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How to enter and exit church as a man. What should a person who decides to go to church know? Leaving the church

The article will tell you about what rules exist in the church and how to behave correctly in the temple.

The Church is a special world, where there are its own rules and orders. That is why people visiting churches and temples must adhere to strict standards of behavior. This is frightening for those who have not previously attended church or attended rarely. However, you need to go there and therefore you should familiarize yourself with the main nuances Orthodox church, be it pre-holiday or ordinary days.

IMPORTANT: If you visit the temple of God during the holidays, you should know that on this occasion you should come to the church much earlier than the service begins. The service times are usually written on the church doors so that everyone knows.

Men and women must attend in clean and neat clothing. It should not be expensive and elegant, but its neatness is a sign of respect for the Lord and His home (church, temple).
A man should wear a shirt and trousers that could cover his arms and legs (preferably).
That's why Avoid short-sleeve T-shirts, T-shirts and shorts.
Also, to church you should not wear clothes that are too bright or with provocative bright patterns, inscriptions, holes, or cuts.

  • A man should not cover his head; on the contrary, he should take off any panama, cap, cap or hat.

Women to church You should wear modest clothing that covers your figure and is not tight. Be sure to hide your chest and shoulders, and cover your legs with a long skirt (the shortest skirt should be no higher than the knees).

  • The most important thing that women need to wear is a headscarf..

The fact is that a woman’s covered head in a temple is a sign of respect to the Lord, because he is the owner of his house and therefore, when entering the church, one must obey his rules.

IMPORTANT: Women should not attend church during menstruation and at a time when blood is still being released after childbirth. Such a violation will show your disrespect for the Lord and desecrate the church.

Before you approach the temple, you should:

  • Stand in front of its main entrance, look at the cross (it should be located on the doors or gates) and cross yourself three times, bowing each time.

This is a kind of greeting with the Lord and a sign that you are an Orthodox person.

  • After you overcome the entrance doors, you do not immediately find yourself in the church, but in the vestibule - a special place in the form of a small corridor. Here you should cross yourself three times again and only then go into the church hall itself.

Where is the best place to stand in church?

The meaning of an Orthodox person is to glorify the Lord. That is why he goes to church and in prayerful communication tells God about his problems, successes, doubts and fears in order to find the only important solution and help.
If you come to the temple in advance (15 minutes before the start of the service), you should light candles or write special notes for the service.

You can take absolutely any convenient place in the church that you like in the hall. There is only one main rule to follow(it is not always observed and not everywhere) - during the service, women should stand on the left, and men on the right.
If you find a lot of free space in the hall, it is important not to stand where the main aisle is.

IMPORTANT: Remember, the place you occupy should be yours only until the end of the service. Walking around the church and changing your place is not allowed. You also cannot loudly greet friends and relatives, talk to them, or distract others present from prayers.

You can also take a seat in the temple. There are always special benches in the church, but they are needed only for those who cannot stand for a long time due to health reasons or poor health (sick people, people with missing or damaged lower limbs, small children and older people). You should sit on the lavas modestly, without spreading or throwing your legs.

Anyway try to behave discreetly in church without putting your hands in your pockets, putting them behind your back or folding them on your chest.

You need to stand in the temple because in this way you appear before God, opening your heart and soul. It can also be considered that the vertical position of the body elevates human destiny.

How to behave in church and temple during services, what to do, how to be baptized?

As already mentioned, if there is a service in the church, you should come to the temple in advance. Any Orthodox holiday or an important day (such as Sunday) requires an Orthodox person to be neat and tidy. You should choose modest but beautiful clothes: clean, ironed, light-colored. You should also comb your hair and wash your face. Women should not apply a thick layer of makeup; avoid it altogether or use very minimal amounts.

Modest clothing requires modest behavior. Be as welcoming, joyful and happy as you come from visiting church.

One should be baptized before entering the church, in the narthex and in front of the images.

  • If you are at a service, listen to the prayers and watch the clergy. Be baptized every time one of them starts to be baptized, even if you can't make out the words clearly.

IMPORTANT: An Orthodox person always crosses himself by folding all his fingers right hand in a handful. Touch your forehead with your fingers, then your stomach and only then your right and left shoulders. In this way, you “draw” the cross of the Lord on yourself, blessing and cleansing yourself.

How to behave in church and temple during confession?

Confession is a special church sacrament, during which an Orthodox person tries to “open his heart and soul” to the clergyman and ask the Lord for forgiveness for his sins. People who have never confessed to God are always worried because they don’t know how to behave, what to say and what questions to ask.

Many church ministers call this sacrament “second baptism,” because during repentance, a person’s soul is cleansed.

You should “cleanse your soul” when you feel the desire to do so. Human nature is considered weak and due to weakness, people commit sins even after repentance, which alienates them from God.

Repentance and confession are a necessity for the salvation of the human soul. It is important to learn for yourself that only sincere recognition of sins will allow you to get rid of them, throwing off the “stone” from your soul. When telling your father about your life, remember everything from your early years.

It is known that only those people who admit to all their sins can go to Paradise.

  • While you repent, do not be afraid to appear funny, lost, and in no case be ashamed of your words.
  • If you have offended someone, be sure to ask these people for forgiveness before or after confession. Forgive your offenders too.

It is better to confess in the evening, so that during the morning service you do not feel the burden of your sins.
If you are going to repentance for the first time, warn the clergyman about this so that he can guide you and prevent you from getting upset at an important moment.

How to behave in church and temple during a funeral service?

The funeral service is a mandatory procedure for an Orthodox person, which is performed only by a clergyman. This is done at home or in church (according to the wishes and capabilities of the family). The meaning of the funeral service is that the priest reads prayers (which are as melodic as songs) and lights a special lamp that emits smoke. All this is needed only to cleanse the soul before it leaves the body and flies to heaven to God.

Those who experience a funeral service for the first time often feel awkward. There is no need to be afraid of this process, after all, a funeral service is a good procession that alleviates the suffering of the soul.

  • While the clergyman reads the prayer words, try to listen and understand them carefully. It is customary for relatives to stand around the coffin of the deceased and hold a lit memorial candle in their hands.

IMPORTANT: If you do not consider yourself Orthodox, have a different faith, or are simply convinced that it does not exist, just stand in the procession, without attracting attention to yourself with your behavior, words, or face. Your calm demeanor is a tribute to everyone present who has lost a loved one.

How to behave in church and temple during unction?

Unction is a special sacrament that is important for believers. The purpose of this procession is healing from any ailments and mental trauma. In some ways, this sacrament can be compared to confessing to a priest, because it also absolves a person of his sins. But unlike repentance, unction is performed by several priests.

Unction can take place in a church or at home (in the event that parishioners are unable to get to church due to illness).

Unction is not the funeral service of the soul and not the last prayers of a dying person.
Yes, it is carried out very often, like last hope get well. Nevertheless, Unction is intended to give the believer strength and hope for the future.

The ritual performed in the temple has three main parts:

  • Prayer singing
  • Consecration
  • Anointing

IMPORTANT: First, the entire church must pray and be baptized. After this, each believer takes communion, lights seven candles, and the priest prepares for consecration. Only then does the anointing of those gathered take place.

How to behave in church and temple during liturgy?

Liturgy is a procession during which the believer communicates with the Holy Spirit. During the liturgy, there is a lot of chanting and reading of prayers. This ritual is distinguished by its importance for the church and its duration, during which one should stand for a long time, pray a lot and be baptized.

In addition, when coming to the liturgy, you should definitely wear modest and clean clothes, as a tribute to the Lord. During the procession, you should read aloud many prayers, for example, the “symbol of faith”; if you do not know them by heart, take a prayer book with you.

How to behave in church and temple at a memorial service?

A memorial service (reading prayers for the deceased) is held after the liturgy. Notes with names should be given for prayerful remembrance even before the start of the liturgy.

  • At a funeral service, you should under no circumstances make noise or talk loudly to anyone, much less laugh and attract attention to yourself. One should be fully aware of the seriousness and tragedy of this procession, so as not to be able to somehow darken and offend those present.

If you are very emotional, try not to quarrel with anyone at the funeral service, not to push anyone or wave your arms. Everything that accompanies a memorial service (discussion of the dead or their commemoration) should be postponed until the moment you leave the church.

  • During and after the memorial service, you can light candles in front of the faces of the saints and read prayers to them.

How to behave in church and temple during communion?

Communion is a significant procession for an Orthodox person, during which he joins the Body of Christ by eating sacred bread (his flesh) and drinking sacred wine (his blood). Communion is always a voluntary and conscious decision of every believer.

Communion requires certain things:

  • Maintaining spiritual and physical fasting
  • Maintaining a prayer routine: morning and evening
  • Regular reading of spiritual literature
  • Visiting church
  • Confession

IMPORTANT: If you are present for communion, you should be fully aware of the importance of this sacrament and in no way draw attention to yourself. Take your place in the church, pray sincerely and be baptized every time the priest does so.

How to behave in church and temple at a wedding?

Wedding is God’s recognition of the marriage union of a man and a woman. It is customary to come to a wedding with a pure soul and heart, both for the newlyweds themselves and for the guests present. For this occasion, it is important to wear clean, light and neat clothes, and for women to cover their heads.

  • The entire procession takes place under the leadership of the priest and therefore at a wedding it is customary to listen carefully to his words and follow his actions, repeating prayers and crossing himself at the right moment.

Try not to attract attention to yourself and not to disturb the silence in the temple, you cannot laugh or talk, if tears come to your eyes, just silently wipe them away, but do not become hysterical.

Parents' Saturday: how to behave in church?

Parents' Saturday is necessary so that every Orthodox believer can remember deceased loved ones and order a memorial service for them.

  • Before the action begins You should send a note with the names of deceased friends and relatives and only after that put candles on the funeral table for them.

Listen to all the priest’s chants and read the prayers with him. In memory of those people who have passed away, you can also give alms to those who ask near the church. Also good are donations to the church and food that you can bring with you before the procession to the temple (they are left on a special table near the funeral table).

What is the correct way to leave church?

You should leave the church giving a share of honor and respect to the Lord in the same way as you did when entering it.

  • Leaving the church hall, bow to him and cross yourself three times. Do the same when you go out the front doors.

Video: “How to behave in church?”

People come to the temple with gratitude to higher powers or with repentance for sinful acts. The clergy do not condemn those who do not know the rules of behavior in the temple. To behave appropriately, just ask church workers or read the rules in church literature.

For believers, there are no questions about how to behave correctly in church. Basically, tourists or people of other religions who find themselves in church for the first time are interested in such questions.

Preparing for your visit

Church attendance should begin with home preparation. In addition to spiritual purity, you should also take care of the cleanliness of your body and clothes.

  1. If you have a morning visit to the temple, after washing, you need to say words of gratitude in prayer for the fact that the night passed peacefully and calmly. It is necessary to read a chapter from the Gospel or an abbreviated prayer book.
  2. Prepare clothes. To visit the temple, women should avoid wearing trousers, short skirts and low necklines. Clothes should not be bright or too revealing. Either a complete absence of makeup is encouraged, or it should be discreet and not provocative.
  3. You should refrain from eating in the morning, with the exception of sick people, children and pregnant women.

Internal structure of the temple

The church area is divided into the altar, the temple and the vestibule. The altar and the temple are separated by an iconostasis. The royal gates, as well as the northern and southern ones, lead to the altar. Women have no right to be in the altar. The priest can allow men to enter the altar, for this they use the northern and southern gates, and clergy can enter through the Royal Doors.

The elevated area in close proximity to the altar is called the solea. Only the clergyman can give permission to ascend to the sole or pulpit (the central part of the sole).

How to enter church correctly

Before you come to work, you need to know when it starts. Usually the schedule can be seen on the church doors or in church shop.

When entering a church, men must remove their hats, while women, on the contrary, are not allowed to enter an Orthodox church without covering their heads with a headscarf or scarf. Moreover, the head should be covered for both married and unmarried women, little girls are also encouraged to follow the example of their mothers and grandmothers.

For those who forgot about it, the scarf will be offered in the church shop. It is important not to forget to return it after the visit. If a woman comes in trousers, she, of course, will not be kicked out, but will be offered a special skirt.

Need to turn it off mobile phone, or turn off the sound on it so that it does not disturb other parishioners.

U entrance doors you must bow three times and cross yourself three times, while saying the words of the prayer: “God, cleanse me, a sinner, and have mercy.”

After entering, parishioners find themselves in the narthex. This is the space leading from the entrance to the temple itself, a kind of corridor. The porch is the place where the earthly and the divine come into contact. The porch also serves a practical function. If the church does not have a separate shop, then this is where they sell candles, accept notes for health and peace, and orders for prayer services and memorial services.

Unbaptized and women during critical days It is forbidden to go further than the porch.

Behavior during service

In Orthodox churches and temples, believers stand during services. Only elderly or sick people can sit. For this purpose, special benches and chairs are installed along the walls. However, sick and infirm people are also recommended, if possible, to stand up while reading the Gospel.

The ringing of bells heralds the imminent start of the service. By church custom, men are ordered to take right side, and for women the left. Note, what other rules should be followed:

During the service there are several moments when believers should bow their heads. Please note that this must be done in the following cases:

  • the priest passes with a censer;
  • when opening and closing the Royal Gates;
  • while pronouncing the proclamation “peace to all”;
  • during the blessing of the Gospel;
  • after saying “Bow your heads to the Lord.”

How to light candles

There are no strict instructions on how to place candles. Candles can be purchased at the church shop, and money for selling candles is considered voluntary donations.

As a rule, first of all, a candle is placed in front of the icon located on the lectern. This means that her holiday is celebrated on this day.

Candles can be placed on different sides of the candlestick, using both hands. A candle is not lit from a lamp; it is more correct to light it from a neighboring candle. The bottom of the candle needs to be melted a little, then placed in the cell. If the candle does not light, place it in the candlestick unlit. Church ministers themselves will light it.

Please note that candles for health, with a prayer for help in business, you can place it at any icon. You can check in the shop which saint you should contact with this or that request.

For repose, candles are placed separately. There is a special table for this, called kanun. There is a crucifix on it and there are cells for candles. Sometimes instead of cells there is a large box with sand where candles are placed. In modern churches, next to the eve, for example, on the wall, the text of a prayer for the dead is attached.

If you suddenly light a candle for a person’s health, and then it turns out that he has already died, don’t worry. For God we are all alive.

How to venerate an icon

You must bow before the icon twice, at the same time be baptized. Then kiss the icon and cross yourself again with a bow.

It is forbidden to touch the face of saints with your lips, but you can touch the image of hands, or it could be the hem of the robe of the Savior or saints. When applied to the cross, the kiss should be at the feet of the Savior. Girls should take into account that they need to wipe off lipstick from their lips.

You can hear the opinion that touching an icon is unhygienic. But church ministers claim that scientists have proven the absence of germs on the icons in the church.

To venerate icons or not- this is a personal matter for everyone. By kissing the icon, the believer expresses reverent love; no one forces him to do this.

Communication with a priest

The greeting of the clergyman should begin with the words “Bless.” Using the usual “Hello” in a church is inappropriate. The priest will answer “God bless” and baptize, after which he puts his hand in his palm, it must be kissed. It is believed that during the kiss of the blessing hand, a person comes into contact with Christ.

They say goodbye to the clergyman with the same “Bless”.

Before leaving the church, you must cross yourself three times, saying a prayer and bowing.

The Orthodox faith is strengthening and more and more people are coming to church. But when attending church, many do not know how to behave correctly in church. In the church world certain requirements must be met. Although the rules of behavior in an Orthodox church, at first glance, may seem difficult to remember, upon repeated visits to the church and when paying attention to the behavior of other parishioners, their implementation will not require effort.

Often, people entering a church for the first time and interested in the Christian tradition have similar questions about how to behave in church. Temple rector Life-Giving Trinity in Kozhukhovo Archpriest Alexey Mityushin answered to the most common questions.

Is it possible to take photographs in the church?

Indeed, this question arises all the time. On the one hand, of course, it is possible. On the other hand, it is better to ask permission from the temple attendant. In general, photography is not allowed where the flash could degrade the image of the icon or fresco. For the same reason, you cannot take photographs in museums. Flash destroys images.

If we come to church, we must observe the rules of decency and good manners. The temple is larger and taller than a museum. This is a place of prayer and increased reverence, and photography has a secular nature that can lead to confusion or outrage.

Is photography and video recording permitted during the performance of the sacraments?

All churches treat this differently. This is a moment that enters our lives, just as electricity, electric chandeliers, and microphones entered our worship services. In any case, everything should be done with reverence. Photography should not interfere or be intrusive.

On the one hand, this may not be very pleasant. But on the other hand, we should not forget that there are thousands of people who are sitting at home and for various reasons cannot leave their apartment, and it is very important for them to see what happened at the service, because for them it is a great consolation and great joy. Through such videos they feel their involvement in the Church. Then videotaping the same service or sermon is of great benefit.

Can animals be in the temple?

According to church practice, it is not allowed to allow a dog into the church. This animal is considered not entirely pure. Therefore, in church tradition there is a ritual for lighting a temple if a dog runs into it. However, it is worth remembering that a dog is an excellent watchman, and today not a single temple can do without it.

But we have cats in our churches. This is not prohibited.

In Greece, for example, on one of the holidays even snakes crawl into the temple.

Is it possible for unbaptized people to attend church?

Of course you can. There is no prohibition. If we speak according to the canons, then unbaptized people cannot be present at the Eucharistic canon, in other words, at the Liturgy of the Faithful. This is the period after reading the Gospel until the end of the liturgy, including the communion of the Mysteries of Christ.

Can an unbaptized person touch sacred objects?

An unbaptized person can kiss icons, holy relics, and the life-giving cross. But you cannot participate in the sacraments where the Holy Mysteries are taught, eat holy water or consecrated prosphora, or go out for confirmation. To participate in the sacraments, you need to be a full member of the church, you need to feel your responsibility before God.

An unbaptized person should understand and accept such prohibitions with reverence. So that it doesn’t turn out like in one patericon, where a Jew pretended to be baptized in order to partake of the Mysteries of Christ. When he received a piece of Christ’s body in his hands, he saw that it had turned into a piece of meat with blood. Thus, the Lord enlightened his sacrilege and immoderate curiosity.

Are Muslims and people of other faiths allowed to visit the temple?

Of course you can. Again, there is no prohibition. We must remember that every soul is truly a Christian by birth. Therefore, every person, regardless of his religion, can be in church.

Is it possible to eat before visiting the temple?

You cannot eat before communion of the Mysteries of Christ. Before communion, you must fast, which begins at midnight. From this time until the moment of communion we do not eat or even drink water.

The monastery charter states that even if you do not receive communion, you should go to the Liturgy on an empty stomach. And since we, the laity, try to imitate the monks in their exploits, most Orthodox Christians go to the Liturgy on an empty stomach.

Exceptions include people with severe illnesses. For example, people with diabetes are strictly forbidden to go to church on an empty stomach.

Who can't get married?

A person who is not registered with the registry office cannot get married. Those people who have some canonical obstacles to this cannot get married, for example, getting married to a blood relative is prohibited. You cannot get married if one of the spouses is hiding his mental illness. If one of the spouses cheats on his chosen one.

The most difficult issues are resolved with the blessing of the bishop. There are cases that the parish priest cannot and does not even have the right to solve on his own.

What time can you not get married?

You cannot get married during the fasts: Great, Rozhdestvensky, Petrovsky and Assumption. You cannot get married on Christmastide (from Christmas to Epiphany). They do not get married on Bright Week until Antipascha. They don’t get married on Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday. They do not crown John the Baptist on the feast of the beheading. They also do not marry on parish patronal feast days.

Is it possible to get married in church?

IN Orthodox Church there is no rank of debunking. If people, due to their great sins, have failed to maintain love, if they have destroyed a marriage, then a blessing to enter into a second marriage is taken from the diocesan bishop.

Such a situation is out of the ordinary, purely sinful, and there is no specific pattern for it. If a person finds himself in such misfortune, then the process of entering into a second marriage should begin with a confession to his parish priest. It is advisable to repent before the priest who married you. If this is not possible, you should confess to your confessor and consult with him.

How should a woman look in church?

A woman should look modest and at the same time beautiful. To go to church you need to dress well, festively, but in such a way that a man coming to church thinks about God, and not about female beauty.

Can a woman wear trousers to church?

As it was said in the film “17 Moments of Spring”: “It is difficult for a pastor to go against his flock.” Therefore, no matter how much we call people to God-like existence, parishioners have their own character and are self-willed. If the clergy kick out all women wearing trousers from the temple, then almost no one will remain. It should be remembered that trousers can be different: some are modest, and some are not modest.

If a woman goes to church to receive communion, she should wear a skirt and headscarf. Of course, no one will kick out women in trousers and without headscarves. But a headscarf is mandatory in Russian Orthodox churches. To participate in the sacrament, you should look appropriate.

Is it possible to come to church wearing makeup?

The devil tries in every possible way to distract us from prayer. If a “bright” woman stands in the middle of the temple, wearing a lot of cosmetics, she will commit a double sin - not comply with the church charter and distract others. Everything should be in moderation.

When can you confess in church?

The time of confession is indicated on the doors of the temple, on the church notice board.

If a person needs to confess outside of this schedule, then you can go to the priest on duty at the church or call him with a request to confess at a special time. Such a confession can be made at any time of the day or night.

However, it is necessary to distinguish confession from conversation. Confession is specific conscious repentance of sins. And a spiritual conversation is a time when a priest can slowly talk to a person.

When can you take communion in church?

Basically, the liturgy is celebrated daily. What time - you can find out from the person on duty at the temple, by phone, in the schedule or on the temple website.

The time of communion depends on the temple; each has its own beginning of the service, and therefore its own time of communion.

When can you go to church?

You can enter the temple at any time. Since the 1990s, it has become possible to keep the temple open all day, and not just during the liturgy. In the center of Moscow, some churches are open until 23:00. If it were possible, I think the temples would be open at night.

What is strictly forbidden to do in the temple? Is it possible to cry in church?

It is forbidden to talk loudly or talk about abstract topics.

In church you can cry only in such a way that it does not disturb others and does not turn into a theatrical performance.

What can you order and buy at the church?

Nothing is bought or ordered in the church. Can be purchased at the church shop on the temple grounds. You can buy icons, icon cases, and church utensils.

Order sorokoust, various prayers and requirements.

In which church can you be baptized?

You can be baptized in any parish church, except the monastery. In most monasteries, baptism is not performed.

I also advise you to be baptized in a church where there is a baptistery - a font for complete immersion.

Is it possible to get infected with something in church?

If we are talking about the sacrament of the Eucharist, no, you cannot become infected in church during the sacrament of communion. This is proven by the thousand-year practice of the Christian tradition. The sacrament of communion is the greatest of the sacraments of Christ's Church.

Can pregnant women go to church?

Are pregnant women really not allowed to go to church?

Pregnant women not only need to go to church, but also need to partake of the Mysteries of Christ every week.

Is it possible to go to church during menstruation? Is it true that women should not attend church on menstrual periods?

There is a church tradition when women in their women's holidays“, as Niphon, Metropolitan of Volyn and Lutsk called them, do not go to church.

But a woman, even in these “ holidays“remains human and does not become a second-class creature who is not allowed to enter the temple.

The Church of Christ is a refuge for weak and mourning people. And during her menstrual infirmities, a woman often suffers not only physical, but also moral sorrows.

On such days, women should not begin the sacrament of communion and kiss icons.

Ivanchina Elizaveta, priest Alexey Mityushin

How to start going to church?


Many may be concerned about the question “How to start going to church?” A man wanted to come there, but it was somehow awkward. Everything is new, nothing is clear, it’s scary to do something wrong. Therefore, this article was written to answer this question. I do not have the blessing to teach people the correct understanding church life, but I can simply tell you from my own experience what problems arose during my first visits to the temple and what questions tormented my soul. Maybe this will help someone.

So, I wanted to visit the church. Where to go? If you have the Internet, it is better to look on a map where the nearest Orthodox churches are located. It doesn’t make much difference where exactly to go, to a cathedral or a simple church. It is better that it be close to home, since driving across the entire city will be long and inconvenient. Therefore, we boldly choose a temple, find the road and stomp there.

You can come at almost any time, but it is better before 19:00-20:00, since at this time services in churches usually end. You can dress however you like, but without thematic inclinations ala a metalhead, a washed-up punk, a club girl on stilts, or a guy “just from the beach.” You can wear regular pants or jeans, a T-shirt or shirt, a jacket, a blazer, etc. In short, the way normal people walk along ordinary normal streets. If someone wants, they can dress in a suit. In principle, people sometimes come to emphasize their respect for the Church and God; there is nothing unusual in this. Women need to put something on their heads. A scarf is better, but if you don’t have one, then you can use a hat or even a hood if everything is really bad. You don't have to wear skirts; you can wear trousers and jeans. It is better to wear jeans that are not too tight, so as not to distract men from prayer. In this regard, it is better for women to dress more modestly; they need to have respect for God and others.

If you entered the church and there are no singing there and everything is quite quiet, then the service is not going on now. Then you can stand quietly, talk with God, and ease your soul. If you want to light a candle for your family or friends, we are looking for a saleswoman. Usually candles are sold at the entrance to the temple. “Where to put candles for health, and where for repose?” - an eternal question. I think this was my first question asked to a living person inside the temple. You can light a candle for the living anywhere and in front of any icon. No special rituals are needed. Pray quietly, ask for the person and light a candle. For repose, candles are usually placed on special tables on which a crucifix is ​​installed.

What should you do if you walk in and the service is in full swing? Well, for starters, don't run away. It’s better to take a more modest place and repeat after everyone. It is customary for women to stand on the left side of the temple, and men on the right. But if you didn’t manage to get where you were supposed to, you shouldn’t think about it at all. Just stand calmly and pray about your own. I doubt that the first time you attend a service, you will understand any of what is being sung. For example, for the first 2-3 months I understood practically nothing, I just stood silently and repeated after everyone when they were baptized (usually this is done when the words “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” are heard at a service). Therefore, at first it is better to just try to get used to it. Join the general flow, so to speak.

And you need to understand something right away. If you come to the temple, at first there may be a lot of unfounded fears and a feeling that you are not at ease. It's OK. You are taking the path of a warrior, this is your first battle. Get ready to go all the way.

Standing at the service, it may seem endless. I remember at first I generally thought that they were going on in the temple around the clock, and there was no end to them. It is difficult for an unprepared person to stand for 2-3 hours (this is how long a service lasts on average). But I assure you, someday the end will come and the singing will subside, and it will not be one in the morning, but about seven o’clock in the evening. So if you don’t urgently need to run somewhere, wait until the end.

You can often see people coming up and kissing the icons. Feel free to do this. Once upon a time I was very shy to come up and kiss an icon. But now it has become so familiar that I kiss everything. So we boldly cross ourselves and kiss the icon, there is nothing to be afraid of. Often there are handkerchiefs near the icons so that you can wipe the glass of the frame after yourself.

If suddenly during the service everyone began to kneel, it’s okay if you are shy and didn’t do it. But it would be even better to do it together with everyone. Although in practice there are usually fewer of those who kneel at certain moments of the service than those who remain on their feet.

Don't be afraid to ask people about the time of services. If, for example, you want to go specifically to the beginning of an evening or morning service, then under no circumstances should you be afraid to ask about its start time. You can ask the candle seller at the entrance to the temple. Don't worry about causing her trouble with your question. They are being pulled, be healthy, you are not the first and you are not the last. And in general, organizational questions like “where is what” and “when and how” always need to be asked. This is more than normal.

I would like to make a small digression and say a few words about the internal state of a person who suddenly found himself in a temple after a long (sometimes life-long) period of unbelief. It is likely that you will have a lot of seemingly natural fears and logical reasons to leave the temple and not go there again. Don't be fooled by them. Perhaps blasphemous thoughts will enter your head, even insulting saints and God. Don't worry about such thoughts, just try to switch your attention. Sometimes even going to temple can seem like a stupid idea. You shouldn't pay attention to this either. The main thing is to follow a pre-planned good goal and everything will be as it should.

For those who suddenly wanted to confess, we can say this. You can confess to a priest in any church. Confession is free, you don’t need to sign up for it in advance, and no one charges money for it. As a rule, it takes place during the evening service or at the Liturgy in the morning. Usually there is a table on which there is a cross and a Gospel and at which there is a priest. Where exactly it will be located and when confession will take place, you can ask the candle saleswoman or the parishioners. If a lot of people visit the temple, you can most likely determine where confession is taking place by taking turns to the priest standing to the side. The man approaches, the priest listens to him, covers his head with an epitrachelium (part of the vestment looks like a towel) and absolves his sins.

Approach the priest, place two fingers on the Gospel and name what you repent of, indicate the sins about which your soul hurts. People standing behind will most likely not hear you. At least, there was never a time when I could figure out what the person in front of me was repenting about. This also happens because confession often takes place during the service and singing from the choir drowns out the voices, unless, of course, the penitent screams at the top of his lungs. If this is your first time at confession, be sure to say so and ask “what to do next?” Father will tell you what steps to take at first. When you have repented, you kiss the cross, the Gospel, and go on to finish the service. That's all. One more thing. There is no need to be afraid to confess some sins, because it is supposedly shameful. This is stupid and deadly. It’s stupid because priests have heard enough of this throughout their lives that you won’t tell them anything new. And if you say it, it will take an honorable place in the list of that “new and incredibly shameful” thing that the priest has already heard many times and that he has probably already learned to perceive adequately. And it is dangerous because “there is no worse sin than unrepentant sin.”

So, I hope this article has made it a little clearer on how to start going to church. And today it turns out that everyone seems to know everything about the Church, but how the essence comes to the point, nothing is clear. So, if you want to visit the temple, you should do it as soon as possible.

Many people today flock to churches. However, not everyone knows how to behave correctly in church, especially for those who have recently joined Orthodoxy. Those who cross the threshold of God’s house for the first time need to pay some attention not only to their internal state, but also appearance. These tips will help you avoid awkwardness and feel more confident.

You should start preparing to attend services early in the morning. Having woken up and washed, you need to light the lamp. Pray sincerely and thank the Lord for a good night and a quiet start to the day. Slowly read the Gospel (one of your favorite chapters).

The prepared clothing should be simple and modest, although festive. It is advisable that it is not flashy and too lush. For women - closed dresses and long skirts; there should be no exposed parts of the body. The head is also covered with a scarf, headscarf or headscarf. An abundance of cosmetics on the face is not welcome. The perfume should be light and not harsh.

Men wear trousers, no breeches or shorts, all kinds of T-shirts with large necklines and wrestling shorts. Upon entry, the headdress is removed. All visitors should wear comfortable shoes so that they can stand for a long time without fatigue.

Religious rules require visiting the Orthodox Church on an empty stomach. No need to get enough. However, if a person is sick or a woman is pregnant, then eating is not prohibited.

Sometimes you have to carry some things with you that you cannot leave at the entrance (bags, packages). You can take them with you, but it is advisable to do without them, as they will interfere with baptism and bowing.

How to enter the church?

Believers always enter with a bow, and they bow three times. Each bow has its own words.
You can read the special prayer shown in the photo below.

At the same time, one must see the image of the Savior. When entering, especially for the first time, it is worth looking around, paying attention to the behavior of other people.

Behavior during service

If you decide to go to the service, then you must defend it to the end. After all, it is considered a sacrifice to the Lord. Only the weak are allowed to sit during it. Young and healthy are standing.

Place the cross when there is a glorification of the Holy Trinity and Christ. When the priest censes the temple, you must give way to him.
There are moments during the service that oblige you to bow your head. This is done when opening and closing the royal doors.

You cannot walk around the church and talk while the Gospel is being read, venerate icons, have telephone conversations, chew something, rummage in a bag or pocket, or buy candles.

Rules for visitors to an Orthodox church with children

Parents should monitor the behavior of their children. Don't let them make noise, run, jump or laugh loudly.

  • If the child bursts into tears or plays out, it is better to go out into the yard.
  • During communion, an equally restless baby is brought in towards the end of the service.
  • You cannot leave during service without reason.
  • Notes about health or repose are served in the shop.

Important tips on how to behave correctly in the Orthodox Church

  • Men are bareheaded, and women are wearing headscarves. Girls and young girls may also not cover their heads.
  • Listen to the words of the priest, participate in prayer with all your soul.
  • Kissing the faces of icons is wrong. The relics of a saint are allowed in the forehead.
  • The mobile phone turns off.
  • Use photo and video equipment only with the blessing of the abbot.
  • You cannot go to church in an inappropriate state (drunk, on drugs). Smoking is also a sin.
  • The space between the altar and the solea should not be crossed. During the service you only need to stand facing the iconostasis.
  • No quarrels or comments about others.
  • Pets are not allowed in the church.
  • When submitting church records, the names of the baptized are entered there and those of other faiths, suicides, and the unbaptized are not included. If the name is not Christian, then it is worth finding out what was given at baptism and entering it. There is no need to write anything extra besides. An exception is if this is a clergyman, then the rank is added in short.
  • Usually women are located on the left side of the room.
  • When blessing, the head should be bowed.
  • It is better to give alms in food and clothing.

What to talk about during Repentance

By confessing, a person is responsible only for his own sins. He shouldn't talk about anyone else's. Not all are listed, but only those that are conscious and evoke a desire to change.

Old sins that have already been told about and that have not been repeated are no longer mentioned at the Sacrament of Confession. Do not linger long at the lectern; you must remember about others who want to confess.

How to take Communion

When approaching the Holy Chalice, the name given at baptism is called. Hands folded in a cross, mouth open. The Communion is swallowed, the edge of the Chalice is kissed. Then the Orthodox departs. Only after drinking the icons can you kiss them.

Giving Communion to Children

So that during the sacrament, the child, being frightened, does not push his hand or the cup, he must be held. When bringing it to the Bowl, you should try to ensure that the arms and legs do not dangle freely.

If the child is noisy, you should calm him down. You are allowed to step aside or leave.

In any case, when something is not clear, you can ask the question to the temple servants or more experienced people.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: