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What prayer to read so that God will hear. What is the best time to read prayers at home? How to pray correctly at home so that God hears. Is it possible to read prayers in transport?

In moments of despair and everyday adversity, a person remembers God. Many people trusted in Jesus' help when they came to prayer in need. But does the Lord always hear us? My grandmother taught me how to pray correctly. She told why not all prayers reach heaven, and why many remain unanswered. I will share this knowledge with you, which will provide invaluable help in any situation.

None of us are immune from everyday storms and adversities, diseases and natural disasters. My grandmother always told me that we walk under God. Many people do not understand this and spend their lives in complete carelessness, not keeping God’s commandments. But then trouble comes, and the person does not know where to look for help. And help is always nearby, because Christ is the savior of everyone who believes in him.

Uncertainty about the future depresses the human heart. What if I lose my job, what if something bad happens to me - these thoughts can just make you fall into endless depression. But there is a way out, and it is God himself: sincere prayer with faith in the heart. Jesus will always listen, never judge, and support you in difficult times.

Many people have gained confidence in life through faith and prayer.

My grandmother told me since childhood that prayer is not a set of incomprehensible words in ancient Russian, but a conversation with God. It is not necessary to read ancient prayers if your heart asks for communication with the creator. God understands all our words, he sees our hearts and feels our thoughts. Sincerity and truth are the key to success in any prayer. Even if you are reading a difficult text from the Prayer Book, faith and love for God must still be present in your heart.

Prayer without faith will not be heard.

There are people who seek self-interest in prayers. They think like this: I will read prayers, and you (God) help me for this. They think that earthly blessings will fall on them just because they deigned to pick up the Prayer Book. But God does not need favors and will not reward selfish motives. You need to be honest and sincere, and not try to deceive the creator of life. You cannot beg honor, wealth and glory from God.

It is also impossible to please God by visiting holy places or temples popular with believers. Without faith in the heart, visiting shrines will yield nothing. A sincerely believing person will be heard by God even without holy places.

Prayer book

How to pray correctly at home? To do this you need to buy a Prayer Book from church shop. It should become a reference book for a believer who wants to gain God's help and grace. When a person lights a church candle in front of the images and burns incense, he should be filled with reverence for God. When opening the Prayer Book, you need to get rid of vain thoughts and direct all your attention to God. Through the prayer word you come into contact with him and begin to have a conversation.

What prayers are contained in the Prayer Book? The book contains prayers that cover a wide range of life areas:

  • help against enemies;
  • protect from dangers and troubles;
  • heal and protect against diseases;
  • protect from evil and evil spirits.

With the help of the Prayer Book, a person will be completely protected from the vicissitudes of fate, protected from the machinations of the evil one and attacking enemies.

Is it possible to pray in your own words, and how to pray at home without a Prayer Book? If you do not have a Prayer Book, you can memorize the Lord’s Prayer and read it in your prayer address. You can turn on a recording of the prayer, where it is said by the priest 40 times in a row. But the best prayer is the prayer of the heart. It is precisely this that the Lord hears.

Faith and prayer open the heavens. Faith without prayer is useless, just like prayer without faith.

It is important to understand that the Prayer Book is not a collection of magical conspiracies for all occasions. Holding a Prayer Book in your hands does not mean receiving an answer to all requests. In the church they do not practice magic, but cleanse the soul of filth. Many illnesses come from unrepentant sins and misbehavior. Therefore, when you take the holy book in your hands, remember your sinful nature and do not demand that God obey you.

Time for Prayer

How to correctly read prayer at home, at what time? Previously, our ancestors began every morning with prayer, asking for God's blessing for the coming day. In modern times, people don’t even think about approaching the images and simply briefly asking for God’s blessing. They are always in a hurry and late, and in the morning they just want to lie in bed longer. But if you want to be protected from troubles for the whole day, take a few minutes to pray.

Where to start your prayer morning? First of all, you should cross yourself and say: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” Then follow the obligatory prayers:

  • Holy Spirit;
  • Trinity;
  • Our Father.

Should you read the entire set of morning prayers from the Prayer Book? The church fathers teach that it is better to read two prayers with attention. than the entire vault without due respect. There is no need to recite holy texts quickly, this is a waste of time.

Before and after prayer, you need to sign yourself with the sign of the cross and bow to the waist.

Prayer before bedtime is also obligatory, as it protects us from the temptations of the evil one. In a dream, a person is completely defenseless and cannot control his thoughts. The enemy of humanity takes advantage of this and sends obscene dreams or nightmares. A protective prayer before going to bed will save you from the attack of the evil one. However, before night prayer, you should analyze the past day:

  • find sins and repent before God;
  • note whether there were thoughts about spiritual things during the day;
  • forgive ill-wishers from the heart;
  • thank God for the day you have lived.

Gratitude to God for everything is an important prayer rule. We live and breathe because of the creator of life. How many people in this world are disadvantaged or disabled, so expressing gratitude for your well-being is an indispensable condition in the prayer rule. However, thanks to God, we should not forget about his commandment of love for one’s neighbor. If we are hostile to someone in our hearts, God simply will not hear us.

Enmity between people leaves prayer unanswered.

Jesus taught that you need to start praying after forgiving your neighbors for their sins against you. Just as you forgive others for their sins, so you will be forgiven. But if you are hostile to your neighbor in your heart and are indignant, then God will not hear you and your prayer appeals.

What can you ask for in prayer?

Jesus Christ told us to seek first of all the Kingdom of heaven and its righteousness. If we think about earthly things, we fall away from spiritual things. Vanity requests for insignificant earthly goods will not be taken into account. But if a person strives for the spiritual and seeks spiritual grace, then God will fulfill all his earthly needs.

Often people do not know how to pray so that God will hear and help. They seek earthly blessings, but do not think about heavenly things. People may ask for a car, luck in the lottery, or the love of a person. But God does not heed such requests. Likewise, God does not listen to sinners who have never attended confession. If a person has nothing to confess, it means he is an inveterate sinner.

After confession, your most cherished desires can come true.

You also cannot beg God for something that will cause grief and misfortune to other people. God will never answer such appeals because he does not break his laws. And we have one law: love one another.

What icons should you pray to at home? An Orthodox believer should have a home iconostasis, but not everyone has one. Therefore, for home prayer, you can purchase icons of the Savior and the Mother of God from the church. This will be enough for a start. If you have a patron saint, you need to purchase his icon. Icons should be placed in a clean, bright place in the room.

Prayer by agreement

What kind of prayer is this, and what is it for? Is this prayer in church? Reciting prayers by agreement involves an agreement among several people to recite certain prayers at certain times. For example, believers agree to pray for the healing of someone or for success in an endeavor. They do not necessarily have to gather in the same room, and can even live in different cities- it does not matter. It is important to determine the purpose of the prayer and say it at the same time.

Here is the text of the prayer of agreement of St. John of Kronstadt:

According to his testimony, this prayer performed miracles. People received healing from illnesses, strengthened their spirit in difficult conditions, and regained their lost faith.

Remember that prayer is not a ritual action, and do not expect instant fulfillment of what you want.

However, to conduct prayer according to agreement, you need to receive the blessing of the priest. Don't forget this rule.

So, when starting to pray, it is important to remember the following:

  • put on a cross and a scarf (for women);
  • before starting prayer, you need to forgive all the sins of your neighbors against you;
  • you need to start reading the prayer in a calm mood, without fuss and haste;
  • one must firmly believe that God hears the prayer of the believer;
  • before reading the prayer, you should make the sign of the cross three times and bow to the waist;
  • the prayer must be said in front of the images;
  • do not ask for fame and wealth, God will not hear it;
  • After reading the prayers, you must give thanks and praise to God and sign yourself with the cross.

If you have holy water, you need to take a few sips to sanctify your insides.

How many times do you need to say a prayer request to get an answer? Sometimes it takes a long time, and sometimes the answer comes instantly. Everything depends on the will of God and your efforts.

If your prayer calls are not answered, then you are asking for something harmful to yourself. Always rely on the Lord, because he knows best what is beneficial or harmful for you. Do not become angry or irritated over an unfulfilled request; this will lead you away from faith and into a sinful path. Perhaps in 10 years you will understand why God never answered your prayer, and thank him from the bottom of your heart for that!

Words have a very strong influence on a person's consciousness. Especially when it comes to turning to God. They often say that prayer can change Fate and life, and this is true. A believer strives to pray, which means that sooner or later he begins to think about how to do it. The main questions are:

  • What to prefer: the canonical text of the prayer or to state the request in your own words?
  • Should I pray alone or with my family?
  • Is it better to read the prayer out loud or silently?

In fact, these are not such difficult questions. Much depends on the situation and the meaning of your prayer. It is necessary to understand that for certain cases there are canonical prayers that must be read as they were written in the original. These include, for example, morning prayers and evening rules, as well as prayers before meals. They must be read by everyone together and out loud. Of course, one person can recite the text of the prayer, but all family members will be present, saying the text to themselves and saying the word “Amen” together at the end.

Christianity has a lot strong prayers, with which they address the patron saints, the Virgin Mary and God. They have been passed down for centuries and are important because they contain the most accurate words. The Lord's Prayer is very special. Its text is a must-know for every believer. This prayer is used in many life situations because it turns out to be the most powerful of all prayers. By reading it, you always put yourself under the protection of the Lord.

How to read the canonical prayer correctly

The prayers are written in church language, which means that sometimes difficulties may arise with understanding the text. If you don't understand exactly what you're reading, don't bother reading it: is there any point in it? Prayer is a conscious appeal to God. Therefore, before reading the canonical prayer, look at either its translation on modern language or ask the priest to explain the text of the prayer.

Since people pray in front of icons, have a red corner in your house. Standing in front of them you will seem to recreate a feeling close to visiting a church. You can pray in front of icons both during personal conversion and when you pray with the whole family. Prayers can be said from a book, but you will soon realize that it is much more convenient to read by heart. They do not have to be memorized on purpose: with constant reading of the prayers, the text itself will be remembered.

Solitary prayer: what to ask for?

In addition to prayers that can and should be read by the whole family, often a believer wants to communicate with the Lord alone, to ask for something hidden. And that's completely normal. After all, such an appeal can be the most sincere, especially if we are talking about repentance for something. Therefore, it is even necessary to pray alone.

Requests for earthly goods are often questioned. After all, for a believer, his inner peace should be much more important than material well-being. In general, everything is correct, and spiritual development is placed above earthly and passing conveniences. But on the other hand, a person has needs that need to be satisfied: healthy food, sound healthy sleep, warm and cozy home.

It’s normal to pray for wealth and well-being. But still, requests for the salvation of the soul should be a priority. Moreover, it is quite possible to achieve earthly blessings on your own, and ask the Lord to help you in difficult endeavors. Also, do not forget to pray for your loved ones, asking for their health and happiness.

Reading prayers is a very personal matter. Sometimes it is very difficult to accustom children to it. If the child resists this, then show him an example. Don't force him to pray, but let him see how you do it. As a result, he himself will begin to repeat after you.

You need to read prayers not in a hurry, not out of habit, but with an appeal to God, as if feeling each time relief and some cleansing in the soul. Therefore, if there is an atheist in your family, do not force it. Respect each other and remember that even a child has a choice to believe in God or not. Judgment is not acceptable here.

You will always understand and recognize that your prayers help you, because your guardian angel always helps you. With our free test, you can even find out how he does it. Attend church more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.10.2016 06:52

Not everything in our lives is always rosy and wonderful. Constant difficulties come without...

There come moments in every person’s life when he turns to God. It is not necessary to go to church or travel to holy places. After all, God is omnipresent: he sees and hears everything, no matter where you are. This is why it is important to know how to pray at home so that God hears.

Nowadays, Prayer Books contain a huge number of a wide variety of prayers for any life situation. These include:

  • Those who protect against evil spirits;
  • Those that protect against various diseases;
  • Those that help in healing ailments;
  • Those that protect from dangers, enemies, etc.

But if you don’t know the words of the prayer, there’s nothing to worry about. The main thing is to turn to the Almighty with a pure heart and deep faith.

Here are some simple tips to follow when turning to God at home.

  1. First of all, you must pray sincerely, with all your heart. It is very important before prayer, 9 days in advance, to lead a righteous lifestyle and cleanse yourself of sinful thoughts.
  2. Before prayer, you need to be a little quiet, put your thoughts in order, concentrate, and spiritually tune in to your conversion.
  3. You must say prayer words while kneeling or sitting at a table in front of the icons. You should also wear a cross, and women should cover their heads with a scarf. Therefore, do not forget to prepare the appropriate conditions.
  4. Before starting the prayer, you should cross yourself and say “Our Father” three times.
  5. It is better to read the prayer out loud, so God will hear it faster. Also, for diligence, it is better to learn prayer words by heart. But if you don't remember the words, you can read it. After all, the most important thing is to pronounce prayer words with faith in divine power.
  6. After completing the prayer, you need to make the sign of the cross. And also, you shouldn’t immediately start doing other things. We need to sit a little longer in a prayerful position, comprehend the spoken words and remember to thank God for everything.
  7. In addition, you need to know when to stop everything. You shouldn’t pray too much or forcefully, but you should pray every day. This way you will become closer to God.

You must pray with a pure heart and faith

Important point! It should be remembered that prayer is neither a magical ritual nor a panacea for all diseases. Don't expect instant returns. Prayer is a test that a person goes through. It must be said repeatedly and daily, only in this way will God hear your requests. In addition, remember that God knows what every person is worthy of. Therefore, you should not ask to harm someone, to punish someone.

We have also prepared some useful information for you at the bottom of the page. mobile applications. With the help of such Orthodox applications, you can get acquainted with the Bible, find a lot of liturgical materials, namely prayer books, prayers, canons, prayers, etc. You can read, listen, create your own list of works and access hundreds at any time Orthodox books.

Media library: Orthodox prayers, Bible, Gospel

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The Holy Orthodox Church compares our everyday world with a stormy sea stream, and the entire life of mankind with the “sea of ​​life.” After all, in this sea we are just small, helpless ships that were abandoned in the middle of a huge ocean. But the Almighty completely arranged the work of saving humanity, leaving us his son, and I take the true church into the Lord.

Every believer can turn to the Savior so that he can help him overcome the abyss of life, cope with difficulties and failures, and finally enter into a safe haven Heavenly Reign. On our life's path, we will constantly face a huge number of dangers, so every person should know how to pray correctly in church or at home so that the Lord hears us.

At every turn in life there are dangers or insurmountable difficulties:

  • fear for family and friends;
  • uncertainty about the future;
  • lack of money;
  • terrible diseases and illnesses.

Rarely can anyone escape these waves. One has only to sincerely pray to God, ask him for help, and everyone will receive from him strength, hope, relief or relief from problems. It is important that this request is sincere and comes from your heart.

How to pray correctly at home so that God hears? What can you ask him for? You can ask the Almighty for anything. The exception is requests for harm, death, grief to others, and also anything that the tongue cannot turn to say.

How to pray correctly so that God will hear

Today, the Divine Prayer Book stores a huge number of prayers that take into account various situations in the life of a believer. These are the prayers:

  • protecting from dark and unclean forces;
  • protecting against illnesses and diseases;
  • helping in the healing and treatment of diseases;
  • protecting from failures and dangers;
  • helping against enemies.

These prayers simply have no number. There are no words with which you can ask the Rescuer to help in any matter. Just remember that you must turn to the Lord, recognizing His condescension, your unworthiness and understanding the seriousness of this appeal.

If you do not know the words of the prayer, but everyone approached such a request with sincerity and seriousness, then God will not leave you and will definitely help you.

The most convenient address to the Lord should contain the word “please.” Such prayer is often the most ardent and truly sincere. Although Prayer Books never mention this word, it means that you have no time to look for the words of the prayer service in your memory or book and you really need help.

But we should not forget that a request to the Almighty is not a panacea for all illnesses and not some kind of magical or ritual spell. Therefore, such treatment must be treated accordingly.

It is also necessary to remember that the Lord himself knows who is worthy of what and who is not. There is no need to prompt him or ask him to harm anyone or punish someone. Moreover, it is sinful - do not forget about it! Never demand justice from him!

How to pray correctly at home

You can turn to the Lord at home or in church in front of icons about anything. You can ask for anything to the image of Jesus at home, regardless of the reason. The icon will always produce a positive effect.

How to pray in front of an icon? Which look to choose? Who is better to contact? If you do not know how to correctly read prayer at home and in front of which icon, then first of all pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ. These prayers can help in any matter and with any request. They are "universal".

One of the main components of home prayers is the rule for beginning and ending such a prayer book. Follow these simple tips:

  1. Approach the image and focus your attention on your message;
  2. Throw away all the worries and difficulties of life;
  3. Be spiritually insistent and convince yourself that the Lord hears you;
  4. Remember that prayer must be directed at the image in front of which you are standing;
  5. Before starting prayer, cleanse yourself. Approach the image, bow and cross yourself;
  6. If you don’t remember the words of the prayer by heart, read it (but for better prayerful zeal it is better to memorize it);
  7. Read the prayer fervently, sincerely and with faith in divine power and help.

Prayer by agreement, how to pray correctly

With such concepts as evening and morning rules, collective or individual prayer, everything seems to be simple and clear. But what is prayer by agreement? How, when, where and in what cases should you read? How to properly pray to God at home by agreement? Do I need a priest's blessing for this?

The essence of such a prayer is determined by its name. Several Orthodox believers gather and agree that they will follow one thing every day at the same time. prayer rule or ask the Almighty for the same thing. It is important to note that such people can be separated by tens or hundreds of kilometers and are not necessarily located in the same room.

In practice, this prayer is often used when a person finds himself in a very difficult situation - life difficulties, grief, illness, etc. There are like-minded people who take on the feat of praying for this person.

Example prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You have declared with Your most pure lips: “Amen, I say to you, if two of you take counsel on earth about every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father who is in Heaven: where is it?” two or three have gathered in My name, and I am in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (names), who have agreed to ask Thee (request), the fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen".

This prayer was constantly used by Saint John of Kronstadt. According to him, he witnessed miraculous, and most importantly, numerous cases when prayer was effective. Thanks to her:

  • people gained the ability to walk;
  • lost vision returned;
  • the sick recovered;
  • In those who persisted, the attacks stopped.

The saint, together with people who agreed to pray for a sick person, read such a prayer appeal four times a day until the request was fulfilled.

It is important to note that before you start praying together, you need to talk to the priest and get his permission. As soon as the Father gives the blessing, you can begin to pray.

And may God help you!

Every person at certain points in his life turns to God for help or advice. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to know how to pray correctly at home so that God hears your words. Today, perhaps, the overwhelming majority of people are unsure that they are praying correctly, but sometimes you really want to hear the answer to the question posed.

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How to pray correctly at home so that God hears?

Behind every turn of fate Insurmountable difficulties or dangers may await us:

  • terrible diseases;
  • a lack of money;
  • uncertainty about the future;
  • fear for loved ones and relatives.

Few people manage to avoid such turns. All that remains for us is to pray to God, tell him about our troubles and ask for help. If you want to hear an answer and feel a helping hand, then it is necessary that the request be sincere and come from the depths of your heart.

Unfortunately, in modern times, prayer is resorted to only in the most extreme circumstances, in desperate need of support, protection or help. But it is worth remembering that prayer is not just a collection of interconnected words, and a conversation with God, so the monologue must come from the soul. Prayer is the only way communication with the Creator, which is why every person should know how to pray correctly.

In order to be heard, it is not at all necessary to conquer mountain peaks, travel to holy places or walk through caves; it is enough to believe strongly and sincerely. If God sees everything, then why do we need to go somewhere to turn to him?

But how to read prayers correctly in order to be heard? What can you ask from the Creator? You can make requests to the Almighty for anything. Exceptions are requests that entail grief, sadness and tears of other people.

Divine Prayer Book Today it contains an incredible variety of prayers that cover various life situations of a believer. These are the prayers:

As we said earlier, these prayers simply have no number. There are no number of words with which one can turn to our Savior, praying for help. Just remember that the Lord is lenient towards you, understand the seriousness of your appeal, assessing your unworthiness.

Even if you do not know the words of the prayer, but you approach the prayer with all sincerity and seriousness, then The Lord will not leave you and will definitely guide you on the right path.

I would also like to add that turning to the Almighty is not a panacea for all diseases and is not one of the magical rituals. Therefore, treat the request accordingly. Remember that God himself knows who is worthy of what in this life. You shouldn’t ask him to harm or punish someone, it’s sinful! Never ask him to commit injustice.

When exactly can you say prayers?

U modern man there is no way to read prayers all day, so you should set aside a certain time for this. Waking up in the morning, even the busiest person in life can stand in front of the icons for a few minutes and ask God for blessings for the coming day. Throughout the day, a person can silently repeat prayers to his Guardian Angel, Lord or Mother of God. You can address them silently so that people around you don’t notice.

It is worth noting that a special time is before bed. It is at this hour that you can reflect on how spiritual this day was, how you sinned. Turning to the Lord before bedtime calms you down, allows you to forget the bustle of the past day, tuning into a calm and quiet sleep. Don’t forget to thank the Lord for everything that happened to you during the day and that he lived it with you.

There are different ways to ask the Lord for help, no matter where you are - at home or in the temple. The icon will always have a positive effect.

How to ask for help in front of an icon? Which image is better to give preference to? If you have no idea how to read the prayer correctly and in front of which icon, then it is best to pray in front of the images Holy Mother of God and Jesus Christ. These prayers can be called “universal” because they help in any task or request.

The main components of home prayer books are the beginning and the end. It is necessary to contact the Saints and ask for help correctly by following these simple tips:

Prayer will be heard by the Lord if you follow the following rules:

What is the difference between church and home prayer?

An Orthodox Christian is called to pray constantly, doing it anywhere. Today, many people have a very reasonable question: why go to church to pray? There are certain differences between home and church prayer. Let's look at them.

The Church was founded by our Jesus Christ, therefore, thousands of years ago, Orthodox Christians gathered in communities to glorify the Lord. Church prayer has incredible power and there are many confirmations from believers about grace-filled help after a church service.

Church fellowship involves and mandatory participation in religious services. How to pray so that the Lord will hear? First of all, you need to visit the church and understand the essence of the service. At the very beginning, everything will seem incredibly difficult, almost incomprehensible, but after a while everything will become clearer in your heads. It is also worth noting that to help every beginning Christian, special literature is published that clarifies everything that happens in the church. You can buy them at any icon shop.

Prayer by agreement - what is it?

In addition to home and church prayers, in practice Orthodox Church There is. Their essence lies in the fact that at the same time people read the same appeal to the Lord or Saint. However, it is worth noting that these people do not necessarily have to be nearby; they may be in different parts light, it doesn't matter.

In most cases, such acts are committed with the goal of helping loved ones in extremely difficult life situations. For example, when a person has a serious illness, his relatives gather and pray to the Lord to heal the sufferer. The power of this appeal is very great, because, in the words of God himself, “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am among them.”

But you should not consider this appeal as some kind of ritual that will fulfill all your desires. We have already said earlier that The Lord knows all our needs Therefore, when turning to Him for help, we must do so, trusting in His holy will. Sometimes it happens that prayers do not bring the desired fruit, but this does not mean that you are not heard, the reason is very simple - you are asking for something that will become extremely unhelpful for the state of your soul.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to note that the main thing is not just to pray, but to be a truly sincere and believing person with pure thoughts and heart. We strongly recommend that you pray every day so that you are more likely to be heard by God. If you decide to start a righteous life, then you first need to cleanse yourself of all sins by taking communion and confessing. Before starting prayers, it is recommended to spend exactly nine days not only spiritually, but also physically, giving up meat.