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Preparation of bibliographic references and footnotes. Example of a footnote in a term paper Formatting bibliographic references

You still don't know what a bibliographic reference is in course work? Meanwhile, you can seriously pay for incorrectly formatting references in your coursework. You would have known about this a long time ago if you read our telegram channel.

In order to pass everything right the first time, let's figure out how to correctly format references in coursework, so that even the most pedantic teacher has nothing to complain about.

Registration of bibliographic references

So that you do not have to study an extremely large and complex document (we are talking about GOST), we have collected all the important information that will help answer the question of how to make references to literature in coursework.

Rule #1: Know the requirements

If the university does not have any specific requirements, feel free to take all the information from our article, since it is based specifically on the registration rules in accordance with GOST.

Now we are trying to avoid a common mistake students make when writing term papers: in 80% of cases they confuse the concepts of “link” and “footnote”.

By the way! For our readers there is now a 10% discount on any type of work

Link, footnote: what's the difference?

Before completing your coursework, make sure that you have not added a footnote instead of a link. How to understand which is which? Very simple:

  • Link – bibliographic information about the segment of text that the student cites in his work.
  • Footnote – additional information to the main text, which is placed at the bottom of the same page where the explained text is, and separated by a long horizontal line. Footnotes may include translations of foreign phrases or other notes to the main text. To understand in more detail what the difference is, you can read about the design of footnotes.

Rule No. 2: learn everything about the types of links in coursework

  • intratextual– they are enclosed in parentheses and placed immediately after the source that needs clarification and addition. They are part of the main text (for example, a reference to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in a coursework is always given in the text);
  • behind-the-text– moved outside the main text. When creating extra-text links (to books or to a website in coursework), do not forget about their numbering. In the text itself, immediately after the sentence there is a reference (in square brackets) to an out-of-text link where the reader can see additional information. They also require an indication of the page number of the source from which the excerpt is taken. For example, a link means that the quote was taken on page 52 of the source, number 24 in the bibliography.
  • interlinear– when links to applications or articles in the coursework are removed from the text at the bottom of the page.

If a student refers to a legal document in his course work, when making a link, his full name (without abbreviations) should be indicated, as well as information regarding the year, number and official source of publication.

How to format links in coursework: examples

If you decide to arrange bibliographic references yourself, we are confident that you will succeed. And if you don’t want to bother with the topic of how to insert links into coursework, contact the professional student assistance service. Our specialists will do everything right!

In order to pass the coursework with “excellence,” a student needs not only to be able to correctly present the material being studied, but also to know how to properly format it and present it for public viewing. In this article I would like to talk about how to make a footnote in a coursework.

What it is?

First of all, you need to define the concepts, because often students cannot say exactly what this or that term means. A footnote is an indication by the student of the source from which the quotation presented in the text was taken. It may also be some kind of brief explanation of a certain section of the text, which may not be clear to the reader.

Where to look?

Some students may have a question about where they can find out how to do this, for this you need to turn to GOST 7.1-200 for help. However, it will be important that it was compiled quite a long time ago and has also been in effect for a long time. That is why today in this document you can not find all the answers to the questions needed in this situation. So what to do in such a situation? For rules for preparing coursework, including references, you need to contact the department, the methodologist. He must provide all the necessary information. Often, there are also specially prepared departments for this purpose. methodological manuals, which contain all the necessary answers to questions posed by students regarding the design of written scientific works.

About the types

It is worth saying that there are two types of footnotes in coursework. An example of this can be seen in any scientific work.

  1. Interlinear. They must be placed on the same page (at the very bottom and under a special line) where the quote is placed. At the end of the quote itself there is a small number (placed as a sign of a power of a number - slightly above the line).
  2. Inline. Placed immediately after the quote in the middle of the brackets there will be numbers that indicate the source number (from the list of references) and the page(s) where the quote was taken.


So, how do you make a footnote in a term paper? First, I would like to deal with footnotes, since the process of compiling them is more complex from the point of view of working on a computer. Design rules:

  1. The footnote number is placed after the quotation, but before the period and closed quotation marks.
  2. The footnote number is smaller than the main text and is placed in the upper right corner above the last letter of the quotation.

How to do it on a computer

Let's look further at how to make a footnote in a term paper. Now it’s worth considering how all this can be done in MS Word on a computer. So, to do this, the cursor needs to be placed at the end last word quotes, however, before the period. Next, on the toolbar, which is located at the top of the screen, you need to find the “Insert” item, then select the “Links and Footnotes” function. The footnote format is already selected there; you also need to check the “Numbering on each page” item. This way, the footnotes on each page will begin with one and will only be relevant on that piece of paper.

What does it look like

So what would a citation that requires a footnote look like? Example: “Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, they had a chicken Ryaba 1.” After the one is set according to all the rules, a line automatically appears at the bottom of the page, under which, next to the number “1”, you can indicate the source from which the quotation was taken.

In-text footnotes

Do not forget that a footnote in a course work can also be intratextual. It must be said that such a footnote is easier to create, but finding information on it is not so convenient. How does she look? So, it is placed immediately after the quote in square brackets. Inside the brackets there will be certain numbers that will be written separated by semicolons. First, the number of the source from which the quotation was taken (from the provided list of references) will be indicated, then after the semicolon - the page. One page or several may be specified. Also, next to the last digit there may be a letter “s.”, which will mean “page(s)”.

Main difficulties

If the coursework rules require inline footnotes, you need to remember a few nuances:

  1. Their font is the same as the main text (Times New Roman, size 14 is the standard).
  2. It is imperative to monitor changes in the bibliography (especially if footnotes are drawn up before the bibliography is fully formed) so that the source number is correctly indicated.

What does it look like?

So what do inline footnotes look like? Quote: “Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, they had a chicken, Ryaba.” Option 1: , option 2: . Possible variant: or . All of these ways of writing inline links are possible. It all depends on what requirements the department puts forward for their design.

Basic rules for formatting footnotes

It is also worth considering the basic rules for formatting footnotes in coursework.

  1. Footnotes are formatted with single spacing (regardless of the spacing of the text in the work itself); the font is often several units smaller.
  2. The font of footnotes in coursework will be slightly different if they are inline. So, their size will be exactly the same as the main text. Most often - Times New Roman size 14.
  3. Footnotes must include the source number (taken from the list of references); for footnotes it is possible Full description source.
  4. Footnotes can be briefly or fully described; these two options are equally acceptable when preparing coursework, unless otherwise indicated.

The procedure for documenting the source

When figuring out how to correctly format a footnote in a term paper, you also need to know how to correctly describe the source itself. What needs to be indicated, in what order?

  1. Last name and initials of the author. If there are several authors, they are indicated in the same order as written in the source itself.
  2. Full name of the source. Volumes and parts are also indicated.
  3. If the source is translated from foreign language, the full name of the translator is indicated through a slash.
  4. The following is the city of publication of the source.
  5. Publisher's name.
  6. Year of publication of the source.
  7. Full number of pages.

Example: Novoselovets V.P., Communications in social work/ Novoselovets V.P., Udalova M.V. - Petropavlovsk: IKO, 2001. - 116 p.

Many students do not know how to add links to diploma work. We will show you with an example how to correctly make references in a thesis.

In fact, linking is not as simple a task as it might seem. To insert the necessary link in the right place, you need skills in working with the Word text program ( correct name Microsoft Word).

After reading this article, you will learn from a clear example how to correctly make references in a thesis.

The main purpose of links is to refer to borrowings that you took from sources.

According to GOST, there are two types of links:

1. Interlinear.

2. In square brackets.

In this video you will see how to insert subscript links into the required pages of the thesis

An example of correct formatting of subscript references in a thesis

These figures shown below show an example step-by-step instruction on the preparation of references in the thesis.

1. First, go to the page where you need to put a link. At the end of the sentence, place the mouse cursor after the period.

Picture 1

2. Then in the Word 2010 menu ( Microsoft Office 2010) go to the “Links” tab, this section is indicated by the number 1 in the figure - 2. Then click on the “Insert footnote” icon, the button is circled and indicated by the number 2.

Figure - 2
After clicking on the “Insert footnote” icon (Figure - 2), you will see number 1 at the end of the sentence (Figure 3). A line will appear under the text, and the number 1 will also appear under the line (Figure - 4).

Figure - 3

Figure - 4

Next, we take from the list of references the source from where you borrowed the material for writing, in our case it is (Krasheninnikov P.V. Housing Law. (7th edition, revised and expanded) // “Statute”, 2010. - P. 123) copy it, then paste it after the number.

If you did everything correctly, it will turn out like in the picture - 5

Figure - 5

An example of formatting references in square brackets in a coursework or dissertation

Number " 5 " is the serial number of the source from the list of references.

Eg: 2. Vikhansky O.S. Research and design of management decisions: Textbook for universities. – M.: Gardarika., 2012. - 256 p. - ISBN: 978-245-926-0982-98

Letter " With." means page.

Number " 154 "This is the textbook page from which the insert (quote) was taken.

Example. « ThOrnton SarAh. Club Cultures: Music, Media, and Subcultural Capital. Wesleyan University Press, 1996. – Next you need to indicate the pages of the book.”

Beyond text links

Beyond-text references show the sources of quotations with a reference to the list of references, but only numbered, which should be located at the end of the work. This type of expulsion is always visually separated from the text. You must also indicate the serial number of the bibliographic record in the off-text reference. Such a note is presented in the form of a callout at the top of the font line, and it is made in square brackets in the line with the text of the work.

Example (in document)."By studying this issue scientists such as A.I. Prigozhin, L.Ya. Kolls, Yu.N. Frolov and many others studied.”

25. Prigozhin, A. I. Innovators as a social category // Methods for activating innovation processes. M., 1998. P. 4-12.

26. Kols, L. Ya. Social mechanism of innovation processes. Novosibirsk, 1989. 215 p.

The entire list of non-textual b/s does not belong to the list of references. A list of all these links must be prepared separately.

How to make links to electronic sources?

In connection with the development of computer technology, electronic publications have become an integral part of bibliographic lists and links. In July 2002, a new GOST 7.82-2001 was registered in the Russian Federation, providing all the norms and requirements for writing electronic publications and World Wide Web sites. This GOST shows exactly how it is necessary to draw up a b/s down to the sources of local and remote access. These are disks, floppy disks and ending with databases.

According to this resolution, there is now the following sequence of bibliographic descriptions:

  • proper title [Joint designation of material]: / statement of responsibility;
  • publication information/information, responsibilities related to publication, auxiliary knowledge about the publication;
  • designation of the type of site (volume);
  • characteristic designation of the material and number of physical units: other physical characteristics; size + information about shipping material;
  • note;
  • type number = Title proper: availability agreement and cost.

How to describe Internet sources?

Today it is no longer relevant to visit libraries, because all the necessary information can be found on the Internet, in in social networks, on the YouTube channel and various websites, forums and blogs. However, we will now learn how to formalize such sources correctly.

When describing a news portal or a specific site that offers information in the form of media, you should show the name of the site and the date of publication, followed by a hyperlink in parentheses. When the written text is an interview, the nature of the material must be explained in square brackets.

Example. « Khitrov A.(2011) Optimistic Internet TV channel “Dozhd” [Conversation with the editor-in-chief of the TV channel M. Zygar] // Digital Icons. Vol. 6 (

If you were describing videos from YouTube, then you need to show the name of the video, the author, and in square brackets - the nature of the material and only then the name of the site, date of publication and hyperlink.

Example.« SlOterdijks Peter. (2007) Theorie des Fundamentalismus [video recording of P. Sloterdijk’s lecture] // YouTube. January 28 (

However, if you found a source of information on the social networks “Facebook” and “Twitter”, “VKontakte”, then you should show the name of the author, date of publication and a hyperlink in brackets, but if the entry was taken from the “Notes” of the networks, then this is also necessary indicate.

Example.« Novikov Vadim. (2012) Facebook post: February 22 at 15:05 (”

It is these above recommendations that will help you prepare correctly and in accordance with all norms, requests and GOSTs a bibliographic reference and a description of all the sources from which you actually took the information to write your work, document and scientific work. All regulations must be followed exactly, otherwise the work will not comply with established GOSTs and state requirements.

In order to arrange footnotes in a course work, it is best to see once an example of a footnote in a course work, formatted in accordance with modern requirements for bibliographic description.

Formatting footnotes. Let's look at an example. We have the following paragraph from the course work:

As noted by V.I. Shirai, “through international trade, the world economy achieves more efficient allocation of resources and more high level welfare. In modern conditions, each country is not free to choose between participation and non-participation in international economic exchange. She must participate in it, since she is forced to do so by the circumstances of reality... The basis of foreign economic relations is the international division of labor”1.

1 Shirai V.I. World economy and international economic relations. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2003. –S. 182.

- Dot, space, dash, space;
- Place of publication (when abbreviating some cities of publication, a dot is placed after the designating letters, an example of the design of links: Moscow - M., St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg);
- Colon, name of the publisher, comma, year of publication;
- Period, space, dash, space, number of pages in the source, space, period.

Thus, an example of footnotes in a course work was considered using the example of a textbook.

Now let’s look at an example of formatting references in a term paper for a periodical (magazine). See an example of a journal link below:

“...criminal punishment cannot be imposed for misdemeanors. However, this point by I.N. Yusupov considers it fictitious, since the application of criminal punishment for a misdemeanor is a crime or blatant illiteracy and a crime”2.

2 Yusupov I.N. Legal responsibility as a complex legal institution // Legal World. – 2009. - No. 1. – P. 80.

So the example footnote indicates that:

1. A footnote sign is placed after a quotation in the text, which is enclosed in quotation marks, but before the period.
2. The footnote is located on the same page as the quoted text.
3. An example of bibliographic references has the following main elements:
- Last name and initials of the author;
- Full name of the source;
- Space, two right slashes, space;
- Name of the magazine;
- Space, dash, space, year of publication, period;
- Space, dash, space, magazine issue number, period;
- Space, dash, space, capital letter “C”, dot, space, page number to which the link is made.