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Presentation on juvenile delinquency powerpoint. Teenage crime. Reasons that contribute to the development of a minor on the criminal path Negative influence of the family Negative influence. Abstract for the presentation

general characteristics crimesCrime
is composite
in general and has its own

Features of juvenile delinquency:

High degree
Close connection with
adult crime;
aggressiveness and

Juvenile crime statistics

In 2013 in Unified register pre-trial
15,789 investigations registered
criminal offenses including:
Grave and especially grave – 7,318;

moderate severity is 2,456;
Number of criminal offenses
light severity – 3,677;
number of intentional murders – 1422;
Intentional grievous bodily harm
damage – 648;
Serious bodily harm,
the consequences of which are death
victim, – 268;

Crimes committed by teenagers:

1. Burglary
2. "Mobile"
crimes: theft,
robbery, fraud.
3. Illegal
acquisition and
drug production
4. Serious bodily

5. Robbery attacks
6. Murders and attempted murders
7.Rape, prostitution

Causes of teenage crime

1) A sharp deterioration in the economic situation and
increased tension in society.
2) Job cuts.
3) Catastrophic situation with the organization
leisure time for children.

Often young offenders, finding themselves in
the dock, actively guilty for his
they seek to blame the fall on
those around him: “I was raised poorly, they say,
That’s how I became.” And not a word about my own

How to explain the teenage outburst
fear of death
- fear for one's own
life that

What causes fear of death syndrome?

Crimes are committed by:
Difficult children;
Teenagers from disadvantaged families;
Teenagers with low cognitive levels

Children with dominant negative
With a disturbed psyche
Mentally retarded.

Liability legislation
By general rule teenagers are held criminally liable
who have reached 16 years of age. But for socially dangerous acts you can be punished from the age of 14

In one of the books there are these words: “You will never
understand the causes of delinquency among teenagers,
if you do not understand one very important truth:

negative influences
can be very
strong, the situation in
the family is simply unbearable,
but still in the end
chooses how to behave
a teenager himself. And if he
committed a crime
that means he repeatedly
stepped over his
conscience. Nobody has
the right to remove him
responsibility for his

Municipal government educational institution “Secondary school No. 2 r.p. Samoilovka, Samoilovsky district, Saratov region" Crimes committed by teenagers

  • Report of the teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2, Samoilovka, Saratov Region” Polkovnichenko Z.V.
General characteristics of crimes
  • Juvenile delinquency is integral part crime in general and has its own characteristics. Compared to an adult, she is distinguished by a high degree of activity and dynamism. People who take the path of crime at a young age are difficult to correct and re-educate and represent a reserve for adult crime. There is a trend of “rejuvenation” of juvenile crime, and often crimes are committed by minors who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility. There is a significant increase in female juvenile crime.
Child crime statistics
  • Child crime – 9.6%
  • The rate of crimes committed by girls increased from 11% to 14%.
  • The number of teenage girls registered with the police reached 50.6 thousand (2001)
2 groups of criminals:
  • 1) 13 – 15 years – teenage years
  • 2) 16 – 17 years old - minors
What crimes do teenagers commit?
  • 1. Burglary
  • 2. “Mobile” crimes: thefts, robberies, fraud.
  • 3. Illegal acquisition and manufacture of drugs
  • 4. Serious bodily harm
  • 5. Robbery attacks
  • 5. Murders and attempted murders
  • 6.Rape, prostitution
  • 7.Extortion
Crime statistics
  • 1991 – 570,000 teenagers
  • 2001 – 1,140,000 teenagers
  • 310,000 – teenagers barely 13 years old
  • Group crime – 70%
  • 295,000 did not work or study anywhere
  • 45,000 are generally illiterate
  • Over the past 5 years the following have increased:
  • murders and attempted murders – 2 times
  • robberies – 1.5 times (annually – more than 15,000 robberies)
  • illegal acquisition and production of drugs – 2.4 times
How can we explain the outbreak of teenage crime and cruelty?
  • Fear of death syndrome is fear for one’s life, which causes anger, violence, and cruelty.
What causes fear of death syndrome?
  • Watching thrillers.
  • Foreign cartoons.
  • Computer games.
Causes of teenage crime
  • 1) A sharp deterioration in the economic situation and increased tension in society.
  • 2) Job cuts.
  • 3) The situation with the organization of children's leisure time is catastrophic.
  • 4) Lack of culture, artistic taste, underdeveloped interests.
  • 5) Education in dysfunctional families where there are quarrels, scandals, drunkenness and debauchery.
  • 6) Shortcomings in the activities of the bodies entrusted with the fight against juvenile delinquency.
Questions for the audience:
  • 1) What do you think makes children from wealthy families commit crimes? What do they lack in life?
  • 2) Who is to blame for the fact that they become like this?
  • 3) What surrounded their soul with such an impenetrable and dense wall that even compassion and empathy could not seep through it?
  • 4) Do you think it is worth introducing control over television distribution, so that films like the one bought in Krasnoyarsk do not end up in circulation?
  • 5) Do you think the law should treat juvenile offenders: a) more humanely
  • b) more severe
  • Often young offenders, once in the dock, actively seek to place the blame for their fall on those around them: “I was raised poorly, so I became like this.” And not a word about his own guilt.
  • In one of the books there are the following words: “You will never understand the reasons for delinquency among teenagers if you do not understand one very important truth: negative influences can be very strong, the situation in the family is simply unbearable, but still in the end it is up to you to choose how to behave.” , a teenager himself. And if he committed a crime, it means that he repeatedly stepped over his conscience. No one has the right to relieve him of responsibility for his decisions.
  • The person himself is responsible for his actions! »
summary of other presentations

“Basic concepts of family law” - Deprivation and limitation of parental rights. Protection of parents' rights. Registration procedure. Death of one of the spouses. Family law. Family relationships. Family law. Property rights. Protection of parental rights. Nullity of marriage. Family legal relations. Family law is a branch of law. The invalidity of a marriage can be recognized by a court. Conditions for marriage. Protecting the rights and interests of children.

"Justice" - Justice in modern Russia. Judicial reform of 1864. Powers of the arbitration court. Powers of the Constitutional Court. Jury trial. Powers of the Supreme Court. Arbitration court. Cases of property disputes. Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. Principles of administration of justice in the Russian Federation. The place of the prosecutor's office in the law enforcement system. Administrative matters. Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Arbitration courts. Justices of the peace.

“The concept of environmental law” - Functions of environmental law. Who owns the subsoil in the Russian Federation? What environmental regulations regulate. Environmental violations. Select signs of a favorable environment. What environmental right is enshrined in the Constitution? Environment. Match objects and images. What distinguishes a crime from a misdemeanor. Regulatory framework. Arrange them in the correct order by degree of subordination.

“Civil family law” - Legal relationship between family members. Goals and objectives of the lesson. Getting married. Parents. Divorce. Responsibilities of spouses. Conclusions. Rights of spouses. Family law. Rights and responsibilities of children. Circumstances preventing marriage.

“Fundamentals of Law” - Law and Religion. Types of legal norms. Legal custom. Judgment. Labor law. Apartheid. Normative act. Labor law standards. Universal regulator of social relations. Conditions for the emergence of civil legal relations. Child. Change civil rights. Spheres of society. Agreement. Latin saying. Sources of law. Documents protecting human rights. Infringement of rights. Basic rights of the child.

“Teenage Crime” - Teenage crime rate. Juvenile delinquency. Teenage crime. Rashid Nurgaliev. What pushes teenagers to commit crimes? Family is “home”. Analysis of student responses. Evidence of conduct disorder. Difficulty communicating with parents. Parable. Reasons affecting a teenager. Media influence. Family.

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Abstract for the presentation

Presentation work designed to conduct explanatory conversations among teenagers on the topic of delinquency and juvenile delinquency. The author of the work cites statistics and tries to explain to the audience how easy it is to ruin the lives of yourself and those around you.

  • Crimes committed by teenagers
  • Crime statistics
  • Questions for the audience


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Polkovnichenko Z.V.






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

Slide 2

General characteristics of crimes

Juvenile delinquency is an integral part of crime in general and has its own characteristics. Compared to an adult, she is distinguished by a high degree of activity and dynamism. People who take the path of crime at a young age are difficult to correct and re-educate and represent a reserve for adult crime. There is a trend of “rejuvenation” of juvenile crime, and often crimes are committed by minors who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility. There is a significant increase in female juvenile crime.

Slide 3

Child crime statistics

  • Child crime – 9.6%
  • The rate of crimes committed by girls increased from 11% to 14%.
  • The number of teenage girls registered with the police reached 50.6 thousand (2001)
  • Slide 4

    2 groups of criminals:

    1) 13 – 15 years – teenage years

    2) 16 – 17 years old - minors

    Slide 5

    What crimes do teenagers commit?

    1. Burglary

    2. “Mobile” crimes: thefts, robberies, fraud.

    3. Illegal acquisition and manufacture of drugs

    4. Serious bodily harm

    5. Robbery attacks

    5. Murders and attempted murders

    6.Rape, prostitution


    Slide 6

    Crime statistics

    1991 – 570,000 teenagers

    2001 – 1,140,000 teenagers

    310,000 – teenagers barely 13 years old

    Group crime – 70%

    295,000 did not work or study anywhere

    45,000 are generally illiterate

    Over the past 5 years the following have increased:

    • murders and attempted murders – 2 times
    • robberies – 1.5 times (annually – more than 15,000 robberies)
    • illegal acquisition and production of drugs – 2.4 times
  • Slide 7

    How can we explain the outbreak of teenage crime and cruelty?

    Fear of death syndrome is fear for one’s life, which causes anger, violence, and cruelty.

    Slide 8

    What causes fear of death syndrome?

    • Watching thrillers.
    • Foreign cartoons.
    • Computer games.
  • Slide 9

    Causes of teenage crime

    1) A sharp deterioration in the economic situation and increased tension in society.

    2) Job cuts.

    3) The situation with the organization of children's leisure time is catastrophic.

    4) Lack of culture, artistic taste, underdeveloped interests.

    5) Growing up in dysfunctional families, where there are quarrels, scandals, drunkenness and debauchery.

    6) Shortcomings in the activities of the bodies entrusted with the fight against juvenile delinquency.

    Slide 10

    Questions for the audience:

    1) What do you think makes children from wealthy families commit crimes? What do they lack in life?

    2) Who is to blame for the fact that they become like this?

    3) What surrounded their soul with such an impenetrable and dense wall that even compassion and empathy could not seep through it?

    4) Do you think it is worth introducing control over television distribution, so that films like the one bought in Krasnoyarsk do not end up in circulation?

    5) Do you think the law should treat juvenile offenders: a) more humanely

    b) more severe

    Slide 11


    Often young offenders, once in the dock, actively seek to place the blame for their fall on those around them: “I was raised poorly, so I became like this.” And not a word about his own guilt.

    In one of the books there are the following words: “You will never understand the reasons for delinquency among teenagers if you do not understand one very important truth: negative influences can be very strong, the situation in the family is simply unbearable, but still in the end it is up to you to choose how to behave.” , a teenager himself. And if he committed a crime, it means that he repeatedly stepped over his conscience. No one has the right to relieve him of responsibility for his decisions.

    The person himself is responsible for his actions! »

    View all slides


    Report on the topic:


    Polkovnichenko Z.V.

    theft. robbery

    Most often "youngsters" steal cars


    �PAGE � �PAGE �2�

    Municipal state educational institution “Secondary school No. 2 r.p. Samoilovka, Samoilovsky district, Saratov region"

    Report on the topic:

    "Crimes committed by teenagers."


    Polkovnichenko Z.V.

    Juvenile delinquency is an integral part of crime in general, but also has its own specific characteristics, which allows us to consider it as an independent object of criminological study. The need for such a distinction is determined by the characteristics of the somatic, mental and

    moral development of minors, as well as their social immaturity. In adolescence and adolescence, at the time of moral formation of the individual, there is an accumulation of experience, including negative ones, which may not be externally detected or appear with a significant delay. Juvenile crime compared to adults is characterized by a high degree of activity and dynamism. People who take the path of committing crimes at a young age are difficult to correct and re-educate and represent a reserve for adult crime. On average in Russia, child crime is 9.6%. (According to statistics for 2001)

    There is a trend of “rejuvenation” of juvenile delinquency, an increase in the criminal activity of children younger ages, and often crimes are committed by minors who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility.

    Currently, there is a significant increase in female juvenile crime. Behind last years its pace increased.

    There has been an increase in crimes committed by minors, both male and female, due to drunkenness, substance abuse and drug addiction. Teenagers abuse drugs 7.5 times more often and intoxicants 12 times more often than adults. There is a tendency for “drunken” crime to become younger. Every fifth crime is committed by minors under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    The proportion of pre-prepared, sophisticated and technically equipped juvenile crimes is increasing. As a rule, such crimes are group crimes. In recent years, the share of minors who have committed crimes as part of groups has consistently exceeded 70%.

    When determining the age characteristics of criminals, criminologists usually divide minors into the following groups: 13-15 years old - teenagers, 16-17 years old - minors.

    What crimes do teenagers commit?

    The most common crime remains theft. The second most common crime among minors is such a serious crime against property as robbery. Every year, more than 15 thousand teenagers are convicted under this article. It is impossible not to see that there is an active process of involving teenagers in the criminal business, in extortion, and in prostitution.

    The number of teenagers brought to the police for various offenses in 2001 exceeded 1 million 140 thousand. Ten years ago there were exactly half as many of them. Among those delivered, 310 thousand were teenagers barely 13 years old. 295 thousand did not work or study anywhere, and 45 thousand turned out to be completely illiterate. At the same time, the number of minors who committed crimes has more than doubled murders and attempted murders, 1.5 times - robberies committed by minors, 2.4 times - minors detained for illegal acquisition and manufacture of drugs. The number of children suffering from syphilis, other sexually transmitted diseases, and AIDS has increased tenfold.

    Most often "youngsters" steal cars. And not for the sake of profit, but to have fun. Two teenagers, Nikulenko and Tarasenko, decided to pick up their girlfriends from the disco. They put them in a stolen car. When leaving Moscow, traffic police officers tried to detain them. The criminals increased their speed, lost control and flew into a ditch. Having escaped with a slight fright, we got out of the car and went home. During interrogation, Nikulenko denied everything, Tarasenko, on the contrary, immediately began to testify. Both were released on their own recognizance. Late in the evening at the police station from the hospital named after. Sklifosovsky received a telephone message - Tarasenko was taken there with a broken head. The accomplice “tried” - he punished his friend for being too talkative. At the confrontation, both admitted everything. They are now serving their sentences in prison.

    Another case. A graduate went out late at night to get some fresh air on the eve of a school exam. At first glance, there is nothing strange about this. Something else is strange: the boy went and stole a neighbor’s car. He was detained by police near Istra. During interrogation, he repented of what he had done. He was released on his own recognizance. But that was not the case: at night he stole a car again. He explained his amazing act to the investigator by saying that he owed his friend 2,000 rubles. and “I wanted to slowly remove the tires for sale and immediately put the car back in place.” The boy is completely normal - not a drug addict, not a member of the CDN. He was again released on his own recognizance. Soon the whole district knew about his “exploits,” and the hero boasted that he was not afraid of the police, because they wouldn’t put him in prison anyway. I hoped in vain - they imprisoned me.

    Very common among minors crimes related to mobile communications. These include thefts, robberies, and fraud. Half of the criminal cases under investigation involve cell phones.

    Here is one example. A group of teenagers was engaged in robbery. The youths waited at the entrance for younger guys, stopped in the elevator between floors and took their phones, and then, having dropped off their victims on one of the floors, disappeared. Excessive self-confidence let young criminals down. They managed to commit another crime near a police stronghold. The robbed children were not at a loss and called their friend, who was waiting for them on the street. He, without wasting time, rushed to the local police officer. Then there was a real chase. When help arrived, called by the local police officer on the radio, one of the criminals had already been detained. The police were lucky: they caught the one who had the stolen phone.

    It's no secret that most of the used phones that are sold second-hand are stolen. There is no control over companies selling used goods. As long as the shady business continues to thrive, the robberies will continue.

    IN Lately Such a seemingly good cause as sports sections, especially various martial arts schools, also became a problem. Often guys don't go there to learn how to defend themselves. They want to learn how to win in a fight. Examples, unfortunately, are not isolated. In one of the schools, a boy involved in the sambo sports section beat up a younger one during recess. At this time, the duty officer was walking along the corridor. He tried to reason with the aggressor, but he, without thinking twice, held an appointment, and the guy ended up in the hospital. He will never be able to lift more than 3 kg with the affected arm. Another case. 2 classmates quarreled. One of them, who turned out to be a young athlete, dealt only 2 blows to the enemy - to the jaw and to the temple. As a result, the injured child spent almost a month in the hospital with a moderate concussion. The athlete never understood what his fault was. By the way, this did not save him from punishment.

    Sometimes even investigators with considerable experience are amazed by the cunning and ingenuity of juvenile criminals. A brother and sister (15 and 12 years old) from a large family came up with a plan to quickly and easily get rich. The girl found out where her classmate’s mother was hiding a large sum of money. They invited a friend to go for a walk with them and started playing with keys on the street. As a result, pretending that the keys were lost, they left to look for their friend and went to her apartment. And along the way, they didn’t forget to stop at the pharmacy and buy rubber gloves. After the theft, they calmly planted the keys in the place where they were “lost.” The stolen amount turned out to be quite impressive. The juvenile delinquents honestly gave part of the money to their mother for food. When they were caught, there was no money left, only two mobile phones, which they bought for themselves immediately after the theft.

    Recently, cases have become more frequent when juvenile criminals lure the keys to apartments from their victims with the help of intoxicating substances. For example, they invite girls from rich families to a party, where they drink plenty of beer, after adding some powder. When the victim ceases to adequately perceive the surrounding reality, they take out the keys and make duplicates, and then calmly put them in their place. The rest is a matter of technique.

    Another amazing incident. The boy stole the keys from his classmate. And for a long period, while the apartment was empty, he visited there for “salary.” It is not known how long this would have continued if the thief had not been let down by ordinary greed and extraordinary self-confidence. One day, without waiting for his classmate’s mother to leave, he called her from the intercom and said that his son had been hit by a car. The mother, in a state of shock, rushed to the indicated place, but found neither her son nor any traces of the incident. I rushed to school. It turned out that the boy, alive and healthy, calmly went home a few minutes ago. During this time, the young thief managed to visit the apartment.

    The main feature of juvenile crimes is extreme cruelty that goes beyond the bounds of reason. An adult criminal, at least, thinks about the correspondence between the goals and the means to achieve them. A bandit with a fuzz on his face - another thing - got hit in the head and grabbed a knife. He needs to assert himself not only in front of himself, but also in front of his friends. Here are some examples. A man came to the Gulkevichi district police department of the Krasnodar Territory. He was on the verge of insanity. His son, fifth-grader Arthur, disappeared. Didn't come home from school. Late in the evening, a letter was thrown under the door of the apartment: “If you want to see Arthur, send 10 thousand bucks.” A few days later, the extortionist was found - an eleven-year-old idiot sniffling in front of the investigator.

    He told it this way: he studied in the same class with Arthur, he knew that his parents were not from the poor. I decided that I needed to shake up the old people. How? Yes, very simple. Like in the movies. They lured Arthur to the river bank, they wanted to intimidate him, but they overdid it - the blow with a hammer turned out to be fatal.

    There are many similar cases. One is scarier than the other. Here's another example. A fifteen-year-old boy went to the “wet job”. He killed a friend. For what? Yes, I wanted to try: what it’s like to kill... The police calculated: Timofey inflicted 52 stabs with a knife... The psychiatrists’ conclusion is clear: we are absolutely sane, absolutely healthy.

    Girls don't lag behind boys. When sorting things out, they may well use their fists, or even something more significant. Two girlfriends decided to get money and chose their classmate as a victim. Extorting 5,000 rubles, they brutally beat her. The girl was taken to the hospital. When the criminals were interrogated, they did not have a drop of remorse. And one of them even said: “If I leave the colony, I’ll beat her again.”

    How can we explain the outbreak of crime, the outbreak of cruelty? There is an opinion of psychologists. They talk about the so-called fear of death syndrome. This is fear for your life, it is precisely what causes anger, cruelty, and violence. The “fear of death” among children today is high. And they are ready to take revenge for this. No surprise! What do we see when we spend hours watching TV? Violence, cruelty, anger. Where this leads is clear to everyone. Here is a message from the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Friends watched the thriller for a couple of weeks and got hooked. They caught a six-year-old girl and began to do what the monster taught them from the TV screen... Psychologists are convinced: not only after such films, but also after the destruction of cartoons and computer games, in which the main goal is to kill as many virtual human beings as possible, adolescents develop fear, which is most easily overcome through violence.

    According to psychologists and sociologists, the lack of culture, artistic taste, underdeveloped interests - all this leads to an increase in teenage crime. Research shows that more than 2/3 of juvenile delinquents were brought up in families where quarrels, scandals, mutual insults, drunkenness and debauchery were constantly present. Every 8-10 repeat offenders who embarked on a criminal path at an early age were involved in drinking and committing crimes by their parents, older brothers, and close relatives.

    In addition, a dysfunctional family has a negative impact not only on its own members, but also on other adolescents with whom their children are friends.

    Thus, there is a process of “infection” of adolescents who do not directly belong to this family.

    It is not only children from disadvantaged families who become criminals. Those who have a full house and everything is fine with their parents also become criminals.

    That day they gathered to take revenge on 13-year-old Dashka. Seven children aged from 13 to 15 years, four boys and three girls, a strong bunch, led by 15-year-old Igor, the son of a prominent scientist, a candidate for gold medalist. They wanted to teach their friend a lesson. That's all. But it ended in murder. Why was a 13-year-old girl deprived of her life? The reason is more prosaic: the girl belonged to the company, where she became “everyone’s girl.” But one day she broke the rules cheerful company. 15-year-old Igor became furious: “their girl” has no right to sleep with others. He planned revenge. She stood in the snow without a fur coat or hat and begged them for only one thing: “Don’t kill!” She still believed that they would not go all the way. That they will leave her life... "Piss!" - shouted 15-year-old Tamara, who was afraid that Dashka would “pawn” them. This cry decided everything. And it was no longer possible to make out whose heel or whose snag was hitting Dashka’s stomach, her bloody face turned into a bloody mess, her head, which the girl covered with her hands…. Then they buried the corpse in a snowdrift and went to the disco. Unwind, dance, relieve stress. Their company included the children of businessmen, bosses, and economists. Cool guys, packed in imported clothes, with houses full set Western comfort, who managed to visit London and “for language practice” vacationed in the Canary Islands and Cyprus….

    What are the causes of juvenile delinquency?

    In recent years, a strong opinion has emerged that the main reason for juvenile delinquency and its rapid growth is the sharp deterioration of the economic situation and increased tension in society. The second reason is job cuts. This has led to a reduction in the possibilities of getting a job. The next reason is the catastrophic situation with the organization of leisure for children and adolescents at their place of residence.

    The aggravation of problems of family dysfunction against the general background of poverty and constant need, the moral and social degradation occurring in families lead to extreme negative consequences. The reasons for pathological development lie in the immorality of the parents. Violence towards each other and towards their children flourishes in these families. And as a direct consequence of this - rapid growth extremely dangerous violent crimes committed by teenagers and even children. Cruelty begets cruelty.

    To conditions conducive to criminal behavior of minors,

    There are also shortcomings in the activities of the bodies charged with combating juvenile delinquency.

    What is our portrait of a juvenile criminal? I'll draw it. Every third teenager who committed a crime lived or lives in a family where there are previously convicted criminals, every second - in an incomplete family, i.e. They are all deprived of parental love and attention.

    And further. Often young offenders, once in the dock, very actively seek to place the blame for their fall on those around them: “I was raised poorly, so I became like this.” And not a word about one’s own guilt or awareness of responsibility for one’s actions can be expected here. Maybe that's true? Is the cold environment to blame? In one of the books there are the following words: “You will never understand the reasons for delinquency among teenagers if you do not understand one very important truth: negative influences can be very strong, the situation in the family is simply unbearable, but still in the end he chooses how to behave.” lead, a teenager himself. And if he committed a crime, it means that he repeatedly stepped over his conscience. No one has the right to relieve him of responsibility for his decisions. The person himself is responsible for his actions!”


    Magazine “Education of Schoolchildren” No. 2 2005

    Magazine “Education of Schoolchildren” No. 3 2000

    N.I. Vetrov. Prevention of violations among youth. M., 1980 p.130

    Slide 1

    Crimes committed by teenagers Report of the teacher of the Municipal Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2, Samoilovka, Saratov Region” Polkovnichenko Z.V.

    Slide 2

    General characteristics of crimes Juvenile crime is an integral part of crime in general and has its own characteristics. Compared to an adult, she is distinguished by a high degree of activity and dynamism. People who take the path of crime at a young age are difficult to correct and re-educate and represent a reserve for adult crime. There is a trend of “rejuvenation” of juvenile crime, and often crimes are committed by minors who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility. There is a significant increase in female juvenile crime.

    Slide 3

    Child crime statistics Child crime - 9.6% The rate of crimes committed by girls increased from 11% to 14%. The number of teenage girls registered with the police reached 50.6 thousand (2001)

    Slide 4

    2 groups of criminals: 1) 13 – 15 years old – teenagers and minors 2) 16 – 17 years old – minors

    Slide 5

    What crimes do teenagers commit? 1. Burglary 2. “Mobile” crimes: theft, robbery, fraud. 3. Illegal purchase and manufacture of drugs 4. Serious bodily harm 5. Robbery 5. Murder and attempted murder 6. Rape, prostitution 7. Extortion

    Slide 6

    Crime statistics 1991 - 570,000 teenagers 2001 - 1,140,000 teenagers 310,000 - teenagers barely 13 years old Group crime - 70% 295,000 did not work or study anywhere 45,000 - generally illiterate Over the past 5 years, there has been an increase in: murders and attempted murders murders – 2 times; robberies – 1.5 times (annually – more than 15,000 robberies) illegal acquisition and manufacture of drugs – 2.4 times

    Slide 7

    How can we explain the outbreak of teenage crime and cruelty? Fear of death syndrome is fear for one’s life, which causes anger, violence, and cruelty.

    Slide 8

    What causes fear of death syndrome? Watching thrillers. Foreign cartoons. Computer games.

    Slide 9

    Causes of teenage crime 1) A sharp deterioration in the economic situation and increased tension in society. 2) Job cuts. 3) The situation with the organization of children's leisure time is catastrophic. 4) Lack of culture, artistic taste, underdeveloped interests. 5) Growing up in dysfunctional families, where there are quarrels, scandals, drunkenness and debauchery. 6) Shortcomings in the activities of the bodies entrusted with the fight against juvenile delinquency.

    Slide 10

    Questions for the audience: 1) What do you think makes children from wealthy families commit crimes? What do they lack in life? 2) Who is to blame for the fact that they become like this? 3) What surrounded their soul with such an impenetrable and dense wall that even compassion and empathy could not seep through it? 4) Do you think it is worth introducing control over television distribution, so that films like the one bought in Krasnoyarsk do not end up in circulation? 5) Do you think the law should treat juvenile offenders: a) more humanely b) more harshly

    Slide 11

    In conclusion Often young offenders, once in the dock, actively seek to place the blame for their fall on those around them: “I was raised poorly, so I became like this.” And not a word about his own guilt. In one of the books there are the following words: “You will never understand the reasons for delinquency among teenagers if you do not understand one very important truth: negative influences can be very strong, the situation in the family is simply unbearable, but still in the end it is up to you to choose how to behave.” , a teenager himself. And if he committed a crime, it means that he repeatedly stepped over his conscience. No one has the right to relieve him of responsibility for his decisions. The person himself is responsible for his actions! »