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Kingdom of Lesotho: capital, population and attractions. Main attractions of Lesotho: list and description Brief history of Lesotho, national flag

Lesotho is a kind of state within a state, an enclave: the territory of the kingdom is surrounded on all sides (more precisely, on three sides - another side is mountains) by the territory of another country - the Republic of South Africa. There are only three such states surrounded by other states in the world: in addition to Lesotho, these are the Vatican and San Marino. Another interesting fact about Lesotho is that it is the only country in the world that is entirely above 1,400 meters above sea level. Because of this, it is called the “Kingdom in the Sky.” From a satellite, Lesotho looks like a square brown rug. The capital of the kingdom is called Maseru. Lesotho is landlocked. Trees almost do not grow here, a significant territory of the country is a plateau, other parts are foothills and highlands, the territory is covered with grasses - scarce in the lower parts, and transforming in the highlands earth's surface to subalpine meadows. The spiral aloe, the national flower of Lesotho and an endemic plant, grows everywhere. Due to the fact that Lesotho is a mountainous country, the climate here is uneven: in the summer (January-February) in the capital and valleys there can be thirty degrees of heat, but in winter the frosts, depending on the area, can be strong and very strong: -7 ° C and in the lowlands areas -17°C, from May to September there is snow in the mountains.

Lesotho is not a rich country, even poor: its only Big City— the capital, Maseru, basically looks like a one-story village, sometimes turning into slums (many blocks of the capital were destroyed during street battles between South African troops and the Lesotho army), but there are also business districts with office buildings, banks, and shops. In Maseru, be careful with cameras: people are scared even by the sight of a camera and do not allow themselves or the surrounding buildings to be photographed.

But if you go deeper into the interior, the touch of civilization from Lesotho subsides, and beauty begins. These are grassy expanses that stretch as wide as the eye can see. Outside the capital, there is, for example, one of the wonders of the world - the Katse Dam, the second tallest dam in Africa. Even if getting to it is not easy and sometimes even scary (about two hundred kilometers along the serpentine road), the spectacle is clearly worth it: a giant reservoir winds in a wide blue stripe between the brown mountain shores. In order to build this giant, it was necessary to pour 2 million 320 thousand tons of concrete. It is noteworthy that it is possible to get inside the dam - as part of the excursion, which takes place twice a day every day, you can see stunning tunnels, locks, and elevators. Another interesting attraction in Lesotho is national park Sehlabatebe, which was created to protect the nature of the Drakensberg Mountains. In the park you can admire the complexes of African savannas covered with tree-like heather, visit karst caves, see animals such as antelope, hyena, fox, and birds such as a vulture, black heron, bald ibis, and bearded eagle.

Even a very small country can be original and distinctive. Especially if it is located on such an exotic continent as Africa. This is where Lesotho is located - a small state surrounded on all sides by the borders of South Africa. It is not very well known to tourists, and it is completely in vain. What is the name of the capital of the country Lesotho and what interesting things can you tell about this region?


The main city of this state is called exactly that. The Kingdom of Lesotho is surrounded by borders on all sides. B noticeably especially often. The city ends on three sides. Perhaps, if you need to find the most unremarkable center, the capital of Lesotho will be the leader on the list. The Kingdom of Lesotho has interesting nature and ancient culture, but you won't find them in the main city. Maseru is a boring town with only a few streets. There is surprisingly little here and the attractions are limited to supermarkets. Outside the main streets there are typical African houses that can be seen in any chaotic village. However, a tourist passionate about the continent should visit Lesotho at least once. The capital allows you to find surprisingly cheap overnight accommodation - for just four hundred rand you will get a cottage with a kitchen for the night. The local currency exchange rate is quite easy to calculate. One American dollar is equal to seven rands.

What’s unusual is that overnight accommodation in the capital is quite affordable, not only by African standards, but also within the state itself - at national attractions you will have to pay about two hundred rand more for an overnight stay.

Visa regime

The capital of Lesotho is located right next to the border, so you can get there from South Africa through several checkpoints. The traveler will not need a visa - you will simply have your passport stamped. Guests of the country are simply recorded in a special notebook, after which you can safely go to explore the mysterious land of Lesotho. The main state is located in the center of Maseru. Therefore, often the first thing that tourists who come to Lesotho see is the capital. The most accurate and well-equipped checkpoints lead here. There are eight of them in total, and some of them are located right on a dusty country road without asphalt, in a small house of a very modest appearance. If you want something exotic, look for this one, but for a familiar view of the border, you should enter near the capital of the country.

There are several amazing features that distinguish Lesotho. The capital welcomes tourists, but not their cameras: taking photographs here often causes displeasure and even anger. Passers-by will look askance at your camera, security guards may make comments, and it is better not to try to capture even the main temple of Maseru: the abbot may want a personal conversation, and it will not be friendly at all. There are no explanations for this wary attitude, but for some reason all even more or less important objects are considered secret.

In fact, the most interesting and unusual details await you far from Maseru. It is worth going inland, to where the asphalt roads end and the mountains begin. There you can see ancient Lesotho. The capital is filled with modernity and inscriptions on English language, and far from civilization, local tribes of Sots still live, walking around in loincloths, keeping the former culture of the state intact.

Main attraction

What is a must see in Lesotho? Information about the country may seem scarce, but this state still deserves attention, primarily because of the most important local attraction.

This is a mountainous country, and the most beautiful place is also distinguished by its height, although it is artificial. Katse Dam is the second largest in Africa, a structure that can be called one of the wonders of the world. You need to drive to it from the capital along a picturesque mountain serpentine road, which in itself deserves attention. Along the way you can see traditional stone buildings and climb to a pass three thousand meters above sea level. You definitely won't be bored. The pass is the highest in Africa, and such passes are rare on other continents. Soon after, you can already see a huge reservoir stretching for 50 kilometers. It was created as part of a special project developed together with South Africa. It is aimed at collecting and transporting water from mountainous areas to areas characterized by dry weather.

Then the dam opens to the attention of travelers. The height of the main part is almost 200 meters and the width is 710. 2 million tons of concrete were required to build it. There is a daily tour of the dam, beginning at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Within its framework, you can get inside, but taking photographs during the process is prohibited. The dam's premises contain many picturesque tunnels, elevators, locks and high-tech equipment. You can stay overnight at a hotel with a view of this wonderful building.

History of the country

The small island on the map appeared as a result of the Anglo-Boer Wars of the nineteenth century, when the Sots, the people of Lesotho, decided to enter into an alliance with the British. They fought alongside them against neighboring Africans. The Boers continually seized the lands of the Sots and thereby reduced the territory of the kingdom, so the decision to participate in the war against them was obvious.

As a result, the British won, subjugated the entire southern part of the continent and allocated a small piece of land for the allies - a protectorate called Basutoland. However, the Sots did not receive real independence for a long time, and some of the historical territories remained outside the area allocated for the kingdom on the map.

Lesotho and South Africa

Despite the difficult history, the country has now gained sovereignty. It is interesting that the capital of the kingdom of Lesotho is surrounded on three sides by the border of South Africa, and the influence of its large neighbor on the state is immeasurable, but independence in these parts appeared much later. The Boers had long existed in the apartheid country, and in the center of their territory a piece of English land remained - a protectorate. It was not until 1966 that Lesotho gained independence from Britain. However, the influence of the European country is noticeable here and now. English is even second state language on a par with the national dialect Sesotho. All signs and posters are reminiscent of British rule. Price tags in the store are also in English. In short, a tourist unfamiliar with exotic dialects will find mutual language It won't be difficult with the locals. IN this moment The country's population is 2,031,000 people.

A small but very picturesque state, the Kingdom of Lesotho attracts tourists from all over the world. Its unique geographical location is a business card. Lesotho is one of the three countries that are completely surrounded by the territory of one state. IN in this case this is the Republic of South Africa. The other two: Vatican City and San Marino are in Europe.

Lesotho is a country of vibrancy, vibrant colors and stunning landscapes. That's why tourists come here to see its beauty.

Getting to know the interesting places of any country usually begins with its capital. The city of Maseru is located near the border with South Africa, in its western part.

This villa was built in 1976. The state is a monarchy, one of the few remaining in the world, so the place where the ruler of the country lives is very popular. Now it is planned to build a new, modern building based on the already completed building project.

A two-story building that attracts tourists with its national flavor. It was built in the form of a traditional Basotho tribal hut. Souvenirs made by masters of various crafts are sold here. Prices in the store are slightly higher than in the city as a whole. But it's still worth visiting the store. The building is located in the city center, near a bank and a large shopping center.

The best place to start getting to know the country and its diverse culture is at the museum. Here you can find many exhibits and exhibitions that tell and clearly illustrate the life, beliefs, history and culture of the state.

One of the most beautiful and majestic buildings in the city is the active Catholic Cathedral. Our Lady of Victory Cathedral, as it is called in English, is located near the main entrance to the city. Appearance The cathedral is symmetrical and neat; on the sides of the main building there are two high rectangular towers. The clear lines, original appearance, and architectural significance of the cathedral make it an attractive destination for tourists.

Private educational institution opened in 1977, which provides everyone with secondary education that meets global standards. The territory of the college is 4 hectares, and hostels for students are located on it. different genders, educational buildings, field for games. Studying takes place in English. Patronizes educational institution The queen of the country is Masenate Mohato Siiso.

This is a branch of the University of Malaysia, which is located near the Mohokare River. The institution provides high-quality education to everyone, allowing them to compete in the global labor market.

This is a symbol of the entire country, a visit to which is considered mandatory, and means “night mountain.” Its height is 1804 meters, and on the flat top was once the king's refuge. Regular excursions are made here from those who want to join the history of the country, which literally every stone breathes here.

The ruins of the refuge founded by King Moshoeshoe are one of the most visited places. It is famous for the fact that for 40 years it remained impregnable to the British colonialists. The fortress was captured in 1824. Currently, all that remains of it are the ruins of buildings and the royal cemetery. But the flow of tourists never stops.

This is a unique building that represents the headdress of the Basotho tribe. Its cylindrical shape and height of two human heights is topped with a thatched roof resembling a cone. It is also located on the top of Mount Thaba Bosiu.

One of the most picturesque places in Lesotho. Its peculiarity is the stone vaults of the cave used as the roof and back wall of the dwelling.

A missionary from Switzerland, David-Frederick Ellenberger, built this house for himself, or rather, he just erected a red brick wall. It has a door and four windows. Now the house is used as a museum of antique household utensils and belongings.

Letseng Diamond Mine

One of the richest mines in the country, the reserves of which are amazing. Stones found here weighing several hundred carats are sold for millions of dollars. Its location at an altitude of 3100 m is unique. The mine was closed for some time, but reopened in 2008. Now this place is very popular among tourists.

Sekhlabetebe National Park

Created in 1970 to preserve the unique beauty of the Drakensberg Mountains. Tourists can conquer peaks of various heights, visit karst caves, and even live with the Basotho tribe. The park is famous for its rare species of animals and birds, picturesque landscapes, and the stunning beauty of the African savannah.

Bokong Nature Reserve

A reserve in the highlands, located near the town of Tabaka-Tseka. The tourist center is located on the edge of a 100 m high cliff. Excursions depart from here daily.

Waterfall Lepaqoa freezes in winter, forming a stunningly beautiful ice crust. One of the African wonders of the world is the Katze Dam - it provides water resources lands poor in them.

Tshehlanyane National Park

You can feel like a real tourist here. The park's 5,600 hectares area includes campsites, chalets and comfortable small houses. Here you can meet aboriginal tribes, and the inaccessibility and some isolation of the territory make it possible to see rare species of animals, plants, and insects.

Lovers of antiquities can visit Quiting to see fossilized traces of dinosaurs, and also look at the reserve Liphofung There are rock paintings in the cave. The country has the only ski resort in all of Africa, Afri-Ski.

There is a waterfall on the river of the same name; it is full of water all year round, because its height is 192 m. This river is a tributary of the Orange River, which in turn is attractive to tourists.

Radio station Mafeteng Community Radio located in the city of Mafeteng. This is the first such station, its broadcast coverage is 70 thousand people living within a radius of 10 to 50 km from the center.

City Quting famous for its religious buildings. Both the Missionary Church and the Evangelical Church of Lesotho are located here. In Buta-Buta you can see the Soofie Masjid Mosque, it is the only one in the whole country, and the year of its construction is 1908. Next to it is a cemetery for Muslims, also one of its kind in the whole country.

The Kingdom of Lesotho is a state in Africa with an interesting geographical location: The country's territory is surrounded on all sides by lands belonging to South Africa.

In the 19th century the state was a protectorate of Great Britain. There is an interesting fact in its history: Lesotho is one of the few African countries that was able to expel British troops abroad on its own. This event took place in 1852. However, wars with local tribes soon led to the fact that Lesotho lost its recently acquired independence and became a sovereign state again only in 1966.

Lesotho is a country in which there is an acute problem of massive HIV infection, with up to 36% of the population infected. However, many tourists flock here, since Lesotho, a country located high above the sea, has excellent conditions for hiking and fishing (to fish for trout, you will need permission from the local ministry).

Sights of Lesotho mainly associated with its beautiful nature. For example, Mokhotlong is a place that is one of the best in Africa for hiking tours due to specially laid routes along the picturesque Drakensberg Mountains.

The "swampy place" is located near the capital of the country - Maseru. The Lesotho authorities have done everything to make tourists interested in this land - Teyateyaneng has long developed as a center of folk crafts. Here you can watch craftsmen at work and buy beautiful tapestries or other wool products.