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Invalid imei what to do explay fresh. How to restore imei on Android after flashing. Repair IMEI on Samsung Galaxy S3

How to restore IMEI on Android (MTK). The problem of missing IMEI can occur on a Chinese Android smartphone due to whether it has been reset or flashed. You can learn how to restore IMEI on a Chinese smartphone from this article.

Is there an IMEI or not?

You can find out by typing the combination *#06# into the dialers, after which you will either see your IMEI or nothing or zeros.

Is there no IMEI? How to restore IMEI on a Chinese smartphone?

Method No. 1 (engineering menu)

CDS Information > Radio Information > Phone 1

4. In the top line, after the inscription AT+ and enter EGMR=1.7,""
5. Move the cursor between the quotation marks “” and then you must enter 15 digits of your IMEI;

Example: AT+EGMR=1.7,"12345678912345″

6. Confirm your choice by clicking on the button SEND AT COMMAND;

If the error “This command is not ed in UserBuild” appears, then put a space after the + . That is, like this: AT+ EGMR=1.7,”12345678912345″

7. For a smartphone with 2 SIM cards, you need to restore the second IMEI, to do this, enter the code AT+EGMR=1.10,"12345678912345"
8. After you have entered the IMEI, exit the engineering menu, turn off the smartphone and turn it on again;
9. Dial the combination *#06# into the dialers, after which you will see your IMEI;
10. Insert the SIM cards back.

Method No. 2 (engineering menu 2)

If the engineering menu does not look like what is described in the first method, then you may have the next option.

  1. Let's go to engineering by typing *#*#3646633#*#* ;
  2. We are looking for the tab “ Telephony" and then select " GPRS» ;
  3. We select one by one SIM1 And SIM2, drive in IMEI and click " WRITE IMEI» ;
  4. Reboot the device and IMEI is in place!

Method number 3 (application, root required)

Your Android must be Rooted!

  • 1 Download and install the application Chamelephon from the Google Play store
  • 2 Launch the Chamelephon application
  • 3 Install or generate a new IMEI

Method number 4 (application, root required)

2. Extract the application from the archive;
3. Take out SIM card from a smartphone;
4. Install the application on your smartphone;
5. When you first launch the application, it will notify you about the type of your Android device, after familiarizing yourself with it, click the ok button;
6. The application reads the IMEI if it didn’t count, press the read button;
7. Uncheck “same IMEI” and enter new IMEI;

8. Click the “exit” button. Reboot Android device/

Method number 5 (root required)

1. Download and install the ADB RUN program;
2. Launch the ADB RUN program and go to the menu: Manual Command -> Restore Imei (MTK Only);
3. For a single-SIM device, select One Sim, for a device with two SIMs, select Dual Sim;

4. Write your IMEI, after which a file will be created on your desktop MP0B_001;
5. Move the file MP0B_001 to a memory card or internal memory;
6. Download and install the Root Browser application;
7. Use Root Broser to move the file MP0B_001 along the way:

/data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/MP0B_001 /nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/MP0B_001

8. Reboot the device.

One of the unique numbers assigned to each Android device is called IMEI. It can be used for personal purposes, restored or exchanged for Android. It is also worth always remembering why it is needed and knowing when IMEI may be required.

What is IMEI of a smartphone or tablet

IMEI is a unique identifier that every Android phone and tablet has. It is needed so that the device can make calls, send messages and use Mobile Internet. That is, if you have an IMEI, you can use all the functions that the SIM card provides.

How to find out device ID on Android

There are two ways in which you can find out the IMEI of your phone or Android tablet: by entering a USSD code or a sticker located on back side devices.

Via USSD code

  • In the section for entering a telephone number, write the code *#06#.

    Enter the code

  • In the window that opens, you will see one unique IMEI if your device supports one SIM card, and if two, then two IMEIs will appear on the screen.

    Code for the first and second SIM cards

  • Look at the sticker inside the case

    Remove the cover of the device and look for the sticker, which may be on the case or under the battery. Find the IMEI line on it, which will have 15 digits.

    We look at the IMEI code

    How to change IMEI or restore it if it’s lost

    After flashing the device, updating or resetting data and settings, the IMEI may become confused or disappear. If this happens, you will not be able to use mobile communications, the Internet and messages. In this case, there is only one thing left to do - restore the unique number by changing it to another code. This can be done using the built-in engineering menu or through third-party applications.

    How to write code through the engineering menu

  • Remove the SIM card from the device.

    We take out the SIM card

  • Open phone dialing apps.

    Open the Phone application

  • Enter the code that will open the engineering menu (*#15963#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#*, depending on the device model).

    Open the engineering menu

  • In the menu that opens, go to the Connectivity section.

    Go to the Connectivity section

  • Go to the CDS Information subsection.

    Go to the CDS Information section

  • Open Radio Information.

    Open the Radio Information section

  • The command line will say AT+. Complete the line with the following text: EGMR=1.7, “New IMEI”. Remember that the code must be 15 digits long.

    We write the command

  • Click the Send at command button to confirm the IMEI change.

    Confirming the IMEI change

  • Close the engineering menu and reboot the device.

    Reboot the device

  • Insert the SIM card back.

    Insert the SIM card into the device

  • If the device supports two SIM cards, then changing the IMEI for the second SIM card is performed with the command: AT+EGMR=1.10, “New IMEI”.

    We write the command

  • If, when you try to change or restore the code, the message THIS COMMAND IS NOT ALLOWED IN USERBUILD appears, check whether the command is written correctly and whether there is a space after the + sign.

    Insert a space after the + sign

  • How to change through a third-party application

    To change or restore the IMEI code, root rights are required, as system-related settings will be made.

  • Go to the official website of the 360root application (, download and install it on your device.

    Download and install the application

  • Launch the application and click on the large round button located in the middle of the screen. Done, root rights are obtained.

    Press the button to get root rights

  • Opening the Play Market store.

    Open Play Market

  • Find and install the Chamelephon application (

    Install the Chamelephon application

  • Launch the downloaded application and enter or generate a random IMEI code.

    Generating IMEI

  • Save the result by clicking the Apply new IMEI button. The advantage of this application is that you can quickly and easily change the code for two SIM cards at once.

    Click the Apply new IMEI button

  • Video: changing the unique code on Android

    Finding a stolen or lost phone by IMEI

    Since the IMEI code is unique, a purely theoretically lost device can be found by contacting law enforcement agencies or your mobile operator. But this method of searching for a device in most cases does not help, since it is quite difficult to get the operation started, and the fraudster who stole the phone most likely changed the IMEI a long time ago.

    The only thing left to do is to enter your IMEI into a single database ( and declare the device associated with this code as missing. If you add a reward message for finding and returning the phone, you may be able to get it back. Most often, sellers of stolen equipment check this database, so maybe you will get lucky.

    We enter the IMEI of the lost device and other necessary data

    Under no circumstances should you access websites that offer the opportunity to find a device by IMEI for a certain amount of money. Only telecom operators and law enforcement agencies have access to search by code; all other organizations simply do not have access to the necessary programs and equipment, which means they will not be able to find your device and take your money.

    Is it possible to remove IMEI?

    Some users mistakenly think that by erasing the IMEI they will make their device secret and will not be able to make calls to it. But this is absolutely not true, especially since you cannot delete IMEI, you can only change it to a different combination of numbers. How you can change the IMEI code is described above in the article.

    Each Android device is initially assigned its own unique IMEI code, which can be viewed, restored or changed. To do this, you will need knowledge of special USSD codes, an engineering menu or root rights. You can find a lost device by IMEI only with the help of a telecom operator or law enforcement agencies, but not through Internet sites that offer this service. You cannot delete IMEI, you can only change the code numbers.

    Trouble came from an unexpected place. And although this cannot be called a disaster, it still caused some inconvenience at first. The reason for this situation came from the desire to format the phone memory with the program SPFlash Tool due to a decrease in its volume after the firmware. But in order to do this correctly, we first had to collect the necessary information. But I was in a hurry and I paid for it.

    Having raked through heaps of different information in Networks and having quickly tried several methods to no avail, I remembered that I had a program installed on my computer MtkDroidTools, whose functions include restoration IMEI-ev. The only thing is on the OS " seven"It was terribly slow and I had to switch to the good old XP(fortunately, in addition to “ sevens"there are still three operating systems on the PC), where this program I just flew.

    Easy to install. You just need to unpack the archive. I installed the folder in the root directory. Launched the program. It is highly desirable to have root access on your phone, and although the program MtkDroidTools It may give a temporary root, but I have never had this happen. To connect the phone I used a standard USB cable. IN Settings gadget on the tab - For developers activated the line - O debugging via USB. After some time, this request appeared (smartphone Explay Fresh- Android 4.42, but on Android 4.2.2 such a request does not appear). Confirmed.

    After some time, a message appeared that the changes will take effect after rebooting the phone. In the program window I clicked - Reboot.

    After rebooting, I first made a USSD request, but the mobile network was unavailable. You just need to wait about 5 minutes and the network signal indicator (in the upper right corner) began to show that there is a connection. A test call confirmed this.


    Download program MtkDroidTools you can follow this link -

    On Android - a serious error due to which the device loses the communication signal, which leads to the inability to make a call, send a message or access the Internet.

    Reasons for the failure:

    • Incorrect device firmware.
    • Error when returning the smartphone to factory settings.

    Some models of Chinese smartphones can work without an identifier, but if you have a high-quality device from a well-known brand and your Imei has disappeared, the device will not work correctly.

    Manual recovery

    Dial on Android phone combination *#06#. If the IMEI code does not appear on the screen, then you urgently need to restore it. You can find the identification number on the box, in the instructions, or under the battery. If the smartphone supports dual SIM cards, then two IMEI numbers must be specified.

    Manual IMEI repair on Android:

    If the number above does not work, try the following options:

    If your Android supports two SIM cards, then you need to repeat the procedure for restoring the identification number. For the second SIM card the command will be: AT+EGMR=1.10,“IMEI”.

    After recovery, you need to exit the engineering menu and reboot the phone. After turning on, dial *#06# again to check IMEI. If the number is not displayed, then to correct the error you will need an Android IMEI repair program.

    Software recovery

    If manual recovery did not help solve the problem of missing identifier after flashing, then try using the program.

    After rebooting the device, dial *#06#. The device identification number lost after the firmware update will be restored. If the above methods did not help you figure out how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing, then try another option:

    Using Root Browser, move the MP0B_001 file to the /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/MP0B_001 directory. After transferring the data, restart your phone and check the identification number again - this time it should be displayed correctly.