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Do Nise pills help with menstruation? Will Nise help with menstrual pain? Analgin is a reliable drug

The abundance of painkillers presented on the shelves of pharmacies sometimes confuses the buyer, so it is worth knowing what Nise tablets are and what they can help with.

Nise is a remedy for many diseases and ailments

As follows from the manufacturer's description, the drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with a broad scope of action as an analgesic and antipyretic.

The drug Nise is produced in the form of dispersing tablets in cardboard packaging, where you can also find instructions with detailed description medication and what it helps with.

The main active ingredient of the drug is nimesulide, which determines the wide range of action of this drug, as it has clearly defined anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic properties.

Nimesulide prevents the formation of prostaglandins, which cause an inflammatory effect and also contribute to the development of edema.

Nimesulide is a chemical compound

Its amount per tablet can be 50 or 100 mg.

In addition to the active substance, the drug contains a number of other components:

  • calcium orthophosphate;
  • starch;
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • pyrogenic silicon dioxide;
  • talc;
  • flavoring additives.

Nise. Dosage of the drug

According to the official description, this drug should be used after meals to minimize irritant effects on the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to dilute the tablet in 5 ml of plain water until completely dissolved and consume it with liquid.

For adults and children over 12 years old medicine you need to take 1-2 tablets at a dosage of 50 mg at a time, twice a day. In this case, the daily amount of the drug should not exceed 400 mg.

Children under 12 years of age should not use the product in tablet form.

The duration of use of Nise tablets is determined by the attending physician, depending on what the drug is taken, individual symptoms and characteristics of the body.

However, the manufacturer does not recommend taking the medication for longer than 10 days, since long-term use significantly increases the likelihood of side effects.

Nise tablets: indications for use

What Nise tablets help with is explained in detail by the instructions for this drug.

The instructions or your therapist will tell you what to take Nise tablets for.

Due to its wide spectrum of action, the drug is recommended for use for many diseases and health problems:

  • rheumatic joint damage;
  • arthritis of various origins;
  • acute manifestations of gout;
  • muscle, joint and lumbar pain;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bursitis (inflammation of mucous bursae);
  • inflammatory phenomena of various etiologies;
  • elevated temperature;
  • various pain syndromes.

Nise. Instructions for use of tablets

With such a wide spectrum of action, you need to know how to take the medication correctly depending on the problem at hand. Taking this remedy for headaches, toothaches, menstrual pain, and fever will not be the same.

Nise for toothache

When a toothache occurs, it is necessary to cope with the unpleasant sensations as quickly as possible. In such situations, the drug Nise is a fairly good option for solving the problem.

This drug is absorbed quickly enough and penetrates into the blood, due to which pain relief occurs within about half an hour.

The duration of action of the drug is about 4 hours. Nise is most effective for mild to moderate pain syndromes. In addition, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes its use possible for caries or pulpitis. But one should not expect a complete cure from it; Nise only temporarily blocks inflammatory processes.

Take the medication 1-2 times a day, 50 mg.

The drug also combines well with other medications, including antibiotics, which makes it possible to take it as part of complex therapy.

Nise for headaches

Nise tabletsThey are used for many things, including they are often used to get rid of headaches.

Headache is a fairly common problem that the vast majority of people face.

Experts recommend not tolerating headaches, since in such situations blood pressure rises, pulse increases, and the hormonal system malfunctions, which can lead to even greater troubles for the body. Taking a suitable pain reliever is the best solution to this problem.

Nise is very effective for moderate headaches. Due to the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect of the active substance (nimesulide), the drug can also be taken in cases where pain syndrome occurs against the background of colds or viral diseases.

Taking the medication for headaches is recommended in the usual dosage: 100 mg 2-3 times a day after meals. The drug begins to act 1.5 hours after use, the analgesic effect lasts up to 6 hours. Duration of treatment – ​​up to 7 days.

If any side effects occur, the drug should be interrupted and consult a specialist for further prescriptions.

Nise by temperature

Fever is a common symptom of viral and infectious diseases. Depending on the intensity, it can be subfebrile (from 37 to 37.9 C), febrile (from 38 to 38.9 C), pyretic (from 39 to 40.9 C) and hyperpyretic - more than 41 C.

The physiological significance of an increase in temperature when pathogenic microorganisms enter the body is as follows - in organs and tissues with high temperature Various viruses and microbes multiply worse and die more intensively.

The most optimal temperature to combat the disease is subfebrile. If the thermometer rises above 38, then it is advisable to take an antipyretic.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which include Nise, are inhibitors of inflammatory processes in the body, due to which they have a pronounced antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Wherein normal temperature They do not reduce body pressure, so it is not advisable to use them when thermometer readings are less than 38.

Nise copes well with ARVI symptoms such as fever and headache, but you should not expect him to cope with the underlying disease.

The drug should be taken 1 tablet up to 4 times a day (the daily amount should not be more than 400 mg) after meals.

Nise during menstruation

Menstruation is a common physiological phenomenon for girls and women, but often this period (completely or at the initial stage) is accompanied by significant pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

In some cases, such spasms are tolerable and quickly stop, but it happens that they intensify and noticeably interfere with the usual daily routine. If dysmenorrhea (painful periods) occurs constantly or the duration of painful sensations exceeds 3 days, you should definitely visit a gynecologist to rule out serious pathologies.

One of the common means for quickly relieving pain during menstruation is Nise tablets.

The drug has properties that help cope with unpleasant and painful symptoms of menstruation:

  • reduction in the number of histamines - Nise tablets help get rid of excess fluid in the body, resulting in a decrease in pain in the abdomen, lower back and head;
  • antioxidant effect – removing toxins from the body significantly improves well-being;
  • inhibition of prostaglandins - their excess amount can cause uterine contractions, which is a source of severe pain.

For painful periods, Nise tablets are taken 2 times a day, 1 piece. It should be remembered that the drug eliminates only the symptoms, and not the very cause of painful menstruation.

Nise during pregnancy

Very often during pregnancy, women experience various pains: in muscles and joints due to increased pressure on musculoskeletal system, dental due to lack of calcium and many others. In this case, experts recommend choosing a pain reliever suitable for women expecting a child. However, many common medications are prohibited during this period, including Nise.

Pregnancy, regardless of duration, is an absolute contraindication for the use of the drug Nise.

On early stages, especially in the first 3 weeks, any drug effect either goes unnoticed or leads to fetal death. After the 12th day of pregnancy, the drug can negatively affect the formation of the child’s organs and cause mutations and developmental defects.

The second trimester is the safest in terms of taking medications. During this period, a one-time dose of Nise is possible, but only as prescribed and under the strict supervision of a doctor!

In the third trimester, taking Nise is contraindicated, as it can cause uterine atony, that is, a weakening of muscle tone. The result of this condition can be profuse bleeding with large blood losses, including internal ones. Another possible side effect is the closure of the ductus arteriosus, which supplies the unborn baby with oxygen.

Thus, during pregnancy, experts strongly recommend that you refrain from taking Nise and choose a safer drug.

Contraindications for the use of Nise

Due to the significant content of active substances, Nise tablets are not suitable for all people.

First of all, people who have problems with the digestive system should avoid using this drug, especially during periods of exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Even a small amount can cause serious consequences, including internal bleeding.

The drug is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women, as it can bring great harm the future child and the health of the woman herself. The same applies to the period breastfeeding: through breast milk the drug can enter the child’s body, which poses a great danger. The drug is also contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

In addition, it is not advisable to take Nise for people who have problems with the kidneys and liver, if they are concerned about high or low blood pressure, or with diabetes.

It is prohibited to combine the drug with alcohol consumption.

Possible side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated, but, as with any serious drug, There is a possibility of certain side effects:

  • from the digestive system - nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, epigastric pain, constipation, erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa, internal bleeding;
  • from the circulatory system - anemia, agranulocytosis (decrease in the level of leukocytes), pancytopenia (decrease in the level of all blood elements);
  • from the nervous system – headache, drowsiness, dizziness, anxiety;
  • from the liver - jaundice, liver failure, hepatitis.

It is possible that allergic reactions may occur and develop to any of the components that Nise tablets contain, resulting in a rash, redness, swelling, itching, and dermatitis.

Most often, the manifestation of certain side effects is associated with an overdose of the drug, so you should strictly adhere to the dosage specified in the official instructions and the recommendations of the attending physician. In a situation where certain side effects, you must immediately stop using the drug and consult a specialist.

How much do the pills cost?

The cost of the drug may vary slightly, depending on the manufacturer and dosage of the drug. Usually the price ranges from 150 to 200 rubles.

Many pharmacies have their own websites where you can find out the cost of drugs available for sale. This way you can compare prices and choose the most acceptable one.

Analogues of the drug

There are a large number of drugs with a similar composition or with a similar effect.

Naise analogue - Aponil tablets

Medicines where the main active ingredient is also nimesulide:

  1. Nimesulide and Aponil- the cheapest analogues of Nise. The first is produced in Macedonia, the second in Cyprus. They are produced in the form of tablets and have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects.
  2. Mesulide, Nimesil, Nimesulide– are available in the form of a soluble powder for preparing a suspension. This form of the drug ensures its faster action.
  3. Nimulid– a drug produced in India, produced in the form of regular tablets or lozenges.

As for drugs with other active ingredients, in case of elevated temperature and pain, drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen can serve as an alternative.

These are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have a pronounced antipyretic effect and a slight analgesic effect. They are less effective for various pains, but have fewer contraindications and side effects than Nise tablets, for which they can be used in the treatment of pregnant women and children.

Aspirin and Citramon can also be considered analogues, which also cope well with certain types of pain and can reduce fever. These drugs have many contraindications for use, so they must be taken with great caution.

For joint and muscle pain good analogue The drug can be Diclofenac and Ketonal, which cope well with pain of this origin.

Nise has proven itself well among consumers. This medication is recommended for use when various types pain, it can bring down the temperature. However, Nise has contraindications and side effects, so consultation with a specialist is required before taking it.

Videos about Nise tablets, what they help with, how to take them

Video review of Nise tablets, what they help with, what the active ingredient is, what the original packaging looks like:

What you need to know about the drug Nise:

Almost all women experience pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen with the arrival of their next menstruation. For some girls, the pain that arises is of such incredible intensity that they feel completely overwhelmed and cannot continue to lead their usual lifestyle.

To get rid of such unpleasant sensations, most of the fair sex prefer to take a painkiller pill, and after a certain period of time they already feel much better and can go about their business.

Every pharmacy today offers a huge number of similar drugs, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will tell you about which pills are best to take for abdominal pain during menstruation in order to get rid of incredibly unpleasant sensations as quickly as possible and not cause any particular harm to your body.

What pills should you take if your stomach hurts during your period?

In order not to cause harm to your health, taking painkillers during menstruation should be approached with extreme caution. If painful sensations during menstruation and a few days before their onset bother you every month, you need to consult a gynecologist. A qualified doctor will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In isolated cases, it is allowed to take 1-2 tablets that relieve spasms or inflammation, however, you must carefully read the instructions for use of the drug and possible contraindications. As a rule, in such a situation the following drugs are used:

Most girls who suffer from pain during menstruation and are forced to take pills are familiar with the name of the pills. This is a well-known antispasmodic that effectively reduces the contractility of the muscles of a woman’s reproductive organs, thereby helping to reduce the intensity of pain. The effect of taking it is usually achieved after 15-20 minutes and lasts for several hours. Such pills are good for pain relief during menstruation, but in some cases they provoke unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and vomiting.

For severe pain during menstruation, Nurofen Express Lady tablets can help. This combined drug acts quickly and targetedly, and causes virtually no harm to the gastrointestinal tract, as well as other internal organs.

Also, some representatives of the fair sex are helped by such remedies as Spazgan, Buscopan, Solpadein and Baralgin.

Analgesics, for example, Nise, Ketanov, Ketorol and so on, are highly not recommended to be taken without a doctor’s prescription during menstruation, since they only dull the pain for a short time and negatively affect the condition of the female body as a whole.

2010-08-29 01:08:38

larisa asks:

Dear specialists, please help me, I’m 24 years old, I’ve had wild pain during menstruation for 7-8 years now, I went to the doctors and they said that if you start having sex, everything will go away, but that’s not the case, it hurt so bad... on time I don’t take the Ketorol or Nise tablet, I start vomiting, how can I treat this? Thank you!

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello, Larisa! Painful periods (according to science - algomenorrhea) often develop as a secondary phenomenon in the presence of gynecological diseases such as chronic inflammation of the genital organs, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, with malformations of the genital organs, varicose veins pelvic veins (secondary algomenorrhea). However, painful periods often occur in healthy girls and women who do not have any abnormalities in the reproductive system (primary algomenorrhea). With the treatment of secondary amenorrhea, everything is clear - it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause that leads to pain during menstruation. In the treatment of primary amenorrhea, everything is much more complicated. In order to treat painful periods in this case, sedatives, painkillers (with an anti-inflammatory component), physiotherapy, physiotherapy and massage. Algomenorrhea often occurs against the background hormonal disorders, for the correction of which are prescribed oral contraceptives. That is, painful periods are a complex problem that requires serious assessment and development of treatment tactics. An experienced gynecologist will help you with this, whom you need to find among the doctors practicing in your city. Take care of your health!

2012-10-10 12:02:42

Maria Samara asks:

Good afternoon
I am 41 years old.
My right breast is bothering me: tingling, pain when moving, tightness, I feel it somehow, some kind of muscle tension. It started in May (4 months ago, the right breast swelled/ached before menstruation more than the left breast; then something tingled there, for 2 days the temperature was about 37, it radiated to the armpit. Today it hurts, not related to the menstrual cycle. Tolerable, but it got me to the point of a nervous breakdown).
I had 4 ultrasounds of the mammary glands with 4 different specialists: they say that everything is normal for the age.
The results are as follows (day 6 of the menstrual cycle): the mammary glands are symmetrical, skin not changed. Acoustic access is satisfactory. Tissue differentiation is good. The structure is lobular. Cooper's ligaments. The structure is represented by glandular and adipose tissue, glandular tissue predominates. The echogenicity of the glandular tissue is not changed. Visualization of the ducts is good. The intralabar mammary ducts are not dilated terminal with a vent of up to 0.3 cm. Retraareolar region – visualization is good. No mass formations were identified. Subclavian lymph nodes with preserved echostructure; supraclavicular/subclavicular from left to right are not visualized. Upon extensive examination of the lymphatic drainage zones, single small cysts of the thyroid gland were revealed as hyperplasia of single follicles.
Blood: hemoglobin 135, red blood cells 4.14; leukocytes 7.8; ESR 3; monocytes 7%; lymphocytes 24%.
Progesterone 52.75 nmol/l on day 21 of the cycle.
Thyroid tests in June were within normal limits.
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity normal, gynecological tests too.
X-ray of the lungs showed no pathologies.
X-ray showed osteochondrosis thoracic, right-sided scoliosis of the 1st degree with the apex of curvature th7, sclerosis of the horizontal endplates of the vertebral bodies, uneven height of the intervertebral spaces.
My periods were always normal, only in July they couldn’t stop (I stopped them with pepper), the next ones came on the 48th day, the next ones with a delay of 5 days. Now I'm waiting to see how they will be.
The heart and blood vessels are normal.

Now the diagnoses:
One mammologist diagnosed mastopathy, another diagnosed fibrofatty involution. We prescribed the dietary supplement "Woman's Formula", Mastodinone, Berocca and Magne B6 Forte.
The therapist did not refer her to an endocrinologist because... in her opinion, there is nothing like that in the thyroid gland, we have an iodine deficiency region: she advised us to cook everything with iodized salt.
Mammologists say it’s age and stress, nothing to worry about. They don't assume anything else SUCH.
The gynecologist diagnosed ovarian dysfunction in the anemnesis. Prescribed Estravel for 2 months.
The neurologist diagnosed thoracalgia. Prescribed Mydocalm, Nise and Afobazol.
All experts are inclined to osteochondrosis.

Question: does it really hurt in the right breast due to osteochondrosis, a pinched nerve? Is there anything else that needs to be excluded? I have already checked and done a lot of things to calm myself down. Maybe I should get a mammogram?
Pain in one place, tolerable. Sometimes I don’t feel it at all (when I’m distracted, I even forget about it). I just somehow got it. On the nerves. Joints during movement right hand creaking. The boobs are generally the same, but the right breast has increased sensitivity/irritability or something. There is no discharge from the nipples. All sorts of stupid thoughts creep into my head. If not this, I feel good.
What can hurt and how to get rid of it?

Pain syndrome during menstrual bleeding negatively affects the physical and psychological state of patients. But not all medications can be used to relieve such pain. Why do specialists recommend Nimesil to ladies with similar problems?

Nimesil is considered a pronounced representative of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It belongs to the sulfonamide family, and due to the blockade of the release of prostaglandins in female body Relieves pain quite effectively.

The biologically active substance of the drug in question is nemisulide, and to improve the taste and increase the rate of absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract, pharmacological companies add a number of specific additives to the final product.

Main pharmacological action Experts believe that nimesil has a negative and blocking effect on the synthesis of arachidonic acid. This leads to a decrease in the release of prostaglandins and a decrease in pain. A similar effect of the drug on the body is used when women are advised to use nimesil for painful periods.

In addition, the mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is described, which is facilitated by the drug’s ability to prevent the formation of free radicals.

The drug in question is widely used to reduce pain in various pathologies. Most often this drug is recommended:

  • If the patient has undergone surgery or gynecological surgery, then nimesil is included in the course of postoperative therapy.
  • Various traumatic pathologies also require the use of this drug. For bursitis, arthritis and other joint diseases, not only the analgesic effect of the drug is used, but also its high anti-inflammatory activity.
  • There is a wide field of activity for nimesil in patients with otorhinolaryngological and dental problems.
  • And, of course, dysmenorrhea. Modern medicine suggests treating severe pain during menstruation exclusively with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, of which nimesil is considered one of the most effective and safe.

The dosage of the medicine should not exceed 200 mg, that is, 1 sachet per dose 2 times a day. This is due to the effect of the drug on the gastric mucosa. It is also not recommended to use this medication for more than 2 weeks, however, this is not very important for patients with painful periods.

But one cannot say that this is a given medicinal product is a panacea for women with problems associated with menstruation. Like most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, nimesil has its contraindications and side effects.

Most often, if you use nimesil for menstrual pain, the following side pathological manifestations are possible:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract, women often report nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Sometimes the situation can be aggravated by the development of gastric or intestinal bleeding.
  • The cardiovascular system may respond to the use of this medication with a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, and in rare cases, heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Quite often the central nervous system also suffers. With this pathology, women may complain of dizziness, headache, drowsiness and apathy.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory substances may cause changes in blood tests. Experts note the possibility of developing anemia, eosinophilia, and a pronounced increase in liver tests.

In addition to various side effects, patients often overdose on the drug, as the woman strives for maximum pain relief and exceeds the permitted dose. In this case, the main symptoms will be observed from the gastrointestinal tract, since, due to its pharmaceutical characteristics, the medicine primarily acts on the walls of the stomach and intestines.

In most cases, bleeding does not occur, and symptoms are limited to vomiting, pain in the stomach, drowsiness and a drop in blood pressure. Nimesil has no special antidotes, and first aid consists of gastric lavage, taking activated carbon and immediately seeking qualified medical help.

When a woman starts taking nimesil during her period, she must first consult a doctor. There they will definitely tell her that this drug is contraindicated for use in a large number of patients with various chronic diseases. This list includes:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. If the patient has chronic gastritis or a history of peptic ulcer stomach, then this drug is contraindicated to reduce pain.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use nimesil for people suffering from liver or kidney failure in any form.
  • This drug is also prohibited in patients with blood coagulation disorders. Any bleeding is a direct contraindication to the use of Nimesil.
  • As noted above, this drug has a negative effect on performance of cardio-vascular system, therefore, it is contraindicated for women suffering from such disorders.

And, of course, you should remember about the possibility of developing serious allergic reactions to taking this medicine. If the patient has already had problems taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetylsalicylic acid, then it is better to abstain from Nimesil.

Due to its rather high toxicity, this medicine should not be given to pregnant women in the 1st and 3rd trimester, and is not recommended during lactation. If a woman asks a doctor whether Nimesil can be taken during menstruation, the specialist should familiarize her with all the side effects of taking this drug.

Nimesil for painful periods

This drug has many advantages over analgesics. First of all, experts note that if you drink nimesil, the powder has an almost instant pain-relieving effect during menstruation. This is explained by the fact that after 10 - 15 minutes the concentration of the drug in the patient’s blood plasma reaches almost 75% of the maximum dose.

This ability of nimesil to be quickly absorbed allows you to relieve severe pain during menstruation for 5 - 8 hours, which is inaccessible to most modern analgesics. Of course, we are not talking about narcotic analgesics here.

A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug is usually recommended for patients to start drinking 2 to 3 days before the expected start of menstruation. Since the annotation states that the maximum period for taking nimesil is 14 days, a woman will have enough time to survive the most difficult period of the menstrual cycle.

When women ask whether nimesil helps with menstruation, the answer, of course, will only be positive. This is one of the most reliable ways to combat pain during menstruation.

However, most experts recommend, given the side effects of this drug, not to get carried away with monotherapy, but to combine the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with other medications. In this case, baralgin or no-shpa is best. A good effect can be obtained by simultaneously using nimesil and analgin. Pain relief with this treatment will be faster, and the negative effect of nimesil on the walls of the stomach and intestines will be reduced.

Watch the video about the causes of painful periods:

In the modern pharmacy network, this medicine is mainly represented by German and Spanish manufacturers. Retail price in Russian Federation ranges from 500 to 800 rubles depending on the region. On the territory of Ukraine, the cost of nimesil in most pharmacies is 220 - 250 hryvnia per pack of 30 sachets.

The drug should not be used without medical supervision. Nimesil has an excellent effect in relieving pain during menstruation. At the same time, it is a rather serious and dangerous drug. It is better to consult a specialist than to treat the consequences of unauthorized use of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

is a substance belonging to the class

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which has excellent effects and is included in many drugs. Nimesulide is available on the pharmaceutical market in various dosage forms - powders, tablets, gels, suppositories, syrup, ointment, etc. This allows the drugs to be used externally, locally and internally to suppress the inflammatory process, eliminate pain and lower the temperature. The high degree of safety, effectiveness, as well as the widespread prevalence of inflammatory diseases and the pain syndrome caused by them, determined wide application Nimesulide drugs.

The chemical name of nimesulide is N-(4-Nitro-2-phenoxyphenyl) methanesulfonamide, which shows that the drug belongs to the group

sulfonamides. To understand the effect of nimesulide, it is necessary to know the pathogenesis of the inflammatory response. Thus, in the cells of any organs and tissues there is a cascade of reactions during which arachidonic acid is released from the membranes and converted into prostaglandins. It is prostaglandins that ensure the development of the inflammatory response by increasing the release of fluid into the tissue (formation

), effects on pain receptors (pain), increased local and general temperature and tissue redness, as well as impaired functional activity. Prostaglandins trigger a cascade of reactions leading to the development of signs of inflammation (pain, swelling, redness, heat, dysfunction) and, in the future, support this pathological process.

Nimesulide has the property of stopping the synthesis of prostaglandins by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which plays a key role in the process of their production. As a result, nimesulide, stopping the synthesis of prostaglandins, stops further maintenance of the inflammatory reaction. The inflammation does not progress, and all its signs (pain, swelling, redness, heat, dysfunction) also go away.

Nimesulide compares favorably with first generation NSAIDs, for example, aspirin. The fact is that the human body contains two COXs: COX-1 and COX-2. COX-1 normally protects the mucous membranes of the stomach, kidneys and platelets, but COX-2 is responsible for the development of inflammation. First-generation NSAID drugs stop the work of both COX-1 and COX-2, resulting in an impressive list of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, including the formation of “aspirin-like” stomach ulcers. And NSAIDs of the 2nd and 3rd generations, including nimesulide, selectively act only on COX-2, stopping inflammation and without causing such serious side effects. Unfortunately, with increasing dosages, the selectivity of action decreases, which leads to more severe side effects and an increased risk of damage to the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. In addition, nimesulide is low-allergenic, so it can be used by people who suffer from hypersensitivity to other drugs from the NSAID group.

Due to the selective suppression of cyclooxygenase activity, nimesulide is classified as a group of drugs - selective COX-2 inhibitors.


2. Tablets are soluble - dispersible.

3. Powder for preparing a suspension.

4. Suspension (syrup).

5. Gel (ointment).

Data dosage forms are produced under different names and by different pharmaceutical companies, but they all contain nimesulide as the active ingredient. Therefore, you can choose the most convenient form for use.

Let's look at what is meant by the common names of nimesulide drugs:

  • Nimesulide powder - correctly called granules for preparing a suspension, is found in the preparations Nimesil and Nise.
  • Nimesulide Maxpharm is a tablet produced by the Baltic concern Maxpharm.
  • Nimesulide Nise – Nise preparations.
  • Nimesulide gel – Nise gel.
  • Suspension or syrup Nimesulide - suspension Nise, Nimegesic.
  • Nimesulide ointment - most often this means Nise gel or Nimesulide-Darnitsa ointment.
  • Nimesil Nimesulide – refers to the drug Nimesil.
  • Nimesulide 100 is the designation of regular tablets in which the dosage of Nimesulide is 100 mg, and differs from dispersible tablets containing the active component of 50 mg.
  • Nimesulide suppositories are not sold or produced today.

Tablets and dispersible tablets - corn starch, talc, aspartame.

2. Gel (ointment) – alcohols, thimerosal (mercury compound).

3. Powder – corn starch, aspartame.

4. Suspension (syrup) – sucrose, xanthan gum, quinoline yellow WS dye, pineapple flavor.

Nimesulide has three main properties characteristic of all NSAIDs - antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the drug reduces adhesion


each other, reducing blood clots and thinning the blood. The anti-inflammatory effect of nimesulide consists not only of blocking the production of prostaglandins, but also of reducing the release of histamine, thereby significantly reducing bronchospasm. Suppression of the inflammatory response, in addition to direct mechanisms, is also indirectly carried out by stopping the synthesis of cytokines - substances that support the inflammatory response. The cessation of cytokine synthesis is achieved by the release of the factor

tumors (TNF).

Nimesulide is also an antioxidant, reducing the formation active forms oxygen, and inhibiting the processes of peroxidation and the damaging effects of free radicals. The antioxidant effect is achieved by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme myeloperoxidase.

Pain relief appears within 15–20 minutes after taking nimesulide orally, which is especially valuable in the development of acute pain syndrome (for example, toothache). The most pronounced analgesic effect has a powder (granular form), which is sold under the trade name Nimesil. In general, the granular form of nimesulide (Nimesil) relieves the inflammatory reaction better, provides pain relief for longer, and is more effective in a number of ways compared to tablets and syrup.

With regard to side effects, nimesulide is dose-dependent - that is, they become more pronounced, and the higher the risk of their development, the higher the dosage of the drug taken by a person. A dosage of 200 mg per day in healthy people did not cause adverse reactions, which allows us to consider it optimal for those with a tendency to ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, nephropathy, and in the presence of liver pathology.

The use of nimesulide in the treatment of arthritis and joint pathologies does not lead to cartilage destruction, unlike indomethacin, etc. The strong and good effect of nimesulide in the treatment of arthritis is also due to the drug’s effect on glucocorticoid receptors, which can significantly increase the severity and duration of the anti-inflammatory effect. That is, nimesulide has the same effect as if a person took glucocorticoids (hormones) in small doses.

All dosage forms of nimesulide are used to relieve the inflammatory reaction, relieve pain and reduce fever. Nimesulide only eliminates

symptoms of diseases

Accompanied by pain, inflammation and fever, but does not in any way affect the course of the pathology itself. That is, nimesulide is a classic symptomatic medicine that perfectly relieves fever, suppresses inflammation and relieves pain. It is to eliminate the listed symptoms that nimesulide is used in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • arthritis of any origin (psoriatic, etc.);
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • joint pain (arthralgia);
  • muscle pain (myalgia);
  • pain due to injury (bruises, sprains, ruptured ligaments and tendons, etc.);
  • pain syndrome after surgery;
  • bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule);
  • tendinitis (inflammation of tendons);
  • algodismenorrhea (painful menstruation);
  • headache;
  • toothache;
  • rheumatism of the joints, and extra-articular;
  • articular syndrome with gout in the acute stage;
  • pain in the throat and other organs in acute diseases respiratory system(for example, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, sore throat, etc.);
  • acute pain syndrome of any localization (pain in muscles, ligaments, joints, bruises, etc.);
  • temperature during acute infectious and inflammatory processes, including in the respiratory system (bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • sciatica;
  • lumbago.

In almost all cases, nimesulide can be used externally and internally. External use involves treating the sore spot with gel. The product is taken orally in the form of tablets, dispersible tablets, powder, syrup and suspension.

The frequency of administration of nimesulide preparations, the duration of the course of treatment, as well as the dosage are determined by the severity of the symptoms of the pathology, the general condition of the person, concomitant diseases, age and the form of release of the drug. However, there are general patterns: children receive the drug in the form of granules or ready-made syrup, and adults - in the form of granules or tablets. Tablets are not recommended for the treatment of children under 12 years of age - it is better to use syrups and suspensions, as well as powders for their preparation. The gel as an external local remedy can be used in both children and adults. Let's consider the rules for using various forms of nimesulide separately.

Tablets can be regular or dispersible (Nise), that is, soluble in water. Regular Nimesulide tablets contain 100 mg of the active substance, and dispersible tablets contain 50 mg. Adults take 100 mg (1 regular tablet, or 2 dispersible tablets) 2 times a day. If this dosage is ineffective, you can increase the amount of the drug taken to the maximum allowable 400 mg (4 regular tablets and 8 dispersible tablets) per day.

The tablets are best taken before meals. However, they may cause stomach discomfort after taking the drug before meals. Then you need to take the pills after or during meals. But dispersible tablets (soluble) should always be taken at the end or after a meal. Before administration, the dispersible tablet is dissolved in 5 ml (corresponding to 1 teaspoon) of clean drinking water.

It is not recommended to give nimesulide in tablet form to children under 12 years of age. In the form of dispersible tablets, the medicine can be used in children starting from 3 years of age. In this case, the dosage is calculated based on body weight - 3 - 5 mg per 1 kg of weight, divided by 2 - 3 times a day. If the child’s weight exceeds 40 kg, then the dosage of nimesulide is equal to that of adults. That is why for children over 12 years of age the drug is used in adult dosages.

The duration of treatment with Nimesulide tablets is a maximum of 15 days. You can take the tablets for a shorter period of time if the symptoms of pain and inflammation go away quickly.

Tablet preparations of nimesulide are medicines with the trade names Nimesulide Maxpharma, Nimesulide, Nise, Nimulid, Novolid, Koxtral, Mesulide, Flolid, Aponil, Ameolin, Aktasulide.

Nimesulide soluble (dispersible) tablets are Nise, Nimulid, Nimika, Prolid.

The powder is diluted in clean drinking water

Receive a suspension and take it orally. To do this, the contents of the sachet (100 mg of Nimesulide) are dissolved in 80–100 ml of water (half a glass) and drunk after meals.

Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age take Nimesulide powder at a dosage of 100 mg (1 sachet), 2 times a day. It is not allowed to increase the indicated dosage without a doctor's prescription. Elderly people take the powder in the same dosages.

People suffering from kidney failure should reduce the dose of Nimesulide powder to 100 mg (1 sachet) per day.

The maximum permissible duration of continuous use of Nimesulide powder is 15 days. It is best to determine the minimum dose that appears to be effective and take it only for as long as necessary so as not to increase the risk of side effects.

Nimesulide powder is a preparation with the trade names Nise, Nimesil, Nemulex, Mesulide, Flolid, Aulin.

1 ml of Nimesulide suspension or syrup contains 10 mg of the active substance. Based on this, the dosage is calculated. The suspension or syrup is intended for use in children under 12 years of age. Dosages for children are calculated based on body weight: 1.5-3 mg per 1 kg of weight. This means that a child weighing 10 kg needs to take nimesulide at a dose of 1.5 * 10 = 15 mg per day, which corresponds to 1.5 ml of syrup or suspension. This amount is divided into 2 - 3 doses per day. To collect the appropriate amount of suspension, a special measuring syringe is included in the package with the drug. The maximum permissible dosage of Nimesulide syrup for children is 5 mg per 1 kg. If the child’s weight exceeds 40 kg, then the dose calculation is not used, but 100 mg is used 2 times a day, as in adults.

A continuous course of use of nimesulide in the form of syrup or suspension is a maximum of 15 days. It is better to take the drug for a shorter period of time, stopping use immediately after the symptoms have resolved and the condition has normalized.

Nimesulide suspension or syrup is sold under the trade names Nise and Nimulid.

The gel is applied topically to the skin in the area of ​​pain. Before applying the gel, you need to wash the skin area and dry it thoroughly. On the surface of the skin, in the area of ​​greatest pain, spread a thin layer of 3 cm of gel, rubbing with light massage movements. The product does not need to be rubbed in. The duration of use without interruption is 10 days (3 – 4 times a day).

Do not apply the gel to skin with wound surfaces. You should also protect your eyes and mucous membranes from contact with the product. After applying the gel, you must wash your hands. Do not apply airtight bandages to the area where the drug is applied. After applying the medicine, you should wash your hands with soap. After using the gel, the tube should be tightly closed.

Nimesulide gel is sold under the names Nise, Nimulid and Nimesulid-Darnitsa ointment.

The drug reduces pain at the site of application, including in the joints, reduces morning stiffness and reduces swelling.

First of all, you should remember that children under 3 years old can only be given syrup or suspension. Children 3–12 years old can take nimesulide in the form of a suspension or dispersible tablets. In Ukraine, nimesulide was completely banned for use in children under 12 years of age, which is associated with the risk of developing


Which is indicated by the manufacturers. However, in practice


In Russia and Ukraine, over 10 years of using nimesulide in children, not a single case of hepatitis was detected. In Russia the drug is used and gives good results, since the benefits significantly outweigh the possible risks.

Nimesulide is an excellent remedy for combating high fever in children with a variety of diseases, most often ARVI. At the same time, nimesulide is a kind of backup remedy, since to bring down the temperature, you first need to use completely safe paracetamol and ibuprofen. If they do not help, then you can give the child nimesulide. That is, you cannot start lowering the temperature with the use of nimesulide - you must first try simple and safer remedies with paracetamol and ibuprofen.

However, when nimesulide is used in children in the doses recommended in the instructions, the drug has a very strong antipyretic effect. Therefore, you should not give your child a standard dose of nimesulide for fever - divide it in half. In general, it is necessary to select the minimum effective dose for a particular child by reducing the standard dose. Reducing the dose will reduce the risk of side effects significantly, which will make the life of parents much calmer.

The standard dose of nimesulide is 1.5-3 mg per 1 kg of child weight. The maximum dose is 5 mg per 1 kg of weight. Thus, parents should calculate the dosage in mg based on the child's weight. For example, if you weigh 20 kg, you need to take Nimesulide at a dose of 20 * 1.5 = 30 mg. This is the daily amount, which is divided into 2 - 3 times a day. Considering the need to reduce the standard dose by half: 30 mg / 2 = 15 mg. We get the daily amount of the drug for a child at 15 mg. We divide this into three doses, and we get 15 mg / 3 = 5 mg, at a time. Then we calculate how many milliliters of syrup need to be given to the child so that it contains 5 mg of the drug. 1 ml of syrup or suspension contains 10 mg. Based on the ratio, we find that 5 mg of nimesulide is contained in 0.5 ml of syrup. This means that a single dose for a child is 0.5 ml of syrup. If this dose does not help, increase it by a third - to 0.75 ml. If 0.75 ml effectively reduces the temperature, then stop at this dose and take it as the standard dose for your child. If 0.75 ml does not help, increase it by another 0.25 ml, and so on until you find the dose that is minimally effective for a particular child.

In principle, over 10 years of observation, pediatricians have repeatedly encountered multiple excesses of the dosage of nimesulide in children for various reasons - the parents gave more, or the child simply drank a tasty syrup. However, the main side effect was nervous shock in parents, or mild allergies in children, which quickly went away on their own. In general, an allergy to nimesulide develops in 2–5% of children, but for the most part it is caused by various aromatic and flavoring additives. Therefore, to avoid this, you can use the drug in dispersible tablets.

Parents should remember that nimesulide is much safer compared to the combination of analgin + diphenhydramine, which is administered by ambulance to bring down persistent fever. Analgin leads to hematopoietic diseases, therefore it is prohibited for use in many developed countries not only for children, but also for adults.

Analogs of drugs with nimesulide are drugs from the NSAID group that have similar therapeutic effects, but contain other active components. The most common analogues of nimesulide are the following drugs:

  • Aminoartrin tablets;
  • Tablets Artra Chondroitin 750;
  • Tablets Glucosamine and Glucosamine sulfate 750;
  • Chondroxide tablets;
  • Amtolmetin guacil tablets;
  • Sustilak tablets;
  • Nurofen tablets;
  • Ibuprofen tablets;
  • Diclofenac tablets;
  • Meloxicam tablets;
  • Sirdalud tablets;
  • Arthra chondroitin capsules;
  • Arthrodarin capsules;
  • Artroker capsules;
  • Diaflex Rompharm capsules;
  • Diacerein-Mac capsules;
  • Structum capsules;
  • Chondroitin-AKOS capsules;
  • Chondroitin-Verte capsules;
  • Chondroitin capsules;
  • Lyophilisate ARTRADOL, solution is administered intramuscularly;
  • Lyophilisate Chondroitin sulfate, solution is administered intramuscularly;
  • Chondrolife lyophilisate, solution is administered intramuscularly;
  • Lyophilisate Chondrolone, solution is administered intramuscularly;
  • Glucosamine powder and Glucosamine sulfate, solution taken orally;
  • Powder and solution of Don, taken orally and injected intramuscularly;
  • Elbon powder and solution, taken orally and administered intramuscularly;
  • Biartrin solution, administered intramuscularly;
  • Vipraxin solution, given by injection;
  • Mucosat solution, administered intramuscularly;
  • Rumalon solution, administered intramuscularly;
  • Chondroguard solution is administered intramuscularly;
  • Chondroitin-Ferein solution, administered intramuscularly;
  • Chondroxide gel and ointment are used externally.

The list of analogues includes only selective COX-2 inhibitors - that is, 2nd generation drugs. Non-selective COX-2 inhibitors, such as indomethacin, aspirin, paracetamol, etc., are not included in the list. Most full list analogues can be found in the pharmacopoeia, in the section “Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs” (NSAIDs). All NSAIDs will be analogues of nimesulide.

Nimesulide preparations should not be used if a person has the following conditions:

  • bronchial asthma in combination with nasal polyps and aspirin intolerance;
  • ulcers or erosions of the gastric and duodenal mucosa;
  • bleeding;
  • exacerbation of chronic intestinal inflammation (colitis, Crohn's disease);
  • pathology of blood clotting;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • alcoholism or drug addiction;
  • renal failure;
  • increased concentration of potassium in the blood;
  • rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass surgery;
  • under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • sensitivity or allergy to nimesulide.

Since nimesulide suppresses the synthesis of prostaglandins in all organs and tissues, the side effects of the drug are quite numerous and manifest themselves in all body systems. However, using the medicine in recommended doses minimizes the risk of side effects. In addition, these effects are quite rare, occurring in 2–7% of people taking the drug. The main side effects of nimesulide on the part of various organs and systems:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dizziness;
  • nervousness;
  • nightmares;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • Reye's syndrome;
  • fear;
  • itching on the skin;
  • rash;
  • increased sweating;
  • skin redness;
  • dermatitis;
  • hives;
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis;
  • exudative erythema multiforme;
  • swelling;
  • urinary disturbance;
  • blood in urine;
  • increased potassium concentration in the blood;
  • renal failure;
  • nephritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • gastritis;
  • stomatitis;
  • abdominal pain;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • bleeding or perforation of the stomach or duodenum;
  • increased activity of AST and ALT;
  • hepatitis;
  • jaundice;
  • cholestasis;
  • anemia;
  • increase in the number of blood eosinophils;
  • a decrease in the number of platelets or all blood cells;
  • increased duration of bleeding;
  • dyspnea;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • bronchospasm;
  • blurred vision;
  • hypertension;
  • increased heart rate;
  • tides;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages;
  • weakness;
  • reduced body temperature.

Both Meloxicam and Nimesulide are conditionally selective NSAIDs. Both drugs effectively relieve fever, reduce pain and eliminate the painful symptoms of the inflammatory reaction. Nimesulide has a damaging effect on the liver, so if you have a history of chronic or acute hepatitis, pathologies of the biliary tract or the liver itself, it is better to take Meloxicam, which does not have such effects. If a person notices discomfort in the liver area while taking Nimesulide, he should also switch to Meloxicam. If there have been no problems with the liver in the past, and they do not arise during the use of Nimesulide, then the drug can be taken calmly.

Many people note approximately the same effect of Meloxicam and Nimesulide, so you can choose whichever one you like best for some subjective reasons (it helps friends well, an experienced doctor recommended it, etc.). However, if a person is not completely satisfied with the effect of the drug, then it is worth switching to another one and evaluating its effect. Thus, you can choose the most effective drug for yourself personally. These recommendations are certainly more suitable for people who use Nimesulide or Meloxicam for a long time (for example, in the treatment of arthritis, joint pain, etc.).

For short-term use, the choice between Meloxicam and Nimesulide is determined by a number of factors. For example, if you urgently need to relieve pain (for example, during menstruation, dental pain, headache, etc.), then Nimesulide will do this better, so the choice must be made on it. If a person has received some kind of injury or suffers from periodic muscle pain, then in this situation would be better suited Meloxicam, because it relieves pain more slowly, but its effect lasts much longer. If pain in the muscles or along the nerves (sciatica, lumbago, etc.) bother you with enviable consistency, then use Nimesulide, which will reduce the frequency of relapses.

Diclofenac is a very effective drug that perfectly relieves pain in various pathologies, quickly suppresses the inflammatory process and, importantly, is well tolerated. Nimesulide is also a good drug, highly effective and well tolerated, but compared to Diclofenac it has a significantly higher cost. Therefore, in terms of a combination of factors - tolerability, effectiveness and cost - Diclofenac is undoubtedly the leader.

But it should be remembered that the risk of gastric ulcers when taking Diclofenac is higher than when using Nimesulide. Therefore, if you are prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to prefer the second one. If a person does not suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then you can choose any of the two drugs, based on personal preferences or subjective factors (for example, it helps acquaintances, relatives, friends, etc.).

Diclofenac does not have a damaging effect on the liver and kidneys, therefore, if there is a potential risk of developing pathology of these organs, it is also better to prefer this drug. After all, Nimesulide can cause toxic damage to the liver and kidneys. Diclofenac is also preferable for use in people suffering from thrombosis.

Diclofenac is most effective for suppressing inflammatory pain (arthritis, muscle injuries, ligaments, tendons, etc.), and in other cases Nimesulide takes precedence (for example, menstrual pain or headaches). This should also be taken into account when choosing a drug.

More about diclofenac

There are only a few negative reviews about nimesulide. Negative opinions are associated with a wide range of side effects and the risk of toxic liver damage. People perceive this information, as almost becoming a reality, and for them personally, ultimately leaving a negative review of the drug after a one-time use, in which nimesulide did help them. This position is associated with the characteristics of a person’s psychological mood. The vast majority of people look at things soberly, positively assessing the remedy, remembering the side effects. However, side effects do not develop after a single use of nimesulide, so people appreciate its excellent effect and use it with caution, as needed (for example, to relieve toothache).

In chapter Diseases, Medicines to the question: Will nimesulide help with menstrual pain? given by the author Only Me the best answer is Ketanov is better. Just don’t get carried away, they are related to aspirin and reduce clotting Professional massage in Moscow
1st time possible. Otherwise, any drug, even analgin

2 answers

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: will nimesulide help with menstrual pain?

Answer from Yergey Romanovich
Will help

Answer from Elena Filatova

Answer from Daria dar
Only a worm.

Answer from Bes I
better antispasmodic.

Answer from Milante Moon
Nimesil, Nimesulide, Nidol help, but do twice as much harm. They destroy the immune system and the walls of the stomach. I do not recommend taking these drugs.
There is a new drug - Caffetin Lady. It is much safer and helps a lot.
You can also use Dexalgin or Nurofen.

2 answers

Hello! Here are more topics with the answers you need:

Every woman monthly faces such a problem as menstrual cycle. At this time, many changes occur in the body that cause some discomfort. Among these phenomena there is aching, unpleasant pain. Therefore, very often the fair sex uses Nimesil during menstruation. He quickly and reliably copes with this problem, returns positive emotions to the woman and relieves pain.

Nimesil is a drug that belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the sulfonamide family. It has a fairly pronounced healing effect, which is why it is popular among the female population. Thanks to the ability to quickly suppress prostaglandins, pain disappears in a matter of minutes.

The active component contained in the presented drug is nimesulide. Together with other additives, it quickly penetrates the gastrointestinal tract and has the desired effect. If we consider the pathogenesis of the action of this drug, we can say that it affects the synthesis of arachidonic acid. As a result, the release of prostaglandins in the female body is reduced and pain is reduced. That is why Nimesil is used for severe pain during the menstrual cycle.

Adverse reactions

When using the drug to relieve pain during menstruation, some adverse reactions are possible:

  • Dyspeptic reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, such as nausea, vomiting, pain, and possible bleeding;
  • On the part of the heart, changes such as increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure are possible;
  • Central nervous system is also undergoing some changes. Headache, dizziness and asthenic syndrome are characteristic when taking the above drug;
  • If you conduct blood tests, you can notice a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, red blood cells, an increase in eosinophils and changes in liver tests.

It should be noted that women, in order to enhance the pharmacological effect, resort to taking a dose of the drug that exceeds the norm. This leads to an overdose of the body, in response it responds with changes in the gastrointestinal tract and heart. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, take Activated carbon and contact a specialist.

Before taking any drug, you should consult your doctor. It is he who will give recommendations, tell you about the rules of administration and side effects.

  • In case of gastritis, ulcers or other gastrointestinal diseases, the drug is contraindicated, since taking it will only aggravate the situation;
  • If you have kidney or liver diseases, taking Nimesil is also contraindicated;
  • If there are disorders of the blood coagulation system. Among the properties of Nimesil is the provocation of bleeding;
  • Females with heart problems are also not eligible to take the proposed drug.

Also, no one has canceled the development of allergies, so if you have such a reaction to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, you should stop taking them. Pregnant and lactating women should also forget about taking this remedy.

The presented drug is a fairly strong analgesic, so among many women the choice falls on it. For menstrual pain, if you take this medicine, you can get rid of it in 15 minutes. The duration of action of the medicine is 5-8 hours. It is this property that attracts women and makes them buy this drug, because not every analgesic can quickly and permanently get rid of pain.

It should be noted that the medicine can be taken 2 days before the start of menstruation. In this situation, the woman will endure the expected period much easier.

Despite the many positive qualities and reviews about this drug, doctors recommend using it in combination with other drugs. They may be no-shpa and baralgin. This combination will give a quick, reliable effect and eliminate many adverse reactions and complications.

Nimesil is a powder. The quantity of this drug is 30 sachets in one package. The cost of this medicine is 220-250 hryvnia, in Russia its price is 500-800 rubles. The difference depends on the region in which it is sold. Nimesil is produced by Spanish and German pharmaceutical companies.

Nimesil is a fairly strong and high-quality drug. However, before using it, you should consult a doctor, as its effect may be negative.

Having reached a certain age, for decades they have regularly encountered such a physiological phenomenon as. Unfortunately, they are not always easy and simple.

Often this period (entirely or only in the first days) is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Sometimes such sensations are tolerable and pass quickly, but what if they only grow and significantly interfere with normal life activities? If such conditions recur regularly or their duration exceeds 3 days, you should definitely consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of any diseases.

Dangerous symptoms of the disease are also nausea, diarrhea, heavy bleeding and the presence of a large number of clots in the discharge.

In other cases, as an emergency aid, you can use painkillers, of which there are a great variety today. Let's look at some of them.

Removal products

Perhaps one of the most popular medications for pain relief it is Ketorol. Small green tablets have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are a strong analgesic, and therefore it is not recommended to take them frequently and without the advice of a specialist. Ketorol is prescribed only for severe pain, when other drugs do not work. In addition, the drug should not be used by adolescents under 16 years of age.

“Nise” is another faithful assistant, designed to relieve menstruation pain. It has a more gentle effect than Ketorol.

If your periods are painful, take the remedy at the first symptoms, without waiting for them to intensify. Sometimes this helps completely eliminate discomfort.

Taking "No-shpa" or its Belarusian analogue - "Drotaverine" has a good effect. These drugs are antispasmodics, not analgesics. That is, they are aimed at eliminating the cause of pain - spasm, and not its consequence - unpleasant sensations.

Practice has shown that many girls are saved by “Spazmalgon” (also an antispasmodic). But it is effective, as a rule, only for mild illness.

Some lucky women also benefit from simple Analgin, taken shortly before the onset of their period.

Birth control pills. Oddly enough, hormonal contraceptives can also relieve pain during menstruation. Of course, we are not talking about a one-time appointment, but about a regular one. The choice of such a drug should be made solely on the recommendation of your gynecologist.

Among the recipes traditional medicine You can also find several ways to make the passage of critical days easier. So, for unobtrusive pain that does not require quick intervention, a collection of lemon balm leaves and chamomile flowers can help. A tablespoon of ingredients mixed in equal proportions should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. After this, strain and drink the resulting drink in small portions before meals throughout the day. You can start taking it before your period starts.

Whatever method you choose to relieve your pain critical days, remember - each person is unique, and what always helps one may not work for another. And in any case, do not forget to consult a doctor so as not to harm your body.