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Where do we drink water from? What kind of water do we drink? Mineral water happens

Experts: Valery Askerov, Head of the Marketing Department Analytical Center water control JSC "ROSA"

Ekaterina Doroshina, environmental specialist at EcoStandard group

Georgy Shishov, psychotherapist, consultant psychologist


Having undergone the necessary processing at water treatment plants, the water receives a kind of “passport” of compliance with GOSTs and TUs. Then, cleaned and safe, it is sent to our apartments through water pipes, the condition of which often leaves much to be desired. Despite the fact that the quality of tap water is Russian cities in most cases quite decent, there is still a risk.

Nowadays, city water treatment plants use a new safe reagent - sodium hypochlorite, which has replaced liquid chlorine, which was used for more than 80 years. This increased the reliability and safety of production drinking water. The only negative is the smell, but it disappears if you boil the water or just let it sit.


According to Valery Askerov, he drinks tap water at home and does not use any filters. But this is a private decision. The majority of the population still boils water. By the way, this is perhaps a universal cleaning method. Pros: disinfection - toxic microorganisms die, harmful organic impurities evaporate. Cons: water is deprived of beneficial microelements, primarily salts. Therefore, drinking only boiled water is not recommended.

If there is water in the tap, then we have cause for concern. According to the Romir research center, today about 40% of urban residents who do not drink tap water think so, but use filters and other ways to improve its quality.

Meanwhile, the Mosvodokanal website has an informative system for daily monitoring of water quality. Here you can learn about water in your home. There is also a special examination. For analysis, you need to collect water in a container, preferably sterile, and try to deliver it to a certified laboratory as quickly as possible (to preserve all the “flora and fauna” at the time of collection). The cost of such an analysis is 1500-3000 rubles, depending on the number of parameters and the company’s pricing policy.


Country houses, cottages and most dachas, as a rule, do not have a centralized water supply. Water for private property comes from a well, which is perceived by many as an almost ideal source of clean water. It is not always so.

The quality of water in private households is influenced by many factors. Let’s assume that the well is dug according to all the rules, but nearby (within a radius of up to 5 km) there is a burial site for household or industrial waste, or agricultural land that is fertilized with pesticides. This proximity can cause toxic contaminants to enter aquifers. Ideally, of course, all these burials should be isolated, but in reality this is not always the case. Therefore, the deeper the well is dug, the less likely it is to pollute the water.

As soon as the well is drilled, submit the water for analysis. The initial examination costs 8,000-10,000 rubles, depending on the location and the presence of unfavorable factors. If you do not notice a change in the taste, color, smell of water and no work has been done near your well, then repeat full analysis annually is not necessary. The risk of pollution increases after floods and snowmelt. During such periods, you can conduct research on a number of relevant indicators (from 1300 rubles).

Another problem with your own water supply is irregular use. In the city, water circulates through pipes constantly, but in a well, water can stagnate. This creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogens. To protect country houses and summer cottages from microbiological hazards, it is well suited as a filter. UV lamp. Its effectiveness against all harmful bacteria is 99.9%. This device very simply “crashes” into the plumbing system of the house: it costs from 3,000 rubles, consumes little energy, and lasts for six months.


A significant portion of bottled water sold in stores is made from regular tap water that has undergone additional processing. In particular, all salts are completely removed from it and then enriched with useful minerals. Sanitary rules allow you to do this. According to Valery Askerov, “the quality of bottled water on the shelves of Russian stores is generally satisfactory. Both domestic companies and Russian branches of the world's largest beverage manufacturers turn to us to conduct an independent examination. If we advise consumers which bottled water to choose, I would recommend buying brands from well-known manufacturers who have a strict multi-stage quality control system in place during production.”

Real natural, medicinal table and medicinal mineral water is bottled from a well, it is not purified or changed chemical composition. It is believed that such water is the richest in nutrients. Medicinal table water can be drunk without restrictions. Medicinal - as prescribed by a doctor. It is better to choose “native” brands of mineral water, since our body is accustomed to the water of a certain region.

When purchasing bottled water, pay attention to the label. TU (technical conditions) - 9185, the water has retained all its natural properties. And if TU is 0131, then it has undergone physical and chemical processing. This will be tap water that has undergone purification.


Relying on the miraculous powers of a spring or spring is quite irresponsible for health, since only the most famous of them, to which pilgrimages are made en masse, are sometimes checked for compliance with standards. But no one ever takes measurements of “healing” water on a daily basis. The two most dangerous period for natural water - spring (a surge of pollution due to melting snow) and summer (the time of “blooming” of water, when microbiological excesses are noted). Other indicators of water quality in springs and springs also leave much to be desired.

The feeling that spring water is tastier and more refreshing is due to the abundance of iron, which gives a peculiar metallic taste, perceived as “freshness”.

Psychologists explain the fact that people attribute exceptional properties to sources by their belief in miracles. Water in this aspect is an ideal “solvent” of beliefs and legends. The self-hypnosis mechanism is activated. A person is convinced that spring water contains some minerals and additives of natural origin that have a beneficial effect on the body. Some people do feel more energetic, but only those whose bodies lack precisely those elements that this particular water contains. The rest either do not experience any effect, or they end up in a hospital bed with exacerbation of kidney stones, food poisoning and other diseases.


People's greatest irrational hopes and aspirations are associated with so-called “holy” water. According to psychologists, a true believer, by drinking such water, subconsciously tunes the psyche and, as a result, the entire body to intensify the fight against the disease. And in the case of mild illnesses, this often works. Faith plays the role of an auto-training tool to activate the body's defenses. But this mechanism works only for devoutly believing people.


There is a concept of “drinking regime”. This is an approximate order of water consumption, recommended taking into account the age, health, nature of work of people, as well as environmental conditions. The general rule of eight glasses, widely advertised by experts today, is not entirely correct. It is based on the fact that the majority modern people really experience a chronic lack of clean water. In this situation, it is logical to promote a water consumption rate of 8-9 glasses, on the assumption that the body will easily get rid of excess fluid.

In fact, drinking regime is an individual thing. The best way is to drink little by little and constantly. The desire to fulfill the daily requirement in 2-3 approaches develops the habit of drinking a lot. Digestion worsens when drinking too much. Massive absorption of fluid through the intestines significantly dilutes the blood, and the number of red blood cells decreases. The increased volume of circulating blood creates additional stress on the heart and kidneys.

For climatic conditions middle zone In Russia, the amount of clean drinking water is 2.5 liters per day per person, and with high temperature environment - 3.5 l. With average physical activity (work, fitness), water consumption can reach 4 liters, and in a hot climate (at a resort) - 5 liters per day.

But the most important thing is to listen to your own feelings. If fatigue appears, headache, insomnia, then 2-3 “extra” glasses a day can significantly improve the situation. Another sensitive indicator is the color of urine. Light signals that you are drinking enough, yellow-brown - that you are on a strict “water diet” and it’s time for you to reconsider your drinking regime .

WITH drinking water something is wrong if you have:

The skin is peeling,

Dry and brittle hair,

Gastrointestinal disorders,

Nails peel off

Bright yellow plaque on teeth.



Water packaged in containers (SanPiN

Drinking mineral waters (GOST 13273-88)


At least 1000 (with less mineralization, biologically active elements must be present)


You would like to lose a few extra pounds, but you can't. And it looks like it's not just a matter of eating too much or not moving enough. You take care of yourself, but you still get better. The reason for this may be an undiagnosed disease.

Life originated in water, and without water its continuation is impossible. Water delivers vitamins and mineral salts to the body's cells and removes waste. The body of an adult is 60-70% water, and the body of a child is 80%. And no matter how banal the idea that water is the basis of life may seem, one cannot but agree with this.

For normal functioning of the body, a person needs at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Moreover, its composition affects the functioning of the intestines, heart, blood vessels, endocrine system, metabolism, dental condition, and even the health of an unborn child. A five-month embryo consists of 94% water, so it is especially important for expectant mothers to drink good water. It is no secret that most of us drink water that does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. Doctors even know of diseases that are associated with the characteristics of our drinking water. The capital's water is considered the best in the country, but you can't drink it straight from the tap. Even if the sanitary and epidemiological station gives the go-ahead, do not forget that between the treatment station, where samples are taken for analysis, and our glass, there are kilometers of old rusty pipes. Getting rid of harmful impurities in water is quite difficult. The main water pollutants are harmful microorganisms, bacteria and viruses, heavy metal ions (copper, lead, cadmium, mercury, zinc, strontium, etc.). They accumulate in the body and can make themselves felt only after several years by the development of serious diseases. The most common method of disinfecting tap water is chlorination. But the fact is that chlorine not only kills harmful microorganisms (from Vibrio cholera to the hepatitis virus), but also enters into chemical reactions, forming toxic compounds. Few people know that we inhale 2/3 of them with clouds of hot steam while taking a bath or shower. According to American scientists, water chlorination increases the risk of cancer by 10-15%, which is quite comparable to passive smoking. Many countries have long switched to water disinfection using ozone and ultraviolet light. Similar technologies exist in our country, but for their mass implementation it is necessary to completely re-equip city wastewater treatment plants.

What kind of water can you drink?

If straight from the tap, then only boiled! But even with boiling, only some microorganisms die. For example, the hepatitis A virus, i.e. jaundice, dies only with prolonged boiling - after 25-30 minutes. Besides, heat treatment does not remove chemical impurities, and salts settle on the heating elements in the form of scale. By the way, keep in mind that boiled water cannot be stored for longer than a day, since water is an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. The solution is to pre-filter the water or drink bottled water. Today there are more than 500 types of different drinking water on sale. The label of a bottle of high-quality water must indicate: is it natural water or is it obtained by purification, the chemical composition of mineral water, the address and telephone number of the manufacturer, the date and place of bottling, as well as information about the degree of purification. Of course there is also traditional methods cleaning, for example, using a silver spoon, which is placed in water. Experts are skeptical about them. Silver does disinfect and can keep water fresh longer, but it will not make contaminated liquid drinkable.

Mineral water

Drinking mineral water is beneficial, since microelements from water are absorbed by the body by 60-70%, and from solid food - by no more than 20-30%. Mineral water does not contain sugar, artificial colors, preservatives, perfectly quenches thirst. It is best to buy water that is bottled in the same place where it is extracted.

Mineral water is:

  • dining room, salt content - up to 1 gram per liter. Feel free to use it for drinking and cooking;
  • medicinal table (1−10 g per liter). Low-mineralized water (2−2.5 g per liter) can be drunk in unlimited quantities, and with a higher salt content - no more than 2−3 glasses per day;
  • medicinal (salt content - over 10 g per liter). Your doctor should decide whether this water is good for you.

Cleaning methods

Mechanical filtration is the simplest cleaning method. Water passes through a kind of sieve, which retains insoluble impurities, sand, and rust. The smaller the hole size, the higher the degree of cleaning, but the lower the productivity and service life. Modern ultra-filters can even trap bacteria. During ion exchange, harmful particles are replaced with useful ones. “Unworthy” ions are removed from the water and remain in the filter material. Excess calcium and magnesium are perfectly removed, reducing water hardness. The main advantage of this method is the possibility of reusing the filter medium. Sorption is the removal of harmful substances by absorption. It removes chlorine well, improves the taste of water, and partially kills bacteria. However, the sorbent resource is limited. Using the electrochemical method, all organic substances and heavy metal ions are removed from water, all viruses, bacteria and microorganisms die. The advantage of the method is environmental friendliness, the absence of replaceable cartridges, and a productivity of 50-70 liters per hour. Water can be disinfected using chemicals - antiseptics. But after their use, it is necessary to purify the water from chemicals. Water undergoes deep purification by passing through a semi-permeable membrane. To increase the service life of the membrane, mechanical and carbon filters are installed in household systems. IN good filters use a combination of methods. The disadvantages of some are compensated by the advantages of others.

Filter types

Pressure filters are installed on the faucet or cut into the pipe. By cleaning from undissolved impurities - sand, silt, rust, they protect household appliances and plumbing. Substances dissolved in water pass freely through mechanical filter, which means additional purification of water to drinking quality is required. Filters that are attached to the faucet for the duration of filtration, or stationary ones that are built into the water supply, help. The stationary filter is very convenient - it is hidden under the sink, and a separate tap appears on the sink - only for clean water: for drinking and cooking. Tap water is also suitable for washing dishes. Such filters have the longest resource (4000−12000 liters of water) and the highest filtration rate (1.5−3 liters per minute). The disadvantage of such installations is the rather high price. In non-pressure pitcher-type filters, water is filtered by gravity. This is the most familiar and easy-to-use type of filter, which is useful both at home and in the country. Manufacturers of jug filters produce several types of cartridges for them with different filtering properties - for soft, hard water, there are bactericidal cartridges. The productivity of filter jugs is from 20 g to 500 g per minute. The jugs vary in volume (from 1-2 l to 4-5 l), they have different resource of replaceable cartridges (from 100 to 500 l). Lovers of outdoor recreation can choose bactericidal filters for water purification in hiking conditions. These are convenient and compact devices. _






Present to your attention "

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Okhotnikovskaya secondary school"

Saki district Republic of Crimea

Research work:

"What kind of water do we drink"

Completed by: 4th grade student

Abkelyamov Akim

Head: teacher primary classes

Abduramanova N.Sh.

Okhotnikovo 2015

Water can have not only positive effects on people’s health, but also bad influence. Now due to the deterioration ecological situation The problem related to water quality has become the most pressing. We care about what kind of water we drink and how it affects our health.

Goal of the work: Familiarize yourself with the quality of drinking water and its impact on human life processes.


    Study (color, smell, taste, transparency), chemical and biological indicators of water quality.

    Find out what effect water quality has on human health.

    Assess the quality of water used by the population for food purposes.

    Identify ways to purify water.

Object, subject and basis of research:

    Object of study: human.

    Subject of research: drinking water is the basis of human health.

    Study participant: 4th grade student, parents.

Research methods:analysis, survey, observation, collecting information from books, magazines, newspapers, experiment, working with Internet resources, practical methods.

Have you ever thought about what water is and what role it plays in our lives?Water is integral part any cell, liquid base of blood and lymph. In the body it performs a number of important functions: many chemical substances, it actively participates in metabolic processes, with its help metabolic products are released from the body. Water is as vital for humans as it is for our planet or for any living creature on it.Water is the most famous little-studied and most mysterious substance on Earth; it is the basis of life on Earth and the basis for the existence of any living creature on the planet.

Consequently, the water we consume must be clean, that is, moderately hard water without excess iron, fluorine, heavy metals, and meeting hygienic standards. If a person takes contaminated hard water, he often gets sick. If you want to lead healthy image life, then you need to start with clean water first. The quality of water is determined by the presence of chemical inclusions in it. Already with the help of smell and vision, a person can determine the quality of water. Not pure crystal water and the suspicious smell of the water already tells a person that it is not clean.

I noticed that the taste of water varies: in cities it is not tasty, for example in Simferopol, but in the village it even seems tasty.

On January 12, I filled a three-liter jar with tap water and decided to see what the sediment would be like in 2 weeks.

After I drained the water from the jar, I noticed that a gray sediment had formed at the bottom of the jar. When I wiped the bottom of the jar with a clean cloth, I discovered that yellow marks remained on the cloth.

I took different samples of water: tap water, settled water, filtered water, well water.

I took Bon-Aqua bottled water as a sample and decided to test the water for: 1. Taste 2. Color 3. Presence of impurities 4. Hardness

Experiment 1. Add a strong solution of potassium permanganate to the water.

If the water remains pink for some time and does not become lighter, then the water is relatively pure.

From experience it is clear that filtered water and Bon-aqua have a rich color, and the most light water- well

Conclusion: well water most often contains many different impurities.

Experiment 2. Apply a small drop of water to the mirror. Wait until the water evaporates. When the droplet dries, you need to look at the surface of the mirror - if it remains clean, then the water is most likely also clean. If spots have formed on it, then there are impurities

Experiment 3. Hardness – checked the presence of lime and salts using a soap solution.

The amount of salts and lime is judged by the flakes and sediments formed in glasses of water

1. "Bon-aqua", 2.settled, 3. well, 4.Water


I see from my own experience that the hardest water is well water; it contains a lot of soap flakes.

Conclusion: the hardest water is well water, it contains many different chemical elements and it's salty.

Experience results:

Bon aqua





1. Taste












3. Presence of impurities

Experience 1






Experience 2






Experience 3












Bottom line








3rd place

5th place

4th place



Where can you get clean water? There are several ways to purify water - boiling, settling, purification activated carbon, filtering.
A water filter is an extremely necessary thing in our kitchen. With it, crystal clear water is always available and in any quantity. The water that passes through the filter contains only useful minerals necessary for health, without flora, rust, petroleum products and heavy metals.

1. In areas where there is little water, you should drink it with a small amount of vinegar: 1 liter of water 12 teaspoons apple cider vinegar and honey, 35 drops of 5% iodine (in such an environment, microbes die in a few minutes).

2. Add a few drops to it citric acid. The following ratio is recommended: dissolve 1 g of crystalline citric acid in 2 liters of water. One spoon of the resulting solution per 2.5 liters of water is enough to kill the animal and plant microorganisms in it. The effect of this solution will be felt within a few minutes: the water will become clean, and sediment (dead microorganisms) will appear at the bottom. The lemon solution must be prepared just before use. It is completely harmless to health and cannot be felt in the water. Ways to help improve the quality of drinking water if you don’t have filters at hand or in camping conditions:


1. The water in the tap is hard; That’s why I notice scale on the kettle, as well as a characteristic film on the surface of boiled water.

2.Tap water contains impurities, these are products of decomposition of organic compounds. They contaminate water where it is taken from large rivers and lakes, especially those whose banks are densely populated and surrounded by agricultural land.

3. You need to use filters at home, and take special components for disinfecting drinking water in natural conditions when going on hikes.

Used Books

1. “About everything in the world.” Illustrated Encyclopedia of Knowledge.trans. from English V.A. Zhukova and others.

2. “Where, what, when?” Encyclopedia for the curious.trans. from English Pokidaeva T.

3. Internet resources.

Water is the second most important substance after air, necessary for the functioning of the body. Our body is 65% water. A person can live from 3 to 5 days without water. So let's figure out why we drink water andForwhat, how and how much our body needs.

The role of water in the body

Water in the body serves for:

· Water is involved in all metabolic processes. It is written above that water makes up almost 2/3 of our body. It is found in all tissues and fluids of our body. For example, blood is 83% water. All substances that nourish our body can reach our cells only when dissolved in water.

· Water participates in the body’s heat exchange and is necessary for cooling it. Water comes out through the pores in the skin, thereby evaporating and lowering body temperature.

· Lubricant for joints. Water forms synovial and cerebrospinal fluid. The first is responsible for lubricating the joints, and the second is located between the vertebrae and around the brain and protects the vertebrae and brain from damage.

· Water actively promotes fat burning. It reduces the feeling of hunger. If you don't drink enough water, your liver burns fat less efficiently. Because it takes over part of the functions of the kidneys to filter waste from the body.

· Water is good for the brain. With a lack of fluid, the functioning of the capillaries separating the nervous system from the circulatory system is disrupted. This causes various neurotic disorders.

Consequences of not drinking enough water

The first thing that a lack of water in the body leads to is a failure of the kidneys. Which in turn leads to a decrease in metabolic rate. Accumulation of toxins in the body. This leads to increased fatigue, headaches, and excess weight, dry skin, brittle bones.

Dehydration of the body by 10% leads to severe disorders nervous system and can be fatal.

Where is fluid spent in the body?

For an average person weighing 60 kg with light physical activity, it is normal to drink about 1.5 liters of water per day. 60% of this amount enters the body through drinking, and the remaining 40% through food. Entering through the esophagus, water is absorbed into the walls of the stomach and then distributed to the organs and tissues of the body.

The waste water comes out:

50% of water leaves the body in urine

9% in feces

9% comes out in sweat

16% is excreted during respiration

16% evaporates from the surface of the skin.

What products to get water from?

As stated above, 40% of water enters the body through food. Let's see which products contain the most of it.

1. Cucumber - 96% water

2. Iceberg lettuce -95% water

3. Celery -95% water

4. Radish -95% water

5. Tomato -94% water

6. Green pepper -93% water

7. Cauliflower-92% water

8. Watermelon -91% water

9. Spinach -91% water

10. Strawberry -91% water

Foods that cause dehydration

In addition to foods that replenish water reserves in the body, there are also those whose consumption contributes to dehydration of the body. These are products such as alcohol, salt, sweet carbonated water, black tea and drinks containing caffeine.

How much water to drink

As written above, the minimum water consumption is 1.5 liters. But this is for a weight of 60 kg and with low physical activity. If you weigh more, you need to add one glass of water for every additional 20 kg.

When increasing physical activity The body loses more fluid due to this if you play sports and lead an active lifestyle or your work involves heavy physical activity. It is necessary to further increase the amount of water you drink.

In summer, in hot weather, you also need to drink more, since more water is spent cooling the body and comes out through sweat.

When playing sports, for every 100 ml of fluid consumed during exercise, 150 ml of water is needed to compensate for losses.

How often should I drink water?

It is better to switch to the correct drinking regimen gradually, increasing the amount of water you drink per day. Slowly bringing this amount up to your norm.

During the day, you should drink water whenever you become thirsty.

It is useful to drink a glass of water about 30-40 minutes before meals. Water fills your stomach and makes you feel full faster when you eat. This helps you get rid of extra pounds and avoid overeating.

What drink?

To maintain an acceptable level of fluid in the body, it is best to drink pure mineral water.

Drinking green tea is also beneficial, but you should not drink a lot of it.

Sweet and alcoholic drinks, coffee should not be counted as drinking water, because they, on the contrary, increase thirst and cause dehydration.


We have found that drinking plenty of water is very beneficial for the body. Water affects all metabolic processes of the body and is contained in all its cells. Drink to your health!

A healthy lifestyle is gradually becoming fashionable. More and more often we hear from TV screens, billboards, and from people how important it is to eat right, exercise and take care of your health. At the same time, in addition to nutrition and sports, do not forget about one important component wellness and health is water. Our well-being and general physical condition depend on its quality and quantity.

Many scientists advise drinking eight glasses of water a day, some say two liters daily. This is all very approximate, and this figure is different for each person. However, the fact that water only benefits people is a fact. Without fluid, our body is not able to work normally, all metabolic processes slow down, immunity and mental work decline. Simply put, a person cannot live without water.

Many doctors recommend treating water as a nutrient for the human body, without which existence is impossible. Water is found in drinks and liquids, in fruits and vegetables, and in food. The products are designed not only to saturate us with energy and vitamins, but also to replenish the body’s water supply. A person loses fluid every day. Water leaves the body through the skin through sweat, breathing, bowel movements and urination, and maintaining this balance of water in the body is important for normal functioning. If fluid intake is reduced, then dehydration occurs, which is fraught with serious consequences and chronic diseases. In particular, water loss increases in hot weather, during exercise, at high altitude, and in old people who have a dull sense of thirst.

If the above doesn't motivate you to drink more water, here are six top reasons that will surely convince you of the importance of drinking water.

  1. The human body consists of eighty percent water, and fluid is involved in all processes in our body. So blood circulation, digestion, metabolic processes, temperature maintenance - water is involved in all this.

    The pituitary gland is involved in triggering the thirst signal if there is not enough water in the body. When the fluid level drops, we feel thirsty and go to drink a glass of water, tea, juice or other drink. At the same time, you should avoid alcohol, as it dulls brain signals, which can subsequently lead to dehydration.

  2. If you want to lose weight, drink

    People who are on diets try to drink a lot of water and this is not without reason. Water fills the stomach well, eliminating the feeling of hunger. In addition, water with a large amount of liquid is absorbed slowly, prolonging the feeling of fullness.

  3. Water is good for muscles

    If muscle cells do not receive enough moisture, their performance is significantly reduced. They tone up, work, and grow much faster if there is enough water in the body. It is water that ensures metabolic processes within the muscle fiber.

    At the same time, during sports and physical activity it is very important to consume a sufficient amount of fluid, because it comes out with sweat. Experts and professional athletes recommend drinking half a liter of water two hours before training. During physical activity, it is recommended to drink water at regular intervals. This way, the water balance will be replenished in the body faster and more efficiently.

  4. Water is good for skin

    The skin, like any other organ, contains water. It functions as a barrier that is responsible for retaining water so that it does not leave the body too quickly.

    Due to dehydration, when it becomes dry, wrinkles appear. This can be avoided by proper hydration of the body. Creams also help retain water. They create a barrier that prevents water from leaving the body.

  5. Kidneys don't work without water

    In the body, any moisture participates in metabolic processes and allows waste products to be removed from cells. The kidneys cleanse the body of harmful substances, remove toxins, viruses and other substances. This, however, is only possible if the required amount of water is drunk.

    If there is enough water in the body, then the urine does not have a pronounced color or odor. When there is a lack of fluid, the urine becomes dark brown in color and smells like ammonia as the body retains water in the body. If you constantly and regularly drink water, the likelihood of kidney stones increases. This is especially true for warm climates.

  6. Water is the basis for proper bowel function

    When there is a sufficient amount of water in the body and, accordingly, the intestines, the food receives the necessary hydration. Food quickly and easily passes through the gastrointestinal tract, and the maximum amount of nutrients and microelements is absorbed. If there is little fluid, the large intestine draws moisture from waste, thereby poisoning the body and causing constipation.

    Many nutritionists advise consuming liquids with fiber. Since water accumulates in the fibers and swells inside them, working like a “broom”, cleaning out all deposits from the intestines.