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Main types of fertilizers and their classification. Fertilizing the garden correctly - what fertilizers are for what Chemical fertilizers for plants

In order for plants to delight us with green leaves and harvest, we should help them - feed them with useful substances. The easiest way to do this is with fertilizers. In order not to get confused in their assortment, and not to harm your green friends, you need to understand in detail what types of fertilizers there are, at what time and how they need to be applied.

Choosing soil amendments

What types of fertilizers are there?

There are these types of fertilizers:


They are considered the most natural for the soil, because they are obtained through the vital activity of the animal and plant world. These include:

  • chicken droppings,
  • manure,
  • peat,
  • compost,
  • food waste,
  • humus,
  • sapropel (silt from a pond or lake).

Organic fertilizers are of great importance for plant life, since they are easily absorbed, enhance the water, thermal, and air properties of the soil, saturating it with carbon dioxide.

A popular and affordable fertilizer for enriching the soil with minerals is manure. It contains phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, potassium and other substances that increase productivity. As they decompose, they provide carbon dioxide for plants and help them obtain those nutrients that are difficult to obtain on their own. After applying manure, sandy soil becomes more moist, and clayey soil becomes looser.

Humus comes from roots and leaves that have decomposed. It has established itself as the main fertilizer for seedlings because it contains many nutrients. Valued fresh. The main disadvantage is that it decomposes very quickly when it gets into the soil and may contain seeds of various weeds.

Bird droppings are distinguished by their properties. Chicken and pigeon are especially prized because they contain more nutrients than manure. Therefore, the litter should be diluted about 14–18 times so as not to cause burns to the plants.

Pond sludge (sapropel) is often used to make compost. It contains not only nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, but also vitamins that stimulate crop growth in a short time. This ecological fertilizer not only increases productivity, but at the same time sanitizes the soil.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


How to make your own compost heap?

You don't need a recipe to make composts. Prefabricated compost is made from sawdust, dry leaves, garbage, shells, ash, grass, soot, and peat. You cannot add plastic, wood, bones, or synthetics to the pile where compost is dumped.

Mineral fertilizers

They have several types:

  • potash,
  • phosphorus,
  • nitrogen.

Despite the fact that they are called “chemical”, their importance for the life of plants should not be discounted. They give a quick effect and are easy to transport and store. Mineral fertilizers consist of mineral salts that are obtained artificially. But they are used infrequently.

How to choose the right fertilizer for the soil?

Potassium fertilizers increase crop resistance to fungal diseases and promote dense flowering. If there is not enough potassium, the leaves turn brown and burnt. They are fed when tubers, bulbs, fruits and seeds are formed. It can be potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate.

It is necessary to fertilize with nitrogen when the plant is gaining growth and is preparing to bloom. If there is not enough of it, the leaves lose their rich green color, become pale, and fall off. The main nitrogen fertilizers are urea and ammonium nitrate. They are introduced in early spring into unheated soil.

Feeding with phosphorus helps strengthen the roots and acts as a building material for shoots and flower buds. The lack of this mineral leads to early aging of crops. The most famous are simple or double superphosphate. It is applied in advance of the plants flowering.

Complex or mineral-organic

Most often, such fertilizers are universal in nature. They contain minerals: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, nitrogen, about 40% are organic substances. Such feeds are used not only for garden plants, but also for fruit, ornamental, and seedlings.

The use of complex fertilizers leads to the fact that humic compounds make mineral substances less mobile, the soil becomes looser and more permeable to water. Plants develop immunity to frost and disease, productivity increases, and nitrates do not penetrate the fruits. Ripening occurs two weeks earlier.


They consist of bacteria that improve the nutritional system of plants.

Thanks to bacteria that absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere, the condition of crops improves. These include azotobacterin, rhizotorphin, phosphorobacterin. They are called ecological because they do not poison the soil with chemicals, but throw into it what it has in significant quantities. Among agronomists and amateurs they appear as “Baikal EM-1”, “MERS”.

How and when should you apply fertilizer?

Mineral fertilizers will help plants avoid phosphorus and potassium starvation. For example, the Bulba complex is applied a few days before planting potatoes. It acts as a stimulant for bush growth.

Autumn dates are determined by the end of the harvest and the completion of basic work on the land. This is the best time to nourish the soil not only in the garden, but also in the garden. In the fall, you can apply all types of fertilizers. Both individually and comprehensively.

Over the long winter, organic matter will rot well in order to demonstrate its accumulated potential in all its glory in the spring. Therefore, during this period, compost, ash, and bird droppings are added. Minerals such as potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus will help berry bushes survive the winter and increase their survival in severe frosts.

For garden trees, strawberries, and garden crops, the following methods of fertilizing are used:

  • solid,
  • spot.

With the continuous method, replenishment is applied in the form of a scattering, but must be evenly distributed throughout the entire area. The point method is more labor-intensive, but economical. After all, fertilizer is thrown into each of the holes during planting.

Fertilizers can be applied either dry or liquid. Do not exceed the dosages indicated on the instructions. Not all one-component top-ups can be mixed.
For high yields of different crops, the amount and types of fertilizers that help to grow, bear fruit and not get sick are important. If you correctly apply fertilizers to all plants, you will get good results in the garden, garden and field in the fall!

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, TODAY only!

Not everyone knows what types of fertilizers exist today. But in order to understand the types of fertilizers and their classification, you do not need to be a certified agronomist.

In nature, since ancient times, there has been a natural process of filling the earth with elements useful for plants. But a man appeared and made his own adjustments - he began to intensively exploit plots of land suitable for crops and capture more and more plots in order to increase the amount of agricultural products obtained.

During this process, there was practically no undeveloped land left, and those on which crops took place began to be depleted.

The old method - leaving the land fallow (letting it rest and gain strength) turned out to be ineffective, but a way out was found. Organic and mineral fertilizers appeared.

Separation of fertilizers by characteristics

Fertilizers are classified according to the following criteria:

Mineral, chemical and organic fertilizers

Organic and mineral fertilizers differ in their origin:

  • Mineral or chemical fertilizers are the result of the work of chemical enterprises that use inorganic substances, mainly mineral salts, in their production.
  • Organic - obtained from components of vital activity. Therefore they are a product of natural origin.

Further, fertilizers are classified according to the types of nutrients they contain.

For example, chemical fertilizers are based on nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium.

According to agrochemical significance, fertilizers are divided into direct and indirect. The former are a source of nutrition for plants, the latter improve the properties of the soil. But such a division is very conditional, because direct fertilizers also participate in indirect interactions.

Direct fertilizers necessarily contain the main nutritional elements - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are added to the soil for crops in large quantities. Moreover, if chemical fertilizers contain only one element, then they are called simple. If two or more – complex.

Complex fertilizers can be double or triple (full). Such terms are introduced solely for the purpose of determining the presence of the main elements (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), because they are not used in absolutely pure form.

The division of fertilizers into simple, mixed and complex indicates the method of their preparation:

  • Simple, they contain only one element.
  • Mixed, obtained through the process of mechanical action (fertilizer mixing).
  • Complex ones are the result of chemical reactions.

Also, in order to increase the efficiency of transportation and storage, concentrated and ballast-free fertilizers are produced.

Those fertilizers that are created for a specific soil and a specific crop are called balanced.

Mineral fertilizers

They are produced in three types - ammonia, containing ammonium sulfate, nitrate, containing ammonium nitrate and amide, containing urea.

  • Ammonia nitrogen, introduced into soil with weak acidity, is well absorbed by plants through the root system and can remain in it for quite a long time. It is applied before sowing (in spring) and after harvesting (in autumn).
  • Nitrate nitrogen is introduced into the soil in the form of a solution, so its validity is limited. Apply at the beginning of spring. It is easily absorbed by plants and can be used in the summer as a top dressing.
  • Amide nitrogen is a fast-acting, soil-acidifying fertilizer. At high ambient temperatures it changes into ammonia form. Used mainly for fertilizing.
  1. Based on phosphorus (phosphoric).

They are divided into water-soluble, semi-soluble and sparingly soluble.

  • Simple and double superphosphate is an easily soluble fertilizer that is used on all types of soil. Does not require thorough mixing with water, because the dissolution process occurs easily and without mechanical impact.
  • Precipitate is a semi-soluble fertilizer. It is insoluble in water; weak acids are used for this. Used on acidic soils.
  • Phosphate flour is a sparingly soluble fertilizer. Available to plants only on acidic soils. When applied, it requires thorough mixing with the soil.
  1. Based on potassium (potassium).

They are concentrated chloride and sulfate salts.

  • Potassium chloride is highly soluble in water. Penetration into the soil is somewhat slower. It is used on clay and loamy soils, taking into account that plant roots are poorly developed and require a rapid supply of nutrients.
  • Potassium salt – easily dissolves in water. It is most used on sandy soils to replenish potassium deficiency. In autumn, the use of this fertilizer is not advisable, because... rapid leaching by groundwater occurs.
  1. Lime-based (limestone).

Used to eliminate excessive soil acidity and enrich it with calcium.

  1. Chlorine-containing fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers

Biohumus, sapropel, humus, peat, manure, bird droppings, guano, compost are fertilizers that have an organic basis. You can also add complex organic fertilizers to them.

Organic fertilizers are made from substances that are formed as a result of the natural life processes of plants, animals and birds.

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of its state - slightly decomposed, half-rotted, rotted and humus.

  • The amount of nutrients in manure can vary depending on what animal it comes from. Horse and sheep manure, for example, contains less water and more organic and inorganic matter than cow and pig manure.
  • The effectiveness of manure application depends on its quality, applied volumes and soil and climatic conditions. It is used in spring and autumn depending on the stage of its condition. It is better not to use it fresh.
  • Manure increases yields not only in the year it is applied to the soil, but also for several years after that.
  • Depending on the technology for its production, there is litter manure (semi-liquid) and non-liquid manure (liquid). They have some differences in composition, methods of use and storage.
  1. Bird droppings are considered the best organic fertilizer.

Especially chicken and pigeon. This fertilizer is best used in the fall, evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the land, due to the high content of nitrogen in the nitrate form. The use of bird droppings in liquid fertilizers is the most effective.

  1. Peat does not contain many nutrients. But its use makes it possible to improve the soil structure by increasing the humus content.

Peat fertilizer is distinguished by the degree of decomposition - high and low. Horse has remains of vegetation and high acidity.

Peat can be added at almost any time of the year. A prerequisite for use is the addition of lime.

  1. Silt is deposited at the bottom of bodies of water (ponds, lakes, rivers). Its structure contains a lot of humus and mineral elements. Before adding it to the soil, it must be well ventilated (keep it in the open air for some time). Used successfully on sandy soils.
  1. Sawdust and tree bark are an inexpensive means of increasing soil fertility and improving its moisture capacity and breathability. It is applied to the soil in rotted form or with other components.
  2. Green manures are tall-stemmed plants plowed into the soil. They affect the soil in almost the same way as fresh manure.
  3. Complex organic fertilizers - consist of organic matter and minerals, which are combined chemically or mechanically. The result of processing poultry droppings or manure using biofermentation.

Physical properties

Types of fertilizers and classification of fertilizers also take into account the aggregate (physical) state. They can be solid, liquid and even gaseous. The use of gaseous fertilizers, for example carbon dioxide, is carried out in complete isolation from the atmosphere.

After production and transportation, before use, the physical properties of fertilizers can be changed.

A very important component of physical properties is the ability of the initial product to dissolve, because plants receive all nutrients along with water.

The types of fertilizers in this regard are varied, but coarse-crystalline and granular ones come first. This is due to the fact that when applied locally to the soil, the process of natural leaching slows down, and the period of action increases with minimal loss of useful components.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Professor Dikul, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Video - Classification of fertilizers

The centuries-old practice of using fertilizers has proven their beneficial effects on the soil, improving the taste of the crop and restoring an environment in the soil favorable for plant growth. Many centuries ago, the only fertilizer was manure, which is still successfully used in the agricultural sector. But technology has stepped forward and now different types are available in a range. Let's consider the classification of fertilizers and recommendations for their use.

All fertilizers, according to differences in their origin, are divided into the following groups:

  • mineral;
  • organic.

Organic and mineral groups of fertilizers each have their own subgroups and are divided according to the composition of active substances.

All fertilizers can be divided into 2 groups - organic and mineral

Classification of mineral fertilizers, their use

Mineral fertilizers are industrial products. Such fertilizers do not contain a carbon base and are chemical components of inorganic nature. Fertilizers of this type contain mineral compounds: salts, acids, oxides and others.

Mineral fertilizers as a type are divided into:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potash;
  • microfertilizers;
  • complex fertilizers.

They assist in the absorption of carbon dioxide by plants and in the movement of hydrocarbons, increase the resistance of crops to frost and drought. Common potash fertilizers include potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, and potassium salt. Potassium sulfate does not contain magnesium, sodium, or chlorine that are harmful to plants. Potassium chloride is added to the soil in the fall during digging. Potassium sulfate is ideal for fertilizing cucumbers. Potassium salt is an excellent fertilizer for all varieties of berry crops; it is added to the soil before autumn plowing.

Potassium fertilizers improve the quality and taste characteristics of garden crops

They are offered by the manufacturer in three subtypes: ammonia (in the form of ammonium sulfate), amide (), nitrate (ammonium nitrate). Nitrogen fertilizers have the excellent property of quickly dissolving in liquids. A distinctive feature of ammonium nitrate is its ability to have a beneficial effect on soil that has not yet been sufficiently warmed by the sun. Nitrogen fertilizers are able to quickly release the required amount of nitrogen for further germination of crops and at the same time retain beneficial properties due to interaction with oxygen in the air. Therefore, such fertilizers are applied to the soil at the end of winter or early spring.

Nitrogen fertilizers increase crop yields

Attention! As the air temperature increases, amide nitrogen very quickly turns into ammonia nitrogen.

They are often used because of their beneficial effect on crop resistance to drought and frost. Due to the low mobility of phosphorus, fertilizers are applied quite deep into the soil. Fertilizers of this group are divided into the following subgroups: water-soluble (simple and double superphosphate - for soils with severe phosphorus deficiency), semi-soluble (precipitate), sparingly soluble (phosphorite flour - for the resistance of plants on acidic soils to negative changes). Semi-soluble and sparingly soluble phosphorus fertilizers are practically insoluble in water, but can be dissolved in weak acids. This is due to their main use for enriching acidic soils. Water-soluble phosphorus fertilizers can be used for any type of soil.

Phosphorus fertilizers have a positive effect on the development and fruiting of plants

Advice. Water-soluble phosphorus fertilizers do not have to be placed deep into the soil, and sometimes this is even harmful, as it can lead to a decrease in the uptake of the fertilizer by plants.

Microfertilizers- This is a type of mineral fertilizer that contains the necessary microelements. Boron, cobalt, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, copper, and fertilizers containing iodine are widely used. The use of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers, unfortunately, does not always give the desired result due to the lack of chemical elements in soils, which are contained in low concentrations in living organisms and are necessary to ensure life activity. That is why it is so important to replenish the reserves of microelements in the soil.

Complex fertilizers maintain soil fertility and strengthen plant immunity

Mineral complex fertilizers contain a list of useful components that maintain soil fertility and strengthen plant immunity. To increase fertility and improve taste, the use of only one type of fertilizer is not enough. To do this, manufacturers offer to select the optimal composition that will work as safely and effectively as possible on a specific soil and for a specific type of plant. Complex mineral fertilizers are (equal parts of nitrogen and phosphorus), nitrophoska (sodium, phosphorus, potassium), ammophos (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus), diammophos (potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, additional elements for feeding flora).

Classification of organic fertilizers, their use

Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that are obtained through the natural processing of organic matter. It is this type of fertilizer that contains a huge concentration of nutrients.

– the most affordable and popular fertilizer of organic origin. Efficiency has been proven for centuries. Solid and liquid excretions from livestock normalize the water regime of the soil and restore lost soil fertility. Manure is diluted with water and fertilized plants during the growing season.

Compost is a source of beneficial microelements for plants

– the result of the decomposition of organic waste (leaves, husks, fish bones, meat, etc.)

Advice. Prefabricated compost can be prepared at home using vegetable and potato tops, fallen leaves, weeds, weeded or mowed before seeds ripen, and household organic waste.

Humus- a product of manure decomposition. It has the highest concentration of organic substances beneficial to the soil and has the highest fertilizing properties and indicators. Humus is a universal remedy and is used to fertilize all crops.

Poultry manure can be purchased in granules, it has a positive effect on crop yields

– bird waste. Suitable for any type of soil and has a colossal concentration of substances necessary for good productivity. This type of fertilizer is more endowed with beneficial properties than animal manure. Therefore, it needs to be added to the soil in smaller quantities.

Peat– compressed and rotted remains of animals and plants, maximally saturated with nitrogen. Used to enrich soils and fertilize plants. Peat is often used to prepare compotes or loosening material. Peat is added to the soil during spring digging.

Peat is best used in combination with other fertilizers, it enhances their effect on plants

Everyone who uses their garden plot to produce crops has at least heard about the benefits of fertilizers. But not every gardener thinks about the actual use of useful substances, and if he does, he doesn’t always apply them. Of course, in open areas of the garden, if proper crop rotation and plant changes are observed, there is already enough organic residues and nutrients - these are insects, plant waste, and precipitation moisture. But such structures as a greenhouse are a space where there is, if not a sterile, then a very closed atmosphere and limited in the natural circulation of substances. Here, for quality growth and fruiting, plants need fertilizers - their types and characteristics will be described in our article. For example, nitrogen is very important for vegetables. There are three types of nitrogen fertilizers– amide, ammonia and nitrate. More details will be given below. Now let’s talk about what types of mineral fertilizers there are.

Mineral fertilizers are usually used along with organic ones. The name of fertilizers speaks for itself - they contain minerals. There are many minerals needed by plants - copper, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and so on - almost everything that can be found in the periodic table.

Depending on the type of soil, plants lack one or another element. Simple mineral fertilizers contain one mineral, complex fertilizers contain several. The most common mineral fertilizers are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Phosphorus is superphosphate, bone meal, thermophosphate and some others. They are added to the soil for digging in the fall or early spring. This is due to the fact that, due to their poor water solubility, they reach the roots in about 2 months. When fertilizing the soil with phosphorus additives, you should remember that they cannot be combined with lime ones.

We will highlight nitrogen fertilizers as a separate topic, since their importance is great precisely at the beginning of the growth of the future crop.

Types of nitrogen fertilizers

Nitrogen is found in both organic and inorganic substances. In industry, it is produced mainly by processing synthetic ammonia. Mineral nitrogen fertilizers are divided into three main groups.

  • Amides are urea, combinations of urea with formaldehyde, calcium cyanamide; Well accepted by all vegetable crops.
  • Ammonia - ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate and bicarbonate; These include long-maturing plants such as onions, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Nitrate - sodium, potassium and calcium nitrate. Suitable for plants with a short ripening period - radishes, dill, parsley, lettuce, early ripening cabbage.

When using nitrogen fertilizers, it is important to remember that excess nitrogen is very harmful to humans, animals and the environment. It is necessary to strictly adhere to all recommendations indicated on the fertilizer packaging!

Organic fertilizers - their types and characteristics

They are considered the most natural and safe, as they are of natural origin. Organic matter provides the soil with numerous nutrients, improves its structure, and develops the activity of beneficial microorganisms. Organic – their types and characteristics deserve special attention. They are very important in agriculture, as they provide greenhouse soil with carbon dioxide. used in four main types: bird droppings, manure, humus and peat. All varieties are used as compost - in combination with mineral fertilizers, plant residues, and peat. They are often introduced as .

One of the most inexpensive and effective fertilizers, especially in the countryside, is manure. All the most important substances are contained in it in optimal concentration. In addition, manure improves the structure of the soil, and when decomposed, it produces carbon dioxide and helps plants absorb the necessary elements. Fresh manure is brought to the garden in the fall and dug up, but the rotted manure can wait until spring. In spring, it is advisable to use fresh manure to warm the earth, since its temperature reaches 70 0.

Bird droppings are also a very valuable fertilizer. It is several times larger than manure and rich in minerals and trace elements. Due to such a high concentration, it should be applied to the soil in very measured doses. About half a liter of litter is diluted in 10 liters of warm water and the plants are watered with the solution.

Humus – decomposed remains of plants, leaves, roots, manure. This is an ideal option for growing seedlings.

Peat is a highly acidic additive, so it is mainly used as one of the components of compost.

Types of potash fertilizers

Potassium in fertilizers is most often found in combination with other elements. It increases the shelf life of fruits, increases plant resistance to diseases, and promotes full ripening of the crop. There are potash fertilizers with and without chlorine. Chlorine-containing substances include potassium chloride, potassium sulfate and potassium salt. These additives are used in the fall to avoid the harmful effects of chlorine on plantings. For nightshades, choose potassium fertilizers without chlorine. Neutralize soil acidity caused by chlorine by pre-applying lime.

Types of liquid fertilizers

In liquid form, many fertilizers have a milder effect on plants, are absorbed more easily and more fully, and are distributed more evenly in the soil. Liquid can be either organic or solutions of synthetic fertilizers.

Organic liquid fertilizers are used in the form of infusions of herbs, mullein, special starters from certain food products (onions, garlic, peppers, yeast, sugar, bread - there are many folk recipes).

Chemical liquid fertilizers are divided into nitrogen and complex. They are all solids dissolved in water.

Types of fertilizers and methods of applying them– the topic is very extensive. Focus on the characteristics of the soil in your area, the crops you grow and, of course, common sense - everything is good in moderation!

Not all gardeners have rich, fertile soil on their plots. Over time, it gives up its useful elements to plants and becomes depleted. To get a rich harvest, garden fertilizers are used. The list of them is quite wide. They differ in their chemical composition and the state in which the elements are contained. Let's look at the ones most used in agricultural technology.

These usually include manure, compost, bird droppings, and herbal infusions.

But the list is much wider:

  • Manure.
  • Bird droppings.
  • Peat.
  • Sawdust and tree bark.
  • Ash.
  • Bone flour.
  • Decaying remains of green manure plants.
  • Compost.
  • Infusions of green plants.

The list can be expanded, but we will focus on the more common types.

  1. Manure. It is a waste product of cattle and pigs. The more time passes after manure is formed, the more beneficial it becomes. Fresh manure should be used with caution. In this state, it can only be applied during winter tillage. It contains all the main useful elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, organic substances.
  2. Bird droppings. The same manure, only from different birds. The highest quality are chicken and pigeon. It should be handled very carefully. This vigorous mixture can burn plants. For use in feeding, infusions are used in which the ratio of manure and water is 1/20.
  3. Peat. The main purpose of using peat is to improve the composition of the soil and make it looser. There are three types of peat - high-moor, low-lying and transitional. It contains useful elements in small quantities, and also acidifies the soil.
  4. Silt or sapropel. Formed in lakes or ponds where the water is stagnant. Includes plant and animal remains. All the main components are contained in large quantities, nitrogen is four times more than in manure. Can be used for direct application into the soil.
  5. Wood waste. When added, sawdust loosens the soil and absorbs nitrogen when overheated. They are added to compost or enriched with nitrogen. Tree bark is crushed and added to compost.
  6. Green manure. Fast-growing crops that produce abundant green mass are used as green manure. These are mustard, clover, oilseed radish, oats. They are embedded in the soil, the shoots, rotting, enrich it with the same elements as manure, only much faster.
  7. Compost. It is formed when storing and rotting plant residues with the addition of organic human waste. Manure and droppings are added to them. For a gardener, this is a free fertilizer that you can prepare yourself over a certain period of time. An important point in obtaining high-quality compost is providing the compost heap with oxygen, which accelerates the process of its maturation. Mature compost is crumbly soil rich in humus.
  8. Infusions of green plants. Nettles, dandelions and many other herbaceous plants are suitable for this. The preparation process is as follows: crushed green mass is placed in a barrel of water, covered with a lid and left for 5 days. You can add yeast to the mixture - the infusion will ripen faster and be healthier. The mass is stirred from time to time. Dilute the infusion in a ratio of 1/10 with water.

Mineral fertilizers

They contain minerals. They can include only one chemical element. These are simple single dry mixes.

Simple nitrogen compounds include:

  • Urea – 45% nitrogen.
  • Ammonium nitrate – up to 35%.
  • Sodium nitrate contains nitrogen and sodium.
  • Calcium nitrate – nitrogen and potassium.
  • Ammonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate).
  • Potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate).
  • Potassium chloride.

Phosphorus fertilizers include “Superphosphate” fertilizer (single or double) and phosphorus flour. These salts are poorly soluble in water. For better absorption, they are poured into the holes or dropped into the roots. When watered, they gradually dissolve.

The best complex fertilizers

These are convenient and useful complex mixtures that include the basic substances needed by plants.

  1. Potassium nitrate. It consists of 13% nitrogen and 46% potassium. Dissolves in water. Can be used for any plants planted on various soils. Used for root crops in the fall, when nitrogen content is limited, but potassium is required.
  2. Ammophos. Contains 10% nitrogen and up to 50% phosphorus. It dissolves in water and is completely absorbed by crops. It can serve as a basic fertilizer, gives root growth and increases the speed of fruit ripening. Stores well, does not cake.
  3. Nitrophoska. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in approximately the same ratio. It is useful to apply to the root area when planting plants. This is the main universal composition for any soil.
  4. Nitroammophoska, also known as azofoska. In addition to the three main minerals, it includes sulfur. It is produced in various modifications, which differ in percentage. It dissolves in water and can be used for all crops. The powder is applied to the ground during the autumn preparation of the beds. In summer and spring, nutrient solutions are most suitable.

What fertilizers are needed in the spring for the vegetable garden

With the beginning of spring, the plant begins to grow green vegetative mass and new shoots form. At this time, mineral and organic compounds are used. They must include a full range of elements.

  • In the garden, compost and mineral fertilizers are used for trees and bushes. Nitroammophoska is scattered around them and sprinkled with earth. The same composition is suitable for berry plantings - strawberries and wild strawberries.
  • Cucumbers, zucchini, and potatoes prefer organic matter. When planting seedlings, add humus or compost to the planting holes.
  • Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are more demanding of mineral elements. In spring, complex mixtures containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium will be required. The use of urea fertilizer in the garden enriches the soil with nitrogen. In spring, this element in feeding is very relevant.

Selection of fertilizers for autumn feeding

Before wintering, garden and vegetable crops need the elements of phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus strengthens the roots, potassium increases the cold resistance of plants. You should choose mixtures where these elements predominate.

When preparing beds for autumn planting, apply organic fertilizers from manure, litter or compost. For free areas, it is permissible to use fresh manure; it will rot over the winter and will not cause harm to the plant.

From mineral salts, potassium sulfate and superphosphates are used, and ash is added. They are scattered over ridges and raked into the ground. Autumn rains will help the salts dissolve.

Features of use in spring and autumn

At different periods of growth, the plant assimilates certain chemical mixtures. This is the difference in caring for crops in spring and autumn.

The formation of leaves and shoots in spring requires nitrogen and phosphorus. If you do not receive them on time, the plant will develop poorly. These elements should be the basis of spring feeding.

  • In spring, solid mineral fertilizers can be applied over the snow. When it melts, salts dissolve and are absorbed into the soil.
  • It is better to use organic matter in the fall when digging the soil. On heavy soils, it is also preferable to apply mineral compounds in a solid state in the fall - this gives time for their complete dissolution.
  • Potassium chloride can only be used in the fall, since chlorine disappears during the winter. Granular fertilizers are also used in the fall and take time to dissolve.

Fertilizer technology

The technology involves the following methods of application:

  • when digging up the soil;
  • sowing seeds;
  • root dressings;
  • spraying on green shoots;
  • drip irrigation.

When cultivating the soil, the main amount of fertilizer is applied. This is done in the fall or early spring before sowing the seeds. It should be 2/3 of the total required volume. Dry mixtures are embedded in the ground to a depth of 15 cm, where the root zone of most plants is located.

When sowing crops, it is useful to add nutrient mixtures. This promotes good seed germination, the formation of a powerful root system, and protects against diseases. Mineral fertilizers are mixed with the soil to reduce contact with seeds or roots of seedlings.

The pre-sowing dose should be no more than 9% of the total requirement. Root feeding is carried out throughout the entire growing season. They are introduced directly into the growing zone. A combination of mineral fertilizers, organic matter and microelements is useful. Pre-moisten the soil and only after that add dry mixtures.

Liquid fertilizers are convenient. The required amount of mineral salts is dissolved in 10 liters of water, after which they are completely absorbed by the plant.

Foliar feeding is carried out by spraying a solution of mineral elements on the stems and leaves, which promotes their rapid absorption. Often the procedure is combined with pest control.

If you add useful mineral elements to the water for drip irrigation, you will get a kind of liquid nutrition, and the plant will constantly receive nutrition.

Fertilizers play an important role in growing crops. In this case, you should adhere to certain rules and take into account the needs for chemical elements of different crops. Dosages and proportions must be observed so that these actions do not cause more harm than good.