All about car tuning

Writing negative and indefinite pronouns. Lesson "spelling indefinite pronouns". Use of ь in verb forms

Generalization of what has been studied on the topic “Spelling of indefinite and negative pronouns.” The purpose of the lesson:

  • the formation of spelling skills associated with the type of spelling being studied (conditions for choosing hyphenated spelling and spelling NOT- and NI-);
  • determining the syntactic role of pronouns in a sentence.
Spelling warm-up
  • Insert missing letters and add punctuation marks.
  • Select the studied spellings.
Pie_k is just sweet
  • Pie_k is just sweet
  • Yes, I took a bite.
  • “A month a month my friend
  • P_z_lochenny horn!
  • You stand in deep darkness..."
  • St_rus_nka caught the bread;
  • “I thank you,” said the hall, “
  • God bless you..."
  • Instantly then my cock
  • The heat will rise...
Pronouns indicate objects, characteristics, quantity, but do not name them. Pronoun classes:- personal (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they); - returnable (myself);- interrogative (who, what, which, which, which, whose, how many - serve to express a question); - relative (who, what, which, which, which, whose, how many- used in complex sentences to connect their parts); - uncertain (someone, something, some, several, some, some and etc.); - negative (nobody, nothing, no, no one’s, not how much, no one, no one and etc.); - possessive (my, yours, ours, yours, yours and etc.); - index fingers (this, that, such, such, so much);- definitive (himself, most, all, everyone, each, other, any, other).To Not accent, and NI - in an unstressed position. For example: NOBODY - NOBODY, NOTHING - NOTHING If NOT and NI are separated from the pronoun by a preposition, then they must be written separately, for example: NO ONE, ABOUT ANYTHING. swam somewhere
  • swam somewhere
  • sailed from somewhere
  • someone was swimming
  • some seagulls
  • shouted about something
  • some kind of dolphin
  • some people
  • someone thought
  • someone will meet
  • is anyone waiting
Spelling of indefinite and negative pronouns. To Not make mistakes when writing pronouns of these categories, you must remember two rules: - pronouns with the suffixes -TO, -OR, - ANYBODY and the prefix SOME- are written with a hyphen. For example: SOMEONE, SOMETHING, SOMEWHERE, SOMETHING. If the prefix KOE- is separated from the pronoun by a preposition, then it is written separately, for example, KOME AT WHOM; -in negative and indefinite pronouns the prefix is ​​NOT written under accent, and NI - in an unstressed position. For example: NOBODY - NOBODY, NOTHING - NOTHING If NOT and NI are separated from the pronoun by a preposition, then they must be written separately, for example: NO ONE, ABOUT ANYTHING. Independent work.
  • I took part in some kind of expedition, someone drew fancy patterns, created some amazing things, I’m glad to hear some sounds, some rhymes are made, some (some) c) with whom (t, t)sya, think about something, think about something pleasant, n (e, i) who came close to him, (n_) with whom do not quarrel, (n_)(k)whom should I pass.
  • Participated in which -That expeditions who -That ra h drew fancy patterns, created not that ud And correlative, relative h I give tsya which -That sounds, r A knock some what p A sthenia, some with whom pov And Yes there is, about what someday pom e read, p O what to think about -or pleasant, not who's coming e l To damn him h co, neither with whom do not quarrel, not who should I contact? And ride.
Write out all pronouns from the text
  • Suddenly something splashed in the middle of a quiet creek, and I saw the head of an otter swimming towards the shore. She was heading with a live fish in her mouth towards the dense bushes that covered the shore. I sat and did not move. Suddenly she disappeared under the bushes. I had never seen anything like this before.
Something, I, which, she, which, I, she, me, anything Conclusions
  • In this lesson you learned that:
  • pronouns with the suffixes –TO, -OR, -ANIBUD and the prefix SOME- are written with a hyphen;
  • in negative and indefinite pronouns the prefix NOT- is written under stress, and NI- is written in an unstressed position;
  • if the prefixes NOT-, NI-, KOE- are separated from the pronoun by a preposition, then they must be written separately;
  • pronouns can be different parts of a sentence.
  • Write a mini-essay on the topic “Spring has come!”, using indefinite and negative pronouns.
Verification work. Open the brackets, insert letters, place commas, underline pronouns.
  • Everything fell silent. In the menacing darkness
  • A strange voice rang out twice
  • And someone in the smoky depths
  • Soared up blacker than the foggy darkness.
  • Everything is quiet, no one is here;
  • (N_) who doesn’t look at the girl.
  • To play with something out of boredom,
  • He took the steel spear in his hands.
  • And lonely leisure time
  • I haven’t shared (n_) with anyone yet.

In the spelling of pronouns There are several types of rules:

1) the use of not and neither in indefinite and negative pronouns;
2) continuous and separate spelling not and nor with pronouns;
3) continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of pronouns.

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of pronominal adverbs was
partially disassembled.

Let's look at each rule in more detail.

1. The use of not and neither in indefinite and negative pronouns:
The use of NOT and NI in pronouns.

A) in indefinite and negative pronouns (including pronominal
adverbs) under stress is written not, without stress - neither.

Let's give an example: none, nowhere, some, not at all, nothing, no one,
someone, several, nowhere, no need, no one.

B) in phrases, no one else (other) than; nothing else (other) than
the particle is written not, and it is written separately if the phrases include
particle like; without a particle as a pronoun no one, nothing in these
in phrases – no one else (other); nothing else (other) – written according to
general rules: without stress and without preposition - neither together.

Here's an example:
In the distance was none other than my former classmate. - No one else
could not commit; It was nothing more than simple ice cream. - Nothing
he did not do anything else.

Integrated and separate spelling of not and neither with pronouns:

A) in indefinite and negative numeral pronouns,
adjective pronouns, noun pronouns and neither
are written:
together, if there is no preposition between not and neither and the root;
Let's give an example: no one, no one, someone, several, something, none.
separately, if there is a preposition between not and neither and the root;
Let's give an example: no one, no one, no one, no need, no need.

B) in indefinite and negative pronominal adverbs not and not always
are written together, since these are immutable forms and cannot have
excuses for yourself;
Let's give an example: there is nowhere to wait for income, nowhere to live, no need to leave.

C) pay attention to the spelling of words:
for nothing, for nothing, in no way - not at all, not in any way, not in anything
it happened.

D) with other pronouns (including pronominal adverbs) when
in negation, the particle not is used, which is written with pronouns
Let's give an example: not everyone, not myself, not me, not you, not everyone, not here, not

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of pronouns:

A) pronouns-adjectives, pronouns-nouns and pronouns
-numerals with prepositions are written separately.
Let's give an example: behind that tree, along this lake, along that shore, on
how many euros are cheaper?

IN in this case the pronoun can be removed from the phrase, and the preposition
leave or replace the pronoun with a noun, adjective,
Let's give an example: around the corner, by the lake, by the sea, seven cents cheaper.

B) pronominal adverbs formed by merging a preposition and a case
forms of pronoun-noun, pronoun-adjective,
Numeral pronouns are written together.
Let's give an example: therefore, therefore, then, because how much.

In this case, the pronoun is a noun or the pronoun is an adjective
cannot be removed from a sentence or phrase, but the preposition cannot be left;

Let's give an example: She will solve everything without errors, so don't worry;
He wasn't there because he was in love; He sat down, then lay down.

C) combinations are always written separately:
behind this, for what, to what, to that, from this, at the same time, at all costs;

D) it is necessary to distinguish between the combination of the conjunction and with a pronominal adverb so (in this case the conjunction and can be removed from the sentence) and the introductory word so with the meaning of the conclusion, the final thought (and cannot be removed from the sentence; the introductory word can be replaced with another introductory words, for example: in this way).

Let's give an example: My father scolded me for inaction every day, and this lasted for a year (this lasted for a year).
- Firstly, he is very young, and secondly, he is not healthy.
So, one should not count on his help (Thus, one should not count on his help);

D) pronouns with the prefix some and postfixes -to, -or, -ni are written with a hyphen.

Somebody, somewhere, someone, somewhere, somehow.

    NOT - under stress

there's nobody there's nothing there's nowhere there's no need

    NI - no accent

someone nothing anywhere no one anything

    together in the absence of a pretext

nobody nobody nothing nothing

    separately if there is a preposition

not with anyone anyone about anything for nothing

Conjugation of verbs

The conjugation of verbs is determined by the indefinite form.

Present tense verb conjugation

Features of the conjugation of some verbs:

    From the verb to win 1st person singular. no numbers are formed.

    1st and 2nd person units. and many more hours present vr. is not used from the verb to be.

    Variably conjugated verbs want, run, dream:

wants, wants - according to I reference ..; want, want, want - according to Ref. II; you run, run, run, run - according to Ref. II; run - along the I reference; glimmers - according to I reference; brezhut - II req.

Use of ь in verb forms

The letter b is written:

    in an indefinite form:

wash - wash take care - take care

    at the end of the 2nd person unit. h.:

make you happy - make you happy

    in the imperative mood after consonants:

weigh - weigh

    in a reflexive particle (suffix) located after a vowel:

learn come back disappeared

Vowels in unstressed suffixes of verbs -ova- (-eva-), -ыва- (-iva-)

Participle as a special form of verb

Which? which? which? which?

Declension of participles

Active and passive participles

    active participles denote the attribute of the object that itself produces the action:

The sun heating the earth.

    Passive participles denote the attribute of an object that experiences the action of another object:

Earth heated by the sun.

Active present participles

Active past participles

Passive present participles

Exception: movable (from the old verb move)

Passive past participles

Ann- ->


Yann- ->


Enn- ->



Enn- ->


Enn- ->



Book, written by a famous writer, out of print. Written by a famous writer the book is out of print.

NOT with participles


    Without NOT not used:

hated indignant

    With full participles without dependent words and opposition:

unread book

    With the words absolutely, very, extremely, extremely, completely (= very):

a completely ill-conceived decision

    With short participles:

work not finished

    With full participles in the presence of dependent words or opposition:

a book I haven't read, not read, but just a book I've looked at

    With intensifying negation places., adv.:

an unjustified act

Summary of an open lesson on the Russian language in 6th grade.

Spelling of indefinite pronouns.

Teacher: Frolova O.N.

Class – 6th (general education).

Type of lesson - generalization and consolidation of what has been learned.

The topic is linguistic - spelling of pronouns. .

The topic is communicative - proverbs of the Russian people.

The topic of speech development is a narrative essay.

The lesson technology is complex (block presentation of new material and element-by-element practice of skills during consolidation); self-control of task completion; working with a dictionary and reference diagrams.

Technologies used: practical lesson (refers to university technologies), student-oriented lesson, subject-oriented (multi-level tasks), gaming technologies, computer technologies.

Teaching aids – textbook; didactic material, test tasks, dictionary, diagrams, computer presentation.

Lesson objectives.

1. Cognitive:

repeat the basic previously studied information about the pronoun (its morphological features, syntactic role in the sentence, spelling patterns associated with the spelling of pronouns).

2. Practical:

consolidate the ability to determine pronouns by morphological characteristics, ability to highlight spellings and apply necessary rule for spelling.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. Explanation of the topic of the lesson.

Why do you think the theme sounds this way?

What do you think will be discussed in today's lesson?

What tasks do you set for yourself?

Where can the knowledge gained in today's lesson be useful to us?

2. Repetition of learned information about pronouns.

1.Tell about the pronoun according to plan.

1. Pronoun as a part of speech.

2. Name the categories of pronouns by meaning.

3. How pronouns change.

4. Syntactic role in the sentence.

2. Find the correct definition of the pronoun.

A pronoun is a part of speech that:

A) denotes an object, attribute, quantity;

B) points to an object, but does not name it;

C) indicates an object, attribute and quantity, but does not name them;

D) denotes belonging to someone or something.

3. In these proverbs, indicate all the pronouns you know.

Bad friend like a shadow: only on bright days his and you see. (Personal)

How good is he whom smart head and kind heart. (Relative)

Who He's tough in character, he's no one's friend. (Relative)

A liar is always an unfaithful friend, he will lie you around. (Personal)

Hold on to mother earth - she one won't give it away. (Personal)

Sorry friend, but not like myself. (Returnable)

4. Indicate the error in the definition of case.

1. by yourself - instrumental case

2. to yourself - dative case

3. about yourself - accusative case

4. with oneself - instrumental case.

5. Which example does not contain a grammatical error?

1. their books

2. sat down opposite him

4. for some participants

6. Choose the correct answer.

3. Repetition and consolidation of what has been learned about indefinite pronouns.

1. - Name the categories of pronouns in the last task. (Personal, indefinite)

Why are indefinite pronouns called that? How do you understand the meaning of the word “uncertain”? (Indicate an uncertain sign. According to S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary: “1. Not precisely established. 2. Not quite distinct, inaccurate, unclear.”)

2. Write out indefinite pronouns from the proposed text.

Someone's voices are heard outside the window, making it difficult to concentrate. Vitka has already repeated to himself several times the pronouns that someone called indefinite: someone, some, in something. He thinks about it. His dreams are unclear, indefinite. “If only someone, with someone, would come for someone,” he thinks in his head.

But no one comes for him, and Vitka crams further.

Do you know all the words in the text?

What does the word "cramming" mean? (Cramming is pointless memorizing.)

Why does Vitka cram and not teach indefinite pronouns? Who is stopping him from concentrating? (He really wants to go out with friends, and not learn words, not perform homework, that’s why he doesn’t learn anything)

Has this ever happened to you?

Let's check the written words. (Someone's, several, someone, someone, someone, in something, someone, with someone, after someone)

What can you tell us about the spelling of the written indefinite pronouns? (In indefinite pronouns there is someone, something, some, several, etc. The prefix NOT- is always under stress and is written together.

The prefix something, the suffixes -or, -that, -are written with a hyphen.

Pronouns with a preposition are written in three words.)

Reminder for hyphens in pronouns


Don't forget about the hyphen!

(Something, anything, someday, someday...)

3. Copy by opening the parentheses. (if time does not allow, then the task is completed on the same sheets of paper)

Talk to someone, approach someone, someone's subject, meet someone, call someone, see someone, notice something, do something ), move away from someone, take a closer look at something.

Key to the task. Talk to someone, approach someone, someone's object, meet someone, call someone, see someone, notice something, do something, move away from someone, look at something something.

5. Game "Editor". Find and fix errors. Write it down with the word to which the pronoun refers.

Three black dogs were sitting on something,
Three black dogs were looking somewhere,
Three black dogs saw something
Three black dogs jumped up from something,
Three black dogs crept up on something,
Three black dogs were chasing something,
But someone wasn’t the least bit confused,
He swung something and climbed onto something.
(A. Khurgin)

Key to the task: they were sitting on something, looking somewhere, saw something, jumped up from something, crept up to something, chased something, someone swerved something, onto something... then climbed up.

6. Vocabulary dictation.

Someone, someone, something, somehow, with something, some, someone, to someone, something, before someone, some, some, several , from someone.

Make up 1–2 sentences with any pronoun on the topic “Friendship. Friends".

4. Test work.

A1. Which pronoun is indefinite?

  1. some

A2. In what case is the case determined incorrectly?

1. with someone - instrumental case

2. about someone - prepositional case

3. to someone - dative case

4. some - prepositional case

A3. In what case is a pronoun written together?



  1. anything

A4. When is a pronoun written with a hyphen?

    with someone


  1. anyone

A5. In what case is a pronoun written separately?

  1. anything



IN 1. Write down the indefinite pronouns.

(1) Suddenly something splashed in the middle of a quiet creek, and I saw the head of an otter swimming towards the shore. (2) She headed with a live fish in her mouth towards the dense bushes that covered the shore. (3) I sat and did not move, saw her disappear under the bushes. (4) I have never seen anything like this before.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

AT 2. Indicate in the proposed text sentences that contain relative pronouns.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________

AT 3. Write out personal pronouns from the text.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________

C1. Write how you understand the meaning of the proverb.

Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth to your face.

Key to test work.

IN 1. something, anything

AT 2. 1.2

AT 3. me, she, me, she, me

5. Assignment for working at home.

Complete exercise 405 of the textbook (story based on a picture).

6. Summing up the lesson.

Did you like the lesson?

Are you satisfied with your results?

Will the spelling patterns we learned today be useful to us in subsequent lessons? In which cases.

7. A minute for a joke.

1. Which pronoun can be written with one letter? (I)

2. Which two pronouns interfere with motor vehicles? (I-we)

3. Which pronouns are the purest? (You - we - you)

4. Which island in the Caribbean claims to be clothing? (I am a T-shirt)

5. In sports, what pronoun can satisfy opponents but disappoint fans? (Draw)


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