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How to ask questions that are interesting to a man. Questions for a guy on the first date. What can and cannot be asked of a boy? Questions about women and love

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Getting a guy interested by correspondence and asking him some original and provocative questions is what worries a modern girl. The most relevant form of communication at this moment can be called correspondence on the Internet. It's connected with active development social networks, which allow people located on different ends of the planet to meet.

To attract the attention of an interlocutor who has never seen or heard his opponent, you need to be able to set the right tone for the conversation.

What to ask when meeting someone

During the first conversation, they usually ask something banal.

Questions for a man to get to know him better:

  • Does he have a hobby?
  • The most preferred type of rest: active or passive?
  • Who is the guy according to the horoscope?
  • What are your favorite musical genres? Performers
  • Favorite movie? And the book?
  • What are the main qualities that a guy values ​​in people?
  • Does the guy like animals?
  • Play in computer games?
  • He smokes?
  • Preferred clothing style?
  • Names of cities the guy visited?
  • Is the guy superstitious? Does he believe in omens?
  • Drinks alcohol?
  • Does the guy prefer tea or coffee?
  • Does the guy like to take photos?
  • Does the guy like to spend time outside the home?
  • How can you surprise a guy?
  • A color that inspires admiration?
  • What does a guy eat for breakfast?
  • Favourite drink?
  • Does he have a pet?
  • Does the guy live in the city or in the village?
  • Have you been to the capital?
  • Does the guy often go to the theater? To concerts? To exhibitions?

In order for a guy to be convinced of the extraordinary nature of his interlocutor and want to continue the dialogue, it is better to immediately turn the conversation in the right direction.

At the very beginning of dating, you can ask about the following things::

  • The most incredible thing he has ever done Last year?
  • Have you thought about the existence of alternative universes?
  • Did the guy think about life after death?
  • How does the guy feel about literature and cinema? Favorite works?
  • What would a guy do if he won a million in the lottery?
  • Did the guy bungee jump from a bridge? Have you been water skiing? Have you ever made a parachute jump?
  • In his opinion, who is stronger, a shark or a bear?

Questions for a pen pal

If a girl has been communicating with a guy for a long time and can confidently call him a pen pal, the questions for conversation may be different.

You can start a dialogue with the following phrases:

  • How was your day? Have significant events occurred?
  • The guy heard the latest news that happened in the world / in the music field / in the stellar environment.?
  • How was your last weekend?
  • What did the guy read or watch? Lately? Did this make an impression on him?
  • What happened at work/school?

Questions for a guy to get to know him better

  • Can you tell us your most vivid memory from childhood?
  • Imagine being able to go back in time and change it. Where would you start?
  • Imagine that you can now go anywhere on the planet. What place will it be and why?
  • If you could only have 5 things, what would they be?
  • Which person has had the greatest influence on you and why?
  • Have you ever thought about what will be written on your tombstone?
  • Have there been turning points in your life?

Provocative questions for communicating with a guy

When a pen pal is no longer just a distant virtual personality, but a good friend, conversations become more open.

Dialogues can be frank, which means a girl can ask a guy provocative questions:

  • Did the guy get into awkward or funny situations in front of a lot of people?
  • Did he have a nickname given to him as a child by friends or classmates?
  • What did the guy dream about as a child?
  • What was the guy afraid of more than anything in the world when he was little?
  • For what action is he ashamed and funny at the same time?
  • Is there a day that a guy would like to relive?
  • Has the guy tried alcohol? If so, when did this first happen?
  • Is a guy capable of telling a person the whole truth to his face?
  • What would a guy's reaction be if a childhood friend told him he was gay?
  • Does the guy believe in the existence of friendship between a man and a woman?
  • What is your deepest dream?
  • When was the last time a guy cried?
  • Does he like to be groomed?
  • Does the guy get up early? How many hours does he sleep?
  • Does he frequently update his wardrobe? Loves shopping?
  • Does the guy wake up in the morning in a good or bad mood?
  • Clothing style: severity and elegance or brightness and negligence?
  • Can swim?
  • Did the guy have an imaginary friend as a child?
  • Is the guy allergic to cats? For fruit? For flowering?

Dirty questions to ask

It also happens that long-term communication and pen pal friendships on VK are rapidly gaining momentum. And so, the one who until recently was just a friend becomes a guy - a person with whom the girl is connected not just by everyday communication, but by love feelings.

You can ask a pen pal some vulgar questions:

  • What is the sexiest part of his interlocutor’s body in his opinion?
  • How old was he when he had sex for the first time?
  • What does a guy not welcome in sex?
  • What would he like to do with his interlocutor now?
  • Has the guy tried positions from the Kama Sutra? Would you like to?
  • Did he have sex in unusual places?
  • Does the guy dream of making love in interesting places?
  • Does he often indulge in self-pleasure? When was the last time this happened?
  • Did the guy have virtual sex? If not, would you like to try it?
  • Did he have a one-night stand with a stranger?
  • Does the guy watch porn movies? If yes, how often?
  • Is the guy excited at this moment?
  • Have you tried a threesome? I would like to try?
  • Did the guy use the intimate services of call girls? Under what circumstances?
  • Have you become an unwitting witness to others having sex? What was the guy feeling?
  • What does a guy like most about foreplay?
  • Did he have sex with an older girl?
  • Does a guy smoke after sex?
  • How long does intercourse last?

Tricky questions for a pen pal

Tricky questions can be asked only if you are completely sure that they will not offend your interlocutor in any way or affect his feelings.

About family and family budget

The list of provocative questions is suitable for those who are committed to a serious relationship with their interlocutor.

  • Are there things a guy is not willing to tolerate in a marriage?
  • Should every ruble earned by spouses go to the common budget or will family members spend their money only on themselves?
  • Would you let your wife go on vacation at sea with her friends?
  • Does a man want children? If yes, how much?
  • If there is a quarrel in the family, who should take the first step towards reconciliation?
  • How long can a wife be on maternity leave?
  • How does a man feel about living with his parents after marriage?
  • Will your wife be jealous of her male friends and colleagues?
  • Is the guy ready to adopt a child?
  • How does one feel about surrogacy?
  • Will the guy strive to save the marriage to the last in the event of serious conflicts?

About work and friends

  • Could you choose an evening with a friend and a bottle of beer instead of a romantic dinner with your beloved woman?
  • Would a guy support his beloved’s desire to go to work in another city or on a long business trip?
  • Does he often listen to the opinions of his friends and how important is it for him?
  • Does the guy tell his friends a lot?

About sex

  • Does a guy prefer women with or without experience in bed?
  • How does one feel about oral sex?
  • How experienced is the guy in oral sex?
  • Do you like it when a woman takes the initiative?
  • Does he have perverted sexual fantasies?
  • How does a guy feel about BDSM?
  • Does he have sex toys at home?
  • Have you had sex in public places?
  • Does the guy like to dominate?

Questions for ask

Top 100 questions for ask is a choice between two (often opposite) things, which can say a lot about a person.

You can ask the guy:

  1. Sea/mountains?
  2. Tea coffee?
  3. Morning/night?
  4. Alcohol/sports?
  5. Chocolate: bitter/milk?
  6. Poetry/prose?
  7. White black?
  8. Rap/rock?
  9. Sweet/bitter?
  10. Autumn/Spring?
  11. Cola/Sprite?
  12. Books/movies?
  13. Village/city?
  14. Shoes/sneakers?
  15. Jacket/hoodie?
  16. The bow tie?
  17. Bear/shark?
  18. Football/hockey?
  19. Car/bike?
  20. Club/outing?
  21. Chess/checkers?
  22. Computer/books?
  23. Meat/vegetables?
  24. Bicycle/roller skates?
  25. Lake/ocean?
  26. Dog Cat?
  27. Computer/laptop?
  28. Music: sad / happy?
  29. Pen-pencil?
  30. Crowded place / desert island?
  31. Dexterity/intelligence?
  32. Fun/work?
  33. Pizza/pie?
  34. Chicken/fish?
  35. Pineapple/coconut?
  36. Türkiye Egypt?
  37. Rice/buckwheat?
  38. Airplane/ship?
  39. Adidas/Nike?
  40. Cold/hot?
  41. Cigarettes/alcohol?
  42. Book: electronic / printed?
  43. Sun moon?
  44. VKontakte / Odnoklassniki?
  45. Cartoons/movies?
  46. Brother/sister?
  47. Android/ios?
  48. Chips/crackers?
  49. Vodka/beer?
  50. Soda/juice?
  51. Milkshake/hot chocolate?
  52. Cutlets/sausages?
  53. Ice cream/cupcake?
  54. Happy/sad?
  55. Knife/gun?
  56. Mandarin/orange?
  57. Hair: long/short?
  58. Moon/Mars?
  59. Dirol/orbit?
  60. Noise/silence?
  61. Fried egg/omelet?
  62. Yogurt/kefir?
  63. Book/comic?
  64. Salad/soup?
  65. Blonde/brunette?
  66. Bread/loaf?
  67. Paris/Berlin?
  68. Sea ocean?
  69. Art exhibition/museum?
  70. Restaurant/cafe?
  71. Plaid/stripe?
  72. Honor/honesty?
  73. Pushkin / Lermontov?
  74. Tolstoy / Dostoevsky?
  75. Borscht / semolina porridge?
  76. Opera/Chrome?
  77. War/peace?
  78. Study, work?
  79. Waffles/cookies?
  80. Order/mess?
  81. Cinema?
  82. Motorcycle/car?
  83. Bag backpack?
  84. Snow/rain?
  85. Scream/whisper?
  86. Fire water?
  87. Human/robot?
  88. Waltz/hip-hop?
  89. Forest/steppe?
  90. Comedy/horror?
  91. Heaven/earth?
  92. Brightness/fading?
  93. Clay/plasticine?
  94. Optimism/pessimism?
  95. Laughing/crying?
  96. Career/family?
  97. Mind/soul?
  98. Soul/body?
  99. Banana/apple?
  100. Juice/compote?

Unusual questions for conversation on VK

If a girl wants to add a “zest” to the conversation, she can ask the guy interesting and unusual questions:

  1. What does the concept of “love” and “happiness” mean?
  2. Why does it happen that people do stupid things and then regret them?
  3. Does he have strong principles in life?
  4. If they made a film about his life, what would the film be called?
  5. Does he have phobias?
  6. Does he fight often?
  7. Did you do charity work?
  8. Did you feel out of place among people?
  9. Does he have piercings or tattoos?
  10. Does he have bad habits?
  11. What can he do perfectly?
  12. Does he have collections?
  13. Which book or movie characters do you associate yourself with?
  14. What does he usually read before bed?
  15. Did he have a favorite toy?
  16. Have you experienced betrayal?
  17. Have you been disappointed in people?
  18. Have you disappointed others?
  19. Became a participant in television shows or radio programs?
  20. Would you like to visit a desert island? To take with you?
  21. In the event of a fire, what would you take out of the house first?
  22. Would you like to fly into space?
  23. Have you ever used cosmetics?
  24. Running from the police?
  25. Did nice things strangers?
  26. Have you met real crazy people?
  27. Have you flown on an airplane?
  28. Have you jumped with a parachute?
  29. Did you climb down from the balcony on your sheets?
  30. Stole a car?
  31. Do you like logic games?
  32. Have you ever worn women's clothing?
  33. Played anything for stripping?
  34. Have you ever eaten cat food?
  35. Have you witnessed an unusual phenomenon?
  36. Did you take a sabbatical while you were studying?
  37. Can he perform magic tricks?
  38. Running naked down the street?
  39. Did you draw graffiti on the walls?
  40. Suffered from depression?
  41. Have you been to the Maldives?
  42. Have you had chickenpox?
  43. Broke someone's favorite vase?
  44. Did you stick chewing gum under your desk?
  45. Did you ever wax a chalkboard as a child?
  46. Does he play games on his phone?
  47. Have you made Italian pasta?
  48. Does he eat mushrooms?
  49. Have you seen the sunset on the lake?
  50. Did the parent write letters to strangers?
  51. Jumped over a fire?
  52. Did you imagine yourself as Superman?
  53. Tried to commit suicide?
  54. Have you tried drugs?
  55. Did you work as a loader?
  56. Did you sell ice cream?
  57. Traveled in your own car?
  58. Did you smoke weed?
  59. Sang songs on the street at the top of your lungs?
  60. Did you throw water bombs from the roof of the house?
  61. Exploded firecrackers, scaring passers-by?
  62. Broke your spine?
  63. Did you fall off the carousel?
  64. Did you make a hut in your apartment? What about on the street?
  65. Did you blow up your lighter on the asphalt?
  66. Hit the windows with a soccer ball?
  67. Can one eat a whole pizza?
  68. Would you donate a kidney to save a person?
  69. Would you like to have a cow on your balcony?
  70. Tormented homeless kittens?
  71. Poisoned by low-quality alcohol?
  72. Part of a sect?
  73. Preached anything on the streets?
  74. Believes in the end of color?
  75. Would you like to swim across the sea or ocean?
  76. Escaped from the hospital?
  77. Smoked a pack of cigarettes in a few hours?
  78. Did you catch crayfish with your hands?
  79. Have you ridden an elephant?
  80. Can he whistle with 2 fingers in his mouth?
  81. Could you play a role in the film?
  82. Flying in your sleep?
  83. Have you eaten oranges with the peel on? And watermelons?
  84. Does he open his eyes underwater when swimming?
  85. Did you do martial arts?
  86. Does he sing well?
  87. Does he do tricks on a skateboard?
  88. Snowboarding?
  89. Favorite cartoon character?
  90. In his opinion, is Batman a superhero or a negative character?
  91. Have you ever fallen into a coma?
  92. How would he sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo?
  93. Would you be friends with your double?
  94. Can you make a fire? Pitch a tent?
  95. Does he have real friends? What about enemies?
  96. Does he believe in Santa Claus?
  97. Patriarchy or matriarchy? Why?
  98. Have you seen a coral reef?
  99. Did you eat lobster?
  100. Did you pierce your leg with a nail?

What else can you ask a guy?

  • Have you eaten unwashed fruit? Berries straight from the garden?
  • Would you draw your own cartoon?
  • Does he sleep on his side, stomach or back?
  • Have you ever been to a trampoline center?
  • Have you visited the zoo? Dolphinarium?
  • Would you like to become president?
  • Can you take criticism?
  • Would you call yourself crazy?
  • Would you like to change your last name?
  • Did you eat a crust of bread on the way home from the store as a child?
  • Does he have a reindeer sweater?
  • Is he afraid of the dark?
  • Do you enjoy going on rides?
  • Have you ridden a roller coaster?
  • Have you been to Disneyland?
  • Broke your laptop screen with your fist?
  • Has he ever broken a collarbone or a rib?
  • Which great man would you face in the ring?
  • Would you organize your own fight club?
  • Planning to write a book?
  • Believes in prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday?
  • Have you ever had to open wine using improvised means?
  • Did you type the text on a typewriter?
  • Does he eat apples and pears with seeds?
  • Does he believe in the possibility of utopia?
  • Do you often play VK apps?
  • Celebrating a birthday?
  • Would you like to live in Indian times?
  • I would like to visit far north?
  • Did you cut down the tree by hand?
  • Pushed the car over long distances?
  • Could you hang it on hooks?
  • Pierce your cheek with a needle?
  • Do something crazy on a dare?
  • Removing a cat from a tall tree?
  • Jump into the sea from a cliff?
  • Did you cross stitch?
  • Have you picked up stray animals?
  • Would you drink a glass of sunflower oil?
  • Did you dig potatoes?
  • Have you played golf?
  • Swimmed in a thermal spring?
  • Do you often visit the library? Reading room?
  • Have you ever seen an earthquake, hurricane or tornado?
  • He would go to trip around the world?
  • Did he spend his youth with those?
  • What is lighter, a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?
  • Would you climb Everest?
  • Does he visit beauty salons?
  • Can he play the balalaika?
  • Does he like shawarma?
  • Does the guy get déjà vu?
  • Have you often lost your keys?
  • Does he like to bowl? What about billiards?
  • Has a driver's license?
  • Does he like to pop bumps on film?
  • Nail biting?
  • Has he ever shaved his legs?
  • Does it count calories? Does he watch his diet?
  • Did he fall out of his chair?
  • Have you been to Cuba?
  • Have you done capoeira?
  • Watching anime?
  • Have you been to the festival of colors?
  • Can you eat a lemon without wincing?
  • Can you drink a glass of vodka in one gulp?
  • Have you ever stolen flowers from city flower beds?
  • Have you ever been to a cemetery at night?
  • Have you encountered paranormal phenomena?
  • Does he believe in the existence of brownies?
  • Did you swim in an ice hole in winter?
  • Played mafia?
  • Lived in a student dormitory?
  • Did you cook rice mixed with buckwheat?
  • Have you gone ice fishing?
  • Have you eaten “lucky” bus tickets?
  • Embarrassed to buy condoms?
  • Could you buy pads or tampons for a girl?
  • Ever dreamed of becoming a gynecologist?
  • Does he go to a cosmetologist?
  • Do you like sushi or rolls?
  • Can he play the harmonica?
  • Does he have a hat?
  • Do you have dental fillings?
  • Is he fascinated by ancient Greek culture?
  • Likes to read historical novels?
  • Licking metal in the cold?
  • Did you eat cat food?
  • Did you give your cat valerian?
  • Have you hung wallpaper at least once?
  • Have you been to themed parties?
  • Did you let the jellyfish dry in the sun?
  • Have you ever slept for more than 12 hours in a row?
  • Licked ants?
  • Fooled frogs?
  • Have you flown in a hot air balloon?
  • Did you set poplar fluff on fire?
  • Have you ridden a reindeer sled?
  • Spent the night in a tent in the mountains?
  • Have you ridden a convertible?
  • Do you like to eat burgers?
  • Could you live for 3 days on 100 rubles?
  • Have you ever bought sports nutrition?
  • Forgot to take off your shoe covers before going outside?
  • Does he believe in the limitlessness of human possibilities?
  • Did you catch a pigeon with your hands?
  • Jumped from the second floor?
  • Stuck in an elevator for several hours?
  • Do you like mind games?
  • Can he sew up socks?
  • Would you like to become a pimp?
  • Would you go on foot across Russia?

It’s not scary if your imagination for questions has dried up, and your pen pal doesn’t take the initiative into his own hands. The phrase “Do you remember.” will become a saving anchor. You can remember funny stories that are associated with the first acquaintance or simply from life. The guy will be happy to pick up the conversation, which will then grow on its own. The main thing is not to lose positive attitude, and then any communication will be doomed to success.

How to behave on first dates? What to talk about and what questions to ask a man.

In the previous article, we examined in detail the whole in order to determine whether this is your man or not. Is he destined for you or is it better to look for another man - YOURS.

Now let's look at the most time-consuming way to understand whether a man is right for you. And it lies in identifying his life goals and values... and comparing them with your own.

First date rule

How to behave on a date? How to spend perfect date with a man?

Identifying values ​​should be a core part of your dating conversations. You need to use your time wisely to find out. better than men u. After all, true love is based on knowledge and acceptance, and not on guesses and momentary feelings.

If your goals and values ​​have absolutely nothing in common, then such a family is unlikely to last long (for example, you want to have two children, but he categorically does not want to have children; such news is unlikely to make you happy after the wedding).
However, first you will have to clearly define your goals and values, so that you can then compare them with the values ​​of a man.

A common mistake many women make is that on a date they talk a lot about themselves, and often the date turns into some kind of self-presentation.

Here you need to remember the rule: on a date he talks more!!!

But at the same time, it is you who set the topic, listen to him with interest, and in no case criticize or ridicule him during the conversation!!! He should feel that now he is the whole Universe for you!

Believe me, men love to talk about themselves. And they really appreciate women who listen to their companion with genuine interest. And if you listen diligently, you will inspire your man to have even more honest conversations.

By getting to know the men you date, you can quickly identify options that are not suitable for you, and thereby save your life time. It's better to stop dating now than to end up in a bad marriage.
So, you need to ask the right questions, listen to him with interest and analyze the answers.

Highlights of first dates

Before we look at the questions to ask on dates, I would like to immediately draw your attention to several important points about the very first dates. These are the highlights of first dates!

They are needed so that your partner is always looking forward to meeting you. So that he looks forward to meeting you.

1. You need to leave first, alone, to your home and no continuations at anyone’s home,

2. First dates should last about 1.5 hours. You need to leave in the midst of your meeting, when both of you are feeling very good and having fun - this creates a Cinderella effect, when a man has a great desire to definitely see you again and look forward to the meeting.

3. A date is not entertainment on your part, but a serious selection for the position of your beloved husband, so before the date you need to make a list of 5-7 questions that need to be answered. Write these questions down in a notebook so you can refresh your memory later on a date. We’ll discuss what questions to ask soon.

4. The sequence of questions should be as follows: first you ask about the past - then about plans for the future - and only then move on to the present. Because people are more willing to talk about the past and the future, about what happened and about their dreams, and in order to talk about the present, you need to get a little closer.

5. For a man, the word FALL IN LOVE is equal to the word INVESTMENT... with emotions, time spent with you, money. You shouldn’t hype men up for money, it’s not environmentally friendly!

It is better to generate warm feelings and stormy emotions in him, and this is done precisely with the help of the ability to ask the right questions and thereby evoke the right feelings in a man. And just like that, we’re back to the questions that need to be asked.

Step-by-step analysis of the first 7 dates. What questions to ask a man

In this video, we will look step by step at the first few dates and what information can be obtained on them. I'll also post all of these questions below so you can print them out for yourself and save them!

First date

On the first date you can ask your man:

  • About his hobbies, about his interests, about how he likes to spend his time. Maybe he is interested in something special: a bicycle, skiing, diving, travel. Remember all the details. At home, you can explore this topic (his hobby) better and on the next date talk about it again - he will be very pleased to talk about what is valuable to him. And he will appreciate that you support his hobby.
  • Also on the first date, you can ask what kind of relationship he has with his friends. Who are they and what do they do. Who is his best friend? How he met his best friend. How his friends treat him. Here you will learn a lot about him. It’s not for nothing that they say, tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are. There is no need to get a list of questions - you need to learn to adapt to the situation and unobtrusively ask your interlocutor your questions with interest.
  • Another important question that is better to find out at first is regarding his marital status: “Are you married?” - It’s better to find out about this on the first date than to cry later.

Second date

On the second date, you can ask the man about his professional hobbies:

  • What clubs and sections did he go to in childhood and youth? What achievements did he make there? Maybe he was studying skiing and he has medals, certificates, notes about him in newspapers. Let him tell you his most memorable moments. Look, when it comes to childhood, any person has very warm memories, he begins to relive them again and at that moment experiences happiness. Moreover, when a person is happy, he will associate this happiness with you, since it was you who made him experience this happiness again, even though you simply asked the right question. However, do not forget that you must do this with genuine sincerity and desire. Any lie will be felt subconsciously by your companion.
  • Ask about how he studied at school, what subject he loved most, what teacher? In what class did he fall in love for the first time? Who was this extraordinary girl?
  • You can also find out about it vocational education. Who did he study for, what kind of student was he? What achievements did he have during his student years? Maybe he was the best student in his group or won the mathematics Olympiad? Be sincerely interested in his achievements and, of course, admire them. This is very valuable for a man!

You don't have to ask all these questions at once. Just choose a few basic ones that are most important to you, and during the conversation you can always adapt to your interlocutor and develop the desired conversation.

Third date

On the third date:

  • Find out his relationship with his parents and relatives. If he blames his parents for something, is offended by them, refuses to help them, does not respect them - it’s worth thinking about. Suddenly he will then treat you the same way. A person who blames everyone around him except himself and is in a state of victim will most likely blame you for everything in the future.
  • Unobtrusively ask whether he was previously married. Does he have children? What is his relationship with ex-wife and children. If he mockingly talks about how he is hiding from alimony... a controversial option... do you need such a man?

Fourth date

  • You can spend time asking him about his work. What field does he work in? You shouldn’t ask the question directly “what does he do?” men associate this with “how much do you earn.” It’s better to simply ask “What field of activity do you work in?” He will tell you everything he thinks is necessary. Here you will roughly understand his material and social status - what he does, what his income is.
  • You can ask what kind of relationship he has with his boss - it also says a lot about the person.
  • Important questions to ask about his attitude towards money. After all, money plays a significant role in all vital areas. If you think about money differently, it will be difficult for you. family life. Find out how much time he plans to devote to work and how much to family. Try to imagine what your man's behavior will be like when times get tough. And ask him an important question: “What will he do if he unexpectedly wins a million rubles.” This question will say a lot about your chosen one, about his financial culture.

Fifth date

Here you need to understand his most important life goals, values ​​and his potential. If a man directly says that “he is not ready for a serious relationship,” then in most cases, it is hardly worth wasting time on him.

In general, here you can directly ask the following questions:

  • What is valuable to you?
  • What is your attitude towards life in general?
  • How do you see your ideal family?
  • Who is a real man, Who is an ideal woman,
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  • If you were invited to play in a movie, what role would you like to play?
  • Have you ever wanted to be a girl?
  • What do you value most in people? What do you not accept about them?
  • Which country would you like to live in?
  • What faith or nationality should your wife be?
  • And the most important question - What is special about you that distinguishes you from other men? (the main thing here is to remember all the details - this is the most important thing for him in himself!!! It is these qualities of his that you, as a true woman, will constantly admire!!!)

Sixth date

Clarification of his relationship to healthy image life. This is a very important point! Everything matters here - smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, binge drinking, friends who are drug addicts or criminals, what serious illnesses you have had in your life, whether you are capable of hitting a woman.

Yes, yes - you don’t have to laugh, you have to figure out the situation right away so you don’t have to cry later.

The formula for a woman’s happiness is to love and be loved by a hero!!!

A woman should admire her man, and do it sincerely. Can you admire a man who constantly drinks and swears? Or who is capable of hitting his own mother? Think about it!

There is another very good test of any person - get him drunk and angry. You just need to incite anger not towards yourself, but towards some third-party object. Here you generally learn so much about a person that you would not learn under any other circumstances.

It’s true that you don’t need to get your man drunk on the sixth date, much less drink with him, you can just tactfully ask how he behaves when he drinks too much? How often does this happen and what does he do about it? Do not ignore such important issues so that later it does not come as a surprise to you!!!

Here is a list of sample questions to get you thinking:

  • Have you ever been in a hospital?
  • Have you ever tried drugs?
  • How often do you drink with friends?
  • What do you think about aging?
  • Do you believe in an afterlife?

These questions can be asked in a slightly humorous manner, but you will still understand the answer.

Seventh date

What to do on the seventh date. Since you have been dating for so long, it means that according to the previous parameters, the man suits you for the most part.

You can move on to the most piquant interview!)

You can start asking about sexual preferences. Here you can give free rein to your fantasies and ask about what is important and interesting to you in this matter. What if he likes to make love with two girls at the same time? Or does he love men?)) Who knows))

It would be good to clarify how often he is checked for sexually transmitted diseases. For a woman, this issue is extremely important, since some sexually transmitted diseases are not at all dangerous for men, but pose a serious danger for a woman and her unborn child. Do not forget that you will need to give birth, and give birth to healthy offspring, so be vigilant in this matter. Normal, worthy men They won’t see anything bad in this matter. On the contrary, they will appreciate your concern for their health, and therefore the health of your unborn baby.


So, you have identified the most important points - the goals, values ​​and preferences of your companion. You compared them with yours.

If your and his main goals diverge, it is better to start looking for another man.

If you become an obstacle in a man's path to his cherished goal, then your marriage will be doomed from the very beginning. The same applies to your goals.

And if your views on life are similar, and you are looking in the same direction, then a successful family life is quite likely for you.

P.S. Let's summarize. Have we considered? Is he really the only one out of a thousand who will be the ideal life partner?

In fact, there are many such methods, but these four are more than enough to answer this question. Choosing a partner is a very important thing and can entail many consequences, so be extremely careful! Listen to your heart and your intuition. They will never deceive you!!!

What can you talk about and what questions can you ask a guy over text or when going on your first, or perhaps your 200th, date? Every girl thinks about this, trying to please the young man she likes.

After all, to the standard questions: “How are you?” and “How’s life?” - you can always get the same answer: “Fine”... What question to ask a guy: funny, to improve his mood, or interesting - about your relationship? Or maybe puzzle him with a tricky question via correspondence on social networks?

Funny questions for guys

In order for the relationship not to be boring, regardless of whether we are going on our first or twentieth date, or chatting online, ask guys funny questions more often. This helps to relax the conversation and adds pleasant ease to your dialogue.

For example:

  • Is someone black standing on three legs? (Answer: piano);
  • Does the black one stand on 1 leg? (One-legged black man);
  • Who is this? With two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (This is a rider sitting on a horse holding a rooster in his hands);
  • What is lighter: a kilogram of fluff or a kilogram of nails? (Equal);
  • The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes. What is this? (Pit)

You can defuse the situation of silence, find out more about the guy you like and at the same time laugh with the help of funny questions:

  • What fruit could you be?
  • What is easier - to find a needle in a haystack or a straw in a whole pile of needles?
  • Who or what would you like to take with you to a desert island?
  • What would you do with a million (billion) dollars?
  • What is his favorite comedy or favorite joke?
  • What do you do in the morning with an annoying phone or alarm clock?

Funny original questions with a trick are great for raising your spirits:

  • What do people on Earth do all at the same time? - They live.
  • What comes first in our country, Russia, and second in France? - Letter "R".
  • Which wheel does not spin while driving? - Spare.
  • Which river is the scariest? - Tiger.
  • Can an ostrich be called a bird? - An ostrich can't talk.

When choosing, read our article by following the link. And then your conversation will be interesting and rich.

Tricky questions for a pen pal

Why don't guys like to answer tricky questions when they meet? They are afraid that they might make a mistake. And in correspondence it is easier for them to navigate in order to answer correctly. And on occasion there will be few witnesses to their blunder.

  • What question cannot be answered positively? (Are you sleeping?);
  • What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty);
  • If you had the opportunity at this moment to become a great director, what would your next film be about?
  • Would you change your appearance with someone? If yes, then with whom?
  • What do you think about men's fashion? What do you think a stylish man should look like today? (If your chosen one has good taste);
  • Have you ever found yourself in extreme situations? How did you get out of them?
  • If you became a woman for one day, what would you do during these hours?
  • How do you feel about talking about the other world, oh parallel worlds, about UFOs?
  • If suddenly today is Friday the 13th, and the devil is knocking on your door. What will you do? What do you say?
  • How do you choose to cut unpleasant people out of your life?

In fact, the answer to this question is not so clear-cut. For example, you can find out from the previous article. This will help you find guidelines for your future life and avoid unnecessary worries.

When asking a guy about love and relationships, you need to do this not only tactfully, but also wisely. At first meetings, you should not take risks by asking intimate issues, and then suffer from the fact that “they all only need one thing.” Provocative questions can be voiced when the relationship is established, there is trust and a mutual desire to develop their relationship. You can learn about this from the following article by clicking on the link.

The following questions can help you get to know your partner better and determine what he wants from a future relationship:

  • What are you dreaming about? What are your plans for the future?
  • What does “love” mean to you?...
  • How do you feel about the idea of ​​“free” love?
  • How do you feel about men's and female infidelity?
  • Do you remember your first love? When did it happen?
  • Unrequited love, what is it like? Has it happened to you?
  • Is it possible to love two people at once?
  • Have you ever loved sincerely, with all your heart?
  • Have you often fallen in love?
  • What actions are you ready for for the sake of your beloved?
  • What do you expect from your beloved girl?
  • What should it be like in your opinion?
  • What is your ideal housewife and mother of your children?
  • What common hobby do you wish you had?
  • Where would you like to go on vacation?
  • Who should be the head of the family?
  • What is your relationship with your family and friends?
  • What do your friends mean to you? How often are you willing to spend time with them?

Bold questions include conversations about intimacy. You can switch to them when you count on sexual contact with a guy.

  • What parts of girls' bodies attract him most (breasts, legs, butt, etc.)?
  • Does he like deep necklines and short skirts?
  • When and how did he have his first sexual experience?
  • Did you dance a striptease? How do you feel about people of unconventional orientation?
  • Have you ever visited a nudist beach?
  • What positions does he prefer in moments of intimacy with a girl?
  • Why do you like this or that pose? Which one do you consider ideal?
  • Does a guy like to give his girlfriend intimate kisses in moments of intimacy?
  • Does he like long foreplay?
  • Which sexual fantasies does he want to try in reality, and which ones does he want to leave in his dreams?
  • What erogenous zones excite him?
  • About the size of organs, the number and frequency of contacts per day, and so on.

What questions should you not ask?

If you value relationships, then don’t ask a guy:

  • Does he love you;
  • Have you recovered?
  • How does this or that dress fit on you, does it make you look fat;
  • How does he like your hair or makeup?
  • Isn’t he bored with you?
  • Does everything suit him about your figure? Character and so on.
  • Don't be annoying, don't pester him, asking for his opinion about your relationship. If he is still with you, then he is satisfied. These questions can make him doubt and look for a girl who is more patient and has self-esteem. Appreciate yourself!
  • Don't ask questions about him ex-girlfriends and don't discuss their shortcomings!
  • Don't ask about his material wealth. Salary is a topic that not every man is ready to discuss. Moreover, if he has financial difficulties;
  • About relationships in his family, if he does not talk about them himself;
  • Bad habits, such conversations can irritate your chosen one;
  • Guy problems. This is a very slippery topic, as guys prefer to hide their weaknesses. They resolve disputes with their bosses at work or problems with business without the intervention of the female half.

During the candy-bouquet period of relationships, you need to avoid talking about ex-wives or girls. If he starts talking about them himself. That's what it means. That the relationship is either not over, or your chosen one is not ready to build new ones. In this case, none of the options will suit you, since even an attempt to create a relationship will be a failure.

Finally, we can say that we often attach excessive importance to words, we say a lot, but do little or act contrary to what is said. Sometimes it’s better to tactfully remain silent, look into your eyes, walk along quiet park alleys or dance. You can fantasize about what questions you can ask a guy both among friends and in a fitness club. The main thing is to show sincere interest in your chosen one - and then your communication will give you mutual pleasure!

In this article we’ll talk about how a girl can get to know a guy better when texting. By asking different questions to a young man she likes, she can get a clearer idea of ​​what his habits and interests are, as well as learn about his character and form her impression of him as a person.

With such correspondence, the couple should be prepared for shock and anger, as well as for love and laughter.

In contact with


Anticipating the fact that many representatives of the fair sex may find it difficult to choose the right questions, we have compiled a short list of questions to ask a guy in the first weeks of dating.

The conversation should be simple and relaxed, in which questions are asked casually, unobtrusively. The conversation itself can be on any topic and include funny and personal questions about what he likes and what he doesn’t, about his favorite food and music, etc.

Questions for a guy to get to know him better

What do you like to do in your free time?

Questions about life

What vulgar questions can you ask a guy?

  • Have you ever spied on people having sex?
  • Which famous artist would you like to sleep with?
  • Do you watch porn films?
  • Have you ever had a threesome?
  • Could you have sex with a stranger?
  • What makes you feel disgusted?
  • What gives you pleasure?
  • Do you talk during sex?
  • Do you have dirty dreams?
  • Have you ever had a partner older than you?

What to avoid when texting

  • Young woman You shouldn’t ask a guy questions that you wouldn’t want to answer yourself..
  • There is no need to interrogate a person, as in an exam, and ask about knowledge in some narrow area, for example: in what year was serfdom abolished?
  • You need to be very careful when talking about past relationships., it’s better to wait until the guy brings up this topic himself.
  • Not worth it immediately attack the guy with questions about how much money is in his bank account or about his wages. You can ask about this indirectly.

  • It is very important when talking with a guy not to pretend anything and be as real as possible. In order to perceive the situation adequately and look at everything with a mature look, you need be a wise person, which means:
  • don’t try to justify the guy’s shortcomings;
  • don't rush to get married.

And most importantly, you need to remember that the above questions should not be asked to the guy as during an interview. You shouldn’t impose yourself and torture a person. To interest and at the same time learn, everything must be easy and relaxed. Both people should feel comfortable, and from the abundance of questions the guy may simply get confused. And he’s unlikely to like a girl who interviews him with such passion.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

All girls want to know more about their lover. And everyone thinks about how to ask a guy the right question in order to get a comprehensive and honest answer.

First of all, the girl should ask the guy about his plans for the next 2-3 years. Psychologists say: a man who has a specific plan for the coming years has a chance of achieving success in the future. But if he cannot clearly answer such questions, it means that he is unreliable and lives one day at a time.

Also, a girl should ask a man how serious his intentions are towards her, but she just needs to do it carefully. Thus, you can understand whether he wants to build a family with her and have children. Questions for a guy about what he thinks about his partner play an important role in relationships.

If a guy confidently answers all his lady’s questions and gives examples, this means that he really likes her.

The guy’s answer to the question of how he feels about his chosen one is very important. A guy who finds it difficult to answer the question of what his relationship is with a girl most likely does not want a serious relationship with his companion. He's probably just using the girl for his own selfish purposes.

What should you ask when meeting?

If a girl has met a guy in her life with whom she wants to start a family, she should not ask the man about children and future family life. Psychologists recommend asking questions about his interests, family and friends.

For example:

  • What music can lift you out of a depressed state?
  • Do you often take a day off in the middle of the work week?
  • How often do you visit your parents?
  • How many friends do you have that you trust as much as yourself?
  • Do you have Brother or sister?
  • What do you think about people who are constantly on social networks?

Questions on the first date

It is very important to make a good impression on the first date, as this will affect the further development of the relationship. A girl should carefully hint to her partner that she is ready for serious relationship, but at the same time do not demand retaliatory actions from him.


  • Have you dreamed of meeting me?
  • Why did I interest you?
  • How romantic are you?
  • What do you think about guys who are all trying to please their girlfriends?
  • Could you give up a promising career for the girl you love?
  • What do you think a real man should be like?

To know better

List of topics that must be touched upon when talking with a guy:

  • What is your favorite animal?
  • Would you like to get into the Guinness Book of Records?
  • Can you play musical instruments?
  • Have you ever wanted to be an entrepreneur?
  • Do you like to debate?
  • Which drink do you drink more: tea or coffee?
  • You have good memory?
  • Do you like extreme holidays?
  • What city do you dream of living in for the rest of your life?
  • Would you like to be in the place of Robinson Crusoe?
  • Are you a reliable friend?
  • Can I trust you?
  • What gifts do you like?
  • Do you watch cartoons?
  • What is your life motto?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Do you write poetry?
  • Do you have any ill-wishers?
  • What did you most often give to your loved ones?
  • Can I trust you with a secret?
  • What do you want to achieve in your life?
  • What people make you nervous?
  • What films have you watched lately?
  • Do you despise girls who smoke?
  • Are you able to forgive a friend if he betrayed you?
  • Who do you turn to most often for help?
  • What job bores you the most?

About life and hobbies

Questions for a guy about his life and hobbies will be very appropriate at the first stage of dating. A girl is recommended to ask her lover about his hobbies, family, childhood, etc.

Questions for a guy on first dates should not be too frank

This way you can establish friendly contact:

  • Have you ever flown to European countries?
  • What genres of books do you prefer to read?
  • What movie would you like to watch a second time?
  • Do you go swimming?
  • Do you think that your friends are irreplaceable?
  • Did you want to be like your parents as a child?
  • Do you often go out into nature with your family?
  • Can you prepare a culinary dish yourself?
  • Can you be called a jack of all trades?

Funny, tricky trick questions

Questions for a guy, funny with a trick, will help defuse the situation and give you a reason to laugh. Having answered his companion’s questions with a joke, the guy relaxes and feels relaxed.

  • How do you deal with the alarm clock that wakes you up early in the morning?
  • What color would you use to paint your refrigerator?
  • Do you associate yourself with clouds or the sun?
  • Do you often have to look for your socks throughout the house?
  • Have you ever walked around the city in a robe?
  • Would you like to fly in the clouds?
  • How do you react when you see yourself in the mirror, unkempt and with bags under your eyes?
  • Can you eat a big bowl of borscht on an empty stomach?
  • What do you do while food is heating up in the microwave?
  • What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?

By asking humorous questions, you can at the same time find out how things are going for a guy with such an important sense as humor.

Personal questions to understand whether he loves or not

When a girl has been dating a guy for a long time and hopes for a future together, she wants to be sure that the guy loves her.

There are questions that will help her figure this out, for example:

  1. What are your plans for the future?
  2. What do you mean by the words: love, loyalty, care?
  3. Are you planning to have children?

Based on the man's answers to these questions, it will be clear whether he is in love with his companion.


If a girl wants to impress a guy and intrigue him, then she will be able to do this with the help of provocative questions.

Here are some options:

  • Are you always this sad or are you just so bored with me?
  • Do you doubt my loyalty?
  • I don’t understand: are you interested in me or not?
  • I like you, and you like me?
  • Who's your sign? Perhaps you and I are perfect for each other?
  • I would like to meet myself tomorrow evening, and you with me?
  • Do you think we have a chance to have a close relationship?
  • Will you and I have children?
  • What name will we choose for our first child?
  • Will your family love me?
  • Are you ready to marry me?
  • What will you tell your friends about me?
  • What is my role in your life?


Intimate questions help partners get closer and diversify their sex life. A girl shouldn’t be afraid to ask intimate questions for a guy.

  • How good are you in bed?
  • Do you like experimenting in your sex life?
  • What is your experience with sex?
  • Can you describe your first time?
  • Do you watch porn films?
  • Have you ever had a threesome?
  • What types of sex have you already tried?
  • What sexual fantasies would you like to come true?
  • Did you have sex with a girl you barely knew?
  • Have you ever watched someone else have sex?
  • What breast shape do you like best?
  • How much time during sex do you spend on foreplay?
  • Do you like dirty sex?
  • What kind of sex do you consider the most disgusting?

Vulgar questions

Most representatives of the stronger sex have erotic fantasies that they are afraid to tell their lovers about.

But when the girl herself asks the guy vulgar questions, he begins to open up:

  • Are you willing to have sex with me right now?
  • What's your favorite sex position?
  • Have you ever read the Kama Sutra?
  • What poses from the Kama Sutra do you like?
  • Can you take off your underwear without your hands?
  • Which role-playing games have you tried it yet?
  • Do you like to have sex in silence or to music?
  • Do you usually spend a lot of time on foreplay?
  • Would you like to have hard sex?
  • Let's have sex in a public place, for example, in a cafe?

Questions for dating via correspondence on VK

Video about what questions to ask a guy to get his attention:

Questions for a guy via correspondence on VK should be selected based on the information received about him from his page. If, for example, he has a lot of photos on his page with different countries world, then you can ask him about what places he would like to visit.

Questions that are best asked over the phone

Some questions are more appropriate to ask by phone:

  1. I really like your voice, do you think it’s because I miss you so much?
  2. I really love communicating with you! Let's talk on the phone more often?
  3. Let's arrange a date tomorrow?
  4. Tell me, what's new with you?
  5. Let's agree that you will call me at least once every 3 days?
  6. Do I have a pleasant voice?

Serious and frank about relationships

Psychologists believe that when the relationship between a man and a woman has become close enough, it is time to ask each other frank questions. You can ask your partner about past relationships, his ideas about family life, etc.

This will help partners understand whether they have a future together.

  • What will you do if your parents don’t like your chosen one?
  • Do you like to go on holiday with friends or with your family?
  • How do you think you can pleasantly surprise your loved one?
  • How many times have you fallen in love in your life?
  • Do you remember the girl who is your first love?
  • What was your first romantic relationship?
  • What was the reason for breaking up with your ex-girlfriend?
  • Could you forgive a person who once cheated on you?
  • What sacrifices are you willing to make for the girl you love?
  • Would you agree to intimacy with a girl you don't like?
  • Do you believe that a man and a woman can be good friends and their friendship will not develop into something more?
  • Are you in touch with any of your exes?
  • How do you feel about people of non-traditional sexual orientation?
  • What do you expect from a relationship?
  • What kind of family would you like?
  • If you have to divorce your future wife, will you take care of your children who were born during your marriage?
  • How should a girl behave to please you?
  • What is a good reason for you to end your marriage?

A list of 100 questions to help you understand your relationship

  1. What item always makes you smile?
  2. What achievements are you most proud of?
  3. What motivates you to have fun?
  4. What moment in your life do you remember as the scariest?
  5. What is your most vivid memory from childhood?
  6. What brings you the most satisfaction at the moment?
  7. What movie do you like best?
  8. Could you talk to me about something you've never discussed with anyone else?
  9. What would you do in the following situation: you urgently need to fly to a foreign country and you can take no more than 3 items with you?
  10. Do you have a pet?
  11. What type of ice cream do you like best?
  12. Which of your family members do you have the closest relationship with?
  13. Can you tell me a funny joke?
  14. What games do you like to play?
  15. Are you an atheist?
  16. Do you dance often?
  17. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  18. What kind of women do you like?
  19. Do you like to spend your holidays actively or passively?
  20. What helps you get inspired?
  21. Do thoughts about getting old make you fearful?
  22. How do you see yourself at 65?
  23. How old were you when you first really fell in love?
  24. At what age did you confess to a girl your feelings for her?
  25. Is sex one of the main aspects of a relationship for you?
  26. What do you think about open relationships?
  27. What stupid action of yours do you still regret to this day?
  28. What period of your life would you like to change?
  29. Which one is yours? positive trait character?
  30. How do you deal with a bad attitude?
  31. Do you have any hobbies?
  32. Why do you love your job?
  33. What is your main character trait?
  34. What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
  35. What countries do you travel to?
  36. What are your talents?
  37. What can you tell us about your best friend?
  38. What do you absolutely have to do before you die?
  39. If you inherited a huge fortune, how would you manage it?
  40. What do you usually do on your day off?
  41. How would your friends describe it?
  42. Which one of alcoholic drinks do you prefer most?
  43. How would you arrange a romantic date?
  44. Can you tell me about your 3 deepest desires?
  45. What's the nicest compliment you've ever heard addressed to you?
  46. Who are you according to your zodiac sign? How do you match him?
  47. Is there anything you still regret?
  48. What can help lift your spirits?
  49. Would you like to change anything?
  50. If you could start your life over with a new leaf, would you do it?
  51. What situation can make you shed a tear?
  52. Do you have a desire to have children?
  53. What difficulties might scare you in the future?
  54. What do you think an ideal family should look like?
  55. Do you have a favorite quote?
  56. Have you ever truly loved?
  57. Has your girlfriend ever left you?
  58. What does “love” mean to you?
  59. Do you value the experiences you gained from your past relationships?
  60. What action do you consider to be crazy?
  61. Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
  62. What job have you dreamed of all your life?
  63. What's your favorite phrase?
  64. Which book can you call a true bestseller of all time?
  65. What do you strive for most in your life?
  66. What are your worst character traits?
  67. What would you like to know about me personally?
  68. Which celebrity do you look up to?
  69. What habits of yours would you like to get rid of?
  70. What was your first kiss like?
  71. Which celebrity would you like to be friends with?
  72. Could you fall in love with a person you see for the first time?
  73. What do you prefer to do: reading books or watching movies?
  74. What's your favorite composition?
  75. What would you do on the last day before you die?
  76. Do you often attend cultural events?
  77. Have you ever wanted to publish your own book?
  78. What is the first thought that appears in the morning after sleep?
  79. Do you have a tatoo?
  80. What would you name your own yacht?
  81. What colors do you like?
  82. What's your favorite time of year?
  83. How do you feel when you visit a cafe or cinema without friends?
  84. If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you do with the extra hour?
  85. What do you usually carry in the trunk of your car?
  86. What was your nickname as a child?
  87. What sport are you interested in?
  88. If we continue our communication, how will we spend our anniversary?
  89. Have you ever cried while watching a melodrama?
  90. What brand is your car?
  91. What's your favorite dish?
  92. What first of all interests you in a girl you just met?
  93. What restaurant do you visit most often?
  94. How will you spend the day if it's raining outside?
  95. What is more important to you: money or reputation?
  96. How often do you do deep cleaning in your apartment?
  97. What's your favorite month of the year?
  98. Do you prefer to take a bath or shower?
  99. If you were asked to choose a super power, what would it be?
  100. Do you believe that love only lasts 3 years?

What questions should you not ask?

A girl should never ask her boyfriend questions about how she looks. and in the presence of your lover, evaluate your appearance. Men, as a rule, do not notice the shortcomings of their girls, therefore, in this way, girls only make it clear to their loved ones that they are not ideal at all.

Men love women who are confident in their beauty and sexuality.

Quite often, people think about some insignificant nonsense that there is simply no need to discuss with someone. And at that moment, when a man is thinking about something unimportant, a woman begins to persistently ask what he is thinking about now. Most men are infuriated by this. If a woman regularly pesters her man with this question, he will think that his companion wants to own his thoughts.

Representatives of the fairer sex should not ask their loved ones such questions, because they themselves do not tell everything that they think.

When the relationship between a man and a woman has just begun to develop, you should not plan the distant future with him. There is no need to ask him questions about when he will marry her and when they will have children. After such conversations, a male representative will immediately break off relations with his girlfriend. Therefore, it is better to hold off on this.

It is not recommended for a girl to ask her lover about who he loves more - her mother or her. It’s pointless to even find out, because a man’s love for his mother is radically different from the one he feels for his chosen one. A man feels affectionate affection towards his mother, and sexual desire towards his companion.

He loves both his companion and his own mother, but each in different ways.

You should never ask a guy whether he loves her. Real men show their love through good deeds, not empty talk. Also, there is no need to ask a representative of the stronger sex about how much he loves his chosen one. If a man is truly in love, it can be seen.

It is strictly not recommended to rush your partner into marriage. After all, perhaps he still doubts whether it is worth moving to a new level of relations, especially when they are just developing. Most men don't understand anything about fashion and cosmetics, so don't ask them what blouse to wear or what lipstick to put on - it will only irritate them.

Quite often, girls ask their lovers questions about whether they see any changes in their appearance. As a rule, men do not pay attention to such little things as a new skirt, new powder, so you should not ask them about such things.

Experts in the field of psychology categorically do not advise asking a partner about his former companions. Moreover, girls themselves do not like such questions. The most important thing is that out of everyone, he chose her. If a girl doesn’t want to ruin her relationship with her boyfriend, then she shouldn’t ask him which of her friends he considers the sexiest.

If a man tells the truth, then his chosen one will begin to be jealous of his girlfriend. As a result, the relationship with both the boyfriend and the girlfriend will become worse.

Psychologists also do not recommend asking guys questions regarding his phone conversations. If a guy has a desire to tell his chosen one about any event, he will tell it himself. Men really don’t like it when their chosen one tries to keep everything under control.

And questions about their whereabouts also irritate them. A girl still won’t be able to constantly control her lover’s geolocation, and men most often answer questions of this kind quite sharply. Reasonably written questions will help you successfully start a dialogue and establish close contact.

To avoid getting into an uncomfortable situation, it is better to think through questions in advance for the guy with whom she wants a serious and long-term relationship.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about questions for a guy

The video tells what questions are best to ask a guy (man) on first dates: