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Do you need to unload iOS applications manually and how does multitasking work on iPhone and iPad? Review of the iOS11 operating system How to force close an application on iPhone, iPad

Since the popularization of smartphones, users have been faced with the problem of low autonomy of mobile devices. Large touch displays, powerful processors, energy-consuming applications - all of this, to varying degrees, contributes to the rapid drainage of the battery. “Experts” advise manually closing these same applications to improve performance and increase battery life. In fact, this is one of the myths that has existed since the first versions of iOS.

Many iPhone users tend to unload previously launched applications from memory. Sure, multitasking works great, but why take up extra megabytes of RAM? Moreover, there are rumors that several simultaneously running programs have a negative impact on charging. In fact, this has the exact opposite effect on the system. The paradox is that unloading applications from memory only contributes to accelerated battery discharge.

Myths and reality

To begin with, it’s worth understanding that the implementation of multitasking in iOS is at a very advanced stage. high level. No matter what the haters say, the “OS” works great even after launching a couple of dozen applications. It sounds like praise, but Apple programmers don't eat their bread for nothing. All developers are subject to the same requirements for creating software.

It's a common myth that forcing apps to close will save your battery. By not allowing the system to manage all processes on its own, you are making a mistake. The fact is that the very action of calling multitasking mode and unloading programs from memory consumes much more energy than their “working in the background.”

Perhaps the majority will not believe it and will think that it is a mistake to use the terms “ background applications" and "energy efficiency" in one sentence. We assure you that reservations and other errors in terminology are excluded. Multitasking is launched by double tapping the Home button. And closing programs completely is done by swiping the window up (true for iOS 9).

The reality is that as soon as you exit an application by tapping the Home key once, its operation stops: the application stops accessing the processor, and the memory it occupied is freed over time. Of course, there are exceptions when the system does not stop the program from running in the background. For example, sending an email, playing music, or automatically downloading updates. However, even such “extravagance” on the part of the operating system is economical in relation to the device’s battery.

When you manually close an application, the operating system must unload the task from memory, which wastes battery power. When you download the same application again, the system needs to load it into RAM again, which also costs energy. Thus, by forcefully closing applications, you use up battery power twice. Being in the device’s RAM, it does not affect its autonomy in any way.

How multitasking works in iOS

In total, applications in iOS have five types of states:

  • Not working - the application was stopped or was not launched.
  • Inactive - the application is in active mode, but does not receive events (for example, the user has locked the screen).
  • Active - the normal state of the application in use mode.
  • Background - the application is hidden, but executes code.
  • Suspended - the application is in memory, but is not executing code.

Active and inactive are not interesting for this topic. Most people get confused when an app goes from active to background to suspended to inactive.
When you press the Home button, the program switches from active to background. Most applications go into suspended mode within a few seconds of this. The first technical caveat is that a suspended application remains in the device's memory. This is so that it can continue working faster if you decide to return to it. However, it does not use processor resources and battery.

It can be assumed that if the software is in memory, then it needs to be removed from there to free up resources. In fact, iOS does this on its own. If you have a suspended application and you are running resource-intensive software, such as a complex 3D game, iOS itself unloads the suspended program from memory and moves it to the Idle state. In other words, it will be completely removed from RAM and started from scratch the next time it is started.


The main rule of iOS multitasking is this: the multitasking bar is just a list of recently used applications, regardless of what state they are in. The operating system automatically unloads tasks when necessary.

In what cases should applications be closed and released? RAM devices? The answer is simple - in theory never. It is extremely rare that situations occur that should force you to restart the program. Unless it freezes or works incorrectly. It may be hard to believe, but iOS itself does an excellent job of distributing the load on the processor and battery. Apple products are technology that you simply need to use without creating unnecessary complications for yourself.

Apple, based on iOS 9, introduced a feature that repeats the screen many times, called “Split View”. The “Split View” option means split viewing of windows. With this mode, the iPad screen can be divided into several windows and you can use two different applications simultaneously. You can install this window splitting option on iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4, and iPad Air 2 models.

This feature is very useful on the iPad, as it allows you to split the screen and copy data from one application to another. In addition, you can simultaneously be in the browser and work in some other applications.

To be able to work on two screens at once, you need to activate this option. It's not difficult to do this on an iPad. It is enough to follow a certain sequence of actions.

To begin, unfold the iPad, placing it in a horizontal position. Next, launch the split-screen application that you usually use and swipe from right to left along with the frame of the tablet. After the multitasking panel appears with the image of multi-window “Split View” modes, a secondary application will launch on the left.

All that remains is to select the application for the right side of the display. However, please note that all programs may not support this mode. Although you can open multiple applications, only the top window will be active. This mode is called “Split Over”. In this case, the window separator is installed manually. This application is used on tablets with the iOS 9 operating system and the latest models.

If you touch the icon that separates the windows, or drag the tab to the left, the “Split View” function will automatically turn on, allowing you to perform work in different open windows.

Using Split View in Safari

Many people ask how to open two or more windows on the Safari browser. To implement this feature, you need to install the Siderafi application for iPad mini 4 or iPad Pro, iPad Air 2. This application is activated through the “Split View” mode, which comes in handy, because it allows you to set a dividing strip so as to conditionally divide the screen into two parts. However, only one window from the split screen will still be active.

Next, try enabling the “Split View” mode to launch a dual application in one window of the Safari search engine, and enable the “Send to Sidefari” function in the other window. . Unfortunately, the Safari View Controller option cannot cooperate with the search bar due to safety precautions. In principle, the developers promise to expand the capabilities of the “Safari View Controller” function , so keychain options and autofill functionality should be available soon.

How to change windows on the screen

Using Split View, you can set windowed applications to be the same or different sizes depending on your needs. To set a window size wider than another, you can shrink the first window and expand the second window, or vice versa, remove it. To do this, you need to establish which application will be your main one and which one will be secondary. If necessary, you can change the purpose of window programs or their proportions.

Multitasking Pictures on iPad

Tablets with iOS 9 (iPad Mini 2, iPad Air, iPad Pro and others), among all their important functions, have the “Image” option, which allows you to open the application and watch videos at the same time. Therefore, in the FaceTime program, you can use a video call instead of a regular video.

To do this, while watching a video in a movie app or while making a FaceTime call, you need to activate the “Home” button. This will change the video's size and leave half of the screen free for other actions on the iPad.

Then you can launch another application and move the video window to any location, changing its size along the way. When the need arises to return to the previous screen format, just click on the image with the video and activate the “Full screen” command at the bottom of the screen.

What to do when the iPad does not support the Split View function.

If you have an older version of iOS tablet and cannot use the Split View mode, then there is a Slide Over option for this. It works like this: each time a new panel will be superimposed on the right side of the old image in slide mode. When you finish working with the active application, you close it, and the previous window opens and becomes active.

Where is this mode used? This “Slide Over” mode is convenient when working with messaging applications and text programs on iPads. With the option " Slide Over "The screen is divided in half and one of the open windows is active and the other passive.

So, in the new generations of tablets with iOS 9, many different options have appeared that can not only work using context, but will also be competitive even with Google applications. The new feature with split-screen mode for tablets with iOS 9 not only helps you conveniently position the on-screen menu and change its size, but also provides the ability to perform several actions on the iPad from different applications at the same time.

This is the lack of multitasking and folders. I already wrote about how to create a folder. Starting with version 4, this multitasking appeared in the iPad.

Why was multitasking introduced on the iPad?

The simplest case when multitasking was required for me personally - I was reading a book or playing and I needed to translate a couple of words, I closed the book or game, opened the dictionary, translated, closed the dictionary, reopened the book or game.

What did I get in this case? The game could easily start not from where I left off, but from a certain save point, and the book could easily be closed. Yes, applications on the iPad closed and opened very quickly, but these dances with a tambourine were sometimes quite annoying.

What do we get with the advent of multitasking on the iPad?

Starting from version 4.2, all applications are not closed by default, but minimized. And they begin their work exactly from the place where we left it.

To minimize an application while it's running, press the Home button once.

To view running applications that are minimized, press the Home button twice quickly.

To close minimized applications after double-pressing the Home button and a bar appears at the bottom of the screen with applications, hold your finger on the bar until the icons shake. Then press the STOP sign on the icon and the program will close and unload from memory.

Why don't all games after the advent of multitasking on the iPad start from the continuation point?

The fact is that while the iPad operating system supports multitasking, not all games support them yet. But it's a matter of time. After the updates, multitasking will most likely appear, of course, if game and application developers support them.

Does the iPad slow down when there are many applications running?

My iPad did not slow down, even if I forgot about multitasking for a week and did not close all running programs. I don’t know how Apple pulled it off, but multitasking on the iPad looks decent.

The advent of multitasking has taken the iPad to a whole new level. If earlier owners of other mobile operating systems only smiled wryly when working with iOS, now there are much fewer reasons for ridicule. Personally, I like multitasking on the iPad, as well as the presence of Folders: working with the iPad has become simplified and convenient to the point of disgrace.

iPad users should appreciate iOS 9 more than all others, and for good reason. It's all about the new multitasking features. The key one is Split View, which will be available only to owners of the brand new iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 and its “little brother” iPad mini 4. It allows you to display two applications at the same time, doubling (or even more) your productivity. Read below to learn how it works.

To switch to Split View, you swipe from the right edge of the screen and bring up Slide Over, another new feature that lets you view and work with your running apps in a small widget. To switch an application from Slide Over to Split View mode, you just need to drag the border of the window and expand it to half the screen.

Both apps will be pinned to the screen and you can work with them simultaneously as if they were a single app. There's no need to bring up the multitasking menu to switch between programs, they don't reboot - you get a completely seamless user experience.


Anyone who has used an iPad for work knows what a painful experience it can be. Usually, doing any serious tasks on the tablet turned into endless switching between Safari tabs, which reloaded when not needed, and between applications through the multitasking menu. It’s difficult to endure such torment for a long time; it’s easier to get a laptop or go to a computer.

With Split View, you can jot down some drafts in Safari while lying in bed, while simultaneously viewing work notes in Notes or press releases in Mail. As Apple promised, the user experience in this case is completely seamless, and the feeling of constraint that you previously could not get rid of when working on the iPad is gone.

As strange as it may sound, this approach increases productivity. Each of us has a lot of open windows on our computer, some even have several monitors - and our attention is needed everywhere. Everything is much simpler on the iPad. All you see are the applications you work with and need to this moment.


Of course, Split View will be useful not only for performing work tasks. While watching your favorite movie, you can immediately open Safari and find out the name of the actor or the name of that memorable song. You can use it to find a restaurant or movie tickets while chatting with friends on FaceTime, or to get directions for a trip sent in Mail in Maps.

Let's say you want to edit holiday photos to create an album. With Split View you can simultaneously open the editor and Safari with instructions or a player with a video tutorial.

Application management

Using Split View, you can quickly switch between apps by swiping from the edge of the screen, or resize them by dragging from the edge of the window.

In horizontal mode, you can allocate half the screen to applications or give 3/4 of the space to one and a quarter to another. Surprisingly, Split View also works in vertical orientation, although without the ability to select the proportions of space for applications.

If there is a need to switch one of the applications to full-screen mode, this can be easily done by stretching it in the desired direction.

It is very convenient that Split View remembers the location of windows when switching applications. Let's say you were working in Safari, open next to Notes, then switched to Messages to reply to the other person. When you return to Safari, its window, like the Notes window, will be in the same place.


Split View isn't perfect at this time. The function has a limitation and only works with built-in iOS applications. However, Apple has opened up APIs that will allow third-party developers to add Split View support to their apps.

Many are already working on this, so we'll likely see more apps supporting Split View in the near future. As the base of these apps expands, the future of productivity on iPad will only get better and better.

You can easily open YouTube next to Twitter, Evernote next to Chrome, or Pages next to your banking app. These combinations make the iPad a useful work tool that can truly replace your laptop forever.

Refusal from PC

Even at the presentation of the first iPad, Apple presented it as a device of the post-PC era - an ultraportable gadget on which you can do everything: from Internet surfing to video editing and writing novels. All of these capabilities were hampered by the lack of true multitasking. The turning point iOS 9 is supposed to be that.

Given the announcement of the iPad Pro and its imminent appearance on sale, this all makes more and more sense. With the proprietary Smart Keyboard, the iPad becomes almost a laptop. And this is just the beginning!

Hi all. This article is a global review of iOS 11. In it I will go through all the innovations operating system regarding iOS 10. There turned out to be a decent number of them, so get ready for a lot of text and screenshots. But I tried to be concise.

The App Store has completely changed: from the icon to the functionality and ideology. Firstly, a section with news appeared: “Today”. This section publishes “Game of the Day” and “Apps of the Day” (formerly “Editor’s Choice”). Also, selection articles and interview articles with developers will be published immediately. For the latter, special respect to Apple. The App Store clearly lacked this kind of humanity.

Secondly, separate sections for games and programs appeared. This should have been done a long time ago. Each category has its own tops and selections made by Apple moderators. For example, games about Zombies or programs relevant to the outdoors...

Thirdly, the entire store has been redesigned. The App Store has begun to visually look a lot like Apple Music in all its elements. Bold font in headings.

One cool new thing I liked is that the description now indicates the app’s current rank in its category.

I also note that video from applications starts automatically. This is not very good for those who have limited traffic. This can be disabled in the settings:

Settings->iTunes Store and App Store->Autoplay videos.

Command centre

Completely changed appearance control point. Now all elements again, as in iOS 9 and earlier, fit on one screen. Added a button to turn on/off the cellular network: Cook heard our prayers.

If you click on any icon and hold it for a second, an additional options window opens. The funny thing is that this works on all devices, even those without 3D Touch, although visually it resembles exactly this function.

Additional options are very useful. For example, a flashlight can be set to one of four brightness levels, and a clock can be set with a timer...

This is what it looks like on the iPad Air (note that the device does not have 3D Touch):

Moreover, you can remove some options from the Control Center and add new ones.

Settings->Control Center->Customize elements. management.

For example, you can add quick access to the voice recorder. But the most interesting thing is the “Screen Recording” option, which allows you to record video directly from the screen of your iDevice.

The video is saved to the Photos app. Previously, this was only possible with the help of jailbreak and tweaks from Cydia.

The iPhone now has a “Do not disturb the driver while driving” option. If it is enabled, then notifications will not be sent if the phone detects that a vehicle is being moved.


The icon has changed. The design of the application has changed. Now all the buttons are round, and the button with the number “0” represents an oval.

The Calculator application is still not added to the iPad. Therefore, use third-party applications.

Standard Files application

It appears in the system automatically, therefore it is built into the firmware. Files is an attempt to make a built-in file manager. In terms of functionality, it’s not even close to any Documents, but the change is good.

The application has a couple of sections with the device and iCloud Drive (accordingly, the separate iCloud Drive application has disappeared from iOS). You can also add third-party cloud applications and file managers. For example, in September, Documents, Dropbox, Google Drive, Cloud Mail, etc. are already available in the program.

On the iPad with its multitasking, the application will become popular, because it is configured for convenient file transfer. But finger transfer also works great on iPhone.

Photo and video

There's one cool change for photos and videos in iOS 11. True, it will only affect owners of the iPhone 7, 7 Plus, 10.5-inch iPad Pro and 12.9-inch iPad Pro (2017 model). Photos and videos will now take up 1.5-2 times less space. This is done through built-in HEIF (for photos) and HEVC (for video) encoding. With the same quality, compression of pictures and videos will become more efficient.

Previously, video recorded by the iPhone/iPad camera was compressed in H.264 format. iOS 11 uses the highly efficient H.265 (or HEVC) video compression codec. Although you can’t tell by the names of the codecs, the difference reaches 100%. That is, files recorded using H.265 are half the size of the same files recorded using H.264.

For example, on iOS 10, one minute of video in 720p quality will take up 60 megabytes. And on iOS 11 there are already 40. Video in 1080p quality (30 frames per second) on iOS 10 will be 130 megabytes, and on iOS 11 – 60 megabytes...

Three new built-in effects have appeared for Live Photos: looping videos, pendulum and long exposure... The effects are called up by swiping up on the picture.

Also, iOS 10 had 8 built-in filters for photos, and now there are 9. The names of all filters have been changed. Old filters have been improved. As Apple itself says, with them skin color will look more natural...

The standard iOS camera now has the ability to scan QR codes. If you need to disable the option, then:

Settings->Camera->Scan QR code.


Siri has changed visually...

And... she became wiser again. Now she can improve her voice, making it more realistic. Some advanced machine technology is used. Siri has also learned to translate in any direction between six languages:

  • English
  • Chinese
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • German

It is promised that there will be many more languages ​​in the future. And in general, during the June conference it was said that Siri will almost know what you want. Your own predictor of the future.

Now, if you don't want (or can't) communicate with Siri by voice, you can switch to text typing.

Settings->General->Accessibility->Siri->Text input for Siri.

Dock and multitasking on iPad

The iPad now has a Dock panel similar to Mac OS. The panel contains the most popular applications that the user runs. The panel is accessible from anywhere. It is not yet clear whether it will work on all iPad models. But everything works fine on a fairly old iPad Air.

The Dock panel holds 13 icons (or folders). Another 3 appear there automatically. These are the most launched applications. This panel can be called up by swiping up from the bottom from any application.

Please note that now the icons in the Dock are without names, both on the iPad and on the iPhone:

The multitasking panel on the iPad now needs to be called up with two swipes from bottom to top. As you can see, there are 4 application windows on the screen, which, if possible, reflect what is happening in them. To completely remove the application, you need to swipe up on the program window.

Fast screenshot editor

After taking a screenshot, it hangs in the lower left corner of the screen for several seconds. If you tap on it, the screen will open in a special editor. Here you can quickly crop a picture or draw/write something on it... For this, the editor has various tools.

iOS dark theme

Apple developers are constantly improving accessibility features. These functions are intended mainly for people with disabilities or some problems with hearing, vision, etc. But all users can apply these settings for their tasks.

Thus, in iOS 11 appeared Dark theme registration

Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Keyboard shortcuts.

Here you need to check the box for Smart color inversion. After this, at any time you can press Home three times and the system will ask whether to enable inversion. Now the option works almost perfectly. That is, for example, desktops are displayed as is, but applications are converted to a dark color.


At some point, Apple paid attention to its notes. And now, from a copy-paste tool in the first iOS, standard Notes has turned into a powerful tool for working with... drum roll... notes.

In iOS 11, this application has been improved again. Now, tables have been added to notes (hello, Excel?) and the ability to scan documents and cut out the necessary fragments from the scans.

The program now offers the ability to select the background for new notes.

Settings->Notes->Lines and Cells:


Maps have been improved again and now in some countries Apple maps are a very worthy alternative. IN major cities(New York, London, etc.) everything looks very detailed... There are virtual 3D tours.

Added maps of premises (for example, from them you can already understand where a restaurant is located in a shopping center). When navigating, the maps show the desired lane.

The map supplier is TomTom, which means that maps are useless for Russia.

Optimizing free space

Shared iCloud storage for the whole family. We waited - now one family member can buy free space, and the rest can use it. But you definitely need to buy a tariff of 200 gigabytes.

Settings->General->iPad/iPhone Storage. Here are some recommendations. When the device memory is almost full, the system recommends “Download unused programs.” The program data is saved and, if installed, is picked up by the application.

If you click on the application, then in the description there is an opportunity to download this specific application. The program remains in the settings and the “Reinstall the program” button appears. The desktop icon also remains, but a cloud icon appears next to the application name. When you click on the icon, the application will begin to be installed again.

Right there in the settings, the system offers to view “Large attachments”. If you go there, you can see attachments in messages, sorted by size for easy removal and freeing up space.

Minor changes

Many standard applications changed icons.

The cellular signal strength icon has changed. Now it's a set of sticks different sizes. And the battery icon has an inner border.

The headers in some applications have changed. Now they look like they should - in bold. For example, the word “Settings” in the corresponding applications.

A new unlocking effect, in which the screen with the password goes up somewhere...

Messages now has a sticker panel at the bottom that expands when touched. Apparently this is a hint to use stickers more often...

The design of the sticker store has also been changed and new effects have appeared:

The transfer of Apple Pay from person to person via iMessage was announced at the conference. I haven’t tested it - I don’t know how it works.

If you hold your finger on the keyboard over the language switching icon, you can select one-handed typing from the menu. The keyboard will move slightly for quick typing. This feature is convenient for plus versions of the iPhone.

Keyboard in iOS 11 on iPad received an additional ability to quickly access numbers, signs, etc. If you tap on the button, the main icon is printed, and if you swipe down, then the icon that is drawn on the key in a pale color.

There's a new Emergency SOS option on iPhone in Settings for quick access to relevant information stored in the Health app.

Integration-related items have been removed from iOS 11 settings social networks into the system - Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, etc. Apparently the contracts have come to an end.

Now there's a cool option to drag and drop multiple icons on desktops. This allows you to quickly restore order. The algorithm is simple:

  • Press and hold the icon and wait until delete crosses appear on all icons.
  • Pull the icon to the side until the cross disappears on it.
  • Click on all the icons you want to transfer. They will stick to the first icon and the sticker will show how many applications you are transferring.
  • Release at the desired location on any screen or folder. The icons will spread out on their own.

Settings->Accounts and passwords->Passwords for programs and sites. A new item in the settings that allows you to view the contents of the keychain.

Settings->Notifications->Display with banners. A new option that allows you to make banners either temporary (as before) or permanent. Persistent banners will remain on the screen until you force close them or respond to them. This is very important for the messaging program.

The player in Safari has been updated. I won’t say whether it’s gotten worse or better, but from experience it’s still more buggy than the previous one. Well, it was clearly not made for the convenience of users. For example, the scrollbar should be full screen, not 60%...

You can turn your photo into a custom watch face if you have any Apple Watch series.

Settings->General->Turn off. The device can be turned off directly from the settings.

32-bit applications stopped working completely. The developers were aware and whoever wanted it updated or will update them in the next three months.

Answers on questions

When will iOS 11 be released?

The beta version of iOS 11 for developers has already arrived! Anyone can install it according to my instructions. The final version of iOS 11 will be released very soon. The update is, as always, free.

Is it possible to downgrade iOS 11 to iOS 10, 9, 8, etc.?

Rollback will be possible until the latest final version of iOS 10! Rollback will be impossible only after the release of the final version of iOS 11 plus 1-2 weeks.

What devices will iOS 11 support?

Almost the same ones that supported iOS 10 (from iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad Mini 2, iPod 6Gen and later). The updated iPad Pro will be added to them.

The iPad 4 and iPhone 5 turned out to be detached. They will remain on the latest version of iOS 10.

Note: The sign says iPad 5th generation. This is what Apple called the iPad 9.7, which was recently released.

According to first impressions, iOS 11 is still the same iOS 10 with various useful or not so useful changes. After the update, you must wait at least half an hour - the system may slow down in the first minutes. Then it starts working much faster.