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Recognize the plant. How to find out the name of a plant from a photo. Search for plant name by appearance

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The study of flora is associated with the identification of its constituent plants. Identifying a plant means establishing its exact species name and belonging to a larger taxon. The determination can be carried out either directly in nature, without damaging the plants, or in the laboratory (which has to be done in cases where it is necessary to use optics) using fresh or herbarium material. Plants are identified using a guide.

Equipment: plant identifiers, magnifying glasses, dissecting needles, rulers, paper for labels.

The determinant consists of tables for the definition. Usually the table for determining families is placed first, followed by tables that determine the belonging of plants to genus and species within the genus. In botanical keys and “floras,” tables are usually constructed according to a dichotomous (forked) principle: they consist of numbered steps, each of which includes two mutually exclusive diagnoses - thesis and antithesis. The choice of one of these diagnoses in accordance with the characteristics of the desired plant is the essence of the definition.

Errors in the definition most often occur from an inattentive choice of diagnosis without a detailed analysis of all the signs indicated by it. To avoid such mistakes, you must follow the following rules:

1) before identification, all characteristics of the plant are analyzed;

2) during the determination, carefully and completely read the diagnoses, thesis and antithesis of each stage, taking into account the entire complex, and not just one sign;

3) when encountering an unfamiliar term, you should find out its meaning.

Plant identification sequence

(memo for students)

The definition is to always start from the first step. Carefully read the thesis and antithesis and compare the characteristics given in them with the herbarium of a particular plant;

If the thesis is suitable, then you should go to the stage whose number appears after the description of the characteristics of the thesis, but if the characteristics of the plant are similar to the antithesis, then go to the stage whose number is indicated after the antithesis;

At the indicated stage, again compare the characteristics of the plant with the thesis and antithesis. They choose one of them and move on to another level, where they send you;

If after the thesis and antithesis there is no number indicating the transition to the next stage, but the name of the plant appears, then the definition of the plant ends there;

Having found the species name of the plant, you must accurately enter the binary name of the species (Russian and Latin, indicating the author) in the label of the herbarium specimen, in the floristic notebook. Contents of the sections of the discipline.

5. 3 The order of the morphological description of a flowering plant.

The bioecological characteristics of plants consist of a description of the morphological (external structure of organs), biological (character of growth and development) and ecological (interactions with environmental conditions) characteristics of plants (Appendices 1, 2).

Scientific acquaintance with any selected representative of the family is carried out, first of all, through morphological analysis of all its parts. This analysis is carried out according to the plant description plan given below. To succeed in your work, you need a solid and clear knowledge of plant morphology.

The results of the analysis of representatives of the most important families should be briefly written down in notebooks at first. It is useful to accompany the notes with drawings and diagrams, which are recommended to be compared or verified with the corresponding images in the educational literature.

It is possible to perform morphological analysis not only of living plants, but also of dried (herbarium specimens). Dried flowers and fruits must be steamed in boiling water, after which, using tweezers, dissecting needles and a magnifying glass, you can easily dissect them, establish their structure, essential features and successfully make a detailed description of them.


Urban gravilate (Geum urbanum L.). Mesophyte. Herbaceous perennial, short-rhizome polycarpic, hemicryptophyte.

In the adult state, only a system of adventitious roots, carpal or fringed, the roots are evenly located on the rhizome, subnodal. Duration of operation – 6-8 years.

The plant has two types of shoots: the main one is vegetative, rosette, monopodially growing, perennial; lateral – generative, elongated, monocarpic and monocyclic. The main shoot, due to contraction of the roots, is drawn into the soil and becomes an epigeogenic rhizome. The direction of the rhizome is orthotropic.

On the main shoot the leaves are of only the middle formation, without stipules, the base of the petiole is widened, covering the stem. The leaves are long-petiolate, intermittently lyre-pinnately dissected. The edge of the leaf is doubly toothed, the venation is pinnate-marginal. Heterophylly is observed, the shape of the leaves on the shoot changes during the growing season.

The side shoots can be considered as inflorescences; after flowering and fruiting they die off completely. The stem is cylindrical, erect, rising at the base, pubescent with simple hairs, reaches a length of 40-50 cm. The leaves are trifoliate, with diamond-shaped pointed lobes, with herbaceous stipules, pubescent. The lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile.

The leaf arrangement is alternate, the leaf arrangement formula is 2/5.

Inflorescence cymose, frontose, simplified thyrsus. The flower is hemicyclic, actinomorphic, double-leaved perianth. The calyx is five-dimensional, with a subcup, a corolla of five yellow petals. Androecium of a large number of unfused stamens, polybronic. The gynoecium is apocarpous, with a large number of pistils. Cross pollination by insects. Flower formula Ca5Co5 A∞ G∞

The fruit is a nut. When the fruits ripen, the upper part of the columns falls off, and the remaining ones form hooks, with the help of which the fruits cling to clothing and animal fur. An adaptation to the spread of fruits is the formation of a carpophorus - the extension of part of the receptacle above the calyx.

A medicinal and food plant, found in mixed forests, in bushes, near human habitation.

The name of the flower and its belonging to a certain species allows the gardener to properly care for and maintain it ideal conditions for his growth. But it often happens that a person forgets the name of the plant. In order to determine this, there are several ways: use the Internet or carefully examine the appearance of the flower and, based on the available data, recognize what type a particular plant belongs to.

Search for plant name by appearance

Knowing the species to which a particular flower belongs, it will be much easier to find out its name.

There are several types indoor plants:

  • Cereals - have narrow long leaves. They are not popular among gardeners due to their unattractive appearance.
  • Bushy - There is a wide variety of plants of this species. Distinctive feature is that several stems grow from the ground. Some can be compact (begonia, pilea), others can be tall with a spreading crown (abutilon). There are also columnar (cacti) and with leaves on petioles (ficus, laurel).
  • Liana-like and ampelous - the stems are long, weaving, support is required (ivy, fittonia).
  • Rosette - small in stature, leaves concentrated in one point (Saintpaulia, aloe, primrose).

The name of a flower can also be determined by its leaves:

  • Long, spear-shaped and sharp (aspidistra, calathea, aglaonema).
  • Star-shaped (begonia, cissus, fatsia, ivy).
  • Feather-like (pteris, mimosa, nephrolepis).
  • Palm-like (Washingtonia, coconut, howea).
  • Palmate, which are mainly located at the very top (cyperus, shefflera, dizygoteca).
  • Leaves covering the entire stem (Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Yucca).
  • Ovoid, elongated, with bright veins and growing on a short stem (calathea, arrowroot, ctenantha).

Correctly identifying a plant means finding out its scientific name, species and family to which it belongs.

other methods

If according to appearance If you couldn’t find out the name of the flower, you can use the Internet or an encyclopedia.

To begin with, you need to highlight the characteristic features:

  • Color and shape of leaves, stems and flowers (if any).
  • Type of indoor plant and its size (shrub, tree, climbing).
  • Presence of odor.
  • Special features (thorns, thorns).

One more in a simple way find out the name is the photograph. To do this, just take a photograph of the flower from several angles and compare it with those available on the Internet.

You can use a catalog of indoor plants or an online identifier. It's quite simple to use. The determinant sets the first sign itself, and then you need to keep track of which column it is in. It is necessary to continue doing this in a similar way. Ultimately, with the correct description, the name can be found.

Determining the correct name of a flower is not just curiosity, but an opportunity to properly care for it and create optimal conditions for its growth.

Popular houseplants are easier to identify than those you rarely encounter. If suddenly the question arises, what is the name of the flower that grows at home? You need to use the atlas guide and useful tips.

Define the description is more complicated than to do it from a photograph. Because not everyone knows how to describe it visually. But this is still possible if the description is detailed, with characteristics and features. Flower growers cannot know all the names, since in nature there are a huge variety of ornamental and domestic plants.

It happens that a rare plant is presented as a gift, but its name is unknown.

The name is not as important as the fact that the flower needs to be properly cared for. How to do this without a name? Any gardener will tell you that you need to know them not for the sake of curiosity, but in order to properly care for them.

Thanks to some methods, it is possible to identify to what type it applies to indoor plants. Once you have identified the variety or variety, it will be easier to find out its name.

How to determine the name of a house plant?

Basic ways to determine a name by a combination of external signs that will help deal with this problem:

  • encyclopedic reference books;
  • Internet search engines;
  • flower growers forums;
  • flower shops;
  • online qualifiers.

Encyclopedic material is the most reliable, if you start your search with this option, it should be effective. The only drawback of encyclopedias is outdated information, modern varieties may be less common there.

Printed products are becoming outdated, if you take encyclopedias of indoor plants from ten years ago, they often describe varieties of domestic selection. As for rare flowers imported from abroad, they cannot be found in reference books.

If the encyclopedia does not contain the option you need, you should look for it in another way.

Search engines easily find everything you need. Main make a request correctly. For example, if you write “a bush with white flowers and double leaves,” you can get many species with similar characteristics in response. It is not a fact that among the examples found there will be the desired flower. It is better to enter a more specific request “a variety of white flowers with double leaves.” If the species or variety is known, it should also be indicated in the request. You can tell us its dimensions and some features.

Forums where flower growers communicate and share their knowledge allow you to get the information you need. On similar forums topics come up often about searching for names. To make your search easier, It's worth posting a photo on the forum mysterious flower. You may need to register on the forum first. Most likely, the plant will be noticed by resource users, and then you will get answers to your questions.

If none of the methods worked or you decide to start searching for a name from a flower shop. Hurry up to go there, taking his photograph with you. Consultants at flower boutiques usually have information about certain plants. In their work they have to deal with rare varieties, so they need to know what indoor varieties look like. Inspect the pots on the counter, perhaps among them there is a similar flower.

If you can take a photo of a flower, you can go to a flower shop

Internet search makes life easier, now finding everything is much easier with the help of online name finders. Such resources are very popular; it is enough to enter information that can characterize the plant. Requests are processed online based on a rich database of various plants. Getting the correct answer this way is much superior to other options.

How to find the name of a flower from a photograph?

The photograph conveys an image of a flower, from which one can determine the external data, its characteristics and features. You can take the photo to a flower shop or show it to friends. Perhaps they have encountered a flower and know its name. But, It's much easier to upload photos to the Internet. Then use the search for similar images to find similar options.

Catalogs of indoor flowers are a good help in searching for photos; they contain a rich database of both common and rare ones.

Looking through them, you can find the treasured flower. It is also worth paying attention to similar external signs plants may be the same variety. Knowing the variety or type, it will be easier to find what you have been looking for for so long.

Useful information always helps in solving any problems. The flower will not remain without a name if you use everything existing methods. Knowing scientific term its designation in encyclopedias, there will be no problems caring for the plant.

PlantNet is the best free plant identification app available for both iOS and Android smartphones.

Before watching the video, go to the player settings, select “Subtitles | Translate | Russian". After this, Russian subtitles will appear in the video.

  • Download PlantNet for Android
  • Download PlantNet for iOS

1. You can identify a plant from a photograph.
2. The application database contains more than 4100 common plants and is constantly expanding by using user data.
3. Simply take a photo of the plant, and after a short search time, the result will be displayed on the screen with detailed information.
4. The application does not allow recognizing ornamental plants.
5. Use a neutral background for photos.
6. After identification, send the recognition result to the developers by clicking on the “Contribute” button. The result will be checked and entered into the general database.

Second place: Find & log animals and plants

The Find & log animals and plants directory is available free of charge for Android users. The application has not yet been created for Apple devices.

  • Download Find & log animals and plants for Android

1. The application uses GPS tracking and reports what animals and plants are around you.
2. You can add plants or animals that are not already in the application to expand the database. Professional naturalists may add descriptive information and their own observations.
3. In the application, you can create a list of your favorite plant or animal species.
4. You can view other users' lists.
5. A disadvantage of the application may be the lack of verification of added information.

Third place: Leafsnap and Birdsnap

Using the free Leafsnap app, developed by researchers from Columbia University, the University of Maryland, the Smithsonian Institution and the Museum natural history in London", you can explore numerous types of trees.

  • Download the Leafsnap app for iOS
  • Download the Birdsnap app for iOS

1. The application uses visual recognition and allows you to identify different types trees.
2. The application database contains high-resolution images of leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and tree bark for recognition.
3. The application includes an extensive database of trees that grow in Canada, the USA and the UK. Many of them are found all over the world, including in Russia.
4. To complete the picture, the Leafsnap app is best used in conjunction with the friendly Birdsnap software, which allows you to identify birds. This symbiosis will be useful for lovers of forest hikes.
5. Birdsnap's knowledge base contains over 500 birds, allowing you to identify them from a photo (thanks to the algorithm used in facial recognition software), based on your location and the current time of year.