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Men's opinions about girls without makeup. Supermodels without makeup: what the most beautiful women on the planet really look like Pretty girls without makeup

How beautiful do girls look without makeup? I think that few girls can afford to go out in public completely without makeup. To do this, you need to have flawless skin, beautiful facial features and the absence of bruises and bags under the eyes. Probably few of us can boast of a complete absence of flaws in our appearance. Maybe I'm wrong, but I personally haven't met anyone like that. Even many stars without makeup are completely impossible to recognize and they do not shine with beauty in their natural form. But makeup works wonders. How do you feel about no makeup at all?


I agree that in order to allow yourself to appear in public without makeup, you need to have good skin and expressive facial features. Last years Naturalness is in fashion, but this does not mean the absence of makeup. Naturalness is an invisible makeup that removes all imperfections in appearance and emphasizes the natural beauty of a woman. And girls without makeup most often look tired and unkempt.

If you don’t have time to create full-fledged makeup, then it’s worth spending a few minutes to even out your complexion and disguise skin imperfections using a corrector and foundation. Then you need to highlight your cheekbones with blush and emphasize your eyebrows a little if they are not very expressive. Another touch is to highlight the look with mascara and apply lip gloss.

Creating such an image will not take much time, and the face will be perceived completely differently.


I don’t think it’s unacceptable to appear in public without makeup, there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes women and girls put on such makeup that it would be better without it at all. A clean, moisturized face and washed hair have never spoiled anyone.
It’s indecent to come without makeup to a reception, celebration, theater or other festive events, and so manically, you can’t even take out the trash if you’re not wearing makeup, I’ve never understood that.

Natural beauty will never go out of style! And maintaining it is hard work, lifelong! I love my face without makeup, I love the feeling when I feel that my skin is “breathing”, but at the same time, I will never leave the house “in public” without a light tone and mascara on my eyes. Simply because, according to etiquette standards, this is considered unacceptable. Of course, I'm not talking about going to the pool or relaxing at the seaside, where having makeup on your face looks simply ridiculous, I mean the usual weekdays and weekends - at work, at a party, in the company of friends. I believe that everyone has the right to decide whether to wear makeup or not, the main thing is to always remain yourself and feel confident! I feel comfortable both with and without makeup, and it’s not for me to judge which is better.


I have a positive attitude towards the complete absence of makeup. Only you are right that for this you need to have simply ideal facial features without any flaws. Otherwise you can look very ugly). For example, I very rarely go out completely without makeup. At the same time, it’s not difficult for me to powder myself before going out or tint my eyelashes a little with brown mascara, and also apply a transparent balm on my lips.


I really envy girls who look nice and good even in the morning without makeup. I couldn’t even believe that such people existed. I always have either a pillow on my cheek, or my eyelids are swollen, or a pimple has popped up somewhere... In general, such people exist and they are truly beautiful with natural beauty. The funny thing is that some people put a lot of effort into their appearance, but the results are minimal, while others do nothing and look their best without even touching powder or foundation. This is what is given by nature, but with constant care, care, proper nutrition and exercise you can achieve stunning results.

Every representative of the fair sex strives to look good even without makeup. But not everyone is ready to publicly demonstrate their natural beauty. The latest fashion trend is forcing more and more famous ladies to post their photos online, untouched by Photoshop. This allows netizens to see the most beautiful girls the world without makeup in the photo in the public domain.

Miranda Kerr

Top celebrities without makeup on their faces

The top 20 photos without makeup include the most beautiful girls in the world. Thanks to various votes, it turned out that the first lines of the rating were shared by Monica Bellucci, Jennifer Lopez, Natalya Poklonskaya, Catherine Zetta-Jones, Alina Kabaeva.

These beauties belong to different fields of activity and are unlike each other. They have one thing in common: confidence in their natural beauty and the desire to demonstrate it.

Jennifer Lopez

I would like to talk about some participants of this main stream separately. Monica Bellucci has long been firmly entrenched in the hearts of men. Her vibrant Italian beauty gives her the appearance of an uninhibited and sexy person. Large facial features do not require special cosmetics and remain bright in any situation. Most often, the southern beauty emphasizes the graceful line of the lips and eye contour.

Monica Bellucci

Many girls represented Russia among the most beautiful girls in the world without makeup in the photo. Among them is the prosecutor of Crimea - Natalya Poklonskaya. Despite the fact that a public political person always needs to look bright and noticeable, the girl prefers modest makeup. She is endowed by nature with features typical of the Slavs. Light eyes and the graceful line of the lips do not tolerate vulgar colors. Wheat-colored hair makes an already attractive look more vibrant. In Japan, they even created a hero for the anime, whose features were copied from the prosecutor of Crimea.

Natalia Poklonskaya

Among those who are not shy about naturalness is world model Tyra Banks. Her photo spread all over the Earth. The girl herself writes in the comments that when she saw her photo, she wanted to use a filter to correct the circles around her eyes. But then she changed her mind and showed everyone the “real me.”

Tyra Banks

Another famous model with Russian roots also often appears in gossip columns without an ounce of makeup on her face. Irina Shayk calmly leaves the house to workout or meet with friends, without first using decorative products. Such photographs delight the ubiquitous paparazzi, but the girl is not at all shy. Natural beauty and bright appearance allow her to be at her best in any situation.

Irina Shayk

Admirers of model Natalia Vodianova are already accustomed to photographs of her in her natural form. The woman often posts in social networks her images of her working with children or doing household chores.

Natalia Vodianova

At the same time, the model’s face is completely clean. This approach makes the image of a mother with many children even more attractive.

Natalia Vodianova

The magnificent Cindy Crawford can safely appear in photos without. Her lifestyle and habits allowed her to maintain youthful skin and a slim body. At 49 years old, the model looks great without makeup, which she happily demonstrates in numerous family photographs.

Cindy Crawford

Among the most beautiful girls in the world photographed without makeup is Katheryn Winnick. This Canadian actress with Ukrainian roots deserves to join the list of natural beauties.

Katheryn Winnick

One of the “Victoria’s secret” angels, Davtzen Kroes, was also caught by the paparazzi without. Some fans thought that the girl looked dull without makeup. Others found her naturalness very sweet and attractive. Analyzing such photographs, it is worth remembering that the young woman was not on the red carpet of the film festival at that moment.

Davtzen Kroes

The top photos of the most beautiful girls in the world without makeup also included the exotic beauty Alessandra Ambrosio, Candice Swanepoel, Karolina Kurkova, Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

The young champion of the Sochi Olympics, Yulia Lipnitskaya, also prefers a minimum of cosmetics. The young figure skater looks great without an ounce of paint. This is largely thanks to healthy image life, which was instilled in the girl in childhood. She often goes on vegetable and fruit diets, which allows her to replenish the reserves of microelements in her body.

This approach ensures beautiful skin and a slim, flexible body, which is very important in a girl’s profession.

Yulia Lipnitskaya

Young women are characterized by freshness and beauty. As you age, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain a decent appearance of your skin and figure. All the more interesting are the images of Elle Macpherson, who has long since crossed the fifty-year mark. The former model has become famous for her perfect body, but the woman's face is also admired.

Elle Macpherson

Secrets of natural beauty

Each of the above-mentioned famous beauties has its own secrets of maintaining youth and freshness. Most of them are happy to share them with their fans.

Irina Shayk in the gym

The most popular advice from the stars is proper nutrition. Girls do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, and do not eat fatty or sweet foods. Some even gave up meat products. Another way to maintain beauty is to play sports. Some of the most popular types include yoga, Pilates, cardio and strength training with weights.

Jennifer Lopez jogging

But the most important secret is self-confidence and independence from public opinion. The heroines of the collection are not afraid of natural changes that occur in the body over time. They know that they are beautiful without makeup and are happy to show it off.

1. Do your eyebrows

Eyebrows of the correct shape, suitable for your face shape and eye shape, painted in a salon with permanent paint, will transform your face and will not require pencil or mascara. Just comb them with a brush and you're done!

2. Choose clothes of the right shade

If you choose the color of your clothes wisely, you can easily make your face look fresher, your skin tone healthier, and general form- rested. The rules are simple: if you are a fair-skinned blonde, choose warm pastel shades. If you're in Lately you’re tired, you don’t get enough sleep and your face looks painfully pale, while your hair color is from light brown to dark brown, choose cool shades of pink, yellow or red, shading them with contrasting white. If you are dark brown-haired, pay attention to warm shades of gray, sea blue, wine and emerald green. And if your type is light skin and dark hair, then your safe bet is any combination of black and white.

3. Watch your hair

15. Wash your face properly

Washing according to the Lazlo system will rid your skin of acne and comedones, return it to a healthy color, blush, and delay the need to visit a cosmetologist for a long time!

In most cases, women look more attractive and vibrant when their hair is styled and makeup is applied to their face. If your boyfriend tells you that you are more beautiful without makeup, and generally likes you better when you look natural, he is either lying or you are doing your makeup incorrectly. As you know, proper makeup can help us look better. To contradict this is the same as saying that a new coat of paint on a house will not freshen up its appearance: this is only true if one is using the wrong colors or technique. But that’s not about that now.

Undoubtedly, cosmetics provide us women with significant benefits. But sometimes it is important to understand and navigate when and where using makeup is appropriate, and where it is better to go nude (that is, without makeup).

Below we have collected the opinions of men about what they think about makeup and the lack of it on women. We hope these observations will help you make difficult decisions about whether or not to wear makeup, where it's appropriate and where it's inappropriate.

The first impression has never been canceled

We are all subject to him. And men first. The initial experience leaves a more vivid impression in the mind than all subsequent encounters. This is a simple rule by which the human brain works. So when you go on a blind date or in a social setting where there may be potential partners, make sure you put on your best makeup. At subsequent meetings, he will remember him.

In the end, he will still see you without makeup

Ultimately, this moment will come. So don't try too hard to avoid it at all costs, especially if you've already had a couple of dates go well. But there are also young ladies who are ready to cancel a date just because they don’t have time to perfectly style their hair and do full makeup. Remember that sometimes elegance can be unnecessary and inappropriate. For an ordinary walk or a get-together in a cafe, you shouldn’t be over-equipped. Spend your time in a way that makes you look attractive without being over-the-top. Still, it is better to underdo something than to overdo it. Just beware of this. And in general, you will still have to appear to him without makeup at some point.

A man always wants to see you okay

There is a misconception among some women that as a relationship develops, a man gets used to his partner’s appearance without makeup, or even, on the contrary, he becomes more turned on by her natural appearance. None of them are true. Everything is radically the opposite, at least in both versions the opposite is true. Even when a man gets used to your appearance, his sexual tastes become more picky.

This gives rise to the desire to test other women (although in healthy relationships this is resisted emotional communication, spending time together and other important investments). In any case, a man always wants to see you looking your best. He gets frustrated when you make less effort to take care of yourself. That is, there is no point in women “relaxing and neglecting themselves” while they are sexually active with their man. If this seems unfair to you, remember the relationship between confidence and beauty: when you stop being beautiful to him, he stops being strong and confident to you.

Men hate women whose lives are dictated by their appearance

The negative side of always being “on parade” is that women do not want to engage in active activities that do not require wearing makeup (hiking, swimming, surfing, etc.). This just infuriates men. In such cases, they do not understand the weight of the arguments in favor of makeup. So, don’t be a muslin young lady all the time (remember rule No. 2).

Men love women who are comfortable in their own skin.

Confidence is a character trait that seems incredibly attractive to both sexes. And even if women value this quality more than men, you should still exude confidence. Confidence is rooted in a healthy self-perception and affirmation of one's self-worth, which are all diligent and successful people have. When a woman feels comfortable in her body, it is much more important and attractive than what makeup she is wearing.

He loves it when you look your best during sex.

Remember that men are primarily aroused by visual images. There is also information that men get incredibly excited when a woman exposes herself. Remember also that a man wants to sleep with the hottest woman, and not with the most beautiful (very often here lies the answer to the question “What did he see in her?”). Again, don't forget the connection between beauty and confidence. For example, how would you feel if your usually confident man turned into a weak mattress? Elementarily, you would lose sexual attraction to him.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't have sex without your hair and makeup on. Natural sex is better than no sex at all. It's another matter when you have time to prettify yourself, but you are constantly too lazy to do it. Then blame yourself and don’t get angry when your man notices beauties on the street!

There's something intimate about watching a girl without makeup

One guy admitted to us that when he saw his ex-girlfriends without hair and makeup, he had two thoughts: a) she is less attractive, and b) it’s very nice that I got the opportunity to see her like this. “It’s a kind of expression of intimacy, and her confidence that she can be herself in my presence is certainly captivating.” Just don't use these words as an excuse to ignore point 3, but let it help you if you're struggling with point 5.

He doesn't expect you to be as hot without her as you are with him

Men understand that you cannot be as beautiful without makeup and hairstyle as you can with them. Usually, adequate men take this into account when assessing your attractiveness. Yes, there are some women who benefit more from makeup than others. Sometimes it still comes as a shock to a man when he sees how much less attractive a girl looks without him. You may not fall into this category if you try to highlight your natural beauty when applying makeup.