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Making money for a gift. Money as a gift: the most practical gift. Is it cool to give money in a bank?

I’ll say right away that I am against such gifts, but sometimes, when there is absolutely no time to run around the shops looking for perfect present, and you are invited to a celebration, you have to give money to the culprit. But don’t grieve ahead of time! After all, firstly, money is the most universal gift of all, and secondly, it can be presented so unusually that the person who receives this gift will squeal with delight.

It's decided! In order not to get into trouble with a gift, sometimes it is much better to give money for the celebration. And the editors "So simple!" will tell you how to make the most seemingly banal gift original and unforgettable in no time. Remember quickly how to give money beautifully and stand out from the crowd of guests! We have 12 cool ideas for you.

How to give money in an original way

  1. Million dollar idea! You take a syringe, a few bills and give the hero of the occasion a real “injection of happiness.” The needle, of course, is first removed and disposed of.

  2. How do you like this extraordinary bouquet of money roses? In any case, it is much more useful than an armful of fresh flowers, which will wither in a couple of days.

  3. Simple and damn original! If you don’t have time to buy a present, buy a card, glue a few rolled up bills to it, and add a light on top, as if they were holiday candles. By blowing these out, the birthday boy will definitely be able to fulfill at least a small dream.

  4. And so in an original way you will help the hero of the occasion fulfill his cherished dream - to acquire own home! You can carefully place the bills in a children's bucket for building sand castles, or you can tie them with ribbons, for example, to a brick from a chocolate box.

  5. Or you can build a miniature hut out of money.

  6. How about baking a giant fortune cookie, but instead of a prophecy, put in a few treasured bills? Delight, and that’s all!

  7. This way of presenting a cash gift would be appropriate for both a birthday and a wedding. Lay out the umbrella, carefully tape the bills to the individual threads, the ends of which are tied to the knitting needles, and then carefully close the umbrella. Do you think that giving money in an envelope is too trivial? Money umbrella to the rescue!

  8. You can do a much simpler thing and replace all the chocolates in the box with assorted money.

  9. An extraordinary idea, don't you agree? You take a clear balloon, carefully insert pre-rolled bills into it, add a handful of confetti and a pinch of love, and then inflate and tie. !

  10. And if the birthday boy suddenly dreams of his own yacht or trip around the world on a ship, then such an unusual way to present cash gift he will definitely like it. Believe me, an extra hundred in the pocket of an avid traveler will definitely not be superfluous.

  11. And this is a gift for a real man. True, you will have to spend money on a hammer, but the vivid impressions of the gift are worth it!

  12. This is the easiest way to present banknotes if there is absolutely no time to prepare a gift. Take a liter jar and fill it with small bills, roll up the lid and stick a sticker with a humorous inscription.

Now you know, how to give money beautifully for a birthday, wedding or anniversary! Don't spare your imagination and

Almost all people, before going to a particular event, often have two most important questions in their minds: “What to wear?” and “What to give?”

The relevance of the first question concerns women more than men, but both are concerned about the second.

It is very difficult to choose the right gift for a person you hardly know.

If you haven’t decided on a gift, or simply didn’t have time to buy it on time, then the best gift will be money.

Money gift ideas

When the choice of gift fell on money, it is ugly, and even embarrassing, to give a simple cardboard envelope from the office with a banknote. This is not a surprise, but more like a bribe. But how can we get out of such an interesting situation?

Money for birthday

Let's look at a list of how to make something original and present it to the envy of others.

To pull off this trick with a cash gift, you will need to turn the umbrella over, lay it out and tie the bills in the right way and carefully close the umbrella.

When opened, the bills will scatter in all directions, resulting in our expected rain of money.

Envelopes for money are a very relevant thing. You can give an ordinary envelope with a stony expression on your face, saying they asked you to give it to you, and inside the envelope there will be a beautiful envelope with wishes for family life and a certain amount.

You can pick up a large box with several compartments and put money in it. The money will be spent, but the box can be used in the future.

You can fantasize about this topic endlessly, if you would like to do it original gift from money!

When thinking about how to beautifully present money as a gift, do not forget about the words and quotes that you will say when presenting, or write in a personal letter to the newlyweds.

And of course it’s worth remembering that the most important thing is not the gift, but the attention!

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Good afternoon to all readers and guests of my blog! Today it often happens topical issue about how to give money in an original way for a birthday, because many of those invited are eager to give it to the birthday boy, fearing that any other gift will gather dust on a shelf in the far corner of the closet.

Interesting cash gift ideas for men

Souvenirs from a store that specializes in holiday goods will help to perfectly complement and make the gift original. You can present a man with banknotes as a gift for his birthday in the following interesting ways:

  1. Buy a toy dump truck with a control panel in the store, stick a sticker on it that says “money truck,” put neatly folded bills in the back, send the car to the hero of the occasion.
  2. You can fill a fabric bag with dollars embroidered on it with valuable papers rolled into a tube. Thus, it will be possible to implement popular expression"bag with money".
  3. A monetary gift based on a play on words, that is, “money in the bank” and handing over a glass jar filled with banknotes with this phrase to the birthday person will look intellectual and unusual.
  4. You can disguise a cash gift by giving the hero of the occasion a shirt with valuable pieces of paper hidden in the breast pocket.
  5. A comic gift of money with the words “rake money like a shovel” can be presented to a friend, accompanied by the presentation of the corresponding instrument.
  6. You can also put the bills in a glass jar, close it with a cute lid and stick the inscription “ cauliflower».

They often give money to a man in kinder clothes , To do this, you need to carefully unwrap the chocolate egg, break it in half, take out the toy and put neatly folded funds in its place.

How to give money to a woman

For women and girls, money is a very useful gift, since you can use it to buy a dress you like in a store, go to a beauty salon, or spend it on your favorite cosmetics for personal care.

You can bring banknotes as a gift to a woman as follows:

  1. Buy a box of her favorite chocolates, inside which you carefully place a beautiful envelope with money.
  2. You can buy a functional jewelry box for your friend as a gift, in which you can put banknotes.
  3. An original gift will be a painting made by yourself, where a landscape or still life will be made of money.
  4. You can also make a neat and cute cake out of money. Since its creation will cost quite a decent amount, this gift can be timed to coincide with the anniversary.
  5. The bills are carefully attached to the spokes of an umbrella of an unusual, for example, neon color, after which it is closed and placed in a cover. Next, the birthday girl should be asked to unwrap and inspect the surprise.
  6. Very creative gift there will be a piece of ice in which a certain amount of money is frozen, which is necessary for a friend to make any dream come true. To get to the bills, the girl will have to try, as the ice needs to be broken. Do not forget that before freezing valuable papers, they must be placed in a waterproof bag.

In addition to the above, you can give a lady a beautiful bouquet of flowers, with money carefully attached to the buds.

Cash gift for a child

In some cases, parents prefer that their child be given money. Thus, through the joint efforts of the whole family, the amount for a long-desired gift in the form of a bicycle, a new computer, a telephone and other expensive things is collected. But a child of any age is unlikely to appreciate an ordinary envelope with banknotes, so you need to present the treasured valuable papers in a special way:

  1. You can give banknotes to children and teenagers by first rolling them up and putting them in a balloon, which you then inflate. Girls might like a ball in the shape of a big pink pig, and boys might like one in the shape of a giant green dinosaur or a car.
  2. You can also give your child a gift in the form of a piggy bank of any format, into which you need to put money, saying that the first deposit has already been made, then it’s all up to you.
  3. A child will always be delighted to have a large soft toy in the shape of an animal with a backpack or apron in which folded money will be hidden.
  4. If the child is very small, then the bills can be presented to his parents by putting them in a small knitted stroller.
  5. For some teenagers, it is enough to give them their favorite chocolate, under the wrapper of which they first hide a large denomination banknote.
  6. You can give a gentle girl an applique with butterflies, the body of which imitates money folded into a tube, the rest of the details (wings, head, antennae) are made of colored paper. Many people know that butterflies are a symbol of serenity and peace, which will enhance the power of the gift of banknotes.

There are many ways in which you can present an original monetary gift; you can choose the appropriate one by looking at numerous photos.

Other ways to donate money

Young people, especially those aged 20 and a little older, will most likely be delighted with money given in an ordinary envelope, but you can get a little creative and, for example, build a small tank out of banknotes for a guy. Such a gift will definitely remain in memory for a long time.

Give money to a young family for a wedding , You can attach them to a money tree, such a gift will become very symbolic.

You can also make a monetary gift by buying the hero of the occasion a brush and dustpan, to which you will carefully attach bills with the wish that he has money as well as dirt, that is, a lot.

A close friend will probably be delighted with a large cornucopia filled with cash.

Important! There is still an opinion that the book best gift. For example, in souvenir shops you can find a tome with a recess under the cover in which money is placed; the face of the hero of the day who opened it will be unforgettable.

Interesting idea for a cash gift there will be a layout wooden house or a bathhouse made from banknotes, presented with parting words that it’s time to get a dacha, if you still don’t have one.

Giving gifts in the form Money relatives and close friends, you can give scope to your imagination and almost not restrain it with strict boundaries.

But presenting banknotes as a gift to a boss or a stranger should be done more carefully, and this can be done in a beautiful, strict envelope, complementing the gift with good quality alcohol or sweets, depending on the preferences of the birthday person.

Everyone good ideas and see you in the next articles! Subscribe to my blog updates.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello Dear friends! - What should I give you? – this is a question we can afford to ask our family and closest friends. But they are not always ready to answer what they would like to receive as a birthday present. And here an envelope with money comes to the rescue, which has long ceased to be something indecent for a holiday.

Nowadays, the procedure for congratulating money is more solemn, and guests are increasingly puzzled by how to give money in an original way for their birthday. .

This is a kind of lifesaver with which you can save time searching for a gift, if you also need to do it urgently.

This option is especially suitable for busy people. And it’s easier for the birthday boy himself: he’ll buy his loved one something that he likes or needs at the moment.

Today we have a money topic, namely: giving money for your birthday. But the question is: how to give them? I remember when I was a child, a friend’s grandfather, not spoiled when it came to gifts, upon learning that one of his grandchildren had a birthday, would take out a few coins or one piece of paper money from a secret jacket pocket and hand it to her.

- Birthday you say? Save on the candy!

And the whole crowd of us and the birthday girl ran to the store to spend our own money.

How not to give

First, a little about what situations it is undesirable to create when presenting money to the birthday person.

  1. Take out your wallet at the table and count out the required amount in front of the guests and the hero of the occasion. A certain amount must be prepared in advance and should not be in the wallet, but at least in a simple envelope. It would be better, of course, if it was a gift envelope, which you need to take care of in advance.
  2. You should not announce to guests how much you gave to the birthday person. But it is also undesirable to hand it over in silence. A short congratulatory speech is quite appropriate when presenting the treasured envelope.
  3. Try not to put shabby money in the envelope that has lost its outer luster. Select banknotes, if not new, then at least in decent appearance.
  4. There is no need to put change in the envelope unless it is planned according to the script.
  5. If there are two birthday people in the family on the same day, then prepare a couple of envelopes. Handing over money in one envelope and offering to split it is completely unacceptable. Each birthday person has the right to his own birthday, so the bags must be individually for each of them.

Now let's talk about a creative way of presentation. Although banknotes simplify the procedure for finding a gift, a creative approach will not hurt, and your envelope will not fade against the backdrop of bright gifts. In this case, humor always helps))

We give it as a joke

- Cool! - said a friend's niece as her turtle crawled into the room with a small box on its back. It turned out that the guest congratulated her on her birthday in this way)) There was money in the box.

One good friend was also given money for his birthday, and they played a prank on him.

Everyone was giving gifts, but one of the guests was empty-handed. The doorbell rang and a man appeared on the threshold, very similar to the postman Pechkin from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”. Imitating the voice of a cartoon character, he offered to present a passport to receive a particularly valuable letter.

The birthday boy was even confused at some point: to believe or not to believe. In the hands of the postman there was indeed a package tied with coarse thread. Curious guests surrounded the “postman” who insisted on presenting documents. At the same time, he showed his ID (homemade, of course). As a result, I handed over the package, it was immediately opened, and it turned out to be money.

The donor was the same guest who came empty-handed. Well, then we found out that the postman Pechkin was played by an actor from a local theater. And I must say, everyone liked it. It was funny, original, and heartfelt.

  1. Money in a glass jar will also make you smile.
  2. You can invite the birthday person to check his chair or armchair. For a surprise, you just need to secure the money to the seat of the chair from the inside in advance.
  3. If you sew a small cushion for the sofa and invest money in it, you will get a two-in-one gift. The money will be spent, the pillow will remain as a piece of furniture.
  4. You can buy it in a children's store toy house. Give a gift to the birthday person with the wish that there will always be finances in the house. Looking inside the toy, the birthday boy will see the money invested in it.
  5. Make a poster with brand new banknotes placed under the glass. The birthday boy will decide when to use the contents of the picture.

Where can I find ideas to give money in an original way? In communication with the birthday boy. The better you know the hero of the occasion, the greater the chances of congratulating him in an unusual way. If you understand jokes, you can use humor, if you appreciate a creative approach, we think about how to beat the presentation or pack banknotes in an unusual way.

We present it beautifully

Giving money beautifully means giving it delicately, sincerely, and in a good mood.

  1. The design of the gift also matters: packaging of banknotes, congratulations in words or written on a postcard.
  2. You can order the birthday boy’s favorite song on the radio with the condition that it will be played at a certain time. And after the musical gift, give an envelope with money.
  3. You can interestingly design the monetary gift that you will give. An original box, casket, or package in the form of a valuable parcel is suitable for packing a sum of money.
  4. Will help in this case and houseplants, in a pot with which you can put money or decorate the flower itself with it.

We give money to a man

  1. You can give it directly in a purse made of genuine leather, accompanied by owls, “So that money knows its place.”
  2. Play up the presentation of money with a small competition. A homemade fishing rod and a box in which to put bills, attaching paper clips to them. You need to use a fishing rod with a hook to hook the bills onto the paper clips. As many as he pulls out, it’s all his. Guests can also join this game by throwing money into the box.
  3. You can come up with original design packaging. A homemade card or diploma for the birthday boy, in which you can put the required amount.
  4. Make a congratulatory garland in the form of the name of the hero of the occasion. Attach a banknote to each letter - it will be festive and original.
  5. Give your man a money tree made from banknotes as a gift. You can take a souvenir option as a basis, decorating it with banknotes.
  6. If you find out that the birthday boy is planning to save money for new furniture, household appliances or even a car, make your contribution, so to speak. Give money in a transparent piggy bank. Perhaps this will be the beginning of saving funds for a large purchase.
  7. If you have a small souvenir barrel, try using it as a container for money. The inscription “Money on a barrel!” will amuse the guests.

Poems are the verbal fireworks of any holiday. Congratulations will sound especially impressive when presented with a modest-looking envelope, but with financial content. Poems will help to beat almost any situation and become the highlight of the program.

Usually, congratulations in poetic form are already written on envelopes intended for packing money. But a poem or song performed exclusively for the birthday person will elevate the procedure for presenting the gift.

We stopped by for an hour.

There is a valuable envelope for you.

Let me help you decide:

How to put money to good use.

When presenting money, congratulations in verse are even necessary. And, as a rule, wishes are heard first, and then an envelope is presented.

We wish you good luck and success in everything,

Health, joy, happiness to your home.

Happy birthday to you

And we present this envelope with all our hearts!

You can give one bill at a time, accompanied by poems.

I give you a thousand rubles,

Here, pour yourself a glass!

I'll get another five hundred

Give me a sandwich to eat.

I'll give you two and a half

And I say a beautiful toast.

I’ll add three thousand more,

To buy a nice gift.

Happy birthday

And with all my heart I wish:

Let your financial income

Only upward always grows.

We give money to a woman

  1. We always give flowers, regardless of the gift. A bag of money can be placed inside the bouquet.
  2. You can use balloons. Having tied the balls all together, attach a box or bag of money to the connecting thread. Deliver indoors, under open air It’s better not to experiment - they can literally fly away. But at home it turns out original.
  3. Invest money inside balloon where they will be clearly visible.
  4. Present the lady with an elegant box containing money.
  5. When presenting a bouquet of sweets, diversify it with banknotes.
  6. You can give money by investing it in soft toy. This gift is suitable for a girl.
  7. Try making a postcard in the shape of a flower or butterfly with your own hands by placing banknotes inside.
  8. Money can be presented in an exclusive bag with original embroidery or presented on a tray.
  9. You can take a holiday box, put money in it and tie it with a bow. In any case, the gift should look attractive and elegant.

Undoubtedly, money is a convenient gift option for both parties, if it is known for sure that the birthday person is waiting for a gift in the form of banknotes, and not a certificate for a cosmetics store.

Friends, I wish you a creative approach to money) Even a simple packaging tape will serve you as a design for banknotes. And also add the mood with which you will give the gift.

May everything work out wonderfully for you. I wish you prosperity and good luck in all your endeavors. And I hope you subscribe to blog updates. In it you can find ideas for your holidays and just pleasant events) Tell your friends about the article if they don’t already know

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

It’s good if the birthday person ordered a certain item in advance, or you at least know what kind of present he will definitely be happy with. What if you don't know? In this case, there is a multifunctional gift that will always be in place, will appeal to anyone, and will definitely be very necessary! As has already become clear, this gift is money. Let's talk about how unusual it is to give money for any occasion - a wedding, anniversary or birthday, what options there are for giving such a surprise, as well as what traditions accompany this gift.

Birthday money gift

Presenting cash simply in an envelope is too casual and official. Fortunately, there are more interesting options for presenting such a surprise:

  • Wallet. As you know, it is customary to give a wallet with cash inside. Choose a beautiful wallet that the birthday person will like, invest in it and give it as a gift;
  • Candy box. The filling in your box will be original. Instead of candy, we will put paper signs there. First, change the bills into smaller ones so that there are more of them, then roll them up and fill the box to the top;
  • Cigarette case. A great surprise for a man who smokes! This souvenir turns out to be two gifts in one - both the cigarette case itself and its contents - with which, again, we will have finances. We roll them into tubes again and carefully place them inside the box.

Cash gift for newlyweds for wedding

As you know, it is customary to give money for a wedding. You can, of course, give something that you think the young spouse needs, but there is a chance that they think differently and will not appreciate your emotional impulse. Therefore, it is better to start financial capital.

There are several interesting ways to present such a gift to newlyweds:

  • Money box. It is advisable to give a transparent piggy bank. Fill it to the brim with coins. You can either exchange a large bill for small ones and fill a piggy bank with them, or exchange them for coins - this method is even more interesting;
  • Money cake. The method is beautiful, but requires some skills and patience. How to make it: First, make a cake frame out of cardboard. Then prepare the bills by rolling them into tubes of different widths. For the first level of the cake, the base should be wider, for the second level - thinner. Then secure them to the frame using double-sided tape. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the money. You can place a large one on top of the cake. beautiful flower, or put up figures of newlyweds. Decorate the edges of the cake with glitter or ribbons;
  • Umbrella. It would be symbolic to give the spouses an umbrella, asking them to open it and stand under it, as a sign that they are hiding together under protection from external adversity. Tie paper signs on ribbons to the spokes of such an umbrella in advance, and at the moment when the newlyweds open the gift, you will get the effect of a rain of money!;
  • Bag with money. You can either sew the bag itself or buy it in a special gift store. Exchange your bills into smaller ones, roll them up, and put them in a bag. If you want to surprise young people, exchange some of the money for change, then the bag will be very heavy.

Money tree as a gift

A beautiful and symbolic gift is a money tree. It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, in addition, it is also a plant that decorates the room. Usually it is given immediately with the first fruits - paper signs carefully attached to it.

Let's figure out how unusual give this gift to the birthday boy or newlyweds:

  1. Secure the folded bills under the leaves with double-sided tape money tree. Try to attach as many of them as possible to make the tree look blooming and lift your spirits;
  2. Place an empty pot of soil in front of the birthday boy, give him the seeds in his hand, let him plant and water them himself;
  3. Close the birthday boy’s eyes, and at that moment let him utter some magical phrase, such as: “Abracadabra!”;
  4. Replace the empty pot with a real flowering tree;
  5. You can open your eyes - the tree has grown and bears its first fruits!

Canned money

Another interesting way to give finances is to roll them up in a jar. The main thing is to come up with a funny signature.

  1. You will need: an ordinary glass jar and a piece of fabric to decorate the lid;
  2. First of all, make more photocopies of your bill - the jar needs to be filled to the brim. Do not forget to mark the real bill somehow so that it does not get lost;
  3. Roll the money into tubes and fill the jar with them;
  4. Close the lid, you can even really roll it up. Place a piece of fabric on top of the lid - it can be satin fabric, rough baggy fabric, or “mesh” - solely to your taste. Tie it with ribbon or twine, depending on the style you choose;
  5. Glue a label on the outside of the jar with a funny caption, for example: “cauliflower” - and you will certainly see a smile on the birthday boy’s face.

Surprise inside treats

Perhaps this is the most interesting way of presenting money, because the birthday person does not know what awaits him until the very end. Let's consider several options for such a souvenir:

  • Kinder Surprise. A chocolate egg is, in principle, a gift in itself, especially for a girl. Especially if there are a lot of kinders. If you want to make her doubly happy, invest money inside this gift. This is quite simple to do: carefully remove the wrapper, break the kinder in half along the seam or cut it with a hot knife, take out the container for the toy and replace it with a rolled up bill. Then put the Kinder Surprise back together: to glue the egg halves together, you need to run a hot spoon over them. Then carefully wrap it back into the wrapper. It’s a lot of fuss, but the birthday girl will appreciate it;
  • Treasure inside the cake. To do this, you will need to put the cash in a small container (for example, a Kinder Surprise capsule) and place it between the layers in the cake. Do this carefully, and so that the container straightaway discovered while cutting the cake.

And here is a video tutorial on how to make such a kinder surprise with such a filling correctly:

9 more ideas on how to give money

  1. Objects made from money look original and interesting:
  • Rose from money for a woman;
  • A ship to a sailor on his professional holiday;
  • House made from housewarming money;
  • Money Cake for Birthday;
  • Medal made of money;
  • Etc.;

The list can be endless, everyone can make anything with their own hands.

  1. Balloons are one of the main and favorite decoration attributes for any holiday. Balloons can be decorated however you like. So why not give money in it.

  1. For those with a sweet tooth, you can give a box of chocolates, but instead of sweets there will be banknotes

  1. If you really want to give bed linen as a gift, then give it out of money. Let them take refuge with joy.

  1. If you don’t want to think for a long time, just give them a bag with which you can make a bunch of wishes come true.

  1. It would be funny and unusual to give your friend toilet paper made from banknotes.

  1. Album with money. This will be a valuable gift for a collector.

  1. For adventure lovers, you can buy a chest in a pirate style. Fill it with coins, rhinestones, jewelry and everything in different colors and sizes for decoration. You can put a lock on the chest.

So, as you can see, there are many ways to give money in an unusual way. Some of them are simple, others are more complicated in execution, but also more interesting in their effect. The most important thing is your imagination and the warm words spoken when presenting this gift.

Video: a few more money ideas

In this video, Liliya Fedorova will show you a few more original ways:

And here is another original and funny idea from Alina, how to make a smiling face, by pulling the tongue the birthday boy will unexpectedly receive a bill: