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Pronouns in English. English Pronouns. Pronouns in English English pronouns and their use

The pronoun is used instead of a noun to avoid repetition in speech. If you've just started learning English, you might be intimidated by the large number of pronouns. However, they are all divided into groups, each of which has its own functions. Check them out and you will never get confused in all the variety of English pronouns.

Types of pronouns in English

Let's take a closer look at the types of pronouns. Pronouns in English language are divided into the following groups:

In this article we will talk about the first four types of pronouns, because you cannot do without them even at the elementary level. If you are interested detailed description each type, then you can always read our articles.

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns ( Personal Pronouns) stand in place of the subject (the one who performs the action) in the sentence. Pronoun I(i) is always written with a capital letter. Pronoun you refers to the singular (you) and the plural (you). Let's look at the table:

Singular Plural
I- I We- We
You- You You- You
He- He
She- she
It- it
They- They

I speak English well. – I I speak excellent English.

He is a student. – He student.

They are clever. – They smart.

Pronouns he And she used in relation to animate persons (people); it– in relation to inanimate objects, abstract concepts and animals.

This group of English pronouns varies by case. If a pronoun is used as a subject (that is, it comes first in a sentence), then it is used in the nominative case. If a pronoun is used as an object (it comes after the verb), then it is used in the objective case. In English, the objective case corresponds to all cases of the Russian language, except the nominative. For example, “I” is the nominative case, and “me”, “me”, “about me” is the objective case. Please note that the form of the pronoun you coincides in the nominative and objective cases.

Singular Plural
Me- me, me Us- us
You- you You- to you
Him- to him
Her- to her
It– to him (for an inanimate object)
Them- them

Listen to me! - Listen me!

I don't believe him. - I to him I do not believe.

They know you. - They know you.

I suggest watching the teacher's video Rebecca, where she talks about the differences in these two forms of pronouns.

Possessive pronouns

If someone owns something, they use possessive pronouns ( Possessive Pronouns). They serve as a definition of a noun and always come before it. In this case, the article is not used before the noun.

Singular Plural
My- my Our- our
Your- is yours Your– yours
His- his
Her- her
It's– him (for an inanimate object)
Their- their

My book is on the shelf. – My book on the shelf.

His pen is blue. – His blue pen.

Their cars are fast. – Their the cars are fast.

Teacher Ronnie says English learners often get confused I And my, so I suggest watching the following video to understand the difference between these two forms.

Reflexive pronouns

Reflexive pronouns in English ( Reflexive Pronouns) are used when a person or thing performs an action directed at itself. In Russian, they correspond to the pronouns “sam” and “yourself” or the particle - Xia at verbs. For example, “hurt someone” is a direct action aimed at someone, while “hurt Xia" – reflexive. And here are the forms of reflexive pronouns:

Personal pronoun Reflexive pronoun
I Myself
You Yourself
He Himself
She Herself
We Ourselves
You Yourselves
They Themselves

He cut himself. - He cut Xia.

I did it myself. - I myself did it.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself. - I hope you didn't hurt Xia.

And here another video from the teacher will come to our aid. Rebecca. It will help you figure out when to use these pronouns in English.

Demonstrative pronouns

From the name itself “demonstrative pronouns” ( Demonstrative Pronouns) it is clear that they will point to some object or face. Imagine that you are pointing your finger at someone or something, although they say it’s ugly to do that :-)

When one object is near us, they say this(this), and if the object is far away - that(That). For plural there are also two forms: objects close - these(these), objects are far away - those(those).

I think the picture will show how we should use these pronouns in English.

Although this is fairly simple material, I still suggest you watch a video from a native English teacher who will tell you about this phenomenon from his point of view.

Pronouns in English help avoid repetition, so their use in speech plays an important role. Do you want to check how well you have understood the material in our article? Then be sure to take our test!


Pronouns in English

Here you can take a lesson on the topic: Pronouns in English. English Pronouns.

A pronoun is a part of speech that replaces a noun, adjective, adverb and some other words in sentences. In English, as well as in Russian, there are several types of pronouns. It is this part of speech and its varieties that we will consider in this lesson.

There are 8 main types of pronouns in English and they all have different properties. So, for example, in the sentence "He is a student", the personal pronoun he replaces someone's name, and is the subject, and in the sentence " Can you give me that book, please?", the demonstrative pronoun that acts as an object in the sentence.

In English there are the following: types of pronouns:

Personal pronouns - I, you, he, she, him, them, me, it, etc.
Possessive pronouns - my, his, her, mine, its, ours, etc.
Demonstrative pronouns ( Demonstrative pronouns) - this, that, these, those.
Reflexive pronouns (reflexive pronouns) - myself, yourself, himself, themselves, etc.
Relative pronouns - who, which, where, that, etc.
Reciprocal pronouns - one another, each other.
Indefinite pronouns - somebody, anything, nothing, etc.
Interrogative pronouns (interrogative pronouns) - who, whom, why, when, etc.

I. The most important and frequently used pronouns are rightfully personal. These pronouns can take many forms and serve several functions in sentences. Personal pronouns, in turn, are divided into subjective and objective. Subjective pronouns answer the question who? or what?, and object pronouns - to the questions of whom? what? to whom? what?

1. Subjective pronouns:

I - I
you - you/you
he - he
she - she
it - he/she (inanimate)
we - we
they - they

2. Object pronouns:

me - me, me
you - you, you, you, you
him - to him, him
her - to her, her
it - to him/her, his/her (inanimate)
us - to us, us
them - to them, theirs

Subject and object personal pronouns in sentences can replace nouns and additions. For example:
She is a high school student. - She is a high school student. (noun)
He loves her. - He loves her. (addition)

Personal pronouns are often found in English folk sayings. For example:

After us the deluge. - After us there might be a flood.
As you sow, so shall you reap. - What goes around comes around.
Man can do no more than he can. - A person cannot do more than what he can do. / You can’t jump above your head.
Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him. - Before you make a friend, eat a pound of salt with him. / Don’t recognize a friend in three days, recognize a friend in three years.
We know not what is good until we have lost it. - We learn what is good when we lose it. / What we have, we don’t keep; having lost it, we cry.

II. The following pronouns, which are also often used in English sentences, are possessive, i.e. indicating ownership, and answering the question “whose?” :

my (mine) - mine
your (yours) - yours, yours
his (his) - his
her (hers) - her
its (its) - his/her (inanimate)
our (ours) - ours
their (theirs) - theirs

A special type of possessive pronoun is indicated in brackets. If the words my, your, their are commonly used with nouns, then mine, yours, theirs are used independently. For example:
It"s my pillow. (This is my pillow.) It"s mine. (She is mine.)
Is this your car? (This is your car?). -No, it's his. (-No, it's his.)

Unlike Russian, English possessive pronouns do not change in numbers. For example:
These are my books. - These are my books.
His poems are very interesting. - His poems are very interesting.

Possessive pronouns are also sometimes found in English sayings. For example:

Pleasure has a sting in its tail. - Pleasure has a sting in its tail.
All is fish that comes to his net. - All the fish that come into his net. / He benefits from everything.
Don"t count your chickens before they are hatched. - Don’t count your chickens until they hatch./Chickens are counted in the fall.

III. Another category of frequently used pronouns in English is called demonstrative or index finger. There are only 4 of them and they differ depending on the proximity or distance of objects:

this - this (close)
these - these (close)
that - that (far)
those - those (far)

Demonstrative pronouns do not change according to gender, but vary by numbers and agree with the verb. For example:
This is a table. - It is a table.
These are tables. - These are tables.

In sentences, demonstrative pronouns can serve noun, adjective, or object. For example:
This is my mother. - That's my mom. (noun)
That girl is too rude. - That girl is too rude. (adjective)
I"d like to buy these oranges. - I would like to buy these oranges. (addition)

Demonstrative pronouns are also found in some proverbs:

That "s a horse of another color - That's a horse of a different color. / This is a completely different matter.
That cock won't fight. - This rooster will not fight. / This number will not work.

IV. Reflexive pronouns , or as they are popularly called “mirror” - another category of English pronouns. They are formed by adding the singular suffix "-self" to indicate "on my own, on my own", to possessive pronouns; or the suffix "selves" to plural pronouns:

myself - I myself
yourself - you yourself
himself - himself
herself - she herself
itself - he/she himself/herself (inanimate)
ourselves - ourselves
yourselves - You yourself
themselves - they themselves

Only in reflexive pronouns can you see the difference between the singular and plural of the second person, i.e. between “you” and “You”: yourself - yourselves.

In sentences, reflexive pronouns serve as complements, and are used after transitive verbs(semantic verbs related not only to the activity, but also to the recipient). For example:

Be careful! Don"t injure yourself! - Be careful! Don't get hurt!
She bought herself a new skirt. - She bought herself a new skirt.
They can't do it themselves. - They can't do it themselves.

There are a number of set phrases with reflexive pronouns. Here are some of them:
Help yourself! - Help yourself!
Enjoy yourself! - Enjoy the atmosphere!
Behave yourself! - Behave yourself!

There are some verbs after which You should not use reflexive pronouns. This: wash (to wash), dress (to dress), shave (to shave), relax (to relax) and some others. For example:
She dressed and went to work. - She got dressed and went to work.
Tom washed and then shaved. - Tom washed his face and then shaved.

In these sentences there is no need to add the pronouns “herself” or “himself”, because it is already clear that the action is performed independently.

Some reflexive pronouns occur in English folklore:

Give a fool enough, and he will hang himself. -Give a fool a rope and he’ll hang himself./Ask a fool to pray to God, he’ll hurt his forehead.
Don"t keep a dog and bark yourself. - Don’t hold the dog and then bark yourself. / Don’t work for your subordinate. / Because the dog is fed because it barks.
Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you. - Respect yourself, otherwise no one else will respect you. / He who does not respect himself, will not be respected by others either.

V. Pronouns called relative outwardly very similar to question words, but have a different meaning. They are used to determine the preceding noun. Although relative pronouns do not vary by gender or number, they depend on the object being defined. So, for example, if we want define a person, then we use the pronoun "who". Here's more full list relative pronouns and examples of use:

who - who, which (person)
which/that - what, which (inanimate object, thing)
where - where, in which (place)
when - when, at which (time)
whose - whose, which (belonging)

He is the man who saved me. - He is the man who saved me.
This is the pen which (that) I found. - This is the pen I found.
This is the place where I was born. - This is the place where (in which) I was born.
This is the month when they go on holiday. - This is the month when (in which) they go on vacation.
She is the woman whose son is a burglar. - She is the woman whose son is a thief.

Now let's see how variously relative pronouns are used in proverbs:

He who likes borrowing dislikes paying. - He who likes to borrow does not like to pay back./ When borrowing, he is a friend, when giving, he is an enemy.
He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue. - He who knows how to hold his tongue knows a lot./ A wise man does not throw words to the wind.
He who hesitates is lost. - Who hesitates? he dies. Delay is like death.
That "s where the shoe pinches! - That's where the shoes pinches! / That's where the dog is buried.
He who would search for pearls must dive below. - He who looks for pearls must dive deep. / He who wants to eat fish must go into the water.
That which one least anticipates soonest comes to pass. - What you least expect happens.

VI. The smallest group of pronouns in English is reciprocal pronouns. There are only 2 of them and they can be interchangeable:

each other - each other (refers to two persons)
one another - one to another (may imply more persons)

In sentences, these pronouns are placed in the middle or at the end, and, as a rule, serve as a complement. For example:

They have known each other for many years. - They have known each other for many years.
They love each other. - They love each other.
The staff always help one another. - The staff always helps each other (one another).
The students spoke to one another in a quiet voice. - The students spoke to each other (one to another) in a quiet voice.

Reciprocal pronouns are often found in various legends, quotes, proverbs and other phrases. Thus, Joseph Addison once said:

Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other. - Health and cheerfulness go hand in hand.

And another English saying says:

Families with babies and families without babies are sorry for each other. - Families with children and families without children sympathize with each other.

VII. One of the largest groups of English pronouns is indefinite pronouns. In sentences they can serve replacing adjectives, And replacing nouns. For example:

They have some problems. - They have some problems. (adjective replacement)
Are there any books there? -There are some on that shelf. - Are there any books there? -There are several on that shelf. (noun replacement)

Indefinite pronouns are conventionally divided into pronouns starting with the words “some” (a little, several), “any” (a little, several, any) and “no” (not at all, not at all).

1. Indefinite pronouns with the word "some":

some - a little, several
someone/somebody - someone/somebody
something - anything
somewhere - somewhere
somehow - somehow/somehow
some time/some day - someday/someday

Note that the words "somebody" and "someone" are the same. All indefinite pronouns beginning with the word "some" are used in ordinary affirmative sentences, as well as in questions and requests And questions and suggestions. For example:

(+) * There is someone in the house. - There is someone in the house.
(+) There are some guests in the hotel.- There are several guests in the hotel.
(?) Can you give me some water, please? - Could you give me some water? (question-request)
(?) Would you like some cookies? - Would you like some cookies? (question-suggestion)

2. Indefinite pronouns with the word "any":

any - no, a little, several, any
anyone/anybody - anyone/anybody, anyone
anything - something/anything, anything
anywhere - somewhere/somewhere, anywhere/somewhere
anyhow - somehow/somehow, whatever
any day/any time - whenever

These pronouns are used either in negative and interrogative sentences, or in affirmatives with the meaning "any, whatever". For example:

(-) There isn’t any sugar in my coffee. - There is no sugar in my coffee.
(?) Is there anything interesting on TV? - Is there anything interesting on TV?
(+) I like any kind of fish. - I like any kind of fish.

3. Indefinite pronouns with the word "no":

no - no, not at all
noone/nobody - no one
nothing - nothing
nowhere - nowhere

Unlike Russian, English sentences can only contain one negative word. For example:

There is noone in the room.=There isn't anyone in the room. (There is no one in the room.)
There are no pictures on the wall.=There aren't any pictures on the wall.(There are no pictures on the walls.)

In many English sayings Indefinite pronouns are used:

By doing nothing we learn to do ill. - Without doing anything, we learn to do evil./ Idleness is the mother of all vices.
There is no rose without a thorn. - There is no rose without thorns.
To know everything is to know nothing. - To know everything means to know nothing.
To put a spoke in somebody's wheel. - Insert a spoke into someone's wheel. / Insert spokes into wheels.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. - Nothing is impossible for a loving heart.

VIII. The final group of pronouns is interrogative pronouns. They are very similar in appearance to relatives, but they perform different functions in English sentences. These pronouns are also known as "question words":

who? - Who?
whom? - whom? to whom?
which? - which?
what? - What?
where? - Where?
when? - When?
whose? - whose?
why? - Why?

Interrogative pronouns most often appear in sentences as subject, adjective, or as an addition with a preposition at the end. For example:

Who is your brother? - Who is your brother? (subject)
Which seat is yours? - What is your place? (adjective)
What is the book about? - What is this book about? (addition)

Sometimes interrogative pronouns serve nominal part of the predicate, as, for example, in famous proverb:
Tell me who your friends are and I"ll tell you who you are. - Tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are. (literal translation). / Tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are. ( literary translation).

Thus, in this lesson we became familiar with pronouns in English, their varieties and functions in sentences. We also learned useful proverbs and sayings. The following lessons will cover personal, possessive, and demonstrative pronouns in a little more detail.

Pronoun in English, it is a part of speech that can replace (noun pronouns) or (adjective pronouns). Pronouns are some of the most used words in the language.

There are many pronouns, they are divided into several categories:

Personal pronouns

Denotes a face: me, you, she, he, it etc. They are used in two cases: nominative And objective.

I love my sister. – I I love my sister.

He is my boss. - He's my boss.

We are the champions. - We are champions.

This is my cat Lucy. - This my cat Lucy.

Someone's table their bikes yesterday - Someone stole it yesterday their bicycles,

You can see our family in the picture. - You can see our family in this photo.

Is that your opinion? - This yours opinion?

Possessive pronouns-nouns

Noun pronouns are used, as you might guess, instead of . In a sentence they perform the function of , or the nominal part of the predicate.

My pencil is broken, please give me yours.– My pencil is broken, please give it to me. is yours(yours replaces your pencil)

Her car is blue, mine is white. - Her car is blue, my– white (mine instead of my car).

Your team is strong but not stronger that ours. – Your team is strong, but not stronger our(teams).

Demonstrative pronouns in English

Point to a person or object, in Russian it is that, that, these, that etc. There are only two such pronouns in English - they have singular and plural forms.

You may ask, where is the line between “near” and “far”? There is no such edge expressed in centimeters, you just need to rely on common sense. In Russian, we use the words “this” and “that” in the same way.

This man – this person (well, there he is, standing next to him).

That man – that person (not present here or the one who stands aside).

These photos – these photographs (pointing with my finger).

Those photos – those photographs (they hang on your wall at home).

For good movie examples of using this and that, see this video:

Reflexive pronouns

Reflexive pronouns mean that the action is directed by the actor towards himself; they are used as objects after some verbs. They are formed using endings -self, -selves, they join pronouns my, our, your, him, her, it, the, indefinite pronoun. In Russian, particles perform a similar function -sya, -sya at the end of the verb.

Protect yourself! - Defend yourself!

Don't hurt yourself- Don't get hurt.

There are cases when reflexive particles are used in Russian, but in English the same words are used without a reflexive pronoun. For example, in Russian we say: wash, shave, dress, bathe, hide. In English the corresponding to wash, to shave, to dress, to bathe, to hide usually used without reflexive pronouns:

I washed, dressed and shaved. – I washed, dressed and shaved.

Hide in the cardboard box. – Hide in a cardboard box.

I'd like to bathe. - I would like to take a swim.

Also, reflexive pronouns are used to strengthen, like Russian words yourself, yourself, yourself, yourself.

I heard it myself! - I heard it myself!

He did it himself- He did it himself.

A common mistake is to say I’m feeling myself fine \ I feel myself fine (I feel fine). Actually correct: I’am feeling fine \ I feel fine.

Reciprocal pronouns

Reciprocal pronouns are pronouns like “each other”. There are only two of them: each other(each other), one another(one another). In theory, each other- this is when two persons or objects, and one another- when there is a lot. In practice, no one pays much attention to these subtleties, especially in colloquial speech.

They don't talk about each other. - They don't talk about each other.

They often see one another. – They see each other often.

Please note that the preposition comes before the pronoun, and is not wedged into it, as in Russian. Compare:

They talk about each other – They say each other O friend.

Interrogative pronouns

These pronouns are used to ask questions:

1.Who (whom)– who, whom, to whom.

Who is this person? – Who this person?

Who is here? – Who Here?

2.Whose– whose, whose, whose, whose.

Whose is that noise? – Whose Is this noise (who is making noise)?

Whose car is parked by the house? – Whose is the car parked at the house?

3. What- What.

What are you doing? – What You doing?

What is going on? – What happening?

4.Which– what, which (which of several)

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Hey! Today's article is about English pronouns. Oh, the confusion: “my” and “mine”, “something” and “anything”, “few” and “little”. Today we will finally understand all the groups of pronouns in the English language, their differences and subtleties of use. Let's go!

Pronoun in English(pronoun) - part of speech that denotes, but does not directly name objects, people, their properties and relationships. Thus, pronouns only address us to a previously mentioned object or person.

Mary asked John a question. He answered her. - Mary asked John a question. He(John) replied to her(Mary).

Use of pronouns in English

In a sentence, a pronoun can be a subject (I, you, he, she, it, we, they), an object (me, you, whom, her, him, it, us, them) or a determiner (my, his, her, your, our, their, its).

We met John at the station. - We met John at the station.
John asked me to cook dinner. - John asked me cook dinner.
Her brother came yesterday. - Her brother arrived yesterday.

Pronoun structure

According to their structure, English pronouns are:

  • Simple(consist of one syllable: I, all, some, that, this, we, she, they)
  • Composite(from several morphemes: myself, nothing, myself)
  • Complex(a combination of two or more words: one another, each other).

Types of pronouns in English

Pronouns perform many functions in a sentence and have their own classification. Let's look at them in groups.

  • Personal pronouns

Designate faces or items in terms of their relationship to the speaker.

For example, “I” is the speaker, “we” is the speaker and another person, “they” is someone other than the speaker.

Personal pronouns change according to faces, number, family And case(nominative and objective).

Table: Declension of pronouns in English table






The only thing

me - me

you - you

you - you

she [ʃi:] - she

it - it

him - him

her - her

it - his


us [ʌs] - us

you - you

you - you

they [ðei] - they

them [ðem] - them

Personal pronouns in the nominative case usually play a role in a sentence subject, A V objectiveadditions.

He is John. - He John (“He” is nominative).
Mary bought a present for him. - Mary bought a gift for him(him - object).

Object case also used when there is nothing else in the sentence except the personal pronoun:

- Who was that? Who called? - Who was that? Who called?
- Me. - I.

  • Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns ( my, is yours) in English are of two types, based on their functions: adjectives And nouns .

Table: Possessive pronouns



my - mine

mine - mine

your - yours

yours - yours

his - him

his - him

her - her

hers - her

its - his

its - his

your - yours

yours - yours

our [ɑ:r] - our

ours [ɑ:rz] - ours

their [ðer] - theirs

theirs [ðerz] - theirs

Both of these forms answer the question “whose?”, but the first ( my) requires a noun after itself, and the second ( mine) does not require, since it already implies it.

This is my computer. - This my computer.
This is yours.- This is yours(yours = your computer).

  • Reflexive pronouns

English reflexive pronouns in Russian correspond to the words “ myself(A)», « myself».

Table: Reflexive pronouns




I saw myself in the mirror.

(I saw myself in the mirror)

Why do you blame yourself?

(Why do you blame yourself?)

Anna sent herself a copy.

(Anna sent herself a copy)

Ivan sent himself a copy.

(Ivan sent himself a copy)

My cat hurt itself.

(My cat got hurt)

We blame ourselves.

(We blame ourselves)

Could you help yourselves?

(Could you help yourself (yourself)?)

They cannot look after themselves.

(They can't take care of themselves (by themselves))

The second part of these words may remind you of the word selfie, which is derived from “self.” And the first part repeats the pronouns of the already mentioned groups.

  • Reciprocal pronouns

There are only two reciprocal pronouns in English:

  • each other- each other;
  • one another- one another.

According to all the rules, " each other" we use only when there are 2 persons, and "one another" - more than two persons.

We think of each other as of an interesting opponent. - We relate to each other as an interesting opponent.
There were many people and they looked at one another. - There were a lot of people there and they were watching Each other.

The corresponding preposition, unlike the Russian language, is placed before words « each" And " one»:

We live too far from each other. - We live too far away apart from each other.
They are such good friends they will do anything for each other.- They are such good friends that they will do for each other anything.

  • Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns indicate a person, object, phenomenon, their signs, time, without naming them.

Table: Demonstrative pronouns





units h.


This car is red. - This car is red.


These shoes are cheap. - These shoes are cheap.

units h.

That man in my brother. - That man is my brother.


Those people are my friends. - Those people are my friends.

only units h.

I bought such a nice gift. - I bought such a nice gift.

only units h.

His T-shirt was the same I wore. - His T-shirt was

  • Interrogative pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used to form questions .

Table: Interrogative pronouns






What is it? - What is this?

who will win

Who called? - Who called?


Which dress did you buy? -

What dress did you buy?

whom/to whom

Whom is this story about? -Who is this story about?

Whose car is it? - Whose car is it?

How are you? - How are you?

Why are you so sad? - Why are you so sad?

When will you arrive? - When will you arrive?


Where did you go? - Where did you go?

  • Indefinite pronouns

The largest group of pronouns is considered indefinite. Mostly they formed by a combination of pronouns, which independently also perform the functions of this group.

Indefinite pronouns in English include: " some" (somebody, someone, something), " any" (anybody, anyone, anything), " no"(nobody, no one, none, nothing), " many», « much», « few" And " little».

« Some" And " any» denote a specific quantity and are used before nouns (plural or uncountable). " Some"and its derivatives are used V affirmative proposals, A " any"and its derivatives - V interrogative And negative.

Do we have any bread? - Do we have bread?
Yes, I have some. - Yes, I have some.

« No"is also indefinite pronoun. To avoid double negation, the verb is used together with it in the affirmative form.

I have no brothers. - I have No(no) brothers.

Let's look at the table of derived pronouns.

Table: Derived pronouns


somebody - someone, somebody

someone - someone, anyone

something - something, anything

In interrogative sentences expressing a request or suggestion.

anybody - anyone, everyone, anyone, no one (in the negative)

anyone - anyone, everyone, anyone, no one (in the negative)

anything - anything, everything, nothing (in the negative)

In interrogative sentences.

In affirmative sentences.

In negative sentences (with a negative form of the verb).

nobody - no one

no one - no one

nothing - nothing, nothing

In negative sentences (with an affirmative form of the verb).

It should be noted that if the pronouns “somebody”, “anyone”, “anything”, “nobody”, “no one”, “someone”, “something”, “anybody”, “nothing”, “everybody”, “everything” are used in function subject, then the verb will be used in the form singular(is, was, ending “-s”).

Everybody was there in time. - All were there on time.

Indefinite pronouns somebody, somebody, anybody, nobody may have possessive case endings for nouns.

I found somebody's wallet. - I found someone's wallet.

Many(a lot of), few(few), a few(several) are used before countable nouns and answer the question “how many?”

He has many friends. - He has a lot of friends.
She has few friends. - She has few friends.
We rested a few minutes. - We had a rest some minutes.

Much(a lot of), little(few), a little(a little) are used before uncountable nouns or with verbs and answer the question “how much?”

You work too much. - You work too much a lot of.
Yes, I know, but I have very little time. - Yes, I know, but I have a very few time.
I have a little time for this. - I have it for this A little time.

How to choose between I and me

« I» used when is subject And leads action.

I will make a cake today. - I I'll bake a cake today.

We also use "I" when we perform an action with someone else.

Mary and I went to the shop. - Mary and I let's go shopping.

« Me» used in indirect cases: to me, me, me(when something is done for us, or given to us):

Would you do this for me? - Could you do this for me?
Will she reply to me? - She will answer to me?


You should now feel more confident with English pronouns. To test your knowledge, you can try our Online Trainer. Good luck!

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(to have) in the present tense. The rule for their use is simple, however, beginners often have difficulties with these words.

Has or Have – a rule of three simple points

Rule of use has/have following:

  • Has used with third person singular pronouns he, she, it, For example:

He has a bike. - He has a bike.

She has a sister. - She has a sister.

This is a tree. It has many branches. - This is a tree. It has many branches.

John has a kangaroo. – John has a kangaroo.

Swimming has become a popular sport. – Swimming has become a popular sport.

The noun “John” can be replaced with he, “swimming” with it.

  • Have used with all other pronouns in singular and plural: I, you, we, they.

I have a strange feeling. – I have a strange feeling.

You have no choice. – You have no choice.

We have two dollars. - We have two dollars.

They have reliable friends. – They have reliable friends

In other words, we see “He, She, It”, or a word that can be replaced with them, we put has, with other words – have.

Common mistakes in using Has and Have

1. Has in the past tense

Has and have These are forms of the verb in the present tense. In the past tense, the verb to have has only one form - had. In the past tense has is not used under any circumstances:

  • Right:

We had a lot of work. Helen had no work at all. – We had a lot of work. Helen had no work at all.

  • Wrong:

We had a lot of work. Helen has no work at all.

In the second, incorrect, option due to has the meaning changes: “Helen has no job at all (now).”

2. Has in the future tense

The same goes for the future tense: in the future tense, the verb to have has the form will have. In the future tense, has is not needed under any circumstances.

  • Right:

He will have enough time for rest. - He will have enough time to rest.

  • Wrong:

He will have will have enough time for rest.

3. Has and Have after names of people, names of cities, places

Beginners often get confused when these verb forms are used with proper nouns. The fact is that textbooks often give examples with people’s names, for example:

Maria has two sons. – Maria has two sons.

There may be a habit that after any proper name you need the verb has, but this, of course, is not the case. If the subject can be replaced with he, she, it, then we put has, in other cases (that is, if this word is plural) – have.

The Bahamas have changed a lot. – The Bahamas has changed a lot.

The Johnsons have two sons. – The Johnsons (the Johnson couple) have two sons.

Maria and John have two sons. – Mary and John have two sons

In the last example, the subject is expressed by the words “Maria and John”, that is, we are talking about the plural (two people).

4. Has after nouns like “people”: People have or People has?

Some nouns may look like a singular noun but have the meaning . In this case, when choosing between has / have, you need to be guided by the meaning of the word, not the form.

Let's compare two examples:

Some people have thirty three teeth – Some people have thirty-three teeth.

My people has more honor than yours. “My people have more honor than yours.”

In the first case, “people” means “people” and has a plural meaning, therefore “people have”. In the second case, “people” means “people”, has a singular meaning, therefore “has”.

5. Have and Has in negations: He doesn’t has or He doesn’t have?

A common mistake is using has in a negative sentence with the auxiliary verb to do, that is, in negatives where there is “do not / don’t”, “does not / doesn’t”.

The rule is simple: after the negation don’t or doesn’t we always use the form have, even if the subject is he, she or it. “Doesn’t has” is basically an impossible combination.

I don't have any small change. – I don’t have any change.

He doesn't have any place to live. - He has nowhere to live.

The fact is that in such negative sentences, in the presence of a subject expressed by the pronouns he, she, it or other words in the third person singular, the verb to do takes the corresponding form- it turns into does, so turning have into has is kind of redundant.

6. Have and Has in the questions: Does he has or Does he have?

The same rule applies to interrogative sentences constructed using to do, that is, questions like “Do you have?”, “Does he have?”

These questions use does if the subject is expressed by the pronouns he, she, it, or any other word that can be replaced by one of these pronouns. Moreover, if the verb to have is present in the question, it is used only in the form have.

Rule: in questions with “do” or “does” we always use the have form, even if the subject is he, she or it. “Does he has” is a basically impossible combination.

Do you have a minute? - Do you have a minute?

Does he have a minute? – Does he have a minute?

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