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How to choose an orthopedic mattress for a double bed. The best mattresses - selection of optimal models, review of the best options and reviews from experts (115 photos) How to choose the right mattress for your bed

Comfortable and sound sleep is necessary for a person to fully restore strength and gain a boost of energy. For this purpose, you need to know how to choose a mattress for a bed and quality bedding. Today they are presented in a wide range, in which you can get lost. It is important to know what types of bed mattresses exist, which ones are best, additionally taking into account the individual preferences of the person, the size and quality of the upholstery.


Choosing the right mattress is an art, especially since today there are a large number of beds, including models with a built-in podium, loft and others. Thanks to this product, a person should feel comfortable at night. Only the right mattress will not harm your health. The Milan company pays great attention to the development and analysis of all client requirements. It offers all kinds of options for quality sleep and relaxation.

By design

For the convenience of customers, each manufacturer tries to develop an optimal design that brings maximum comfort to its owner. At the first stage of selection, it is correct to analyze the bedroom mattress by type of design:

  • spring mattresses have been popular for a long time. However, older models began to creak after a certain period of use. New spring designs have a durable block system. They are small barrels with an independent spring system. Thanks to this, it was possible to improve the orthopedic properties of the structure;
  • Springless options are the perfect addition to any bedroom. Its main difference is that there is filler inside the structure. This option is ideal for people with bad backs or loft bed designs. Experts recommend choosing this model for a children's room. Springless mattresses help a teenager’s skeletal system form correctly;
  • Vacuum mattresses have been popular for over 30 years. Their advantage is that they can be rolled up, making them easy to transport. The main manufacturing material is polyurethane foam. The design has different rigidity properties, so it is suitable for any modern bedroom;
  • The latex version is made from the Hevea rubber tree. The advantage of the design is softness, elasticity and comfort. Soft properties make it possible to use for hernia or problems with the spine. Such springless mattresses can better withstand heavy weight;
  • orthopedic structures are specially designed to ensure that the human spine is in an elongated state during rest. Spring ones cannot properly distribute a person’s weight. Other advantages include the presence of special ventilation holes that promote unhindered air circulation;
  • anatomical views are created to completely replicate the curved lines of the human body. The spring blocks have an independent design, so they correctly distribute the load over the entire plane. A person can choose the option they like best depending on the level of rigidity.

By filler type

The popularity of the cotton wool option is difficult to overestimate, because it is still used in the bedroom today. It is very popular due to its low cost. The size can completely match the shape of the bed. Only natural materials are used.

For the children's room, choose the option made from coconut coir. The material is environmentally friendly and helps to properly develop the musculoskeletal system. Ideal for bunk or loft beds.

Latex is the most durable filler material. Even the high height provides excellent ventilation properties. Not very popular among buyers due to its high cost. The material of animal origin is properly breathable, however, it cannot be used by people with allergies. It has minimal orthopedic properties and a short service life.

cotton wool
Coconut coir

By hardness

One of the main criteria for choosing a mattress is also hardness:

  • soft options have excellent orthopedic properties. Artificial or natural latex can be used as a filler. People with spinal problems should choose them;
  • Medium-hard options use elastin as a filler. Thanks to it, additional elasticity is provided. The option is suitable for a bunk bed;
  • a hard mattress does not include soft fillers. Manufacturers use coconut coir. This option is suitable for teenagers and children, as it promotes the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system.



The length and width of the mattress are the primary properties that are taken into account when purchasing it. Not only the aesthetic factor plays a major role. Standard sizes are used as a basis:

  • 90x190 – the size corresponding to a single bed. This option is used for children's bedrooms;
  • 140x190 is an option that is suitable for two people relaxing at the same time. One and a half size is used for a loft bed;
  • 160x200 is the most popular size today. These are standard double beds with plenty of room for a couple. This creates comfortable conditions and guarantees good sleep;
  • 180x200 is the size that is considered ideal for a family with children. Three people can easily sleep on it without disturbing each other.

On the modern market there are several options for mattresses that have a non-standard shape. They will be an ideal option for a teenager.


Today, to create comfortable conditions at night, manufacturers offer a wide range of mattresses. The world-famous manufacturer Milan always studies customer demand. Various materials can be used for upholstery and filling of structures.

The first layer is a layer filter. Modern hard materials are used for its manufacture. It all depends on the individual preferences of the client. The best options are those made from heat-pressed felt and spunbond. These types of matter fully meet all the requirements.

Often, jacquard fabric is used for upholstery, which is characterized by high strength and durability. But it’s best to avoid synthetic upholstery. This is especially true for flock, which is not ventilated and cannot allow water and moisture to pass through. If you choose between quilted and button models, then it is better to give preference to the first option, in which the upholstery is quilted together with the filling.

Recently, some manufacturers have been producing mattresses with anti-stress upholstery, into which copper or silver threads are woven. This fabric can remove static electricity from a person and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Three-zone jersey

Features for double model

Many people believe that the main difference between a double bed mattress and a regular one is the size. Actually this is not true. A bed with a mattress for two people must be correctly selected and when choosing, the following must be taken into account:

  • At the first stage of selection, size, height and length are taken into account. The mattress must fully match the dimensions of the bed in the bedroom. The length is calculated based on the height of the taller partner. You need to add 20 cm to the size of his height and you will get the optimal length of the product. The height will depend on the type of mattress, whether it is thin or high hard, which is used for a loft bed;
  • weight – this factor is fundamental when choosing a mattress. If the difference in weight of the partners is less than 50 kg, then any mattress will be suitable for them. If the difference is greater, then it is worth purchasing a special model for married couples with a large difference in weight. The person who will sleep on it in the future has an important role. The Milan company offers a reinforced model for people of heavy build;
  • stiffness - spring or standard options must fully meet the required stiffness. The stiffness should suit both partners, so it is better to avoid spring models that may sag over time. For a full person’s bedroom, it is permissible to use only dense material, otherwise the mattress will not last long;
  • Today you can choose spring, non-spring or orthopedic models. This largely depends on individual preferences, as well as the financial capabilities of the person.

For a dense person, a special criterion is height. Spring options provide better shock absorption and conform to the shape of the human body. A bed with an orthopedic mattress should be in the bedroom of a person with a bad back or pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. A thin mattress can only be purchased by those people who are used to sleeping on a hard surface.

Natural and artificial samples can be used as filler. It is better to opt for the latter option, since it does not cause allergies and will last for a long period of time. Today there are models of loft double beds. When choosing a mattress for them, individual preferences and similar recommendations are taken into account.

Options for children

Children's bedrooms should be equipped with everything necessary for healthy sleep for the baby. A thin mattress will not be able to maintain the correct position of the spine and may negatively affect the formation of the skeleton. It is better to opt for a rigid model that has all the necessary orthopedic properties.

Bedrooms for children today are equipped with bunk or loft beds, which must contain a properly selected mattress. To do this, it must have the following properties:

  • For children, you need to choose the right rigid models. A thin and soft mattress can only be used for children under three years of age;
  • The size must completely match the shape of the crib. This takes into account the length and width.

Among the filling materials, it is best to opt for coconut fiber, latex, and polyurethane foam. A combination of these fabrics is also allowed.

For a child's bedroom, you can opt for the attic option. The additional presence of an orthopedic effect is important. A thin mattress does not follow the curves of the body well and can disrupt the formation of the skeleton. This situation can be avoided by using an elastic sleeping surface.

The Milan company produces products whose quality is confirmed by certificates. They fully comply with existing GOST standards. Saving on your baby's health is unacceptable. Therefore, the height and dimensions of the mattress should be selected based on health criteria.


A thin orthopedic mattress is everything you need for good sleep and relaxation. When choosing it for the bedroom, size and functional features are taken into account. For example, the attic option has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing. An item is bought for more than one year, so it must meet all the parameters of comfort and quality. If a person has problems with the musculoskeletal system, then only an orthopedic model is suitable for his bedroom.

When choosing an orthopedic mattress, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • degree of rigidity - this factor directly depends on the buyer’s preference. Some people like soft latex mattresses, while others prefer hard coconut models;
  • special spring frame - there are several options for the arrangement of springs: independent springs can adapt to the shape of the sleeper’s body; springs connected by the base create an elastic structure and are suitable for people with heavy weight or with health problems;
  • filler - it must be hypoallergenic. Some of the most commonly used options include nylon, latex polymer, coconut fiber and natural wool;
  • cover - must be made of breathable fabric that provides good ventilation;
  • size – the mattress must exactly match the dimensions of the bed base.

To perform all the necessary functions, an orthopedic mattress must be of sufficient rigidity. A thin version will not be able to fully replicate all the curves of the human body. The choice of a specific model depends on individual preferences in the stiffness parameter. Additionally, anthropometric data are taken into account. An orthopedic mattress will be an excellent addition to a loft bed for a child’s bedroom.

What to look for when choosing

There are a number of nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing a mattress for a particular person.


A person's age is taken into account when choosing a mattress. Experts recommend purchasing softer models as you get older. The hard version should be purchased by newlyweds under 25 years old. For middle-aged people, a medium-hard mattress would be an excellent solution. After 50 years, the comfort and position of the spine during sleep are taken into account. It is recommended to opt for an anatomical mattress, the springs of which are arranged in a block.


For the bedroom of a person weighing up to 60 kg, you can opt for a mattress with a spring system, without springs, covered with latex or polyurethane foam. 60-90 kg weight - size must be taken into account. It is preferable to choose dependent or independent blocks. The surface can be combined and consist of coconut or latex. A person weighing more than 90 kg for his bedroom should choose a mattress that consists of independent springs. Its surface will last a long time if it is made of coconut.

How to choose mattress firmness

Physical activity

Each person behaves differently during sleep. Some lie quietly all night, while others roll over from one side to the other. The more active you are at night, the firmer the mattress should be. Otherwise, the soft model will not last long and you will have to buy a replacement.

A competent choice of an orthopedic mattress is a reliable investment in your health and well-being for every day. But the abundance of products presented in stores only complicates the purchase, but does not make it easier. How to choose an orthopedic mattress and not waste your money?

In order to answer this question, we decided to prepare this extensive review for you. In it we will look at all the characteristics of orthopedic mattresses, talk about popular manufacturers, and talk about padding and hardness. After reading this material, you will receive all the necessary knowledge and will be able to go shopping.

Choosing the size of an orthopedic mattress

An excellent option would be to buy a mattress and a bed in the same store - this way you can most accurately select the products for each other.

Mattresses thickness

Let's talk about the third characteristic - thickness. After all, the degree of comfort depends on the thickness of the mattress. The thinnest mattresses, 5-9 cm thick, are intended for small children under the age of three. The maximum height should not exceed 10 cm. The child will be very comfortable and comfortable on such a mattress.

When a child turns seven years old, he should sleep on a mattress whose height is at least 11 cm. This is quite enough to ensure comfortable sleep and rest. Such a mattress will provide good support to the child’s spine, promoting its proper formation. The use of thinner mattresses at this age is unacceptable.

Mattresses for adults

An adult needs a more solid mattress, at least 15-16 cm thick. Most springless orthopedic mattresses can boast of this thickness. As for models with independent spring blocks, their minimum thickness is 18 cm. The highest mattresses reach a height of 40 cm - These are elite models with multi-layer padding and increased comfort.. As for standard orthopedic mattresses, the most common models are from 15 to 25 cm thick.

We focus on weight

When choosing a mattress, you need to focus not only on age, but also on weight. Overweight people are advised to sleep on higher mattresses - this way they can feel more comfortable. As for people with low weight, they can choose inexpensive thin mattresses for themselves. This choice is due to the fact that the pressure on the surface of a thin person is quite small, so buying a thick mattress will be a waste of money.

The thinnest mattresses, only a few centimeters thick, cannot be called independent products - they are designed to level and improve other surfaces. For example, they can be used to level the surface of a sofa and make it more comfortable for sleeping.

Choosing the firmness of the mattress

The next parameter is mattress hardness. Our comfort and well-being depend on it. In most cases, thin mattresses only harm our health. They cannot provide normal support for the spine and create good conditions for a comfortable night's rest. The optimal choice would be medium-hard mattresses.

As for the hardest mattresses, then they are recommended for osteochondrosis and spinal hernia. They are made from dense fillers, such as coconut coir or reinforced polyurethane foam. The surface is hard and not entirely comfortable, but in the presence of spinal diseases, it provides reliable support for damaged and diseased areas.

Low stiffness

There are five main gradations of hardness:

  • Low;
  • Below average;
  • Average;
  • Above average;
  • High.

Low-hardness mattresses are made from natural latex, foam rubber or cotton wool. They are suitable for people with low weight or as a temporary sleeping surface. And while natural latex still has orthopedic properties, foam rubber and cotton wool do not have them - sleeping on foam rubber and cotton wool mattresses is not recommended for healthy people of average weight.

Medium hardness

Medium-hard mattresses are made from composite padding, polyurethane foam, artificial latex, struttofiber and many other materials. Such mattresses have pronounced orthopedic properties and are in great demand. Mattresses with independent spring blocks fall into the same category (however, they can have different hardness).

High rigidity

High-firm mattresses are made from coconut fiber and other hard fillings, such as struttofiber and composite materials. Most often they are positioned as medicinal, but nothing prevents healthy people from sleeping on hard mattresses. The exception is people over 50 years of age - they are not recommended to sleep on hard surfaces.

As for other rigidity criteria, they are intermediate. You can check the hardness of a mattress in its passport data - the maximum weight that the selected mattress can withstand is also indicated here. By the way, the choice depends on a person’s weight - thin people can sleep on soft surfaces, while overweight people are recommended to purchase a more rigid model.

Spring orthopedic mattresses

Which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless? In order to answer this question, let's look at the differences between both varieties.

Classic spring mattresses

Spring mattresses are divided into two large categories - these are classic spring mattresses and mattresses with independent spring blocks. Classic models were born more than a hundred years ago. Inside them are springs connected to each other, providing support for the surface and the person sleeping on it. Such mattresses do not have any orthopedic properties., since the springs here are interconnected - when one spring bends, the surrounding ones bend too.

The lack of orthopedic properties leads to curvature and damage to the spine - remember this if you like to sleep on soft, springy mattresses.

To top it all off, spring mattresses have another important drawback - over time they begin to creak like hell. Springs constantly wear out and rub against each other. After several years of operation, the spring connection points begin to creak mercilessly. The creaking is so strong that it disturbs the sleep of other people in the room.

There are also some distinct advantages - the affordable cost of a spring mattress. The springs are quite cheap, there are no expensive packings inside, so the prices are very low. The list of advantages can be completed here, since there are almost none. Here are more detailed lists of advantages and disadvantages:


  • Reliability – spring mattresses can easily withstand heavy loads and children’s games;
  • Affordable price – these are the cheapest mattresses.


  • Lack of orthopedic properties - frequent sleeping on such mattresses can cause discomfort and diseases of the spine;
  • Dust accumulation – acting like bellows, spring mattresses accumulate a lot of dust, allergens and microorganisms inside;
  • Creakiness – if the mattress begins to creak, this process cannot be stopped. At the same time, it will easily serve for another 15-20 years, tormenting everyone with its creaking.

Mattresses with independent spring blocks

You can start choosing an orthopedic mattress by examining rather unusual models - these are mattresses with independent spring blocks. They have a simple but impeccable design. In them, each spring moves separately, in its own case, without touching other springs. On both sides there is additional padding made of some material. The result is a reliable and durable mattress with excellent orthopedic properties.

Good mattresses with independent springs have up to 200-300 springs per square meter. Thanks to this, these mattresses take the shape of the body of the person lying on top and provide decent support for the spine in almost any position. If we compress several spring blocks, the surrounding springs will remain uncompressed.

Mattresses with independent spring blocks are aimed at people of all ages. Their level of firmness varies at mid-points, so they are suitable for a wide range of people. Experts recommend them for use from 12 years of age. Independent springs do not creak, have a decent level of strength, and can withstand a fairly large weight of a sleeping person. Therefore, such mattresses are in good demand. Here is a list of their advantages and disadvantages:


  • The presence of orthopedic properties - you can sleep on such mattresses as much as you like without feeling discomfort. They support the back well and follow the shape of the body well, bending only where necessary;
  • Reliability - of course, mattresses with independent springs are less durable than classic spring mattresses, but thanks to carefully selected spring material they can withstand even the crazy games of children;
  • High level of comfort - orthopedic mattresses with independent spring blocks are very comfortable.


  • High cost - perhaps this is the only significant drawback of orthopedic mattresses with independent spring blocks.

We draw intermediate conclusions - mattresses with independent springs have pronounced orthopedic properties and are the best option when choosing a good mattress. But ahead of us there are also springless models with good characteristics.

Springless orthopedic mattresses

In order to choose the right orthopedic mattress, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with springless models. Depending on the padding material, they can be soft, hard, medium hard and many others. Their design is devoid of springs, so they are absolutely silent and highly durable. Let's look at them in more detail, and then move on to fillers.


Springless orthopedic mattresses are made from foam rubber, cotton wool, polyurethane foam, struttofiber, latex, sea grass, horsehair, coconut fiber and many other materials. We exclude the first two fillers, which are cotton wool and foam rubber, from the materials under consideration, since they do not have orthopedic properties. As for other paddings, they allow you to create excellent surfaces for sleeping.

The absence of springs makes these mattresses extremely durable. They can withstand heavy loads and children can play on them, you can even jump on them - the padding will not be damaged. The exception is mattresses made from coconut coir - its slabs can burst and crumble, especially if the manufacturer used needle-punched fiber.

Single-layer and multi-layer

Springless orthopedic mattresses can be single-layer or multi-layer. Single-layer models are made from one material, for example, polyurethane foam. As for multi-layer models, there are several paddings at once, for example, latex, polyurethane foam and coconut coir. Thanks to this, manufacturers can create mattresses with different properties.

Springless mattresses can also be made from composite materials. A typical example is a mattress made of struttofiber, the fibers of which are woven with goat fur. As a result, we get an excellent mattress that retains heat well - suitable for lovers of warm mattresses. But the same structure, only with flax, allows you to create “cold mattresses” that practically do not heat up from human heat.

Memory Effect Materials

Some springless mattresses are made from Memory Foam material (memorix, memoryform, etc.). This padding has a foam structure, and thanks to its properties it precisely adapts to the human body, taking its shape. The padding does not exert any response pressure, since it can bend under the influence of human heat and load - the mattress takes on a shape that matches the pressure contour of the person lying on it. Having risen from the memory foam mattress, we can notice how it begins to restore its shape, spending a few minutes on this.

Springless mattresses with Memory Foam create excellent conditions for comfortable rest. This is truly the latest development, but not everyone likes it, since if the air temperature in the room is too low, the padding material becomes very hard.

Now let's look at the general advantages and disadvantages of springless mattresses:


  • Long service life - there is nothing to break, so springless orthopedic mattresses last a very long time;
  • Excellent orthopedic properties - mattresses provide good back support and follow the shape of the body;
  • Wide range of hardness - springless mattresses can be soft and very hard.


  • High cost of individual models - some springless mattresses are indeed very expensive, as they are made from expensive materials (natural latex, coconut fiber, memory materials);
  • Insufficient softness - some spring mattresses are much softer than their springless counterparts.

How to choose the right orthopedic mattress based on padding materials? You need to pay attention to the rigidity of the material and the comfort of the mattress itself - it would be nice if the store had the opportunity to test individual models.

Which filler do you prefer?

In order to choose the right orthopedic mattress for your bed, you need to understand the fillers. There are quite a lot of them, so in our review we will only touch on the most popular of them.

Mattresses filled with cotton wool, down or cheap foam should be avoided - despite their convenience, they lack orthopedic properties. In addition, cotton wool tends to form lumps.

This material is the most common. In fact, this is the same foam rubber, only with an increased level of rigidity. Inexpensive orthopedic mattresses are made based on polyurethane foam with additives, which boast good characteristics. This material has a long service life, is able to withstand heavy loads, but is characterized by the presence of a number of critical shortcomings.

In addition, some experts consider polyurethane foam mattresses to be harmful. According to them, this material releases dangerous volatile components into the air. But this information is not considered reliable, so polyurethane foam still remains the most popular material for filling mattresses.


  • Cheapness - the most inexpensive mattresses are made on the basis of polyurethane foam, accessible to a wide variety of segments of the population;
  • Withstands heavy loads - children can safely jump on polyurethane foam mattresses;
  • Good orthopedic properties - mattresses made from this material are recommended for those who want to take care of their health.


  • Pronounced absorbent properties - since polyurethane foam is a porous material in its structure, it absorbs moisture too well. At the same time, it is very difficult to remove it;
  • Difficult to clean – Due to the same absorbent properties, polyurethane foam mattresses are difficult to clean.

Natural latex is made from the sap of the Hevea plant, which is processed and foamed. As a result, a material with orthopedic properties is born. Latex supports the spine well and takes the shape of the body. Moreover, it can be soft or hard - the range of hardness is quite wide. This material does not cause allergies, it is able to easily get rid of moisture, and has endurance.

Latex mattresses have become widespread. Not only children, but also adults sleep on them. The porous structure of the material allows it to withstand heavy weight, and the use of additional materials makes it possible to significantly increase rigidity. By the way, artificial latex is more rigid than its natural counterpart, and cheaper.


  • Pronounced orthopedic properties - latex mattresses follow the shape of the body well and create comfortable conditions for sleeping. They are also recommended for people suffering from various diseases of the spine;
  • Wide range of hardness - from soft to semi-hard, for every taste;
  • An excellent combination of softness and orthopedic properties - we can sleep on a soft, but at the same time safe for the spine base.


  • High cost - latex mattresses are really more expensive than their counterparts made from other materials;
  • Fragility - this statement is true for artificial latex mattresses. Over time, this material dries out and becomes brittle.

Behind the eerie name lies a material with excellent properties. Struttofiber has a decent level of elasticity, does not burn, is well ventilated, it is able to quickly get rid of moisture, and does not cause allergies. In addition, this material is not susceptible to deformation - it restores its shape almost instantly.

The structure of struttofiber is quite original - the fibers in this material are arranged vertically, which provides it with excellent properties. Additional fibers can be mixed with the main fibers - flax, horsehair, goat hair and much more. In addition, struttofiber is often combined with other fillers, for example, with blocks of independent springs or polyurethane foam.


  • Using struttofiber, you can create mattresses of almost any degree of hardness - from medium to high;
  • Pronounced orthopedic properties - this material is actively used for the production of orthopedic mattresses;
  • An increased level of strength and reliability – thanks to this, mattresses made from struttofiber have a long service life.


  • High cost of material - you have to pay good money for high quality.

Coconut fiber (coir)

Finally, let's talk about coconut fiber. This is a fairly rigid material, actively used for the production of orthopedic mattresses for children and adults. Coconut fiber does not rot, prevents the spread of bacteria, does not cause allergies, is well ventilated and does not retain moisture, has pronounced orthopedic properties.

Coconut mattresses are most often composite - in addition to coconut fiber, there are other fillers inside, for example, polyurethane foam or latex. The layers of padding alternate, resulting in mattresses with unsurpassed characteristics.


  • Excellent performance characteristics - coconut fiber does not rot when exposed to moisture and is not a source of allergens, is well ventilated, and provides proper back support;
  • Pronounced orthopedic properties - the hard surface has healing properties and is recommended for many diseases of the spine. Coconut mattresses are also used for sleeping children under three years old;
  • High environmental friendliness - coconut fiber does not release any harmful components into the air.


  • The only significant disadvantage of coconut fiber is its high cost, which is associated with the complexity of producing the material.

Mattresses with coconut fiber are highly fragile, so when using them you need to be careful not to impact them.

Popular manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses

How to choose an orthopedic mattress for a bed, focusing on the brand? To do this, you will certainly need knowledge about the leading manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses.

This is one of the newest companies engaged in the production of orthopedic mattresses and bases. Production is carried out from environmentally friendly materials, and the properties of the packings are studied in Comfort Line’s own laboratories. The warranty on all mattresses is 3 years. The product range includes both inexpensive mattresses and premium products.


  • Wide range of models - the company produces orthopedic mattresses for adults, mattress covers, as well as children's mattresses;
  • There is a delivery service - purchased products are delivered to all major cities of Russia.


  • Points of sale are not represented in all cities - no comments here.

The Consul holding has been operating in Russia for quite a long time. This is one of the leading manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses. The company's clients are not only ordinary people, but also music and film stars. Orthopedic Consul mattresses are made from environmentally friendly materials and undergo rigorous testing. All products are protected from bacteria with the help of probiotics.

The range of products produced is impressive - the Consul holding produces not only orthopedic mattresses, but also sleep accessories. The list also includes orthopedic bases and beds.


  • A very large selection of products - buyers can purchase not only mattresses, but also comfortable beds;
  • A long warranty is an additional recommendation for choosing Consul mattresses;
  • Delivery of mattresses throughout Russia - every resident of the country can become a client of the company;
  • The use of innovative technologies in the production of mattresses - thanks to this, excellent performance properties of the finished products are achieved.


  • Low quality of service - this is evidenced by the analysis of user reviews posted on the Internet.

The Askona company has been operating on the Russian market for more than 25 years. Its range includes orthopedic mattresses, beds, pillows, bases, sofas, living rooms, wardrobes, sofas, additional sleep accessories and much more. Dozens of fillers are used to produce mattresses, and the careful design of each model allows you to experience the special comfort of sleeping on Ascona mattresses.

The brand is being promoted quite actively, so Askona mattresses can be purchased anywhere, including in the smallest Russian cities. If you don’t know which orthopedic mattress is best to choose for daily sleep, feel free to choose a mattress from this brand. By the way, in the company's stores you can lie on mattresses and evaluate their comfort.


  • Wide distribution of the brand - Askona mattresses can be purchased anywhere in Russia;
  • Large selection of products - in addition to orthopedic mattresses, numerous sleep accessories are on sale;
  • Excellent product quality - all orthopedic mattresses from this brand are tested in our own laboratories.


  • High prices for some orthopedic mattresses - if you want to sleep on a good mattress, then you need to come to terms with this.

A notable advantage of this manufacturer is the presence in its assortment of special therapeutic mattresses aimed at people with various diseases of the spine.

Year after year, the Toris research center has created dozens of new mattress models that meet ever-increasing demands for sleep comfort. Using global experience and its own developments, Toris today offers a unique methodology for selecting a mattress according to a person’s individual characteristics: weight, height, age, gender, etc. Now you can easily and simply find for yourself the optimal mattress model that meets your characteristics and wishes. This approach was used for the first time in this area and gave an amazing result: our clients are invariably satisfied.

People are so different, they differ from each other in gender, size, weight, age, habits and much, much more. This is why there are so many sizes and styles when choosing clothes and shoes. A mattress is considered something universal, “one cut”, equally suitable for everyone, that only the cost and quality of its fillings can determine how comfortable your sleep will be. That was until today. From now on, the mattress will simply be... yours, that is, selected according to your individual parameters: height, weight, age, gender, etc. It should “know” all your habits and serve as proper support for the spine. A properly selected mattress will give you a wonderful sleep and an unforgettable vacation, and as a result

  • You will look and feel better
  • You will feel a surge of energy and vitality
  • You will slow down the aging process of your body

In order for your sleep to be truly healthy and comfortable, the mattress must perform two main functions:

  1. Remove the load from the spine, support it evenly. In this case, normal metabolism is restored in the intervertebral discs, which play the role of shock absorbers. As a result, the risk of back pain and spinal diseases (especially osteochondrosis) is significantly reduced.
  2. Avoid compression of soft tissues that prevents free circulation of blood and lymph.Such compression causes frequent turning over and, ultimately, poor sleep.

The implementation of the first function, namely, the prevention of spinal deformities and maintaining it in a physiologically correct state during sleep and rest is called the orthopedic effect, and the mattress itself is orthopedic. The more accurately the design of the mattress follows the contours of your body and supports it evenly, the better the orthopedic effect is manifested and the higher the class of the mattress. It is important to remember that the manifestation of the orthopedic effect is individual and determined by the pair: specifically your body + mattress.

This is why it is so important to choose the right mattress support system, its core. The supporting system determines the orthopedic effect, which can be divided into the following levels: average, good, excellent, excellent.

There are load-bearing systems spring And springless. In the first case, the level of orthopedic effect directly depends on the number of springs per unit area. Such mattresses can be based on a block of independent or dependent springs.

Springless mattresses, in turn, are based on synthetic or natural materials.

So, the choice of the carrier system. The carrier system is selected in accordance with the main individual characteristics: height, weight, age, gender, body type, and even favorite sleeping position. To correctly select its degree of rigidity (version), it is necessary to calculate your individual load index. Note that if the mattress is intended for two, the index is calculated for each person separately.

Load index = (Weight in kg / (Height in meters) 2) * K in * K p

Where K in- coefficient taking into account age

  • K in= 1.05, if under 20 years old
  • K in= 1 if you are between 20 and 40 years old
  • K in= 0.95 if from 40 to 50 years
  • K in= 0.9 if you are between 50 and 60 years old
  • K in= 0.85 if you are over 60 years old

The older the person, the softer the supporting system should be.

Where K p- coefficient taking into account the preferred sleeping position

  • K p= 0.95 if you usually sleep on your side. We recommend a softer support system that allows the shoulder and hip areas to sink deeper into the mattress, aligning the line of the spine.
  • K p= 1.05 if you are used to sleeping on your back. A more rigid support system is recommended. It is more comfortable to sleep in this position with more rigid support for the shoulder and hip areas.
  • K p= 1.1 if you sleep on your stomach more often. You will need the most rigid support system possible.
  • K p= 1 if you are comfortable in any position.

The obtained result determines the version of the supporting system



Degree of rigidity (option) of the supporting system

Then you need to determine the preferred level of orthopedic effect and bring the calculated degree of rigidity (version) of the supporting system into correspondence with it. It is important to remember that the higher the level of orthopedic effect, the higher the cost of the mattress.

Level of orthopedic effect

Spring mattresses

Springless mattresses


The second main function of the mattress is to ensure free circulation of blood and lymph in the soft tissues of your body, which is performed by a system of fillers. How soft or hard it should be depends on your individual preferences, and first of all, on the most comfortable position for you during sleep and rest.

If you usually sleep on your side

As with support system selection, if you typically sleep on your side, a softer filling system is recommended.

Let us illustrate this with the readings of the ErgoCheck test system. This sensor system allows you to take a three-dimensional “photo of the body” with color highlighting of zones of different pressure. Light green and green colors indicate areas of low pressure, yellow - normal, red - acceptable, blue - unacceptable.

This is a “body shot” on a mattress with a rigid filling system. The presence of unacceptable pressure in the areas of the shoulders and hips prevents the free circulation of blood and lymph in the soft tissues. As a result, frequent involuntary turning over during sleep, rest will not be complete.

This is a mattress with a softer filling system. This system allows you to avoid excessive compression in the area of ​​the shoulders and hips, evenly distributing the load over the surface of the mattress. Your sleep will be comfortable.

If you are used to sleeping on your back or stomach,

When selecting a filler system, it is also necessary to take into account the physiology of the human body depending on the time of year. Thus, with the arrival of cold weather and shortening of daylight hours, the body’s metabolism slows down, overall energy levels decrease, the need to retain heat increases, and sleep becomes longer. In this case, for a good rest, a softer filler system is recommended. With the onset of warmth and increasing daylight hours, reverse processes occur, the duration of sleep decreases, and the human body requires increased air exchange to relieve excess heat. A more rigid filler system is recommended for this time of year. They successfully cope with this task of creating all-season comfort. mattresses with different hardness sides.

In cases where it is difficult to clearly determine the rigidity of the filler system, it is recommended Expert series mattresses, providing the ability to independently select its hardness by combining fillers in any combination.

Composition and properties of filler systems

Materials that can be used


Soft filling system

Latex foam

Natural soft material. Made from the sap of the Hevea tree (rubber tree), it is considered the “perfect sleeping surface.” Does not cause allergies, has excellent breathability and durability (service life up to 15-20 years!).

Viscoelastic memory foam

High-tech heat-sensitive material. Smoothly takes the shape of the sleeper's body, sensitively reacting to his temperature and weight. Creates special comfort - the so-called “zero-gravity effect”. After removing the load, it gradually returns to its original shape. The anti-decubitus properties of this material are widely used in medicine. Durable and does not cause allergies.

Profiled polyurethane foam

Modern highly elastic material with a cellular surface structure. This structure provides a light massage effect and excellent ventilation in the surface layer of the mattress.

Semi-rigid filler system

Non-woven bulk material "struttofiber"

Modern environmentally friendly non-woven material. Its polyester fibers are arranged vertically - this provides increased elasticity, excellent recoverability, and durability.

Combination of latex foam and coconut fiber layers

A thin layer of coconut fiber makes the surface of latex foam more rigid.

Rigid filler system

Coconut fiber

Tough, environmentally friendly, durable natural material. It is made from coconut palm nut fibers by thermal bonding and latex impregnation. It has a unique combination of properties: strength, elasticity, resistance to any humidity, exceptional breathability, anti-allergenicity.

When everything is decided, you can think about the nuances. Toris offers a unique comfort-enhancing technology - a combination of several layers, each of which has unique properties. If you imagine that your mattress is a separate planet, then such a system is its “atmosphere”.

The system consists of several layers connected by deep stitch technology.

Inner layers are responsible for comfort at one time or another of the year. They keep you warm in winter, cool in summer, provide softness to your bed and protect it from allergens.

Outer layers are high quality fabric coverings. They also differ in their characteristics and have thermoregulating, antibacterial, antistatic, water-repellent and even health properties.

Inner layers

Winter side - This is preserved warmth, so necessary with the onset of cold weather. The “WINTER” side contains natural wool, which takes care of all the inconveniences of the winter period. Wool has a low thermal conductivity coefficient and that is why wool products are the warmest. Wool absorbs moisture, allowing the body to breathe. Wool relieves static electricity, helping to relieve muscle and nervous tension.
Due to possible allergic reactions to wool, an alternative for comfort to the “Winter” side is the “Balance” and “Lux” sides.
In mattresses with sides of different hardness, the “Winter” side is on the softer side.

Summer side- a sound and healthy sleep even on the hottest days. The Summer side contains 100 percent cotton. The most valuable properties of cotton are its:

  • hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture and evaporation from the human body;
  • high breathability - cotton cools well and allows air to pass through;
  • anti-allergenic

In mattresses with sides of different hardness, the “Summer” side is on the harder side.

Side "Balance" - guarantees heat retention during the cold season. The “Balance” side contains padding polyester, a hypoallergenic material that creates optimal microclimatic conditions for sleep. If you have an allergic reaction to wool, the “Balance” side is an alternative to the “Winter” side in terms of comfort.

Luxury side- an exceptional feeling of comfort at any time of the year: excellent thermoregulation, breathability and hygroscopicity. The “LUX” side is made of high-quality, modern materials of the latest generation, making the top layer of the mattress unusually soft and voluminous, improving the orthopedic effect of the entire mattress. In addition, the “Lux” side is unique for its exceptional anti-allergenic properties.

Depending on individual needs, there may be the following combinations of sides:

  • "Balance/Summer"
  • "Balance/Balance"
  • "Balance/winter"
  • "Balance/Lux"
  • "Winter summer"
  • "Winter/winter"
  • “Summer/Summer” (standard for most mattresses).
  • "Lux/winter"
  • "Lux/summer"
  • "Lux/Lux"

Outer Layers (Fabric Coverings)

The standard cover for most mattresses is jacquard fabric. "Classic", has a high weaving density, is very durable and wear-resistant.

However, you can always choose something special based on your individual preferences. And rest assured: Toris offers only the best.

Comfort and freshness for active people

Since ancient times, fabrics made from linen fibers have been highly valued, because even in hot weather they give a feeling of freshness and comfort. Even cotton does not have such amazing properties. Linen is a proven fabric and will never let you down, because it

  • absorbs and quickly evaporates moisture;
  • does not form an electrostatic charge;
  • durable and wear-resistant.

Thanks to flax fibers, the feeling of freshness will not leave you either at night or in the morning. It is important to note that the Actiguard system ideally protects the bed from all kinds of allergens invisible to the eye: household dust mites, mold, bacteria, etc.

Linen and Actiguard system will protect your sleep!

Living Silver

You're buying a mattress to last for many years, so it's important that it's covered with durable fabric that will protect your bed from germs and static.
Silver fabric with unique silver threads embodies all the beneficial properties of this metal. Your bed is absolutely hygienic: the ability of silver to reliably protect us from harmful microorganisms has been known for many centuries.
Silver also solves another important problem. Static tension accumulates on the human body, on pajamas, bedding and on the mattress itself. It is this that causes those unpleasant clicks and sparkles that are familiar to each of us. Silver will save you from this problem once and for all: unique silver threads, having high electrical conductivity, instantly remove static electricity. There is no place for tension in your sleep: with Silver you are in for a real relaxation!

Thus, unlike conventional fabrics, Silver fabric provides a double effect:

  • Antimicrobial effect: the material suppresses the activity of bacteria and destroys them by 99.9% in less than an hour.
  • Antistatic: The coating relieves static tension and relieves your body of stress when you sleep.
  • Catalyst: The more humidity and heat there is in a room, the more efficient Silver becomes.

Silver. Your silver bed

Health plant

Aloe Vera is a unique plant that has long been widely used in medicine. It accelerates healing processes, has a beneficial effect on attention and memory, makes sleep healthy and sound, and wakes up pleasant.

That is why the use of Aloe Vera in the manufacture of fabrics for mattresses is a logical step forward. The unique texture of the material, created using a special technology, is impregnated with aloe extract - it takes excellent care of your skin and the health of the whole body as a whole.

Fabric with Aloe Vera

  • slows down the aging process;
  • increases body resistance and immunity;
  • has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects,
  • accelerates regeneration processes;
  • Suitable for sensitive skin.

Aloe Vera is always guarding your beauty and well-being.

Life in balance

Until recently, no one could have imagined that tissues could influence human health, but now the innovative Shenergy system proves this. It creates around you almost the same atmosphere that reigns on the sea coast or next to a waterfall. It is in these natural areas that the level of negatively charged ions is especially high, which is good, because these particles neutralize the positive electrical charge of the human body, which is the cause of many serious diseases.

In contact with the body, Shenergy complex

  • increases vitality;
  • improves oxygen circulation;
  • eliminates the causes of stress and insomnia;
  • serves as a prevention of arthritis and other common ailments.

An ergonomic orthopedic mattress is an essential item for a happy couple! If one of the partners does not get enough sleep and feels exhausted all day, there is no strength left for romance and tenderness. How about a double bed so that it’s comfortable for both? Let's figure out what materials and technologies mattress manufacturers use and how this affects our comfort and health.

How to choose the right mattress size

Rectangular mattresses for double beds are produced in standard sizes: from 160 to 200 cm wide (King Size). There are even fewer length options - 190, 195 and 200 cm. Please note that measurements are taken from the bed, and not from the old mattress - as a result of prolonged use, the product will become deformed, and the measurement results may be inaccurate. The length is selected according to the height of a taller person. The height depends on the filler: from 18 to 24 cm for spring models and 15-18 cm for springless models, but it does not affect the ability to withstand high loads.

For mattresses from the USA, the length and width are indicated in inches, which makes conversion difficult. In particular, the American King Size with a length of 80 inches (203 cm) will no longer fit into the standard length of beds made in Europe and Russia. To avoid surprises, try to buy mattresses from the same brand as your bed.

Mattresses for round double beds are selected according to diameter. To prevent partners from interfering with each other, choose products that are at least 230 cm in diameter.

The maximum weight load on the mattress indicated in the passport is based on one sleeping place. Since people sleep together, it is recommended to multiply the passport value by two, but this approach is only justified if the inhabitants of the apartment are of approximately the same build. If there is a significant difference in the weight of a man and a woman (from 30 kg or more), special design solutions are required.

How does an orthopedic mattress for a double bed differ from a regular one?

A brand new mattress may smell unpleasant for a while, but the next day there is no trace of the smell. If the heavy spirit in the room persists for more than two days, it means you have received a defective model. Without a doubt, return your purchase to the store and get a replacement!

Soy foam

Not so long ago, an eco-twin of cellular modifications of polyurethane foam appeared on sale - soy foam with a shape memory effect. Unlike polyurethane foam, soy foam has no foreign odors and allows air and moisture to pass through easily, so mattresses with soy filling can be washed.

Double waterbeds

For lovers of unusual sensations, we can recommend water mattresses. The durable polyvinyl chloride case is filled with water or a synthetic substitute. Measured vibrations of the liquid gently massage your back, helping you relax after a busy day. In addition to the massage effect, the advantages of water mattresses include the complete absence of dust and toxic fumes, which makes them very attractive for allergy sufferers.

The mobility of the filler is balanced by the stabilizing fiber, and the cross-shaped lattice built into the base of the structure distributes weight evenly in all directions. To improve elastic characteristics, coconut board and polyurethane blocks are used. For double beds, two-chamber water mattresses are produced with separate pressure adjustment for each bed.

It’s nice to fall asleep on the waves, but you have to pay for the convenience, not only with money, but also with difficulties in everyday life:

  • Firstly, double water mattresses are heavy - their weight can reach 500 kg, so they are installed on a rigid frame.
  • Secondly, the water mattress needs electrical heating. For advanced models, energy costs for heating a medium-sized model reach 10-15 kW per month.
  • Thirdly, be careful: sharp claws can puncture the cover. Additional protection on the sides will protect you, but it is still better to place the mattress in a tray so that accidental damage to the cover does not result in a flood.
For economy class water mattresses, the water must be completely changed several times a year. The water substitute is changed less frequently - once every 2-3 years. With expensive models there is less hassle: it is enough to add conditioner to the water every year, which kills bacteria and fungal spores.

How to choose the right mattress for an allergy sufferer?

For people prone to allergies, the greatest dangers are dust accumulations, bed mites and synthetic upholstery materials, which are not breathable and irritate the skin.

First of all, pay attention to springless mattresses with non-electric fillings, such as latex, coconut board and seaweed. Latex, coconut fiber and soy foam do not accumulate dust or release toxic fumes into the air. Holofiber and dense polyurethane foam based on simple polyols, which do not contain toxic plasticizers and prevent the proliferation of bed mites, are relatively safe.

Hypoallergenic calico mattress covers are also a good help in the fight against allergies. Durable cotton fabric does not electrify and does not attract dust, allows air to pass through well and retains moisture, providing sleepers with thermal and tactile comfort. Covers made of cotton jacquard, knitwear and holofiber have similar properties.

Covers made of synthetic and mixed materials should be pleasant to the touch and provide for the possibility of active air and moisture exchange - microclimate disturbances can damage the sensitive skin of an allergy sufferer. Antistatic carbon fiber weaving and special impregnations prevent dust and bed mites.

Manufacturers who value their reputation also use environmentally friendly materials in screeds. The most commonly used is siliconized fiber with a density of 0.4 kg per square meter. In order to improve the ventilation of the filler, a three-dimensional mesh is sewn into the side of the cover.

Rating of mattress manufacturers for double beds

Even in average stores, the range of mattresses is impressively diverse, so you will have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out who is who on the market. Independent experts come to the aid of buyers: we present to your attention the top 15 models of orthopedic mattresses for double beds.

Independent spring block - the best models The best springless mattresses Shape memory effect - the best offers
Askona Concept - elite mattresses with a double block of independent springs. Ormatek Flex Standard is the best artificial latex mattress. Hilding IQ X-Pro - anatomical mattresses with multi-zone multi-level support. Standard independent springs alternate with X-Point microsprings; Several layers of proprietary orthopedic foams are used to adjust the rigidity.
Hilding Bodyfix - Swedish anatomical mattresses with a five-zone block. In areas of increased load, hourglass springs are installed. Mattress covers made from high-quality wear-resistant knitwear contain foamed bamboo charcoal with antibacterial impregnation with aloe vera. The Russian equivalent is Askona Fitness double-sided mattresses. Askona Trend Roll is the best value for money. Vegas X1 is a double-sided mattress with seven support zones. The combined filler includes coconut coir, cellular polyurethane foam and orthopedic Memory Foam.
Ormatek Verda Support with reinforced rigidity block. Withstands loads of 170 kg +170 kg. DreamLine Classic Roll Slim is a comfortable ultra-thin mattress with a thickness of 10 cm. Lonax Memory S1000 is a medium-firm mattress with a viscoelastic porous filler and additional spring protection made of thermal felt.
Promtex-Orient Soft Standard Combi. Multifunctional mattress of variable hardness. Promtex-Orient Roll Standard 14. Double-sided PU foam mattresses that are completely odorless. Serta Natural Start - hypoallergenic adhesive-free mattresses with independent springs of varying degrees of hardness. The mattress covers contain materials with shape memory effect and micro-massage - orthopedic foam and bamboo charcoal.
Luntek Cocos 625 with an improved block of independent springs - 550 units per seat. Mr. Mattress Compact On Line. Recognized as the best orthopedic mattress for the elderly. Ormatek Ocean Mix - high orthopedic mattresses with a double layer of foam of variable hardness. An elastic knitted cover with the addition of Memory Cool orthopedic foam has a memory effect.

How to choose the right mattress for a double bed: conclusions

When looking for a new mattress on the Internet, do not be tempted by beautiful pictures from the catalog. The product passport will tell you much more about its properties. If possible, give preference to official dealers of major brands who supply mattresses directly from the factory with a full set of certificates and accompanying documentation.

One way or another, the last word remains with the spine, so don’t be lazy to go to the store or warehouse with your partner and test the model you like. Lie down together on the mattress you are going to buy, listen to your feelings and listen to your partner’s opinion. If the seller is confident in the quality of his product, he will not mind.

It may not be possible to find a suitable mattress right away. Carefully study the design parameters of the product, inquire about the composition of the filler and mattress cover, and most importantly, do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions. The more information, the less room there is for erroneous maneuvers!

An orthopedic mattress helps provide comfort and has a healing effect on the spinal column. The principle of its action is to create the correct position of the spine during sleep, preventing its curvature, strengthening or, conversely, smoothing natural curves (kyphosis and lordosis). To do this, the mattress must take the shape of the human body.

In the modern world, a person’s spinal column is subject to a huge load during the day - forced postures while working at the computer, household chores and at work, sports loads, especially impact. Even walking on two legs already gives the spine a supporting function, which is difficult to maintain. And excess weight, poor posture, and osteoporosis increase the risk of serious pathologies. Night sleep should be as beneficial as possible for the spine. This requires correct positioning and good shock absorption. The condition of other organs and systems of the body directly depends on the spine.

Types of orthopedic mattresses

Incorrect and correct position of the spine on the mattress.

Mattresses can be spring or springless.

  1. Springless mattresses instead of springs consist of elastic porous materials, with a cover on top.
  2. Spring mattresses. This type is divided into mattresses with dependent spring blocks and independent ones.
  • A dependent block (“bonnel”) implies that if you press on one area of ​​the mattress, the pressure will spread to the adjacent ones, since the springs are rigidly connected in rows. Products of this type have the effect of a hammock. These mattresses quickly become unusable; they are the cheapest in price.
  • Independent blocks consist of springs not connected to each other, isolated in separate cases. That is why, if such a mattress is used on a double bed, the movement of one of the people will not be transmitted through the mattress by vibration. Products with independent spring blocks are divided into two types: the actual independent spring block (ISP) and the multipack. In the first, the number of springs per 1 m² is 256, in the second - from 500 to 1100. The higher this figure, the better. Mattresses with an independent spring block can have different degrees of hardness (soft, medium, high). Even in one mattress it is possible to combine different degrees of hardness.

Mattress fillers

All mattresses, both spring and springless, contain fillers. Natural latex is used in medium-firm and hard mattresses. This is a fairly elastic and elastic material that can withstand great pressure and also restore its shape. Hard mattresses can also use coconut coir (coconut fiber impregnated with latex); it is well ventilated. There are products with wool fibers, they provide a thermal effect. Other fillers – dried seaweed, cotton. Among modern components of mattresses, polyurethane foam is popular; it has a shape memory effect. This is an artificial filler. In springless mattresses it gives medium to high firmness, and in spring mattresses it feels soft. Polyurethane foam can also have different densities: the higher it is, the longer the product lasts. It is better to purchase a mattress with a density of 40-60 kg/m³.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress for a healthy person

How to choose the firmness of a mattress and its type depending on age, body weight, and problems with the spine? While a person is growing and his musculoskeletal system is developing (up to 25 years), it is recommended to use a mattress of medium hardness or hard. For young children, it is better to purchase a hard mattress filled with coconut coir. It ensures proper development of the spine, and thanks to this filler it is well ventilated. After three years, it is recommended to replace the mattress with a medium-hard springless one. Middle-aged people need to rest on a medium-hard mattress, and older people on a soft one.

For a person with average body weight, we can recommend mattresses with an independent spring block filled with latex or latex with coir. If a person is thin, he may feel uncomfortable on a hard mattress; soft models without coir are more suitable. For overweight people, high hardness is recommended. These can be spring mattresses with reinforced springs. If the weight is more than 80 kg, a multi-pack type product is suitable. If you weigh more than 120 kg, you should sleep on a hard springless mattress.

If you need an economy-class mattress, you can opt for a product with a Bonnell-type dependent spring block or a mattress from a Russian manufacturer with latex filling.

Choosing a mattress for spinal diseases

Orthopedic mattress with independent spring blocks.

For diseases of the spine, the choice of mattress depends on the specific pathology and problem area.

  1. . If a child or teenager is at risk of developing scoliosis, hard and medium-hard mattresses are suitable for its prevention. If you already have a curvature of the spine, you can purchase springless or spring ones with an independent block, filled with latex along with coir.
  2. Osteochondrosis. If you have pain in the spine or smooth lordosis, you should choose a soft mattress or a product with independent spring blocks. It is ideal to purchase a double-sided product with different percentages of hardness and, in case of aggravation, use a softer surface. Asymmetrical mattresses are especially relevant when. You need a mattress of medium hardness, in some cases hard. For any osteochondrosis with pain, it is better to pay attention to products with shape memory (latex, polyurethane foam). Thanks to this property, muscle tension will decrease during sleep.

If you have to choose a mattress for a double bed, and people have different builds or one of them has problems with the spine, you can order an option with different hardnesses of the two halves.
Before purchasing, you should try on the recommended mattress, lie on it, and remove your outerwear. You need to lie down in the position in which a person is used to sleeping; if it is comfortable, then turn over and monitor the sensations in other positions.

Typically, an orthopedic mattress lasts from 8 to 12 years, economy class products are shorter (from 3 to 5 years).

To maintain the properties of the mattress, it is important to use it correctly. The mattress must be used on a flat, hard surface or orthopedic base. It looks like a lattice consisting of solid curved crossbars. The size of the mattress, or rather its length, also matters. It should be 15 cm more than a person’s height. For a mattress to last for a long time, it needs to be turned over once every 6 months.

It is worth remembering that the choice of an orthopedic mattress for a particular person depends on many factors, including weight, height, age, and the presence of spinal pathology. Proper use of the product will allow you to get the maximum benefit from it.

STB TV channel, in the program “Everything will be fine,” a story on the topic “How to choose an orthopedic mattress” (Russian-Ukrainian):

Channel One, in the Good Morning program, there is a video about what to look for when buying an orthopedic mattress: