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Oleg Deripaska and Polina Yumasheva. Oleg Deripaska’s son supports Navalny and even participated in rallies organized by him, and his daughter vacations at expensive resorts. Personal life of Oleg Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska's wife is no less famous than himself. A successful, beautiful and smart woman and a caring mother is an example for everyone. Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska is known as the richest man in Russia, a billionaire and oligarch. Also, his name is known as the president of some companies: “En+group”, “Rusal”. In addition, Oleg Deripaska is the sole owner of the Basic Element company.

His name has repeatedly appeared in the lists of the richest people in Russia and around the world in Forbes magazine. Oleg Derpask's fortune in 2018 was estimated at $7.1 billion. The oligarch’s huge fortune has noticeably decreased compared to 2008. During the crisis, the billionaire lost approximately $32 billion, which is a very large amount.

Oleg Deripaska was born in the city of Dzerzhinsk on January 2, 1968. The boy spent his childhood with his grandparents. His grandfather and grandmother were participants in the war. It was they who taught the boy self-discipline, rigor and instilled a love of work. Since childhood, the guy loved to read books and study. Oleg’s passion for learning and reading stood out at school; teachers considered him the most capable student. Oleg Deripaska has two higher education. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and the Faculty of Economics from the Academy. G. V. Plekhanov.

Oleg Deripaska's wife - photo

Naturally, personal life is such successful people like Oleg Deripaska, they try to carefully hide from the paparazzi. But in 2001, the aspiring businessman married the daughter of Valentin Yumashev. The girl's name was Polina Valentinovna Yumasheva. Oleg Deripaska and his wife met at a reception with Abramovich. Abramovich himself was Deripaska’s business partner.

That same year, the couple had a baby, Peter. And in 2003, Deripaska’s wife gave birth to Oleg’s second child. The girl was named Maria. A photo of Oleg Deripaska's wife and guests from the wedding is presented below.

The wife of businessman Oleg Deripaska, Polina, was born on January 11, 1980 in the capital Moscow. The girl was raised mainly by her grandmother, due to the busyness of her parents. Her mother was an equally famous editor of the famous newspapers “Moskovsky Komsomolets” and “Soviet Sport”. The girl's father was also a public figure. He, not without the help of others, made a career in the government, thanks, of course, to direct communication with Boris Yeltsin himself.

As a child, Deripaska's future wife was fond of tennis, but had to give up the sport due to a serious injury. Polina studied at an English school abroad. By the way, her classmates were relatives of such famous personalities like Chubais and Yeltsin. After graduating from school, Polina entered Moscow State University.

An important role in the girl’s life was played by her acquaintance and marriage with Oleg Deripaska, who influenced the formation of Polina’s business. Interest in writing became the main activity of Oleg’s wife. In 2006, Polina bought the editorial office and was soon able to give it a new name: “Forward Media Group.” Now the businesswoman is on the board of directors of this company.

In 2017, there was a rumor that Oleg Deripaska divorced his wife. However, the couple strongly rejected this point. Oleg Deripaska and his wife are still together, but their marriage was not officially dissolved. The press started rumors that husband and wife were back together. However, another gossip was found for this. With a divorce, the spouse would receive not only half of the huge fortune acquired during the marriage, but also millions in debts of her husband.

Oleg Deripaska's wife always maintains her own opinion and her own style. She responds to intrusive questions from journalists regarding her family, divorce, children, husband, debts, personal life, and novels attributed to her with silence and leaves no comments. Well, public interest in the personal lives of public figures is very high. It's not always possible to keep everything a secret.

The VIP tribune of the Kremlin Cup tennis tournament was shocked by the unsecular behavior of the oligarch’s wife

Among the regular party girls and precocious models serving social events, Polina Deripaska is considered “strange.” She is characterized at the same time as very modest, approachable and as an unapproachable, self-confident whim akin to Sobchak, but unlike Ksenia, she does not know how to behave freely in any society. At the same time, the most evil-tongued ladies agree that she is a good friend, not a gossip at all, knows how to keep family secrets and sincerely rejoice at the successes of her neighbors: Anastasia Chukhrai, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Dasha Zhukova, Marat Safin and her half-brother Boris Yeltsin Jr. Even in the “Roof of the World” - a club closed “from society” on the upper floors of the Badayevsky brewery, where wealthy offspring famous people they come to have fun in evening dresses and in flip-flops - whatever suits you - Polina was not seen drunk. And suddenly, in front of thousands of fans who came to the Kremlin Cup to support their idols, Polina Deripaska sat on the podium next to her eminent relatives: the widow of the ex-president of Russia Naina Yeltsina, stepmother Tatyana and father - openly drunk.

Boring life

The owner of Basic Element, Oleg Deripaska, as usual, was not with his wife and the mother of his two children - 4-year-old Marina and 6-year-old Peter. The billionaire is known as a balletomane, not a tennis fan, so his absence from the podium did not surprise anyone. In addition, the oligarch always avoids publicity and social gatherings, although at many of them his elegant young wife has long been considered perhaps the most honored guest. But this time people thought: maybe Polina simply lacks her husband’s attention?

The last time they were seen together in public was a month ago - in London at a charity football match between the Russians and the British, which was attended by members big Family- Roman Abramovich and Pavel Borodin. But during the spring economic forum in London, when the front entrance of Oleg Deripaska’s house on Belgravia Square was crowded with elegant guests and journalists scurrying about, even British reporters did not have a chance to photograph the spouses together.

During these summer holidays, as well as during the previous winter ones, Oleg and Polina again rested apart. She - together with her father's third family, Marishka and Petechka and friend Svetlana Bondarchuk - once again rode on her yacht "Queen K" in the Mediterranean Sea, and her husband sunbathed in Sochi, where, as we already reported ("EG" No. 18, 2007), acquired an impressive property.

In short, the world behind her is full of gossip, but she is always alone, and her husband does not let her in on his problems. You can drink for loneliness. But those wondering about the reasons why Polina got drunk put forward other versions. Behind last years she has ceased to be only “Deripaska’s wife and Yumashev’s daughter.” The gossip column now introduces her as the publisher and chairman of the board of directors of OVA Press.

Together with Dasha Zhukova, they became very interested in one Internet project from a series of glamor gossip scribes and, according to rumors, are going to aim it at the lives of stars outside the world of pop music. But for Dasha Zhukova, life is in full swing, and in her seventh year of married life, a crisis for her marriage, nothing changes.

Two years ago, during the MuzTV awards, Safin sat next to Polina, whispering something tenderly in her ear, but the press did not notice. But this year, when he turned towards Dasha several times, the media rejoiced: “Safin and Zhukova are not together again!” And together they began to figure out exactly when Daria and Roma Abramovich met. This is very interesting: the oligarch took the girlfriend away from the tennis player, or he dumped her himself, and now he’s biting his elbows. In a word, the inhabitants of Rublyovka took the version from the “how boring, gentlemen” series seriously.

Choir alone

In the spring, Polina’s beloved grandmother, Alexandra Nikolaevna Yumasheva, died, who adored her granddaughter so much that, at the end of her years, she wrote a novel about her difficult female fate and published it under the pseudonym Alexandra Polinina. This pseudonym speaks more eloquently than any words about who most owned the soul of the unknown elderly writer.

Alexandra Nikolaevna admitted (“EG” No. 51, 2005) that her greatest joy was “the visits and care of Polinka.” Now Polina does not have a person who would love her so recklessly. Perhaps this is also why she suddenly got carried away in front of the strict and always collected Naina Yeltsina, who had not yet recovered from her grief.

“Russian women drink from a lack of love and personal freedom,” the ambassador of one of the European countries once said on the radio. And it looks like he's right.

Polina Yumasheva has another secret pain that the party has no idea about. They say that she treats her stepmother well, but no one has ever seen her with her own mother, Irina Vedeneeva. A former journalist who worked in the sports department of MK was also considered “strange.” A master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, Ira, according to the recollections of her colleagues, was very feminine and flexible, but she seemed to look like Inna Churikova, or rather, like her heroines - girls who seemed out of this world. The editors always tell the same story about her. One day, Ira Vedeneeva, no longer completely new to journalism, was sent on a business trip to Odintsovo with the task of writing about the competitions taking place there. Irina arrived, submitted a report, and under the note was the address of the scene: Ramenskoye. They ask her: “Which Ramenskoye? They sent you to Odintsovo!” She shrugged her shoulders in bewilderment and proudly answered: “They took me by car and brought me back by car. How do I know where I was! What was the fate of Irina Vedeneyeva after her marriage? ex-husband Valentina Yumasheva is Yeltsin’s daughter, none of her former colleagues knows. She disappeared from the field of view of journalists once and for all four years ago. After I decided to have a child at the age of 45. There were rumors that the idea of ​​getting pregnant and carrying a child came to her after Tatyana, the current wife of her beloved Vali Yumashev, gave birth. They say that Irina even had artificial insemination. Polina's brother was born weighing 920 grams. It was rumored that all expenses for the mother’s birth and care for the premature baby in the best Russian clinic were paid by Polina. Even her friends don’t know where her mother and brother are now. But people who communicated with Irina Vedeneeva back in those years when she and Valentin Yumashev wrote the script and shot a film about Boris Grebenshchikov’s “Aquarium” and about Konstantin Nikolsky (“My Friend the Artist and Poet”), said that Irina either drank a lot , or quickly got drunk. The film was released in 1988 and was called “A Chorus Alone.”

Soon Yumashev left Irina for another woman, Svetlana Vavra, a journalist at the then fashionable Ogonyok. After this, Ira began to be seen drunk more often, and rumors spread throughout Moscow that she was an alcoholic. And now everyone saw her daughter drunk too.


This year, the US State Department announced that it was denying businessman Oleg Deripaska the right to enter the country. Although in 2005 and 2006 a visa was granted to him. And here's another surprise. The professional magazine “Finance” calculated that Oleg, with a capital of $21.2 billion, has become richer than Abramovich. Polina’s husband had to urgently refute the calculations of the Russian publication in the British press, claiming that the published figures were inflated several (!) times. And then the Supreme Court of London has already received a lawsuit in which Israeli businessman Mikhail Chernoy claims a share in RUSAL, proving that the company was jointly owned by him and Deripaska. A high-profile lawsuit is brewing that could turn the ins and outs of Deripaska’s rise to the top inside out

ATTENTION: there is almost nothing in the post about the sex scandal, exclusively about politics and politicians of category No. 1, those WHO REALLY RULE RUSSIA, the oligarch Deripaska, a member of the Family that hired Putin as a manager and Prikhodko, who wrote the famous Munich speech to Putin, working for Deripaska , who, in turn, collaborates with the Rothschilds.
“A scandal in a noble family” is just an occasion to remind you of what was discussed in detail in #DeripaskaRothschild and #managerPutin, about what you need to know in order to understand what is happening...
However, in order -

An unappetizing story with a girl of mild behavior, an oligarch from the Family and Deputy Prime Minister of the liberal government of the Russian Federation passed my attention, like most dirty stories of adventures Russian elite, consisting entirely of gentlemen, incapable of causing anything but disgust...
The relationship between bureaucratic toads and business vipers does not arouse my scientific interest.

However, unexpectedly the story took on a completely different meaning, in particular, after I saw this short post in my feed -

New entry titled "But it’s easier for him to undermine from here, from within:" by ros_sea_ru.

..and everyone remembers that Prikhodko caught in bribes- this is the same assistant to President Medvedev for foreign policy, who then did everything in his power to enable NATO to launch an operation in Libya, and then supported this operation with all possible actions, including the introduction by Russia of sanctions against Libyan patriots - those who have always previously supported Russia.

This - outright enemy agents are the same anti-Russian figure as the current ministers in Kyiv, exactly the same rubbish.

If you put Prikhodko instead of Klimkin in Kyiv at the Foreign Ministry, they will fight with Russia, there is no doubt. And even, probably, more effectively - he has more experience.

But it’s more convenient for him to undermine from here, from within.


Do you agree that all this takes the matter to a completely different level than the disgusting alcove secrets of our compradors, corrupt officials and other unrespectable public of vile appearance and behavior?

After reading the post, I wanted to find out what kind of intrigue brought together the most odious Russian oligarch, a member of the Family and a low-publicity senior official from the liberal government, Mr. Medvedev, with a disgusting reputation and a dirty past?
Versions were found like this, for example -

The tabloid story about the affair between an oligarch and a kept woman went almost unnoticed by the political establishment, which reads Tatler as much as possible from the secular gloss and simply does not watch the show about sex on the TVC channel, where this young lady taught the audience to be liberated a couple of months ago. So, this same Rybka, as part of the coverage of her romance with Deripaska, published photos and videos with him on her Instagram. In one of the frames filmed on the oligarch's yacht, a man appears extremely similar to Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko.

At that time, the yacht was visiting off the coast of democratic Norway, and snippets of the video show that in the presence of a man similar to Deputy Prime Minister Prikhodko, Deripaska explains to the escort service employees the complexities of Russia’s relations with America. From this cheap (though actually quite expensive) vaudeville and from a book previously published by Nastya Rybka, where Deripaska is called “Ruslan” and his friend, the official “Papa” is mentioned, Navalny concludes that the joint vacation of a high-ranking official and a billionaire is hidden a form of bribery. The presence of girls from the escort service on the yacht is generally incompatible with the presence of the supposed deputy prime minister there, says Navalny, recalling how Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov was stripped of his post. This happened after the publication of a video where “a man similar to the Prosecutor General” was having fun in a bathhouse with girls of dubious reputation, and then Putin demanded Skuratov’s resignation.

The second episode unexpectedly followed in the night: Nastya Rybka watched the investigation and for some reason recorded a video in which she stated that there had actually been a gang rape on the yacht and that if Deripaska did not marry her, she would go to the “Let Them Talk” program and in Andrei Malakhov’s new show, she will accuse him and “Papa” of forcing her into group sex. Deripaska's representatives denied this statement and threatened to sue the media for disseminating it. However, this statement was initially difficult to believe: the girl was too enthusiastically savoring the details of the affair with “Oleg” and said that it was she who “hunted” him, wanting to enter into an intimate relationship.

The morning came with the third series of vaudeville: the girl recorded a new video, where she declared the statement about rape a joke and called on everyone to work for the good of the country.

The Kremlin’s statements and Prikhodko’s statements have not yet followed, but I would venture to assume that they will be in the style of Deripaska’s first reaction, who, through a representative, announced a distortion of facts and a custom campaign.

What questions arise after watching this show for a day?

Question 1. Could the current story be part of a campaign against Prikhodko and Deripaska, beneficial to their enemies?
Of course it can. Alexei Navalny is offended when they say about him that the elites talk to each other through him and do not hesitate to leak dirt to him about each other in information wars, but there is nothing new or scary in this.

Now there is already a war going on for future posts in the new government, and Deripaska is rumored to have difficulties in relations with Rostec, which allegedly has designs on his company Rusal. Can enemies use the story about escort girls and private yachts so that the Deputy Prime Minister does not remain in the new White House, and Deripaska loses part of his reputation? Easily. IN in this case rather, the line along which the accusations are going is unusual - a couple of years ago, for example, it would have been fashionable to accuse Deripaska and Prikhodko of having connections with Ukrainian business, and five years ago of participating in the financing of rallies in 2011-2012.

Question 2. What's wrong?
In the West, most likely, today Deripaska would have already fought off feminist accusations of using the services of girls of dubious reputation, and Nastya Rybka’s late-night “joke” about gang rape would have fit into the #metoo flash mob, and it would have been impossible to roll back the situation in the morning. Also in the West they are more sensitive to the friendship between officials and big business. Prikhodko would have to prove that he at least flew on the yacht for his own money, and secondly, make excuses about the presence of “fish” on this yacht. But in Russian realities, already in the night everyone shrugged their shoulders: yes, Deripaska and Prikhodko have known each other for a long time, there is nothing compromising by our standards in an official visiting a businessman’s yacht. After all, Rybka did not post on Instagram a photo of Prikhodko’s delivery of some “basket of sausages,” “bag of wine,” or just a large package.

And yet this story is not the same. The fact is that in recent years, all government and near-government officials have been calling on Russians to be patient, to tighten their belts, all for the sake of the fight for the country’s survival in the threat regime from NATO. From all screens we are told about morality, humility, and spiritual values. In this regard, Navalny’s investigation is of great public importance, as it once again shows: all this humility and modesty is husk for the poor. Those in power themselves did not care from the high bell tower about lack of money and clamps combined. One of the main problems modern Russia- this is the total doublethink of the ruling class and its division into VIP citizens and mere mortals, who are asked to live according to directly opposite laws. The further, the more this problem will worsen, and Navalny (no matter how anyone treats him personally) raises completely justified questions that it is high time for the authorities to answer.

Question 3. Nastya Rybka’s behavior
The most inexplicable and atypical for Russian realities in this story is the behavior of the escort girl Nastya Rybka. The girl first pursues Navalny - apparently as a “hunter”, wanting to add this trophy to her collection. Then the girl turns out not to be from a pro-Kremlin youth group, but an elite lady for yacht visits. Then, at night, an elite lady accuses a major oligarch and a man who looks like the Deputy Prime Minister of rape, and in the morning she says that she was joking. This does not happen in Russian reality. Such accusations are not thrown around even as a joke. Mistresses of oligarchs do not react this way to Navalny’s investigation.

A logical question arises about Nastya Rybka’s “roof”, and in two meanings of the word at once. Firstly, there is simply a question about her sanity. If you look for a video of this Nastya, you can, for example, find her rather offensive address to Oleg Deripaska’s ex-wife, Polina, who is part of the powerful Yumashev clan. And to flaunt the fact that she, like a “hunter,” lassoed one of the most influential businessmen in Russia, and then also published a book with intimate details about him - in Russian practice, this is also not a sign of great intelligence. It may well be that Nastya got scared and, panicking, began to perform incoherent actions. In any case, given the reaction of Deripaska’s representatives, she may face legal troubles, and a girl with such a desire for publicity will no longer be invited to interesting yachts. Such “jokes” in Russian society are not allowed even to wives or semi-official life partners, informal “second wives”.

The second version is more conspiratorial, but quite justified. It may well be that in the night there was some brilliant PR man who decided, by raising the stakes and then leveling them, to reduce the drama to farce and switch the focus of discussion from Deputy Prime Minister Prikhodko and his relationship with Deripaska to Nastya Rybka herself. Turn an unpleasant situation into a funny one. If so, it is unlikely that this strategy was agreed upon with Oleg Deripaska himself, given the morning reaction of his representatives, who did not appreciate the “joke.”

Finally, it is quite likely that Nastya Rybka specifically “attacked” Navalny in order to draw attention to her book and connection with Deripaska, in order to return the latter’s attention, in strict accordance with her own recommendations to young adherents: provoke the oligarch, piss him off, and he will will be yours. However, if this is so, Rybka was unable to correctly assess neither the scale of the scandal, nor the personalities it could affect, nor the fact that the same oligarchs who reacted favorably to her provocations in private are completely unprepared to be a “victim” in the face of everything peace. If Rybka thought she was playing “Twenty-One,” then she ended up with a classic bust.

Question 4. Will there be consequences?
In Russia, most likely not. As already mentioned, after the first jokes died down, most pro-government experts and bloggers took the position of “well, so what?” “Yes, escort girls are unpleasant, but there is nothing scary about an official’s visit to a businessman’s yacht” - and indeed, in Russia this fact is taken for granted, and not as something terrible.

However, in the West, the media have already seized on evidence of a connection between Deripaska, for whom Paul Manafort, the head of Donald Trump’s campaign headquarters, once worked, and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko, who influences Russian foreign policy. In light of the publication of the “Kremlin report” and desperate attempts to, if not avoid future sanctions, then at least mitigate them, the current story may have the most unpleasant impact on the situation. For example, it will now be much more difficult for Deripaska to avoid sanctions.

In this case, the version about an enterprising escort girl who decided to “provoke” the oligarch so that he would return to her network, for which she attracted the attention of Alexei Navalny, begins to look the most plausible due to its tragicomic nature. Girls from Bobruisk can also change the world. True, not in the direction planned.

History takes on a different sound, much more unpleasant than the simply bestial morals of our so-called. elites, those in power, those in business, it doesn’t matter, right?
The least interesting and significant thing in this story is the escort girl Rybka, a little more interesting is the goat provocateur Oleksiy Navalny (see #projectNavalny), an ordinary cistern of the Fashobkom, as for the rest of the defendants in the case, then everything is much more interesting...
Both the prostitute Rybka and the political prostitute Navalny are equally disgusting and equally insignificant, we are not talking about them.

So, an oligarch, a member of the Family, the Yeltsin clan, who has ruled the country for 27 years, the last 17 through his protege Putin, who has close ties with the Rothschilds (see #DeripaskaRothschild), who has serious assets and business interests in Ukraine, who directly stated that that the leadership of the Russian Federation was appointed by a group of oligarchs and is completely controlled by them, carrying out their will - on the one hand.
A corrupt Russophobe official of Ukrainian origin, openly working against Russia, from the inner circle who does not need the characteristics of Mr. Medvedev - on the other hand.

And their division of portfolios or zones of influence in the new configuration of post-election power, when Privatization-2.0 is expected, the last grandiose sale of Russia’s wealth before its liquidation at the hands of the liquidation commission, which is what the current liberal-comprador government, originally from the 90s, is...
I won’t delve further into this dangerous area, but I’ll give a cautious hint by quoting the opinion of a couple of people in the thread (I advise you to read it carefully and think about it) -

Alexey Shaburov:

It is clear that the Russian official does not live on his salary. It is maintained by oligarchs like these. Navalny calls it bribes, but I would not reduce everything to the banal relationship between bribe-taker and bribe-giver. It seems to me that there is something deeper here, reminiscent of feudal relations.

Deripaska is not a predatory capitalist shark who bribes a major government official. He is the holder of a large piece of property, which he is allowed to dispose of in exchange for services to the sovereign. And the official is not at all a vile bribe-taker, but a devoted servant of the sovereign, receiving certain benefits for his work - part of the rent from the already mentioned piece of property, the holder (but not the true owner) of which is Deripaska.
The scheme is complex, but I’m afraid simple explanations are not enough.

Vladimir Milov:

Knowing Deripaska, I can say the following. He is an extremely psychotic person, obsessed with PR issues and trifles. It’s even hard for me to imagine what’s going on in his body now, I think he’s just having an explosion of his brain and everything else. I know how he freaked out about much less serious reasons.

You know, now you’re writing, “how come the security service didn’t check the whores’ Instagrams” - but just imagine, I’m ready to easily believe it. I personally know stories of how people close to them who were present in the offices of large oligarchs filmed all sorts of important meetings on the phone, and these elderly figures, protected by echelons of security, could not even imagine that this was happening.

Well, Prikhodko, of course, is just a song. The dude really sat through from Ilyich to Ilyich, has an extremely serious reputation (for example, in fact, he is the author of Putin’s famous “Munich speech”), and in general, there was nothing serious against him. And this is how I got burned on a girl’s Instagram. Fantastic. Prikhodko is not some kind of buffoon - Shuvalov, he’s a really serious dude, in the ranking of creators foreign policy, I’m sure he’s among the first, maybe in second place after Ushakov.

An interesting point: given Deripaska’s deep connection with the Yeltsin family, the idea occurred to me that Prikhodko could be on Deripas’s payroll since the 90s. That is, to keep it a secret for so many years, and then it would end up in flames, imagine.

The men got caught.

Well, the girl will most likely be killed.
* from comments here -

Is the degree of coherence between the figures of Prikhodko, Deripaska and Putin clear?
At the same time, Mr. Prikhodko is “friends” with Ms. Nuland, according to the cistern version of Mr. Navalny...

Poor little stupid Rybka, who got into a big mess for just a sniff of tobacco, her fate can indeed be extremely sad, girls of her profession need to know who they are going to blackmail, have at least minimal knowledge of political science...

But we don't care. For us, this local scandal, of little interest to normal people, once again demonstrates that our elites are ready to do anything to carry out the last big grab before they liquidate Russia, and they won’t stand up for the price, the jackpot is too big, and the splashes that reach us during the battle of bulldogs taking place under the carpet - just a reason to THINK about what is at stake for all of us...

Re-read at least this to understand the seriousness of the situation (it is MANDATORY to read the first posts on the links)

(1980-01-11 ) (39 years old) K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Polina Valentinovna Deripaska(maiden name Yumasheva; genus. January 11, 1980, Moscow) - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Forward Media Group publishing house. Daughter of Valentin Yumashev, former adviser to Boris Yeltsin, head of his presidential administration. Wife of Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska.


Polina Yumasheva was born on January 11, 1980 in the family of journalists Valentin Yumashev and Irina Vedeneeva (born 1962). Irina Vedeneeva worked as a correspondent for Soviet Sport and Moskovsky Komsomolets. My father worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda, prepared Yeltsin’s memoirs for publication, and was deputy. editor-in-chief of Ogonyok. Then Valentin Yumashev worked as an adviser to President Boris Yeltsin, was appointed head of the presidential administration, and in 2002 married his daughter, Tatyana Dyachenko.


Returning to Russia, she studied at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University and at the Higher School of Business of Moscow State University, specializing in management. She played tennis and was a member of the Russian youth team.

Publishing business

At the end of 2007, Forward Media Group intended to invest $5 million in Internet projects. Her friend, designer Daria Zhukova, took part in the creation of the site owned by Forward Media Group.

Personal life

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An excerpt characterizing Deripaska, Polina Valentinovna

So the captain told the touching story of his love for one charming thirty-five-year-old marquise and at the same time for a charming innocent seventeen-year-old child, the daughter of a charming marquise. The struggle of generosity between mother and daughter, which ended with the mother, sacrificing herself, offering her daughter as a wife to her lover, even now, although a long-past memory, worried the captain. Then he told one episode in which the husband played the role of a lover, and he (the lover) played the role of a husband, and several comic episodes from souvenirs d'Allemagne, where asile means Unterkunft, where les maris mangent de la choux croute and where les jeunes filles sont trop blondes [memories of Germany, where husbands eat cabbage soup and where young girls are too blond.]
Finally, the last episode in Poland, still fresh in the captain’s memory, which he recounted with quick gestures and a flushed face, was that he saved the life of one Pole (in general, in the captain’s stories, the episode of saving a life occurred incessantly) and this Pole entrusted him with his charming wife (Parisienne de c?ur [Parisian at heart]), while he himself entered the French service. The captain was happy, the charming Polish woman wanted to run away with him; but, moved by generosity, the captain returned his wife to the husband, saying to him: “Je vous ai sauve la vie et je sauve votre honneur!” [I saved your life and save your honor!] Having repeated these words, the captain rubbed his eyes and shook himself, as if driving away the weakness that had seized him at this touching memory.
Listening to the captain's stories, as often happens in the late evening and under the influence of wine, Pierre followed everything that the captain said, understood everything and at the same time followed the next personal memories, suddenly appeared to his imagination for some reason. When he listened to these stories of love, his own love for Natasha suddenly suddenly came to his mind, and, turning over the pictures of this love in his imagination, he mentally compared them with the stories of Rambal. Following the story of the struggle between duty and love, Pierre saw before him all the smallest details of his last meeting with the object of his love at the Sukharev Tower. Then this meeting had no influence on him; he never even thought about her. But now it seemed to him that this meeting had something very significant and poetic.
“Peter Kirilych, come here, I found out,” he now heard these words spoken, saw before him her eyes, her smile, her travel cap, a stray strand of hair... and something touching, touching seemed to him in all this.
Having finished his story about the charming Polish woman, the captain turned to Pierre with the question of whether he had experienced a similar feeling of self-sacrifice for love and envy of his lawful husband.
Provoked by this question, Pierre raised his head and felt the need to express the thoughts that were occupying him; he began to explain how he understood love for a woman a little differently. He said that in all his life he had loved and loves only one woman and that this woman could never belong to him.
- Tiens! [Look!] - said the captain.
Then Pierre explained that he had loved this woman from a very young age; but he did not dare to think about her, because she was too young, and he was an illegitimate son without a name. Then, when he received name and wealth, he did not dare to think about her, because he loved her too much, placed her too high above the whole world and therefore, especially above himself. Having reached this point in his story, Pierre turned to the captain with a question: does he understand this?
The captain made a gesture expressing that if he did not understand, he still asked to continue.
“L"amour platonique, les nuages... [Platonic love, clouds...],” he muttered. Was it the wine he drank, or the need for frankness, or the thought that this person does not know and will not recognize any of the characters in his story, or all together unleashed tongue to Pierre. And with a murmuring mouth and oily eyes, looking somewhere into the distance, he told his whole story: his marriage, and the story of Natasha’s love for his best friend, and her betrayal, and all his simple relationship with her. Provoked by Rambal’s questions, he also told him what he had hidden at first - his position in the world and even revealed his name to him.

Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska is a widely known personality, since he is not only the richest Russian entrepreneur. For a long time he has held the position of the most influential entrepreneur in business circles, who built his own empire on the sale of non-ferrous metals.

Currently, the entrepreneur is the sole beneficiary of the Basic Element company. At the same time, he manages to devote time to his family and children, of whom he has two. A young man recently found himself at the epicenter of a major scandal. Because he was accused of gang rape of the famous model and pickup lover Nastya Rybka.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Deripaska

After this scandalous story, everyone immediately wanted to know what the billionaire’s height, weight, and age were. How old is Oleg Deripaska is also a fairly simple question if you know exactly the date of his birth.

Oleg Vladimirovich was born in 1968, so he recently celebrated his fiftieth anniversary. According to the zodiac circle, Oleg received the sign of persistent, stable, self-confident, efficient, punctual and incredibly bright Capricorn. Eastern horoscope endowed Oleg with such character traits as curiosity, resourcefulness, wit, responsibility, stability, characteristic of Monkeys.

Deripaska's nationality also often arouses interest, since his surname sounds clearly unusual. The man is not Ukrainian, as many people think, but Belarusian.

The man’s height is no less than one meter and eighty-two centimeters, and he weighs only seventy-eight kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Oleg Deripaska

The biography and personal life of Oleg Deripaska is a series of accidents, since he came from an ancient Belarusian family, but never lived in this country. The boy was born in Dzerzhinsk, but spent his entire childhood in the Krasnodar region with his beloved grandmother. At the same time, he went to first grade in Ust-Labinsk, graduating from school with honors.

After this, the guy joined the armed forces, where he served in the missile forces, was active and received the rank of senior sergeant. After the army, Oleg managed to get two higher educations at Moscow State University and Plekhanovka, and was so talented that, even while skipping classes, he could immediately pass difficult exams. The student was sent to economic school London, and at the same time engaged in self-education and read a lot.

In the dashing nineties, the guy went into business because he created his own “Military Investment trading company", which received brokerage positions on all Russian exchanges. In 1994, Oleg managed to acquire the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter as part of Aluminproduct.

Later, Deripaska initiated the creation of the Siberian Aluminum company, which in 2001 changed its name to Basic Element. Another talented entrepreneur became one of the founders of the Russian Aluminum company, which soon broke world records for alumina production.

Oleg Pavlovich is the founder and president of the En+ Group, which occupies a high position in the energy, non-ferrous metallurgy and mining industries. The entrepreneur heads the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Russia.

He is actively involved in charity work, for which he has already spent eleven billion rubles as part of the Volnoye Delo foundation, which supports not only education and sports, young entrepreneurs and health, but also animal protection. Deripaska helps high school students choose a profession on time, and in 2014 he invested one and a half million dollars for the construction of the Sochi Olympic Village.

The personal life of Oleg Deripaska is a mystery, shrouded in darkness, since before his marriage he was credited with having affairs with many socialites, singers and models. At the same time, the guy just had to appear in public next to the girl in order for them to be credited love affair, so it is impossible to say with certainty who was really close to the entrepreneur.

All stories about the young man’s affairs came to naught after he got married, although recently gossips began to constantly link the name of the entrepreneur with Nastya Rybka’s scandalous statement that Oleg himself raped her on a yacht, and then handed her over to his friends to be ridiculed, although the man denied this information.

Family and children of Oleg Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska’s family and children are the source of his pride, his support and support. Therefore, he often recalls them in interviews. The guy was brought up in a single-parent family, since his father, Pavel Deripaska, died tragically when his son was still very young. Oleg practically did not remember his father.

The mother was forced to work around the clock to put her son on his feet and give him a decent education. This is why Deripaska most often calls his mother his main person in life, saying that he is grateful to her. At the same time, he considers his grandparents to be his closest people. They raised him, taught him not to be afraid of difficulties and problems. And also, they instilled a love for work and the land, which feeds everyone.

That is why the entrepreneur tries to devote a lot of time to his own children. He raises his daughter and son in strictness, the man claims that their main job is study, and therefore demands that they study well in order to achieve something in life.

Son of Oleg Deripaska - Pyotr Deripaska

The son of Oleg Deripaska, Pyotr Deripaska, was born in 2001; his mother was Polina Deripaska. The boy grew up active and inquisitive; he played football, swimming and tennis.

At the same time, the child spent all his holidays with his grandparents in the Krasnodar Territory, so he is fascinated by the idea of ​​the Kuban Cossacks and sings folk songs beautifully.

Petya studies in a regular school, he lives in Moscow. Journalists often say that he is not one of the golden youth, since his father keeps a tight rein on him, preparing a reliable replacement for himself.

Daughter of Oleg Deripaska - Maria Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska's daughter, Maria Deripaska, was born in 2003 in the legal marriage of her father and businesswoman Polina Deripaska. At the same time, in different sources the girl’s name sounds differently - Marina or Maria.

Maria studies at a Moscow school; she enjoys tennis, swimming, gymnastics and folk dancing. The girl masterfully plays the piano and sings Kuban folk songs.

At the same time, Maria is a non-public girl, she does not attend parties or go to nightclubs. The girl loves to read, preferring economic and philosophical books.

Oleg Deripaska's wife - Polina Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska's wife, Polina Deripaska, comes from a fairly influential family, because she is the daughter of the former head of the Russian administration, Valentin Yumashev, and special correspondent Irina Vedeneeva.

Polina and Oleg were introduced by Roman Abramovich at one of the parties, they immediately found mutual language. The girl played tennis since childhood and graduated from Moscow State University, receiving the profession of manager and economist.

The wedding took place already in 2001, but few believed in the love of the young people; it was rumored that through Oleg and Polina the property of two influential clans was united. At the same time, Polina does not just sit at home and take care of the children, but she can provide for her own life, since she owns a publishing house and several magazines, including “My Baby and Me,” “Story,” “Gossip,” and “Empire.”

For some time now it has been stated that divorce of couples of the century is possible, because Oleg often returns home in drunk, constantly argues with his wife and even sells antiques. The scandal with blogger and pickup truck maker Nastya Rybka, with whom he was vacationing on a yacht off the coast of Norway, added fuel to the fire.

Although articles constantly appear in the press about Polina’s affair with entrepreneur Alexander Mamuta. At the same time, there will most likely not be a divorce, because Polina’s stepmother said that the prudent Oleg wants to dump part of his debts on the girl.

Oleg Deripaska and Nastya Rybka

Oleg Deripaska and Nastya Rybka is a request that can most often be found on the Internet, thanks to recent events. The young people met for no more than a couple of months, although Oleg often says that the girl simply provided him with escort services while vacationing on a yacht off the coast of Norway with friends.

Oleg Pavlovich met Nastya at a social event, where the girl was sent by her pickup coach Alex Leslie. At the same time, the girl did not intend to build a long-term relationship with the oligarch, but simply seduced him. All aspects of the relationship resulted in the novel “Diary of Seducing a Billionaire or a Clone for an Oligarch,” as well as several dozen scandalous photographs.

These relationships began solely for the sake of PR and are already a thing of the past. At the same time, Rybka greatly spoiled the oligarch’s nerves, declaring that he participated in her gang rape, and therefore was obliged to marry her. After that, she denied this proposal, saying that she was simply trolling Russian fools who were waiting for this statement.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Deripaska

Instagram and Wikipedia of Oleg Deripaska are available and officially confirmed, from them you can find out only relevant and reliable facts regarding the biography and personal life of the entrepreneur.

In the article posted on Wikipedia, you can find only relevant information regarding childhood, parents, education, personal and family life, as well as children and gradual career growth.

His Instagram profile contains photographs and videos related to his charitable and entrepreneurial activity, family and children. And each of the 46,300 subscribers can read the statement that Deripaska completely denies committing illegal actions and will brutally suppress any attempts to manipulate such data.