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Catechins for weight loss in green tea. Health Where is Epicatechin found?

Catechins are biological substances from the group of flavonoids (plant polyphenols). Flavonoids are natural antioxidants; the natural functions of these substances are not fully understood. IN flora catechins protect plants from radiation, absorbing ultraviolet light, and some pathogenic types of fungi. Flavonoids are not only antioxidants - they are used as tannins and dyes.

Catechins protect the body from free radicals. The latter are constantly formed in the cells of the body during the process of oxidation, slowly destroy organs, accelerate aging and the onset of cancer.

Catechins got their name from the acacia catechu. It is a small tree with dense branches and dark brown wood. Catechins were first discovered in it. Catechu solution is widely used to treat gum diseases, as an astringent, and as part of lotions.

What are catechins for?

Catechins are the founders of the group of tannins and powerful natural antioxidants. Strengthens capillaries, making their walls stronger and thicker. Catechins benefit the body by removing cholesterol, accelerating metabolism, helping with a variety of edema of vascular origin, ailments due to insufficient capillary patency. Catechins are effective against stroke, heart attack, thrombosis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, and other diseases of cardio-vascular system. Flavonoids prevent the body from absorbing fats from food.

The benefits of catechins are also in the fight against diseases gastrointestinal tract, colds, food intoxications. Flavonoids kill bacteria and microbes in the mouth, preventing infections of the gums, mucous membranes, and bad breath.

For metal poisoning, catechins are also used. These substances absorb and remove cadmium, chromium, lead, and tin from body cells.

Indications for the use of catechins

Catechins and liver

The liver is the main gland of the body, the main filter that removes all toxins, decay products, waste products, a barrier to toxins, and a regulator of the level of fats and sugars in the body. But if a lot of harmful substances are produced, the liver cannot cope with their removal on its own. She accumulates waste without having protection from it. The substance catechin has the effect of neutralizing a variety of toxins that harm the liver.

The liver is the organ responsible for the production of bile. As soon as the main gland malfunctions, the bile ducts immediately act up, and the metabolism of the vitamin in the body’s cells is disrupted. The liver needs vitamin P - it increases oxidative processes in its tissues. One cup of green tea - daily dose vitamin P. Poisoning, cholecystitis, hepatitis - all these liver diseases are also treated with catechins from green tea.

Catechins for the brain

As we age, brain cells regress. Both the head and spinal nerve cells lose weight. Waste products from cells accumulate in the tissues of the brain. As a result of all of the above, the structure of the brain tissue changes, tangles and plaques appear. This regression blocks nerve impulses from all organs entering the brain. Reflexes are lost, which leads to problems and dangers. Thinking and memory slow down.

Catechins inhibit the overall aging of the body, including brain cells. The lack of these elements leads to premature aging, and regular intake supports the cognitive functions of the brain. Even on ordinary working days, if you feel tired, empty, overwhelmed, drink a cup of green tea - and you will immediately become more cheerful. Catechins help the brain relax, rest, and thereby overcome its fatigue. Neurons live longer, being reliably protected.

Catechins and depression

Nerve fibers and cells are known to not be restored. Depression and other neuropsychiatric diseases arise due to weakness and death of nerve cells. A cup of green tea containing catechins reduces the risk of depression, neurosis, and other diseases of a similar origin. Antioxidants protect nerve fibers and prevent them from weakening, aging, or dying.

Catechins against tumor cells

Catechins effectively help against cancer. When chemotherapy is administered, most often these are long courses of radiation, many cell breakdown products accumulate in the body. The liver absorbs them to remove them, but cannot cope alone. Due to chemotherapy, there is a high risk of dysfunction of the main gland of the body, and if the liver does not work well, it is followed by a violation of the excretion of bile. Vitamin metabolism in the human body is instantly disrupted.

Catechins in cosmetics

Today they are incredibly popular due to the growing interest in organic cosmetics. Catechins are used as an antioxidant additive in cosmetics. They are usually added to the following cosmetics:

Anti-cellulite products;

Serums, creams against reducing the synthesis of elastin and collagen;

Anti-aging cosmetics;

Creams with UV filter;

Creams against post-acne (secondary rashes, keloid scars, comedones, increased pigmentation).

Catechins are good for hair. They improve blood circulation in the tissues of the head. Hair follicles are stimulated by nutrition, strengthened, and grow more actively. Hair loss decreases, hair becomes thicker and stronger.

Catechins for weight loss

Catechins in tablets together with caffeine are often used as a weight loss supplement. These components force the body to speed up metabolism, use all the energy received, and consume accumulated fats. Catechins work more effectively as part of a tablet; plant foods containing natural antioxidants are not as effective in helping you lose weight.

Preparations containing catechin are widely used in medicine to treat obesity of varying severity. However, these same drugs can be harmful - catechins affect mitochondria. The ability of cells to absorb food and produce energy from it decreases, this can cause liver failure, hepatitis, and jaundice.

Ten times more than in black. And in terms of the amount of vitamin P, which increases the strength of the walls of blood vessels, this drink is one of the “champions”. The combination of vitamins P and C contained in green tea mutually enhances their effect, and the complex of B vitamins normalizes the functioning of nervous system, has a good effect on the skin and metabolism.

Aging slows down

By fighting free radicals, green tea catechins stop the aging of the body and protect it from cancer. In Japan, where the properties of this drink are being thoroughly studied, specialists from the Cancer Research Center have proven that regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk of tumors.

The weight goes away

The presence of tannin in green tea facilitates digestion and activates the gastrointestinal tract, which is true.

In Central Asia they have long been drinking green tea fatty foods to avoid the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Green tea pectins break down fats. And they are easily processed in the body, without being stored in reserve. Neutralizing fats green tea lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby delaying the onset of atherosclerosis.

Bacteria are destroyed

Green tea successfully copes with food poisoning and even defeats intestinal infections. Turkmen scientists established back in the 50s that among all varieties of tea, green tea has the strongest bactericidal properties.

The body is cleansed

The adsorbing ability of the drink allows you to rid the stomach and intestines of harmful substances, and its diuretic effect helps cleanse the kidneys of toxins and salts. Green tea also intensively removes harmful substances through sweat. At the same time, the pores are cleaned, the skin breathes easier, and its general condition improves.

Radiation is less harmful

IN Everyday life We are affected by various negative radiations, starting with solar radiation and ending with televisions, computers, and household appliances, which emit electromagnetic waves that are by no means harmless. Green tea is an excellent antidote to all these “electronic impurities” and easily removes them from the body.

The brain is activated

Tea dilates the blood vessels of the brain, improving its blood supply and oxygen supply. At the same time, thanks to the complex effect of green tea on the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, overall vitality and performance increase.

Tea trifles

● Bad water can... The brewing water should be soft.

Ideally, you should buy high-quality drinking water in bottles. But you can use filters that both purify and soften the water. Water for tea cannot be boiled twice. Otherwise the taste will be spoiled.

● Do not steep green tea in a teapot for a long time. At the same time, the leaves “steam” and lose vitamins. In China, green tea is brewed directly in a cup, covering it with a special lid. One or one and a half teaspoons of leaves are poured into ¾ cup volume hot water, allowing it to “calm down” a little after boiling. Then leave for 2-3 minutes. After drinking the first portion of the drink, do not change the tea leaves, but use it twice more a day so that the tea leaf completely gives up all its “riches”. It is believed that the first cup has a fragrant, but still weak infusion. And after the second and third pouring, the taste of green tea appears.

● Large-leaf teas are usually more aromatic, while small-leaf teas are stronger and more tart. The highest grades of green tea are made from the top fresh leaves.

● Sweets with green tea are not prohibited, but only as a “bite”. Green tea is such a delicate product that any additions in the form of sugar, jam or honey will change its taste beyond recognition.

Catechin is a naturally occurring antioxidant. Since 1990, scientists have been studying beneficial features these substances have antibacterial properties. Catechins protect the human body from free radicals, slow down the aging of the body, prevent cancer and prevent cells from being destroyed.

As you can see, catechins are antioxidants that are very useful and necessary for the human body. However, where are catechins found? What foods should be consumed for an antioxidant to help a person not age? We will talk about all products containing catechin in the article.

Tea leaves are record holders for catechin content

What foods contain catechins?

In their pure form, catechins have a bitter and even astringent taste. If this substance undergoes oxidation, it acquires astringency. Unfortunately, catechins are not often found in food.

White, green and black tea are the main foods containing catechins. This substance is present in tea leaves to maintain the health of the plant. if the leaves have not been fermented. By drinking one cup of this drink, you will receive 300-400 mg of antioxidants that help get rid of excess weight. Please note that the dry tea mass contains catechin in an amount of 20 to 30%.

Catechin is found in products of plant origin: fruits, berries. There is a lot of catechin in apples, plums, peaches, cherries, apricots and quinces. What other foods contain catechins? Of course, in grapes. Especially in the skin and seeds.

If we consider berries, catechin is found in gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries, lingonberries, strawberries and currants. Carrots, broccoli and spinach contain a lot of this antioxidant. Catechin is often found in products of exotic origin for us, for example, in guarana.

1. What is epicatechin?
2. Does epicatechin have side effects?
3. What are the known effects of epicatechin?
4. Where can I buy products containing epicatechin?
5. Are there alternatives to epicatechin?
6. Daily dosage of epicatechin
7. Conclusions

1. What is epicatechin?

Epicatechin is a plant-derived antioxidant flavonoid. This chemical compound is found in various edible plants and foods such as grapes, cocoa beans and green tea.

2. Does epicatechin have side effects?

There are currently no data on the side effects of epicatechin. Even when used in very high doses, it did not cause the development of any disease. This is one of the main reasons why its use is endorsed by a large number of healthcare professionals.

3. What are the known effects of epicatechin?

The following are some of the known effects of epicatechin that a person may experience when taking an epicatechin-containing supplement:

- Lowers blood pressure

One of the effects of epicatechin on the body is that it increases nitric oxide levels in the blood, which helps dilate blood vessels and arteries. Studies of epicatechin have shown that it may be useful for the temporary relief of hypertension in humans.
However, this effect of epicatechin is short-term.

- Epicatechin and bodybuilding

Another of the effects of plant-based epicatechin is its ability to increase muscle mass. Bodybuilders who used epicatechin for growth muscle mass, claimed that it increased their strength and seemed to stimulate the growth of new muscle fibers even on days when they did not exercise.

The most powerful effect of epicatechin on the health of bodybuilders is that it does not affect hormone levels like most muscle building supplements. This effect is positive in that it can be taken as long as a person feels the need to take this compound, without fear of any consequences of abruptly stopping it or switching to some other supplement as part of their muscle gain schedule.

- Lowers cholesterol levels

Epicatechin may have anti-inflammatory effects, which research shows may also help lower blood cholesterol levels.

- Stimulation of the immune response

Epicatechin prevents the body from attacking healthy tissue, which typically occurs in patients with chronic inflammation. This effect can help a person fight infectious diseases of viral and bacterial etiology.

- Increases testosterone levels

Although epicatechin does not contain testosterone, some studies have shown that it appears to increase testosterone levels in the body. Many bodybuilders who reviewed this supplement stated that within a week of taking it, their sex drive increased and they became more aggressive than usual.

- Lowers blood sugar levels

Epicatechin helps lower blood sugar levels. This effect occurs only when taking an extract of this substance separately or in sports supplements. Consuming epicatechin along with sugar in dark chocolate will have the opposite effect.

- Improves memory

Epicatechin has been added to some nootropic supplements because it has neuroprotective effects in the brain. And it may be useful for people with dementia, Alzheimer's disease, people with traumatic brain injury, or other mental illnesses that lead to cognitive impairment.

- Promotes loss overweight

In order to maintain weight with epicatechin, a person should take a dose of about 500 mg (or more) per day in green tea or a sports supplement.

4. Where can I buy products containing epicatechin?

Some of the most common brands in the sports supplement market sell products containing epicatechin. These include:

5. Are there alternatives to epicatechin?

- Laxogenin– has almost the same effects as epicatechin. Manufacturers often add both ingredients to sports supplements for synergy;
- Ostarine– withdrawn from sale;
- Epistane– withdrawn from sale.

6. Daily dosage of epicatechin

The maximum effect of epicatechin is achieved when taken approximately 45 minutes before training, as this method of use helps to quickly increase muscle mass and burn excess fat. But here it all depends on the direction of the supplement!

7. Let's sum up epicatechin

Epicatechin is a completely natural ingredient. He doesn't have any known side effects and is definitely a must-have supplement if you're looking to take your fitness goals to the next level, whether it's increasing muscle mass, improving workout performance, or losing excess weight.

Catechins are organic compounds that have powerful antioxidant properties and take part in plant metabolism. They belong to the group of flavonoids and are found in the following products:

  • White and green tea;
  • Bananas;
  • Quince;
  • Cherry;
  • Apples;
  • Plums;
  • Strawberries.

In addition, some researchers argue that it is sufficient great content catechins are characteristic of high-quality dark chocolate.

The formula of catechins is as follows: C15H14O6

Pharmacological action of the substance

Catechins have found application in both classical and folk medicine. They are used in various formulations medicines, including tablets, syrups, etc. They are credited with the following pharmacological properties:

    Increase immunity;

    Positively affect the condition of blood vessels and capillaries, strengthening them;

    Prevents the formation of cancerous tumors;

    Reduce cholesterol levels and speed up metabolism;

    They have antimicrobial properties - great for oral hygiene.

In addition, they are widely used in the fight against excess weight. When combined with caffeine, catechins help speed up metabolism and burn fat.


Despite the fact that the substance in most cases does not have a negative effect on the body, taking catechins is not recommended for people with the following diagnoses:

    Disorders of the thyroid gland;

    Diseases of the nervous system;

In addition, it is recommended to limit the amount of foods that contain catechins consumed during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the fact that the effect of the substance in these conditions has not been thoroughly studied by scientists.

Side effects

Catechin itself in its pure form is absolutely safe for health, so its use is practically unlimited. But if you use it as part of other products, you should consult your doctor in advance. Despite the low concentration of the component, its constant intake into the body can cause disorders of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract.

Interaction with other substances

Clinical experiments have shown that consumption of this component in large quantities can lead to a weakening of the effect of other drugs. In particular, anticoagulants, which can reduce the effectiveness of treatment and lead to a deterioration in the patient’s health. To exclude such pharmacological conflicts, again, it is recommended to consult a doctor in advance.