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Fifth season: how to maintain health during the off-season. “Off-season periods. How to help your body adapt to transition periods.” — expert advice Summer and nutrition

Off-season - features of behavior and nutrition in Traditional Chinese Medicine First, a little “mathematics” The off-season is the fifth season in the Chinese tradition. What does this mean? Unlike the Western tradition, the system of forming the seasons of the year in the Chinese tradition has five seasons instead of four. The fifth season is the Off-Season. Since 72 days are allocated for each season, we get: Winter (72 days) + Spring (72 days) + Summer (72 days) + Autumn (72 days) = 288 days or 366-72-72-72-72 = 78 days remains each year for one more, fifth season. True, the season is calculated not from 78 days, but from 72 days. Why this is so, I will not analyze this today, but I suggest that those who wish to study the Chinese calendar in detail by reading a wonderful book on this topic. So, we have 72 days in the off-season. Since there are four main seasons, each Off-Season is eighteen days between seasons 72/4 = 18. To correctly calculate the start date of the Off-Season, you need to do the following. Take the start date of any season, for example, in 2013 Summer begins on May 5th. We put it back 18 days and we get that the off-season between Spring and Summer begins on April 17th. Why is that? Let me quote one of the sites dedicated to Chinese medicine: “In Zhang Zhi Bing’s Classic of Categories (1624) it is said: “The spleen belongs to the element Earth, to which belongs the Center, the influence of which manifests itself for 18 days at the end of each of the four seasons, and he himself does not belong to any season.” In the Discourse on Copybooks from the Golden Palace, Zhang Zhong Jing said: “at the end of each season, the Spleen is strong enough to resist pathogenic factors and therefore in the cycle of seasons, the element Earth corresponds to the late stage of each season.” Although the Earth element is often associated with “late summer” or “Indian summer” (the Chinese consider it the fifth season), it also corresponds to “late winter” and “late spring” and “late autumn”. Those who study Chinese tradition know that each season has its own governing element. The off-season is governed by the Earth element*, and therefore lifestyle, behavior and nutrition are associated with the organs for which the Earth element is responsible. This is the system of organs of the Stomach and Spleen, or in other words, the system of meridians of the Stomach and Spleen. In traditional Chinese medicine, this season, which is responsible for the Spleen system, is given great importance. great importance. The reason is that the Stomach, together with the Lungs, is responsible for replenishing the postnatal Qi of the human body. And the Spleen is for immunity. If the Spleen or Lungs do not work well, then the person cannot sufficiently replenish the energy expended and, sooner or later, falls ill. That is why strengthening the Spleen and Stomach is given such great importance in Chinese medicine. The off-season is a unique time when you can significantly improve and strengthen your health if you follow a few simple rules. By the way, the rules of behavior, nutrition and lifestyle are the same for all periods of the off-season, that is, for the periods between spring and summer, summer and autumn, autumn and winter and winter and spring. So, what should you do to strengthen the Spleen during this period? Peculiarities of nutrition in the off-season Eating less. This is the most important rule. Don't eat in the evening. That is, after 19.00. Eat more grains and sweet root vegetables. Up to three times a day. Do not eat raw, dry, sour foods. That is, all food must be thermally processed. Period sauerkraut and pickles, the off-season is ending. The only exception here is lemon. It strengthens the Stomach. Drink less liquids. Don't eat cold food. That is, the food should be warm. Reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of dairy foods. For those who cannot live without it, in the off-season you can fry or cook Adyghe cheese or mozzarella. Or make dishes such as cheesecakes and casseroles from fresh cottage cheese. You can't drink chicory or coffee. But it is very useful to drink a decoction of dates. It can be prepared this way: put 2 - 3 dates in water and cook for 15 - 20 minutes. Drink some water. Eat dates. Honey is okay. But it is best to choose cold varieties, such as acacia or sweet clover honey. It is advisable not to eat dried apricots and figs during this period. Pine nuts are recommended in the off-season. This season's tea is black pu-erh. Since the spleen loves sweet foods, it is a good idea to add sugar in moderation to each dish. Sweet apples are the most in-season fruit. If raw (apples are the only exception), then no more than one apple per day. For drinks, it is recommended to drink dried fruit compote. You can eat beans every day, but no more than one tablespoon. It is important to know that the Spleen fundamentally “loves” three types of food: Cereals. The main grains of the spleen are millet, buckwheat and pearl barley. Moreover, during this period it is not only possible, but even very healthy to eat cereals 3 times a day. Hercules is not good for the spleen. Rice is neutral in its properties during this season. Sweet root vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, cooked onions. Pumpkin is also very useful. Meat and meat products. Especially among meat products, the following are recommended during the off-season: beef and beef-based broths. Quail eggs. Spices in the Off Season Green cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, fresh ginger. Grind and add to food when cooking. This is exactly the order of the degree of usefulness of spices for the Spleen. Peculiarities of behavior in the off-season You need to walk a lot. It is advisable to walk at least seven kilometers per day. Why is it important? The fact is that the Spleen system is strengthened through strengthening the legs. That's why long walks especially shown this season. Do any exercises from yoga, qigong and other health systems to strengthen your legs. The spleen “loves” music very much. Therefore, listening to good music is especially useful in the off-season. It is not for nothing that one of the rules of Ayurvedic nutrition is to listen to harmonious, beautiful music while eating. Physically, you shouldn't get too tired. It is also not beneficial to become mentally overtired. The fact is that the Spleen is always weakened by strong mental and physical stress. And there are 4 periods of 18 days a year - the off-season, when you should take care of yourself a little in order to feel great the rest of the time! And in conclusion, as an illustration, I would like to give you a quote from the ancient medical “Treatise on the Inner Yellow Emperor Huang Di”: “The middle generates moisture. Moisture generates the element of soil, soil generates sweetness, sweetness generates the spleen. The spleen generates muscles, and muscles generate lungs.” . The spleen controls the mouth. At the heavenly level, it is moisture. On earth, it is the element of soil. In the human body, it is muscles. Among organs, zang is the spleen. Among flowers, it is yellow. Among sounds, it is the sound of gong. Among voice modulations - this is singing. Among movement disorders, this is hiccups. Among the orifices of the body, this is the mouth. Among tastes, this is a sweet taste. Among emotional aspirations, this is thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness destroys the spleen. Irritation overcomes thoughtfulness. Moisture destroys muscles. Wind overcomes moisture." Good health and good mood to you! * We find a reflection of the name Off-season in one of the diagrams explaining the U-Xing system. Wu Xing is a system of mutual transformation, influence, strengthening and suppression of the five main Primary Elements of the Chinese tradition: Fire (Summer), Metal (Autumn), Water (Winter), Wood (Spring), Earth (Off-season). In this diagram, all the Primary Elements form a cross. The earth is at the center and equidistant from each of the elements. This is truly the off-season! Therefore, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the path to the health of any human organ lies through strengthening the Stomach and Spleen, since they represent the Earth element in our body and are responsible for the filling of qi and human immunity. This is the root of the understanding of restoring health: at the beginning of every correct therapeutic approach lies the strengthening of the Stomach and Spleen, and only then treatment procedures related to the main symptoms. Compiled based on materials from seminars by Dvoryanchikov A.Yu.
Read completely.

In the off-season, human physiology is especially vulnerable. The ability to go through this period correctly makes it possible to feel good throughout the coming season. Therefore, during the off-season it is necessary:

1. Review your sleep schedule.
It is very important to go to bed as early as possible (no later than 22:00) and wake up around 6 am. At the same time, you should feel rested. If the morning begins with a feeling of fatigue, you should think and analyze what could be the reason. Perhaps you go to bed late or just have dinner late, perhaps, on the contrary, you don’t eat and wake up hungry, maybe there is not enough depth of sleep. All these points must be considered individually, while understanding that sleep patterns will be the most important and decisive.

2. Physical activity.
In the summer, many of us felt a lack of physical strength. With the arrival of autumn, strength will be replenished. Can and should be increased physical exercise– exercises, gym classes, yoga, etc. This is especially necessary for people with a Kafa constitution. Autumn is the period of Vata, when phenomena such as wind, cold, and dryness prevail in nature. The same phenomena will manifest themselves in human physiology.

3. Oiling the whole body.
It is very good to perform oil self-massage of the whole body during this period - “Abhyanga”. This is especially important for those people who have increased Vata dosha, that is, whose dominant qualities are mobility, crunching and pain in the joints, dry skin, changeable appetite and digestion of food, superficial and shallow sleep. During Vata season, Abhyanga should be done every morning before taking a shower.

How to do Abhyanga correctly at home, read here:

4. Nutrition.
In the off-season, you need to reconsider your diet. Because at this time of year the needs of our body increase and we must properly fill them. The food should be warm, oily, and higher in calories. However, it is very important not to overeat! Breakfast and dinner should be light, lunch - denser.

5. Meditation.
In autumn, cold, windy weather often gives us a feeling of internal instability, sadness, loss - meditation helps each time to find a foothold within ourselves, allows us to touch the area associated with feelings of immutability, stability, indestructibility. And these deep psychological experiences will provide great support, especially to those people who tend to fall into a state of melancholy. It is also very important to remember that during transition periods (autumn, spring) the body is most inclined to cleansing procedures.

More about meditation:

6. Cleansing.
In the autumn, the best thing you can do for your body is to undergo a full course of Panchakarma cleansing procedures. Panchakarma cleanses the body of toxins at all tissue levels, including the deepest layers, strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, relieves chronic health problems, restores the nervous system and gives a large supply of vitality.

More information about Panchakarma:

Be healthy this fall and always!
With love,

The off-season includes four transition periods: from winter to spring, from spring to summer, from summer to autumn and from autumn to winter.

It is during these so-called “additional” periods that our body bears a greater load. During off-season periods, organs such as the stomach, spleen, and pancreas work actively. The nervous, respiratory and immune systems of our body experience increased stress.

The off-season periods affect our general well-being: weakness appears, fatigue increases, performance decreases, lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, apathy may occur, a general loss of strength is observed, and a bad mood appears.

During these periods, the chronic diseases and increases the risk of colds(ARVI, influenza). In addition, frequent migraine-like pain may occur.

All these changes during the winter - spring period occur both due to a lack of vitamins in our body (hypovitaminosis) and due to a decrease in daylight hours.

Sun rays not only stimulate the production of vitamin D in our body, but are also destructive to most pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms.

During the off-season periods, when a person receives less sunlight, the body has to perform an increased load and disturbances in one of the links of the body system inevitably lead to increased loads on other links. As a consequence of disorders in the nervous and immune systems, due to the restriction of light, disturbances occur in the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive systems, musculoskeletal system. As a result of a decrease in the level of the body's defenses, not only infectious diseases (the frequency of which, as I mentioned above, increases at this time) are possible, but also the risk of developing gastritis, colitis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, arthritis, arthrosis, etc. d.

TO general recommendations How to help your body adapt during periods of transition include the following:

1. Try to be outdoors more. In closed, air-conditioned, poorly ventilated rooms, the number of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the air increases, which leads to the risk of infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets (influenza, ARVI, legionellosis, diphtheria, meningococcal infection).

2. By the end of winter, the body becomes deficient in vitamins A, E, C, D and B vitamins. Vitamins A and E are found in milk, eggs, cottage cheese, nuts, and vegetable oil. The precursor to vitamin A - carotene and beta-carotene - is found in plant foods such as carrots, beets, and tomatoes. Vitamin C is rich in rose hips, dried fruits, berries, vegetables, fresh fruits and citrus fruits. B vitamins are found in cereals, meat, dairy and seafood, and grain bread. Vitamin D is found in liver, butter, milk, vegetable oils, and is also synthesized by our skin cells under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is necessary to include in your diet foods containing these vitamins - fresh vegetables and fruits, drinks, herbs. It is advisable to reduce the amount of fatty foods(fast food, fried potatoes) and preservatives.

3. Food during the off-season should be simple, varied and high in calories. Don't forget about seasonings - red and black pepper, mustard. And also about products containing phytoncides (natural antibiotics) - onions, garlic, horseradish. These products not only have antibacterial properties, but also improve microcirculation.

4. You can use fluorescent lamps so that the body does not feel “deprived of light”. I want to warn you in advance that excessive use of solarium is harmful to our skin. Ultraviolet rays not only have a beneficial effect on our body, but also cause great harm, causing photodamage to skin cells. By triggering a cascade of biochemical reactions in the body, ultraviolet rays with a range of 320-400 nm (UV-A), penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis (middle layer of the skin), cause lipid peroxidation, which, in turn, causes disorders cell membranes, incl. and nuclear, which contains the cell’s genetic information (DNA), which can lead to the development of malignant skin tumors.

5. And, of course, very important create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort to improve your psycho-emotional state.

In the online store " BIOVELD» there is a huge assortment of delicious and healthy products, which can help our body cope with stress during the off-season. This is a large selection of organic juices containing essential vitamins and microelements, olive oil, tuna, ham, dried and grilled vegetables, organic fruits in syrup, various sauces and seasonings.

I would like to say a few words about individual products presented in the online store " BIOVELD«:

, used as a seasoning in many dishes, contains lactic, tartaric, acetic, pantothenic acids, vitamins C and A, active form vitamin B5 - nicotinamide, as well as microelements: potassium (K), fluorine (F), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca). Wine vinegar is good for digestion (especially with low or zero acidity of gastric juice), and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gallbladder, rectum and kidneys. In addition, when eating wine vinegar, a decrease in blood cholesterol and lipids and normalization of blood pressure were noted, which is associated with acetic acid, which is part of its composition. Also, thanks to acetic acid, the body's ability to absorb minerals, especially calcium, increases, which is important for osteoporosis. Many studies conducted in Europe have shown that wine vinegar significantly reduces glycemic index- i.e. When eating so-called “fast” carbohydrates (tea with sugar, white bread, pastries, sweets, fruits, etc.), the blood glucose level rises slowly. This property of wine vinegar allows it to be used as a way to prevent type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent).

contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B5 (nicotinic acid), K (phylloquinone), B9 ( folic acid), WITH ( ascorbic acid), provitamin A (beta-carotene), amino acids asparagine and tyrosine, as well as zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), selenium (Se) and flavonoids. Celery root juice lowers blood pressure, reduces swelling around sore joints, helps migraine-prone people endure attacks more easily, has a diuretic effect, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

contains glucose and fructose, which saturate the body with energy and improve brain function. Contains vitamins B, C, E, PP, bioflavonoids, as well as iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, silicon, phosphorus, zinc, boron. Grape juice speeds up metabolism, regulates the acid-base balance, has a diuretic and laxative effect, and helps cleanse the body of toxins.

contains the enzyme bromelain, which breaks down proteins and fats, which is useful for losing weight. Contains vitamins A, B1, B5, C, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunomodulatory effects, improves memory.

also rich in vitamins (A, E, C, B), microelements (copper, selenium, zinc, iron, phosphorus), flavonoids. Improves vision, strengthens the immune system, has antibacterial, choleretic properties, restorative and tonic. The active substances included in the juice neutralize free radicals, help the tissues of our body renew, support the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

rich in vitamins A and C, organic acids(malic acid), carbohydrates (glucose, fructose), contains choline and iodine. It has antipyretic, diuretic, laxative, sedative, astringent and diaphoretic effects.

It is important to remember that food should not only be tasty, but also healthy!

Be happy, healthy and live with pleasure!

With uv. Ovanenko A. A.,

All the secrets of nutrition for gaining weight in the off-season are told, what foods should be taken and what should be excluded + detailed menu for gaining weight, tips and important recommendations.

The off-season period is the best not only for the mass-gaining process, but also in terms of the fact that you should not adhere to strict diets - this time is very important for creating muscle mass, albeit without visible relief.

However, know that you can’t eat everything in a row and without moderation, you have your own limits from a certain list of products, so we’ll talk about them further:

What you shouldn't eat

1. Do not eat pork and lamb without restrictions, as they contain a high percentage of fat, it is better to generally reduce it to a minimum, no more than 50g. per day;

2. Fried potatoes should be eaten in moderation; the starch it contains greatly complicates the process of losing weight when working on definition. Therefore, you should eat potatoes in moderation before 18:00.

3. Eliminate trips to McDonald's and other fast foods, or no more than once a month, since all products contain the lion's share of animals and only due to this the total calorie content increases.

4. You can eat sweets, but don’t overdo it, they contain high carbohydrates, increasing their volume will make it more difficult to lose fat. Moreover, if you become addicted to sweets, you can earn money. Instead of sugar, actively use a sugar substitute - stevia; also, to be aware, read about and replace sugar.

5. Consume soups once a day, in small quantities, you don’t need to eat them several times a day, they have a small amount of calories, but at the same time they take up a lot of space in the stomach, eliminating the opportunity to eat other high-calorie foods. Remember, you are gaining weight, not losing weight.

6. Also limit your consumption of bread, despite the fact that it contains a lot of carbohydrates. Once in our stomach, bread quickly swells due to the yeast content, taking up a lot of space, which causes a false sense of fullness and decreases appetite.

7. Be sure to consume low-fat dairy products; it is better to avoid them altogether if the fat content is too high. If you have problems with milk intake, you will find out how to solve this problem in the article -.

Nutrition for muscle growth

Products should be high-carbohydrate and high-calorie, and the glycemic index of these products should be with a low and medium glycemic index, namely:

1. Rice
2. Oatmeal
3. Legumes
4. Fish and seafood
5. Natural honey (not sugar-based)
6. Dried fruits
7. Bananas
8. Whole eggs
9. Soy (guys need to take it in moderation, all information –)
10. Adyghe cheese
11. Nuts
12. Corn grits
13. Lean meat

Choose lean meats - chicken fillet, rabbit, turkey, beef, meat should be consumed without visible layers of fat and
Definitely without skin, although it is tasty, it contains a crazy amount of fat.

When cooking various cereals use a minimum of butter, no more than 5 grams. per serving, or better without it at all.

Eggs can be either boiled or fried, in which case the whole egg is used, without separating the yolk, mixed with vegetables or cheese. Dress salads with olive oil or oil, or sour cream, but not with mayonnaise.

Menu in bodybuilding in the off-season


Oatmeal cooked in water – 130g.
- Peanuts – 100g.
- Whole fried eggs 3 pcs. + 4 pieces of Adyghe cheese

2nd breakfast:

Buckwheat – 130g.

- Sunflower kozinak – 100g.


Buckwheat – 130g. + some ketchup
- Whole fried eggs 4 pcs. + 4 pieces of cheese
- ¼ chicken without skin.

Afternoon snack:

Rice – 130g.
- Whole eggs 2 pcs.
- ¼ medium-sized chicken without skin
- Canned beans in sauce – 100g.


2 medium sized apples
- Oatmeal – 130g. cooked in water
- Dried fruits 100g.
- Peanuts – 100g.

2nd dinner:

Rice – 130g. cooked in water
- Banana - 100g.
- Whole fried eggs – 2 pcs.

Having counted all the calories, you get about 6,000 calories, at first it may seem like a lot, but if others can do it, then you can too, and there are no unusual products in the diet that take a long time to find and are very expensive.


Actively use between meals casein protein or low-fat cottage cheese.

With such an amount of food, if there is heaviness in the stomach and deterioration of digestion, use pancreatin from time to time, just do not go beyond the indicated doses in the drug; when you quit eating in the off-season, stop using it.

Using these tips, you will gain weight, even if it will be without definition, but this is the off-season, then start switching to, as a result, you will leave pure muscles without fat.

Eat wisely and you will have a Herculean mass, which then, using a special diet, will give you an amazing, sculpted body!

Everything seems to be done strictly according to science. However, the desired result is not always achieved. In such cases, people usually remember in unconventional ways nutrition based on the principles of Eastern medicine or astrology. Knowledge about how to eat properly, taking into account natural rhythms, has been accumulated not even over centuries, but over millennia. Therefore, if necessary, it makes sense to seriously try out the diet presented below, especially since following it does not require much effort: there is no need to prepare any special dishes or force yourself to eat monotonous food in order to lose a few kilograms. Such a diet practically does not require “sacrifices”: you don’t need to give up anything - you just need to take all the food at the right time, i.e. follow a natural routine.

Seasons of flavors

In the East, from time immemorial, nutrition problems have been treated completely differently than in the rest of the world. Three thousand years ago, Eastern doctors and astrologers noticed that different products, depending on the time of year, have different effects on the human body. As a result of centuries-old observations, ancient nutritionists came to the conclusion that in each season of the year the activity of a specific organ or system of the body is activated. In order for organs and physiological systems to function smoothly and for the benefit of the body, you need to eat foods of a certain taste depending on the time of year. This is how the fundamental system appeared seasonal food, which is based on the classification of tastes.

Perhaps this is one of the very first scientific diets. She is quite old, and is still popular in a number of eastern countries. Practice shows: much of what has been known to oriental physicians for a long time is confirmed by modern medicine. It has been proven, for example, that weight can be regulated by eating sweets.

Supporters of the seasonal food system believe that there is no absolutely healthy or unhealthy food. Any product, depending on the time of year, can stimulate or inhibit the functioning of certain organs. Therefore, you should eat differently at different times of the year. Only in this case will food be beneficial and not harmful, will be a medicine and not a poison.

Basic taste

In the East, unlike Western countries, the year was divided not into four, but into five seasons. Traditionally, winter, spring, summer, autumn and off-season were distinguished here, i.e. a very special time, a transitional period between winter and spring, spring and summer, summer and autumn, autumn and winter. Five seasons correspond to five tastes.

In winter, the kidneys and the associated genitourinary system work most actively. The main taste during this period is considered to be salty. In spring, the liver and gallbladder, the main taste is sour. Summer is the season for activating the heart and small intestines. The main thing at this time of year is the bitter taste. In autumn, the main burden falls on the lungs and large intestine. At this time, it is recommended to eat foods with a spicy taste. In the off-season, the stomach, pancreas and spleen are activated, therefore, at this time of year, foods with a sweet taste are most beneficial for the body.

Complementary, neutral and negative taste
Eastern medicine states that all organs in the human body do not work on their own, but are connected into a single system, and therefore support and stimulate each other.

Thus, the lungs activate the activity of the kidneys, and the kidneys activate the activity of the liver. The liver, being a hematopoietic organ, stimulates the activity of the heart. How well the stomach, spleen, and pancreas work depends on the heart. In turn, the stomach, spleen and pancreas make the lungs work more actively.

In the same way, tastes can enhance or suppress each other. In each period of the year the main one is valid, i.e. dominant taste. In addition to it, there is a complementary taste, which also has a positive effect on the body, but not as strong as the main one.

In addition, there is a neutral taste - it is not harmful, but it will not bring much benefit either. Finally, there is a negative taste: if you eat a lot of food with this taste, it will suppress the body's vital functions and negatively affect health. Below is how tastes are distributed across the seasons.

The main taste is salty;
complementary - spicy; neutral - sour and bitter;
negative - sweet.

The main taste is sour;
complementary - salty;
neutral - bitter and sweet;
negative - acute.

The main taste is bitter;
complementary - sour;
neutral - sweet and spicy;
negative - salty.

The main taste is spicy;
complementary - sweet;
neutral - sour and salty;
negative - bitter.

The main taste is sweet;
additional - bitter;
neutral - spicy and salty;
negative - sour.

The main advantage of seasonal nutrition is that it allows you to regulate weight with virtually no stress: there is always a varied and tasty food, and its culinary processing is not particularly difficult.

In winter, the kidneys, an organ associated with the genitourinary system and ensuring water exchange in the body, show maximum activity. In winter, the kidneys should be given Special attention- take care of them, do not destroy them with alcohol, and most importantly, nourish them correctly.

For the kidneys to work well, they must receive enough salt. This means that in winter you need to especially ensure that your diet includes foods with a salty taste. Any woman usually prepares all kinds of pickles in the fall - pickled mushrooms, cucumbers and tomatoes, zucchini and squash, so there won’t be any special problems with creating a menu. Another thing is that many European nutritionists are convinced of the negative effects of salt on the body. It is believed that its consumption should be reduced to a minimum, since excess salt in the body contributes to the development of heart attacks, strokes, infertility, cataracts, etc.

According to the Eastern seasonal food system, salty taste and salt are not the same thing. To eat properly during the winter season, it is not at all necessary to add “Extra” salt to all dishes. In oriental cooking, such salt is regarded as the most harmful to the body: it is difficult to excrete and contributes to the formation of kidney stones. It is better to use the so-called “rock” salt - large, crystalline, slightly yellowish. It’s even better if the basis of the winter diet consists of foods that have a salty taste. Salt can be replaced with extracts from plants that have a salty taste (for example, soy sauce).

There is a special attitude towards meat products in the East. In winter, it is even recommended to eat fatty, filling foods. In addition to pork, it is permissible to include lard, bacon, brisket, loin, etc. in the diet. Eastern nutritionists do not recommend eating cold meat in winter. In our conditions, an exception can only be made for jellied meat with horseradish - a traditional Russian winter dish that our ancestors loved very much. Jellied meat is useful simply because it strengthens the skeletal system.

There is another feature of oriental nutrition. For a long time, in the East, the most valuable product was not considered meat as such (shoulder, brisket, back, etc.), but animal liver - kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and stomach with spleen. There is still a belief that it is in them that the “wind of fate” is concentrated - the vital forces of a particular season. Each type of liver has its own season. In winter, it is recommended to include kidneys in the menu - they can be prepared in all forms (stew, boil and fry).

From cereal crops you can use beans, lentils, peas, beans, buckwheat. It is useful to include edible chestnuts in the menu. Potatoes must be present on the table (even frying them in lard is allowed). You can drink juices (without pulp and preservatives).

If the main taste of winter is salty, then the complementary taste is spicy. In addition to adjika and pepper, spicy-tasting products include rice, garlic, wild animal meat - venison, bear meat, elk meat.

In winter, it is allowed to eat sour and salty foods, but sweets are prohibited because they suppress the activity of the kidneys. At this time, you should reduce your sugar intake to a minimum and give up sweets, cakes and other pastry treats. It is not recommended to include beef and milk in the menu (according to the eastern classification, these products have a sweet taste). Oriental medicine considers jam and canned compotes as products harmful to the body. In addition, in winter it is suggested to forget about fresh (greenhouse) vegetables and fruits - this is not their season. And herring is considered a winter “delicacy”.

Eastern healers believe that in the spring the liver and its associated gallbladder become most active. These organs need food with a sour taste: sauerkraut, lemons, all kinds of cabbage soup, solyanka, etc. Allowed to use dairy products- cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt. Cow's milk should be excluded from the menu, although it is acceptable to drink goat's milk.

As for cereals, preference should be given to products made from wheat and rye; all kinds of baked goods, pasta and bread kvass are allowed. It is recommended to diversify the table with seeds and nuts. Apple seeds are very useful (they should be stored in the fall). Vegetables and root vegetables must be present on the table - carrots, celery, beets.

To prepare meat dishes, it is better to use chicken, duck, and turkey. The diet should include liver - pork, beef and chicken. It is this offal (and not fruit, as is believed in Europe) that gives the body strength during the period of spring vitamin deficiency. You can eat blood sausage for the same purpose.

During the period from March 21 to April 20, it is better to switch to vegetarianism. Very useful during this period vegetable soups sour taste, greens, and fish with lemon sauce.

In spring, not only sour tastes are good for the liver, but also salty ones, which are considered complementary. In other words, in spring period You need to eat foods that are allowed in winter, but in smaller quantities. Foods of neutral taste - sweet and bitter - can be included in the diet in minimal quantities (only to add piquancy to dishes and variety to the table as a whole).

Forbidden in the spring are foods with a strong taste: game (meat of roe deer, wild boar, deer, elk and musk deer, as well as venison, goat meat, horse meat), sprouted onions and garlic. During this period, wheat and rice sprouts have a particularly bad effect on the body. Adjika and all kinds of hot sauces are strictly prohibited.

Dominant bodies in summer period are the heart, circulatory system and small intestine. They are stimulated by bitter taste. To improve their performance, you need to include as much bitter as possible in the menu. To begin with, you can choose greens with a bitter taste, including plants available in the house (aloe leaf) and at the dacha border (wormwood, dandelion).

It is useful to make salads from barely hatched sprouts (they need to be chopped very finely and seasoned with vinegar and sunflower oil). The best cereal to use in summer is millet.

According to Eastern dietetics, lamb has a bitter taste among meat products, and the heart among offal products. The meat should be flavored with horseradish and mustard.

Summer is the time for vegetables. Products with a bitter taste include radishes, rutabaga, turnips, onions, radishes, as well as tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and beets. Pumpkin crops are useful - zucchini, squash, zucchini, as well as the pumpkin itself. All these vegetables can be added to various dishes (pancakes, porridge, etc.). The same applies to young potatoes (old ones should be excluded from the diet as early as possible). Dried fruits are considered a summer product. It is recommended to cook compotes from prunes, dried apricots, dried pears and apples. You can also simply eat dried fruits, chewing them thoroughly.

Among the drinks in the summer, preference is given to beer, as it has a bitter taste. Shrimp are suitable as an appetizer. As for salted fish, nuts and roach, in the summer it is better to avoid them altogether. For summer, salty taste is considered negative, since it suppresses the heart and can cause interruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The complementary tastes during this period are sour, and the neutral ones are spicy and sweet. In summer you are allowed to eat chicken, sauerkraut and baked goods (this is sour food). Jellied meat, pork and beans should be excluded from the menu - in the summer they are hard on the stomach.

During this time period, the maximum load falls on the lungs and large intestine. Their activity is stimulated by the pungent taste. Therefore, it is recommended to use horseradish and garlic as the main seasoning at this time of year. Among meat products, preference should be given to game - elk, venison, wild boar, bear meat, etc. The most suitable offal for this time of year is lung. It should be simmered for as long as possible so that the water accumulated in it completely disappears. The main grains in the autumn menu should be rice and buckwheat.

Sweet is considered a complementary taste for autumn; during this season you can enjoy fruits, goat’s milk, and beef. Neutral flavors for autumn - sour and salty. But foods that have a bitter taste (lamb and millet porridge) are not recommended to be included in the diet. Sunflower seeds, nuts and fruit seeds should be consumed as little as possible during this period. Wheat baked goods are also considered non-seasonal food.

Features of nutrition in the off-season

The transition from one basic taste to another does not occur immediately - this requires an intermediate period of time, which is called the off-season. And since there are four main seasons, there are just as many off-season periods. Their duration is as follows:
winter-spring period - from January 22 to February 18;
spring-summer period - from April 22 to May 20;
summer-autumn period - from July 23 to August 22;
autumn-winter period - from October 23 to November 21.

In the off-season, the main one is the sweet taste, which activates the spleen, stomach and pancreas. The more sweets included in the menu at this time, the better for health. In addition to sugar and honey, sweet-tasting foods include fresh fruit and beef. At this time, they should be consumed as much as possible. You are allowed to enjoy “delicate” confectionery products - cakes, pastries, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, ice cream and sweet cereals.

Bitter is considered a complementary taste in the off-season. Products with a bitter taste include lamb, millet, dried fruits, etc. In very small quantities during the off-season, it is permissible to consume food with a spicy and salty taste. You should not include lemons, wheat, poultry, or fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yoghurt) in your diet. These products have a sour taste and have a destructive effect on the spleen and stomach.

As a rule, for all off-season periods the main recommendations are very similar, but each of them also has its own characteristics.

So, in the winter-spring off-season, when there is a gradual transition from winter to spring (from salty taste to sour), it is recommended to eat salty-sweet foods for the first fifteen days (from January 22 to February 4). For example, pickle It is useful to sprinkle with sugar and dip in honey. The best option- salted watermelon.

After February 5, the time comes for sweet and sour dishes - for example, sauerkraut mixed with honey. Pickled cucumbers and peppers are useful, and it is advisable that they be sweeter (foods with an exceptionally sour taste are contraindicated for this time).

In the spring-summer off-season there is a transition from sour taste to bitter, which means that in the first two weeks, i.e. from April 22 to May 5, sweet and sour dishes should be served on the table, and in the next two weeks (from May 6 to May 20) - bittersweet dishes.

The period between summer and autumn marks the transition from bitter to pungent tastes. Therefore, from July 23 to August 5, you should consume foods with a bittersweet taste, and from August 6 to 22, sweet-spicy foods.

The autumn-winter period is characterized by a transition from spicy to salty tastes: from October 23 to November 4, the basis of the diet should be sweet-spicy dishes, and from November 5 to 21 - sweet-salty.

Of course, depending on the circumstances, some deviations from these recommendations are acceptable. However, during the off-season, beef or (as a last resort) lamb must be present on the table. You can choose a wide variety of sauces for them, as needed, from sweet-salty to spicy-sweet. Cheese should be added to the meat, and fruits and all kinds of sweets are recommended for dessert.

It should be said that on the table all year round there should be fish and various seafood (squid, crabs, shrimp, mussels, algae, etc.), which are a natural source of iodine, which means they contribute to proper metabolism.

Thus, the seasonal food system has its advantages. It is based on the variety of foods consumed and allows you to eat correctly, and most importantly with maximum benefit for the body, at any time of the year.

2012 -2-23 20:53
