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Real ancient spells. White magic spells - good witchcraft for all occasions. Items that help perform magical rituals

Black magic spells have long helped sorcerers achieve what they want. This is a strong and dangerous witchcraft that can destroy and create. If this ancient knowledge is in the hands of an inexperienced or selfish magician, then the consequences of witchcraft can be terrible and unpredictable.

In the article:

What are black magic spells

Black magic spells are very dangerous for both the sorcerer and his victims. Most often, such knowledge is used for fatal diseases, bewitching people, attracting money, communicating with gods and demons.

Black magic will help to punish the culprit, gain an advantage over others and resist the attack of other sorcerers. Black magic can be used not only for destruction, but also for good.

Effectively use the knowledge of black magicians only a person who has a very large supply of energy and willpower can. There are many frightening and mind-stirring rituals that can greatly impress a person with an unstable psyche. Before taking on such rituals, you need to gain experience and learn how to create a strong protection.

There are various classifications of black spells. They are divided according to various criteria:

  • by power;
  • method of influence;
  • guidance technique;
  • difficulties.

This is far from full list classifications of black conspiracies. In the most common classification, there are 3 groups into which all black magic conspiracies are divided.

IN first The category also includes conspiracies. They are designed more not to cause damage to other people, but to create protection. Such spells can consist of only one words that the sorcerer pronounces when he senses the approach of danger. An example of such a spell is the word:

Such conspiracies do not require rituals or the use of magical attributes. Most often in the text, the sorcerer turns to his magical protector, asking him to protect him from adversity.

Co. second This group includes double conspiracies. They work on the principle "fight fire with fire". Their essence lies in the fact that the first spell can cause the necessary action, and the second can stop it.

Black curses - third, the most terrible category of all magical conspiracies. These spells are used only by experienced witches, who can not only complete the ritual by causing damage to the victim, but also protect themselves from negative consequences.

Remove these curses it is forbidden. Even if the magician tries to eliminate the damage caused by himself and retracts his words, it will be impossible to stop the process. Such rituals purposefully deprive the victim of joy in life, money, loved ones and lead them to the grave.

Black magic: conspiracies and their forms

Strong black magicians often use not only accepted spells in rituals, but also create their own. The ability to do this comes with experience. There are also general principles for composing black spells. For example, at the beginning of each text there should be an appeal. The sorcerer can contact anyone, it can be:

  • forces of nature;
  • demons;
  • perfume;
  • People;
  • elements.

At the same time, the text should contain not only the phrase:

I command...

but also a threat, meaning that anyone who disobeys the sorcerer will face retribution:

... and if you disobey, you will be unhappy forever and ever.

The text of the conspiracy must indicate an intermediary between you and the victim. For example, if this Moon, then it must be mentioned in the conspiracy. In addition, the intermediary needs a sacrifice in order for him to agree to the deal. At the same time, the text of the slander should have a symbolic meaning - “you give me, and I give you.”

In one of the forms of black conspiracies and spells, mention of a higher black power is necessary. You can limit yourself to mentioning the name of a demon of the highest rank, but to enhance the impact, sorcerers often resort to mentioning God of darkness, Devil, Satan . You can order someone to perform the desired action “in the name” of the Lord of Darkness.

  • all four elements;
  • food, drink, spices;
  • wound, sore area of ​​the body;
  • items that are the property of the victim.

Quite popular are spells that have the form “ likening" These are conspiracies that mention an action (which the sorcerer must immediately perform) and the result that this action will entail. For example: “As I pour this water, so will the tears flow down your face.”

Love spells in black magic - love until the grave

Before you take on such witchcraft, make sure once again that this is exactly the effect you want from the ritual and that you reasonably assess your abilities. If on the day of the ritual you do not feel well, there is a sharp loss of strength and malaise, postpone the ritual.

Waning moon spell

The witch needs to find 3 graves to carry out the death ritual. If the victim is a woman - female. If a man - men's. The graves must be fresh. You must have a bottle of clean water with you. Pour this water over each cross and say the words:

The water is dead from the house, white, bright, abundant, love is dead, it comes to my house white, bright and abundant.

When leaving the cemetery, look for a grave with the same name as the victim, remember it. The next night, use the remaining water to make a path from the victim's house to the chosen grave. Pour the last liquid into the cemetery and leave the container there. The path from the water should be clear and uninterrupted. Otherwise, a person will not come to his grave.

Deadly needle

In order to make a person suffer, there is an equally dangerous ritual. witch acquires new packaging needles and refuses to change. At the same time you should whisper:

I don’t take it for myself, but to spoil the enemy.

At midnight, go out onto the porch and read the text on one of the needles:

May the happiness, health, luck and joy of the slave (name of the enemy) be broken against this needle. Let the needle prick my enemy (name) day and night, and give him no peace, like a thorn in the body. Let the slave (name) be tormented, dry, aching, deprived of peace. My will is strong, words will not turn against me. Amen.

The text is read 13 times, after which a needle must be stuck into the door of the ill-wisher. You need to insert the needle in such a way that no one can find it. Because if it is discovered and damaged, then all the negativity will return to the magician.

Ceremony for funeral candles

In order to send her enemy to the grave, the witch needs to come to the temple, buy a new candle and put it in place of one of the unburned funeral candles. If there is a memorial table in the temple, place sweets on it, leaving them for the deceased whose candle was extinguished.

Burn, candle, burn! Turn the life of (enemy's name) into dust! Illness and misfortune smile at her (him), people turn away. Dead fire, bring burning damage, flammable misfortune. That light is not a simple one, it was taken from the churchyard. Dead in the ground, light on my table. I tell you what I want! Let it be so!

The plot is read four times. Then throw the rest of the candle under the enemy’s door. Now go to the intersection, stand with your back to it, throw as many coins over your left shoulder and say:

After that, go home without looking back.

Black magic spells are dangerous witchcraft, and an unprepared beginner should not immediately take on heavy rituals: trying to attract wealth, bind a person to oneself, or curse someone. If you really need help from otherworldly forces, contact an experienced magician or patiently develop your skills.

Black magic spells are one of the most dangerous and extreme types of witchcraft. Therefore, before everything that we were going to tell you, we consider it necessary to warn against using rituals “just like that,” “for fun,” or to take revenge on someone for some minor grievances.

Black magic spells can hit the magician himself. Especially if he is not very experienced in witchcraft matters. Readers may have a logical question: if it is so dangerous, why even turn to dark entities?

In fact, the black power of magic is a reliable means of protection from external negative energy influences. In other words, such rituals should be undertaken only for the purpose of self-defense and the protection of your loved ones. And only when other methods - including white magic - have already been exhausted.

We have already partially discussed this issue when we touched on the topic of self-defense. Of course, there are many more types of spells, and they are also used, but by more “advanced” magicians. For novice sorcerers who are not yet very skilled, we remind you: a ritual “black” action, even of an average level, can be dangerous.

Types of spells in black magic:

  1. "Fleeting Curses"
  2. Natural.
  3. Protective.
  4. Wellness.
  5. For wealth.
  6. Love ones.
  7. Lethal.

Let’s say right away that the classification is very arbitrary, and people interested in the topic have probably already come across many other classifications.

We have selected the most popular and frequently occurring definitions of types of spells. Some of the subparagraphs, so to speak, “interpenetrate” and complement each other.

Let's take a closer look at them.

"Fleeting Curses"

Let's start with the simplest type of magic - the so-called “fleeting curses”. These include “whispering” about a person or some thing belonging to a person.

The greater the degree of “kinship” with a thing, the stronger the effect. The most powerful effect is observed if a curse is whispered into the back of an enemy who has just passed by. There are many texts, we offer you one of the most popular in magic.

Text of the “fleeting curse”:
“Fly quickly and swiftly, the arrow of my hatred, through dark dense forests, through boggy endless rotten swamps, aim at my enemy (the name of the victim), and pierce not into his eye or eyebrow, but hit him straight into his heart. Cause terrible pain to him, if it is severe and tear him into pieces, destroy my enemy (the name of the victim) forever! Let it be so!"

Natural Spells in Black Magic

Natural curses are considered to be those in which the magician turns to natural elements for help - wind, earth, water, and so on. In this case, natural forces undertake to convey the curse to the addressee.

For example, you can “ask” for a favor the wind as the lightest, most agile and mobile entity. It is better not to use “heavier” substances at the initial stage of magic, but to gain at least some experience in witchcraft.

Text of the spell to the wind:
“Evil that harms and tears the soul, fly with the wind against the Servant of God (name of the victim). I am sending you to harm and pain. Enter with a strong wind and dark smoke into the soul of my enemy and never come back. I will let the words go with the wind and I will never return them back. Amen".

Protection Spells in Black Magic

This is a broad group of spells of varying urgency and focus. There is preliminary protection, there is operational protection, and so on.

Types of protective spells:

  • Comprehensive protection for yourself, your family and your home.
  • In a dangerous, incomprehensible situation (natural disaster, man-made
    catastrophe, etc.)
  • An operational shield when very little time is allotted for a spell.

The first type of comprehensive protection in magic should be installed as soon as you decide to stand on “ dark side"magical powers. Moreover, this is a universal option that will protect the home and everyone who lives there from harmful influences.

This type of spell can to some extent be compared to installing an antivirus on a computer - without this, in general, you shouldn’t even go online.

How to install comprehensive protection:

  1. Stay home alone, close windows and doors.
  2. U front door place seven church candles on a fireproof stand.
  3. Light the candles.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. In the words “Like this candle is now in my hand,” take the candle in your hand or touch it.
  6. Leave the candles to burn out.
  7. Repeat the ritual at each window by placing candles on the windowsill.

Text of a complex spell to protect yourself, home, family:
“Now I am creating for my family a faithful and reliable stronghold, That is not a house, not a wall, but protective words. Whoever goes against the servants of God (names) with evil and envy will find his last refuge in the graveyard from the protective shield.

Like this candle from the holy day is now in my hand, So it is true that all our enemies are deprived of power by God. Whoever touches us with evil and envy will get it back a hundredfold. Now and forever, so that there is no person who would go against us, Otherwise, so that he finds a grave for himself.

For now and forever, these words are a faithful shield and a wall. I speak, I reprimand, I affirm with a word, I speak. The word is strong, the deed is true. Amen".

There is a special spell that helps dangerous situation, which is unclear how it can end for you specifically (flood, earthquake, shelling, bombing, explosion at a chemical plant, and so on).

Text of a protective spell in a dangerous situation:
“Be known, servant of God (name), by the life-giving cross at your right hand and one, in front, behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me. May the entire host of enemies flee from my cross.

The power of the cross will flash like lightning, scorching and blinding enemies. Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels. The Lord's powers and terrible ones, seraphim, holy guardian angels, devoted to me to preserve my soul and body from holy baptism.

The angels of God pray for me to the Savior Christ, to save me from my enemies, to bless this amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

And there is, so to speak, an “operative” spell when danger threatens here, now and personally to you or your companion. For example, if they threaten to shoot you or rob you. It is possible (and God forbid) that you will never need it. But it's better to learn these few words in advance.

Text of the protective spell under time limit:
“Holy Sovereign Savior and holy Sovereign Archangel Michael, protect, O Lord, from the evil of man and adversary for every hour and for every time, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

In addition, you can purchase a special protective amulet that will protect you constantly if you wear it on yourself/with you. A bear or wolf claw or agate stone are suitable.

Black magic: healing spells

Here the question may arise: how can such a good deed as an attempt to give health to a person be part of black magic?

It’s very simple: often, in order to give a person health, it is necessary to destroy what interferes with this (germs, viruses, someone else’s evil eye, and so on). And actions to destroy something belong to black magic.

How to perform a weight loss ritual:

  • On Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) during the waning moon, buy lard (don't take change!) and wrap it in natural fabric.
  • Before going to bed, rub the areas of your body most affected by fat with this lard, while reading the spell.
  • For sleeping, use a nightgown and a set of bed linen that you don’t mind throwing away.
  • In the morning, wrap the lard in the nightgown you slept in, tie it crosswise with black thread and bury it at a road intersection.
  • As a variant of magic, a package can be thrown under the door of an enemy’s home by casting an additional spell. Afterwards you need to spit at the enemy’s door three times. If the enemy lives in a separate house without video surveillance, you can throw him into the bushes near the fence and spit at the gate.

Weight loss spell text:
“Just as they removed the fat from a pig, so I remove the fat from myself. Just as a pig lost weight without lard, so I will lose weight without my lard. Just as lard will no longer grow on a pig, so my lard will not return to me. I skim off my own lard and put it into this piece. Let my lard remain in it and never return to me. Let it be so!"

Text of the spell to make your opponent fat:
“The lard disappeared from me, and my lard and the pig’s lard passed onto you (name). For me to lose weight, for you to become obese.”

Spells for wealth in black magic

Black magic can also be effective for attracting money. Why it’s black – I think it’s clear. If you have more money, it means there will be less of it somewhere.

For the ritual you need to stock up on holy water, two black candles and 10 coins of the highest denomination in your currency.

How to perform a ritual for wealth and money:

  1. Place a container with holy water.
  2. Place candles on the sides of the container on fireproof stands and light them.
  3. Place all 10 coins into the water one at a time, reading plot No. 1 for each (that is, there should be 10 readings in total).
  4. In the morning, place the coins in a row on the windowsill and let them lie there for three days.
  5. Next, transfer the coins to your wallet, but do not spend them.
  6. When you receive your next salary or other earned income, cast spell number 2.

Spell No. 1 (for wealth):
"I wish you health. I wish you success. I wish you happiness. I wish you wealth. I wish you gold. I wish you silver. I wish you abundance. I wish you help. I wish money to come into my life. I wish this, so be it.”

Spell No. 2 (on salary):
“In my wallet is your money, your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

Black Magic Love Spells

Magic can also help in love, “giving” you a loved one. Naturally, for this it will have to be taken away from other contenders, so almost all love magic is black.

You will need a mirror, a glass of cold water, a large napkin or towel and about 10-15 minutes of time.

How to perform a ritual for love:

  • look carefully at your reflection in the mirror;
  • rinse the mirror with water and dry with a towel;
  • look at the mirror again, trying to imagine your chosen one in as much detail as possible;
  • relax for a few minutes;
  • in a state of peace and relaxation, read the plot three times;
  • lubricate the mirror with water for about 5-7 minutes;
  • wipe dry with a towel.

Love spell text:
“You are a slave who will be given to me. You will always be with me, you are mine. I am a slave who will be given to you and we will be with you from now on and forever! Let it be so!"

Black magic - spells for death

And finally, the most dangerous “magic” segment is death rituals. Resorting to them is allowed only when it is impossible to protect yourself or loved ones from danger by other means. You just need to destroy the enemy.

How to perform a ritual for the death of an enemy:

  1. buy new needles, do not take change;
  2. when buying, whisper “I’m not taking it for myself, but for the death of my enemy”;
  3. at midnight go out onto the porch (balcony, terrace) and read the plot 13 times;
  4. insert a needle into the enemy's door unnoticed;
  5. if the needle is found, the spell will be transferred to the magician who made it.

Death spell text:
May the happiness, health, luck and joy of the slave (name of the enemy) be broken against this needle. Let the needle prick my enemy (name) day and night, and give him no peace, like a thorn in the body. Let the slave (name) be tormented, dry, aching, deprived of peace. My will is strong, words will not turn against me. Amen.

As you can see, black magic (spells and rituals) is not a safe activity at all. If you are determined to master the “magic of black color,” then we offer a short informational video that will allow you to get an idea of ​​this area of ​​knowledge as a whole.

Conspiracies and spells of black magic

We wish you success in all endeavors that can improve your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Even ancient people wanted to know the future and tried to change it using higher powers. The Egyptians and Greeks were the first to begin to build the canons of white magic, understanding the forces of nature, creating legends, written treatises and magical monuments.

They served as the basis for the knowledge acquired by subsequent generations of sorcerers. You can read their ancient words in the oldest historical sources.

How can magic help?

White magic spells are a huge list of magical rituals aimed at gaining information, connecting with nature, and also finding harmony with the environment. White magic is famous for good deeds that benefit people. It is divided into several types:

  • Love - love spells and lapels;
  • Witchcraft - healing spells for physical and mental illnesses;
  • For business - attracting profit, clients, etc.;
  • Amulets - amulets and talismans, prayer shields;
  • Fortune telling and diagnosis - detection of medical and medically unknown diseases, knowledge of the future.

Today White magic plays a vital role. A huge number of people are looking for salvation from misfortune, relying on the magical powers of white magicians.

Particularly popular are conspiracies for good luck and love, knowledge of the future, and the treatment of various mental and physical illnesses.

A book in which you can read words that can influence your destiny will help you in studying ancient rituals. Many spell words are in Latin.

Learning white magic is easy!

White magic is the most accessible type of witchcraft. In order to create a real miracle, you don’t need the power of a magic wand or the magic of a black cat; you also don’t need to know Latin or turn to the knowledge of witches. White magic is a miraculous power that is inherent in every person by nature. You may only need to awaken this force using special words, forcing the energy to work for yourself.

With the help of White magic, it is possible to resolve various problems that arise in your life and those of your loved ones. You can also achieve unprecedented success with its help.

However, before you start creating and studying words, keep in mind that spells must be cast for the purpose of creation, excluding any destruction.

White magic should help, only the Black magic of witches destroys. Even love spells cast using white magic do not enslave a person’s will. By resorting to its power for such purposes, you will only “turn” an unmarried man who is not bound by any obligations or who does not yet have true love in his heart. But you still have to win a sincere feeling.

One of the most important sections of white magic is healing. With its help, it becomes possible to heal even the most hopeless diseases, as well as remove the evil eye and damage that are their cause.

A special force field spreads around the white magician performing the healing, helping the people in it gain strength to cope with the disease. A subsection of healing is herbalism. This type of magic implies not only knowledge of the healing properties of various herbs, but also the ability to release the energy embedded in them.

White magic also gives its adept the ability to make predictions. Of course, some believe that fortune telling is exclusively an attribute of witches, but such people do not distinguish fortune telling from divination.

A special book can help you to learn White magic. In such sources you can find many spells in Latin.

The Power of Visualization and Thought

Magicians who begin to practice white magic should be warned that there are several conditions for successful spells. For a spell to work, you must believe in it and visualize the result.

Experienced magicians may not pay much attention to the process of meditation. However, for beginners this is extremely important. During relaxation, any tension is relieved and “extra” thoughts are eliminated. It allows you to concentrate your own magical energy, without which it becomes impossible to cast spells.

To properly concentrate on meditation, many novice magicians practice the following:

  • Close your eyes;
  • Visualize a small ball of light wrapping around the body;
  • Imagine how light absorbs negativity and tension;
  • The ball should spin, starting from the feet and ending with the head;
  • Then they mentally “fly away” into space.

Concentration may need to be learned. Discard unnecessary thoughts and fully concentrate on your condition. Train daily to achieve results. Even an ordinary watch can help with the exercise - just watch the movement of the clock hand, not allowing extraneous thoughts into your head. Each time, the observation time must be increased.

Be sure to visualize the result, because thought is material.

Visualization can activate willpower, and it is this that allows you to achieve results. Many novice magicians use special objects to enhance concentration. Simply use any item that has natural energy. You will begin to draw energy from it, using it to perform visualization. Any item can become your assistant - just choose what you like.

The energy of nature is the main assistant

White magic makes it easy to achieve what you want using the energy of the light forces of nature. It is used by real healers, whose power is aimed at improving the physical and mental health of people. Herbalism is considered a separate subsection of healing. It involves not just preparing various potions, but also releasing the energy of every blade of grass that grows on Earth.

Girls who want to find love often resort to the services of White magic. They may not worry about possible consequences, if they are not going to take the husband away from the family or the father away from the children.

Even successful businessmen believed in the effectiveness of White magic, using it to make a profit, sign a successful agreement or contract.

White magic can be applied in all areas of life that are not associated with harming a living being. By letting goodness into your heart, you can also find what you want - the main thing is to believe.

Video: White magic spells

Since ancient times, it was believed that witches were female individuals leading a solitary lifestyle. Basically, they settled in deep, impenetrable forests, where they could carry out their villainous machinations without attracting much attention. There they collected miraculous herbs and roots, strange plants and mushrooms for their black deeds.

Witches: who are they and do they have a place in a world where everything is so unsteady, incomprehensible and relative?

As a rule, people become witches by nature. For example, if only women or only men are constantly born in a family tree for three generations, these are potential witches and magicians. If you teach such a representative witchcraft, the person will feel great power. Such people often know that they are unusual; without understanding what they are doing, they can harm others. It has happened more than once in life that a random word uttered in anger very soon comes true. These are the forces given by nature that find their application.

You can become a witch unwittingly. Many have heard that when a witch dies, she must transfer her power. As a rule, she knows about her death a couple of days in advance and can prepare. But in extreme cases, when this is impossible, the witch realizes that devilry will not let her go, but will torment her with terrible torment. At the moment of agony, she is ready to throw power on anyone; it is enough for the witch to touch a person’s hand.

By transferring power without knowledge, the successor is doomed to torment. The transfer of knowledge by mutual consent has slightly different forms. This phenomenon is called Confession of a Witch. Depending on the physical condition, it can last more than one day. Having begun her monologue after midnight, the witch speaks until the first rooster, and then falls silent to continue the next night.

The successor cannot write down, so she is forced to remember everything said. To simplify this, the elder witch distilled the knowledge into a story, which is why they say “Confession of a Witch.” An important nuance is the choice of a person to transfer knowledge. A worthy and stronger successor was supposed to be chosen. The deathbed confession is not without logic, because, having complete knowledge, the newly-made witch could use it against the Teacher.

Watch also the documentary video about the book of witches:

But there are those who consciously train to become a witch.

The last type of witch is the conscientious disciple. These people, aware of themselves, chose the path of witchcraft and divination. Experts assure that almost everyone can do it. If you decide to engage in black magic, you need to perform a ritual ceremony and read the words to become a witch. The initiation ritual itself requires not only physical cleanliness; strict fasting for three days is required, but you also need to wear clean clothes.

Your mind must be sober and not clouded by alcohol “for courage” or other intoxicants. Choose a room for reading the dedication that no one will actually enter or disturb. Before starting the ritual, light the lamp, and from that day let it burn for forty days.

Reading requires awe, respect and belief in the importance of what is happening. You need to realize: by dedicating yourself, you take responsibility. All your words will have a different weight and power. It will be impossible to throw threats left and right. After reading the text of the dedication, you will gain power over the spirits, they will obey all your orders. After all, every spell is an order from the witch to be carried out. So, if you are ready and aware of your actions, then you should read the following words:

After completing the ritual, the person goes to sleep and should not communicate with anyone that day.

The concepts of “black magic” and “witch”

The concepts of “black magic” and “witch” in the minds of modern people have a pronounced negative connotation. But a witch is not someone who only does evil to people. The word “witch” comes, first of all, from the word “to know,” that is, to know.

There are different types of witches:

  1. There are witches who help people solve their problems, heal them and never do evil. White witches usually do not hide from people and are always ready to help. But you may not see blacks right away.
  2. There are also witches who work only for their own benefit and do not refuse any work, even the dirtiest. These are black witches.

It is necessary to understand that black magic is not a priori “evil”, it has nothing to do with Satanism. Of course, you may have to appeal to the powers of demons and spirits, but definitely in the vast majority of rituals you will not be required to make sacrifices, torment black cats or drink blood. You yourself decided to learn the ancient spells of witches, which means you must be aware of the dangers of your choice.

Witchcraft should not be perceived as something fabulous and fantastic, a la Harry Potter - this is a real teaching. Based on the principle of influence, the directions of witchcraft can be divided into two types: active and passive.

  1. Summoning demons and spirits, treating or damaging a person is the activity of active witches.
  2. Passive followers of magic limit themselves to fortune telling, predictions, reading amulets, and creating amulets. Active witchcraft requires a lot of energy from the witch.

Real spells for beginning witches are not hard to find. Printing houses regularly publish new books about magic, and many websites on this topic have been created on the Internet. Everyone decides for themselves the question of the authenticity of such abundant information.

It's the 21st century. An age in which most supernatural phenomena were scientifically substantiated or disproved. However, the world is so diverse that it regularly supplies the human mind with new mysteries. In all ancient cultures and at all times, there have been women endowed with superhuman abilities. Their role in Everyday life was and remains one to know the answers to these riddles, to help people who do not know to cope with difficulties.

Witchcraft and its various varieties have been known since time immemorial to the ancient Egyptians and inhabitants of Mesopotamia, especially the Babylonians. Man's interest in everything mysterious has always been. People were attracted by the unknown forces of powerful nature.

Just imagine how much knowledge about the power of spirits has been accumulated over the years, centuries! It is difficult for the common man to call magic a science, but it is as old as the world, and has long surpassed any of the sciences. Magic allows you to know, if not everything, then a lot. It’s not even a matter of book knowledge about damage, diseases, etc., magic reveals the secret of that side of life where mathematics, biology or physics could not look. It is pointless to deny the interaction of the mind and soul, but understanding it is very important.

In ancient times it was easier to come to terms with magic; you could either know a lot or know nothing. A witch could be a priest, a healer, a healer, which means she had power over people. Then, with the development of culture, and therefore with the appearance of grains of knowledge among ordinary people, a division into right and left, good and bad was needed. So it was easier for a person to understand what was going on around him, so he naively believed that he knew about good and evil.

The original symbols and knowledge changed their meaning in the course of development; man replaced concepts in order to learn how to manage the world. He continues to do this to this day. For example, the Chinese symbol from antiquity is Yin-Yang. Modern man states: the meaning of a sign is the opposite, feminine and masculine, good and evil.

But the ancient Chinese had a different meaning:

  • Yin - shady mountainside
  • Yang is sunny.

And where is it good and where is it bad? There is only one mountain! Witches are perhaps those people who preserve the original meaning of existence and do not try to adapt or modernize it.

Now it is difficult to comprehend when and how magic began to be divided into white and black, and their servants into magicians and witches. Perhaps with the advent of a single patriarchal religion, service to higher powers, God, and therefore the function of the priest, the bearer of good, began to be tied to the masculine principle ( white magic), while worry about the material world (worriness about daily affairs) is associated with evil, the feminine principle. This is how it turns out that those who practice black magic, struggling with the adversities of life, are witches.

How to identify and recognize a real witch?

Continuing the topic of witches, I would like to pay attention to such an issue as recognizing a true witch. Very original way found by Serbian researchers of occult sciences. In one of the abandoned ancient monasteries, they found ancient writings with instructions for identifying witchcraft in the female population. Everything is simple and at the same time funny, but this method brings in good income at the Museum of Witchcraft.

So, the girl needs to weigh herself twice, the first time using the classical method, and the second time by riding a broom:

  1. If the weight was greater when re-weighed, this is quite normal and means that the girl is not a witch
  2. But if the weight remained the same, this is direct evidence that this is a witch.

Witches often attend church, feeding on the energy of holiness, and also as part of rituals. As a rule, those who come to the temple of God with the intention of performing a ritual are closed from the grace emanating from the icons.

How they behave in the temple:

  1. They cross their arms, legs or fingers.
  2. When praying, kneeling in front of the images, they can cross their legs from behind.
  3. You should also be wary if a parishioner crosses herself with her left hand and in the reverse order (stomach, left shoulder, right shoulder, forehead). This ritual is called okrest. Witches can be baptized and right hand, but then afterwards they make a sharp movement with their hand, as if throwing a cross to the floor. The best solution would be not to approach such people and not to take anything from them.
  4. While in church, the black witch tries not to turn her back to the altar and icons . This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings in the spine, and the grace that comes from the images burns the witch’s back extremely strongly. Even when leaving, she will cross herself, backing towards the exit and not turning around.

Why do witches come to churches?

It's simple: by performing rituals, they spend their vital energy. It takes a long time to replenish it naturally; it is much faster to feed from an ignorant parishioner. This is done quite simply. The witch, without attracting attention, will walk around you counterclockwise, then as if accidentally push you with her hand, and that’s all: all she can do is stand behind you and receive your energy.

If you feel and notice that someone is carrying out such manipulations, do not hesitate and hit that person with your left hand, this will return the effect of the damage back. There are a lot of people who experience all sorts of troubles from the induced one. Very often, people quickly die from the damage caused, and from an incurable disease. And many people at the master’s reception exclaim, why am I doing this, who did I cross the path of?

But there are witches who spoil people not for anything, but just for fun. From history we know that witches and sorcerers are those who made a deal with the devil himself and sold their soul to them in exchange for knowledge. Perhaps vanity from possessing sacred secrets pushes witches to create evil.

And yet, witches are not all evil. There are inquisitive researchers in this area called witches. It is worth remembering: the word “witch” comes from the word “to know.” Magic is like a mirror; whoever turns to it in search of answers to questions, he reveals his true intentions.

There is a lot in the world around us that cannot be explained from the point of view of traditional science. In particular, such phenomena include magic. One can argue for a long time about whether all this really exists or is simply a figment of a person’s imagination, but the fact remains that the inexplicable happens. Moreover, such phenomena can be controlled. Spells for beginners will help you with this.

When starting to use them, remember that any action triggers a chain of consequences, so think about whether it’s worth interfering with the current order of things. Spells for beginners are not a toy.

What is needed in order to master the art of magic?

What are real spells for beginners? How do they work? It is often written that to master magic, all you need is imagination and self-confidence. There is no need to make an effort at all, it’s magic and miracles. Like, this is the magic for beginners. Spells, however, will not work on their own. And imagination is only enough for simple fantasizing. It is impossible to influence reality with its help. The component that is often forgotten is practice and iron willpower, the willingness to go to the line, and if necessary, then cross it. But in any case, you need to start with something simple and not requiring huge energy costs.

These are exactly the spells for beginners. Let's look at some of them below.

Wiccan spells for peace and tranquility for beginners - it's simple and clear

This ritual belongs to the Wiccan tradition and is used by witches to bring peace to the family. To complete the action you will need:

  • candle;
  • rose petals;
  • incense;
  • basin with water.

Light a candle. Ideal if it is pink or white. Say: “There is calm all around.”

Then burn some incense, such as cinnamon or vanilla, and say, “Harmony is in the air.” Throw rose petals into the water with the words: “Peace on Earth.” Imagine how the planet is enveloped in the aroma of incense and soft pink light. Pour it all into water or onto the ground and end the ritual with the words: “So be it.” Spells for beginning witches in the Wiccan tradition are aimed specifically at learning to control both themselves and energy.

If you have just set out on the path of magic, it is better to use spells with a clear structure. They must contain a ritual part and lock words, for example: “so be it,” “commanded,” and the like. By doing this, you seal the ritual and increase the chance that the magic will work correctly. It is better to learn white magic spells for beginners first.

As a training exercise, you can try the following conspiracy, which is aimed at winning a person’s favor. This is not a love spell or a dry spell. By the way, if you have a negative attitude towards Slavic paganism, it is better not to use this spell at all, since the effect will be the opposite.

“As Yarilo loves all living things, as a mother pities her child, so I would not be hateful, but kind (full name of the person of interest). Let it be so". Say the spell 3 times, clearly keeping the image in your head the right person. The conspiracy helps in communicating with quarrelsome people, with bosses or teachers.

Magic for girls, and not only

The “Spells for Beginners” section also includes “Relieving Melancholy.” It is ideal for girls, because it allows you to stop worrying about unhappy love and also has both verbal and ritual parts. You will need:

  • a river or just a tap with running water;
  • glass of boiled water.

Light a candle and say the following words either to the water flowing from the tap or to the river: “As water flows without grieving for its banks, so I (name) would not grieve, I would not grieve for (name) - now and ever and ever. Amen". Next, say the text onto a glass of water and drink it. No matter how difficult it may be, this spell will help you stabilize your psychophysiological state. A ritual can only misfire if this person is your destiny, if you are connected with him, which will have to be untangled in this incarnation. By the way, men can also use this spell.


What other white magic spells are there for beginners? Of course, healing spells. They are best used only in extreme cases, since healing comes at the expense of your personal power. This means that the outflow of strength will continue until the person becomes healthy. In turn, this is dangerous due to overwork and depletion of personal reserve. The body's defenses are weakened, and there is a high chance that you will take on the patient's illness. Relatively harmless healing spells include a spell to stop bleeding. It has practically no ritual part. If a person cuts himself, imagine that you have a needle made of light in your hand and begin to sew up the wound with it, imagining how the blood stops. To enhance the effect, say or whisper: “Blood is not like water, so stop pouring.” All spells for beginners have a similar structure. Words are most often spoken in a half-whisper and in rhyme.

What should you not do?

Beginners are not recommended to experiment with so-called black magic, when forces from the Lower World are called upon to carry out their plans. These are not always devils, etc., but nevertheless, such experiments will not bring anything good. In addition, there is a great danger of not coping with what you call, and of becoming dependent on dark forces.

Protect yourself!

Be that as it may, protection spells for beginners should be known in any case and used whenever possible. In order not to remember complex texts for a long time, in a crisis situation it is enough to say through clenched teeth: “Behind me is a river of fire, ahead of me is an easy road. There is an iron tyn around me. Teeth, tongue, lock."

Or you can use another protective spell. It is more complicated, but also more effective. At midnight say: “I will go out, crossing myself, and blessing myself over the threshold, from door to door from I will go to Alatyr the stone. A grandfather sits on that stone, wearing a hundred iron shirts. Give me, grandfather, your shirt for protection, amulets from demons and demonesses, sorcerers and sorceresses, from the dashing, the crooked, the askew. Let it be so. Amen". Now you can go to bed with peace of mind.

Black magic

If you still feel a craving for darkness or you have strong sorcerers in your family, you can take a risk and try a simple ritual in order to take revenge on the offender. Despite its ease, it is very effective, since it is based precisely on the concentration of the will on one single goal. The very essence of the ritual is fasting. Every time you want to eat something, refuse the treat in favor of water, bread or an apple. You need to fast in this way for 2 weeks, starting from the new moon. The end of the fast should coincide with the 16th lunar day - the astronomical full moon. That night, draw a circle around you, once again refuse food and, leaving the circle and taking a sip of water, say “Damn you, (full name) of the offender.”