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Fireweed honey. Mysterious white honey - the benefits of honey from Ivan tea. Fireweed honey: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harms

We have all heard about linden and acacia honey. But if you are offered fireweed honey, most likely you will ask for its name. Many people haven't heard of him. No, it has nothing to do with Cyprus. Fireweed, or Ivan-tea, is a honey plant of this variety. Hence the name of honey.

By color fireweed honey in fresh light yellow with a greenish tint. Its pallor gives it an unsightly presentation.

Because of this, buyers avoid it, buying honey that is amber, deep yellow or dark in color. And completely in vain. Often appearance deceptive. Fireweed honey is valuable for its composition.

This variety candied quickly. Grains similar to snowflakes appear in its structure.

After crystallization, fireweed honey becomes white with a pink tint.. There are clots of it in the form of lumps.

People who bought such honey complain that they purchased a fake, since the result does not correspond to their ideas about a sweet bee product. This consistency of fireweed honey is normal. On the contrary, this indicates that you have purchased a high-quality natural product.

The taste is delicate and pleasant. There is no bitterness. How to distinguish a fake?

Unscrupulous sellers do not try to fake it. Rather, buyers wrongfully suspect natural fireweed honey that it is a fake. It's all about color, consistency and a stereotyped idea of ​​what natural honey should be.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Fireweed honey is high in calories. 100 g of product contains 328 kcal.

The composition is as follows:

This bee product contains many minerals:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • sodium.

Vitamins are represented by group B (1, 2, 5, 6, 9), as well as RR, N, S.

Beneficial features

The fact that bees extract nectar for honey from the medicinal plant Ivan-tea, speaks not just of usefulness for humans, but of double benefit, since the unique composition of honey itself has been added to the healing properties of pollen and nectar.

Fireweed honey helps in the treatment of blood diseases, kidneys, liver, for cardiovascular diseases. In addition, honey is indispensable for colds and viral infections, and other respiratory diseases. For prevention, take one tablespoon per day. You can take two teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning, and also in the evening before bed.

This variety is valuable healing properties. Therefore, for wounds, external and internal, it is recommended to be used in the form of compresses and in food. Therefore, honey is not just a sweetness. Sometimes it beneficial features exaggerate, you can read about contraindications below.

Fireweed honey used in medicine, cooking. In cosmetology, it is used in creams and cleansing scrubs. After using the masks, the face becomes clean and the skin becomes silky.

Honey is not a panacea for all ailments. It helps the body recover, improve immunity, and launch restoration processes in the body, but it is unlikely to be able to cure an advanced disease.

Contraindications and harm

Because of great content carbohydrates and sugar Not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus.

Under no circumstances should honey be heated., especially – bring it to a boil. Otherwise, it contributes to the appearance of cancer-forming carcinogens.

You should not overeat fireweed honey, as it contains a large amount of sugar and carbohydrates. This contributes to obesity and allergies not only to this variety. Therefore, it is better to limit its consumption for an adult to two tablespoons per day, for a teenager - to one. It should not be given to children under three years of age.

About the honey plant Ivan-tea

The honey plant for this type of honey is a herbaceous medicinal plant – fireweed, or fireweed. It grows along country roads, in meadows, and forest edges. Found in temperate climates. Loves the northern regions. It is unpretentious to growing conditions.

Blooms from mid-June to mid-August. It is a good honey plant for bees. They are attracted by the smell and large amounts of aromatic substances. Up to 60% of honey is obtained from the pollen of this plant.

Storage conditions

Fireweed honey can be candied quickly, but the beneficial properties do not disappear. On the contrary, such a change in consistency is natural. To avoid souring store it at a positive temperature of 3 - 9 degrees. Air humidity – no higher than 60%. Otherwise, open honey will absorb excess moisture.

When using it It is not allowed to heat honey above 40 degrees or put it in the freezer. You can save it in the latter case, but as a sweet, since it is unique healing properties are lost. Glassware is preferable for long-term storage, but not plastic or metal.

What main diseases does it treat?

Fireweed honey helps in healing diseases of the prostate gland, kidneys, liver. But its beneficial effect on the body is not limited to this. It also helps:

  • at skin diseases;
  • improve dream;
  • at neuroses;
  • treatment peptic ulcers;

It is also used for acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, periodontal disease, and persistent headaches. Fireweed honey has clearly demonstrated antibacterial properties.

Medicinal properties of fireweed honey

It is better to eat it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. Natural stimulants and enzymes included in the bee product help restore a person’s energy potential. He perfectly cleanses the skin and nourishes it. After consultation with a doctor, it is used for dermatitis.

It cannot be said that fireweed honey is radically different in its composition or beneficial properties from other varieties. Fans of this bee product celebrate it soft and delicate taste. Sometimes this variety is called “children’s”.

Any honey is known to be beneficial and important product, no matter what it is made of. However, few people know about its different varieties. For example, about the existence of a fireweed variety, which has a unique composition.

The main component from which the product is created is fireweed pollen, otherwise called fireweed. This species also has several other names, such as white or snowy.

However, you need to be able to choose the right fireweed honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are worth studying in detail. Despite its unusual appearance, it is often recommended for consumption.

The beneficial properties of fireweed honey and fireweed in particular are that daily use helps strengthen the immune system and improve general condition.

This product has an unusual white color. This is quite unusual for honey, but the unusual shade does not affect its functions in any way. At the very beginning it has a light green color and only after a few months it becomes rich white. In this regard, buyers are very wary of this variety and are afraid to buy it, even knowing what benefits it can bring.

The beneficial properties of white fireweed honey are due to the presence of vitamins B, C, glucose, fructose and other substances.

The taste of the fireweed variety is quite unusual: soft and delicate. Sometimes it is called delicate. You can safely add this honey to tea or baked goods. The aftertaste has a slightly bitter undertone and a very sweet floral aroma. It is thanks to the unique smell that this variety is difficult to confuse with any other.

Why is it useful?

Honey from fireweed is considered extremely beneficial for nursing mothers, children and the elderly. But still, we should not forget that even the most healing product must be consumed in moderation.

Fireweed honey can safely be considered one of the most useful, which explains its active use in folk medicine. The following positive properties of this product are highlighted:

  1. Many of the beneficial properties of the fireweed tea from which it is made are also transferred to honey. Sweetness creates a strong support for the immune system and strengthens protective functions body. Increases resistance to common diseases. The fireweed variety contains many essential vitamins and minerals. It contains phosphorus, sodium and calcium, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the body.
  2. Helps in the treatment of colds, strengthens the digestive and nervous systems. Thanks to this, the incidence of insomnia and nervous breakdowns is significantly reduced.
  3. It has not only medicinal but also healing properties. For external wounds it is used as compresses. Therefore, honey is not only a pleasant-tasting product, but also an extremely useful part of the first aid kit.
  4. Using the product will make the skin more elastic and get rid of imperfections, such as rashes.
  5. Included in many scrubs and anti-aging creams. After using masks of which it is a component, the skin is significantly cleansed and becomes softer.

This product only promotes more efficient functioning of the body and improves its condition, while not being a replacement for real treatment.


The main contraindication is an allergy to bee products. If you have ever been allergic to glucose or products that contain it, it is not recommended to eat it.

It is better not to abuse this product for people with hypertension and asthmatic diseases, as well as hypotension.

Two more contraindications are diabetes and overweight. Honey contains large amounts of glucose and is high in calories.

Otherwise, this product cannot be called too dangerous. Children over three years old, as well as pregnant and lactating women, can use fireweed honey without restrictions.

How to distinguish a natural product from a fake

Due to the fact that the mentioned variety is not very common, there is a chance of purchasing a fake. When purchasing, the main thing is to be careful.

A distinctive property of honey is its rapid crystallization. After this process, the color of fireweed honey becomes rich, bright white. It acquires a thick consistency comparable to sour cream, while remaining homogeneous, without crispy pieces. There is a barely noticeable bitter aftertaste. If it is absent, then this is a sign that sugar was used to feed the bees.

Honey should flow from the spoon in one continuous stream, while it is problematic to achieve such a result with fakes. Another feature is the smell. U natural product he is almost always discreet.

The important point is the time of purchase. If you come across a so-called “early” fireweed variety in early June, then there is a high probability that it will be fake. The maturity of the product is of great importance. In order to safely consume white honey as food, it must become moderately viscous.

Signs of maturity:

  1. The honey should not immediately drip off when you scoop it up.
  2. If you turn the device with which you scooped up honey, it will not drain immediately, but will wind up.
  3. When it drains, it does not immediately become a homogeneous mixture - a small slide forms on the surface.

If the selected variety does not meet the listed features, it is better not to purchase it.

If you have already purchased honey, but have doubts about the quality, check it at home. It is enough to mix a small part with water and add ammonia. If a precipitate appears or the solution takes on a dirty tint, then it is an unnatural product. It's unlikely to be as useful as the original.

Features of storage and use

Natural fireweed honey should not be heated. This can instantly destroy all those useful elements that were present in the composition before exposure high temperatures.

Don't forget about storage conditions. To prevent souring, it is recommended to maintain a positive, but not too high temperature (about 8 degrees). Do not store the product in too humid air so that it does not absorb excess water.

This variety does not have many contraindications, but it is still worth adhering to some recommendations for its use.

Since fireweed is considered medicinal plant, you must observe moderation and not consume too much honey in one day. Sometimes it is even recommended to limit yourself to two tablespoons of fireweed sweetness for adults, and one for children and teenagers. In case of overdose, there is a high risk of an acute allergic reaction.

Often this variety is consumed not alone, but together with medicinal herbs. This enhances the action of the components, which has a positive effect on the activity of individual systems and the entire organism as a whole.

The basis of many culinary recipes is the fireweed variety. They allow you to create a dish that tastes extraordinary and has a lot of positive properties.

Today, about two dozen types of honey are known. But only one honey can be considered truly Russian, because it is extracted from the willow-tea plant (aka fireweed), which grows in the Urals and Altai region.

White honey, fireweed honey - this natural product has many names, and each of them reflects its essence and properties. In terms of its value, calorie content and beneficial properties, fireweed honey simply has no equal.

Fireweed honey, the beneficial properties of which can hardly be overestimated, has found rich use in folk medicine. And here it is important to remember the key rule - this beekeeping product is useful only in moderation.

In folk medicine, fireweed honey with royal jelly is also widely used. This substance has a white color and thick consistency; it serves as a kind of food for bee larvae. Queen's jelly can be added to the product only after it begins to crystallize.

Its use will help:

  • strengthen the body's protective functions, fill the gap in immune system, resist various diseases, including cancer;
  • block even the smallest inflammations;
  • cope with any types of pathogens;
  • restore the gastric mucosa, get rid of ulcers gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and constipation;
  • cure a cold as soon as possible;
  • strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system, get rid of insomnia, prevent nervous breakdowns;
  • defeat various skin diseases, acne and damage;
  • improve blood composition by activating the process of hematopoiesis and increasing hemoglobin levels;
  • relieve painful symptoms of urinary tract diseases;
  • increase skin elasticity during bath procedures.

This impressive list is due to the fact that honey can be used externally. In cosmetology, it is a component of anti-aging creams and scrubs.

Characteristics of fireweed honey, Wikipedia

This variety is distinguished from other species by its characteristic greenish tint. This is explained by the color of the pollen. The consistency of honey is interesting; it thickens quickly, forming large white crystals. Read more about its properties.

Color, taste, smell

Those who see this variety for the first time are alarmed by the atypical hue for honey - sulfur-yellow. Despite the unusualness, this is the natural color that characterizes the natural fireweed product. During storage, due to rapid crystallization, the color changes to white.

The peculiarity of fireweed honey is its weakly expressed aroma. But it can be easily identified by the characteristic notes of Ivan tea, which persist during storage.

Subtle taste qualities leave the same bitter aftertaste as tea made from it.

Composition of honey

Very interesting chemical composition honey from Ivan tea. It is both universal and specific.

It contains almost all vitamins and minerals, the maximum amount of micro- and macroelements, carbohydrates, amino acids, enzymes, etc. However, there is no single chemical or biological compound that dominates it, unlike other types of honey. This indicates its balanced composition.

And yet, this product has a group of enzymes (tannins) and one biologically active substance that no other type of honey has, which allows us to talk about the specific composition of the bee product. Based on the latter, an anti-cancer drug, hanerol, was developed.

Colorfulness and nutritional value

Per 100 g of product there are:

  • Protein – 0.80 g – 1% of the daily value.
  • Fat – 0.00 g – 0% of the daily value.
  • Carbohydrates – 81 g – 30% of daily value.

Important! Calorie content – ​​315.33 kcal

Application of fireweed honey

  • For women

For women, fireweed honey is one of the most healthy products. It should be used for heavy and painful menstruation, as well as menopause. This honey helps normalize the functioning of the female reproductive system.

In addition, natural fireweed honey can be eaten by pregnant, lactating and even small children.

  • For men

How to use? It is enough to eat at least one teaspoon a day of this healing delicacy to feel better.

For what diseases is it used?

Fireweed honey exhibits the above beneficial properties, which is used to treat many diseases. The bee product is also recommended for prevention purposes.

  1. Colds. Fireweed honey (Ivan-tea) helps with colds, flu, and sore throats. For sore throat, mix lungwort herb 1 part, plantain herb 1 part, wormwood 0.5 parts, sage 1 part. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into 200 ml. boiling water Leave for 2 hours, strain, then add 2 tbsp. spoons of fireweed honey. Drink half a glass of infusion 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Eliminate problems with the nervous system. If you suffer from depression or neurosis, then an infusion of aloe juice, fireweed nectar and Cahors in a ratio of 1:2:2 will help. After combining the components, let it brew for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take half a glass before meals, course – 14 days. For insomnia, it is recommended to drink honey water (a tablespoon of honey per 200 ml of liquid) 30 minutes before bedtime.
  3. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. To obtain a successful therapeutic effect, you will need a remedy next recipe: take 2 large spoons of corn silk, place in a thermos, add half a liter of boiled water. Leave the decoction for 2-3 hours. Before taking the remedy, add a small spoon of fireweed nectar to the solution.
  4. Bronchial asthma, ENT diseases. Directions for use: rinsing. Recipe: make a decoction of plantain, lungwort, and sage. Take a small spoon of herbs, liquid – 200 ml. After cooling, add a teaspoon of fireweed honey.
  5. For follicular sore throat, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 raw egg yolks, mix 1 dessert spoon of fireweed honey and 1 dessert spoon of crushed licorice root. Take 1 teaspoon every hour during the day. It is advisable to drink it with a decoction of St. John's wort.
  6. Disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system in women (inflammation, pain during menstruation). A common recipe: make a tincture - mix 250 ml of alcohol, a large spoon of dried fireweed flowers and 3 large spoons of honey. Let it brew in a dark place for 7–10 days. Recommended dosage: 5-10 drops orally three times a day.
  7. For wounds and ulcers: pour 1 tbsp. spoon of marsh cucumber (dry herb) with a glass of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes in a water bath, cool, strain and add 1 tablespoon of fireweed honey. Used for washing wounds and taking 2 tbsp orally 30 minutes before meals. spoons for stomach ulcers.
  8. Ivan tea helps with prostate adenoma. It is necessary to mix a 5% alcohol infusion of propolis with fireweed honey and take 1 dessert spoon, dissolving in the mouth until completely dissolved. At the same time, take 1 teaspoon of beebread 3 times a day 1.5 hours before meals, put candles containing propolis and cocoa and drink an infusion of herbs (horsetail, nettle, lingonberry leaves)
  9. for pancreatitis, you need to prepare an infusion of three tablespoons of honey and two hundred grams of boiling water. Consuming before meals will improve its absorption;
  10. stomach ulcer is treated by regularly taking an infusion of two liters of water and a tablespoon of fireweed honey;
  11. an “elixir” of a couple of glasses of water and three hundred grams of beekeeping product will help overcome skin diseases;
  12. for painful symptoms of prostatitis, a decoction of a couple of tablespoons of fireweed tea, 50 grams of honey and two glasses of boiling water will help;
  13. An infusion of half a liter of vodka, fireweed flowers and honey will help cope with painful menstruation and symptoms of menopause. Just 25 drops of this substance will help improve your condition within a few days.

The difference between fireweed honey and fake

Before purchasing, it is important to distinguish a fake from a natural product in time.

Fireweed honey is similar in thickness to cream and has a slightly yellowish-green color. It crystallizes quickly, so you can find clots in it that look like grains or snowflakes. During crystallization, honey takes on a lighter shade, which confuses people and they begin to think that this is artificial honey.

  • Beekeepers often pay attention to the following features:
  • High-quality honey should form a thin stream when it falls from a spoon.
  • This product causes a slight burning sensation in the mouth.
  • It has a bright amber hue.
  • High-quality products do not have a crunch.

These signs are not suitable for fireweed nectar. It is white, it is sold when it is completely candied, so crunching is possible in this situation.

It is possible to distinguish a fake only after dyes, chemical additives, and molasses have been identified. Nectar has the aroma of flowers and a tart taste.

To check, you need to take 200 grams of honey, 300 ml of water, mix everything. Take 2 ml of the mixture, then add ammonia. If sediment appears, this indicates that the product is of poor quality.

When the fireweed honey sets

Fireweed honey sets very quickly; by the end of November, all the honey in the container should already be a uniform white color. IN otherwise, if the honey does not acquire the proper characteristics, there is a high probability that the honey you purchased turned out to be fake.

Sometimes in a thick honey mass you can find lumps of honey - in this case there is no need to worry about the honey being fake, because this phenomenon is also typical for fireweed honey. After thickening, honey can turn into a kind of “snowflakes”, which also indicates the authenticity of the product.

Application in cosmetology

Used to create homemade creams and masks. This cosmetic product helps keep the skin toned, giving it a velvety feel, evening out the complexion.

The beneficial properties of fireweed honey can also be useful in cosmetology. For example, masks prepared on its basis help: slow down the aging process; smooth out wrinkles; make the skin silky and velvety; cleanse pores; improve the quality of skin nutrition, etc. Important: it is better to apply any masks to steamed skin.

For example, if you have acne, you should try wiping your face with lotion made from 1 tbsp. l. fireweed honey, 1 liter of water, 1 liter of chamomile decoction. The remaining mixture must be stored in the refrigerator.

A mixture of 200 ml of marigold decoction and a tablespoon of honey can also cope with acne, acne and oily skin. The required number of cotton swabs are soaked in it and applied to the face for at least 20 minutes. This procedure allows you not only to narrow the pores and disinfect the skin, but also to moisturize it well.

Fireweed honey is collected from angustifolia fireweed; its popular name is fireweed. The healing properties of fireweed were completely transferred to the honey sweetness. Honey plant is represented by tall plants with narrow long leaves and inflorescences Pink colour. They can be seen in wastelands, near highways and in the forest-steppe zone. Nectar collection occurs from June to July, and the substance is pumped out in early to mid-August.

Ivan tea is a fairly well-known plant that has long been medicinal properties narrow-leaved fireweed was used in the fight against various ailments. It is not surprising that the apiproduct from this plant is considered extremely valuable and nutritious for humans. 100 grams of product contains about 330 kcal.

Fireweed bee product contains useful micro and macroelements, vitamins of different groups. Its vitamin C content is several times higher than citrus fruits. Among the acids of organic origin, acetic, oxalic and citric acids can be noted. The product is distinguished by a high content of glucose and fructose, as well as a set of organic enzymes.


Freshly collected fireweed nectar has a not very presentable light yellow color with a green tint. And the larger the container with the product, the greener it will look. After crystallization, the delicacy becomes white with a slight yellow tint. This color is formed due to a rare enzyme group contained in the flowers of fireweed.


The consistency of the fresh product is more liquid than that of conventional varieties. The delicacy contains an increased amount of fructose in the composition, due to this crystallization occurs quite quickly. After just 1.5–2 months, the product becomes candied and resembles whipped sour cream with sugar. You can feel the presence of crystals and clots in the composition.


Fireweed honey has a pronounced sweet taste, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. The smell is very bright, rich, it smells of sugary sweetness and flowers. If you at least once smell the smell of fireweed honey, you will never forget or confuse this aroma.

Impact on the human body

The beneficial properties of fireweed honey are based on the antiviral and antibacterial effects of the product. It successfully fights various pathogens both inside and outside the body.

Due to the increased content of a simple monosaccharide, sweetness is extremely quickly absorbed by the body and fills it with energy. Therefore, it is useful to use fireweed white honey to restore a weakened body and for patients after operations and injuries. Fireweed honey is useful for the following diseases:

  • insomnia;
  • depression, neurosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • peptic ulcers.

The healing properties of the product are relevant for skin dermatitis and acne. Natural enzymes help correct the hormonal system and improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. Tannins and flavonoids will help get rid of diseases of the digestive tract.

Vitamin C in the composition of treats will be invaluable during seasonal illnesses, and regular consumption will be an excellent preventive measure. colds. With regular use of delicacies in food, blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened, metabolic processes are normalized, and immunity is increased.


Before using sweets, it will be useful to study the beneficial properties and contraindications; it is not recommended for people who are allergic to beekeeping products. Diseases in the acute stage are also a contraindication. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension oblige a person to use treats with caution and in strictly recommended doses.

Naturalness of the product

If you decide to purchase fireweed honey, then it is extremely important to know how to distinguish a fake. Unscrupulous manufacturers often counterfeit goods, add chemical inclusions to the composition, thereby making the substance not only unhealthful, but even completely harmful to health.

Therefore, it is necessary to remember the properties and rules for choosing fireweed honey. First of all, you should carefully examine the substance. The color should be white, there is no question of a brown or yellow substance, this is definitely a fake. The consistency of the natural delicacy resembles thick, thick cream.

Ask the seller to try the product, it should have a rich sweet taste and a floral-honey aroma, and there should be a rancid aftertaste. You should not feel a crunch on your teeth; if it is present, then sugar is included in the mixture; you should not buy such products.

Don’t forget about the harvest season; until the end of October, honey from fireweed should be liquid, but in winter and spring it will certainly be thickened.

Fireweed honey can easily be confused with cotton delicacy. It is important to remember that crystallized retains its shape if cut or scooped into a spoon. And if you scoop up the sweetness from fireweed tea, it will flow down in a thin stream, this quality is distinctive for fireweed honey.

How to store it correctly?

Crystallization occurs within two months, after which the product can be stored for about another year. The main thing is the right conditions storage, the temperature should not exceed 10 degrees above zero, with air humidity below 60%. Under such conditions, the product will not absorb excess moisture and will not turn sour. The recommended storage container is a glass container with an airtight lid.

Product Use

The snow-white delicacy has a fairly wide range of applications, including, of course, medicinal purposes, cooking and cosmetology. There are a huge number of creams and scrubs, which include. Such cosmetics have strong regenerating properties, nourish and moisturize the skin, making it silky. Anyone can make their own masks for skin and hair by simply adding sweetness to the product.

For medical purposes, the product is used externally to eliminate skin diseases and internally for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. It can be added to various dishes for sweetening or drunk with tea. Remember that this variety does not tolerate high temperatures; it should not be heated above 45 degrees.

It is enough for an adult to eat 40–50 grams per day; for a child, the dose is 15–20 grams. Greatest benefit The body will benefit from treatment with white honey in combination with other bee products.

Honey from fireweed is a valuable and healthy delicacy for humans. Children eat it with pleasure, thanks to its unusual appearance and sweet taste. The substance is used to treat and strengthen the body. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of use and contraindications.

Features of fireweed honey

Its color is very different from other honeys, and thus the demand for it is lower than it should be.


Calorie content

Fireweed honey: how to distinguish a fake?

What does fireweed honey look like?

How to determine the naturalness of honey

The naturalness of the product is determined by the following parameters:

Fireweed honey: benefits and harms

White fireweed honey has different properties, but its main value is for sick people, children and pregnant women.

Contraindications to the use of fireweed honey

Also, asthmatics should not take this honey. Some enzymes contained in honey can cause choking.

Otherwise, honey is completely safe. The main thing is to know when to stop and eat it in moderation, following the norm.

How to take fireweed honey

For example, to treat stomach ulcers, use a mixture of marsh cudweed decoction with fireweed honey.

What beneficial properties does fireweed honey have and what are its contraindications?

Main characteristics

This honey is white. What makes it so is the unique substances included in its composition:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • flavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals.

Beneficial features


In addition to its beneficial properties, fireweed honey also has contraindications:

How to choose real nectar?

If the selected product does not have the listed characteristics, then purchasing it is not recommended.

Video: beneficial properties and contraindications of fireweed honey.

Methods of administration

The use of natural honey requires compliance with the following rules:

There are a number of popular recipes based on fireweed honey:

The healing qualities of Ivan-tea honey or fireweed honey. Useful properties and contraindications, use in cosmetology and medicine

Fireweed honey - what is it, beneficial properties

Characteristics of fireweed honey, Wikipedia

Color, taste, smell

Subtle taste qualities leave the same bitter aftertaste as tea made from it.

What is fireweed honey made from? Sources of production

Composition of honey

The beneficial substances are preserved in the bee product, as well as in the fireweed drink.

Calorie table

Fireweed honey - beneficial properties and contraindications

White fireweed honey beneficial properties

Harm of honey

Diabetics and people with high blood sugar should use honey in small quantities and carefully.

How to take, what are the benefits of fireweed honey in medicine?

Official medicine successfully uses fireweed honey in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • increased acidity;
  • stomach ulcers.

Popularly known as “Male Honey”, it is used to treat inflammation of the prostate gland.

It is successfully used in cosmetology, for massage and strengthening hair.


Gastrointestinal diseases

Skin diseases

Beauty Recipes

Face masks

For those who have oily skin cosmetologists advise adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey with 50 g of cleansing clay.

Hair masks

  • 1 tbsp. spoons of honey,
  • ½ teaspoon of onion juice.

Honey for the body



  • Pour 1 liter of water.
  • Add 5 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Honey-oat jelly:

To prepare you need:

  • Oatmeal - ½ cup,
  • Water – 2.5 l,
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Honey is added to the oatmeal broth after cooling.

Vitamin decoction:

  • Pour ½ cup of rose hips into 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 24 hours (preferably in a thermos).
  • After the infusion has cooled, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Traditional medicine with fireweed honey

Recipes to lower blood pressure:

  • Freshly squeezed chokeberry juice – 200 ml,
  • Currant juice – 100 ml,
  • Citric acid on the tip of a knife,
  • Fireweed honey – 100 g.

To prevent colds:

  • Raspberry juice – 200 ml,
  • Honey – 100 g,
  • Water – 200 ml.


Storage conditions

How to spot a fake honey?

Signs by which you can recognize a real product and determine that it is not a fake:

Fireweed honey - benefits and contraindications

Composition and nutritional value of fireweed honey

Characteristics: color, taste and aroma

Fireweed honey has characteristics that are non-standard for a beekeeping product, which distinguishes this species from other varieties:

  • The aroma is light, subtle with herbal notes.

Useful and healing properties

  • It has a beneficial effect on men's health, having a positive effect on potency, reproductive function, and helps in the treatment of prostatitis.
  • Helps relieve cramps and has a beneficial effect on joints.
  • Antibacterial properties help get rid of boils, skin diseases, and ulcers on the mucous membranes.
  • It is an excellent painkiller and, thanks to its analgesic properties, helps cope with pain of any origin.


How long can it be stored?


  • Deterioration in health.
  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Allergic reaction.

How to distinguish fireweed honey from a fake

Where to buy and what is the price of honey

Addresses of retail outlets and online stores in Moscow

“Philosophia de Natura”, Michurinsky Prospekt, 27

“Honey and confiture”, Yaroslavskoe highway, 54

"Russian honey", st. Nagornaya, house 7, building 5, office 22

"Altai Health", st. Rogozhsky Poselok, 29, building 9

Fireweed honey - beneficial properties and contraindications. Fireweed honey - how to distinguish a fake?

Fireweed honey: beneficial properties

Fireweed honey contains:

What are the benefits of fireweed honey? Thanks to such a rich composition, honey collected from fireweed has the following healing properties:

In addition, fireweed honey can be used in cosmetology:

Of course, the effect of fireweed honey is only cosmetic; the cause of dermatological manifestations is still worth fighting.

Fireweed honey: contraindications

At the same time, fireweed honey in small doses is even recommended for consumption, moreover, it is even indicated for pregnant women.

What does fireweed honey look like?

How is fireweed honey made?

The process of pumping out honey has its own specifics depending on the equipment, but the general principle is the same:

Beekeepers often add royal jelly to purified honey to enhance its beneficial properties.

When does fireweed honey set?

How to distinguish real honey from fireweed?

How to distinguish honey from Ivan tea from the rest:

To check maturity there is a fairly simple test:

Napyrsk is characterized by:

  • liquid consistency
  • small bubbles
  • slightly noticeable smell of vinegar

White fireweed honey: photo

Fireweed honey: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harms

What is fireweed honey made from? Sources of production

Characteristic signs of fireweed honey

Beneficial properties of fireweed honey

White honey has a range of useful actions on the body:

Indications for the use of white fireweed honey


Gastrointestinal diseases

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Successfully cured with the participation of corn silk. The effect can be made more significant if you add fireweed honey.

Diseases of ENT organs, bronchial asthma

Skin diseases

Recovery nervous system after stress

Traditional medicine recipes

Fireweed honey with royal jelly

Fireweed honey in cosmetology

Face masks

Hair masks

The following mixture helps against hair loss:

  • 1 tbsp. spoons of honey,
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir or yogurt,
  • ½ teaspoon of medical alcohol,
  • ½ teaspoon of onion juice.

The mask is applied to clean scalp for 1 hour. Wash off with warm water.

Also, this recipe is popular:

You can add the yolk of one egg.

Honey for the body

The product moisturizes the skin and supplies it with essential nutrients.


Recipes for drinks made from fireweed honey


  • Finely chop or grate 0.5 kg of apples.
  • Pour 1 liter of water.
  • Add 5 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Honey-oat jelly:

To prepare you need:

  • Oatmeal - ½ cup,
  • Water – 2.5 l,
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Vitamin decoction:

Contraindications for the use of fireweed honey

Despite all its beneficial properties, not everyone is allowed to consume white honey.

How to choose natural fireweed honey

Secondly, uncandied fireweed honey should flow from the spoon in an even stream.

Thirdly, you can easily distinguish natural honey from fireweed tea by its unique floral aroma and delicate taste.