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Nrd church of jesus christ of the last days. Is the Church of Jesus Christ a cult, and how dangerous is it? New revelation - the Mormon "bible"

Other names: "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", "The Church of Latter-day Saints".

Printed publications: Liahona Magazine.

History of the sect: The founder of this sect is the American Joseph Smith, born in 1805 in Sharon, Vermont, USA. His father, Joseph Smith Sr., was a mystic who spent much of his life searching for imaginary treasures and occasionally engaging in financial scams.

In 1820 Smith Jr. had a miraculous vision in which God the Father and God the Son, materializing during his prayer, revealed to him that he had been chosen to revive true Christianity, and in no case should join the existing churches. However, the “high destiny” did not prevent Joseph from continuing with his family the search for lost treasures, using the indications of magic stones, magic wands and other similar attributes. This kind of passion for mysticism apparently played a decisive role in the formation of Smith Jr. as a “new prophet.”

In 1823 he had a second vision. The angel who appeared to him named himself Moroni. He spoke of hidden "golden plates" on the Hill Cumorah, which are covered with hieroglyphs of "modified Egyptian language" and contain important messages ancient history America. The angel Moroni called Joseph Smith to restore the "True Church of Jesus Christ." Only in 1827 was he allowed to take away the buried treasure. The documents were written in "Old Egyptian script" which could only be read with the help of "prophetic glasses" placed in the same drawer as the writing. His future associates Harris and Oliver Codveri became his assistants. May 15, 1829 Joseph and Oliver were “anointed” to the “Aaronian Priesthood” by “John the Baptist” who appeared to them eat".

In 1830, The Book of Mormon was published in an edition of 5,000 copies. On April 6, 1830, the Mormon Church was founded in Fayette, New York, with six members. In the same 1830, the famous Protestant preachers of that time, Parley Pratt and Sidney Rigton, were converted to the new faith, which led to a sharp increase in the number of new organization. This society spread relatively quickly, because his followers carried out active proselytizing activities in some states (converting representatives of other faiths to members of the sect). Hostility towards the Mormons and their persecution forced them to frequently change their place of residence. Mormons founded several cities where, based on revelation, Jesus Christ was to appear.

The notorious practice of polygamy was practiced among Mormons by direct “divine revelation” until 1890, when, under the influence of the authorities, they were forced to abandon this way of family life. In 1838, Mormons adopted a “divine commandment” to give tithes. It should be noted that in the period from 1831 to 1844. Smith, according to his testimony, received more than 135 revelations.

In 1844, Smith's former assistant John Bennett spoke openly about the practice of polygamy in the church. When the wave of revelations became threatening, the indignant “prophet” tried to use force against the anti-Mormon publication Observer Novu. After the intervention of the state administration, Joseph Smith, along with his brother Hyrum, was imprisoned in Carthaga, where outraged townspeople stormed the prison. Smith died during the shootout.

Smith's successor was Brame Young. Under his leadership, a “sacrificial procession” to the Great Salt Lake was organized. In 17 months (1846-47) 1,700 km were covered. There they founded the city of Salt Lake City (or "New Jerusalem").

Mormon history bears traces of serious crime. In 1857 Young ordered his “bishop” John Lee to destroy the train with settlers, which was exactly what he did. Twenty years later, Lee was tried and executed by the US government for this act.

Negotiations between Mormons and the government to legalize them in the United States failed because polygamy was allowed. When this practice was officially prohibited, Mormon activity was permitted in 1896 in Utah.

Currently, the “Church of Latter-day Saints” has 8 million adherents and has an annual income of $3,000,000 (partly due to the collection of “tithes” from its adherents). Their 40,000 missionaries work all over the world. Mormons make up 75% of the population of Salt Lake City, the administrative center of the state of Utah (USA).

Doctrine: In addition to the Bible, Mormons have three “sacred” books, which they consider no less important than the Bible itself:

a) "Book of Mormon";
b) “Teachings and alliances”;
c) “Pearl of Great Price”;"Book of Mormon." This book is the foundation of Mormon teaching. Where there are conflicts between the Bible and the Book of Mormon, the latter's statements are considered true. This book consists of 15 small books (500 pages in total). They tell the story of the ancient population of America. During the construction of the Tower of Babel, the tribe of Jaredite came to America, divided and destroyed itself as a result of internal hostility and struggle. In 600 BC, under the prophet Lehi, representatives of the tribe of Manasseh came to America. Their descendants were divided into two groups: the Nephites and the Lamanites. Christ appeared to the Nephites after the Resurrection and ordered them to found a church. Through the fault of the Nephites, this true Church disappeared and disintegrated. In 400 A.D. The last battles took place between the Nephites and the Lamanites near the Hill Cumorah. There the prophet Mormon and his son buried the above-mentioned records with the events recorded on them (420-421).Mormons view the Book of Mormon as revelation because... it, they believe, contains what Jesus preached in His “American days.” The data in this book contradict historical, archaeological, and ethnographic evidence. In addition, since its first edition, the book has undergone many changes, sometimes concerning the meaning, sometimes the words, and sometimes the actual characters, with the last changes being made even in 1981. Modern Mormons are often unaware of these details. Moreover, in many places this “revelation” contains borrowings from the “King James Bible”, taken together with the errors that the authors of this translation of the Bible made.Book "Teachings and Unions". Most of it consists of the revelations Joseph Smith received during his career, as well as some “revelations” of his followers (1823-1890).Book "Pearl of Great Price". We are also talking about “revelations” and translations from the gold plates of the “prophet” I. Smith.The Mormon Creed consists of 13 points. It was compiled by I. Smith in 1841.In their doctrine of God, Mormons proceed from the fact that man is created in the likeness of God, and conclude from this that God has a material body, like man. Therefore, God the Father is spatially limited by His body. But He is, nevertheless, Omniscient, because. angels inform Him about all events taking place on earth. But the Father is not the only God. There are many other "gods". And people have the opportunity to become God someday. “As man is now, such was God once; as God is now, such man may one day become.” This is the basic idea of ​​Mormon teaching.

Since the Mormon motto is “optimism and faith - progress,” then for them everything is about development. Man is on the path leading upward; he is “a god in embryo.”

According to Mormon teaching, a person is not born a sinner, i.e. he has no inherited sin. Mormons consider it a sin to rebel against the “foundations of progress.”

According to Mormons, Jesus Christ's sacrifice for sin gives all people life after death. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, an individual can be justified from personal sins if he himself makes the effort to do so. Redemption is a joint work between God and man. After death, man becomes involved in varying degrees of glory. There are three degrees of glory: 1) underground; 2) earthly; 3) heavenly.

Mormons consider America to be the center of world events in the future, because... Mormons are supposedly “God’s end-time covenant people”—the “new Israel.” For Mormons, eternity is a continuation of progress.

In 1843, I. Smith received a “revelation” about the eternal duration of the marital union in polygamy: “A sealed marriage will not end in death, but will find its continuation in the spiritual kingdom. All representatives of unsealed marriages will be serving spirits in eternity and will not be able to get married.” Polygamy was introduced by Young in 1851, but under pressure from the American government, Mormons abolished it in 1890. To this day they believe in the validity of polygamy, but officially declare that they do not practice it. However, it turns out that there are still examples of polygamy in Mormon communities.

According to Mormon teaching, the gift of the Holy Spirit is given through the laying on of hands. The laying on of hands is performed by “priests.” They call the act of laying on of hands confirmation. The Holy Spirit is given for enlightenment, cleansing and sanctification. Only the head of the “church” has the power of sealing. Baptism means forgiveness of sins and acceptance into membership of the church. Baptism can be accepted from the age of eight, and the person receiving baptism enters into a union with the Creator. He must make a vow that he will keep God's commandments.

It is customary among Mormons to be baptized in place of the dead. Only baptism is valid and necessary for the salvation of Mormons. In addition to baptism, vicarious laying on of hands and sealing are also possible for deceased ancestors. To carry out these acts, accurate information about the deceased must be provided. This explains the diligence with which Mormons study their family tree. Since 1894, the Family History Library in the American city of Salt Lake City, created by Mormons, has been collecting and processing data from birth records, censuses and other documents containing the names of people who formerly lived on the earth. These names are necessary for Mormons to mysteriously initiate people into adherents of their cult in their temples, entry to which “outsiders” (non-Mormons) is prohibited. Mormons include the dead in absentia into the ranks of their cult, replenishing the lists of their organization with millions of deceased people of various nationalities, religions and beliefs (including atheists). This hidden work is accompanied by large-scale Mormon efforts to create a single “World Genealogy Center” controlled by the Latter Day Saints sect.

Since 1992, Mormons began to actively work with the Archival Departments of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia for the purpose of copying (microfilming) archival documents. Having concluded a contract with the State Archive Service of Russia, the Mormons gained access to the archives of Astrakhan, Tula, Tver, Tobolsk, Kazan and copied many registry books (Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran) and other documents. Copies obtained from Russian archives become the property of the Mormon Presidential Corporation, which are then provided to genealogy researchers through its own genealogical structure for a fee. Special attention Mormons turn to their own appearance: They dress cleanly and neatly, cultivate good manners, are intelligent, polite, and literate. The zeal of Mormon representatives in improving these qualities comes from their teaching, which states that man is “God in embryo” and their ultimate goal is to move upward through personal improvement and at the finish line become equal to God, i.e., gradually “grow into "to the heavenly Kingdom.The secret contains the fact that those Mormons who have undergone a special initiation ritual are required to wear underwear with the image of Masonic symbols.

Structure and internal organization: The Mormon community is organized along theocratic lines with elements of Western democracy. It is headed by a “prophet or seer” who receives “revelations” from above and has unlimited power in various areas of the life of the sect. It is assisted as an advisory body by a three-member supreme council. Administrative power is in many ways purely American in character.

Mormon worship is very similar to Protestant worship and is based on preaching, reading and singing hymns. In Salt Lake City stands the main Mormon temple, topped with six towers and a gilded statue of the “angel Moroni,” who showed the founder of the sect the place where the Book of Mormon was hidden.

Number of followers: 1850 - 60,000 people; 1900 - 230,000 people; 1950 - 1000000 people; 1961 - 1800000 people; 1964 - 2000000 people; 1970 - 2500000 people; 1985 - 6,000,000 people; According to Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley for 2000 - 11,000,000.

Criminal actions: includes trial cult founder Smith's glass fortune-telling case, his failed banking scam in Kirtland, Ohio, his polygamy before receiving the revelation, his militias organized in Missouri and Illinois and the order to destroy the printing presses of those who opposed him, and the case of the destruction of the immigrant train by the Mormon “prophet” Brigham Young. Repeated trials on the facts of polygamy. Russian law enforcement agencies have recorded cases of collection of intelligenceeating data by sect members.


If guests come to you with badges on their chests, in beautiful, formal suits and, smiling from the doorway, tell you that the only cooler things you are are eggs and Jackie Chan, then you have come to the Mormons. After being assured of your exclusivity, the sectarians will begin to tell you about themselves. They will talk for a long time and show their family photographs. In the photographs you will see a large family, in the photo everyone will smile with “cloned smiles”. Then you will tell about yourself, and you will be admired for a long time. After all these amenities, you will be given the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. Pearl of great price." Next you will be asked “How do you feel?”, due to how much good you have heard about yourself, you will say that you feel good. You will be told that it is the Holy Spirit calling you and that it is vital for you to become a Mormon.

The most interesting thing is that it is almost impossible to argue with Mormons, they agree with everything and ask to visit you again, or offer to visit their community, where you will quit smoking, start speaking English, cross-stitch and knit socks, playing football and drinking juice . You will master all this in two weeks. At the same time, you will be “permeated with true faith”

1. You give a tenth of your income to the community. On Saturdays you eat once a day, the money saved goes to the community in addition to the tithe. “Extra money” that you do not need for social needs goes to the community in addition to the tithe.

2. Your new friends constantly come to visit you, and you also go to visit. What you do is convince each other of the truth of the teachings of the Book of Mormon. Then, with the whole brigade, you go from place to place with your photo albums and sectarian literature.

3. If your family, unlike you, is “non-Mormon,” then these are enemies. They are tempting you. You need to renounce them. The community is your family. The community needs you. You must be educated, successful, polite, young and beautiful. And also prolific. The main mission of a woman in a sect is to give birth to a bunch of Marmon children. Forcibly.

4. You are not allowed to smoke, drink coffee or tea, alcoholic drinks. The use of other stimulants is also strictly prohibited.

5. They teach you English language American “garden boys”, they only teach from the “Book of Mormon”, so that later you go around the world to spread the word of the sect, of course you go with your own money. In this way you will travel for two years. If after this you have money left, and the community takes care of it, you become a priest (boys), a fertile womb (girls).

6. You collect from the archives the names of your deceased relatives, friends, acquaintances, simply various now deceased people and are engaged in “baptizing their souls,” “crowning their souls,” etc. This is such an entertaining necrophilia.

7. You are constantly accused of not being rich enough and donating little, not smart enough and bringing few converts, not working enough for the good of the community. You have few children, future priests and fertile queens of the sect. For this you can be kicked out of the community and you will burn in hell.

8. In the end, you realize that you are a complete loser, you are constantly reminded of this, and you go crazy. The community doesn't need crazy people. Psychiatrists need them.

THE CHURCH OF JESUS ​​CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, the largest Mormon church. Its followers are often referred to simply as Mormons, although this concept has a broader meaning - there are over 40 different Mormon churches. In addition, the term "Mormons" is not officially accepted.

The founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was the son of a poor and unsuccessful farmer living in Vermont, Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-44), who declared himself a prophet. Despite the fact that he was repeatedly accused of committing illegal acts, he managed to attract a significant number of supporters and create a new church organization in 1830 in the town of Fayette, New York. After J. Smith was killed in prison by an angry mob, the church was led by Brian Young (1801-77), who organized the resettlement of persecuted Mormons to the West in 1847, to lands in the Great Salt Lake region, now occupied by the state of Utah.

Having accused modern Christian church organizations of departing from the principles of early Christianity and proclaiming as its goal the restoration of the “primitive church,” the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has in fact moved very far not only from the tenets of Protestantism, from the depths of which it emerged, but also from the basic doctrines of Christianity generally.

The doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is based on four books: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrines and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. The Bible is viewed as the word of God, but is not considered a comprehensive record of what God said and did. Particular importance is attached to the Book of Mormon, which, as J. Smith claimed, he received from the angel Moroni in the form of gold plates and translated from a certain “reformed” Egyptian language. The composition of this book is attributed to the prophet Mormon (no such prophet is known in the Bible), but some researchers consider it plagiarism, a reproduction of the unpublished science fiction novel “The Found Manuscript,” written around 1812 by the writer and former priest Solomon Spalding. The Book of Mormon tells the story of the Israelites migrating around 600 BC. e. from Jerusalem to America. The Doctrines and Covenants (formerly called the Book of Commandments) contains selected revelations supposedly received by J. Smith from God, as well as one revelation to B. Young. The Pearl of Great Price includes revelations to J. Smith and translations of papyri he allegedly found, which he declared to be the "Book of Abraham" and the "Book of Moses."

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints formally recognizes the Divine Trinity, but believes that God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit exist separately, with the Father and the Son he created having a body of flesh and bones, as tangible as that of a person; The Holy Spirit is an impersonal energy emanating from the Father and the Son.

People are considered as spiritual children of God who lived with him before the creation of the world. According to this doctrine of the pre-existence of souls, those spiritual beings who were not distinguished by loyalty and valor are born in a black body. Over time, people, having received eternal life, will be able to become gods. God himself was once also a man and through perfection he became God. In fact, Mormonism, unlike traditional Christianity, preaches polytheism.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not recognize that people inherit original sin and believes that the vast majority of people, including non-Mormons, will be saved. After the second coming of Jesus Christ, the first resurrection of the dead and the thousand-year reign of Christ on Earth will begin. Moreover, the gathering place for all the tribes of Israel will not be Palestine, but America. After the thousand-year reign, the Earth will turn into the celestial sphere and all those justified after the second resurrection will fall into three eternal kingdoms of different categories (depending on their acceptance or rejection of the Mormon faith, as well as earthly behavior).

According to the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to be saved, a person must first believe in Jesus Christ and repent of his sins. The performance of the sacraments established by the church is also required.

The first of these is baptism by immersion. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not recognize infant baptism, but usually practices baptism for children of eight years of age, subject to the obligatory condition that they consciously accept the faith. It is believed that baptism cleanses a person from sins, and the believer promises Christ to remember His atoning sacrifice on the cross and His commandments. The so-called vicarious baptism is very peculiar, which an already baptized person can accept for his deceased relative or loved one in order to save him. Baptism is followed by confirmation (consolidation in the faith), which means that the believer receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit and is performed by the laying on of hands on him by a priest of the highest rank (the order of Melchizedek).

The sacrament of communion (bread and water) symbolizes the renewal of the believer's contract with the Lord. It is held every week in local meeting houses and unbaptized children are also allowed to attend.

Recognizing civil marriage “for a time” (that is, until the death of a person), the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints attaches special importance to a wedding performed in the temple, which “seals” the marriage for eternity (this marriage is considered valid even after death, which in this case will not interrupt family life). However, such a sacrament is performed only when the couple leads a virtuous life and does not allow extramarital affairs. A substitute marriage for a deceased person is also possible. Divorce is permitted in the church. Polygamy, previously practiced by its prominent figures, has now been rejected (to a large extent, the rejection was due to the fact that, because of this practice, the Mormon territory of Utah was not granted statehood for a long time).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints performs induction into the priesthood in a very unique way. The initiate undergoes a ritual bath, is anointed with oil, and dresses in special temple clothes. He is also given secret passwords and given a secret name.

However, according to the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, faith and its associated sacraments are necessary but not sufficient for salvation. Mormons consider the Protestant doctrine of justification by faith alone to be harmful. They emphasize that a person is saved not only through faith, but also to an even greater extent through good works, which, in particular, include vicarious baptism for the dead, participation in divine services, and a virtuous life.

Church members meet every Sunday in special local meeting rooms. These may include Sunday school classes and evening services (open to all), as well as priesthood meetings (only men attend). Only the most worthy members of the church are allowed into temples where religious ceremonies take place.

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints there is no sharp distinction between laity and clergy. Mormons do not have professional clergy. All teenage boys who have proven themselves to be positive at the age of 12 become deacons according to the rank of Aaron, at the age of 14 - teachers, and at the age of 16 - priests according to the same rank. They teach in church schools, baptize children and perform other sacraments in local communities (“wards”). The highest category of priesthood (according to the order of Melchizedek) is filled by men who have reached 20 years of age. It includes elders, "seventies" (members of large priestly quorums of 70 people), high priests, and members of the presidential college.

At the age of 18, young people can be called for one and a half to two years for free missionary work. This work is also performed by females.

Dietary and ethical restrictions in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are not as strict as in some other Protestant fringe churches. Members of this church abstain from consuming tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, tea, and coffee. At the same time, they are not obliged to lead an ascetic life; they can play sports and indulge in various entertainments. There are no restrictions regarding secular education, and receiving good educational training is strongly encouraged.

Most members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints pay tithes to their church organization.

The authority functions in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are exercised by the following persons and structures: the president of the church and his two counselors (presidential panel), the council of 12 “apostles,” the quorum of 70 (seven leaders and 69 ordinary members are engaged primarily in missionary work), the presiding bishop and his two advisers (monitor the performance of duties by other bishops, control the lower priesthood according to the order of Aaron, and are responsible for construction work and charitable activities). The president of the church and his two counselors are chosen by the 12 “apostles.”

Every six months, a General Conference is convened, in which every member of the church can participate. She decides to approve the activities of the church authorities.

The headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is located in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Local organizations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are “wards” (a kind of local branches), uniting several hundred people (on average 500-600) and headed by bishops. Larger regional “stakes” associations (dioceses) number from 2 to 10 thousand people (most often 4-5 thousand). They are led by presidents and patriarchs.

The total number of supporters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide exceeds 8 million people, of which 4.5 million are in

Be careful: the sect "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" (Mormons).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) is a dangerous sect of American origin.

Unlike Christians who affirm the unity of God, Mormons practice polytheism(polytheism), although they don’t like to admit it.

According to Mormon teaching, it is permissible to kill people:"Will you love that man or woman enough to shed their blood? I can give you many instances where men have been righteously slain to atone for their sins...the wickedness and neglect of the nations forbids this principle to be carried out in its full force, but the time will come when when the Law of God is in full operation" (Chairman Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 44, pp. 219, 220).

The sacred books of Mormons are the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Bible. However, they trust the first three unquestioningly, while the Bible is often questioned. “I believe that the Bible which is read by all, after it has come from the pens of its actual authors, ignorant translators, careless copyists, or evil and corrupt priests, contains many errors” (Teachings of the Prophet J. Smith, p. 327).

The teachings of this sect are far from safe. Mormon preachers are taught to use deception when recruiting new members. “So there’s no need to tell the truth first?” - I asked the sisters who taught me. They smiled and nodded affirmatively. This approach confused me. After all, the 13th creed of the Mormons seems to speak about the need to be honest" (Yulia DIDENKO, "Why I Left the Marmon Community"). The section, guided by which Mormon missionaries gain trust (according to the Mormon formulation "establish a trusting relationship"), includes contains 3 point instructions:

    Meet me.

    Build relationships based on commonality of views, which means emphasizing the same views of the interlocutor and hushing up differences.

    Show empathy.

The Mormon sect is widely known for its archival data collection activities., which they lead in all countries where they preach their teachings. Since 1992, Mormons began to actively work with the archival departments of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia in order to copy archival documents. Having concluded a contract with the Russian state archival service, the Mormons gained access to the archives of Astrakhan, Tula, Tver, Tobolsk, Kazan and copied many registry books and other documents. The goal of the Mormons is the mass copying of all archival information in Russia. The legal opinion dated April 9, 2002 ends with the following conclusion: Providing the Genealogical Society of Utah (USA) (a religious association of Mormons) with Russian archival materials in any form, including through providing the said organization with the possibility of microfilming Russian archives, is unacceptable and illegal. However, Mormons continue to collect information, often in violation of the law. Mormon preachers have been repeatedly detained in closed military facilities. According to the newspaper "Kaliningradskaya Pravda" dated September 23, 2000: " The Mormon sect is actively used by the intelligence services of the United States and Germany as a cover for conducting intelligence activities to collect classified information (socio-political, economic and military nature) on the territory of Russia, interfering in the internal political processes taking place in the country, inciting interfaith hatred. Foreign missionaries pay special attention to reconnaissance penetration into high-security military facilities and establishing direct contacts with military personnel. A certain part of young Mormons returning to the United States after missionary activity ... enter the service of the CIA and FBI of the United States." Mormons also need the names of deceased people from the archives for their ritual - the "posthumous baptism" of people. This is how they replenish the lists of members of their sect. Unlikely Can a Russian person calmly relate to the blasphemy committed against the memory of his ancestors?

In my time The Mormon sect was famous for polygamy practiced there.

After a series of scandals, most Mormons abandoned this practice, but they still believe that people who become gods (the goal of any Mormon's life) must have many wives. "Those Ones who became Gods, even Children of God, are those who were polygamists." (Chairman Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 11, p. 269). Every Mormon man dreams of becoming a god after death, taking possession of the planet and living on it with a harem made up of women posthumously married to them in temple rites.

There are Mormon parishes and meeting houses in Saratov and the region. The teaching is being actively promoted. Mormons attract young people through dishonest and unethical methods. Now the Mormons intend to build a temple in the center of Saratov (Gorky St., 65), in which religious ceremonies will be held, including “baptism of the dead” and “marriage to the dead.” Such ritual use of the names of our deceased is akin to Satanic desecration of cemetery graves. To carry out these blasphemous ceremonies, sectarians from all over Russia will come to Saratov; they will buy up more and more Saratov land and draw our fellow citizens into the sect. Particularly offensive to representatives of traditional religions is the location of the future sectarian building in close proximity to Orthodox church Protection of the Mother of God and Muslim mosque. It is probably not without reason that the location for the future sectarian building was chosen near the regional government.

In 1857, in Utah, the Mormons who settled there, on the orders of their “prophet” Brigham Young, committed mass kill non-Mormon settlers. More than 120 people (mostly women and children) were brutally murdered ("Mormon Prophet Guilty of Worst Massacre in US History").

Let's not let this story repeat itself in Saratov!

External Church Relations Service
Saratov diocesan administration

President Russell Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made an important announcement Thursday. The statement said that church leaders intend to direct every effort to ensure that the full name of the Church is used instead of abbreviations and nicknames.

“The Lord has placed in my mind the significance of His revealed name for His Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” President Nelson said in a statement. “We have a specific job to do—to bring ourselves into harmony with His will. Over the past few weeks, many Church leaders and heads of Church departments have taken necessary steps in this regard.”

The updated style guide calls for avoiding abbreviations such as "LDS" and the moniker "Mormons" as an alternative to the name of the Church in phrases such as "Mormon Church," "LDS Church" or "Church of Latter-day Saints."

The announcement and changes in leadership have raised a host of questions about the future of such prominent church organizations as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the LDS Business College and the Mormon Channel. The new change also reflects a more dramatic cultural and linguistic shift than previous efforts to encourage Church members to avoid the term "Mormon," which has a troubled reputation in Church history.

It is interesting to note that the statement was made available through one of the official church websites - ( Mormon News). This site, as well as other sites, possibly including the Church's main site, will receive updated names, representing the challenging changes ahead in the Church.

Monumental change

Details have not yet been finalized, but the statement said Church websites and materials will be redesigned over the coming months to reflect President Nelson's direction.

For years, the term "Mormon" has been used in the official names of websites, media channels and international brands. An example is the "I'm a Mormon" campaign, which encouraged Church members to share their life stories, ending with the phrase "...and I'm a Mormon."

In addition, the term is part Everyday life members of the Church.

Patrick Mason, chair of Church Studies at Claremont Graduate University, says there will be big changes within the Church.

He notes that Church members have quickly adjusted to the new term "caring ministry" introduced in April, but says abandoning the term "Mormon" will require more O more effort.

“There has always been some ambivalence about the term, and I think the problem is the practicality of how to get around the word Mormon. This word is more than two hundred years old. It is better known than the term preferred by the Church.”

According to Mason, the new terminology will take root among members of the Church, but will have less resonance outside of it. However, Mason states that the emphasis on the correct name of the Church will resonate throughout the world.


Since its restoration in 1830, the Church has had an uneasy relationship with the term "Mormon." Church leaders have long reproached antagonists for referring to the Church as “Mormon,” but last decades They began to show more tolerance towards the nickname.

Joseph Smith received the full name of the Church through revelation in 1838. Before that it was called the Church of Jesus Christ and then the Church of Latter-day Saints.

At various times in Church history, leaders have called for the use of the full, official name.

In 2001, Elder Dallin Oaks stated that he did not mind being called a Mormon, but did not want to be described as belonging to the "Mormon Church." At the same time, the First Presidency issued an official decree urging Church members to use the official title or abbreviations that included the name of Jesus Christ.

In 2011, Elder Boyd Packer said, “It is one thing for others to call this Church Mormon and ourselves Mormons, but quite another for us to say so.”

Six months later, Elder Russell Ballard, who today serves as president of the Quorum of the Twelve, declared that the nickname “Mormon” was acceptable. At the same time, he called for avoiding the term “Mormon Church.”

“It is by this name [(the full name of the Church, approx. translator)] The Lord will call us on the last day. It is this name that will distinguish His Church from the rest,” said Elder Ballard.

He returned to the topic again in 2014, additionally calling for the term "LDS Church" to be avoided.

Today, with President Nelson and President Oaks in the First Presidency, and President Ballard as Head of the Twelve, this topic has become relevant again. President Nelson emphasized that this time the Church will make every effort to approve the official name for use.

Updated style guide

The Mormon News website notes the following points:

  • When first mentioning the Church, it is preferable to use its full name: “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
  • When abbreviated references are necessary, the terms “Church” or “Church of Jesus Christ” are recommended. The term "restored Church of Jesus Christ" is also accurate and recommended.
  • The expression "Mormon Church" has long been applied to the Church by means mass media, however, it is not an official name, and the Church does not recommend its use. Therefore, the use of the abbreviation "LDS" and the epithet "Mormon" as a shortened name for the Church should be avoided. The terms “Mormon Church,” “LDS Church,” and “Church of Latter-day Saints” are not recommended.
  • When referring to members of the Church, the preferred terms are “members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” and “Latter-day Saints.” We ask that you do not use the term "Mormons."
  • The word “Mormon” and its derivatives are appropriately used in proper names, such as “Book of Mormon,” or in historical expressions, such as “Mormon Tract.”
  • The term "Mormonism" is a misnomer and should not be used. When describing the doctrine, culture, and way of life characteristic of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the precise term “restored gospel of Jesus Christ” should be preferred.
  • When referring to individuals and organizations that practice polygamy, it should be noted that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not affiliated with groups that practice polygamous marriages.

Priest's answer:

The so-called Church of Jesus Christ, in fact, has nothing to do with the real Church. This is a totalitarian sect founded in 1979 in Boston (USA) by Protestant pastor Thomas (Kip) McKean. This sect founded its branches in many countries outside of America, including in Kyrgyzstan.

In its doctrinal doctrines, the Church of Christ differs little from other Protestant movements, with the exception of one element: a system of so-called mentoring. Its essence is that “Christ was obedient to God the Father until his death on the cross,” which means that every Christian must be absolutely obedient to his spiritual mentor. The mentoring system in the Church of Christ is structured as follows. The person who converts you on the street and invites you to the meetings of this church becomes your mentor from that moment on. Now you will be obliged, under his guidance and supervision, not only to assimilate the doctrinal doctrines of the sect, but also to coordinate with him all aspects of your personal life: who to be friends with, how to spend your free time (which now, as a rule, will not exist), where to go to study , who to marry, and so on. Your mentor reports to a more established mentor, such as the leader of a Scripture study circle (the grassroots level of the organization). Conversation leaders are under the direction of the evangelists, who are under the direction of the elders. And so - until the very end, to a small group of people who surround Kip McKean himself, and whom he himself shepherds. At the top of this pyramid is McKean himself, who has no mentor. “To disobey a mentor means to disobey Christ himself,” says the fundamental principle of the sect. As a result, an authoritarian regime is created in which the actions of each adherent of the sect are strictly controlled, and a single type of character and behavior is formed: everyone becomes small piles of makkin. A kind of spiritual cloning is taking place. This principle of mentoring expresses the totalitarianism of the Church of Christ.

A mentoring system emerged among Western evangelical movements in the mid-20th century. But over time, most evangelicals rejected it, because it began to bear fruit. Thus, an article published in 1990 in an evangelical magazine stated:

The movement quickly became elitist and exclusivist. The underlying belief was that every “sheep” should be accountable to a “shepherd.” Thus, all the “sheep” were assigned to “shepherds,” many of whom were young, immature, often extremely self-confident and also filled with pride due to their newfound power. The result was multiple disasters and untold tragedies. At the whim of the “shepherd,” families had to move from city to city. The churches were divided... Critics cited numerous examples of “shepherds” who demanded their “sheep” to ask their permission for every meeting with a loved one, for a change of job, and, indeed, for any action that they were going to take.

In the same magazine, a pastor who had previously been one of the prominent mentors wrote:

Mentoring was a mistake. I repent. I ask for forgiveness... Discipling was an unhealthy submission that led to perverted and unbiblical obedience to human leaders... For the hurt and humiliation I have caused to many, I repent with deep sadness and ask for forgiveness...

Indeed, in the real, historical Church of Christ - Orthodoxy, the practice of eldership exists to this day. But only a few can become real mentors, people who have conquered their passions, who are experienced in spiritual life, who have received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit from God. As a rule, these are monks, and they have very few novices who completely devote themselves to their leadership. But the devil is the monkey of God, as St. Basil the Great said. He only apes, distorts what the Lord established in His Church, and thereby brings harm and destruction to those who are deceived.

The Church of Christ in Boston once allowed renowned psychologist Dr. Flavil Yeakley to conduct psychological testing on its members, unaware of the results. The result was such that they greatly regretted it: 95 percent of the sect members experienced a sharp change in personality. The essence of these changes is this. There are innate character traits that do not change - for example, extroversion or introversion, rationality or intuitiveness, prudence or impulsiveness. In itself this is neither good nor bad. However, if these fundamental character traits suddenly begin to change, for a person this turns into the most negative consequences: nervous breakdowns, depression, neuroses and, ultimately, suicide.

When starting his research, Dr. Yeakley expected that the distribution of adherents by psychological personality type would more or less correspond to the percentage in society. To his surprise, he discovered that the sect had a very high percentage of personality changes, with a tendency towards one personality type. And the longer the sectarian’s “experience,” the greater the likelihood that he would end up in this particular personal group. The study has irrefutably proven that among members of the Church of Christ, it is precisely the innate, stable personality qualities that change, which in principle cannot change (for example, sanguine people usually do not become melancholic, etc.). However, according to the results of the same testing, they changed among Scientologists, members of the Moon Church, Hare Krishnas and other sectarians. This gives strong personal mental changes, which often lead to serious illnesses and disorders, not to mention the fact that they create additional difficulties for the rehabilitation of those sect members who return to normal life.

Yeakley writes:

The results of a psychological examination ... irrefutably prove that some reasons force members of the Church of Christ to abandon their innate psychological type and trying to make copies of someone else... There is something about the mentoring methodology that produces this unhealthy development. Whatever it is, it must be eliminated... They cannot deny that all psychological types disappear and are transformed into one specific type. They cannot deny that members are being remade in the image of a single group norm. They cannot deny that this personal violence is derived from the mentoring methodology.

We must be prepared to assist in the rehabilitation of many former sectarians who, due to their participation in the movement, will be severely traumatized, both psychologically and spiritually. These problems are most likely to develop when young people in this movement reach mid-life. Psychological typefalsification (attempting to change your personality and make you perceive another person's personality) leads to a serious midlife crisis. As a result, there will be serious problems: complete emptiness, deep depression and a whole bunch of other psychological and spiritual problems that will be very difficult to resolve.

As you can see, dear Natalya, the Church of Christ is a very dangerous sect, joining which can cause significant psychological harm to a person, not to mention the issues of a saving relationship with God and the acquisition of eternal life, which cannot be realized in a sect cut off from the true Church.