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May there always be sunshine. Solar batteries in Crimea. Feather On the roof of your house

Along with Crimea, Russia captured a lot of things on the peninsula, including five solar power plants (SES): Perovo, Rodnikovo, Nikolaevka in the Simferopol region, and Okhotnikovo and Mityaevo in the Saki region.

Solar power plant "Perovo" (105.56 MW). At the time of creation, the fourth most powerful in the world,
sufficient to meet the needs of Simferopol

Who is the owner of these SPPs is officially unknown, although the Ukrainian media confidently named the name of the country's former Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Klyuev. The developer (a company engaged in the construction of solar power plants and maintenance of production processes) was the Austrian Activ Solar - an international group of companies specializing in the development and production of solar technologies.

Solar power plant "Okhotnikovo" (82.65 MW)

SPPs were built in Crimea according to this business plan. Activ Solar builds and services the solar power generation process. The owner finances all this by attracting bank loans and foreign investors. The state of Ukraine undertakes until 2030, through the operator Energorynok, to purchase electricity from Crimean SPPs at an inflated tariff fixed in euros (€0.446 per 1 kWh). Ukraine's costs, in turn, are compensated by funds allocated by Europe to support renewable energy sources.
Due to the guaranteed inflated tariff, it was planned for SES to fully pay off creditors by 2030, and until March 2014 this scheme worked properly.

Solar power plant "Mityaevo" (31.55 MW)

In April 2014, payments to the Crimean solar power plants at an inflated tariff in euros from Ukraine stopped, and Russia began to purchase solar energy at the usual tariff in rubles for 3.47 rubles. for 1 kWh. Naturally, first payments on bank loans stopped, and then the work of the SES itself stopped.
If the creditors were Ukrainian banks, then there would be nothing wrong - Russia “forgave” all the debts of their Crimean debtors, but of the Ukrainian banks, only Oschadbank got into this scheme, and even then for a small amount. It so happened that the main creditors of the Crimean SES were the Russian Sberbank, as well as the banking groups VTB and VEB.

Solar power plant "Rodnikovoe" (7.5 MW)

And now a year has passed, Russia is forced to count money, and cannot afford to maintain the Crimean solar power plants, paying them €0.446 per 1 kWh, since Europe is not going to compensate it for any costs. And there is no one in Russia to support them - the raw materials country has not previously needed solar energy, and does not have the appropriate technologies.
Of course, you can force Russian banks to write off loans, and the stations themselves can be easily sold off as recyclable materials. But last year, Activ Solar let it slip that $1.8 billion was also invested in the Crimean solar power plants by investors from Europe as well as Chinese state corporations, and the Chinese do not forgive debts.

The last Crimean solar power plant is Nikolaevka (69.7 MW), built in 2013.
The sixth was supposed to be a power plant in Vladislavovka, but it remained unfinished.

The Crimean authorities claim that solar power plants on the peninsula are currently operating at “full capacity”, but they would lie like crazy. And to two simple questions: “Who serves them? And who covers the difference between the expensive cost of solar energy and the small Russian procurement tariff for electricity?”, the Crimean authorities do not want to answer.
In fact, as soon as Energorynok stopped paying the Crimean solar power plants at an inflated tariff, and Activ Solar stopped servicing them, the work of the stations stopped. Now they are simply protected from theft, and all of them face the fate of the first solar power plant built in Crimea during the USSR.

Gazeta visited the largest solar power plant in Crimea

On hot summer days, the Perovo solar power plant operates at full capacity.

A space flight

The Crimean energy sector seems to be especially happy about the abnormally hot summer this year. On one of the sultry summer days, Gazeta visited the Perovo solar power plant in the Simferopol region. And if the general temperature in Crimea on the thermometer reached +35, then on the territory of the solar power plant, by all accounts it was +45. This is due to about half a million solar modules, each of which produces up to 235 W and heats the atmosphere. Indeed, when you find yourself in this space strewn with solar panels, you feel like a character in the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet.” The Martian heat and thousands of solar panels create a cosmic environment around.

Gazeta correspondents were given a tour of the fantastically fascinating power plant by maintenance consultant Yuri Kashich. And, according to him, 2016 promises to be the sunniest year, breaking the records of the previous one.

297.7 MW- total capacity of solar power plants in Crimea.

264 sunny days a year in Crimea.

On a good day, this power plant is capable of synergizing about 600 MW. So far, 2015 is considered the sunniest and most successful year. But there is hope that 2016 will surpass it, says Yuri Kasich. - In terms of the number of sunny days, we are comparable to Australia, which, by the way, is very actively developing and using alternative electricity. Crimea also has this opportunity.

Huge potential...

The Perovo solar power plant was installed and put into operation in December 2011. At the time of its launch, it ranked first in area in the world. But it did not last long on the list of leaders, giving the palm to the countries of northern Europe. Now Perovo ranks only 18th place. Yuri Kasich notes that European countries are leaders not only in the use of solar energy, they have a whole range of power plants based on renewable sources: wind, sun and water.

Our SES works only during the day; at night we rest. This is our main disadvantage. And, for example, Germany has almost completely switched to this (alternative - Ed.) type of energy. They operate solar power plants during the day and wind power plants at night. Today Germany uses 70% renewable energy sources, explains our guide. - I believe that Crimea has every chance to follow the path of Germany, especially since our peninsula is a resort region; any project that preserves the environment is important for us. But this requires time and money, especially since all of Crimea’s electrical networks must first be put in order.


General information

All solar power plants operating in the Republic of Crimea are private enterprises. The stations are managed by the Depositors Protection Fund.

If alternative energy had developed in Crimea at the same pace as in Germany, energy collapses such as blackouts would have been experienced less painfully. And this winter the Crimean SES proved it.

...But low profitability

The Perovo station can provide electricity to the whole of Simferopol, but only during the day. Therefore, Crimean power engineers note that wind and solar energy is unstable and depends on weather conditions; renewable energy should rely on traditional generation (meaning thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants). Storage installations that could operate in tandem with SES, including at night, are very dangerous to install. So much so that experts equate them to a hydrogen bomb. However, the first 24-hour solar power plant was recently opened in the south of Spain, in the center of which there is a giant thermal accumulator that controls the turbines at night and on cloudy days.

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And they started building anyway

A solar power plant is an engineering structure that converts solar radiation into electrical energy. It was planned to build the first solar power plant in Crimea back in the 1980s. However, when in September 1985 the USSR power engineers calculated the cost of the received current, which turned out to be prohibitively high, the fate of the solar power plant was sealed.

According to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Crimea, the low profitability of solar power plants in Crimea is due to the fact that the purchase tariff for electricity, which is currently in effect (3.47 rubles per kilowatt hour), is insufficient to cover the loans to banks for which the stations were built, and operating costs. But despite this, the commissioning of the new SPP “Vladislavovka” in the Kirovsky district is planned for 2017. This power plant will be the sixth in Crimea with a capacity of 110 MW.

At the Vladislavovka SES, work is currently underway to construct a station unit and power distribution. Simply put, joining the all-Crimean energy system, clarifies Yuri Kashich.

On the roof of your house

In retaliation for the rising cost of electricity, solar energy is gaining popularity in the private sector of Crimea. Moreover, the installation and use of solar panels for their own use, without supplying power to the power grid, is the legal right of residents of the Russian Federation. As experts note, this option is especially beneficial for residents of villages that have not yet been gasified. Increasingly, such a picture is encountered in the resort regions of the peninsula - for example, a private mini-hotel with solar panels on the roof. Gazeta spoke with the owner of a private house, Boris Stuzhin, who has been using solar panels for 9 years:

It is beneficial for me to receive solar electricity, since I live in a dacha cooperative in the Simferopol region. We don't have gas, which is why I installed 4 solar panels 9 years ago. I have them connected to the boiler, that is, they serve to heat water in the house. Then it cost me about 27 thousand hryvnia. Of course, I have already repaid this money.

Today the market is filled with offers for the purchase of solar panels. As they say, every whim is for your money. The price for the main part - a solar panel - varies from 5 to 60 thousand rubles and, of course, depends on the quality and country of manufacture. But, as experts note, saving is not worth it. It is better to buy an industrial solar panel, which costs 3-4 times more, but will last 25 years.

Crimean solar power plants

1. SES "Rodnikovoe"
Location: Rodnikovoe village, Simferopol district
Power: 7.6 MW
Area: 15 hectares
Status: Active
Launch: February 2011
Electricity produced: 50,525.159 MWh

2. SES "Okhotnikovo"
Location: Okhotnikovo village, Saki district
Power: 82.7 MW
Area: 160 hectares
Status: Active
Launch: October 2011
Electricity produced: 437,579.066 MWh

3. SES "Perovo"
Location: Perovo village, Simferopol district
Power: 105.5 MW
Area: 200 hectares
Status: Active
Launch: December 2011
Electricity produced: 540,478.438 MWh

4. SES "Mityaevo"
Location: Mityaevo village, Saki district
Power: 31.6 MW
Area: 59 hectares
Status: Active
Launch: April 2012
Electricity produced: 104,330.98 MWh

5. SES "Nikolaevka"
Location: Nikolaevka village, Simferopol district
Power: 69.7 MW
Area: 116 hectares
Status: Active
Launch: August 2015
Electricity produced: 57,036.363 MWh

6. SES "Vladislavovka"
Location: Vladislavovka village, Kirovsky district,
Power: 110.0 MW
Area: 220 hectares
Status: Preparation for commissioning.

During daylight hours, solar panels generate electrical energy. With the help of a charge controller, this electrical energy is accumulated in batteries and used to power electrical consumers (appliances and devices). Since solar panels produce direct current, an inverter is used to convert direct current to alternating current. In case of increased consumption of electrical energy or prolonged cloudy weather, the electrical energy produced by solar panels and stored in batteries may not be enough. Then the solar panel system for powering a private home or business can automatically switch to a backup source of electrical energy (utility power grid, gasoline or diesel generator).

Advantages of solar panels:

Durability. The resource of the solar panel is not limited, the resource of the charge controller is not limited, the battery life at 30% discharge is about 1200 cycles - 8 years or more.

Automatic operation. The solar power supply system does not require user attention and operates fully automatically.

Does not require maintenance. The solar power system does not require periodic maintenance of the battery, controller, solar panel and inverter.

Versatility. The system allows you to connect almost any electrical appliances AC 220V, 50Hz.

To calculate the power that this system can generate, you need to know: the maximum load power and power consumption per day (month, year or hour and for how long).

Solar panels (solar power plants) can work to add power. This is very important in cases where there are restrictions at the customer’s site or there is simply not enough electricity.


There are many interesting places in Crimea that are located away from coastal resorts and popular tourist routes. And we will tell you about one of these places in our today’s article under the “Interesting about Crimea” section.

Today we will talk about the Crimean solar power plant in the village of Perovo, which is one of the five largest and most powerful solar energy sites in the world.

A few kilometers west of Simferopol, in the middle of the sun-scorched Crimean steppes, the traveler suddenly sees an absolutely incredible picture, as if straight out of a science fiction movie.

This is Perovo - one of the world's largest solar power plants.

The idea to build a solar energy generator in Crimea did not arise by chance. There's plenty of sunshine here! In terms of the number of sunny days, the peninsula is comparable to Australia, and in the territory of the former USSR, in terms of this indicator, few territories can compete with Crimea. In addition to the sun, the peninsula also has plenty of vast, flat spaces - approximately 60% of the territory of Crimea is occupied by the steppe.

The choice of location for the construction of the Crimean solar power plant was wide, but in the end, it was decided to build it near the village of Klyuchi, Perovsky village council, literally a few kilometers west of the Crimean capital. The station appeared in 2011. Its construction was carried out by the Austrian company Activ Solar, one of the leaders in the global solar power market.

The huge mirrors of solar panels installed in Crimea perform their main function every second - converting the energy of sunlight into electrical energy. The total electricity capacity generated by the Crimean solar power plant is 105 megawatts. For a better understanding of this volume, let us explain that the energy generated by the Perovo SES will be enough to cover all the needs of Simferopol, a fairly large city with a population of 340,000 people.

The power plant in Perovo consists of 440 thousand solar photovoltaic modules, which are interconnected by a cable with a total length of 1.5 kilometers. The area occupied by Crimean solar panels is more than 200 hectares or 260 football fields.

The “hottest time” at the power plant in Perovo comes in the summer. It is on hot summer days that the solar panels work here at full capacity. At this time, you won’t envy the workers of the solar station - more than 400 thousand modules heat the already hot atmosphere to the state of a hot frying pan.

By the way, the solar power plant in Perovo, being the largest in Crimea, is nevertheless not the only one on the peninsula. Thus, another large power plant is located in the village of Okhotnikovo in the Saki region. The total capacity of all solar panels in Crimea is 215 MW.

Unfortunately, in the post-Soviet space, solar power engineering is not yet very developed, although the prospects for this area are very, very good, as evidenced by existing world experience.

Many people ask me questions: you’ve probably already looked at all the hydroelectric power stations and thermal power plants, they’re all the same, how are you not tired of them yet? But I still can’t calm down, already, like an energy crunch, collecting stations of its kind, and again and again I ask to visit them, fortunately, there is still somewhere to roam. So this summer, to the detriment of my vacation in Crimea, I asked for another power plant, and not a simple one, but a solar power plant (SES), by the way, it was also my first time at this type of station. I am very happy for the Crimeans that on December 2 the first line of the energy bridge to Crimea was launched, let the set pace continue and they will never have such energy crises again, and the entire energy system of the Republic of Crimea will work like clockwork. It is precisely in this system that SES also play an important role, so today I will show you the very first large photovoltaic station on the peninsula - the Rodnikovoe SES.

SES "Rodnikovoe" is located in the Simferopol region, 3 km from Simferopol, near the village of Rodnikovoe in Crimea. It provides electricity to the nearby villages: Rodnikovo, Arkadyevka, Kubanskoye and Novy Mir. The total capacity of the station is 7.5 megawatts; it produces about 9,700 megawatt-hours of electricity per year.

The site for the construction of a solar power plant here was not chosen by chance. Here, the most optimal level of solar irradiation and the number of hours of sunshine per year were observed, plus the necessary infrastructure, all of which made it possible to launch the station in February 2011 (the first 2.5 MW were launched back in 2010). Due to its launch, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere were reduced to at least 7,842 tons per year. The project operator was the Austrian company Activ Solar GmbH. As I already said, this was the first pilot project, then in Ukraine, after which this story began to scale.

SES "Rodnikovoe" occupies an area of ​​15 hectares, on which 32,600 of these polycrystalline modules produced by Yingli Solar (China), stationary mounted, are installed.

The principle of operation of the station itself is quite simple. All modules are directed strictly south, at an angle of 25 degrees. Solar radiation hitting the module undergoes physical transformation through a diode bridge, where these rays are converted into direct current. Then all this is summed up through series-parallel connection circuits, reaching the inverter with 1000 volts of direct current. Here he already converts this flow into 315 volts alternating current and 50 Hz. Then, using a transformer, they increase it to 10,000 kV and then distribute it into the Krymenergo network.

8. This station is operated by only three people.

10. All dynamics of processes online

Many thanks to the press service of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Republic of Crimea and personally to Drigailo Ksenia for organizing my visit.

More about energy in Crimea:

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