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Presentation on the topic "abilities". Presentation on the topic “Abilities and inclinations” A good presentation on the topic of human abilities

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Development of human abilities Completed by: Kochurova S. A.

THE CONCEPT OF ABILITY When we try to understand and explain why different people, placed in the same or approximately the same conditions, achieve different successes, we turn to the concept of ability, believing that the difference in success can be quite satisfactorily explained by them. Abilities are something that cannot be reduced to knowledge, skills and abilities, but explains (ensures) their rapid acquisition, consolidation and efficient use on practice. This definition is now accepted and most common. It is the narrowest and most accurate.

The conditions and prerequisites for the development of a person’s social abilities are the following circumstances of his life: 1. The presence of society, a socio-cultural environment created by the work of many generations of people. 2. Lack of natural abilities to use relevant objects and the need to learn this from childhood. 3. The need to participate in various complex and highly organized types of human activity. 4. The presence of educated and civilized people around a person from birth. 5. The absence from birth of a person of rigid, programmed structures of behavior such as innate instincts.

DEVELOPMENT OF ABILITIES 1. Initial stage of development of abilities. The primary stage in the development of any such ability is associated with the maturation of the organic structures necessary for it or with the formation on their basis of the necessary functional organs. It usually refers to preschool childhood, covering the period of a child’s life from birth to 6-7 years.

2. Conditions for the early manifestation of abilities in children. The formation of special abilities actively begins already in preschool childhood and continues at an accelerated pace in school, especially in the lower and middle grades. At first, the development of these abilities is helped by various kinds of children’s games, then educational and work activities begin to have a significant influence on them. In children's games, many motor, design, organizational, artistic, visual, and other creative abilities receive an initial impetus for development. Moreover, an important feature of games is that, as a rule, they develop not just one, but a whole complex of abilities at once.

3. Factors favorable to the accelerated development of abilities. An important point in the development of children's abilities there is complexity, i.e. simultaneous improvement of several mutually complementary abilities. It is practically impossible to develop any one of the abilities without taking care of increasing the level of development of other abilities associated with it.

4. Psychological requirements for activities that shape human abilities. The versatility and variety of activities in which a person is simultaneously involved acts as one of the most important conditions for the comprehensive and diversified development of his abilities. In this regard, it is necessary to discuss the basic requirements that apply to activities that develop human abilities. These requirements are the following: the creative nature of the activity, the optimal level of difficulty for the performer, proper motivation and ensuring a positive emotional mood during and after the completion of the activity.

5. Abilities and interests. An essential factor in the development of human abilities is stable special interests. Special interests are interests in the content of a certain area of ​​human activity, which develop into a tendency to professionally engage in this type of activity. Cognitive interest here stimulates effective mastery of techniques and methods of activity. The strengthened interests of a child are a “litmus test” of his abilities, a signal that should make others wonder whether nascent abilities are making themselves felt. For a teenager, these interests take on the character of short-term, albeit passionate, hobbies. The diverse and often quickly fading interests characteristic of adolescence and adolescence play an important role in identifying the abilities of a developing personality.

Essence of Abilities

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"Capabilities. Types of abilities. Conditions for the development of abilities" A person capable of surprise and learning, able to find the right solution in non-standard situations, aimed at discovering something new - will have to create our future / Fromm /

Abilities are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person, associated with the success of performing any activity, but not reducible to knowledge, skills and abilities.

Inherited abilities Father and son are military Father and son are doctors Father and son are musicians

Abilities are a manifestation of a person’s talent in any type of activity.

TYPES OF ABILITIES 1) Natural (natural) abilities - They are common to humans and animals: perception, memory, ability to basic communication. These abilities are directly related to innate abilities. On the basis of these inclinations, in a person, with basic life experience, through learning mechanisms, specific abilities are formed. 2) Specific abilities: - General: determine a person’s success in various types activities. - Special: determine a person’s success in specific types of activities, the implementation of which requires inclinations of a special kind and their development.

Levels of development of abilities Inclinations - Abilities. Giftedness – Mastery – Talent – ​​Genius – high level development of special abilities. highest level of development. a unique combination of abilities that provides a person with the opportunity to successfully perform any activity. natural prerequisites of abilities. excellence in a specific activity. Match

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Abilities in the structure of individuality. Abilities - individual psychological characteristics,
which are a condition for successful
implementation of certain
Activity comes first
ability breakdown and condition
their development.
According to B.M. Teplov: abilities are what is not
comes down to knowledge, skills and abilities, but
explains (ensures) their quick
acquisition, consolidation and effective
use in practice.

An important component of abilities
is increased motivation to
activities. She provides
intense activity
necessary for development

There are several concepts of abilities


By number and
General (mental, academic,
Special (mathematical, musical)
According to the composition,
Elementary (sensations, eye, musical hearing)
Difficult (educational, work, communication)
By level
Leading, occupying the main role in
Auxiliary, subordinate
Reproductive (ability to act
according to the sample)
Creative (ability to create new things)

Types of abilities: educational, creative, intellectual, and special

Academic ability determines
success of training and education, assimilation
a person of knowledge, skills, abilities,
formation of personality qualities.
Creativity is promoted
creation of material and spiritual objects
culture, production of new ideas, discoveries
and works, in a word - individual
creativity in various fields
human activity.

Intellectual ability is defined as
individually unique personality trait,
which is a condition for the success of the solution
specific task (problem): ability
reveal the meanings of words, build
a spatial figure from given elements,
identify patterns in a series of numbers and
geometric images, etc.
Special abilities determine success
person in specific types of activities, for
the implementation of which requires the makings of a special
species and their development. Such abilities can be
include musical, mathematical,
linguistic, technical, literary,
artistic and creative, sports and others.

Levels of ability development and individual differences:


Formation of abilities. Development of natural abilities.

The formation of abilities occurs on
based on innate abilities.
Makings - congenital anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nervous
systems, brain, components of natural
the basis for the development of abilities.
In abilities are inextricably intertwined
natural (inclinations) and acquired
person in the process of activity
(social). Plays a leading role
social factor.

Limits of deposits according to Langmeyer

Dependence of musical abilities in children on musical
parents' talents
Not at all musical
Both are musical
Both are unmusical

Nature of activity
External environment
Internal environment
Sensitive periods of development - periods of ontogenetic
developments in which the developing organism is especially
sensitive to certain types of environmental influences

Direct communication between infants and adults
Object-manipulative activities in early childhood
Role-playing game for preschoolers
Educational activities of junior schoolchildren
Socially useful activities of teenagers
Professional and educational activities in early youth
Labor activity during adulthood (maturity)

Individual characteristics

t and
Will and

LITERATURE Yu.B. Hippernreiter. Introduction to general psychology. M., 1996, with R.S. Nemov. Psychology. M., 1995, 1, S Ilyin E.P. Psychology. – St. Petersburg, M., 2004, C General psychology./ E.I. Rogov. M., 1995, C Gifted children. / G.V. Burmenskaya and V.M. Slutsky. M., 1991.

B.M. Teplov identified the following 3 features of the concept “ability”: 1. Abilities are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another. 2. Abilities relate to the success of performing any activity. 3. Abilities are not limited to the knowledge that a person has developed.

Evidence of innate abilities 1) Manifestation of abilities in early childhood; Mozart - abilities were discovered at 3 years old, composer Haydn - 4 years old, mathematician Gauss - 4 years old. 3-year-old Kim Yun Wan (Korea) spoke 3 languages ​​fluently and played chess. At the end of 3 months – 19 teeth. First words - at 4 months, at 5 - to walk, at 6 - to walk independently, at 7 months - to read, write, play chess. At the beginning of the 2nd year - speak English, after a month - in German, after another 2 months - in Chinese.

Evidence of acquired abilities 1) Application effective technologies learning allows you to develop the abilities of all children. In Moscow, music teacher M.P. Kravets taught musically incapable students and sometimes brought them to the level of a music conservatory;

Many scientists agree that inclinations are innate, and abilities are acquired. Makings are features of the structure of the brain, sensory organs, organs of movement, given to everyone from birth (the makings of a singer - vocal apparatus; fashion models - appearance, etc.) Makings are the innate basis of abilities.

2. Types of abilities There are several classifications of abilities. 1. By demonstrating abilities in many or one type of activity: 1) general abilities that allow you to successfully perform not one, but several types of activities (mental, practical, communication, etc.); 2) special abilities that allow you to successfully perform a certain type of activity (musical, culinary, technical, etc.);

3. According to the scale of development: 1) giftedness - a high level of development of abilities; 2) talent - the level of development of abilities that allows you to implement a deeply original creative activity; 3) genius - a combination of talents that allows a genius to determine in a certain activity of global significance historical era, culture.

You have to be born a genius. But they are not always born to talented parents. Otherwise, the children of geniuses would also be geniuses. Moreover, in many families of several children there may be one talented, and the rest are just ordinary. /For example, of all the Tolstoy brothers, only Lev Nikolaevich became a genius, and of the 14 Mendeleev brothers and sisters, only Dmitry Ivanovich; Of the three Pavlov brothers, only the physiologist Ivan Petrovich/.
3. The concept of the structure of abilities. The structure of pedagogical abilities A person’s abilities for certain activities are a set of psychological qualities that have a complex structure. This structure distinguishes leading and subordinate qualities. The structure of abilities is a set of psychological qualities that ensure success in a certain activity.

Structure of pedagogical abilities Leading abilities: - love for children, - desire to communicate with children, - communicative - ability to communicate, - academic - ability to teach the subject, - didactic - ability to make educational material accessible to children, captivate educational material; - perceptual - the ability to understand children, - meaningfulness and brightness of speech, - organizational skills, etc. Auxiliary: visual, musical, acting, etc.