residents in residential buildings and the conditional number of residents in public buildings, determined by the formula

where is the average water consumption for hot water supply during the heating period, kg/h, for public buildings, determined according to SNiP 2.04.01-85.

In the absence of data on the purpose of public buildings, it is allowed when determining the coefficient of hourly unevenness according to the table. 2 conditionally take the number of residents with a coefficient of 1.2.

table 2

Continuation of the table. 2



1. Calculation of the heating surface of heating water heaters, sq.m, is carried out at the water temperature in the heating network corresponding to the design temperature of the outside air for heating design, and for the design performance determined according to Appendix 2, according to the formula

2. The temperature of the heated water should be taken:

at the inlet to the water heater - equal to the temperature of the water in the return pipeline of the heating systems at the outside air temperature;

at the outlet of the water heater - equal to the water temperature in the supply pipeline of the heating networks behind the central heating point or in the supply pipeline of the heating system when installing the water heater in the IHP at the outside air temperature.

Note - When independently connecting heating and ventilation systems through a common water heater, the temperature of the heated water in the return pipeline at the inlet to the water heater should be determined taking into account the water temperature after connecting the ventilation system pipeline. When the heat consumption for ventilation is no more than 15% of the total maximum hourly heat consumption for heating, the temperature of the heated water in front of the water heater is allowed to be equal to the temperature of the water in the return pipeline of the heating system.

3. The temperature of the heating water should be taken:

at the inlet to the water heater - equal to the temperature of the water in the supply pipeline of the heating network at the inlet to the heating point at the outside air temperature;

at the outlet of the water heater - 5-10 °C higher than the water temperature in the return pipeline of the heating system at the design temperature of the outside air.

4. Estimated water consumption and , kg/h, for calculating water heaters for heating systems should be determined using the formulas:

heating water

heated water

When heating and ventilation systems are independently connected through a common water heater, the calculated water consumption and , kg/h, should be determined using the formulas:

heating water

heated water

where , are respectively the maximum heat flows for heating and ventilation, W.

5. Temperature pressure, °C, of ​​the heating water heater is determined by the formula



1. Calculation of the heating surface of hot water supply water heaters should be carried out (see Fig. 1) at the water temperature in the supply pipeline of the heating network corresponding to the break point of the water temperature graph, or at the minimum water temperature, if there is no break in the temperature graph, and according to the calculated productivity, defined according to Appendix 2

where is determined in the presence of storage tanks according to formula (1) App. 2, and in the absence of storage tanks - according to formula (2) App. 2.

2. The temperature of the heated water should be taken: at the entrance to the water heater - equal to 5 °C, if there are no operational data; at the outlet of the water heater - equal to 60 °C, and with vacuum deaeration - 65 °C.

3. The temperature of the heating water should be taken: at the inlet to the water heater - equal to the temperature of the water in the supply pipeline of the heating network at the inlet to the heating point at the outside air temperature at the break point of the water temperature graph; at the outlet of the water heater - equal to 30 °C.

4. Estimated water consumption and , kg/h, for calculating a hot water supply water heater should be determined using the formulas:

heating water

heated water

5. The temperature pressure of a hot water supply water heater is determined by the formula

6. The heat transfer coefficient, depending on the design of the water heater, should be determined according to Appendices 7-9.



The calculation method for hot water supply water heaters connected to the heating network according to a two-stage scheme (see Fig. 2-4) with a limitation of the maximum consumption of network water for input, used to date, is based on an indirect method, according to which the thermal performance of the first stage of water heaters is determined by the balance load of hot water supply, and stage II - according to the difference in loads between the calculated load and the load of stage I. In this case, the principle of continuity is not observed: the temperature of the heated water at the outlet of the first stage water heater does not coincide with the temperature of the same water at the entrance to the second stage, which makes it difficult to use for machine calculation.

The new calculation method is more logical for a two-stage scheme with a limitation on the maximum flow of network water for input. It is based on the position that at the hour of maximum water withdrawal at the calculated outside air temperature for selecting water heaters, corresponding to the break point of the central temperature graph, it is possible to stop the supply of heat for heating, and all network water is supplied to the hot water supply. To select the required size and number of shell-and-tube sections or the number of plates and number of strokes of plate water heaters, the heating surface should be determined based on the calculated productivity and temperatures of the heating and heated water from the thermal calculation in accordance with the formulas below.

1. Calculation of the heating surface, sq.m., of hot water supply water heaters must be made at the water temperature in the supply pipeline of the heating network, corresponding to the break point of the water temperature graph, or at a minimum water temperature, if there is no break in the temperature graph, since in this mode there will be a minimum temperature difference and heat transfer coefficient values, according to the formula

where is the calculated thermal performance of hot water supply water heaters, determined according to Appendix 2;

Heat transfer coefficient, W/(sq.m · °C), is determined depending on the design of water heaters according to Appendices 7-9;

The average logarithmic temperature difference between heating and heated water (temperature pressure), °C, is determined by formula (18) of this appendix.

2. The distribution of the calculated thermal performance of water heaters between stages I and II is carried out based on the condition that the heated water in stage II is heated to a temperature of = 60 ° C, and in stage I - to a temperature determined by technical and economic calculations or assumed to be 5 ° C less than the temperature of the network water in the return pipeline at the break point of the graph.

The calculated thermal performance of water heaters of stages I and II, W, is determined by the formulas:

3. The temperature of the heated water, °C, after stage I is determined by the formulas:

with dependent connection of the heating system

with independent connection of the heating system

4. The maximum flow rate of heated water, kg/h, passing through stages I and II of the water heater should be calculated based on the maximum heat flow for hot water supply, determined by formula 2 of Appendix 2, and heating water to 60 °C in stage II:

5. Heating water consumption, kg/h:

a) for heating points in the absence of ventilation load, the heating water flow rate is assumed to be the same for stages I and II of water heaters and is determined:

when regulating heat supply according to the combined load of heating and hot water supply - according to the maximum flow of network water for hot water supply (formula (7)) or according to the maximum flow of network water for heating (formula (8)):

The largest of the obtained values ​​is accepted as the calculated value;

when regulating the heat supply according to the heating load, the calculated consumption of heating water is determined by the formula

; (9)

. (10)

In this case, you should check the temperature of the heating water at the outlet of the first stage water heater at the formula

. (11)

If the temperature determined by formula (11) is below 15 °C, then it should be taken equal to 15 °C, and the heating water consumption should be recalculated using the formula

b) for heating points in the presence of a ventilation load, the heating water flow rate is assumed to be:

for stage I

for stage II

. (14)

6. Heating water temperature, °C, at the outlet of the second stage water heater:

7. Heating water temperature, °C, at the inlet to the first stage water heater:

. (16)

8. Heating water temperature, °C, at the outlet of the first stage water heater:

. (17)

9. Average logarithmic temperature difference between heating and heated water, °C:

. (18)



1. The heating surface of water heaters (see Fig. 8) for hot water supply, sq.m, is determined at the water temperature in the supply pipeline of the heating network corresponding to the break point of the water temperature graph, or at the minimum water temperature, if there is no break in the temperature graph, since in this mode there will be a minimum temperature difference and heat transfer coefficient values, according to the formula

where is the calculated thermal performance of hot water supply water heaters, W, determined according to Appendix 2;

The average logarithmic temperature difference between heating and heated water, °C, is determined according to Appendix 5;

The heat transfer coefficient, W/(sq.m · °C), is determined depending on the design of water heaters according to App. 7-9.

2. Heat flow to the second stage of the water heater, W, with a two-stage connection scheme for hot water supply water heaters (according to Fig. 8), necessary only for calculating the flow of heating water, with a maximum heat flow for ventilation of no more than 15% of the maximum heat flow for heating, is determined by formulas:

in the absence of heated water storage tanks

; (2)

in the presence of heated water storage tanks

, (3)

where is the heat loss of pipelines of hot water supply systems, W.

In the absence of data on the amount of heat loss by pipelines of hot water supply systems, the heat flow to the second stage of the water heater, W, can be determined using the formulas:

in the absence of heated water storage tanks

in the presence of heated water storage tanks

where is the coefficient taking into account heat loss by pipelines of hot water supply systems, adopted according to Appendix 2.

3. The distribution of the calculated thermal performance of water heaters between stages I and II, the determination of the calculated temperatures and water flow rates for calculating water heaters should be taken from the table.

Name of calculated values Scope of application of the circuit (according to Fig. 8)
industrial buildings, a group of residential and public buildings with a maximum heat flow for ventilation more than 15% of the maximum heat flow for heating residential and public buildings with a maximum heat flow for ventilation not exceeding 15% of the maximum heat flow for heating
Stage I of a two-stage scheme
Estimated thermal performance of the first stage of the water heater
, with vacuum deaeration + 5
The same at the outlet of the water heater
Without storage tanks
With storage tanks
Heating water consumption, kg/h
Stage II of a two-stage scheme
Estimated thermal performance of the second stage of the water heater
Temperature of heated water, °C, at the inlet to the water heater With storage tanks Without storage tanks
The same at the outlet of the water heater = 60 °C
Heating water temperature, °C, at the inlet to the water heater
The same at the outlet of the water heater
Heated water consumption, kg/h Without storage tanks
Heating water consumption, kg/h With storage tanks in the absence of circulation In the presence of circulation, With storage tanks,
Notes: 1 When connecting heating systems independently, it should be taken instead; 2 The value of underheating in stage I, °C, is assumed: with storage tanks = 5 °C, in the absence of storage tanks = 10 °C; 3 When determining the calculated heating water flow for the first stage of the water heater, the water flow from the ventilation systems is not taken into account; 4 The temperature of the heated water at the outlet of the heater in the central heating point and in the IHP should be taken equal to 60 ° C, and in the central heating point with vacuum deaeration - = 65 ° C; 5 The amount of heat flow for heating at the break point of the temperature graph is determined by the formula .



Horizontal sectional high-speed water heaters in accordance with GOST 27590 with a pipe system of straight smooth or profiled pipes are distinguished by the fact that to eliminate pipe deflection, two-section support partitions are installed, which are part of the tube sheet. This design of the support partitions facilitates the installation of tubes and their replacement under operating conditions, since the holes of the support partitions are located coaxially with the holes of the tube sheets.

Each support is installed with an offset of 60 °C relative to each other, which increases the turbulence of the coolant flow passing through the inter-tube space and leads to an increase in the heat transfer coefficient from the coolant to the wall of the tubes, and accordingly, the heat removal from 1 sq.m of heating surface increases. Brass tubes with an outer diameter of 16 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm are used in accordance with GOST 21646 and GOST 494.

An even greater increase in the heat transfer coefficient is achieved by using profiled brass tubes instead of smooth brass tubes in the tube bundle, which are made from the same tubes by squeezing transverse or helical grooves onto them with a roller, which leads to turbulization of the wall fluid flow inside the tubes.

Water heaters consist of sections that are connected to each other by rollers along the pipe space and by pipes along the interpipe space (Fig. 1-4 of this appendix). The pipes can be detachable on flanges or permanently welded. Depending on the design, water heaters for hot water supply systems have the following symbols: for a detachable design with smooth tubes - RG, with profiled ones - RP; for a welded structure - SG, SP, respectively (the direction of the flow of heat exchanging media is given in clause 4.3 of this set of rules).

Fig.1. General form horizontal sectional shell-and-tube water heater with turbulator supports

Fig.2. Structural dimensions of the water heater

1 - section; 2 - kalach; 3 - transition; 4 - block of supporting partitions; 5 - tubes; 6 - supporting partition; 7 - ring; 8 - rod;

Fig.3. Connecting roll

Fig.4. Transition

Example symbol split-type water heater with an outer diameter of the section body of 219 mm, a section length of 4 m, without a thermal expansion compensator, for a nominal pressure of 1.0 MPa, with a pipe system of smooth tubes of five sections, climatic version UZ: PV 219 x 4-1, O-RG-5-UZ GOST 27590.

Specifications water heaters are given in Table 1, and the nominal dimensions and connection dimensions are given in Table 2 of this appendix.

Table 1

Technical characteristics of water heaters according to GOST 27590

Outer diameter of the section body, mm Number of tubes in a section, pcs. Cross-sectional area of ​​the interpipe space, sq.m Sectional area of ​​tubes, sq.m Equivalent diameter of intertrunnel space, m Heating surface of one Section, sq.m, with length, m Thermal output, kW, sections length, m Weight, kg
Pipe system
smooth (version 1) profiled (version 2) sections length, m kalacha, performance transition
0,00116 0,00062 0,0129 0,37 0,75 23,5 37,0 8,6 7,9 5,5 3,8
0,00233 0,00108 0,0164 0,65 1,32 32,5 52,4 10,9 10,4 6,8 4,7
0,00327 0,00154 0,0172 0,93 1,88 40,0 64,2 13,2 12,0 8,2 5,4
0,005 0,00293 0,0155 1,79 3,58 58,0 97,1 17,7 17,2 10,5 7,3
0,0122 0,00570 0,019 3,49 6,98 113,0 193,8 32,8 32,8 17,4 13,4
0,02139 0,00939 0,0224 5,75 11,51 173,0 301,3 54,3 52,7 26,0 19,3
0,03077 0,01679 0,0191 10,28 20,56 262,0 461,7 81,4 90,4 35,0 26,6
0,04464 0,02325 0,0208 14,24 28,49 338,0 594,4 97,3 113,0 43,0 34,5
Notes 1 The outer diameter of the tubes is 16 mm, the inner diameter is 14 mm. 2 Thermal performance is determined at a water speed inside the tubes of 1 m/s, equal flow rates of heat exchange media and a temperature difference of 10 °C (temperature difference in heating water is 70-15 °C, heated water is 5-60 °C). 3 Hydraulic resistance in tubes is no more than 0.004 MPa for a smooth tube and 0.008 MPa for a profiled tube with a section length of 2 m and, accordingly, no more than 0.006 MPa and 0.014 MPa for a section length of 4 m; in the annular space the hydraulic resistance is 0.007 MPa with a section length of 2 m and 0.009 MPa with a section length of 4 m. 4 The mass is determined at an operating pressure of 1 MPa. 5 Thermal performance is given for comparison with heaters of other sizes or types.

SNiP 41-02-2003

APPENDIX B (mandatory)

Table B.1 - Vertical distances

Structures and utility networks Minimum vertical clear distances, m
To water supply, drainage, gas pipeline, sewerage 0,2
Up to armored communication cables 0,5
Up to power and control cables with voltages up to 35 kV 0.5 (0.25 in cramped conditions) - subject to the requirements of note 5
Up to oil-filled cables with a voltage of St. 110 kV 1.0 (0.5 in cramped conditions) - subject to the requirements of note 5
To a telephone sewer block or to an armored communication cable in pipes 0,15
To the base of the rails railways industrial enterprises 1,0
The same, railways of the general network 2,0
» tram tracks 1,0
To the top of the road surface highways public use categories I, II and III 1,0
To the bottom of a ditch or other drainage structures or to the base of a railway roadbed embankment (if heating networks are located under these structures) 0,5
To subway structures (if heating networks are located above these structures) 1,0
To the head of the railway rails Dimensions “S”, “Sp”, “Su” according to GOST 9238 and GOST 9720
To the top of the roadway 5,0
To the top of the pedestrian roads 2,2
Up to parts contact network tram 0,3
Same thing, trolleybus 0,2
Before air lines power transmission at the greatest sag of wires at voltage, kV:
up to 1 1,0

1 The depth of heating networks from the surface of the earth or road surface (except for highways of categories I, II and III) should be taken at least:
a) to the top of the ceilings of canals and tunnels - 0.5 m;
b) to the top of the chamber ceilings - 0.3 m;
c) to the top of the shell of the channelless laying 0.7 m. In the impassable part, ceilings of chambers and ventilation shafts for tunnels and channels protruding above the ground surface to a height of at least 0.4 m are allowed;
d) at the entrance of heating networks into the building, it is allowed to take depths from the ground surface to the top of the ceiling of channels or tunnels - 0.3 m and to the top of the shell of a channelless installation - 0.5 m;
e) at high level groundwater, it is allowed to provide for a reduction in the depth of channels and tunnels and the location of ceilings above the ground surface to a height of at least 0.4 m, if this does not violate the conditions of transport movement.
2 When laying heating networks above ground on low supports, the clear distance from the ground surface to the bottom of the thermal insulation of pipelines must be, m, not less than:
with a pipe group width of up to 1.5 m - 0.35;
with a pipe group width of more than 1.5 m - 0.5.
3 When laid underground, heating networks at the intersection with power, control and communication cables can be located above or below them.
4 For ductless installation, the clear distance from the water heating networks of an open heating system or hot water supply networks to the heating networks located below or above sewer pipes accepted at least 0.4 m.
5 The soil temperature at the intersection of heating networks with electrical cables at the depth of laying power and control cables with voltages up to 35 kV should not increase by more than 10 °C in relation to the highest average monthly summer soil temperature and by 15 °C to the lowest average monthly winter soil temperature at a distance of up to 2 m from the outer cables, and the soil temperature at the depth of the oil-filled cable should not increase by more than 5 °C relative to the average monthly temperature at any time of the year at a distance of up to 3 m from the outer cables.
6 The depth of heating networks at underground intersections of railways of the general network in heaving soils is determined by calculation based on the conditions under which the influence of heat release on the uniformity of frost heaving of the soil is excluded. If it is impossible to ensure the specified temperature regime by deepening the heating networks, ventilation of tunnels (channels, casings), replacement of heaving soil at the intersection site, or overhead laying of heating networks are provided.
7 Distances to the telephone sewer block or to the armored communication cable in pipes should be specified according to special standards.
8 In places of underground intersections of heating networks with communication cables, telephone sewer units, power and control cables with voltage up to 35 kV, it is allowed, with appropriate justification, to reduce the vertical distance in the light when installing reinforced thermal insulation and observing the requirements of paragraphs 5, 6, 7 of these notes.

Table B.2 - Horizontal distances from underground water heating networks of open heating supply systems and hot water supply networks to sources of possible pollution

Source of pollution Minimum horizontal clear distances, m
1. Structures and pipelines of domestic and industrial sewerage: when laying heating networks in channels and tunnels for ductless laying of heating networks D ≤ 200 mm The same, D ≤ 200 mm

2. Cemeteries, landfills, cattle burial grounds, irrigation fields: in the absence of groundwater in the presence of groundwater and in filter soils with the movement of groundwater towards heating networks

3. Cesspools and cesspools: in the absence of groundwater, in the presence of groundwater and in filter soils with the movement of groundwater towards heating networks

1,0 1,5 3,0
Note - When sewerage networks are located below heating networks with parallel laying, the horizontal distances must be taken to be no less than the difference in the elevations of the networks; above heating networks, the distances indicated in the table must increase by the difference in the depth of installation.

Table B.Z - Horizontal distances from building structures of heating networks or pipeline insulation shells for ductless installation to buildings, structures and utility networks

Shortest clear distances, m
Underground laying of heating networks
To the foundations of buildings and structures:

when laying in channels and tunnels and non-subsidence

soils (from the outer wall of the tunnel channel) with a diameter

D u< 500 2,0
D y = 500-800 5,0
D y = 900 or more 8,0
D u< 500 5,0
D ≥ 500 8,0
b) for channelless installation in non-subsidence soils (from

shells of channelless laying) with pipe diameter, mm:

D u< 500 5,0
D ≥ 500 7,0
The same in type I subsidence soils with:
D ≤ 100 5,0
D y > 100doD y<500 7,0
D ≥ 500 8,0
To the axis of the nearest track of the 1520 mm gauge railway 4.0 (but not less than the depth of the heating network trench up to
Buildings, structures and utility networks
the base of the embankment)
The same, 750 mm gauge 2,8
To the nearest iron roadbed structure 3.0 (but not less than depth
roads heating network trenches up to
grounds for extreme
To the axis of the nearest electrified railway track 10,75
To the center of the nearest tram track 2,8
To the side stone of the road street (edge ​​of the roadway, 1,5
reinforced shoulder strip)
To the outer edge of the ditch or the bottom of the road embankment 1,0
To the foundations of fences and pipeline supports 1,5
To masts and poles of external lighting and communication networks 1,0
To the foundations of bridge supports and overpasses 2,0
To the foundations of railway contact network supports 3,0
The same, trams and trolleybuses 1,0
Up to power and control cables with voltages up to 35 kV and 2.0 (see note 1)
oil-filled cables (up to 220 kV)
To the foundations of overhead power transmission line supports when
voltage, kV (at approach and intersection):
up to 1 1,0
St. 1 to 35 2,0
St.35 3,0
To the telephone sewer block, armored cable 1,0
communications in pipes and to radio broadcast cables
To the water pipes 1,5
The same, in type I subsidence soils 2,5
To drainage and storm drainage 1,0
To industrial and domestic sewerage (with closed 1,0
heating system)
To gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.6 MPa during installation 2,0
heating networks in channels, tunnels, as well as with ductless
laying with associated drainage
The same, more than 0.6 to 1.2 MPa 4,0
To gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.3 MPa with ductless 1,0
laying heating networks without associated drainage
The same, more than 0.3 to 0.6 MPa 1,5
The same, more than 0.6 to 1.2 MPa 2,0
To the tree trunks 2.01 (see note 10)
Up to the bushes 1.0 (see note 10)
To canals and tunnels for various purposes (including to 2,0
edges of irrigation network canals - irrigation ditches)
To subway structures when lining with external 5.0 (but not less than depth
adhesive insulation heating network trenches up to
foundations of the structure)
The same, without adhesive waterproofing 8.0 (but not less than depth
heating network trenches up to
foundations of the structure)
Before the fencing of the above-ground metro lines 5
Buildings, structures and utility networks Shortest clear distances, m
To tanks of automobile filling stations (gas stations): a) with ductless installation b) with duct installation (provided that ventilation shafts are installed on the heating network channel) 10,0 15,0
Aboveground laying of heating networks
To the nearest railway subgrade structure To the axis of the railway track from intermediate supports (when crossing railways)

To the axis of the nearest tram track To the side stone or to the outer edge of the road ditch To the overhead power line with the greatest deviation of wires at voltage, kV:

St. 1 to 20 35-110 150 220 330 500 Up to a tree trunk Up to residential and public buildings for water heating networks, steam pipelines under pressure Р у< 0,63 МПа, конденсатных тепловых сетей при диаметрах труб, мм: Д у от 500 до 1400 Д у от 200 до 500 Д у < 200 До сетей горячего водоснабжения То же, до паровых тепловых сетей: Р у от 1,0 до 2,5 МПа св. 2,5 до 6,3 МПа


Dimensions “S”, “Sp”, “Su” according to GOST 9238 and GOST 9720 2.8 0.5

(see note 8)

1 3 4 4,5 5 6 6,5 2,0

25 (see note 9) 20 (see note 9) 10 (see note 9)


1 It is allowed to reduce the distance given in Table EL3, provided that the condition is met that throughout the entire area of ​​proximity of heating networks with cables, the ground temperature (accepted according to climatic data) at the place where the cables pass at any time of the year will not increase compared to the average monthly temperature by more than 10 ° C for power and control cables with voltages up to 10 kV and by 5 °C - for power control cables with voltages of 20 - 35 kV and oil-filled cables up to 220 kV.

2 When laying heating and other utility networks in common trenches (during their simultaneous construction), it is allowed to reduce the distance from heating networks to water supply and sewerage to 0.8 m when all networks are located at the same level or with a difference in elevations of no more than 0.4 m.

3 For heating networks laid below the base of the foundations of supports, buildings, structures, the difference in elevations must be additionally taken into account, taking into account the natural slope of the soil, or measures must be taken to strengthen the foundations.

4 When laying parallel underground heating and other utility networks at different depths, the locations shown in Table B.3. distances should increase and be taken no less than the difference in the laying of networks. In cramped installation conditions and the impossibility of increasing the distance, measures must be taken to protect utility networks from collapse during the repair and construction of heating networks.

5 When laying heating and other utility networks in parallel, it is allowed to reduce the distances given in Table R3_ to structures on the networks (wells, chambers, niches, etc.) to a value of at least 0.5 m, providing for measures to ensure the safety of structures during construction - installation work.

6 Distances to special communication cables must be specified in accordance with the relevant standards.

7 The distance from ground-based heating network pavilions for placing shut-off and control valves (if there are no pumps in them) to residential buildings is taken to be at least 15 m. In particularly cramped conditions, it can be reduced to 10 m.

8 When laying parallel overhead heating networks with overhead power lines with voltages over 1 to 500 kV outside populated areas, the horizontal distance from the outermost wire should be taken not less than the height of the support.

9 When laying temporary (up to 1 year of operation) water heating networks (bypasses) above ground, the distance to residential and public buildings can be reduced while ensuring measures for the safety of residents (100% inspection of welds, testing of pipelines at 1.5 of the maximum working pressure, but not less than 1.0 MPa, the use of completely covered steel shut-off valves, etc.).

10 In exceptional cases, if it is necessary to lay heating networks underground closer than 2 m from trees, 1 m from bushes and other green spaces, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer of pipelines should be doubled.

    Clear distance- 2.40. Clear distance is the smallest distance between two outer surfaces. Source …

    The distance between the internal edges of the structure supports (Bulgarian language; Български) svetjl otvor (Czech language; Čeština) světlost (German language; Deutsch) lichte Spannweite; Lichtweite (Hungarian language; Magyar) szabad nyílás (Mongolian language)… … Construction dictionary

    Clear width of the stairs- 3.7. The clear width of the staircase is the minimum distance between the internal surfaces of the staircase strings. Source: NPB 171 98*: Manual fire ladders. General technical requirements. Test methods 3.8 clear width of stairs: Minimum... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Clear width of floating dock- 21. Clear width of a floating dock Clear width Sun The smallest distance measured perpendicular to the center plane of a floating dock between the protruding structures of its inner sides Source: GOST 14181 78: Floating docks. Terms... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    span- The distance between the internal edges of the structure supports [Terminological dictionary for construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] Topics: other construction products EN clear span DE lichte SpannweiteLichtweite FR portee libre … Technical Translator's Guide

    clear height- 3.1.4 headroom e: The smallest vertical distance above the center line free from all obstructions (such as crossbars, risers, etc.) (see Figure 1). Source: GOST R ISO 14122 3 2009: Machine safety. Facilities… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    The clear distance between the supports, measured at the design high water level minus the width of the intermediate supports (Bulgarian language; Български) opening to the bridge (Czech language; Čeština) světlé rozpětí mostu (German language; Deutsch)… … Construction dictionary

7.20*. Utility networks should be placed primarily within the transverse profiles of streets and roads; under sidewalks or dividing strips - utility networks in sewers, canals or tunnels; in the dividing strips - heating networks, water supply, gas pipelines, utility and rainwater drainage.

On the strip between the red line and the building line, low-pressure gas and cable networks (power, communications, alarms and dispatching) should be placed.

When the width of the roadway is more than 22 m, it is necessary to provide for the placement of water supply networks on both sides of the streets.

7.21. When reconstructing carriageways of streets and roads with the installation of permanent road surfaces, under which underground utility networks are located, it is necessary to provide for the removal of these networks to dividing strips and under sidewalks. With appropriate justification, it is permissible to preserve existing networks under the roadways of streets, as well as to lay new networks in canals and tunnels. On existing streets that do not have dividing strips, it is allowed to place new utility networks under the roadway, provided they are located in tunnels or canals; if technically necessary, it is permissible to lay a gas pipeline under the roadways of streets.

7.22*. The laying of underground utility networks should, as a rule, be provided for: combined in common trenches; in tunnels - if it is necessary to simultaneously place heating networks with a diameter of 500 to 900 mm, water supply up to 500 mm, more than ten communication cables and ten power cables with voltage up to 10 kV, during the reconstruction of main streets and areas of historical buildings, when there is insufficient space in the cross-section of the streets for placing networks in trenches, at intersections with main streets and railway tracks. It is also allowed to lay air ducts, pressure sewers and other utility networks in tunnels. The joint installation of gas and pipelines transporting flammable and combustible liquids with cable lines is not permitted.

In areas where permafrost soils are widespread, when constructing utility networks that preserve soils in a frozen state, it is necessary to provide for the placement of heat pipelines in channels or tunnels, regardless of their diameter.


1. On building sites in difficult soil conditions (forest subsidence), it is necessary to provide for the laying of water-carrying utility networks, as a rule, in through tunnels. The type of soil subsidence should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.01.01-82; SNiP 2.04-02-84; SNiP 2.04.03-85 and SNiP 2.04.07-86.

2. In residential areas in difficult planning conditions, it is allowed to lay ground-based heating networks with permission from the local administration.

7.23*. Horizontal distances (in clear distance) from the nearest underground utility networks to buildings and structures should be taken according to Table 14.*

The horizontal (clear) distances between adjacent utility underground networks when they are placed in parallel should be taken according to Table 15, and at the inputs of utility networks in buildings of rural settlements - at least 0.5 m. If the difference in the depth of adjacent pipelines is more than 0, The 4 m distances indicated in Table 15 should be increased taking into account the steepness of the trench slopes, but not less than the depth of the trench to the base of the embankment and the edge of the excavation.

When utility networks intersect each other, vertical (clear) distances should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80.

The distances indicated in Tables 14 and 15 may be reduced when appropriate technical measures are taken to ensure safety and reliability requirements.

Table 14*

Table 15

7.24. The intersection of utility networks with metro structures should be provided at an angle of 90°; under reconstruction conditions, it is allowed to reduce the intersection angle to 60°. The intersection of engineering networks with metro station structures is not allowed.

At intersection areas, pipelines must have a slope in one direction and be enclosed in protective structures (steel cases, monolithic concrete or reinforced concrete channels, collectors, tunnels). The distance from the outer surface of the lining of metro structures to the end of the protective structures must be at least 10 m in each direction, and the vertical distance (in the clear) between the lining or base of the rail (for ground lines) and the protective structure must be at least 1 m. Laying gas pipelines under tunnels is not allowed.

Transitions of utility networks under ground metro lines should be provided taking into account the requirements of GOST 23961-80. In this case, the networks must be placed at a distance of at least 3 m beyond the fences of the above-ground sections of the metro.


1. In places where metro structures are located at a depth of 20 m or more (from the top of the structure to the surface of the earth), as well as in places between the top of the lining of metro structures and the bottom of the protective structures of utility networks of clay, uncracked rocky or semi-rocky soils with a thickness of at least 6 m the stated requirements for the intersection of utility networks with metro structures are not imposed, and the installation of protective structures is not required.

2. At the intersections of metro structures, pressure pipelines should be made of steel pipes with installation on both sides of the intersection of wells and water outlets and installation of shut-off valves in them.

7.25*. When crossing underground utility networks with pedestrian crossings, provision should be made for laying pipelines under the tunnels, and power and communication cables above the tunnels.

7.26*. The laying of pipelines with flammable and combustible liquids, as well as with liquefied gases for supplying industrial enterprises and warehouses in residential areas is not allowed.

Main pipelines should be laid outside the territory of settlements in accordance with SNiP 2.05.06-85. For oil product pipelines laid on the territory of a settlement, SNiP 2.05.13-90 should be followed.