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Scalp mask with honey. Masks with honey for hair: a selection of the most effective and affordable recipes. Live beer or yeast

Healing properties natural honey is known to everyone. For almost any disease, this popular bee product is used for treatment and prevention. Products containing honey are used both internally and externally. And, of course, no one doubts that a honey mask for hair is one of the most effective ingredients that can restore natural shine to hair, strengthen it and promote rapid growth. In this article we will look at how you can improve your appearance using honey hair masks.

The composition of honey has long been studied: the bulk is occupied by easily digestible sugars (fructose and glucose), which, depending on the ripeness of the honey, contain up to 80%. The remaining 16-20% is water. However, the most important part of this amazing product is precisely the 3%-plus that comes from “other” substances. These include nitrogenous and mineral compounds, vitamins and organic acids, flavonoids and phytoncides, hormones and lipids and much more. As part of hair masks, it is the components of honey that provide their healing effects:

  • Fructose and glucose contained in honey masks restore damaged ends and give hair shine and elasticity;
  • Niacin acid regulates natural color saturation and prevents the appearance of gray hair;
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) in the honey hair mask regulates the secretion of sebum by special glands and prevents drying out of the ends;
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), contained in honey, promotes healthy hair roots and gives curls a natural shine;
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) stimulates rapid growth;
  • Pyridoxine (a derivative of vitamin B6) has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating dandruff;
  • Potassium is an essential element for maintaining normal humidity skin;
  • Iron in honey stimulates blood circulation and thus improves nutrition of subcutaneous tissues;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), present in honey, is the most active participant in metabolic processes, stimulating and accelerating cell renewal.

Important! This complex effect of honey components, when used in the form of masks with additional ingredients, can revitalize any hair, restoring its volume and shine.

If your hair becomes dry and brittle, losing its natural shine and silkiness, use one of the following formulations:

  • Honey mask with aloe. To prepare a hair mask, pass an aloe leaf through a medium-sized meat grinder and add to it Burr oil and honey (1 tablespoon each), fresh egg yolk and a tablespoon of good cognac. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Distribute evenly over hair roots with light rubbing movements. Apply the rest to your strands. At the end of 2 hours, remove the mask with warm water;
  • Honey mask with aloe and garlic. Mix honey with aloe juice (1 tablespoon each), add a teaspoon of garlic juice, and then egg yolk. Leave the resulting mixture on your hair for up to 45 minutes. , then rinse off not very much hot water. To remove the smell of garlic, rinse your hair with slightly acidified warm water;
  • Hair mask with oil. The recipe is extremely simple, but the result is no less effective: honey and oil are mixed in equal quantities. In addition to burdock, camphor, olive, and almond are suitable. Even after such a mask (duration – 40 minutes), your hair will gain elasticity and shine.

Important! Onions have a strong strengthening effect on hair follicles. A simple rub with onion juice gives an amazing result, and when combined with honey, it is enhanced many times over, also providing nutrition. A honey and onion hair mask is made from equal amounts of products, and warm water with a few drops of any product helps eliminate the onion smell. essential oil.

To stimulate hair growth and at the same time strengthen the hair follicles, in addition to valuable nutritional components (honey, butter, eggs, etc.), irritating ingredients that stimulate blood circulation are used:

  • Honey hair mask with yeast. Yeast provides nutrients to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Dilute 2 tsp. yeast in 2 tbsp. l. water or milk. After about an hour, add honey (2 tbsp) and mix thoroughly. The duration of the procedure is up to 40 minutes. If you want to ensure yourself beautiful, lush hair in a short time, additionally take brewer's yeast internally (pharmaceutical preparations);
  • Honey mask with mustard. Dry mustard powder is a strong stimulator for skin cells and has a healing effect on the hair structure. Mix 2 tbsp. l. mustard, milk and honey. Add aloe juice (1 tsp), apply first to the roots, and then to the hair strands. The maximum duration of the procedure is 0.5 hours;
  • Hair mask with cognac. This mask is used not only to strengthen hair follicles and stimulate growth, but also as a preventative against dandruff. Mix honey, cognac and burdock oil, taken in equal quantities (1 tbsp.), with a beaten egg. Gently rub the resulting mixture into the roots and moisten your hair with it. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. ;
  • Honey mask with red pepper. Hot red pepper is a strong stimulant. When rubbed into the skin, it is able to activate all existing hair follicles. Mix liquid honey and ground red pepper in a ratio of 4: 1. Rub into the scalp with light movements of your fingers, apply the remainder to the entire length of your hair. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. To obtain a visible result, 5-6 honey masks for hair are enough.

Important! Regular use of honey masks can be combined with internal intake of honey bee product, since it has a normalizing effect on basic metabolic processes and on activating the functioning of hair follicles. However, the result can only be achieved with regular and long-term use in accordance with recommended doses (for a healthy person - no more than 150 g per day).

Dandruff, or seborrhea, is the result of an inflammatory process of the scalp, which occurs in violation chemical composition sebaceous secretion and the amount of its production (excessive or insufficient). Therefore, anti-dandruff masks with the addition of honey may contain both anti-inflammatory ingredients and those that provide the missing nutrition:

  • Honey mask with burdock oil. Mix honey with burdock oil, taken in equal quantities (2 tablespoons), with 2 yolks and 3-5 drops of lavender oil. After achieving a homogeneous consistency, apply to the hair roots and lightly rub into the skin, distributing the remainder over the entire length of the strands. Leave for 40 minutes. and rinse with warm water;
  • Honey mask with lemon juice. Take the same amount of honey and juice (1 tsp), dilute with castor oil (1 tbsp), mix with finely chopped aloe leaf. If the consistency is too thick, dilute with warm water. Distribute the composition over the scalp and the entire length of the hair. The duration of the procedure is 0.5 hours.

Important! To eliminate dandruff, honey masks also use onion juice or pepper tincture. Reviews of such formulations for treating the scalp are very positive, although many users note the need for regular use of these products and a mandatory preliminary allergy test. Moreover, such a test should also be carried out in relation to honey - after all, it can also cause an allergic reaction.

The simplest procedure has its own subtleties and nuances when carried out. A hair mask with honey is no exception, and the desired result can only be achieved by taking into account the following points:

  • Use guaranteed natural honey. If it is not possible to purchase from a trusted manufacturer, buy it in a specialized store, where they will provide you with a quality certificate;
  • It is recommended to warm the candied honey before use. However, t should not exceed +37.5°C, in otherwise the valuable substances in its composition will begin to deteriorate, and the benefits of the procedure will be at least doubtful;
  • To enhance the effect, after applying the composition to your hair, put a plastic cap and towel on your head;
  • Do not use hot water when washing off the mask - you expose your hair and its roots to aggressive action. If the honey hair mask contains oil, simply wash it off with warm water and shampoo;
  • Adding lemon juice to the water for rinsing the honey mask will help consolidate the effect of the mask and give your hair shine and silkiness. If the sebaceous glands are overworking, take 2 tbsp per 2 liters of water. l. juice, but if your hair is dry, reduce the amount of lemon juice by half;
  • If thorough treatment is required, then make honey masks for hair at the initial stage every other day. When their condition improves, gradually reduce the number of procedures: initially 2 times a week, and for prevention even 1 time is enough.

A honey mask for hair is a simple, effective and affordable remedy for quickly bringing it into a healthy state. And additional components in honey hair masks will enhance the therapeutic effect.

Repeatedly, in different countries, they found honey whose “age” exceeds 5000 years. However, its properties remained unchanged. Also, to preserve its amazing beauty, the legendary Cleopatra used honey. Let's look at the pros and cons of using honey for hair and the positive effects of a mask for hair growth with honey.

Operating principle

It’s easy to verify the uniqueness of bee honey; just look at its composition. About 300 natural substances - an impressive number of components of a bee product.

The features of this gift of nature are exceptional and to some extent phenomenal. It is no wonder that, along with its use in medicine and cooking, this product is widely used in cosmetology. Honey is a godsend for the health, growth and beauty of hair.

Did you know that honey has a lightening effect? Read more about lightening hair with honey, effective recipes and rules of use on our website.

Composition and beneficial properties

Of the rich composition of the product, the following have a special influence on the beauty of hair:

  1. B vitamins are “responsible” for active growth hair, its shine and strength.
  2. Iron and iodine are guarantors against hair loss and the appearance of a nondescript, dull appearance.
  3. Copper and zinc are a kind of storehouse for preserving color and restoring damaged hair structure.

An abundance of other vitamins and microelements have the most optimal effect on the scalp:

  • moisturizes dry hair and dries oily hair;
  • get rid of dandruff, create a protective “film”;
  • add volume and elasticity.

Attention! The results of using the “sweet remedy” will be noted immediately. You will feel pleasant changes, and people around you will notice.


Before you start using this product, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications.

  1. Allergy to bee products. However, such unpleasant moments occur rarely. A simple test will help rule out such a case. Apply a few drops of bee product to a sensitive area of ​​the skin (wrist, elbow). If after 2 hours there is no itching or redness, you are outside the category of allergy sufferers.
  2. Honey masks are also not recommended. when there are (even minor) damage to the scalp.

Rules of application

Preserving the beneficial properties of honey is an important task.

  1. To save medicinal unique properties Honey must be heated only in a water bath. The final temperature should be no higher than 35 degrees.
  2. You need to choose only natural honey for procedures. Otherwise, there will be no effect, and time and effort will be wasted. It is ideal to purchase the product from beekeepers or at the market from reliable sellers.
  3. It is prohibited to place the product in a metal container for heating. For these purposes, only glass or ceramic is used.
  4. It is better to bring all future components of the mask to room temperature if they are taken from the refrigerator.
  5. It is not enough to just spread the product on your hair. You need to slowly rub it into the scalp. Massaging movements, lightly pressing. We talked about the benefits of scalp massage for hair growth earlier.
  6. Be sure to wrap your head after completing the procedure. A special polyethylene shower cap will do. A terry towel is added on top of it.
  7. It is better to apply the finished product to clean, only slightly damp hair.
  8. After washing off honey masks, some stickiness is inevitable. It is very easy to eliminate it by rinsing your hair with a simple solution. To 1 l. Add 50 ml of table vinegar to water and the rinse aid is ready.

Important! The number of sessions is directly related to the goal being pursued. To treat hair, honey masks are recommended every other day, to maintain the effect - once a week. The total number is 10–12 procedures, the course can be repeated after a month.

Photos before and after

Mask recipes

The product is mainly used as part of masks.

For hair growth

Regular use of such a mask can increase hair length by 5–6 cm per month. Application is intended for normal hair:

  • you need to take 2 tablespoons of burdock oil and flower honey - 1 spoon. Also 1 dessert spoon of spice (cinnamon) and 1 beaten chicken egg;
  • After achieving homogeneity, apply to strands from roots to ends by thoroughly mixing;
  • leave on your covered head for an hour. Subsequently wash off.

Honey and onion

This mask simply and effectively strengthens your hair.

  • Grate the onion on a fine kitchen grater. Add honey (ratio 4:1);
  • this mixture must be applied exclusively to the roots and left for 35–40 minutes;
  • After the specified time, rinse off.

Advice. A few drops (no more than 7) of essential oil will help neutralize the smell of onions: tea tree, ylang-ylang, rosemary.

With honey and mustard

The composition of mustard products for dry and oily hair varies somewhat. If they are prone to oiliness, then a mustard-honey mask with gelatin is suitable, if they are dry - with kefir. For preparation, use dry mustard, otherwise useless and even harmful impurities in other types of seasoning will negate the effect of the mask.

Mustard-honey mask with gelatin:

Infuse a tablespoon of gelatin in half a glass of warm water (30 minutes). Then add mustard and natural honey in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each). Leave the mixture distributed over the entire length of the hairs for about an hour.

Mask based on honey, mustard, kefir:

Add 1 tablespoon of seasoning and bee product to a glass of full-fat kefir. After mixing, apply to the roots. Also leave for an hour.

More recipes with mustard masks for hair growth await you on our website.

Using a mask with aggressive ingredients such as mustard, pepper tincture, and cinnamon can cause a burning sensation. If it is mild, this is normal, when the burning is excessively strong, immediately wash off the mask and choose one that is favorable for you.

Meanwhile, it is the property of these components in combination with honey and other ingredients that can awaken inactive hair follicles. This stimulates hair growth. The noticeable effect will encourage you to use it regularly. And the use of natural natural hair care products will become the norm.

Useful videos

Honey mask for fast hair growth.

Hair mask with honey for growth and thickness.

Honey is an excellent remedy for maintaining health and boosting immunity. Used in cosmetology to treat and restore damaged hair. Regular use of this product will allow you to achieve smoother, shiny and well-groomed strands. Honey is beneficial for hair due to the biologically active substances it contains, as well as the similarity of its composition to plasma.

Therefore, it is perfectly absorbed by the body. Honey for hair helps restore elasticity of curls and helps eliminate dandruff. Let's consider its benefits for curls, medicinal properties, as well as recipes for masks that can be prepared at home.

Benefits of honey for hair

The positive effect of using honey to treat hair strands is explained by its unique composition. Among the 400 components of this product, the most important for the treatment of curls can be identified.

Useful composition:

  • Vitamin B. Returns shine to curls, accelerates growth and gives strength. Thanks to this, the hair does not split and becomes stronger and more voluminous.
  • Iodine and iron. Due to deficiencies of these components in the human body, hair follicles become thin, resulting in hair loss and dullness.
  • Copper. A lack of copper in the body can lead to brittle and dull strands. Copper is responsible for the production of collagen and elastin, as well as for the richness of the color of curls.
  • Zinc. Allows you to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, making hair fresh and beautiful. Also responds to restoration of curl structure.

The beneficial microelements that honey contains are perfectly absorbed into the hair, making it shiny and strong. Regular use of honey in cosmetology can have a more noticeable effect than expensive products and procedures in a beauty salon.

The peculiarity of honey is its versatility. It is suitable for all hair types and also solves almost any hair health problem. Also owners of natural brown hair, can lighten curls by several tones with its help. With regular use of honey-based products, a film is formed on the hair that protects it from negative effects. environment, and also makes them smoother and stronger. Hair care should be carried out regularly using various recipes and combining honey with other natural ingredients.

Lightening hair with honey

If you decide to lighten your hair with honey, you can count on a beautiful golden hue, natural shine and restoration of the structure of your curls. When interacting with other components, a natural substance is released that helps lighten the strands. Therefore, with regular use of honey, your curls will gradually become lighter. Already a month later, the color of the curls before and after lightening with honey will be significantly different.

Video: Lightening hair with cinnamon and honey

For lightening, use honey and cinnamon for hair, as well as a small amount of water and any vegetable oil. The mixture must be applied warm, then wrap the strands in polyethylene. Depending on the initial color and condition of the curls, you can lighten them by 1–3 tons in a month.

Honey for hair growth

The unique composition of honey stimulates dormant hair follicles, accelerates hair growth and fights baldness. It is recommended to apply warm honey over the entire length of the curls, and rub it intensively into the scalp with massage movements. Additionally, you can add a little cognac or vodka. These products have a warming effect, so when applied to the skin they increase blood circulation. You can also mix it with grated onion or hot pepper tincture, which have a similar effect. These honey-based recipes will also help cope with severe hair loss.

Video recipe: Mask with honey for fast hair growth at home

Honey for dry hair

Dry hair is especially in need of quality nutrition and hydration.. It is recommended to use oil and honey for hair, which saturate the curls with useful elements, nourish them, and also create a layer on the surface that protects from the negative effects of the sun, products and thermal styling. A little honey added to your favorite hair product will make it healing.

Apply heated to dry curls. You can also add yolk to it. To strengthen dry curls, it is recommended to use a mixture based on garlic, cognac and liquid honey. This mask can be left on all night.

Hair masks with honey - homemade recipes

Honey hair mask solves most problems with curls. However, in order to achieve maximum results and solve all problems with one mask, it is recommended to add other natural and healthy ingredients to it.

Homemade masks, which you can make with your own hands from available ingredients, are much more effective than even the most expensive procedures in beauty salons. Let's look at some of the most effective masks.

Hair mask with honey and egg

If you want to revive your hair, make it healthy, beautiful and shiny, natural honey and egg yolk will come to the rescue. Honey and egg have an incredible effect and are suitable for curls of any type and condition.


  • Liquid honey
  • Eggs.
  • Aloe juice.

Beat the yolk and honey in a blender, add a little freshly squeezed aloe juice and a few drops of almond oil. The mask is applied to clean and slightly dried hair. Particular attention should be paid to the ends. The exposure time of the mask is 1–2 hours. Regular use of this product helps smooth strands, add shine and moisturize them.

Video: Recipe for egg-honey hair mask at home

Hair mask with honey and olive oil

A classic hair mask includes only honey and vegetable oil. But this does not make it any less effective. This mixture can be used for any type of hair, but it is most effective for dry and damaged curls.


Honey should be melted in a water bath, adding a little vegetable oil. It is best to use extra virgin olive oil, which contains all the vitamins needed to maintain healthy locks. It is quite difficult to wash off such a mask; it can leave an oily sheen. Therefore, wash your hair with shampoo 2-3 times.

Hair mask with honey and burdock oil

Every woman dreams of having long and shiny locks. To achieve this result at home, you can use burdock oil and honey for your hair. These components activate dormant hair follicles and restore damaged hair structure.


Mix all ingredients, heat a little and apply to hair roots. The course of treatment should be at least 1.5 months.

Hair mask with honey and cognac

Homemade hair masks with honey and cognac help improve blood circulation in the scalp. Thus, hair grows much faster. In addition, the mask will help solve the problem of excessive greasy hair, because cognac has a drying effect. It is better not to use such a mask for dry curls.


  • Yolk.

Mix the yolk, honey and cognac, heat a little. It is recommended to apply the mask along the entire length. In addition to stimulating hair growth, it helps improve their overall condition.

Hair mask with honey and lemon

Another home method lighten and strengthen curls. It is recommended to apply this mask at night, wrapping your head in plastic and wearing a cap.

You will need:

  • Castor oil.

For the mask, it is best to use freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is mixed with honey and castor oil. Apply to the entire length of the curls.

Hair mask with honey and kefir

Strengthening hair is very important at any time of the year. If you want to improve the health of oily and combination hair, it is recommended to use a hair mask recipe with honey, kefir and mustard.


  • Kefir.
  • Mustard.
  • Yolk.
  • Lemon essential oil.

Honey and mustard are mixed and heated. Add a little kefir and one yolk. Drop a little lemon essential oil into the finished mask, which will give it an incredible aroma and also reduce the greasiness of your curls. After using the mask, it is recommended to rinse your hair with honey. To do this, add honey to warm water and rinse your hair after washing your hair.

Hair mask with honey and onion

Can also be used against hair loss. The product is prepared on the basis of liquid honey, sea ​​salt and onions.


  • Onion juice.
  • Vodka.

Mix all the ingredients and slightly heat the resulting mixture. Apply to clean curls, after which you should wrap your head with a terry towel. It is necessary to use honey for hair loss at least several times a month, otherwise the effect will be insignificant and unnoticeable.

Hair mask with honey and milk

For dry scalp and hair, it is best to use recipes with honey and milk.


  • Full fat milk.
  • White bread.

Soak the bread in milk, add a little honey. Apply to the entire length of the curls and to the scalp. Milk and honey for hair is a unique combination that nourishes and moisturizes strands and skin. (See also the best milk masks at home).

Mask with honey for thicker hair

If you have sparse and weakened hair, you can prepare a wonderful mask, the main ingredients of which are honey and pepper.


  • Liquid honey

Honey for hair: reviews of use

Mila, 23 years old

After regularly using masks based on honey and pepper, my curls began to grow much better, I forgot about dandruff, and an incredible shine appeared. Simply great!

Natalya, 30 years old

My favorite is the mask that includes sour cream and honey. I use it several times a month and am very pleased.

Irina, 28 years old

I strengthened my hair with honey and kefir. Overall I’m happy because my curls have become thicker, but unpleasant feeling tightness. This mask may not be suitable for dry skin.

For dessert, video: Recipe for a nourishing hair mask with oils and honey

Effective hair masks with honey: recipes

Honey hair masks restore softness and manageability of hair, eliminate dandruff and irritation.

Thanks to honey masks you can grow long and Thick hair and restore them after perm or coloring.

Useful properties of honey

The beneficial properties of honey are varied. It normalizes the work of almost everyone internal organs person. It is used as a therapeutic or prophylactic remedy for various diseases.

Basic beneficial features honey:

  • a general tonic, energizes the body;
  • increases immunity, copes well with colds;
  • restores metabolism in the body;
  • improves blood composition;
  • helps cope with insomnia;
  • stops the aging process of the body.

Benefits of honey for hair

Honey is a unique product not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Composed of many cosmetics(lotions, balms, shampoos) this folk remedy is found. Honey is also popular in home recipes for skin and hair care.

The beneficial properties of honey are manifested thanks to the natural components it contains:

  • Zinc normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and regenerates the skin;
  • Iodine prevents hair loss;
  • Iron nourishes and strengthens hair follicles;
  • Copper preserves hair color and gives it a rich shade;
  • B vitamins- the most important for hair. They stimulate their growth, restore shine to the hair and are famous for strengthening the hair structure. The braids become strong and elastic.

Let's consider in what form honey is used for hair treatment and restoration, as well as what contraindications there are.

Features of application

Honey is a universal folk remedy that used to treat many diseases. It is used:

  • for colds (sore throat, cough);
  • as a sedative and for insomnia;
  • in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases;
  • as a pain reliever;
  • from neurosis and other problems with the nervous system;
  • for problems with hair;
  • as a medicine for urolithiasis;
  • as a wound healing agent;
  • to reduce the acidity of gastric juice;
  • for eye diseases, etc.

Despite the effectiveness of using honey at home, it should be used with caution by people prone to allergies.

Also with special attention the product is given:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • persons with diabetes.

Use of honey for hair

Honey contains vitamins, minerals and acids that promote hair growth and strengthening. The product is used in its pure form or as a component for the manufacture of nourishing hair masks.

Honey goes well with:

  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • onions;
  • egg;
  • milk;
  • burdock oil;
  • cognac;
  • castor oil;
  • aloe juice and other ingredients.

Let us list the situations when honey is used in its pure form, and when it is used as part of masks.

In its purest form

IN folk medicine Honey is used to strengthen hair and give it a natural shine. The product is used in its pure form if a woman has dry and brittle hair. Honey is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements.

In its pure form, the product is used to combat ailments such as dandruff. Before applying honey to the scalp, wash it thoroughly. For a more effective effect, you can visit the bathhouse and steam, or do a head massage yourself, increasing blood circulation on it.

The product is applied to clean hair and gently rubbed into the roots. We insulate the head with a towel and leave for an hour. Then wash off with warm water. The procedure is carried out once a week for one month.

Please note: for honey to help fight dandruff, it is recommended to leave it pure on your head overnight.

Contains masks

In folk medicine, honey is most often used as part of cosmetic hair masks. The advantages of homemade masks with honey are their affordable price and a variety of recipes using improvised means.

Subject to the correct proportions home remedy can:

  • improve scalp health;
  • stimulate the work of hair follicles;
  • normalize water-lipid balance;
  • stop the loss;
  • prevent delamination, fragility and section;
  • get rid of oily or dry seborrhea.

Women make hair masks with honey:

  • to strengthen hair;
  • from their loss;
  • from split ends;
  • for dry and oily hair;
  • to brighten them.

Hair strengthening mask with honey

Weak curls are a problem for most women. Honey in the mask:

  • makes hair stronger;
  • strengthens roots;
  • stimulates hair growth.

For cooking masks with honey to strengthen hair prepare kefir (2 tbsp), egg yolk (1 pc.), liquid honey (2 tbsp), 5 drops of essential oil and dry mustard (1 tsp). Mix all ingredients until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to pre-combed hair using a brush. Warm your head with a towel for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

To restore hair structure you can use Another one effective recipe. Take honey, burdock oil 1 tbsp. l. and mix them with egg yolk. Apply the mask to your hair for half an hour and wash off with non-concentrated shampoo. We carry out the procedure once a week for two months.

Anti-hair loss mask with honey

To cope with intense hair loss, prepare a mask using honey. You will also need to prepare the following components:

  • onion juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yolk - 1 piece;
  • castor (olive) oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with yolk and onion juice. Add olive (castor) oil to the mixture. Rub the resulting mask into the hair roots with massaging movements. We put on a hat for 40 minutes and wrap our head with a towel or bag.

The procedure period is 1 month, 2 times a week. If you adhere to the timing of applying the mask, the curls will stop falling out and will give the strands a healthy look.

For split ends

The problem of split ends in most cases haunts owners long hair. To cope with the disease, you can prepare a mask with honey.


  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Separate the yolk from the white and mix it with honey and heated vegetable oil. Lubricate the ends of your hair with the resulting mixture. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes and stay in a warm room. After time, rinse with shampoo and rinse hair with cool water. It prevents the appearance of new exfoliated scales.

We apply a mask against split ends with honey 2-3 times a week for two months. The result will not be noticeable immediately, but constant use folk remedy, the hair will be fluffy and the curls will not get tangled.

For lightening hair

A honey mask for lightening hair is used only by owners of blond hair. Thanks to a folk remedy made at home, your curls will become two shades lighter.

To lighten hair, honey should be light in color and liquid in consistency.

Before preparing the mask, warm up the honey. Do not do this using a microwave, as the product will lose all its beneficial properties. Apply the heated honey with massaging movements to each strand of hair, starting from the roots and ending with the ends. For convenience, we use a comb.

After applying the mask, warm your hair with a towel or bag. We leave it for 10 hours, so it is recommended to carry out the procedure at night. After the allotted time, rinse your hair with warm water and wash the mask with shampoo. Afterwards, rinse the curls with chamomile-lemon decoction.

A mask with honey for lightening hair is applied to the hair once if necessary to lighten it. You can use such a folk remedy with 100% confidence that there is no allergic reaction to the main component of the mixture - honey.

For dry hair

Honey in a cosmetic mask copes well with the problem of dry hair. To prepare it you will need:

  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • almond oil- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • aloe juice - 1 tablespoon.

Heat the honey in a water bath. Beat the egg and add aloe juice and almond oil to it. All ingredients are mixed and the mask is applied to dry hair. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Be careful if hot liquid gets on the mask. The egg included in its composition may curl.

If a folk mask is prepared for long, dry hair, then the number of ingredients is doubled. The course of treatment is 1 month. Procedures are carried out twice a week.

For oily hair

Oily hair requires attention special attention women. The main task of a homemade mask with honey is to remove excess oil from the scalp roots.

For cooking masks for oily hair with honey at home you will need:

  • melted honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Mix the above ingredients until smooth and rub into the scalp with your fingers. If gaps remain, lubricate them with oil (vegetable, olive). Keep the mask on for 30 minutes and wash off. It is recommended to carry out the procedure before washing your hair.

A mask with honey for oily hair is washed off only with warm water. Hot starts the work of the sebaceous glands on the head.

Mask with honey for oily hair medicine apply 2 times a week for a month. For preventive purposes, it is used once every two weeks.

Honey is one of the most popular folk remedies used to strengthen hair and combat hair loss at home. Hair treatment with honey is very effective. Masks with honey can be used to accelerate hair growth two to three times a week. The course of procedures is at least 2 months.

What are the benefits of honey for hair?
Honey has wide range anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiallergic properties. It contains vitamins, microelements, and minerals that are very necessary for our body. Honey is used both in folk remedies, and in expensive cosmetic preparations.
Be sure to take a couple of spoons daily internally, and not just use honey as masks!

Contraindications: allergy to honey

How to properly make masks with honey at home?

The easiest way to use: honey in homemade masks can be used without adding other components. Such a simple honey mask Apply to cleanly washed hair, rubbed into the scalp and washed off after half an hour or an hour.

Honey masks are very effective for hair loss. It is especially recommended to use honey-based masks at home for dry scalp and dry hair. Honey perfectly restores brittle, damaged hair.

Here are some effective recipes for honey-based masks for treatment and hair growth:

Recipe 1. Hair growth mask with honey and lemon.

Mask composition: honey + lemon juice.
Mix the juice of one lemon with two tablespoons of honey, then carefully apply the resulting mixture to your hair. It is recommended to keep this mask for ten minutes. It will enhance hair growth and give it a pleasant shine. This honey mask is also recommended for strengthening oily hair.

Recipe 2. Mask with honey and onion for hair loss.

Ingredients of the mask: honey + onion (garlic).
This honey mask is well suited for treating hair loss: chop a small onion or a few cloves of garlic in a blender and mix the resulting mass with honey in a ratio of four to one. Rub the mask into the roots and distribute the rest through your hair. It is recommended to keep the mask on for half an hour. For excessively dry hair, you can add a spoonful of any natural vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, burdock, etc.) to the mask.

Recipe 3. Honey mask for hair growth with honey and olive oil.

Mask composition: honey + olive oil + egg yolk + cognac (vodka).
Mix well one yolk and one tablespoon each of honey, cognac or vodka and burdock or olive oil.
The mask is applied for half an hour, then washed off with warm water. This effective honey mask promotes hair growth and strengthening, and eliminates dandruff.

Recipe 4. Mask against hair loss with honey and kefir.

Ingredients of the mask: honey + kefir + cognac (vodka) + onion (garlic).
For severe hair loss, use the following homemade mask: mix a tablespoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cognac or vodka, half a teaspoon of onion or garlic juice, a tablespoon of kefir or yogurt.
Keep the mask on for 30-60 minutes. Rinse with water.

Recipe 5. Hair mask with honey and mustard.

Ingredients: honey + mustard + yolk + butter.
Take one tablespoon each of mustard powder, honey, any natural vegetable oil and the yolk of one egg. Mix the ingredients well and apply to your head. Keep the mask on for thirty or sixty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 6. Hair mask with honey and burdock oil.

Ingredients: burdock oil + honey + vinegar.
Recipe for the next one nourishing mask with honey will help with split ends. You can apply the mask only to the ends of your hair.
Mix two tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of burdock or any other natural vegetable oil and a tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Rub the mixture thoroughly into the ends of your hair and leave for thirty minutes.

Recipe 7. Honey mask with aloe against hair loss.

Ingredients: honey + aloe vera + potatoes.
For severe hair loss, try the following folk recipe:
Extract the juice from one medium-sized raw potato. Mix two tablespoons of potato juice with the same amount of aloe juice and honey. Rub the mixture thoroughly into the roots of your hair, massaging your scalp. Cover your head with plastic and a warm towel. It is recommended to keep this folk mask for one to two hours and apply regularly once a week.

Recipe 8. Honey mask for oily hair with honey and egg yolk.

Ingredients: honey + egg yolk.
For excessively oily hair, the following folk recipe is recommended:
Mix two tablespoons of honey with two egg yolks, rub the mask into the scalp and distribute throughout the hair. The procedure time is thirty to sixty minutes.

Recipe 9. Hair mask with honey and beer for growth.

Ingredients: honey + beer + yolk.
Whisk two tablespoons of honey with the yolk of one egg and add a quarter glass of beer. Lubricate your hair with the resulting mixture, cover it with polyethylene and a warm cloth. You can keep this nourishing folk mask for an hour or more.

Recipe 10. Restoring honey mask for hair growth.

Ingredients: honey + oatmeal (cereals) + milk.
Melt one tablespoon of honey in a water bath, mix it with two tablespoons of milk and a spoon of oatmeal. Rub thoroughly, distribute over the entire length and rub into the scalp. Cover your head and keep the mask on for thirty to sixty minutes.

Honey for lightening hair.

Honey is successfully used as a hair lightening agent due to the fact that it contains hydrogen peroxide.
Attention: only fresh honey is suitable for lightening hair!
Do not think that with the help of honey you can dye a burning brunette blonde. Rather, honey can slightly lighten the natural shade or reduce the effect of previous coloring.
Using masks with honey will help get rid of yellowness in dyed hair.
Any mask with honey has a brightening effect, so choose the recipe that you like best. But it takes a very long time to keep the honey mask on your hair - at least several hours. You may need to leave the honey on your hair overnight.

Recipe 11. Hair mask with honey and cinnamon.

Ingredients: honey + ground cinnamon (powder).
Check to see if you are allergic to cinnamon.
Take the ingredients in equal parts. Mix slightly warmed honey with cinnamon powder. Distribute over your hair, wrap your head, hold for 30-60 minutes - to strengthen the hair, if you want to achieve a lightening effect - then for as long as possible.

Recipe 12. Honey for hair ends.

This simple remedy will help improve the appearance of split ends in your hair. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in half a glass of warm water, then dip the ends of your hair in this mixture for a few minutes. There is no need to wash your hair after this.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have individual intolerance, test it first on the skin of your hand!

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Honey for hair growth - honey masks for dry and oily hair reviews: 21

  • Olga

    Honey hair masks are one of the most effective and popular, time-tested. Honey is great for hair growth. I just mixed sour cream with honey, it makes an excellent mask for dry hair

  • Anna

    What homemade mask is best for increasing hair thickness?

  • Trick

    I confirm - honey masks are the best natural masks for colored hair and restoration of split ends! The effect of using honey on hair is amazing!

  • Victoria

    Which mask is best to use to accelerate hair growth and from what? (help me please)

  • Anonymous

    I think it will help to strengthen your hair, you should try these honey masks.

  • Lena

    The most the best remedy for baldness - garlic.

  • Natalia

    Should the mask with sour cream and honey be applied to washed hair or before washing?

  • Fatima

    Lena How to rub garlic,

  • Nadeyka

    I tried honey and egg on wet hair! the result is excellent! Honey restores well! my hair gets very split and ends like a washcloth after bleaching! after honey they became soft and split ends were not noticeable.

  • Hope

    I recommend this honey mask to everyone

  • zere

    I haven't tried it yet

  • Chris

    And for the first time, I foolishly started applying honey to dry hair. A disgusting task, I ruined the whole jar and barely spread it. I kept it on for an hour, despite the towel running down my neck... brrr... But when I washed it off, then washed my hair with shampoo - there was still an effect. The hair is soft, shiny and lies well. Now I’ll try applying honey to washed hair, mixing it with lemon and aloe. I'll unsubscribe

  • Julia

    My hair is falling out a lot... and I dyed my hair from black to red (((
    I’m looking for a good hair mask... girls, help(((*

  • Anonymous

    Apply honey to wet, washed hair. Can be mixed with your balm if desired. But it spreads well on damp hair. Or first honey, for about 15 minutes while in the bath or bathhouse, then, without washing off the honey balm. The effect is amazing. Tested on bleached, tangled and split ends hair

  • Alyona

    I have naturally light brown hair, from the age of 14 I dyed it white, then chestnut, then I dyed it red with henna, then I began to gradually grow it out and do highlights. Now I'm 18. You can only imagine what happened to my hair. I haven’t touched them for 7 months, I just make masks for the ends from olive oil adding bionet, I take vitamins and trim the ends little by little. The hair looks better - but the ends are still burned off and it doesn’t look very beautiful!
    Today I made a mask for the ends of my hair from honey. I just applied warm honey to damp hair and left it for 4 hours) I’m happy with the result. The ends do not rustle, look more well-groomed, do not frizz, and are soft. Conclusion: you need to listen to what your mother says from childhood. And she warned)

  • Irina

    I recommend a hair mask with honey to everyone.
    I add - 1 spoon of honey, 1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil, 1 yolk, I also added ampoule vitamins - Grandmother Agafia.
    the result is very good!
    hair falls out less, soft, vibrant!
    My hair after chemo... looks very good.
    I do the mask every time I wash my hair. this is 2-3 times a week for 40-60 minutes.

    I recommend it to everyone.

    I want to try the mask with beer

  • Charming

    1 tablespoon of honey, mayonnaise and vodka, apply to hair and wrap in a bag, leave for about 1 hour, rinse hair with shampoo. This is a mask for hair thickness and shine.

  • pretzel

    I made a mask with honey after I burned all my hair (went from black to blond). It restores the ends well

  • Maria

    I just tried warm honey on damp hair, kept it for an hour under film and a towel. Result: hair is soft, fluffy, better than after conditioner or balm (although I always use well-known brands). I made such a mask for the first time in my life.

  • Lyalya

    I use this recipe:
    -1 tbsp burdock oil.
    -1 yolk
    -1 piece of stale bread
    -Hot water
    -1 tsp honey
    1) Cut the bread into small cubes.
    2) Fill everything with hot water.
    3) Leave for 1 hour.
    4) Apply to hair for 1 hour.
    5) Rinse 2 times. Warm, ONLY warm water.
    My hair has grown 5-7 cm in a month.

  • Amina, dermoto-cosmetologist

    I make garlic with vegetable oil, an excellent remedy for hair loss and baldness.