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The guy is not afraid of losing me, what should I do? How to make a man afraid of losing you? We cultivate a reverent attitude towards ourselves. How to make a man call himself now

Hello, dear readers! Many girls think about what to do to make a guy afraid of losing you. They think that this will make their relationship stronger. This is how we strive for betrayal and indecent behavior on the part of a man. You just need to decide on a plan of action and everything in life will go well. Is it really?

Today I will tell you about what you should do to make a young man afraid of losing you, what consequences this can lead to, what reckless methods most girls use and what is the best way to do so that your relationship with your partner is harmonious, and he never wants to leave you.

I will explain all this from the point of view of a psychologist. No magic or conspiracies. Only useful advice for relationships.

Your own fear and its dangers

Women who are looking for various birthing techniques in a partner with fears about separation, as a rule, are not very confident in themselves. This is a completely normal phenomenon and indicates that you really like the person you are dating.

The only problem is that you initially place your man a little higher than you. You are subconsciously afraid that he will commit some kind of meanness and therefore want to protect yourself. Also, due to a bad experience, you may not, and therefore subconsciously expect some kind of catch.

Your partner feels all this and his own fears and concerns subside. You are more interested in him than he is in this love. By doing this you are harming yourself. The desire to keep a man gives nothing but his own confidence that you value him, are afraid of losing him and are not going anywhere. He feels that you will go to great lengths to maintain this union, you will forgive him and take the first steps after a quarrel when necessary.

The more freedom you give a young man and the less you depend on him, the more interest he will have. He will strive to do the right thing not out of fear, guilt or guilt, but because he wants it. With him is a full-fledged girl who will not tolerate insults. This will give you much more than other methods.

Let your first step towards losing be to get rid of your own fears. You feel good together, you are in love, but you are in no way dependent on your partner. Love yourself more than him and don’t even allow the thought that if he leaves, your life will end. You will find someone else. Perhaps better.

This approach will allow you to react correctly to a man’s actions, not to give yourself offense, and subconsciously show you what you can do and what it’s better not to do.

The path of jealousy

Not all girls know how to behave so that a man does not want to lose a woman. Please note that the key word here is not “afraid”, but “didn’t want to”.

Fear leads to rash actions and dependence on another person. These are not very pleasant emotions, and any person sooner or later begins to be guided by the instinct of self-preservation and tries to get rid of negative emotions in life. Everyone strives for happiness; harmony is impossible if there is fear in a relationship.

So, some young ladies try to make a guy jealous, because they think that this will make the man appreciate them more. I don’t think it’s necessary to explain what thoughts guide them when using various techniques, but does the method work initially?

Jealousy is another negative emotion and it gives an incorrect description of the person who is actually jealous. Do you think a young man will be proud of a woman who attracts the attention of hundreds? Unfortunately, this is often not the case. They get tired of jealousy very quickly and begin to blame not the young people who show signs of attention for their constant lack of mood, but the girl herself, suspecting that she is behaving somehow incorrectly, not modestly.

Jealousy is a manifestation of lack of confidence in yourself and your partner. A man begins to feel less beautiful, less intelligent next to a woman who is in demand, he has to constantly compare himself with others and try to fit in. Ultimately, people in whom this feeling prevails begin to behave inappropriately and the reason for this is fatigue from their own emotions.

Sometimes they even give up relationships completely in order to regain strength. The most interesting thing is that the situation repeats with the next girl.

How to act

If you want a man to be afraid of losing you, create such conditions for him that he would never want to be next to another woman, so that he understands that you are the best thing that happened to him in this life. How to achieve this? Everything is quite simple.

All men lack self-confidence. From birth, they are forced to prove something to others, they are told about the need to conform to their gender: “You’re a boy,” “You’re a man.”

Compliment your boyfriend more often. Sounds kind of strange, doesn't it? However, it works.

Tell him how wonderfully he dealt with the problem, how quickly he came to the rescue, how interesting he is, how much his friends and you appreciate him. Men are not used to this behavior and at first they are very embarrassed, however, it is difficult not to notice how their face breaks into a satisfied smile when they do not have to prove once again that they are worthy of the title “man”. This is already recognized by the woman. They subconsciously begin to praise her so that the opinion of his masculinity has more value.

One of my friends used this technique not entirely correctly, periodically making it clear that without a specific young man she would almost die. Tell me, why would a man date a young lady who is so insecure? He is her top bar and she will never have anything better in her life.

Still, whatever you say, men’s insecurity plays into our hands. I have already said that using facts that cause jealousy is not best idea, but if a man comes up with something himself, that’s great. You must not forget about yourself. You are no worse, and he must understand this so as not to become arrogant.

Remember that you are not afraid of losing him?

I do not share the opinion that a young man should be given complete freedom and allowed to go out with friends even when you don’t want to, thereby proving your own independence. Some believe that everyone needs space. If you yourself belong to this category of people, then why do you need advice? You know how to maneuver between relationships and freedom. If not, why torture yourself and show qualities that you don’t have? Thus, we deceive our partner.

A little later, when the relationship becomes more ordinary, you will want to express your own “I”. He will be very offended if you do not continue to make concessions.

Use other methods to show your worth. One friend of mine, for example, always had enough words. Instead of standard messages: “I will love you all my life” or “You are the best thing that happened to me,” she periodically sends her lovers something like: “I don’t know what will happen next, but now I am very happy because you with me".

Give men freedom, at least illusory, and they will never want to take advantage of it.

In the book Steve Harvey "Act like a woman, think like a man" you will find even more useful tips, although you already know the basics, and therefore are ready to take the first steps towards creating a truly ideal relationship.

See you again and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

When the candy-bouquet period is only a memory, and there is a stamp in the passport, many men calm down and begin to treat the woman calmly and without aspiration.

At the same time, the wife’s behavior will be diametrically opposite: she tries to please her husband, surround him with care, comfort and attention.

But it happens that the more a woman tries to be an “ideal wife” from her point of view, the more it tires a man and instead of rushing to a clean house for a hearty dinner, he lingers longer at work or with friends.

What does a woman want?

Psychologists who deal with problems in family relationships often hear such complaints and grievances from women who do not understand anything.

The question “what am I doing wrong?” sounds rhetorical at first, but after the behavior of both spouses is analyzed, certain principles of behavior begin to emerge which a woman should adhere to in marriage.

Often ladies voice a phrase that, perhaps, becomes the fundamental goal of all their efforts: “I want my husband to be afraid of losing me.”

So, what does it take? How to behave with your husband so that he is afraid of losing you, how to make him love and respect his wife, and cannot live without you - advice from psychologists will help.

“No” to overprotection and control

A man needs personal space. Time that he can devote to communicating with friends, hobbies, or simply wanting to be alone with his thoughts. One. Without a wife.

And at such moments a woman feels abandoned, offended, unwanted and unloved.

What to do? Option two:

  • by hook or by crook, leave your husband at home or go to a meeting with him, risking causing irritation on his part (yes, he will stay at home so as not to offend you, but mentally he will be where he was going);
  • let go of your loved one with a light heart, and go about your own business.

There are many options: meeting a friend, watching a movie, doing handicrafts, shopping, cafe, theater, beauty salon.

Isn't there any joy when your husband is not around? But this is already a problem, but not his, but your personal one, since no man is capable of being alone with his wife all the time - and this is normal.

And the fact that you dissolved in him is not very good. Try to step back, because the world has not come down on your husband. with his needs - there are many interesting areas of life in which you can realize yourself.

Think, shake yourself up - the solution will appear on the surface.

The other extreme would be endless calls and SMS messages, for example: “What are you doing?”, “When will you be?”, “Are you coming soon?”, “Have you eaten?”, “Why aren’t you answering?/You’re not picking up the phone,” etc. .

And it annoys men.

Especially if it is repeated every five minutes. At first he will answer normally, a little later - with nervousness, in the end, he may simply turn off the phone, plunging his wife into wild horror called “Something happened to him!”

Slow down. After all, he already has a mother, and he had enough control in childhood. Of course, you shouldn’t completely neglect calls, but you need to do this in moderation to make your husband want to call you himself.

Watch the video - what to do to make a man appreciate you:

Remember: a lady's strength is in her weakness.

Our women, as they say, can run into a burning hut, charge a horse, and do much more. They can, but they shouldn't if there is a man nearby.

Forget about heavy bags, nailing yourself, rearranging furniture, fixing a faucet or computer. No one doubts that you can do it.

But, looking at how his wife changes a tire, a man, willy-nilly, has the thought: “Why me then?”

That's why let your husband feel like a strong, brave knight, and you, all so tender and weak, feel with him as if behind a stone wall.

Tell him how wonderful, responsive and attentive he is. We invite you to watch a video about how to improve family relationships and not lose your husband:

Hide your saw

Even if you are not happy with a lot of things or want something, you shouldn’t talk about it all the time, especially An orderly tone or tedious repetition of the same thing is unacceptable.

The man has already heard you, the process of thinking about possible ways to fulfill the request began in his head.

By stooping to banal “sawing,” you can not only provoke a scandal, but also discourage the desire to do what you ask.

And you also need to ask correctly:

  • speak in a calm tone (it’s better when the man is in a good mood);
  • do not use categorical words or command sentences;
  • thank you even for fulfilling a small request.

Fight properly

In life, especially family life, it is impossible to do without quarrels. But It is important in the heat of the moment not to say too much, not to offend, not to humiliate a person.

To prevent this from happening, follow the basic rules of a quarrel:

  • don't insult;
  • sort things out immediately without accumulating resentment;
  • do not quarrel or make harsh remarks in public;
  • try to resolve the conflict before you go to bed, and in the same bed.

From this video you will learn about five mistakes that women make when quarreling with their loved ones:

Stay beautiful!

Men love with their eyes- it is a fact. But only a small number of women remember this after marriage.

The ironclad argument “he loves me even like that” may not be without common sense, but still, do not forget about the basic things that are necessary for any woman, regardless of time and place:

  • clean, well-groomed hair;
  • makeup appropriate to the situation (even at home);
  • neat clothes;
  • manicure and pedicure;
  • smooth legs (and other places).

This is the minimum that you can do even at home.

Love yourself, take care of yourself, take time for yourself - your beloved, in order to be interesting not only to your legal spouse, but also to other men.

After strangers look after you, and your husband’s friends envy how easily you let him go to the sports bar, he himself will suddenly send a gentle message about how lucky he is with you. And this is not so little, is it?

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video on how to make a husband jealous and afraid of losing his wife:

  1. Hint that your life will not end with him if you break up. For a man, this will be a useful surprise and a good topic for thought.
  2. Don't insist on marriage. Let your man understand that the stamp in your passport is not proof of love for you.
  3. Be independent. A man should see that you can do just fine without him. Strong-willed women also live on earth!
  4. Ask him for help if you really need it. Your loved one will fly to the very heavens with joy!
  5. Neglect him the same way he neglects you and your needs. The fact is that a man will treat you with kindness as soon as you turn into an “ice”.
  6. Become a man's best friend. You will be aware of all his affairs. And he won’t have to wait until his friends find a free moment for him to talk about painful things.
  7. Share his hobbies with your loved one. Read relevant literature about them to surprise him even more.
  8. Never run to a man at the first call. Say it straight: “If you want to see me, come yourself!” Such a phrase can greatly offend, but you should not worry about this.
  9. Make sure that your betrothed sees that other individuals of the opposite sex are also seriously interested in you. Carefully explain that these are your fans who have always dreamed of being with you in a completely different role.
  10. Don't let a man humiliate you. Convince that respect is main element creating and maintaining strong relationships.
  11. Use the phrase skillfully: “If you don’t like something, no one is stopping you...”. Say it only when the situation demands it.

How to make a guy afraid of losing you?

How to make your husband afraid of losing his wife?

Bewitch a man so that he is afraid of losing you!

If all else fails. Try using a love spell that can quickly solve your problem. Touch his eyelids right hand. Mentally say the spell:

“Just as a slave (state the name of the chosen one) is afraid of losing his eyes, so let him suffer for me day and night! Key, tongue, lock. Amen, amen, amen...”

There is an opinion that everyday life kills love and, if not love itself, then it certainly cools the reverent and sensitive attitude of a man that he demonstrated during courtship and the honeymoon.

Standards of Morality modern society consumption inexorably state: in marriage, love is not born, but dies. Let's talk about how to behave with your husband so that he is afraid of losing you. Advice from a psychologist at all stages of development of marital relationships.

It is very important to talk about your feelings to the one you love because you never know when you might lose them or when they will lose you.
One Tree Hill

Before marriage

If you want to master driving, then before you get behind the wheel and turn on the ignition, you should go through a certain period of training. This statement can be applied to any type of activity, but for some reason it is often not taken into account by those who are going to create - divorce statistics are freely available.

TO family life it is necessary to prepare before it begins, during the period of courtship and choosing a future spouse. It is vitally necessary to carefully observe, find out, and do not hesitate to ask questions to a person who claims to be a future husband and father.

The main mistakes that a woman makes at the courtship stage, and which cool or completely negate the interest and respect for her on the part of a man:

  • The woman takes the leading role in the relationship, looks after the man, tries excessively to please him, to demonstrate her economic talents; she makes dates, pays bills, gives gifts to a man, in a word, leads him in the dance.
  • Furiously closes his eyes to all the shortcomings of a man, to his disrespectful attitude, bad habits, ridicule - all so that the man does not leave, even if he has not yet thought of leaving.
  • A woman in love mistakenly believes that a man will change after the wedding and the strength of her love will contribute to this.
The above illusions are cultivated in the female mind by cinema and completely disappear in the first years of marriage. Under the pressure of everyday difficulties, problems associated with giving birth and raising children, the first intoxication passes, and the woman finds herself face to face with a man who is of little interest to her, who does not respect her and generally has a huge set of negative properties and habits that were invisible before marriage and not subject to change by the power of her love.

  • Approach the choice of your future husband with a clear head. Ask people whose opinions you trust to evaluate your future chosen one, point out his positive and negative sides.
  • Carefully observe a man's behavior towards other significant women.: mothers, sisters, ex-wife. Do not flatter yourself if he is rude, irritated, insults other women - over time, this fate will not escape you.
  • Give the man the opportunity to look after you for a long time. There can be no question of any respect for a woman in marriage if a man got her without effort. The higher your activity and interest during dating, the faster a man will lose interest in you.
  • Test a man: you must be completely sure before marriage that the level of moral development, life principles and upbringing of a man will allow him to become a good father and a caring, faithful husband. A man who wants to “live for himself” and “get everything from life,” because “he deserves it,” is simply obliged to resign before it’s too late.


Majority modern people suffer from one form or another of neurosis. Thus, a lover strives for complete undivided selfish possession of another person, wants to dissolve in the object of his passion without a trace, without thinking at all about how this will affect his wife. In this case, there can be no talk of love; on the contrary, they talk about unhealthy dependence.

Neurotic women are jealous and subject to emotional storms, they strive to control every step of a man, follow him with their tail, forgetting about their own lives. All of the above actions on the part of a woman are a surefire way for her husband not only to grow cold and stop respecting her, but to even go on the side in order to get rid of unbearable oppression and control.

Despite the closeness of the spouses, distance must be maintained in family life.

Some tips for maintaining your attractiveness in marriage:
  • Don't become complacent after the wedding. This concerns the appearance and grooming of a woman.
  • And again about the benefits of distance: a man should not be present when applying makeup, hair styling, depilation, not to mention more intimate hygiene procedures.
  • Don't become a caring mother for your husband. Take it as an axiom: if a wife raises her husband as a son, she is preparing him for another wife.
  • Do not visit your husband's men's company. Have your own social circle, personal interests, personal time.

Cheap manipulation

On the Internet you can find mind-blowing recommendations for regaining the attention and respect of a “cold husband.” They are associated with visits to fortune tellers, techniques for arousing jealousy and, in essence, are cheap manipulations over the will of another person.

- a flawed, neurotic personality who achieves his goals with flattery, helpfulness, the desire to cause jealousy, vigilant control, power suppression, in a word, anything but patience and respect for the feelings of another person.

It is much more honest, although more difficult, to talk about everything honestly and, if necessary, distance yourself for a while.

One piece of advice that we believe is very dangerous on the Internet applies to wives whose husbands have taken a woman on the side. To such ladies " good people“They advise to lure your husband home at all costs, using the methods of your rival, namely: to increase your helpfulness towards the man in everyday life and in bed.

The result of such a strategy is often sad and even tragic: a man lives comfortably in two families, has children on the side, and at the same time, the level of tension and expectations of his legal wife constantly increases. The result is an inevitable breakdown and, in some cases, a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Is it possible to forgive betrayal?
- You can, but why? When they love, they take care of it, they are afraid of losing it.
Once they cheat, it means they don’t love you anymore - if they aren’t afraid of losing.
Then why forgive and stay with the person who abandoned you?
Rinat Valiullin. Every silence has its own hysteria

In a situation, no matter how painful and painful it may be, you should stop marital communication and move away. A man must understand that such actions will not take place without consequences. Only in this case can a woman count on respect and correction of the current situation. Marina Nikitina

Do you have a man, husband, lover whom you are afraid of losing? How to keep your adored object near you? You can’t say to his face: “I’m afraid of losing you!” This is not worth doing.

Don’t show weakness and lack of will in matters of relationships and affections, otherwise it will only get worse.

Below are approximate options for tying a man to yourself with invisible ropes, but remember: the actions you take after reading the advice remain, because not all of them are honest.

“Like cheese in butter...”

“I'm afraid of losing my husband,” is this phrase stuck in your head? Surely, out of fear of losing the love of your betrothed, you want to turn everything upside down. Do you want him to be afraid of losing you, and not you him? Then this completely honest and easily implementable method for loving wife. This method is called “like cheese in butter.”

The bottom line: if you create the most satisfying living conditions for your husband, he will not exchange you for any other super-beauty and super-housewife. Everything here is easy to implement, the main thing is that the desire to “tie him” is stronger than everyday prejudices. If he likes to eat sandwiches at the computer, do not impose etiquette rules on him and do not force him to memorize table manners, do not yell at him after every crumb that falls from the sandwich. Evaluate: what is better, to wave a rag once again or to sit next to a broken trough and cry? Remember this question and every time a similar situation occurs, ask it mentally to yourself.

If he likes to drink a bottle of beer in front of the TV, then give him this long-awaited holiday, and also invite your friends. Yes, such a treasure, such an understanding wife, everyone is afraid to lose! Analyze when a man’s mood deteriorates, then you will understand what little things he lacks for comfort.

Evaluated advantages

This method is suitable for a new relationship, when a girl wakes up and goes to bed with only one thought: “I’m so afraid of losing my boyfriend!”

If you are afraid of losing him, then he has many advantages, so tell him about it.

It is advisable when listing all the “advantages” not to lie, but to praise for real superiorities, then they will be afraid of losing you, not you. How else does your husband know how thrilled you are at the sight of his biceps or how much you adore his sharp, funny jokes? If he doesn’t learn about this from you, then he will go to a place where he will be told about it three times every day, that is, to another girl.

If he lacks intelligence and biceps, find something special in his character, appearance, and behavior. Does your loved one need support and has more troubles and problems than you? So come up with a phrase like: “You have such self-control!”, “You look so majestic in this coat!”, “Your friends were delighted with you when you beat them”, “I feel protected with you”, “ You have exceptional taste, unlike most men.”

Behavior change

“How to make someone afraid of losing,” the girl thinks, although she fulfills the man’s whims, but he is still always dissatisfied, “he sat on his neck and also dangled his legs.” In this case, previous strategies will only make the situation worse. Here you need to irrevocably change your behavior. Feigned indifference and treating an ungrateful man like an ununderstanding child will help. Stop doing everything he says. When the conversation is about work, daily events, prices, weather - communicate, take a keen interest in everything. And if orders, reproaches and conversations begin in a humiliating mentor tone, do not react at all or show indignation at such behavior in another way: go to another room, slam the door lightly, do not cook him dinner, show resentment.

The “by contradiction” strategy works here. If your behavior changes, and abruptly, your man will at least be surprised and pay attention to you differently, and not just as a service personnel. In addition, his level of comfort will decrease: there will be nothing to eat, things will remain dirty, there will be no one to yell at, no one to humiliate, in general, there will be a break in the pattern. A man will definitely notice a change in behavior.

Friend and psychologist

Become for a man not just a wife, mistress or cohabitant, but an irreplaceable person, friend and personal psychologist. Surely, he suffers from misunderstandings, and wives often do not fulfill the role of both wife and girlfriend of a man, so do it! Let him tell you how to involve him in a conversation, what unresolved issues or problems your loved one has.

Let him know that you value him more than before. Don't laugh at his seemingly trivial problems, don't perceive them as the babble of an unintelligent child. Be immersed in those questions that do not allow him to live in peace, be happy, or look to the side in search of pity and understanding. If you are guilty, don’t start the “old record” like “I won’t apologize to this ungrateful fool,” especially if you do it regularly.

If your figure changes (for example, you gained weight after giving birth and or because of breastfeeding, the latter took on a different shape), think about whether an attractive appearance will correct the situation? Work hard, try for mutual future happiness, he will appreciate your efforts. And if he asks what’s the matter, why such zeal appeared, then say so, I want to like you. He will be proud of both you and himself.


One of the answers to the question “how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing” is this: become unsurpassed in bed. This is an important factor that plays a very important role for men. Especially for long-term relationships in which everything quickly gets boring. Do what he asked for a long time, but you didn’t do. Learn the cool technique. This will give him great pleasure, especially after a hard day at work.

General rules

So below are general rules, which will be useful to any girl, woman who has wondered “how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing”:

Do not impose your opinion if he categorically disagrees with it.
Don't do things that irritate him.
Do not wear ugly clothes with stains or holes at home (this does not apply to fashionable torn jeans).
Maintain a balance between affection and proud coldness.
Do not cry, especially if the man is clearly annoyed by it.
, do not program unpleasant, unwanted situations in your mind.
Admire the advantages, but not notice the shortcomings.
Don't make decisions for him.
him (to understand the meaning of what was said).
Don't burden yourself with your problems.
Be restrained.
Be cheerful.
Be beautiful, slim, interesting.
Don't treat him like a child.
Don't let your relationship take its course.
Don't call him every half hour.
Total control is excluded.
Come up with a hobby you like, not just washing dishes!
Always be a bit of an unsolved mystery.
Remember: a man is the same person as you with minor anatomical and social differences, support him in everything.
Loving a man.

Exact answers to asked question Only you can give it, because every relationship is unique.

Who, if not you, should know for what qualities they loved you, what it is that a man likes about you? What makes you different from other women in his eyes? After some thought, you will understand what these super qualities or character traits are that made him choose you. They need to be insisted on, they need to be developed.

Let him understand that while living or communicating with you, he is free to do whatever he sees fit, free, that he is not in a golden cage of your control, but has entered into an alliance (even if verbal) on a free basis. Let the man know that there are no responsibilities, you just love each other and therefore have the same rights and freedom to express yourself in life as you see fit.

If you want to tie your beloved one and only man to you, let him go.

If you are beautiful, smart, self-sufficient, interesting, passionate, ready for change, loving, attentive, caring - great! And also kind, smiling, joyful and happy, then any man will be afraid to lose such a treasure.

23 March 2014, 16:07