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Optimizing the operation of Windows 7 programs. Disable Windows Aero and use the classic look

The speed of a computer is of interest to every user, to a greater or lesser extent. In order to squeeze out Windows 7 maximum, you can resort to a number of well-known methods, both the simplest and the more complex for the average user.

In this article we will look at methods manual settings system, and we will not resort to the help of special programs designed to increase system performance.

Cleaning startup

Many programs that you install are added to startup at startup. Windows . They automatically start when you turn on the computer. By checking the list of these programs and removing those that you do not use often (or do not use at all), you can speed up your system.

To do this, you need to run the system configuration management tool:

Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> System Configuration

or enter the value " msconfig" and press Enter.

Windows , and you can delete those you don’t need. This can also be done manually by deleting the corresponding values ​​from the system registry. The list of programs that are in startup is located in the following registry branches:



Disabling unnecessary services (services)

Disabling unnecessary or rarely used services will relieve some of the RAM load, which will allow other applications to run faster. Before disabling any services, we recommend creating a system restore pointin case of any complications (especially for inexperienced users):Control Panel -> System -> System Protection -> Create...

So, the list of services is here: Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Services

Here you can disable little-used services. The following can be safely disabled:

· Tablet PC input service
· Computer Browser
· IP Ancillary Service
· Remote registry
· Program Compatibility Assistant Services (Advanced Users)

Setting process priority

In order for running applications to work faster, you need to give them a higher priority compared to background processes. In this case, active applications will be allocated more processor time. By default, the system is configured this way, but the balance between resources for active and for background processes you can move it even more.
Behind this answers the meaning Win32PrioritySeparation, which lies in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl. To open the system registry, type “regedit " on the command line.

The default hexadecimal value is 2 ( hex)
Recommended value – 6 ( hex)
Valid range: 1 to 26 ( hex)

You can try other values ​​to speed up your system as much as possible. Attention: use value 0 You can’t, your computer will immediately freeze!

In addition to changing the overall balance of processor resources, you can set higher priority to individual programs. This can be done through the Task Manager.

Sometimes this is useful. For example, if some program is performing a very long operation and you need it to do it faster, then setting it to a higher priority may help.

Changing Performance Options

operating system Windows 7 makes it possible to configure some parameters that can speed up the system. To open a dialog Interaction Options you need to go here:Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Settings (on the Advanced tab) .

Here on the Visual Effects tab you can disable animation in the Start menu, disable the feature Aero Peek , window transparency and other parameters. If you select the "Ensure best performance" option, all visual effects will be disabled Windows Aero, and the system will work faster, however, you will sacrifice all the beauty that gives us Windows 7.

Aero Peek acceleration

Aero Peek is a function that makes all windows transparent when you hover the mouse over the small square to the right of the clock. To reduce the response time of this function you need to change the key DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime type DWORD , which is located in the registry branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced

If there is no such key in a given branch, you need to create it and then simply change its values. A decimal value of 1000 equals a delay of one second, 500 equals half a second, and so on.

Shutdown User Account Control (UAC)

User Account Control ( UAC) notifies the user about those changes in the system that require administrator rights. This service displays notifications when you try to install a new program, when changes are made to the file system, etc. This can be useful for beginners, but is often frustrating for experienced users. To turn off notifications fromUser Account Controlyou need to do the following:

· Run System Configuration (" msconfig " without quotes on the command line).
· Go to the “Services” tab and in the list find the “User Account Control Settings” item
· Select this item and click the “Run” button.
· A dialog will open in which you can use the slider to adjust the notifications.

The changes made are activated after the computer is restarted.

Optimizing Windows 7 allows the user to achieve the best performance. We can say that you need to do this regularly if you do not want your computer to slow down or various errors to appear while it is running. There are a number of paid and free programs to optimize the system.

What affects system performance

The answer to this question may seem quite obvious to some - personal computer components. Indeed, the more powerful your CPU and video card are, the more you will install random access memory, those better car will work. Even the most modern hardware is not a guarantee that you will not encounter problems with your PC. So even a modern computer should not be cluttered with games and programs.

Aero GUI

With the advent of the operating room Windows systems Vista Microsoft began introducing an additional graphical desktop interface called Aero into subsequent versions of the OS. It puts a lot of stress on the computer, especially if the device's system resources are close to minimal. Each user can disable this interface if necessary to optimize PC performance. Those who wish can disable only individual interface elements. This will optimize the performance of the device and at the same time leave appearance the windows are the same.

The more Aero interface options are disabled, the more noticeable it becomes from a visual point of view. But it improves computer performance.

Beautiful desktop design in Windows comes at the price of PC performance

Hidden Processes

Some users, especially beginners, do not realize that not all running processes are displayed as active windows. Most of them are hidden and can affect RAM, which reduces performance. If you disable unnecessary services, you can free up a considerable amount of memory, thereby optimizing the operation of the device.

Remember that disabling important system services may result in problems, and in this case you will not achieve a positive result. Create a system restore point in advance so that if anything goes wrong, you can return to a working Windows state. You can disable the following services without harm to the system:

  • “Service entry Tablet PC”;
  • “Support IP Service”;
  • “Remote registry”.

The computer needs to be cleaned of temporary and unnecessary files

Even after you remove a program from your computer, information remains from it. When we install an application, information about it is entered into RAM, into additional elements of the hard drive and into the registry. Defragment your disk regularly. Defragmentation is the process of arranging data. Subsequently, it will be easier for the computer to access the required information, since it will already know where and what is located. Experts recommend resorting to this procedure at least once a month. Regularly defragmenting your disk will greatly improve performance, especially if you frequently reinstall programs. If the hard drive is large and there is a lot of data on it, then defragmentation can take a long time, so be patient.

As mentioned above, when programs are installed, information about them is also recorded in the system registry. A huge amount of data about PC configuration, settings and parameters is stored here. Naturally, if you do not regularly clean the registry, this can lead to failures during operation, errors and deterioration in overall performance. Experts recommend not doing anything in the registry manually, as you may accidentally delete important system data, and this will lead to bad consequences. It is advisable to use special software (CCleaner, Wise Registry Cleaner, etc.) and use it to remove all garbage. Such utilities analyze the registry and provide a list of problem areas. You can mark only what you consider unnecessary, and leave the rest as it was.

After installation, many programs and applications are automatically added to the list of tasks that need to be launched immediately after turning on the PC - in startup. The user doesn’t even see many of them, but each such software consumes the computer’s system resources to a certain extent.

Remember that under no circumstances should you disable those programs and utilities that are launched by the system itself. You can easily find them out by looking at the location of the exe file. If you see the \system32 folder, then do not disable the application.

These simple manipulations will help improve your computer's performance and optimize its operation. If you are worried that you might delete some important system file, then use special programs.

Good programs to optimize Windows 7 and improve performance

Many of the programs presented below can do things that will help the user significantly improve the performance of a desktop computer or laptop. Remember that you should not install several optimization applications on your PC at once, as in this case best result you still won’t get it, and your PC will work even worse. Thus, if you don’t like one of the applications, then completely uninstall it and only then start installing another program. Study the advantages and disadvantages of all the described applications and choose the one that suits you and your machine.

It’s also worth mentioning right away about a program of a different kind - this is Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, an anti-virus utility that can rid your computer of worms and other malicious programs that also eat up a lot of resources.

Computer Accelerator

Computer Accelerator is a Russian-language program for optimizing Windows 7-10 and XP. The software is perfect for solving various tasks to improve the performance of a PC: from cleaning the system of junk to setting up autorun.

After installing Computer Accelerator you will be able to:

  • Safely clean your hard drive of unnecessary data;
  • quickly remove junk files from browsers;
  • configure startup and delayed launch of programs;
  • instantly find and delete duplicates and large unnecessary files;
  • view detailed information about the system status;
  • effectively and quickly fix registry errors;
  • completely remove unnecessary programs from your computer;
  • protect private data.

Immediately after launching the program, you can conduct a global system scan. The program will find all junk files and registry errors in a couple of minutes and check the startup status. All found defects can be corrected in just two mouse clicks.

Advanced System Care

Advanced SystemCare offers you an arsenal of tools to optimize Windows 7

This program has a very simple, pleasant interface. The utility is distributed in two versions - one is paid and the other is not. Accordingly, their capabilities are slightly different. The paid version contains more tools that can improve the performance of your computer, but, as practice shows, not all of them can guarantee a good result. Therefore, you can download and install a simple, free version of the program. This will be enough for you to get started.

SystemCare works on all modern Microsoft operating systems, including Windows 7. With its help you can:

  • perform manipulations on the system registry;
  • delete temporary, unnecessary files;
  • fix shortcuts and delete unused ones;
  • defragment the hard drive;
  • clean the system registry.

The improved version additionally allows you to analyze information from your hard drive, check files for malicious content and delete it.

If, when installing SystemCare, you select the “Full installation” mode, then “[email protected]” will also make its way onto your computer. Pay attention to this and move the point to “Custom installation”. Perhaps this is the only negative, but in all other respects SystemCare is really good and shows excellent optimization results.


CCleaner is one of the very first computer optimization programs. The utility has a pleasant and intuitive interface, therefore it is suitable for both beginners and professional users.

Among its advantages are:

  • high speed;
  • an extensive database of tools;
  • clear and convenient graphical interface.

CCleaner can clean the registry, browser data, explorer and unnecessary data from the system itself

The program is distributed free of charge, so anyone can easily find it on the Internet and download it from the official website of the developers. After installation and launch, you will see only 4 buttons in the menu on the left:

  • “Cleaning” – allows you to analyze the system for the presence of unnecessary and outdated files and eliminate the problems found;
  • “Registry” - provides the user with the opportunity to analyze the state of the system registry. If it stores any unused data or contains errors, the program will display all this and you can delete it. If you are worried that you will delete something important by mistake, CCleaner will ask you: “Do I need to create a backup copy of the registry?”;
  • “Service” is a very useful section, since here you can do everything to achieve the best performance of the device. It is possible to remove installed programs (a kind of alternative to the similar standard Windows 7 “Programs and Features” service). There are also options for changing program startup settings and tools for complete disk cleanup
  • “Settings” is a section of the settings of the CCleaner program itself (namely, settings for the program’s operation, not system optimization options).

CCleaner is a good free utility with a lot of features and Russian localization.

Video: review of the free version of CCleaner

TuneUp Utilities

TuneUp Utilities provides a whole range of features to optimize the operation of your personal computer. Conventionally, the program can be divided into several separate utilities, each of which performs a specific task. The application interface is quite simple, which will allow even a novice user to understand the work.

TuneUp Utilities will help you perform comprehensive optimization of your Windows 7 system

What TuneUp Utilities can do:

  • The utility allows you to analyze the system as a whole. Once the analysis is complete, TuneUp Utilities will show you a list of identified problems. You can immediately fix these problems in one click;
  • It is possible to configure the startup manager. The user can independently select those programs that he needs immediately after starting the PC, and remove unnecessary ones;
  • there is an option that allows you to clear temporary files, including those stored in the browser;
  • There is a function to check and clean the registry.

The above tools are already quite enough to get optimal computer performance. There are a number more in TuneUp Utilities useful functions, for example, a system registry defragmenter and a RAM cleaning tool. The program is also distributed in Russian, so no one should have any problems working with it.

Wise Registry Cleaner

This is a free utility designed to optimize the operation of a personal computer. Russian language is present. As you can guess from the name, its key advantage is working with the system registry.

You can understand the functionality of the utility immediately after launching it, since its interface is simple and understandable. It analyzes the registry for errors and outdated data. Before performing all manipulations, the user is asked to make a backup copy of the registry so that they can restore accidentally deleted important information.

Wise Registry Cleaner will analyze the registry for errors and obsolete keys, and then give you the opportunity to get rid of them

You can make other changes to the system registry yourself. If it becomes clear that the action did not bring results, then everything can be returned to its previous state in a couple of clicks. After analysis, Wise Registry Cleaner provides complete and reliable information about each registry problem or error found.

The program has a setting that allows you to automatically run a registry scan on your computer. To do this, it is enough to specify a certain time period after which the scan will start. There is a built-in defragmenter.

Easy Cleaner

One of the simplest free applications that consumes a minimum of system resources. It has all the necessary functions to optimize your computer. For example, a user can easily manipulate the system registry. The utility will analyze the data and show everything possible options Eliminate errors found or unused registry information. It is possible to delete broken shortcuts, unnecessary or outdated files that have not been used for several months. The program also allows you to work with web browsers, in particular, delete previously saved cookies, history and other information. At first, the interface does not seem the most intuitive, but it is worth spending a little time and understanding it.

Easy Cleaner is suitable even for novice PC users

Red Button

Red Button is a simple and free application for optimizing your computer. Compared to analogues, it takes up minimal free space on the hard drive. Allows you to conjure with services and applications on your computer. Just press a few buttons - and you will see all active services and processes, as well as full information about them. For example, you can estimate the amount of resources consumed.

The interface of the Red Button program is minimalism in the flesh, just press a few buttons to see active services and processes

Red Button allows you to free up some space on your computer's hard drive by arranging files occupied by the operating system itself. By the way, no other similar program offers this. By cleaning the system from junk and outdated files, the utility allows you to improve the system boot speed and, accordingly, increase its performance. The Red Button interface is simple; at first glance it is clear which tab is responsible for what. Especially if you switch to Russian. If difficulties arise, please refer to the help documentation, which, fortunately, is also available in Russian.

AusLogics BoostSpeed

One of the leaders in the field of programs for optimizing the operation of a personal computer is AusLogics BoostSpeed. The software has a slightly overloaded interface, but this is at first glance. In fact, understanding the program is not difficult.

The sophisticated AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​interface is a little hard on the eyes, but if you take a closer look, you will understand that everything here is arranged as simply as possible

When you launch it for the first time, the utility will offer:

  • scan your computer for temporary and unnecessary files;
  • fix errors in the system and registry;
  • remove incorrect shortcuts and entries in them.

BoostSpeed ​​scans your computer to determine why your device is running slow. After completing the system analysis, the user will be able to see full list problems found on the machine and fix them yourself. In addition to removing temporary and outdated files, as well as working with the registry, BoostSpeed ​​has a built-in defragmenter with which you can improve the performance of your hard drive. There are additional optimization tools in a separate tab (active, alas, only in the paid version). There is also an instruction manual in Russian, as well as the ability to change the program interface language.

Glary Utilities

A good program for optimizing the operation of a personal computer. It has all the necessary tools for this, as well as support for the Russian language. There is a function for a full computer analysis. Upon completion of the analysis procedure, you will see the number of errors and their type.

Glary Utilities can conduct a full analysis of your computer

You can set system scanning settings in the corresponding tab. Using this utility you can:

  • change software startup settings;
  • find and remove spyware viruses;
  • get rid of old and unnecessary labels;
  • delete individual files that have not been used for a long time;
  • analyze the system registry, look for errors and outdated parameters in it.

It is possible to change privacy and data security settings. The program interface is clear and simple, therefore, even a beginner can understand it.


SpeedUpMyPC is a success even though it is not very efficient

A shareware program with a self-explanatory name for optimizing computer performance. SpeedUpMyPC has a wide range of settings that will allow you to optimize your computer's performance. Its capabilities are, of course, limited. Independent user testing has shown that the program performs somewhat worse than its analogues, and the performance gain after making all the proposed changes is low. According to the developers, with its help you can:

  • clean RAM;
  • configure the operation of processes;
  • change network parameters.

In fact, all these manipulations do not lead to a visible effect. The program shows good results only because it cleans temporary and outdated files. Despite this, users still use it for optimization. Russian localization is available.

Comodo System Cleaner

Free program for Windows operating systems. Comodo System Cleaner has proven itself well since its introduction and is still popular among users to this day. With its help, you can significantly increase the stability of your computer and improve the performance of even an old PC. The utility consists of several built-in applications, the integrated use of which will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Comodo System Cleaner will make your Windows computer faster

Comodo System Cleaner is:

  • working with startup programs;
  • the ability to change settings when the system starts;
  • the ability to remove unnecessary software;
  • Cleaning the registry of debris and outdated settings.

If any old files are found that you have not used for a long time, then after scanning the program will report this. Found files and any others that you yourself consider unnecessary (for this you will need to mark them) are deleted without the possibility of recovery. Comodo System Cleaner has a simple interface, divided into several sections. Each of them allows you to perform only specific tasks. Russian language is present.


A free program designed to clean your computer from accumulated debris. Unfortunately, the interface is not the simplest. First, the user will have to define the system scanning settings - indicate what needs to be found, after which the search procedure itself will begin. Fortunately, there is a Russian language, so you can still understand all the intricacies of the program.

The interface of the nCleaner program is all checkboxes, you need to sit and figure it out before assigning the program to analyze the system

The application allows you to scan the system registry for errors, outdated or deleted files. It is possible to delete old and temporary files that take up space on the computer and consume system resources, but have no practical use. The utility allows you to change the startup settings of other applications installed on your computer. Through the program interface, you can completely clear your local disk, but remember that all the data you delete cannot be restored. So work with the program carefully.

Comparative table of characteristics of popular programs for improving and speeding up PC performance

Name Russian language support Simple interface Deleting temporary (unnecessary) files Cleaning the registry Hard drive defragmentation Changing startup settings
Advanced System Care + + + + +
CCleaner + + + + +
TuneUp Utilities + + + + +
Wise Registry Cleaner + + + +
Easy Cleaner + + +
Red Button + + +
AusLogics BoostSpeed + + + + +
Glary Utilities + + + + +
SpeedUpMyPC + + + + +
Comodo System Cleaner + + + + +
nCleaner + + +

With the right software Each user can easily optimize the operation of their PC, increase the performance of even an old device and work on the computer without problems. If you don’t want to entrust cleaning and speeding up your computer to programs, then do manual optimization, but be careful not to remove unnecessary things.

Step-by-step instructions for improving performance and optimizing Windows 7

Optimizing the operation of Windows 7 is extremely relevant today and is available not only to professional engineers of specialized centers, but also to ordinary users.

Since release by Microsoft operating system Windows 8, the popularity of her predecessor, Windows7, doesn't get smaller.

Prevalence Windows versions as of March 2014 (according to

Windows 8/8.1 - 12.54%

Windows 7 - 50.55%

Windows7 proved to be the most successful and user-friendly version of the OS on the Windows platform, especially in comparison with its predecessor - Windows Vista.

Currently, the objectives set by software manufacturers and user expectations regarding system speed and performance have increased significantly.

The number of programs has also increased preinstalled by manufacturers on new laptops and personal computers, which often only take away the performance of the system. In addition, over time, a huge number of temporary and unnecessary files generated by programs and Internet browsers accumulate.

In connection with the above, an increasing number of companies are engaged in both the development specialized utilities to optimize the performance of Windows 7, and by creating multitasking programs that clean and configure the system, optimizing its operation based on the needs of a specific user, along with a set of other software (for example, all-in-one antivirus software, CCleaner, RegOptimazer and others).

But let’s not forget that all cleaning and optimization programs act superficially, without affecting the depths of the system. Thanks to simple steps, any user can safely and effectively optimize Windows 7 performance, without resorting to in-depth analysis and practical study of its work.

To optimize Windows7 performance, follow these steps:

1. Completely disabling UAC (User Account Control)

First of all, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that this tool is one of the most important in the matter of system security and disabling it will inevitably reduce the overall level of its protection from external threats. However, many users have greater confidence in high-quality antivirus software.

In this article we offer you the ability to either completely disable UAC or change the protection level.

Before performing the suggested actions, you should log in with your account. Administrator.

14. Disabling the autorun function from removable media and CD drives.

Disabling autorun is not only speed up work with external storage media, but also will protect protect you from a number of viruses entering your computer.
Launch Notepad (in the Start menu, in the Search line, enter the word “Notepad”).
After launching the Notepad program, copy the following text there:

3. Next, select the menu item “File” - “Save As”.
4. Select the file type “All files”
5. Specify the file name and extension for it “*.reg”
6. Close the Notepad program.

7. Run the newly created file and agree to make changes.

If the autorun function is still present, do the following:
1. Open Notepad
2. After launching Notepad, copy the following text there:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




3. Next, select the menu item “File” - “Save As”.
4. Select the file type "All files"
5. Specify the file name and extension for it “*.reg”
6. Then exit the Notepad program.
7. Run the newly created file and agree to make changes
8. Restart the Computer and check for autorun on the media.
Attention this method will disable autorun for you from all storage media:
Flash and portable drives;
CD, DVD, BD discs;
Network drives;
Local disks.

15. Move the recycle bin from the desktop to the taskbar

If you feel like it fully free your desktop from icons, then you can do this. After all, in Windows 7 not only is it possible remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, but even pin it to the taskbar.
1. Right-click on an empty space on the Desktop.
2. In the context menu, select Create - Shortcut.

3. In the Object location field, insert:
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder

4. Click Next.
5. In the window that opens, in the Shortcut name field, enter Trash and click Finish.
6. A shortcut has appeared on the Desktop (to make sure it is the Recycle Bin, double-click it), but it looks like an Explorer shortcut, not Baskets. To fix this, right-click on it and select Properties, then click the button Change icon.
7. In the Search for icons in the following file field, enter:
and press Enter.

8. From the proposed collection of Windows 7 icons, select the Recycle Bin icon and click OK twice.
9. Now our Recycle Bin icon looks authentic. Drag it with the right or left mouse button somewhere on the taskbar.
10. Right-click on the desktop, select Personalization, then Change desktop icons and uncheck the Recycle Bin.

16. What to do if your hard drive partition disappears after installing Windows 7

Let's assume that your computer's hard drive contains two partitions (C and D) and after installing another OS on the second partition, the first partition disappeared. In reality, the section remained where it was, but Windows 7 did not assign a letter to it. Therefore, we do not have access to the data stored on this disk.

To assign a drive letter, go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management.

In the left menu, select Storage Devices -> Disk Management. This displays information about all drives connected to the computer, including logical drives (partitions), drives, and removable drives. Our lost partition is located here - it is displayed in the list and has neither a letter nor a volume label, but is recognized by the system as a hard drive.

1. Right-click on it and in the menu that appears, select Change drive letter or drive path.
2. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
3. In the window that opens, in the Assign a drive letter line, all free letters are presented in the form of a drop-down list; we can assign any of them to our “unidentified” partition.
4. Select a letter and press the OK button.

As you can see, setting up and optimizing the operation of Windows 7 with the proper approach is not a difficult and quick way to both improve the process of using your computer and increase its performance and speed.


If, after optimizing Windows operation, you have not achieved the desired result, or your actions have led to disruption of the system, USService specialists will help you.

As you know, Windows 7 received more significant improvements in boot time and system response compared to its predecessor Windows Vista. Significant changes were made that allowed the system not to consume all system memory when opening a large number of Explorer windows, and system services and processes were optimized.

In this article we will look at:

  • optimization of the start menu
  • optimization of work hard drive in Windows 7
  • optimizing the speed of copying and moving files in Windows 7
  • optimization of work with Windows 7 drivers
  • Windows 7 boot time optimization
  • speed up the process of viewing thumbnail images
  • speed up shutdown of Windows 7
Please note that some of the methods discussed for speeding up work Windows 7 are based on disabling any kind of tasks, simplifying or improving the functionality of the system for more convenient use. Those. Essentially you are choosing between convenience and performance.

Ways to optimize Windows 7

1. Speed ​​up the start menu.

It takes the system some time to detect recently installed programs, as well as highlighting these recently installed programs, each time you open the Start menu. You can save this time.

To do this, you need to go to the start menu settings: in properties "Taskbar and Start Menu"(to activate, go to the control panel Windows 7: Start -> Control Panel). Go to bookmark "Start Menu" and click on the button "Tune".
Figure 1. Start menu customization

Uncheck "Highlight recently installed programs", then click "Apply".
Figure 2. Disable highlighting of recently installed programs
In order to reduce the pause when the Start menu window appears, go to the registry editor (command "regedit" in dialogue "Find programs and files").
Figure 3. Launching Registry Editor
After launching Registry Editor ( regedit.exe) go to the thread HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Desktop(Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Selecting the required registry branch
Change the key value MenuShowDelay With "400" on "50". The pause will be significantly shortened.

Figure 5. Changing the pause when displaying a window
2. Optimizing your hard drive in Windows 7

This option has been familiar since the days Windows XP, but if in XP it was originally included, then in Windows 7 Hard drive optimization was considered unnecessary and is disabled by default. Now we will look at the method for enabling this option.

Let's go to Start -> Control Panel -> Device Manager -> Disk Devices -> (select your hard drive) -> Properties -> Policy... and put a tick next to the item "Disable Windows entry cache buffer flushing for this device".
Figure 6. Disabling Windows Entry Cache Buffer Clearing
Now in the same "Device Manager" open another thread - "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers (IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers)", after which in the properties of all channels ATA (ATA Channel 0, ATA Channel 1 etc.) in the tab « Additional settings(Advanced Settings)" check if the checkbox is checked “Enable DMA”.
Figure 7. Enabling DMA mode
If the checkbox is not checked, check it.

3. Speed ​​up copying and moving files in Windows 7

Windows 7 got another one interesting feature- remote differential compression.
On the one hand, this option calculates and transmits the difference between two objects, minimizing the amount of transmitted data, but on the other hand, it takes time for calculation.

You can disable this feature. To do this, go to Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off -> Remote differential compression (need to be unchecked).

Figure 8. Disabling differential compression
4. Disable driver digital signature verification

This action can also slightly increase the speed of the system (when installing new drivers). To disable this option in Windows 7 follow these steps:

Execute in "Start" gpedit.msc.
Figure 9. Launching the administration panel
Then go to the following path:

User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Driver Installation -> Digital Signature of Device Drivers. In this window you need to select the mode "Disabled".

Figure 10. Disabling driver digital signature verification
5. Speed ​​up booting Windows 7

We can gain a few more seconds, although this advice applies to those users who work on multi-core processors with Windows 7 as an operating system.
So, follow these steps:

Enter MSCONFIG in the menu search field "Start" and press the key "Enter".

In the window that opens, go to the tab and click on the button "Advanced options".

Figure 11. Additional system optimization options Check the box next to the item "Number of processors" and in the drop-down menu under this item, select the maximum number of your cores (2 or 4).

Figure 12. Setting the number of processors for systems with multi-threaded processors
Click "OK" and reboot the system to see a fairly noticeable difference in boot speed Windows 7.

6. Accelerate viewing of thumbnails (thumbnails).

You can increase the speed of viewing thumbnails in Windows 7. To do this you need to follow these steps:

Enter regedit(without quotes) in the menu search field "Start" and press the key "Enter".

Go to thread "HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Mouse".

Figure 13. Selecting the desired registry branch to optimize the pause when displaying thumbnails
Double click on the parameter MouseHoverTime and change its value to 100 .

Figure 14. Setting a new value
7. Reducing Windows 7 shutdown time

Shutdown time Windows 7 can be significantly reduced. However, this is a rather barbaric method: we reduce the time allotted to the process to terminate the program, after which the program will be terminated forcibly.

Enter regedit in the menu search field "Start" and press the key "Enter".

Go to thread HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control.

Figure 15. Selecting the required registry key
Change the parameter value "WaitToKillServiceTimeout" from the meaning 12000 (12 seconds) on 2000 (2 seconds).

Figure 16. Changing the value.

1) Removing unnecessary programs from startup

When the computer boots, all installed programs located in the startup section of the system are automatically loaded and launched. They do not interfere with you to a greater extent, but they “devour” some of the PC’s RAM resources, which helps slow down the system. To remove unnecessary programs from startup you need to go to System configuration(Msconfig):

StartControl Panelsystem and safetyAdministrationsystem configuration
Start - Execute- dial msconfig
key combination Win+R- dial msconfig

This tab contains a complete list of downloadable programs that start when Windows 7 starts. We disable those programs that are used extremely rarely or are not used at all. Here you can disable a program that, for example, produced some kind of error when loading the system. From this list It is not recommended to disable autorun of your antivirus, because the next time you reboot it may simply not start.

You can also disable Auto Start via:
Start - Execute- dial regedit
key combination Win+R- dial regedit

Autorun is located in the following registry branches:


Attention! If you don’t know what a registry is and don’t know how to use it, then it’s better not to go there!


Disabling unnecessary or rarely used services will free up the RAM a little, which will allow other applications to run faster. Before disabling any services, it is recommended create a system restore point in case of complications (especially for inexperienced users):
Control Panel -> System -> System protection -> Create…

After creating a restore point, go to the component Services, which is along the path:

StartControl PanelAdministrationServices.

Find the desired service in the list and double-click on it with the left mouse button. If it is running, press the button Stop, and then select Startup typeDisabled.
Here is a list of services that are generally not used at home:

Windows CardSpace
Windows Search
Offline files
Network Access Protection Agent
Adaptive brightness control
Windows Backup
IP Ancillary Service
Secondary login
Grouping of network participants
Disk Defragmenter
Automatic remote access connection manager
Print Manager (if there are no printers)
Remote Access Connection Manager (if no VPN)
Network Member Identity Manager
Performance Logs and Alerts
Windows Defender (?)
Secure storage
Setting up a Remote Desktop Server
Smart Card Removal Policy
Homegroup Listener
Windows Event Collector
Network login
Tablet PC input service
Windows Image Upload Service (WIA) (if you don't have a scanner or camera)
Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
Smart card
Diagnostic system unit
Diagnostic Service Node
Performance counter library host
Security Center
Windows Update


If you wish, you can disable all visual effects, but it is recommended to leave the option Using Display Styles for Windows and Buttons, so that the system does not look completely simplified.
Go to settings:

StartControl PanelSystem

In the tab Additionally in point Performance click Options.


It’s trivial on the one hand, but it still happens that if your Windows system is not protected by an antivirus, then glitches and slowdowns can occur due to the penetration of a virus into the computer. To solve this problem, you need to download and install any antivirus, update its virus databases and completely scan the system.

5) Cleaning the registry and temporary system files to increase the speed of Windows 7

The System Registry is a special directory of the Windows system, presented in the form of a Database, which stores the following information:

All operating system settings and options
All installed computer devices
Different user accounts
Set of installed applications

So, since time, this “database” has been collecting unnecessary, old and irrelevant information about any of your actions in the system. Even after removing certain programs and utilities, information about this software may remain in the registry. Subsequently, all this information can negatively affect the performance of the computer, in particular the speed of operation. The easiest way to clean the registry of garbage is to install a program to clean the registry and temporary files. I recommend CCleaner to you, it is free in Russian and does its job perfectly.

In addition, after cleaning, you will remove a lot of unnecessary junk and garbage, which will free up precious space on your hard drive. You can download the program from .

6) Disabling UAC (User Account Control)

User Account Control (UAC) notifies the user of certain changes in the system that require administrator rights. This service displays notifications when you try to install a new program, when changes are made to the file system, etc. This can be useful for beginners, but is often frustrating for experienced users. To disable notifications from User Account Control, do the following:

Launch System configuration (msconfig in the command line (Start - run))
Go to tab Service and find the item in the list Setting up User Account Control
Select this item and press the button Launch.
A dialog will open in which you can use the slider to adjust the notifications.

The changes made are activated after the computer is restarted.
And one more important point. If you still haven’t turned off UAC, then it is extremely important when requesting an elevation of rights to look at which program is requesting them. Do not rush to press the “Yes” button under any circumstances. Especially if you haven’t launched anything now, but a request appears. As for other programs, try to take them from trusted sources so as not to give permission yourself for running malicious software.

7) Setting process priority

In order for running applications to run faster, you need to give them a higher priority compared to background processes. In this case, active applications will be allocated more processor time. By default, the system is configured this way, but the balance between resources for active and background processes can be shifted even further.
The meaning is responsible for this Win32PrioritySeparation, which lies in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl.

To open the system registry, type “regedit” at the command line.
The default value is hexadecimal - 2 (hex)
Recommended value – 6 (hex)
Range of acceptable values: from 1 before 26 (hex)
You can try other values ​​to speed up your system as much as possible.

Attention: You cannot use the value 0, your computer will immediately freeze!

In addition to changing the overall balance of processor resources, you can set higher priority to individual programs. This can be done through the Task Manager.

8) Upgrade your computer

Currently, solid-state SSD drives have become widespread, because when you install them in your computer, it really starts to work faster and gives an effect noticeable to any eye. In some tests conducted in comparison with conventional hard drives, a threefold increase in the speed of reading and processing data on a computer was achieved. So after installing an SSD drive on your computer or laptop, you can speed up Windows loading times, plus all applications installed on your system will work much faster.

In addition to replacing the hard drive, you can increase the computer's RAM. Installing additional RAM always significantly improves performance and speeds up your computer. For 32-bit Windows 7, 3 GB of RAM will be optimal. For fast work Windows 7 64-bit requires at least 4 GB of RAM. If you frequently edit videos or use other memory-hungry programs, you'll need even more RAM to improve performance.

9) Shutdown unused components Windows 7

As you know, when Windows starts, it loads a lot of services and components, which does not have a very good effect on system performance. Services that we do not use have already been turned off at Disabling unnecessary and unnecessary services and components to speed up the Windows 7 system. Now we need to get rid of unnecessary components, thereby freeing up some RAM. To do this we go:

Start - Control Panel - Programs and components

Select the item. Click on the button Turn Windows features on or off in the left panel.

By default, some components are already disabled, so we only have to disable those that we don’t need:

Internet Explorer (For those who use alternative browsers)
Telnet server
Windows Search (if you don't use Windows search)
Telnet client
TFTP client
Tablet PC Components
Windows Gadgets Platform (If you don't want to load your desktop with gadgets)
Unix Application Subsystem
Microsoft Message Queuing Server
Windows Activation Service
Indexing Service
Print and Document Services (If a printer is not connected)
After unchecking the boxes, all that remains is to restart the computer

10) Using ReadyBoost

Windows ReadyBoost is a technology that supports increased operating system performance. Acceleration of the Windows 7 system is carried out by using free space (caching) on ​​a removable device connected to a PC or laptop (usually via a USB port) (flash card, memory card, portable removable disk).

You can enable this technology as follows: when you connect a removable storage device, be it a flash drive or a hard drive, a window appears Autorun, With various options actions. We need to select an item Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost;

- in the window Properties: Removable disk open tab ReadyBoost;
– the system will determine how much space can be reserved on this device (if there is less free space than the system requires, ReadyBoost will not be able to be used until you free up space);