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What is the calorie content of watermelon, how much can you consume when losing weight. What is the calorie content of watermelon, and how is it beneficial for the human body? Watermelon calorie content per 100 grams of food

Watermelon is a valuable supplier of nutrients for the body. And the low calorie content allows you to use the pulp for weight loss. The benefits and harms of overseas berries depend mainly on ripeness and growing conditions. Equally important is the amount eaten and compatibility with other foods. If the basic rules of consumption are not followed, watermelon becomes a source of poisons and toxins for the body.


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    Composition and energy value of watermelon

    The low calorie content of watermelon is due to the high water content in the composition - up to 90%. There are only 26 kcal per 100 grams of pulp. A similar serving of canned watermelon or fresh juice contains 36–37 kilocalories. The nutritional value determined by the content of BZHU in the composition: proteins - 1.2 g, fats - 0.7 g, carbohydrates - 8.2 grams.

    The beneficial properties of the berry are due to the presence of vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body:

    • B vitamins that normalize work nervous system and improve skin condition.
    • Vitamin C - strengthens the immune system.
    • Vitamin PP - helps improve well-being and eliminates insomnia.
    • Folic acid is indispensable for pregnant and lactating women.

    In addition to vitamins, watermelon contains:

    • pectin;
    • cellulose;
    • iron;
    • phosphorus;
    • potassium and calcium;
    • magnesium.

    Beneficial features

    A large amount of magnesium helps remove toxins and excess cholesterol from the body. With its help, the skin becomes more elastic, and the muscles become strong and toned. The fruits have a lot of potassium. This trace element improves performance of cardio-vascular system. The seeds contain organic acids: linolenic, palmitic and linoleic.

    Due to the ability of watermelon to remove toxins and waste from the body, it is recommended for people working in hazardous industries and after alcohol abuse. The pulp is able to gently remove excess liquid, while simultaneously removing excess salt deposits. Therefore, consumption of the berry is indicated for a number of diseases: rheumatism, arthritis, gout. Fresh juice helps with cystitis and children's bedwetting. Serves as an effective preventive drink against cold viruses and in case of vitamin deficiency, which is especially important in the summer and autumn periods.

    Antioxidants in watermelon prevent the appearance of signs of skin aging and resist the development of cancerous tumors. The product is indicated for use in fresh people suffering from kidney diseases: cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. The sugars in the berry are well tolerated by diabetics. Therefore, there are no contraindications for health, except for following the norm: at the first stage of the disease you can eat no more than 300 grams per day, at the second - 600 grams, divided by 4 times. The juicy pulp has a tonic effect.

    For men

    For men, watermelon is of particular value due to the presence of lycopene and citrulline - they have an effect similar to Viagra: they restore and significantly improve sexual function.

    The fruit is especially useful for men involved in strenuous sports. It is recommended to eat several pieces of watermelon after such exercise. This helps to quickly restore vitality and eliminates pain during unloading. This supplement helps build muscle mass.

    If you have prostate adenoma, watermelon should be included in your regular diet. If you eat 2 kg of pulp per day, the disease subsides after 2 weeks. An acceptable alternative would be freshly squeezed watermelon juice: drink 1-2 glasses three times a day.

    For women

    The overseas berry is especially popular among women due to its diuretic properties. This helps to effectively fight obesity. A product rich in vitamins and microelements, in addition to rejuvenation, helps strengthen the nervous system, increases resistance to various stressful situations. The seeds are dried and then used as a remedy for uterine bleeding and to expel worms.

    Watermelon is used in cosmetology. Masks and creams are made from the pulp and juice. With regular procedures, a visible transformation of the skin occurs: the natural complexion is restored, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, dryness and inflammation are eliminated. It is enough to apply watermelon juice to the skin and after 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This is the perfect emergency option for busy people.

    When losing weight

    Watermelon is included in weight loss diets due to its low calorie count. The optimal daily intake is calculated depending on weight: 2 kg of watermelon for every 10 kg of human body weight. It is acceptable to dilute the diet with a few slices of rye bread.

    Folic acid, which is responsible for the breakdown of fats and helps speed up metabolism, dulls the feeling of hunger. As a result of such nutrition, the body is quickly cleansed of harmful substances, which entails the loss of extra pounds.

    With a more stringent approach, any other products are completely excluded. They eat only watermelon for 4–7 days. After completing the course, it is recommended to drink additionally vitamin complexes to replenish the vitamin imbalance that has arisen due to diet.

    The effect of the watermelon diet on the body:

    • the desire for constant snacking is suppressed;
    • excess fluid is removed from the body;
    • The sugary taste creates a feeling of fullness for a long time.

    In the absence of contraindications, it is advisable to have a fasting day at least once every 7–10 days: eat only watermelon, but not more than 3 kg. This not only helps keep your figure in shape, but also effectively cleanses and heals the body.

    The benefits and harms of watermelon during pregnancy

    Benefits of eating watermelon for pregnant women:

    • due to the diuretic effect, the accumulation of fluid in the body is prevented, which eliminates swelling;
    • the functioning of the digestive system is improved, constipation is eliminated;
    • psychological state improves;
    • the body of the mother and child receives the necessary healthy set of vitamins.

    The product is contraindicated in case of high sensitivity to individual elements in the composition.

    The list of restrictions also includes:

    • diabetes;
    • the presence of large kidney stones and impaired urine flow;
    • pathologies of the pancreas and intestines.

    At breastfeeding It is better to avoid eating watermelon in large quantities, which can harm the baby.

    On later During pregnancy, you should be careful when including berries in your menu. The fetus puts intense pressure on the bladder and natural urges occur much more often. Therefore, there may be a feeling of overcrowding and tightness inside the organ.

    Watermelon pulp does not combine well with other products, which sometimes leads to flatulence. But in this case, the individual characteristics of the organism play a big role. In cooking, the berries are used to prepare: fruit drinks, juices, cups, cocktails, honey. The peels are used to make jam and make candied fruits. Popular: fruit, vegetable and cheese salads with the addition of watermelon pulp, from which it is impossible to gain weight. If you fry the pieces in egg-flour batter, you get a tasty addition to meat and fish dishes.


    To quickly gain weight and ripen, watermelons are often fed with various mixtures. These are mainly nitrate fertilizers, which gradually accumulate in the pulp. In the external environment they are harmless, but as soon as they enter the intestines they become dangerous nitrites. And when too long-term storage In watermelons, this transformation occurs already in the fruit itself.

    One hundred percent quality of a crop can only be guaranteed by self-cultivation. Therefore, it is better not to give purchased watermelon to children under 2 years of age. Older children can be fed, but in small quantities. Acceptable daily intake: age 2-3 years - 70-100 grams, from 3 to 6 years - no more than 150 grams. The risk of food poisoning increases significantly if you buy watermelons at the beginning of the summer season. The natural time for fruit ripening without additional stimulation is mid to late August.

    There are some signs by which you can understand that watermelon contains nitrates:

    • unnaturally red color of the pulp;
    • yellow, not white, color of the fibers in watermelon;
    • smooth cut on a watermelon slice: a good fruit has a velvety surface.

    The presence of nitrates can also be determined using a simple test. Place the watermelon pulp in water - if it turns red or pink color, which means the product is of poor quality. After edible watermelon, the water only becomes slightly cloudy. But even the ripe fruit good quality not useful for everyone. It is extremely undesirable for people with impaired urine flow and the presence of kidney stones to eat this berry - its diuretic properties can cause significant harm to the body.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to remove excess weight fully? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Beloved by many, the large berry watermelon is an indispensable part of our summer diet. The product belongs to the pumpkin family. Since ancient times, people have been cultivating watermelons. Cucurbita melons spread throughout the world from South Africa, and the wild fruit is still found there today. During the Crusades, watermelons were brought to Western Europe. They appeared in Russia in the 16th century, but until the 19th century these unusual berries were a rare food among us.

Watermelon is not just delicious product, it also perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body with nutrients. By eating it, we consume a lot useful vitamins and microelements. When we eat this berry, it is difficult for us to stop - we want more and more, but we must stop. Despite the insignificant calories in watermelon, it contains a lot of sugars and carbohydrates, the excessive consumption of which can negatively affect the figure. At the same time, there are many types of watermelon diets that help you quickly lose a few extra pounds. Is watermelon good for proper nutrition or harmful? Let's figure it out.

Calorie content and glycemic index of watermelon

Such a large and sweet berry contains only 33 kcal per 100 grams. The calorie content of watermelon in 100 grams is low, considering that many vegetables contain approximately the same amount of calories. And this berry contains fewer calories than most fruits. Judge for yourself: 1 kg of watermelon contains only 330 kcal! It is easy to calculate that the calorie content of 1 pc. an average berry weighing approximately 6 kg will be about 1800 kcal. Let's not forget that most of the watermelon's mass is made up of the rind, which is not eaten fresh. Therefore, when drawing up your watermelon menu, it is better to make calculations based on the weight of the watermelon pulp.

At the same time, the peel of a high-quality watermelon (ripe, grown in natural conditions and purchased from a trusted seller) contains many useful substances. In order not to throw away such a useful component of watermelon melon, many people eat the peel, making candied fruits and other sweets from it. It is better not to buy a watermelon weighing less than 6 kg - it has probably ripened unnaturally using various technologies. It is better to eat large fruits.

Nitrates mainly accumulate in watermelon peel. It’s easy to test watermelon for nitrates at home. You need to throw a piece of fruit (preferably with the peel) into a glass of water and stir. If the water turns pink, there is a high probability great content nitrates If the water is simply cloudy, then the watermelon can be eaten.

The calorie content of a piece of watermelon is 76 kcal. You can eat up to 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp per day. The exception is watermelon diets, which are not suitable for everyone and are most often used by people with kidney disease and urinary tract diseases.

BJU for 100 grams of watermelon

The nutritional value of this fruit is very different from the nutritional value of many fruits and berries. The fact is that watermelon pulp is mostly water. For 100 grams of watermelon there are 90 grams. water, 0.7 g. proteins, 0.2 g. fat, 5-13 gr. carbohydrates. The carbohydrate component of this berry includes mainly fructose (about 90%), the content of glucose, sucrose and fiber in this melon is negligible. Therefore, watermelon can be consumed even by diabetics, however, you should adhere to the norms and not overeat. It must be remembered that in some cases of diabetic complications, eating this berry is prohibited. The main caloric content in the balance of watermelon BJU is carbohydrates. Thus, the nutritional and energy value of the product allows you to safely include striped berries in the menu when losing weight.

Glycemic index

The glycemic index of watermelon is 75 units. At first glance it seems quite tall. But glycemic index watermelon differs from the equal index units of sweet baked goods. Due to the low (compared to baked goods) carbohydrate content. Therefore, a kilogram of watermelon pulp cannot be compared in terms of harmfulness with a kilogram of buns.

Useful vitamins and substances

This sweet striped “pumpkin” is rich in vitamins:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • and folic acid.

The mineral composition of watermelon includes magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, etc. In addition, the product contains fiber, organic acids, and pectin. By the way, .Due to the presence of so many vitamins and microelements, watermelon has a lot of beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the human condition in many diseases.

Watermelon is consumed not only fresh. They make jam from it, make juices, and even preserve them like cucumbers or tomatoes. However, it is most beneficial to eat it fresh: the body will receive most of the nutrients with minimal calorie consumption. Do not forget that the calorie content of fresh watermelon will differ from canned watermelon.

The excellent taste of watermelon is not controversial among anyone, but opinions differ regarding its other qualities. Someone is haunted by the question, is it a dietary product or is it a useless delicacy?

Calorie content of watermelon per 100 g of pulp is small, but it contains a lot of fructose - it is instantly absorbed, causing appetite. So the watermelon diet is not the best The best way lose weight. There is no consensus on whether watermelon is a berry, as we were told at school, or is it a fruit? Botanists classify it as a member of the pumpkin family (cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, zucchini). The botanical name of their fruit is pumpkin, a false berry. Like a real berry, watermelon hides the seeds inside the fruit, the juicy sweet pulp is covered by the skin. What distinguishes pumpkin from berries is the large number of seeds, thick rind and, of course, size.

The homeland of watermelon is the Namib Desert in South Africa, where it was discovered by the Egyptians in ancient times. Striped fruit seeds have been found in the tombs of pharaohs. From Egypt they spread both to the East to China and to the West – to the Roman Empire. In Europe, the juicy pulp of the striped berry was appreciated in the 13th century. After the Crusaders' campaigns, noble people in Russia first enjoyed it in the 17th century. The bitter wild ancestor of the watermelon, tsamma, still grows in its historical homeland. And its cultural offspring are spread throughout the world.

Variety of varieties

Breeders have worked hard and developed a large number of varieties of dessert pumpkin.

  • The Astrakhan variety is especially valued in Russia due to its sweet, delicate taste. This variety does not appear on the market before September; it ripens only towards the end of August.
  • The Crimson Swift variety is slightly inferior in taste to Astrakhan, but ripens earlier. Unlike the matte crust of its Volga counterpart, Crimson Swift has a shiny, bright surface.
  • “Kholodok” is one of the most cold-resistant varieties; its fruits are stored until the New Year.
  • The “Charleston Gray” variety of zucchini has an unusual shape, and Japanese breeders developed a cube-shaped pumpkin.

In Israel, there are watermelons with yellow flesh; varieties are developed with underdeveloped, barely noticeable seeds, which can be eaten along with the sweet core.

Growing watermelon in Russia

IN middle lane Russia does not have as much warmth and sun as Brazil, Spain or Iran, from where striped fruits are imported to us at the beginning of summer. Our country, however, ranks 7th in the production of sweet melons. Traditional growing areas: Southern Volga region, Stavropol region, Krasnodar region - watermelons appear on the market in September. In the dachas of the Moscow region in warm summers you can grow small but sweet varieties “Sugar Baby” and “Ogonyok”.

Nutritional and energy value

The KBJU of watermelon allows it to be used in weight loss diets. The energy value of the product depends on the amount a person eats per day; the maximum daily dose is 2 kg of fresh pulp without rind.

Table: calorie content of different servings of watermelon

It is important for those losing weight to consider how many calories are in a watermelon, but we must not forget about its nutritional composition:

  • proteins – 0.6g/100g;
  • fats – 0.1 g/100 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.8g/100g;
  • water – 89-92 g/100 g;
  • fiber – 0.4 g/100 g.

Pumpkin mainly consists of water, so eating more than 2 kg of it per day means creating a large load on the kidneys. However, a couple of slices at night won’t hurt. During sleep, the body gets rid of toxins, and water is needed for this process. Juicy slices with a minimum amount of calories will be an excellent supplier.

Watermelon and weight loss

The BJU of watermelon limits its use in mono-diets: per day it can give the body only 3 g of fat, and this will slow down the production of estrogen and disrupt menstrual cycle women. Hormonal imbalances are difficult to recover from. And the benefits of such diets are questionable: carbohydrates in watermelon are represented by simple saccharides, they are instantly converted into glucose, and insulin is released, which transports it into fatty fibers in reserve. And a person develops an appetite and an irresistible desire to eat something high in calories. However, you can use the diuretic property of watermelon pulp to rid yourself of 2-3 kilograms of excess liquid and toxins.

Mineral composition and beneficial properties

There is every reason to call watermelon a “great healer”:

  • Recent studies have shown that it is a real champion in lycopene content, surpassing even tomatoes in this indicator. Lycopene has been shown to have beneficial effects in protecting the prostate gland from cancer. Lycopene prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and cataracts.
  • The high content of vitamin A strengthens the retina and improves vision.
  • The diuretic effect makes the sweet pulp a successful means of cleansing the body of poisons and salts. The alkaline environment of watermelon liquid can dissolve sand and small kidney stones. People with large kidney stones and gallbladder, it is dangerous to eat a lot of watermelon pulp - this will cause the movement of stones and severe colic.
  • Due to the content of the amino acid L-citrulline, watermelon is one of the best means, lowering blood pressure.
  • Watermelon fiber removes cholesterol, so it is good to use for those who suffer from gout and atherosclerosis.

An excerpt from the program “About the Most Important Thing,” starting at 13 min. 40 sec., will provide a lot of instructive information about the benefits and harms of a juicy product.

Harm of watermelon

The same properties of a juicy fruit can bring benefits and harm, it all depends on the amount of product consumed and the state of human health. Eating a lot of watermelon is harmful for diabetes and kidney disease. Fruits purchased in early summer almost certainly contain nitrates.

You can check the product for the presence of hazardous substances using home methods:

  • Place the purchased watermelon in a bath of water - if it sinks, it means it contains a lot of nitrates.
  • Place a piece of pulp in a glass of water - intense coloring of the liquid is a sign of a high content of nitrogen salts.

How to choose the right striped fruit

Some people make a distinction between male and female specimens. In the first, the dark butt (the place opposite the stalk) is neatly pulled inward, while in the female fetus it spreads out as a light spot along the crust. But this does not prove that a fruit with a light bottom will be tastier than its male counterpart.

The rules for choosing ripe pumpkin are as follows:

  • broken, cracked fruits are definitely rejected;
  • the sound when tapped on a ripe watermelon is ringing, not dull;
  • When squeezed, the ripe fruit crunches slightly.
  • when purchasing, it is better to avoid the wrecks along the roadsides (perhaps they sell there without a certificate);
  • suspicious places where fruits of different sizes, varieties and degrees of ripeness are piled up.

How to cut a watermelon

An elegant and formal way to serve sweet pumpkin festive table requires its complete peeling. Then the sweet pulp is cut into small portions so that they can be eaten immediately and not drip, and served to guests with special forks. In a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, it is better to cut a round watermelon into slices in strips from top to bottom (after cutting off the bottom and top). It is more convenient to divide tall cylindrical fruits in half and cut into transverse slices.


The best way to consume watermelon is fresh for dessert, containing a small amount of calories. There are ways to cook striped berries: pickling, salting, making watermelon honey. The peels, which are usually thrown away, can be used to make candied fruits and marmalade.

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Watermelon, in fact, is a berry belonging to the Pumpkin family. South Africa is considered its homeland. IN ancient China the fruit was extremely popular, since it was even dedicated to Watermelon Day. The calorie content of the fruit is of interest to many women, especially those who are watching their figure.

In the following lines you will find answers to the questions of how many calories are in watermelon, what are its benefits and whether it can be consumed by those who “do not get off” diets.

What are the benefits of watermelon?

Its pulp contains a huge amount of vitamins: A, E, P, C, group B and beta-carotene. In addition, the overseas fruit is rich in various micro and macroelements that are vital for our body: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and iron.

Watermelon, the calorie content of which we will consider further, has a powerful diuretic effect, thereby perfectly cleansing the body of accumulated toxins. By expelling excess water from the body, its enzymes actually promote weight loss.

Despite the low calorie content of watermelon, its juice contains a large amount of glucose, which is easily and quickly absorbed by the body, unlike regular sugar. Of course, watermelon is contraindicated for people with diabetes.

The fiber of this large berry has a beneficial effect on the intestines, improving its peristalsis. As a result, watermelon, the calorie content of which worries women more than men, helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Watermelon juice increases the level of alkalinity of urine, due to which, in people suffering from urolithiasis, kidney stones dissolve and are eliminated from the body naturally. The calorie content of watermelon is in no way comparable to its enormous nutritional value for the body.

Among other things, watermelon pulp can be used on the face as a cosmetic mask; it perfectly tones the skin.

You should also pay attention to the very important point: no matter how much watermelon is consumed, calories will disappear at a catastrophic rate, this is due to the negative calorie content of the food product.

Let's calculate how many calories a watermelon contains

Why do nutritionists prefer watermelon, including it in mono-diets and fasting days? The calories consumed with this sweet vegetable are absorbed with a minus sign, that is, in order to digest it, the body requires more calories than you get from eating this sweet dessert.

Watermelon, whose calories consist of glucose, sucrose and fructose, which are beneficial for the body, is quickly absorbed by the body, and fiber gives a feeling of fullness. It is these properties that make it such an indispensable assistant in the fight against excess weight.

In order to calculate how many calories are in the watermelon that you are going to eat, you can use a special food calorie calculator. Calculating on your own, without straining, will not be difficult. Also for these purposes, a watermelon calorie table is compiled.

Due to the absence of fats and cholesterol, as well as the presence of a large amount of liquid, the calorie content of watermelon is very small, approximately 38 kcal per 100 g. product. Therefore, you can eat it as much as you like without fear of gaining weight. The seeds that watermelon contains contain much more calories than all its pulp. For 100 gr. dried seeds account for about 557 kcal.

Therefore, when eating watermelon, eat only its pulp, without seeds. If you consume watermelon correctly, you will not gain calories. This really pleases those who dream of losing weight.

Watermelon calorie table

For achievement best result Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 2 kg of this product per day. The maximum portion is calculated based on a person’s weight: for every 10 kg of weight you can consume no more than 1 kg of product. The average weight of a watermelon is approximately 8 kg.

How can you lose weight by eating watermelon? Calorie content is calculated based on a specially calculated watermelon calorie table individually for each person. A simple calculation shows that 1 kg of watermelon pulp contains 380 calories, and the daily requirement for 2 kg is 740 calories.

If your weight is significantly higher than normal, and the recommended 2 kg of watermelon does not satisfy your needs, make a calculation based on your weight, and for convenience, create your own watermelon calorie table.

Watermelon diet: calories go down

This is one of the simplest, most effective and also very delicious ways lose weight in a short period of time. The main secret of this diet is not in counting how many calories are in a watermelon, but in the fact that you only need to eat watermelon from food.

The effectiveness of this diet is based on the negative calorie content of watermelon. This means, no matter how much product you consume, all the calories received go into the minus, thanks to the energy spent on its absorption.

There are two main diet options, designed for 3 days and a week.

In the first 3-day option, calculate the maximum daily dose consumed product and divide it into 5-6 meals. On the 4th day, while continuing to eat watermelon, introduce fish, boiled meat, vegetables and salads without mayonnaise and oil into your diet.

The low calorie content of watermelon is in demand!

  • But to what extent are watermelon and its calorie content relevant (indispensable?) for weight loss, especially in mono-diets?
  • How much of this “fruit” will provide benefits and how much will cause harm.

My review will expose this berry and tell you that if the calorie content of 1 kg of watermelon is small, this does not mean that weight loss will be undeniable.


_____________________***Only facts and debunking myths!***____________________

For 10 whole months of the year we live in anticipation of the appearance on the shelves of beautiful and unusually juicy berries grown on melons.

  • For children and men, a dense green “ball” with black stripes and red flesh is an autumn delicacy.
  • For the fair sex, short hair is more attractive watermelon calories and the opportunity to try a new diet.

Girls count the days until August so that they can enjoy themselves for 2 months unique properties melons They have already read information about the benefits of watermelon for weight loss, It’s a dream – to eat sweets and not gain weight!

But there are also opponents of watermelon addictions. In their opinion, the berry is not as wonderful as it seems...

Where is the truth? You will find it below - I will reveal the calorie secrets without hiding, so that your love for watermelon will only bring benefits! So that your figure becomes close to ideal, but through healthy diets, and not mythological means.


***Watermelon, is your low calorie content a determining factor when losing weight?***


“Meet watermelon (calorie content when losing weight is an important factor, and it corresponds to it)! You will quickly get rid of excess kilograms, saturate your body with microelements and normalize your metabolism. Eat as much as you can and flush out toxins and unnecessary fluids!

A watermelon weekly mono-diet will permanently remove up to 5 kg in 7 days if you follow the recommendations. Consume 1.5-2 kg of pulp per day, introduce black bread (no more than 200 g) into your diet. Get ready to exit the diet period correctly: give up sweets and buns. 10-14 days – minus 8 kg!”


All the highlighted information is a myth, a delusion of ignorant “nutritionists”. Health after such a mono-diet will not thank you:

  1. You will “magically” begin to lose precious muscle mass in an accelerated mode;
  2. Fat burning will occur a hundred times slower;
  3. The body will become apathetic, strength and tone will be depleted.


I'm not talking about the absolute uselessness of watermelon for losing weight - it is ideal as a means for fasting days! It is during the day that its benefit will be maximum.

Some may think that it is impossible to achieve such a low calorie diet with other products. You are wrong! Let's take the average figure of 1000 kcal:

  • From such an amount of watermelon you will swell like a balloon, I can say with confidence that discomfort in the stomach will accompany you everywhere.
  • Collect in your daily “basket”: an egg, porridge, vegetables and milk for the same calorie amount, and you will get 3 good servings for a full meal + a snack.

****Did you know that eating watermelon can make you gain weight?***

“It has been confirmed that the calorie content of watermelon per 100 grams is only 25-38 kcal. This is a one-of-a-kind sweetness that will never lead to fullness...”


Do you believe this? Then, when you see increased numbers on the scales, look for other options that provoked the sad fact.

For now, I’ll tell you how a low-calorie watermelon “dessert” gives an unexpected increase in kilogram equivalent:

  1. Together with a loaf of white bread, rapid weight gain is guaranteed. A cool option for bodybuilders (they use it often). For those who want to have a slender silhouette, scarlet pulp in combination with flour products is “killer”!
  2. Watermelon does not satisfy hunger, it glycemic index very high - the appetite will definitely increase within an hour after eating the berry. It is important to refrain from indiscriminate consumption of fatty and protein foods.
  3. It’s easy to finish a whole green striped “ball” in one sitting. But the arithmetic of “sugar pleasure” will give a disappointing result. 38 kcal is a small piece; a ripe watermelon itself weighs on average 6 kg. Multiply and calculate the total calorie content of the berry - 2280 kcal (this is the optimal amount of all calories consumed per day). You're not limited to just watermelon, are you? The counter is creeping up along with the kilograms!

***How ​​to avoid getting caught up in this weight gain trend?***

  • Practice watermelon fasting days without mixing the juicy pulp with other food. There will be a cleansing of toxins with excellent absorption of useful elements, of which watermelon is rich. Limit salt in your diet, then avoid swelling in the morning.
  • This berry should act as a snack, and not as an addition to the main table menu. Keep an interval of 1.5-2 hours before and after main meals - this best time for a treat.
  • Add variety to any boring diet when hunger overcomes and eating something substantial is prohibited. The life-giving moisture of watermelon depths will give you a feeling of satiety and sweetness. Maybe not for long, but still. You will become more positive, the motivation to lose weight will not disappear!


***The calorie content of watermelon is important, but let’s think about the benefits and harms of such diets...***


I'll try to dot all the i's...


  1. Magnesium in watermelon is a heart helper and the best companion for the nervous system (for this, the berry is popularly called an antidepressant and a “pill” for mood). Due to magnesium, muscle function and good absorption of vitamins and minerals are activated.
  2. Folic acid from pulp is involved in the construction of DNA and the general development of the body. Improved memory, clear thoughts and brain activity are found in a watermelon slice.
  3. Watermelon is effective as a diuretic (in case of kidney failure, consultation with a doctor is required!).
  4. The berry is filled with “energy” vitamin substances.
  5. Dietary fiber with its high amount prevents constipation. They also successfully fight high cholesterol.
  6. Cleansing the liver of toxins, the green berry is ideal for recovery after long-term use of antibiotics.


Let's start with the patterns - consuming “bad”, nitrate watermelon will negatively affect you. The chemicals in fertilizers are harmful to humans - frequent poisonings in early August only confirm this.

Expect quality watermelons from melons no earlier than mid-August. Don’t rush for the “early” fruits that lure bored customers to the shelves!

Let's move on to the advice of scientific medicine, which is against the abuse of juicy pulp by people suffering from blood pressure and heart spasms. This is due to fructose - it causes “trouble” in the digestive tract, causing bloating and gas formation. Internal pressure changes critically, problems can spread to heartbeat. If you don’t want to deny yourself the pleasure of watermelon, go to your doctor...

The ban on drinking watermelon applies to:

  • Exacerbations of colitis and diarrhea;
  • Difficulty in the outflow of urine (the doctor may give permission in individual cases);
  • Pyelonephritis (specialist advice is also necessary);
  • Kidney stones (watermelon can begin to dislodge large stones);
  • Diabetes mellitus (in rare cases, the treat is available in very small portions);
  • Problems with the prostate and pancreas.


Conclusion about the “healthy” amount of watermelon consumption per day


You understand that the calorie content of 1 kg of watermelon is low (250-380 kcal). But this is not a reason to start mindlessly eating the long-awaited berry. Nutritionists' opinion on daily norm one - no more than 2-2.5 kg. Not at once - you shouldn’t arm yourself with spoons, surrounding the watermelon adorning the table with the whole family. Only in portions from morning until early evening.

You need to enjoy treats wisely; discomfort from overeating is not appropriate! I do not recommend watermelon mono diets.

But I myself spend fasting days using this delicacy once every two weeks in August-September. This allows you to keep your figure beautiful (at 37 years old):

These legs are the result of what I developed stretching from simple exercises.



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Thank you for reading the review!