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Journey through the zodiac presentation. Traveling through the zodiac: where should representatives of different constellations go? Virgo: Bali, Indonesia

The topic of choosing a country to travel in accordance with what zodiac sign you were born under. Perhaps these notes will not only help you plan your future vacation, but will also answer the question: why did you enjoy one trip and not the other?

Aries rarely says no to travel opportunities.


Aries is not afraid of unfamiliar places and traveling alone - the main thing is that the head is loaded with solutions to interesting problems. Adventures often happen to him and he is happy to prove himself where there is excitement, pursuit, speed and physical exercise. Aries also likes traveling, which is filled with communication with like-minded people, bringing him new creative ideas or thoughts about developing his business.

They say that Aries, as a Fire sign, loves hot countries, and will gladly visit Kenya, Tanzania, Syria, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Palestine. Aries will also like New Zealand, Brazil, Japan and Korea, but quiet countries like Belgium, the Czech Republic and Finland may seem unimpressive and uninteresting to Aries. True, astrologers advise conservative Aries to visit strict and hard-working Germany, which is very similar in spirit to this sign.

It is better for family Aries to spend their holidays with children when they grow up, since they are unlikely to have enough patience for kids.

Taurus' priorities are good quality, solidity and comfort.

Why go somewhere spontaneously when everything can be planned? For Taurus it has great importance travel plan and, of course, a room with amenities, excellent cuisine and rich nature of the country chosen for travel. Astrologers recommend Taurus to visit Norway, England or Japan and refrain from traveling to Africa.

They say that Taurus feel comfortable vacationing in Ukraine and Switzerland. Bulgaria, Moldova, Argentina, Israel, the islands of Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Germany and Ireland are suitable for them.

Taurus loves to try on the role of a rich spender on vacation, but sometimes they become carefree devils, taking a break from the role of the family breadwinner. Taurus tries to avoid being in a large company all the time, but enjoys relaxing with the whole family, paying attention to raising children. They like to visit art museums and exhibitions on vacation.

Geminis prefer the movement and bustle of busy cities.

Geminis are best suited for being mobile and moving frequently. Being in the same place for more than 3 days, they begin to get bored. Astrologers believe that America is ideal for traveling for this sign. Geminis are also recommended to visit Canada, Greece, Belgium, Singapore, Northeast Africa, Armenia, Iceland, New Zealand, but conservative Germany, Switzerland, England and Japan are advised to avoid.

Travel for Gemini is the acquisition of new knowledge, new experiences and new acquaintances. Even a month before the trip, they can begin to study information about the country and learn its language. Geminis love to walk a lot, take photographs, communicate with the natives and travel in large groups. And after arrival, share your impressions of your vacation and discuss the trip with friends or relatives.

It is better for married Geminis to travel with children who are over 12 years old - this is useful for the intellectual development of the offspring and is interesting for the sign itself.

Emotional relaxation is important for Cancer

Cancer views travel primarily as a break from everyday life. Most likely, this sign will prefer solitude with loved ones in nature to active and noisy travel in a group, and will also visit places that are filled with ancient traditions and are the ancestors of world religions.

Astrologers recommend visiting India or Tibet for emotional Cancer. They are also suitable for travel to Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Netherlands, Armenia, Australia, Syria, Peru, Scotland, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Argentina. Cancer is not recommended in new, “superficial” countries such as the Dominican Republic or America.

For relaxation, this sign will most likely choose a place near the water. There is an opinion that Cancers are closed and like to stay at home; in fact, they are more unpredictable than they might seem. Sometimes they need a workout before the ride, and sometimes they easily take off. They love to vacation with the whole family with children, but sometimes they go on trips alone, returning more calm and refreshed. Cancers can relax in a big company if they trust their surroundings.

Leos crave travel in a lively atmosphere

If this fire sign manages to get to a carnival, bullfight, parade or the site of a historical battle, where the country demonstrates its beauty, strength and prowess, the trip is a success. Leo will love Spain, Italy, Sicily, France, Cuba, Lebanon and Peru. Astrologers advise this sign to vacation in Ukraine, Romania, the Czech Republic, Sudan and Turkestan, as well as in Indian Bombay and American California and Philadelphia. According to astrologers, cold Scandinavian countries are least suitable for Leo.

Leos on vacation strive to get maximum pleasure and will do everything in order to feel like a free and attractive person around whom the world revolves. Family Leos are proactive in preparing their holidays and are not averse to spending it with their children, provided that they do not disturb the adults.

Virgo trusts strictly proven routes

Virgos love to be useful, so in their youth they often choose volunteer programs abroad that give them the opportunity to both travel and participate in environmental projects. Virgos are attracted to Greece, Palestine, Switzerland, Türkiye and Japan. The resting Virgo is difficult to distinguish from a local resident. Those born under this sign subconsciously become imbued with the national idea of ​​the country and begin to copy the way of life created by it. If Virgo likes the acquired traditions, then, upon returning from vacation, she will continue them at home.

The ideal option for Virgos is a small ancient town in the province of Europe with hiking tours. Virgos love to relax in a small company of colleagues or with their family. Although astrologers do not recommend taking children with them, in order to avoid unnecessary nagging towards them, which could ruin a family vacation.

Libra seeks rest for body and soul

Libra feels good in countries where people enjoy life, smile, sing and dance. Therefore, those born under this sign are recommended to visit Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia and the Maldives. Libras are connoisseurs of style, harmony and grace. They may also enjoy England, Austria, South Africa, Tibet, Hawaii, Greece, China, Indochina, Slovakia, Colombia, Libya, Monaco, southern USA, Canada and Japan. But astrologers do not recommend visiting countries with harsher climates and aggressive external environments (Mexico, Cambodia and Arab countries).

To satisfy their aesthetic needs, Libras choose vacation spots rich in art museums, theaters and concert halls. This sign loves when everything is organized in advance and requires a minimum of effort. Libras love travel companions, but will give preference to vacationing with their spouse, whose opinion is very important to them. Partnerships are important to Libra. They love to enjoy the beauty of the world with their loved one and instill a sense of beauty in their children while traveling.

Scorpio is drawn to “difficult” places

Scorpio is a professional traveler. He loves to leave home and come back a completely different person. The motives for his travels can be both personal and professional. He craves challenge and adventure. In unusual situations, Scorpio feels complete and changes internally, plunging into thought after the experience, comprehending the events that happened to him.

Some astrologers advise those born under this “stinging” sign, if possible, to visit countries such as Iran, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan. This sign may also like India, Nepal, Tibet, China, Peru, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Syria, Uzbekistan, France and Australia. Less comfortable: Holland, Belgium and Germany.

Scorpio, who takes risks quite easily in his independent travel, on vacation with children, she will try to completely protect them from extreme hobbies.

Sagittarius is a spontaneous traveler

Sagittarians do not like beach holidays and organized tours. They love to conquer another country, falling in love with its culture, traditions and cuisine. Sagittarius will be interested in exploring Portugal, Spain, Arab countries, the interior of Siberia or Argentina, the Amazon jungle, western China, Australia, the volcanoes of Ecuador and the glaciers of Norway. In any corner of the world, Sagittarius will learn to feel at home. Sitting in one place for a long time is unfavorable for Sagittarius. It is believed that this particular sign of great others strives to travel, since in its very symbolism there is hidden a desire to go beyond limits and boundaries.

When choosing, it is important for this sign to listen to yourself and your desires. What does he want? Walk on your head, be the center of public attention, or remain invisible, disappear among people? In the first case, countries may suit him Latin America, and in the second - Poland.

When traveling with children, Sagittarius will spoil them, trying to show their best. They love to travel with company and family, but at the same time they are very freedom-loving and independent.

Capricorns - conquerors of peaks

Mountains fascinate representatives of this sign. But Capricorns are not romantics, they simply dream of standing as firmly as a mountain. For them, the mountain is a symbol of solidity and constant upward mobility. Capricorns may be interested in Northern and South Korea, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Macedonia, Mexico, England, Israel, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, Estonia, Finland and Belarus.

They say that Capricorns gain rather than waste strength during their lives, unlike other signs. After sixty, when many no longer have the strength or desire to relax away from the couch, Capricorn organizes mini-tours for his family to winter Bukovel or Lake Baikal. This sign often takes over the entire organization in small companies, trying to plan the vacation in detail. Special attention pays attention to the ratio of cost and quality. When vacationing with children and their significant other, Capricorn feels great responsibility for them - it is difficult for him to give independence to his family on a trip.

Aquarians are citizens of the world

Aquarius feels good almost everywhere, as he knows how to adapt to any environment. Astrologers advise this sign to visit Japan, Finland, Lebanon, Bulgaria, the north of the European part of Russia, New Zealand, Lithuania, Ethiopia, Peru, Chile. Aquarius is most dear to Russia, since this sign is its patron. Those born under this sign feel the importance of their presence in the world, so they are comfortable in prosperous countries with good social status: Canada, Denmark or Sweden.

Aquarius is easy to lure into a trip with something non-standard: the unusualness of the vacation spot or the way it is carried out. He will easily go with his friends to the ends of the earth in order to glorify his name or country. Participation in a regatta and climbing Everest with a flag will also resonate in the soul of Aquarius.

It is best for family Aquarius to travel with children when they grow up, because this sign has a need to communicate with them on equal terms. When relaxing in a company, they are excellent generators of ideas, but they do not like to take on organizational issues.

Pisces don't like strict schedules and plans.

Sensual and intuitive Pisces will feel good in France, Italy and Spain, where they can pamper their aesthetic and gastronomic tastes. Pisces, who have a mystical character, are drawn to Tibet, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Countries such as Egypt, Iceland, Portugal, Colombia, Antilles, India, Indonesia, Malta and Uruguay are also suitable for them. Among short-term trips, Pisces will like a trip to St. Petersburg. The least favorable country for Pisces is America.

Rest for this sign is an opportunity to relax, retire and not do anything specific. Pisces don't like strict schedules and plans. It is important for him to break away from everyday life. This sign loves to travel with family. While on vacation with children, they can sacrifice everything to fulfill their desires, which is not always for the benefit of the children. But Pisces is not characterized by strictness.

Lesson summary on literary reading in 2nd grade

Educational complex "Planet of Knowledge"

Subject: Starry sky. Journey through the zodiac.

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​the stars, constellations, and signs of the Zodiac, the primary consolidation of acquired knowledge.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited call was given -

The lesson begins.

There are books on the table,

And here are the notebooks.

I don't feel like playing

Hide and seek today

And there is no time to blow on a paper ship -

Today in the kids' class

The lesson is very important!

2. Checking homework (quiz game).

(Children sit at three tables in a chaotic order, in front of each student

there is an asterisk of different colors and sizes.)

Guys, why do you think these stars lie in front of you? (Children's answers).

Indeed, these stars will help us divide into 3 teams. Children with yellow stars sit at the first table, blue stars at the second table, and pink stars at the third table.

(The students take their seats.)

We will still need your stars today, but a little later. For now, put them aside.

Today’s lesson is unusual, you and I will go on an unforgettable journey, but before that, let’s check what knowledge we will take with us on the road, let’s conduct a quiz game. You will complete all tasks in teams, and for each completed task you will receive stars, which we so need today.

(The teacher prepares 3 bouquets of autumn leaves from different trees in advance).

So, task 1: whose team can guess without errors the fastest, from which trees these bouquets were collected?

Task 2: find the “extra” word, underline and explain it:

1 team - fox, bear, woodpecker, hare

plants, animals, air, buildings

rain, snow, precipitation, sun, hail

2nd team – pine, wheat, birch, spruce, maple

mosquito, beetle, tit, butterfly, fly

soil, sea, air, bridge, water

Team 3 – shark, snake, pike, stingray, dolphin

watermelon, raspberry, pear, currant, cherry

city, monument, ocean, building, furniture

(The teacher gives out stars for correct answers.)

Task 3: Determine what unites the words of each line. Name it in one word.

1 team - trees, shrubs, herbs - .... (plants)

bumblebee, butterflies, beetle - .... (insects)

clear, sunny, cloudy – …..(weather)

Team 2 - hawk, falcon, tit - .... (bird)

rain, snow, hail-... (precipitation)

September, October, November -….(autumn months)

Team 3 - crucian carp, perch, shark -….(fish)

lilies of the valley, peonies, dahlias -….(flowers)

January, February, December-….(winter months)

(The teacher gives out stars for correct answers.)

3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Guys, look at the screen

(View presentation “Starry Sky” slides 1-6)

Tell me, what did you see now? (Starry sky)

Why did you decide so? (There are many stars in the sky)

What do you think we will talk about in class today? (About the starry sky)

That's right, today we will talk about the starry sky.

(The topic of the lesson opens on the board)

Guys, can anyone answer the question, how many stars are there in the sky? (Children's answers)

Indeed, there are a huge number of them that cannot be counted.

Why do you think I just showed you the night starry sky? (At night the stars are clearly visible if the sky is not overcast).

Describe the starry sky, what is it like? (Children's answers)

Today we will be a little magicians and at the end of the lesson we will try to create our own starry sky, and the stars with which our lesson began will help us. During the lesson, you will continue to receive stars for correct answers, which magically will appear first in your “piece” of the sky, and then in the big cool starry sky.

(The teacher gives each team a “piece” of sky.)

4. Work on a new topic.

(For the correct answer, the team gets a star).

Why do you think stars glow? (They're hot)

What other celestial body is hotter? (Sun)

Let us remember what the “Sun” is. (The teacher hangs up a card with the word).

(Hot ball)

Look in S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary to see what definition is given there, and compare our answer.

(Children look in the dictionary and read aloud).

“The sun is a celestial body (a hot plasma body) of a spherical shape around which the Earth and other planets revolve”

Your answer was correct, but not complete. Well done!

Let's try to formulate what a “star” is? (The teacher hangs up a card with the word). (Children's answers)

Let's look in the dictionary to see what definition is given there.

“A star is a celestial body (a hot ball), visible at night as a luminous point.”

Well done! Look at the star map. (A card is revealed on the board).

Look at the starry sky on the map. What do the stars look like to you? (Different colors and sizes).

Why do you think this depends? (Children's answers)

Anikin Maxim, who prepared at home, will tell us about this.

(Listen to Maxim's message)

“From Earth, stars seem like small dots to us, but in reality, look at how different their sizes and colors are.

In general, the “outfits” of stars depend on their temperature. Red ones are relatively cold, yellow ones are hot (for example, the star Sun). White stars have a surface temperature of 10 thousand degrees. And the brightest stars are blue, their surface temperature is 30 thousand degrees. Stars also vary in size; there are giants and dwarfs. The largest stars are 2400 times larger than the Sun. Ours could fit in them solar system to the orbit of Saturn. The smallest are white dwarfs. They are like a tenth of the Sun. And the Sun is a star average size. There are stars - pulsars, double stars. A binary star is a system of two stars in which main star- yellow, and the satellite - white or blue."

Thank you, Maxim, it was very interesting!

(Teacher's addition about stars)

“The world of stars is extremely diverse, and the more we know about it, the more interesting it is to travel through the starry sky. On a cloudless, clear evening, the sky above your head is strewn with many stars. They appear as small sparkling dots because they are far from the Earth. Some stars are bright, others are less noticeable. Each star has its own name."

Guys, who noticed how the stars are located? (The stars are unevenly located; there are places where there are many stars, they are very close to each other).

You correctly noted that there are places where stars gather, uniting them into groups. People divided the sky into 88 sections (constellations) and gave these “star figures” the names of heroes of myths and legends, fairy-tale creatures. This is how the constellations Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, Orion, Cygnus and others appeared.

(View presentation “Constellations” 7-15 slide)

Solve the riddle: from which ladle?

don't drink, don't eat,

but they only look at him? (constellation Ursa Major)

There is a funny poem about this constellation: two bears laugh:

these stars have fooled us!

they are called by our name,

but they look like saucepans.

5. Physical exercise

Children try to depict weightlessness in a spaceship with their movements.

Depicts the sizes of stars.

6. Work in groups new topic.

Today we will get to know some more constellations. This is the constellation Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Orion.

*Task: open the textbook on page 41

Team 1 read about the constellation Cassiopeia and tell the other teams.

Team 2 – about the constellation Orion.

Team 3 – about the constellation Cygnus.

(We listen to stories)

*Task: (the teacher distributes sheets of constellations to each team).

Before you are images of constellations, sign their names.

Exercise for the eyes.

Well done, I see everything is working out for you, and you are ready to go on the stellar journey I promised! We're going on a journey through the Zodiac. We will find out what it is when we arrive there.

So, hold hands, close your eyes, lower your heads, imagine that we are all together smoothly flying across the starry sky into the Zodiac…..Open your eyes. Have you all arrived? (Yes)

Let's think about what the Zodiac is? (The teacher hangs up a card with the word)

Children's answers.

Let's look into our dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov.

“The zodiac is a belt of constellations along which the Sun moves throughout the year.”

If the stars were visible during the day, we would notice that the Sun is “visiting” different constellations during the day. The Sun “stays” with each constellation for about one month.

So, during our journey through the Zodiac, we must learn:

(I post cards with questions on the board)

1. What is the name of each constellation in the Zodiac?

2. How did people imagine the constellations in the Zodiac?

Let's look at the zodiac constellations and read their names.

(View presentation “Zodiac Signs” 16-29 slide)

Think about how many constellations there are in the Zodiac? (12)

Let's check ourselves on the slide. (View one slide 17 from the same presentation, work on it).

Let's trace the sequence of constellations, starting with Aries.

(Children read in chorus)

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn -

Aquarius - Pisces.

Well done! Now complete the task in groups. (The teacher distributes worksheets). There are constellations in front of you, number them in the order of their “visit” by the Sun.

(For correct answers - stars).

Since ancient times, man has been attracted by the night time - mysterious and incomprehensible. People expressed different guesses about how the world works and who created it. The Starry Sky was the first great book that people learned to read and understand. Then the science of stars and other celestial bodies appeared, which began to be called “astronomy”. (The teacher hangs up a card with the word).

(Show slide 30)

Translated from Greek language“astron” means star, “nomos” means law. This means that astronomy is the science of stars. Tell me, what do you call a person who studies the stars? (Astronomer)

It’s true, astronomers also observe the movement of the planets and believe that the planets influence the character of people born under one or another constellation.

Probably each of you knows your zodiac sign. Raise your hand if anyone knows.

One astronomer found out that we were traveling through the Zodiac and decided to come and visit us. But for it to appear, we must close our eyes again.

(The student gets up and puts on the astrologer’s cap - Maxim Sherstoboev).

Hello, dear travel lovers! I'm an astronomer! Have you already met the constellations of the Zodiac? (Yes)

Do you want to know about your zodiac sign? (Yes)

(The astronomer briefly talks about each constellation)

Aries - you like to explore everything, look at everything, you demand a lot of time for yourself, you have little patience, you like to climb trees, climb somewhere, you like variety, noisy games.

Taurus are affectionate, active children, attentive, hardworking, love to do everything with their own hands, take their time, love music.

Geminis are curious, bright, strong character, excellent memory, love to be praised.

Cancers are sensitive, vulnerable, touchy, neat, hardworking, thrifty, love to dream and travel.

Leos are kind, proud, hospitable, responsible, serious, capricious, love pets and music.

Virgos start talking early, are neat, tidy, do not cause much trouble for their parents, and love to study and read.

Libras are kind, gentle, fair, stubborn, love to draw, read, poetry, paintings, everything beautiful.

Scorpios love boyish games (soldiers, guns), like to grow things in the garden, and are often aggressive.

Capricorns are purposeful, hardworking, like to command, shy, often have toothache, and like to be alone.

Aquarians love to discover new things, travel, they will always help, they have many acquaintances, they do not like lies and deception.

Pisces - they have a good memory, worry about others, take care of relatives, do not like to be alone, cheerful, artistic, musical.

Thank you, astronomer. Guys, did the astronomer tell you everything correctly about your sign? Does this suit your personality? (Yes)

Unfortunately, our journey is coming to an end and in order for us to return, we need to hold hands again, close our eyes and count in unison to 5.

(One two three four five)

7. Summing up.

Now we are back in the same place. Let's remember everything that we said today about this mysterious starry sky. But it will not be me who will ask you questions, but you yourself will ask them to each other. Questions can be asked based on our cards with words, which I posted on the board during the lesson. Don’t forget the commands that for correct answers you get stars for your “piece” of the sky.

Suggested questions:

1. What is a “Star”?

2. What types of stars are there?

3. How are the stars located in the sky?

4. What constellations do you remember?

5. What is the Zodiac?

6. How many constellations are there in the Zodiac?

7. Name them.

8. What is the science of stars called?

Well done! So you tested each other’s knowledge acquired in today’s lesson. What else would you like to know about the starry sky? (Children's answers)

I see that you are interested in this topic, we will definitely return to it, but in the next lessons.

Our lesson began with the stars and it will end with them too. Each team today has collected many different stars, with the help of which you will now create your own “piece” of the sky in your group. Take glue and glue these stars onto your sky.

8. Creative work in groups.

While you are creating, I will read you a poem about the starry sky.

The night came and spread beads of stars across the sky.

And the stars scattered across thousands of miles

How they beckon and call for you

That you are ready to follow the star.

They hide millions of mysteries,

They sparkle, flicker, and beckon to the sky.

Now, if only we had our wings,

Then they could fly away from the earth.

And they would see from above, holding their breath,

How beautiful our Earth is!!!

Indeed, if you look closely, the world is beautiful. And we must learn to see this beauty, appreciate and take care of it!

I see you are ready. Let's connect your “pieces” of the sky into one big one.

(Children bring their sky to the board and put together a STARRY SKY like a puzzle).

You like? (YES)

It turned out great!!! Well done!

Now I would really like to know if you liked our lesson.

If you found it easy and interesting, please raise a yellow star.

If you are interested, but have encountered difficulties - blue.

If it was very difficult for you - pink.

I am glad that you fairly assessed your work in class.

9. Homework.

In the workbook p. 31 task 1,2,3.

There are many travel options, so sometimes choosing your next destination can be quite difficult. Instead of looking for the answer in in social networks, pay attention to recommendations based on your zodiac sign! It's time to pack your bags!

Aquarius: Kerala, India

Aquarians love everything new, as well as fun in the company of friends. They stand up for their beliefs with passion, making Kerala, India an ideal choice. Your journey will captivate you: Not only does India have incredible views, but there are also plenty of volunteer opportunities.

Pisces: Halaveli, Maldives

Pisces love to swim and spend time near the water. They are friendly people, but appreciate hours of solitude. In Halaveli, they can forget about the daily hustle and bustle for a while and spend time by the ocean.

Aries: Andes Mountains, Peru

If you are a representative of this sign, you love activity and adventure. Hiking through the Andes to attractions like Machu Picchu will never get boring.

Taurus: Cannes, France

Taurus are quite responsible and down to earth, but they love refined things. They are driven by materialism and like to pamper themselves from time to time. If you're a Taurus, head to Cannes. This city will captivate you with its beauty and luxury.

Gemini: Amsterdam, Netherlands

The capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, is perfect for Geminis, who are curious by nature and love entertainment. They are not too decisive, but this is normal: Amsterdam has such a huge selection of holiday options that it is simply impossible to get bored in this city.

Cancer: Carmel, California

Cancers are very careful and love their home. They love relaxing by the water no less. It is worth going to the quiet town of Carmel, it is cozy, and it will be easier to feel at home there! At the same time, you can enjoy the beautiful beach and swimming in the ocean waves.

Leo: Ibiza, Spain

Leos are very friendly and love to be in the center of events. They are brave and not afraid to have fun. Ibiza is ideal for them; it is the center of Spanish nightlife, a place where they always throw a variety of parties and know a lot about entertainment.

Virgo: Bali, Indonesia

Virgos are known for being overly analytical, organized, and hardworking. They deserve a break during which they can take a break from their busy lives and enjoy the current moment. Nature lovers and Virgos will love Bali, it’s the perfect option for relaxation.

Libra: Kauai, Hawaii

Kauai, one of the main Hawaiian islands, is ideal for Libras because they are peaceful and enjoy the outdoors. They don't like to be alone, they prefer romantic destinations, so a couple's holiday on a paradise island is perfect: you can forget about everyday affairs and relax.

Scorpio: Barcelona, ​​Spain

Scorpios should go to Spanish Barcelona, ​​a city full of vivid impressions and emotions - just like Scorpios themselves. It is impossible to get bored in Barcelona, ​​because there is amazing art, interesting architecture, friendly people and excellent traditional cuisine. The holiday will be simply wonderful!

Sagittarius: Bagan, Myanmar

Sagittarians are philosophical and open to everything new. Their love of the outdoors and travel makes Bagan a great choice. The ancient city is full of attractions that will fascinate a Sagittarius. This is a place with Buddhist shrines that put you in a calm, reasonable mood.

Capricorn: Alps, Switzerland

Conservative Capricorns like practicality and discipline. The Alps in Switzerland guarantee stunning views without any frills, a great option for those who want to spend time with the family while enjoying the beauty of nature.

Perfume fans say you should change your perfume every new love. And one more thing: that by choosing a new scent for ourselves, we can change our lives. Perhaps perfume serves as one of the ways of fine-tuning the world. Do perfume manufacturers know this?
In any case, we have another lever in our hands to control our attractiveness. A woman who uses perfume expands the boundaries of her aura and becomes stronger energetically.
Hundreds of new perfume compositions are created every year. The variety of brands presented on store shelves is both pleasing and frightening. How to understand this world of fragrances? How to find your scent, the one that highlights your personality? I propose to go on a short journey into the zodiac world of perfumes and aromas.

Women born under the sign of Aries are endowed with an active and independent character, but at the same time, romantic and childlike. Perfume suitable for this sign is designed to enhance the impulsiveness of perception and make it possible to more fully feel the present moment. The sign of Aries is consonant with the smells of heather, bitter herbs and hot spices. Overall, this is a light and stimulating scent.
Such perfumes include, for example, Le Monde est leau Kenzo with natural essential oil of lemon and grapefruit, fresh original L’eau d’Issey Miyake, Johji Yamamoto with an extraordinary, exciting aroma for temperamental brunettes.
The sign of Aries includes perfumes that contain ambergris (extracted from the sperm whale) - this is a whole group of bright and expressive fragrances - for example, Isatis Givenshy, Acte 2 Escada, Black Bvlgari, Rumba Balenciaga.

Taurus is a sign of harmony, aestheticism and thoroughness. Once having chosen a perfume, Taurus women are not inclined to change them. For this sign, aroma is a link between the material and subtle world, helping to better perceive the beauty of forms and unity with nature. Perfumes for Taurus often include essential oils of patchouli, ylang-ylang, verbena and fruit essences. This scent is perceived as calm, calming, but not relaxing - for example, Femme Rochas, Magic Celine, Sunflowers Elizabeth Arden.
Your perfumes can be L’eau de Monteil and Nilanga Laliques, which combine the aromas of ripe fruits and delicate floral essences, as well as Marina de Bourbon of the same company, with a melon-fruity aroma. The natural charm of Taurus is highlighted by the deep seductive Mahora Guerlain and the light spring Cherry Blossom Guerlain, which absorbs the aroma of cherry blossoms. In early spring, try a perfume bouquet, Diorissimo Dior or Lilia Bella Guerlain, composed of rosewood, civet and aromatic additives, which reproduces the smell of real lilies of the valley, which do not have their own essential oils. Parfum d’Ete Kenzo is one of the same fresh spring perfumes.

The character of Gemini is difficult to define unambiguously - they are characterized by both curiosity, a desire for novelty, and acute emotional perception and intuitiveness. Because of this duality of character, Geminis are suitable for various perfumes, which include herbal extracts (juniper is often found) and aldehyde components. These scents instill a joyful, carefree mood.
These include L’Eau Cheap&Chic Moschino with a floral-aldehyde composition, discreet White Linen or arrogant Beautiful Estee Lauder, optimistic Angel Thierry Mugler.
Some perfumes with the character of the Gemini sign are equally suitable for both men and women - for example, CK-One Calvin Klein, Platinum Egoiste Chanel.

The most attractive traits in the character of Cancer women are balance in mood, tactfulness and gentleness, and a pronounced maternal instinct. The sign of Cancer includes perfumes with a wide variety of compositions, but their common feature is the ability to evoke rich associations.
Depending on the mood, time of day or situation, Cancer women can use the delicate floral perfumes of Fleur de Rocaille, Flower by Kenzo, the tender Sensi White Notes of Giorgio Armani, and the floral with an exotic touch of Fidgi Guy Laroche.
Mature Cancer women will choose perfumes with a sensual aroma that seems to come from a candy store - Vanille Bourbon Ive Rocher and Vanilla Fields from Coty. Aquawoman Rochas and Aqua Allegoria Guerlain will help you create the image of a mysterious stranger, breathing perfume and mists.

Under the sign of Leo, bright and ambitious personalities are born who strive to express themselves in one form or another. Therefore, perfumes for Lionesses stand out among others with their composition and original aroma. They inspire joy and self-confidence. These include Edem Cacharel with a fresh ozone scent based on aquatic plants and white flowers. The name Ozone Sergio Taccini speaks for itself - you will exude a fresh aroma, as if you were caught in a thunderstorm while walking.
Classic perfumes with a “lion” scent - Сaleche Hermes, 1000 Jean Patou, Intuition Estee Lauder.
A bright and sensual evening composition from the perfume Le Roy Soleil (Sun King) by Salvador Dali.
Festive perfume for the winning woman: Champagne Ives Saint Laurent, Dolce vita, J’Adore Dior, Michael Kors signature scent of velvety notes of sensual tuberose with the addition of cashmere wood and fig. The fruity and spicy aroma of “Dolores” (“New Dawn”) with a trail of rose, peach and freesia will make you feel how the Universe revolves around you.

Virgo women are distinguished by their modesty and demandingness towards themselves and others. The perfume composition for this sign should be of the same type and in no case intrusive. Virgos like the smells of herbs, flowers and citrus fruits. Overall, they are similar to Gemini scents, but richer and more elegant.
The intellectual character of the Virgo sign is reflected in the Tocadilly Rochas perfume with a soft and invigorating aroma. Many Virgos, regardless of age, will like the cool green smell of Davidoff Cool water (Davidoff), the citrusy L’Eau de Cologne Imperial Guerlain, the soft and fresh Eau de Rochas. Ice and fruit are consonant with this sign in the perfume composition Green Tea Iced by Elijabeth Arden, Eau Torride Givenchy.
The perfumes of another group (and another incarnation of the fickle Mercury, the ruler of Virgo) have a more feminine aroma. These are Knowing Estee Lauder, XS pour Elle Paco Rabann, Amasone Hermes, Must II Cartier.

The sign of Libra endows its owner with an unsurpassed sense of taste, subtlety of perception and understanding of harmony. Perfume for Libra should be warm, balanced, but in no way provocative. The soft and delicate fragrance of Femme de Rochas reflects the natural shyness and charm of a young woman.
Talisman and Nicole Balenciaga are addressed to young girls. Light transparent compositions with shades of caramel, coffee, powder, spices and flowers are presented in Be 21 Orlane, Mexx Divercity Mexx, Presence D’Une Femme Mont Blanc, Sui Dreams Anna Sui.
The scent of ripe fruits and delicate floral essences are combined in the L’eau de Monteil and Nilanga Laliques perfumes, which are equally suitable for those born under the signs of Taurus and Libra.
The classic trends of this Venusian sign are represented in Organza Givenchy and 5-Th Avenue Elizabeth Arden. The perfume composition from Novaya Zarya sets its own tone - during the day you are sweet and charming (“Sweetheart in the afternoon”), and in the evening your attractiveness increases a hundredfold (“Sweetheart in the evening”).

Scorpios tend to want to dominate other people and experience the entire spectrum of emotions, from “+” to “–” infinity. Instinctively, Scorpios choose scents that provoke sensuality, creating an aura of mystery and inaccessibility. Perfume for Scorpio often includes rose oil and concentrated flower and fruit essences. This is the sexiest sign of the Zodiac, so perfumes certainly contain natural animal fragrances (horses and Abyssinian cats). Each of the Scorpio scents has its own personality - even a classic composition should have a warm, sensual aroma, such as Lanvin's Arpege.
The unique and unsurpassed aroma of Poison Dior also best highlights the advantages of this sign. Angel Paul Gotue, Panthere Cartier combines floral and oriental components.
Addict Dior (the main note is a tropical orchid “night beauty”) is a new product in your fragrant arsenal, designed to excite, excite and command men’s hearts.

The character of Sagittarius always contains optimism and curiosity, which is combined with emotional generosity and pronounced sexuality. The aroma of perfumes intended for Sagittarius is varied in composition and includes a rich range of nuances, spicy and sweet components.
Unsurpassed in this group of spirits on this moment Chanel No. 5 (1921) and the modern perfume Joy Patou remain.
The aromas of the oriental bazaar contain Shani Chypron, E’Zup De Bon, Paloma Picasso; fruity and floral accents and aromas of noble wood are added to the spicy components in Gucci Accenti Gucci.
The optimism of this sign, the readiness for new sensations is reflected in Oh La La Azzaro.
For those who seek to replenish their arsenal of sensual sensations, Magie Noire Lancome and Premier Jour Nina Ricci are suitable.

Capricorn women cannot be accused of inconstancy or extravagance. Perfume for your sign is also impeccable in its composition - no contrasts or oppositions. This group of fragrances includes classic, feminine perfumes that never go out of style - Sans Soucis with its synthetic floral scent, Un Air de Samsara and Jicky Guerlain, Return Tristano Onofri, Gio Giorgio Armani.
The classic combinations in the perfume L’air du temps Nina Ricci (1946) never become outdated. Esprit Bleu Rene Garraud has the same discreet style with an elegant and fresh aroma. Naomagic Naomi Campbell will help you create an image of understated elegance.
For romantic and at the same time elegant women: soft and mysterious Trussardi Skin and Sensi Armani.
Spicy almonds in a halo of freshness Strenesse from Gabriele Strehle and classic Very from Valentino are a great find for mature ladies.

If you feel the ability to be yourself in any circumstances and find a way out in any situation, then you are a typical Aquarius. The perfumes of your sign also have an unpredictable, but at the same time, individual and memorable character. They often contain essential oils Citrus fruits and horsetail are Aquarius plants. These include the fresh, invigorating Sport Spirit Escada, Donna Nautilus.
Aquarius scents are universal unisex scents, such as XS Paco Rabanne, Santos Cartier. Women can use light eau de toilette for men without compromising their individuality, and vice versa.
Deci Della Ricci, Mystere Rochas, GFF Gianfranco Ferre with a floral aroma have a more feminine character.
Gucci's product - Еau de Parfum is addressed to business-minded and purposeful women who are capable of solving problems of comic complexity.

Pisces live more in the world of illusions than in reality. Perfumes and aromas for this sign can serve both as a means of enhancing their individuality and as a way to immerse themselves in their fantasies. The names of perfumes with the character of the Pisces sign speak for themselves: today you are immersed in the scent of True Love by Elizabeth Arden, or the deceptive, dissolving Opium of Ives Saint Laurent, and tomorrow in the delicate floral scent of Fleur d'interdit Givenchy or the original spicy composition Head over the Heals Ultima II.
With the help of perfume, you can create various female images: both innocent creatures - Sublime Jean Patou, Words Coty, and luxurious, self-confident beauties - Shalimar Guerlain, Amarige Givenchy, Diva Emmanuel Ungaro.
The captivating and, at the same time, chaste fragrance Nu Ives Saint Laurent and the very similar Ghoust from the same company reflect the highest hypostasis of Venus (Venus is exalted in Pisces).



The classroom is decorated with balloons and posters. Attributes for competitions and a presentation “Journey through the Zodiac” have been prepared. The children are preliminarily divided into 3 teams.

The children enter the classroom to the “Birthday” medley.

Teacher. Today is our birthday day,

And we didn’t gather in vain,

To sing songs and congratulate quickly

Happy Birthday to all of you, friends!

I invite you on a great journey through the Zodiac! And let's congratulate all of us with a happy birthday song.

The song is performed to the tune of “Island of Bad Luck”.

The children take their seats.

Teacher. We cordially congratulate you,

Happiness. We wish you joy!

Study well at school

Honestly, work from the heart.

Be friends with physical education,

Cherish strong friendship!

Don't get sick, don't be sad.

Help the elders at home.

So that bad weather leaves

Kingdom forever

We wish everyone sunshine and happiness

And smiles for years!

So that we don't get bored,

The game begins.

The competitions are fun, challenging, and exciting!

Guys, what class are you in?(In third.) Therefore, all competitions will be associated with the number 3.

Jury presentation. Team presentation.

Competition 1. “Triangles”

Each team is given 9 small triangles. Of these, you need to fold one large triangle on the desk as quickly as possible.

Competition 2. “The most attentive”

1 person per team is invited, with a prize on the table between them.

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

Do you know when to take the prize?

On the word "three"!

Right! Then I continue my story:

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: “One, two... march!”

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, or better yet... five.

Recently a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,

When was the opportunity to take it!

Competition 3. “Game of Hide and Seek”

Which words from the previous poem contained the number 3? (smothree , heethree )

In this competition, teams must come up with as many words as possible that also contain a number.three . Numerals thirteen, thirty, three hundred, etc. are not considered.

(Possible words: sister, oyster, swift, cut, wipe, sturgeon, showcase, knitwear, sodium, trigonometry, thriller, patriot, matrix, triton, tribune, patrician).

Teacher. - Guess the riddle:

I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me,

I warm the rivers, “Swim!” - I invite you.

And you all love me for this, I...(Summer.)

Right! I invite guys who were born in the summer. Listen carefully to the poems, when you hear a poem about the month in which you were born, go out.

June has arrived.

"June! June!" -

Birds are chirping in the garden.

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fly apart.

Out: Artyom Barmin, Lena Akhmadishin.


Haymaking is in July

Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

Out: Nastya Gurova, Dima Firsov, Ira Evsikova


We collect in August

Fruit harvest.

Lots of joy for people

After all the work.

Sun over the expanses

Nivami is worth it.

And sunflower grains

Full of blacks.

Out: Kolya Romanov.


So, the first signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo.

Competition 4. "Three Movements"

Remember three movements and their numbers: 1 – hands to shoulders

2 – hands up

3 – hands forward

I will confuse you, show you the wrong things. If you make a mistake, sit down. The team with the most people left wins.

Competition 5. "Third wheel"

Teams receive sheets of triplets of words or numbers. In each three you need to find and cross out the extra ones.

    Fork, plate, knife

    Sasha, Zhenya, Vasya

    9, 7, 4

    Leaf, foliage, leafing

    Stake, ball, smoke

Competition 6. "Three seconds to think"

The teacher shows a certain number of fingers. It is necessary that this number of people in the team stand up in 3 seconds. If successful, the team receives a point.

Teacher. - Guess the riddle:

I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees

But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees. I…(Autumn.)

Right! I invite guys who were born in the fall. Listen carefully to the poems, when you hear a poem about the month in which you were born, go out.

Clear September morning

Villages thresh bread.

Birds rush across the seas,

And the schools opened.

Out: Alisher Imomnazarov, Sveta Gorodetskaya, Nastya Pushkash, Sonya Mihai, Liza Tyutimova, Sasha Glushenkov, Alisa Nikolaeva.


In October, in October

Frequent rain outside.

The grass in the meadows is dead,

The grasshopper fell silent.

Firewood has been prepared

For the winter at the stoves.

Out: Andrey Praslov, Ilya Frolochkin, Sasha Nadezhkin, Pasha Belousov.


Day Fourth of November –

Red calendar day.

Look out your window:

It's bright outside for everyone!

All the people - both young and old -

Celebrates freedom.

And my red ball flies

Straight to the sky!

Out: German Nabatchikov, Vanya Krasavin, Alyosha Pustovalov, Akim Nikiforov.


So, the following zodiac signs: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius.

The children are read postcards with poems based on the signs of the Zodiac and given gifts.

Competition 7. “Arithmetic tricks”

Place action signs and parentheses between the triples so that you get true equalities:

3 3 3 = 0 3 3 3 = 11

3 3 3 = 4 3 3 3 = 12

3 3 3 = 6 3 3 3 = 99

Competition 8. “Hurry up, don’t make a mistake”

The teams take turns being asked “tricky” questions. The correct answer is a point.

    Squirrels sit on branches, opposite each squirrel there are two squirrels. How many are there in total?(3)

    The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made?(2)

    The bagel was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made?(3)

    Ira lives on the third floor. When she goes outside, she goes down the stairs from floor to floor in half a minute. How long does it take Ira to go downstairs?(1 minute)

    Piglets ran towards me: one in front of two, one between two and one behind two. How many piglets were there in total?(3)

    The boy and girl had the same number of nuts. The boy gave the girl 3 of his nuts. How many more nuts does the girl have than the boy?(at 6)

    There were 3 glasses with berries on the table. Vova ate one glass of berries and put it on the table. How many glasses are there on the table?(3)

    Son with father, father with son, grandfather with grandson. How many are there?(three)

    Marina had a whole apple, two halves and four quarters. How many apples did she have?(3)

Competition 9. “Literary triplets”

Remember and write the names of literary works in which the number 3 is mentioned or the number of characters in the title is three.

(Possible titles: “Three Bears”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Three Fat Men”, “Swan, Pike and Crayfish”, etc.)

Extra point can be obtained by giving the author's last name.

Teacher. – Guess the riddles:

Powdered the paths.

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sled ride.(Winter.)

I open the buds into green leaves,

I dress the trees, water the crops,

The movements are full, they are calling me...(Spring.)

Right! I invite guys who were born in winter and spring. Listen carefully to the poems, when you hear a poem about the month in which you were born, go out.

Opening the calendar -

January begins.

In January, in January

There is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.

The sun is in the blue sky.

The stoves are heated in our house.

Smoke rises into the sky in a column.

Exit: Polina Semina.


The loose snow darkens in March.

The ice on the window is melting.

Bunny running around the desk

And according to the map on the wall.

Enter: Misha Stepanov.


April, April!

Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields,

There are puddles on the roads.

The ants will come out soon

After the winter cold.

A bear sneaks through

Through the dead wood.

The birds began to sing songs,

And the snowdrop blossomed.

Out: Alina Yazeva, Katya Gorbovskaya, Kostya Shilov.


The lily of the valley bloomed in May -

On the very holiday, on the first day.

Seeing off May with flowers,

The lilac is blooming.

Enter: Vanya Grishin.


So, the last signs of the Zodiac: Capricorn, Aries, Taurus, Gemini.

The children are read postcards with poems based on the signs of the Zodiac and given gifts.

Teacher. While our dear jury, we have a music competition.

Musical competition.

A circle is formed and the ball is thrown around the circle to the music. Participants pass the ball to each other. The music stops and whoever has the ball is out of the game.

The floor is given to the members of the jury. Rewarding participants.

Teacher. Like a sunny day

Like a wonderful fairy tale

Let your life be

Beautiful all the time!

Be good

Be beautiful

Be cheerful

Kind, sweet.

So that happiness and joy shine in your smile.

May all wishes come true!!!

Everyone sings the song “Let them run clumsily...”

Teacher . Pour the tea soulfully,Warm your soul with this!

The holiday ends with tea.


Poems based on zodiac signs for postcards

You, little ARIES,

The character is not always equal -

You can be mischievous

A little stubborn and funny.

Don't butt us, Sheep,

Grow up smart and kind!

ARIES can be seen a mile away,

Aries loves beauty.

Won't hurt the cat

Will never let you down

Trip the baby.

How nice it is for TAURUS

Facial expression,

Affectionate and kind look,

Like little calves!

Our calf is beautiful,

Grow up and be happy!

There is no price for TAURUS in friendship,

devoid of selfishness,

They hate rushing

And in harness until the end

They'll bring a cart.

GEMINI child is

Good sign spring and summer!

Grow up warm and bright,

Shine like the sun!

Fidgets, cunning

Zodiac GEMINI.

Boring job

They won't finish it -

The hunt will be lost.

Dear CANCER child!

Grow up without knowing fights!

Be cheerful always, everywhere,

Like a crustacean in river water!

CANCER lives by its own mind,

Won't put it off until later

A difficult task.

To be held in high regard -

For him

It means a lot.

Be strong, my friend, from the cradle!

According to your horoscope, you are a Leo!

LION looks like the sun -

Just as bright and good!

LEO is always happy with gifts,

Loves chocolate

Various things.

Praise Leo five times

He won't get proud.

VIRGOS are rightfully famous

Affectionate and kind disposition.

Dearest, gentlest, most beautiful

Happier is our Virgin!

VIRGO is valued for its intelligence,

But she doesn't like noise

And does not tolerate anger.

Good-natured and gentle

Little Virgo.

Our baby LIBRA

Amazingly beautiful!

Like a scale, always be accurate

Very fair and honest!

I envy LIBRA -

They don't rely on moms

They look neat.

If you like yourself,

It's a pleasure!

You're a SCORPIO, but not scary -

Sweet, nice and homely.

Grow up, our Scoriosha,

Kind, smart and good!

Honest, kind SCORPIO

Hates evil people.

WITH first date,

If there's something wrong with you,

He will say: “Goodbye!”

You are our little SAGITTARIUS,

Well done and brave!

You grow up happy, baby,

Hit the top ten accurately!

SAGITTARIUS is full of ideas

He is always among people

Simple and not stingy.

As an athlete of great victories

Maybe he can achieve it.

You are our dear baby,

Our beloved CAPRICORN!

Never butt heads

Always be kind and gentle!

Good-natured CAPRICORN

Won't sleep through the second lesson

And he won't be angry

If the arrows are on the chachas

My sister will let you down.

Our dear AQUARIUS!

Lessen your tears!

Be as beautiful as rain

Like a transparent dewdrop!


He washes his hands up to the elbows

Twenty times a week.

No slingshots, no snakes

Not in his portfolio.

Dear, dear FISH,

Always make us happy with a smile!

Be happy and skillful

And swim through life boldly!

PISCES like water

Will always float away in the water

From any obstacles.

Your own shortcomings

They are trying to find it.