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Do-it-yourself constant electricity from static electricity. DIY free energy generator: diagram. How to get free energy with your own hands

Bauman Testatika machine (Dystatica, ML-machine) is an excellent example operating free energy generator, built in a workshop with your own hands, when the person’s hands and head are in place. Basically, it is a motor-generator that uses static electricity to generate electricity.

The generator gained fame after being published in the media.

In the spiritual community of Methernita, Linden in Switzerland, devices have been operating since the 1980s that generate 220 Volts for the household needs of the village. The total power of the systems is more than 750 Kilowatt. The inventor named his device the Swiss M-L converter, Thesta-Distatica, and stated that he received a description of the design and operating principles during meditation.

From a technical point of view, the device is a modernized Wimshurst electrophoric generator, the disks of which are capable of constantly rotating due to the forces of electrostatic interaction. The design also includes permanent magnets. A machine with a disc diameter of 20 centimeters produces about 200 watts of power. The large machine has discs with a diameter of 2 meters and produces about 30 watts.

Details of the design description can be obtained from the Swiss Free Energy Association. The project is being developed by a group of researchers at Methernita, CH 3517, Linden, Switzerland. It is based on a Wimshurst electrostatic generator, which uses steel or aluminum segments. It is noted that when using permanent horseshoe magnets in the modern version of the converter, the EMF increases significantly. A special diode module and Leyden jars provide frequency regulation through resonance as they are connected to the coils of horseshoe magnets.

The generator uses the principle of static amplification. The machine is quite simple, it can be assembled at home. It is quite possible to obtain a power of 10-20 kW, which is more than enough for household needs.

Offered instructions for making a generator in a simplified version with your own hands. The machine turns out much simpler if you do not convert the energy into a voltage of 220 V 50 Hz, but immediately use it, for example, for heating. Making a generator does not require much knowledge of electronics.

You can make a generator that is powered by daylight. This is an excellent analogue of a solar panel, but the main advantage of such a generator is a minimum of materials, low cost and ease of assembly. Of course, such a generator will produce much less energy than a solar panel, but you can make a lot of them and thus get a good flow of free energy.

Nikola Tesla believed that the whole world is energy, so to receive and use it, you just need to assemble a device that could capture this free energy. He had many different projects for “fuel-free” generators. One of them, which today everyone can do with their own hands, will be discussed below.

The principle of operation of the device is that it uses the energy of the earth as a source of negative electrons, and the energy of the sun (or any other light source) as a source of positive electrons. As a result, a potential difference appears, which forms an electric current.
In total, the system has two electrodes, one is grounded, and the other is placed on the surface and captures energy sources (light sources). A large capacitor acts as a storage element. However, these days the capacitor can be replaced with a lithium-ion battery, connecting it through a diode so that the opposite effect does not occur.

Materials and tools for making a generator:
- foil;
- a sheet of cardboard or plywood;
- wires;
- high-capacity capacitor with high operating voltage (160-400 V);
- resistor (not required).

Manufacturing process:

Step one. Making grounding
First you need to make a good grounding. If the homemade product will be used in a country house or village, then you can drive a metal pin deeper into the ground, this will be grounding. You can also connect to existing metal structures that go into the ground.

If you use such a generator in an apartment, then water and gas pipes can be used as grounding. All modern sockets also have a ground connection; you can also connect to this contact.

Step two. Making a positive electron receiver
Now we need to make a receiver that could capture those free, positively charged particles that are produced along with the light source. Such a source can be not only the sun, but also already working lamps, various lamps, and the like. According to the author, the generator produces energy even in daylight in cloudy weather.

The receiver consists of a piece of foil, which is mounted on a sheet of plywood or cardboard. When light particles “bombard” an aluminum sheet, currents are formed in it. The larger the foil area, the more energy the generator will produce. To increase the power of the generator, several such receivers can be built and then all of them connected in parallel.

Step three. Connecting the circuit
At the next stage, you need to connect both contacts to each other, this is done through a capacitor. If you take an electrolytic capacitor, it is polar and has a designation on the body. The ground must be connected to the negative contact, and the wire going to the foil to the positive contact. Immediately after this, the capacitor will begin to charge and electricity can then be removed from it. If the generator turns out to be too powerful, the capacitor may explode from an excess of energy; therefore, a limiting resistor is included in the circuit. The more charged a capacitor is, the more it will resist further charging.

As for a conventional ceramic capacitor, their polarity does not matter.

Among other things, you can try to connect such a system not through a capacitor, but through a lithium battery, then it will be possible to accumulate much more energy.

That's all, the generator is ready. You can take a multimeter and check what voltage is already in the capacitor. If it is high enough, you can try connecting a small LED. Such a generator can be used for various projects, for example, for autonomous LED night lighting lamps.

In principle, instead of foil, you can use other materials, for example, copper or aluminum sheets. If someone in a private house has a roof made of aluminum (and there are many of them), then you can try to connect to it and see how much energy will be generated. It would also be a good idea to check whether such a generator can generate energy if the roof is metal. Unfortunately, no figures were presented that would show the current strength in relation to the area of ​​the receiving contact.

Electricity bills are an inevitable expense for any modern person. Centralized power supply is constantly becoming more expensive, but electricity consumption is still growing every year. This problem is especially acute for miners, because, as you know, cryptocurrency mining consumes a significant amount of electricity, and therefore the bills for its payment may exceed the profit from. Under such conditions, it is worth paying attention to the fact that almost all natural resources can be used to convert into electricity. Even in the air there is static electricity, all that remains is to find ways to use it.

Where can I get free electricity?

You can get electricity from anything. The only condition: a conductor and a potential difference are required. Scientists and practitioners are constantly looking for new alternative sources of electricity and energy that will be free. It should be clarified that free means no payment for centralized energy supply, but the equipment itself and its installation still costs money. True, such investments more than pay off later.

Currently, free electricity is obtained from three alternative sources:

Method of generating electricity Features of energy generation
Solar energy
Requires installation of solar panels or a glass tube collector. In the first case, electricity will be generated due to the constant movement of electrons under the influence of sunlight inside the battery, in the second, electricity will be converted from heat from heating.
Wind energy
When there is wind, the windmill blades will begin to actively rotate, generating electricity, which can be immediately supplied to the battery or network.
Geothermal energy
The method consists of obtaining heat from deep in the soil and its subsequent processing into electricity. To do this, a well is drilled and a probe with a coolant is installed, which will take away part of the constant heat existing deep in the earth.

Such methods are used both by ordinary consumers and on a large scale. For example, huge geothermal plants have been installed in Iceland and produce hundreds of MW.

How to make free electricity at home?

Free electricity in the apartment must be powerful and constant, so to fully ensure consumption, a powerful installation will be required. The first step is to determine the most suitable method. So, for sunny regions, installation is recommended. If solar energy is not enough then wind or geothermal power plants should be used. The latter method is especially suitable for regions located in relative proximity to volcanic zones.

Having decided on the method of obtaining energy, you should also take care of the safety and security of electrical appliances. To do this, the home power plant must be connected to the network through an inverter and voltage stabilizer to ensure the supply of current without sudden surges. It is also worth considering that alternative sources are quite capricious in terms of weather conditions. In the absence of appropriate climatic conditions, electricity generation will stop or be insufficient. Therefore, you should also acquire powerful batteries for storage in case of lack of production.

Ready-made installations of alternative power plants are widely available on the market. True, their cost is quite high, but on average they all pay off in 2 to 5 years. You can save money by purchasing not a ready-made installation, but its components, and then independently design and connect the power plant.

How to get free electricity at your dacha?

Connecting to a centralized energy supply system is a problematic process and often dachas remain without electricity for a long time. This is where installing a diesel generator or alternative mining methods can come to the rescue.

Dachas often lack a huge number of electrical appliances. Accordingly, energy consumption is significantly less. First you need to determine the predominant period of time that will be spent indoors. So, for summer summer residents, solar collectors and batteries are suitable, for the rest, wind methods.

You can also power individual electrical appliances or illuminate a room by collecting electricity from grounding. Scheme for obtaining free electricity: zero - load - ground. Voltage inside the house is supplied through the phase and neutral conductors. By including the third load conductor to zero in this circuit, from 12W to 15W will be directed into it, which will not be recorded by metering devices. For such a circuit, it is imperative to take care of reliable grounding. Zero and ground do not pose a risk of electric shock.

Free electricity from the ground

The earth is a favorable environment for generating electricity. There are three environments in the soil:

  • humidity - drops of water;
  • hardness - minerals;
  • gaseousness - air between minerals and water.

In addition, electrical processes constantly take place in the soil, since its main humus complex is a system in which a negative charge is formed on the outer shell, and a positive charge on the inner shell, which entails the constant attraction of positively charged electrons to negative ones.

The method is similar to that used in conventional batteries. To generate electricity from the ground, two electrodes should be immersed in the ground to a depth of half a meter. One is copper, the second is made of galvanized iron. The distance between the electrodes should be approximately 25 cm. The soil between the conductors is filled with saline solution, and wires are connected to the conductors, one will have a positive charge, the other will have a negative charge.

In practical conditions, the output power of such an installation will be approximately 3W. The charge power also depends on the composition of the soil. Of course, such power is not enough to provide energy supply in a private home, but the installation can be strengthened by changing the size of the electrodes or connecting the required number in series. After conducting the first experiment, you can roughly calculate how many such installations are needed to provide 1 kW, and then calculate the required amount based on average consumption per day.

How to get free electricity from thin air?

Nikola Tesla was the first to talk about generating electricity from thin air. The scientist's experiments have proven that between the base and the raised metal plate there is static electricity that can accumulate. In addition, the air in the modern world is constantly subject to additional ionization due to the functioning of many electrical networks.

The soil can serve as the basis for a mechanism for extracting electricity from the air. A metal plate is placed on the conductor. It should be placed above other nearby objects. The outputs from the conductor are connected to a battery in which static electricity will accumulate.

Free electricity from power lines

Power lines carry enormous amounts of electricity through their wires. An electromagnetic field is created around the wire carrying current. Thus, if you place a cable under a power line, an electric current is generated at its ends, the exact power of which can be calculated by knowing how much power the current is transmitted through the cable.

Another way is to create a transformer near power lines. A transformer can be created using copper wire and rod using the primary and secondary winding method. The current output power in this case depends on the volume and power of the transformer.

It is worth considering that such a system for obtaining free electricity is illegal, although there is no actual illegal connection to the network. The fact is that such wedging into the power supply system damages its power and can be punishable by fines.

Free electricity from surge protector

Many seekers of free electricity have probably found versions on the Internet that an extension cord can become a source of endless free energy, forming a closed circuit. To do this, you should take a surge protector with a wire length of at least three meters. Fold the cable into a coil with a diameter of no more than 30 cm, connect it to the socket of the electrical consumer, isolate all free holes, leaving only one more socket for the plug of the extension cord itself.

Next, the surge protector must be given an initial charge. The easiest way to do this is by connecting an extension cord to a functioning network, and then shorting it out in a split second. Free electricity from an extension cord will be fine to power lighting fixtures, but the amount of free energy in such a network is too low for anything more. But the method itself is quite controversial.

Free electricity from magnets

A magnet emits a magnetic field and, as a result, it can be used to generate free electricity. To do this, you should wrap a magnet with copper wire, forming a small transformer, which, by placing it near the electromagnetic field, you can receive free energy. The power of electricity in this case depends on the size of the magnet, the number of windings and the power of the electromagnetic field.

How to use free electricity?

When deciding to replace centralized energy supply with alternative sources, you should take into account all the necessary safety measures. To avoid sudden voltage changes, electric current to devices must be supplied through voltage stabilizers. You should definitely pay attention to the dangers of each method. Thus, immersing electrodes in the soil implies subsequent flooding of the soil with a saline solution, which will make it unsuitable for further plant growth, and systems that accumulate static electricity from the air can attract lightning.

Electricity is not only useful, but also dangerous. Incorrect phasing can lead to electric shocks, and a short circuit in the network can lead to fires. Providing electricity to your home at home requires a detailed study of the methods and laws of physics.

It should also be taken into account that most methods do not provide stable power and depend on many factors, including weather conditions, which are impossible to predict. Therefore, it is recommended to either store energy in batteries, and have a backup power supply just in case.

Forecast for the future

Already now, alternative energy sources are widely used. The lion's share of electricity consumption comes from household electrical appliances and lighting. By replacing their power supply from centralized to alternative, you can significantly save your budget. Miners should pay special attention to alternative sources of power supply, since mining with a centralized power supply can take up to 50% of the profit, while mining with free power will generate net income.

More and more homes are being powered by solar panels or wind power. Such methods provide much less power, but are environmentally friendly sources of energy that do not harm the environment. Industrial alternative power plants are also being constructed.

In the future, this area will only be supplemented with new methods and improved analogues.


It is possible to extract electricity even from thin air, but to cover all consumption needs it is necessary to design an entire system of alternative electricity generation. You can take the easy route and buy ready-made solar panels or wind power plants, or you can put in the effort and assemble your own power plant. Nowadays, free electricity is not a fully explored area and opens up a lot of opportunities for independent experiments.

The idea of ​​generating “fuel-free” electricity at home is extremely interesting. Any mention of current technology instantly attracts the attention of people who want to receive the intoxicating possibilities of energy independence free of charge. To draw correct conclusions on this topic, it is necessary to study theory and practice.

The generator can be assembled without much difficulty in any garage

How to create a perpetual generator

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning such devices is the inventions of Tesla. This person cannot be called a dreamer. On the contrary, he is known for his projects that were successfully implemented in practice:

  • He created the first transformers and generators operating on high-frequency currents. In fact, he founded the corresponding direction of electrical RF equipment. Some of the results of his experiments are still used in safety regulations.
  • Tesla created a theory on the basis of which the designs of multiphase electrical machines appeared. Many modern electric motors are based on his developments.
  • Many researchers rightly believe that Tesla also invented the transmission of information over a distance using radio waves.
  • His ideas were implemented in the patents of the famous Edison, according to historians.
  • The giant towers, power generators that Tesla built, were used for many experiments that were fantastic even by modern standards. They created an aurora at the latitude of New York and caused vibrations comparable in strength to powerful natural earthquakes.
  • The Tunguska meteorite, they say, was in fact the result of an experiment by the inventor.
  • The small black box that Tesla installed in a production car with an electric motor provided full power for many hours without batteries or wires.

Experiments in the Tunguska region

Only some of the inventions are listed here. But even brief descriptions of some of them suggest that Tesla created a “perpetual” motion machine with his own hands. However, the inventor himself used not spells and miracles for calculations, but quite materialistic formulas. It should be noted, however, that they described a theory of the ether, which is not recognized by modern science.

To check in practice, you can use standard device diagrams.

If you use an oscilloscope to measure the oscillations that a “classical” Tesla coil produces, interesting conclusions will be drawn.

Voltage oscillograms for different types of inductive coupling

Strong inductive coupling is achieved in a standard manner. To do this, a core made of transformer iron or other suitable material is installed in the frame. The right side of the figure shows the corresponding vibrations and the results of measurements on the primary and secondary coils. The correlation of processes is clearly visible.

Now you need to pay attention to the left side of the picture. After applying a short-term pulse to the primary winding, the oscillations gradually die out. However, a different process was recorded on the second coil. The oscillations here have a clearly expressed inertial nature. They do not fade out for some time without external replenishment of energy. Tesla believed that this effect explains the presence of ether, a medium with unique properties.

The following situations are cited as direct evidence of this theory:

  • Self-charging of capacitors not connected to an energy source.
  • A significant change in the normal parameters of power plants, which is caused by reactive power.
  • The appearance of corona discharges on a coil that is not connected to the network, when it is placed at a great distance from a working similar device.

The last of the processes occurs without additional energy expenditure, so we should consider it more carefully. Below is a schematic diagram of Tesla coils, which you can assemble without much difficulty with your own hands at home.

Schematic diagram of Tesla coils

The following list shows the main product parameters and features that must be taken into account during the installation process:

  • For a large primary winding design, you will need a copper tube with a diameter of about 8 mm. This coil consists of 7-9 turns, laid with a spiral expansion towards the top.
  • The secondary winding can be made on a frame made of a polymer pipe (diameter from 90 to 110 mm). PTFE works well. This material has excellent insulating characteristics and maintains the integrity of the product structure over a wide temperature range. The conductor is selected to make 900-1100 turns.
  • A third winding is placed inside the pipe. To assemble it correctly, use a stranded wire in a thick sheath. The cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor should be 15-20 mm 2. The amount of voltage at the output will depend on the number of turns.
  • To fine-tune the resonance, all windings are tuned to the same frequency using capacitors.

Practical implementation of projects

The example given in the previous paragraph describes only part of the device. There is no precise indication of electrical quantities or formulas.

You can make a similar design with your own hands. But you will have to look for circuits of the exciting generator, perform numerous experiments on the relative position of the blocks in space, and select frequencies and resonances.

They say that luck smiled on someone. But it is impossible to find complete data or credible evidence in the public domain. Therefore, only real products that you can actually make at home yourself will be considered below.

The following figure shows the electrical circuit diagram. It is assembled from inexpensive standard parts that can be purchased at any specialized store. Their denominations and designations are indicated in the drawing. Difficulties may arise when searching for a lamp that is not currently commercially available. To replace, you can use 6P369S. But you need to understand that this vacuum device is designed for less power. Since there are few elements, it is permissible to use a simple wall-mounted installation, without making a special board.

Electrical circuit of the generator

The transformer indicated in the figure is a Tesla coil. It is wound on a dielectric tube, guided by the data from the following table.

Number of turns depending on winding and conductor diameter

The free wires of the high-voltage coil are installed vertically.

To ensure the aesthetics of the design, you can make a special case with your own hands. It will also be useful for securely fixing the block on a flat surface and subsequent experiments.

One of the generator design options

After connecting the device to the network, if everything is done correctly and the elements are in good condition, you will be able to admire the coronary glow.

The three-coil circuit shown in the previous section can be used in conjunction with this device for experiments in order to create a personal source of free electricity.

Coronary radiation over the coil

If it is preferable to work with new components, it is worth considering the following scheme:

Field-effect transistor generator circuit

The main parameters of the elements are shown in the drawing. Assembly explanations and important additions are listed in the following table.

Explanations and additions to the assembly of a field-effect transistor generator

DetailMain settingsNotes
Field-effect transistorYou can use not only the one marked in the diagram, but also another analogue that works with currents from 2.5-3 A and voltages of more than 450 V.Before installation operations, it is necessary to check the functional condition of the transistor and other parts.
Chokes L3, L4, L5It is acceptable to use standard parts from the line scan unit of the TV.Recommended power – 38 W
Diode VD 1It is possible to use an analogue.Rated current of the device is from 5 to 10 A
Tesla Coil (Primary Winding)It is created from 5-6 turns of thick wire. Its strength allows you not to use an additional frame.The thickness of the copper conductor is from 2 to 3 mm.
Tesla Coil (Secondary Winding)Consists of 900-1100 turns on a tubular base of dielectric material with a diameter of 25 to 35 mm.This winding is high-voltage, so it will be useful to additionally impregnate it with varnish, or create a protective layer with fluoroplastic film. To create the winding, a copper wire of 0.3 mm in diameter is used.

Skeptics who deny the very possibility of using “free” energy, as well as those people who do not have basic skills to work with electrical equipment, can make the following installation with their own hands:

Unlimited source of free energy

Let the reader not be confused by the lack of many details, formulas and explanations. Everything ingenious is simple, isn’t it? Here is a schematic diagram of one of Tesla's inventions, which has survived to this day without distortion or correction. This installation generates current from sunlight without special batteries or converters.

The fact is that in the radiation flux of the star closest to Earth there are particles with positive charges. When hitting the surface of a metal plate, a process of charge accumulation occurs in an electrolytic capacitor, which is connected to a standard ground electrode with the negative side. To increase efficiency, the energy receiver is installed as high as possible. Aluminum foil is suitable for baking food in the oven. With your own hands, using available tools, you can make a base for securing it and raise the device to a greater height.

But don't rush to the store. The performance of such a system is minimal (below is a table with information on the device).

Exact experimental data

On a sunny day after 10 o'clock the measuring device showed 8 volts at the capacitor terminals. Within a few seconds in this mode, the discharge was completely spent.

Obvious conclusions and important additions

Despite the fact that a simple solution has not yet been presented to the public, it cannot be said that the electromagnetic generator of the great inventor Tesla does not exist. The theory of ether is not recognized by modern science. The current systems of economics, production, and politics will be destroyed by free or very cheap energy sources. Of course, there are many opponents of their appearance.

Assembling the Wimshurst machine

In this video tutorial we will assemble an electrophore machine, which is a generator. At the beginning, general questions about the purpose and design of this machine are discussed, then all the steps for making it yourself are shown in detail.

What is an electrophore machine?

The device consists of a base on which its parts are attached. It also includes two racks with axles on which two disks with a metallized coating are mounted. There are also two Leyden jars, which are essentially capacitors or stores of charged particles. Dischargers, which function as the charge of the capacitors accumulate, remove charged particles from the front and rear sides of the disks. The discs are driven by a belt drive. We turn the handle and due to this, the disks rotate.

The first static electricity generators were simultaneously invented in Germany at the same time by August Toepler and, independently of him, by Wilhelm Goltz. The operating principle of an electrophore machine. As the disks rotate in opposite directions relative to each other, they create positive and negative charges. As the disks rotate, as charges accumulate, a discharge occurs.

The authors of the video decided to make this machine, which can be repeated with your own hands in normal home conditions. There are several examples on websites on the Internet of creating such a generator, but this design will have an engine.

First, drawings of the future machine were made. First of all, the disk parameters were calculated. After the preliminary work was done, we began to create the device.

Main details

The machine will consist of the following elements. These are 2 disks that will rotate in opposite directions, they will be made from CDs. Two motors from a computer cooler that will drive them. The disk will be glued with double-sided tape to the motor rotor. The engine itself is attached to the rack. The stands will be made of plexiglass. Leyden jars will also be used. This is an empty metal container from which there is one contact, then a polystyrene dielectric and a brass contact.

Manufacturing of electrophore machine

First you need to remove the coating from the disk to get a transparent blank. To do this we use a stationery knife. To create a working disk, you need sketches, they are made on a computer. The petal template can be made from a suitable material; a bank card is good for this.

Now, using the template, we begin marking on the tape. We attach the template and cut out all the necessary fragments. A total of 20 petals were cut out onto one disk. There should be 20 sections. The angle between the two petals is 18 degrees. Marking is done using a regular checkered sheet and a protractor. Now we place the disk exactly in the middle of the coordinates, using a knife or awl to make notches of 18 degrees. Glue the petals according to the lines. The second disc was made in exact analogy with the first disc. It has been machined to provide clearance.

Remove the yellow wire from the motor. We cut off the stiffeners so that the engine can be disconnected. Some space must be left for mounting holes.