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How to find out that you are an energy vampire. How to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth. How to recognize an energy vampire - behavior

Modern vampires have nothing to do with mysticism. This is a characteristic of people who try to use your emotions for their own benefit. Their methods are clearly thought out, and therefore an energy vampire is not so easy to notice.

The most charming person who gives you positive emotions can take them back a hundredfold.

Rational advice is most often not accepted by such people. They also constantly devalue our achievements and do not respect other people’s boundaries.

How to recognize an energy vampire

There are several signs by which an energy vampire can be recognized in advance. You should not give up friendship with a person if you notice one item from this list in his behavior. But if more than three points coincide, then this is a reason to be wary and take a closer look at your friend.

1. Seeks pity

One of the obvious signs and a dangerous trap. We easily fall into the network of an energy vampire when we provide him with a favor. There is always something to pity him for.

After an act of mercy, we feel like heroes, saviors, and feel a surge of pride. Behind these positive emotions, we do not notice how they began to pay too much attention to the person, his complaints began to cross all reasonable boundaries, and demands for pity became more persistent and dangerous.

2. Considers everyone around him to be to blame for his troubles.

Vampires are always surrounded by solid villains: a cruel mother, a grumpy wife, a materialistic mistress, stupid children and a tyrant boss. For these people, everyone around them is to blame for their troubles, except themselves.

Any inaccurate word and you already become an enemy. The vampire constantly creates a feeling of guilt among friends and interlocutors. If you feel guilty only from memories of a person, then you have a vampire.

A social contract is an exchange of resources between people. When a person wallows in self-pity instead of asking for a promotion or quitting, he wants to continue to be listened to. Such interaction can be convenient for both parties.

Elizaveta Efremova, psychologist, expert of the Russian School of Management on personal effectiveness

3. Provokes quarrels and fights

Negative attention is also attention. An energy vampire is happy to use this rule in life. Provoking quarrels, getting emotionally offended, waving fists at the slightest provocation - this is about him.

4. Likes to weave intrigues

The vampire especially enjoys gossip and quarrels in any group. Ingratiating himself with everyone, he subtly senses weak points and pulls the strings so that the maximum number of people quarrel over the most dramatic reasons.

By manipulating the resentment of some and seeking pity from others, a vampire is capable of ruining relationships even in a friendly company.

5. Strikes at the most unexpected moment

The exchange of energy does not happen instantly: the energy vampire feeds on it during complaints, attention, quarrels, which he skillfully orchestrated. But there are situations that will help such a person to be satisfied with the feeling of his own superiority for a long time. The less you expect a catch, the stronger your disappointment and energy exchange will be.

6. Goes to extremes

An indirect sign by which it is easy to recognize an energy vampire: he is prone to extremes. Such people engage in extreme sports, get married on the second day after meeting each other, and break ties with loved ones after a tiny one, because they lack their own emotions.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

The first step is to recognize it. But there are a few more tips that will not save you from masterly vampirism, but will save your nerves and energy, even if you have already been caught:

  • Learn to say no. Gently refuse to do something you don’t like after the first request that is difficult for you to fulfill.
  • Stand up for boundaries. You are an accomplished adult. No one can tell you that you did something wrong or that you have...
  • Track vivid emotional outbursts. Even joyful ones. In the early stages, vampires feed you positive impressions to get you attached. This is how they shake up your emotional swing.
  • Don't believe gossip. Well-concocted rumors sound quite plausible, but think about why the person is telling you all this and how your quarrel with the object of gossip will benefit him.
  • Rely only on yourself. Receiving help and support from loved ones is priceless. But it's always worth having a backup plan in case your friend turns out not to be who he said he was.

Did you recognize anyone from your environment? Have you encountered energy vampires?

If you suspect that a friend feeds on someone else's energy, our article will confirm or refute this.

In the article:

Energy vampire - signs of external character

When you take a closer look at the person you find unpleasant to communicate with, you may notice certain traits.

The first sign is wrinkles, traces of eternal dissatisfaction and facial expressions of negative emotions. These are the eyebrow and nasolabial folds. They are often noticeable in older people, this is normal. But if you see a young man with such wrinkles in front of you, you might wonder if he is a vampire.

The gaze of such a person is difficult to withstand. It is heavy and unpleasant or sad, haunted. The first belongs to those who consciously feed on other people's powers, driving people crazy. The second is for those who do it against their will. The irises of their eyes are dull in color, but change, becoming brighter after the bloodsucker receives energy from outsiders.

The corners of the lips of people prone to this may be downward. This is also a sign of a grumpy character.

The facial expression is boredom, sometimes sadness, hauntedness. Dissatisfaction, concern, other negative emotions. If you know someone who doesn't change their sad expression, they're probably a vampire.

The skin of such people is most often pale. The movements are slow, the figure is thin. The latter is often flaunted as an achievement to arouse envy.

How to recognize an energy vampire - behavior

Such individuals go to visit without calling in advance, “falling on their own.” If it’s difficult for them to explain that it’s time to go home, they feed off your energy. The vampire is an annoying creature. Staying at a party for a long time, he will be happy with irritation and a feeling of awkwardness.

Empathy is what energy robbers love. They can talk for several hours about problems in the family, quarrels with their husbands, mother-in-law, illnesses. About the fact that there is no money, and repairs cause problems. If this is not a temporary phenomenon, most likely there is a vampire in front of you - and you won’t even need to.

Those who feed off the energy of others get bored with stories about disasters, other people's troubles, and love to gossip.

Such personalities like to evoke bright negative emotions - irritation, resentment, anger. They turn on the music or TV at full volume. This also includes knocking on any surface, swinging legs, and slurping.

Courtesy is not their trait. On the contrary, the bloodsucker will insult or humiliate. This way he will receive the emotions of all the witnesses to the scene. Energy vampirism often becomes the cause of scandals, and sometimes even fights in crowded places. The greater the position or weight in society, the higher the level of aggression of these individuals. Bosses often surround themselves with donor subordinates to stay on their toes.

When communicating closely or in business with a real vampire, the thought may arise that he is stupid and narrow-minded. It is difficult to explain basic things to such a person. Repeating the same thing several times, you experience irritation - what a vampire needs.

Energy aggressors do not like to repay debts on time. They rarely keep promises, are late, and forget to call back.

Tactile contact is important in vampirism. It helps you absorb energy more efficiently. Those who do this grab strangers by the coat, prefer to make eye contact with close range. In transport, they move closer to strangers and lean on them, standing next to other passengers. Conflicts in transport are situations where such people feel most comfortable. In a conversation, vampires can grab hands, touch with their elbows or palms.

Owners of large dogs most often know how to drive people crazy. This animal is a strong donor, even unconsciously vampires strive to acquire it. Cats cannot tolerate them. Pay attention to the behavior of the murka when a person suspected of vampirism comes to visit. Plants do not thrive in the homes of such people, and household appliances often break down.

Jealousy is another sign of feeding someone else's energy. Not only husband or wife, but also between friends. This trait is especially noticeable if you have been chosen as a permanent donor.

According to unverified opinion, those capable of vampirism prefer soft drinks to tea and coffee, do not like sweets, and try to eat more spicy foods. But these facts have no evidence.

How to identify an energy vampire - who can become one

Almost everyone consumes other people's energy during illness or during times of severe stress. This is due to the fact that the forces cannot recover from such problems with the body or psyche in a natural way. Have you noticed how the character of patients changes? These are attempts to restore energy levels at the expense of others.

Surely each of us has seen monsters in horror films - vampires who have fangs and drink blood. IN real life There are no such things (among people), but there is another type of vampires that are found in everyday life.

In this article, we will tell you in detail who energy vampires are, how to identify them and protect yourself.

So let's take a look who are energy vampires?

People who feed on the life energy of other people are called energy vampires. This type of people, as a rule, does everything to ensure that those with whom they communicate are stressed and in a bad mood. At the same time, the “vampire” himself will experience pleasure.

Almost every person has had situations when he himself became a vampire. There are two types of energy vampires: temporary and permanent. The most dangerous one, from which you need to protect yourself and avoid it, is permanent. This is exactly what this article is about.

Let's look at an example. A woman (gender is not important) in a store finds fault with everything, tries to “bark at” innocent customers for various little things, for example, someone took a lot of goods, etc.

One more example. An alcoholic (which is why he is a vampire), he argues with his wife over trifles.

Think, general concept vampire, you understand, by the way, he can also be called a “psychological vampire” (synonym).

How to identify an energy vampire.

1. Using your fingers.

The most accurate method. Ask the potential vampire to lock his hands. Look where your left thumb is. If there is a vampire on the right thumb, if under the right thumb it is not a vampire.

Look at the photo.

Vampire photo:

Photo of a non-vampire:

2. Using contact.

If you feel discomfort when communicating - fatigue, headache, heaviness in the chest, most likely in front of you is a vampire.

If, after communicating with this person, you become very irritated, trying to create a scandal, there was definitely a vampire in front of you. What does it have to do with a pronounced one, who has drunk all the energy and you are forced to “borrow” it from others.

In this case, there may be exceptions - you initially had a lot of energy, but he was not able to “drink” all of it.

3. Appearance.

This definition may not be exact, but the probability percentage is very high.

Typically, vampires have an "emaciated physique."

Alcoholics and drug addicts are most likely vampires. The stronger the stage of their dependence, the higher the percentage of probability. But sometimes appearances can be deceiving, sometimes ordinary people without bad habits they are like alcoholics.

People over 50 years of age are also at risk. But their percentage among vampires is not as high as in the previous case.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire.

1. Ignore.

Do not enter into any contact with him under any circumstances. The goal of a vampire is to cause a scandal in any way. Don't let him do this.

2. Take a few deep breaths and count to 10.

This way you will calm yourself down and will not respond to the conflict. This is exactly what the vampire needs - for you to respond to the conflict; accordingly, if you do not do this, he will look for another victim.

3. Mentally draw a circle around yourself.

Imagine bright White light, which protects you in the form of a circle or shield. Behind this shield no one can be seen or heard, including the vampire.

4. Imagine a vampire as a 2-5 year old baby.

You will not be offended by a baby who has just learned to speak. On the contrary, laugh at him in a kind way.

5. Try to leave the premises as quickly as possible.

No matter how trivial it may sound, the sooner you leave the room or move away from the vampire, the less energy you will give to him.

What to do if the energy vampire is your relative (friend, boss, colleague, etc.).

This is where things get tougher. It is not always possible to avoid contact, for example, with vampire parents.

But, nevertheless, there is no other way out, either limit communication, or have a heart-to-heart talk and convince the vampire to be cured, see below.

How to recover and/or avoid becoming an energy vampire.

1. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of vampirism.

The most important point. If you or the patient has any illness, such as alcoholism or drug addiction, treatment is necessary.

Also, the reason may be communication with a vampire; therefore, in order to avoid becoming one, it is necessary to avoid contact.

2. Sports – the best remedy from vampirism.

Moreover, it is not necessary to go into professional sports; it is enough to limit yourself to a regular trip to the gym, i.e. take care of yourself.

By the way, the best sports for this are yoga and gygong, although they are not sports (depending on the direction), but rather a teaching.

3. Cure from various diseases.

It is possible that the consequence of vampirism was (may become) an ordinary disease. Therefore, do not delay visiting a doctor.

4. Going to church.

It doesn’t matter what religion you lean towards, if it does not bring evil, then go to church (mosque, etc.) more often. It’s just important not just to walk, but also to adhere to religious laws.

5. Go to a specialist.

For example, to a psychologist. If you come across a real specialist, it should help.

You can take the vampirism test effective method protection

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Energy vampires suck the vital energy from those around them, plunging them into apathy, pessimism and even nervous disorders. You can recognize such people in various ways: by calculating by date of birth, noticing a number of external signs, or analyzing their behavior.

Who are energy vampires?

There are people who unconsciously or consciously “pull” other people’s energy, thereby feeding on it. Such people are called energy vampires. Just as those who want to satisfy physical hunger are able to steal food from other people, a vampire steals life energy from those around him.

Who most often becomes its victim:

  • a sympathetic person, a good and reliable friend who is always ready to help in difficult times, in order to gain his favor, energy suckers use cunning, winning the trust of a generous person, and then use it. This can be either a girl or a guy;
  • overly trusting and respectable people can attract an energy stick and, suspecting nothing, do good deeds, thereby opening up to him, and he, playing with feelings, increasingly attracts the victim to his person in order to absorb life energy;
  • a merciful person who is not indifferent to the troubles of others.

Energy vampires are fueled by the life forces of trusting and sympathetic people

Is it possible to become one or stop being one?

The tendency to vampirism can be not only congenital, but also acquired. People temporarily become thieves of other people's vitality as a result of:

  • illness;
  • experienced stress;
  • the absence of a loved one or partner who you can rely on.

Small children and old people also often “vampire” energy. The first - due to the fact that they themselves do not yet know how to quickly replenish it, the second - as a result of a natural decrease in vitality, lack of activity and positive communication. So, if it seemed to you that the grandmother at the entrance was constantly looking at you askance, then you didn’t think so.

Young children can be energy vampires when they lack parental love and attention

It is possible to stop being an energy vampire. To do this, it is enough to learn how to replenish your vitality yourself:

  • spend more time in nature;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • have a good rest;
  • allocate time for hobbies;
  • enjoy every little thing that happens in life.

If a person learns to take energy from nature, a favorite activity, or activity, he will not need to steal it from those around him.

What harm can they cause and to whom?

Contact with such a person may cause you to:

  • physical ailments (pressure changes, heart problems and sudden headaches);
  • neurological disorders (feeling exhausted, decreased ability to work);
  • emotional changes (dejection, loss of interest in activities, decreased self-esteem, nervous breakdown, loss of purpose in life).

How to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth

To calculate, you need to know the person's day, month and year of birth. For calculations, you should prepare paper and pen.

Write it down full date birth on a piece of paper, for example, 02/06/1995. Then count the sum of the numbers you wrote down (0+6+0+2+1+9+9+5=32). The result is a two-digit number; it needs to be reduced to one. For example, we got 32, add 3+2=5. Using this number, you can determine whether a person has a tendency towards energy vampirism.

You can start with your friends or relatives: calculate the potential of your boss, girlfriend or even mother-in-law. Disposition or disdain for your person does not always indicate vampirism.

One or two

If after the calculations you get 1 or 2, most likely this person has a tendency to steal vitality from those around him. Intentionally or not, he feeds on your energy, replenishing his strength for vigor and active action.

You should not immediately break off relations with this person. First, try to figure out whether he knows about his characteristics. Perhaps when you talk to him about this, together you will definitely find common decision Problems.

If one of your family members turns out to be a potential vampire: husband, mother or brother, then you should not be especially afraid of him, limit communication with him, because there is no threat to life as such. You just need to be more careful and not give in to attempts to provoke you into any emotional outbursts.

Ones and twos are the most aggressive energy vampires

Threes, sixes and eights

If the result of your calculations is the number 3, 6 or 8, this person does not have the ability to draw vitality from people. On the contrary, such a person has good immunity to energy vampirism. She is strong in spirit, has a fairly stable character and a powerful aura, which creates impenetrable armor around her, insurmountable for the energy pump.


The number 4 means that the person has supernatural powers. If this potential is developed, such a person can become a powerful sorcerer. Persons whose date of birth is a four are fickle in their relationships, they do not have a tendency to become attached to people. In this way they protect their energy. But if suddenly, due to illness or stress, their supply of vitality is exhausted, he can easily become an energy vampire, and strong enough to not let go of his victims.

Five and seven

It is important for people with a five or a seven to be very careful when making new acquaintances. They are the most vulnerable and can become easy prey. To protect yourself, wear a talisman that will create powerful armor around you and prevent your energy from being stolen. You tend to quickly spend your vitality, so to replenish it, get out into nature more often, go for walks, find time for a hobby that gives you pleasure and fills you with positive emotions.

It is important for Fives and Sevens to regularly replenish their energy reserves, because they are among the most likely donors of vitality


If the result is the number nine, the person whose birth date you worked with has magical abilities. Such a person cannot steal someone else’s energy; on the contrary, she has a very pure and bright aura. Initially, “nines” have the greatest gift; in order to develop it and achieve great success, they should actively work on it. Otherwise, it may never open up.

Video: how to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth

Tendency to vampirism according to zodiac sign

All zodiac signs can be both vampires and victims. According to the horoscope, one can only calculate the predisposition to absorb other people's vital forces. Much depends on the environment, lifestyle and other factors.


Aries exhibit very strong abilities to steal other people's energy, and this extends not only to family members and relatives. Strangers can also fall under the influence of a vampire. With his arrogance and habit of expressing himself in rude terms, he unsettles the victim. If she begins to show aggression in response, the goal has been achieved. Negative emotions are released, allowing the Aries vampire to quench his thirst.


For Taurus vampires, it is important to establish tactile contact with their victim. Such people skillfully use their ability to evoke sympathy and compassion for themselves from others, while during a conversation they touch various parts body:

  • shake hands;
  • hug;
  • touching the shoulders.

By telling heart-warming stories about how unfair fate is to them, Taurus evokes sympathy from the victim and absorbs his energy.


Gemini vampires satisfy their energy hunger by spreading a variety of false facts. These could be someone's unconfirmed rumors, gossip about other people. They feel lonely and rejected if they do not engage in verbal communication with someone for a long time. Representatives of this zodiac sign prone to frank telephone conversations that try not to end for as long as possible.

Gemini vampires are prone to long conversations, especially on the phone.


Cancers are used to setting a goal and gently but persistently achieving it. Such people give the impression that they always have everything under control. They can be quite strong vampires or, on the contrary, become a victim of an energy sucker, but there will be no particular harm from this, since representatives of such a zodiac sign are able to quickly restore their energy losses.

a lion

Leos draw energy from admiration, becoming the life of the party.


Virgo's sensitivity helps them recognize an energy vampire. Sometimes they try to set him on the right path, urging him to think about his misdeeds. At the same moment, representatives of this sign do not reject the offender, but voluntarily give him their attention, surround him with care, and express a desire to support him. Virgos are not particularly afraid of the machinations of energy suckers; if they are provoked into conflict, they try to resolve it or simply ignore it.


Libras are harmless and never provoke scandals. They are fueled by energy from the outside. When those who start a conflict with all the ensuing consequences come into view, most often representatives of this sign prefer to remain on the neutral side. At the same time, they absorb the vital forces of those quarreling.


The most insatiable energy vampires are Scorpios. When starting a scandal with colleagues or a loved one, they know exactly which strings to pull in order to get the desired treat. After contact with a representative of this sign, you may feel physical discomfort:

  • aching headache;
  • tinnitus;
  • prostration.

The most harmless Scorpio vampires subscribe to the energy that is released during sex, which is why they are excellent lovers.

Scorpios are among the most insatiable energy vampires


Among Sagittarius there are the smallest number of energy vampires, since the patronage of the planet Jupiter provides them with good nutrition. In exceptional cases (illness, stress), representatives of this sign steal other people's vitality in this way. They categorically express their point of view as a fact that is not subject to discussion. This causes a storm of indignation - this is exactly what the hungry Sagittarius was waiting for.


Capricorns are accustomed to receiving their portion of vitality by establishing patronage over other people. Often, energy vampires who belong to this zodiac sign show real bloodthirstiness at work, harassing their colleagues with comments and moralizing, finding fault with every little thing. Teachers at universities and schools are also guilty of this.

Such assertiveness often deprives the victim of confidence in his actions, he forgets about the boundaries of his responsibilities and unconsciously tries to do other people's work so that he is not considered an unimportant employee or student. Capricorn vampires feed on feelings of grief, despondency and confusion, suppressing the will of their victim.


Aquarians are recharged by dynamic and positive people. Representatives of this sign are open by nature and quickly find mutual language with anyone. Their sociability helps them make a large number of friends, and among them there are quite a few carriers of powerful energy.

Aquarians feed off positive people by being part of their circle of trust.


Pisces are easy prey for an energy vampire. They differ refined nature and weak character. By becoming a victim, representatives of this zodiac sign reach the final stage of apathy and themselves begin to need recharging. They get their portion of vitality by telling sad stories from life, evoking sympathy and pity in people: she is a bad mother, an unhappy wife, and no housewife... Is it a pity? That's the same!

How to recognize by visual signs

Important signs of vampirism are wrinkles between the eyebrows and around the lips. They indicate constant indignation and dissatisfaction with life, which are expressed through the facial muscles. Most often, such irregularities are very noticeable in older people, but these grooves can also appear in young people. In the second case, you need to be extremely careful.

Another feature is the look. Have you noticed that sometimes a person looks at you in such a way that it becomes creepy, you want to fall into the ground or run away? This is how those who steal the vitality of others manifest themselves. Another option is an eternally sad look that makes you sad.

The color of the eyes of energy vampires tends to change, the shade becomes cloudy or very bright. The second option appears when they receive a portion vital energy, especially from a large number of people.

In people who have the ability to drink other people's vital juices, the corners of their mouths are most often slightly lowered. It may also be a sign of a capricious, quarrelsome character and constant dissatisfaction.

Their face most often expresses:

  • despondency;
  • sadness;
  • disappointment;
  • excitement.

If there is such a person in your circle of friends, pay attention to what emotional state you have after communicating with him.

The skin of energy vampires is most often pale, their gait is sluggish, uncertain, as if the person’s thoughts are very far away. Often such people are thin, and they use this feature of their physique to flaunt it. They do this, for example, so that those around them who dream of a slender, graceful figure will envy them and additionally feed them with their emotions.

External signs of an energy vampire in the photo

How to identify them by behavior

If you communicate with a person for a long time, the easiest way to determine whether he is an energy vampire is by behavior.

Evokes compassion and pity

Most often, they are not interested in issues of self-development and improvement. They constantly impose a negative mood on others, complain about fate, and tell how fate is unmerciful to them. Those around them, feeling compassion, feed them.

Provoke quarrels and irritate

Those who like to profit from someone else's energy deliberately start a scandal, one might say, out of nowhere, provoking those around them. Energy vampires often become instigators of various brawls, trying by any means to drag as many people into the conflict as possible. Having staged a performance, they fade into the background and absorb the energies of rage, irritation and despair.

You can often meet such people in long queues, especially in clinics, where conflicts often arise.

Energy vampires often provoke conflicts

Vampires tend to spoil the mood of everyone around them possible ways, for example, using sounds:

  • listen to music loudly;
  • loudly and emotionally telling someone something on the phone;
  • chair creaks;
  • They drum their fingers on the table.

Such actions can cause a storm of negativity, which feeds such a person.

When communicating with an energy pump, you get the impression that time has slowed down; there is no way to find a common solution that would satisfy him and be acceptable to you. He often changes his mind. Everything to make you nervous and keep you in this state for as long as possible.

Deceitful and insincere

Vampires try in every possible way to harm others by spreading rumors and gossip. They enjoy watching when people begin to sort things out, get into arguments, or blame each other. Their main goal is to sow hostility and turn friends into bitter enemies.

Such people tend to deny their words, not fulfill their promises, and not return the borrowed money on time. Those who like to feed on other people's energy are often late for meetings, without warning, if they do not intend to come at all.

Provoke awkward situations

Energy vampires are not tactful in their actions. They may blatantly ask for a visit or simply come to your house without an invitation. When it’s time to leave, energy suckers enjoy the awkwardness of the situation, absorbing the emotions of their owners. Such people like to take others by surprise, to notice embarrassment or confusion. These are annoying people who like to poke their nose into other people's affairs.

Energy vampires love to invade the living space of others.

Creates a feeling of guilt

Energy vampires often feed on guilt. They love it when they ask for forgiveness. Thus, those who like to profit from the life force of others extol their person to incredible heights. They are good at making a person think that he acted dishonestly and unscrupulously (even if not so), disgracing someone in front of others.

They don't trust anyone

Energy vampires often weave intrigues, luring you into their imaginary world. Therefore, it is natural for them not to trust anyone, because they are very afraid of exposure. Those who are skilled at stealing vitality never show sincere feelings. For each person they choose a different image so that no one can find out about their deceit.

They want to be first in everything at any cost.

The meaning of life for vampires is based on always being in a winning situation. In any dispute, they will find a way out of the situation to their advantage. Energy suckers believe that they should always be better than others in everything.

The energy vampire strives to win by any means necessary.

They love to manipulate people

Energy vampires play with the feelings of others, create situations through which they force them to do or feel what is beneficial to them. For example, they may threaten their partner with breaking up, knowing that they will not do this.

Bodily touch is the easiest way to absorb someone else's energy. They transmit life force like electric current through wires. When there are large crowds of people, the level of discomfort increases and people become more aggressive. Energy vampires take advantage of this by hitting someone with their elbow or supposedly accidentally pushing someone standing next to them.

Video: how to recognize an energy vampire in a man

How to behave to protect yourself from energy loss

Ways to fight an energy vampire:

  • strengthen your self-esteem;
  • train character;
  • do not allow your feelings to be manipulated, respect yourself;
  • trust your intuition, don't be too trusting.

If you are in constant contact with someone who likes to steal energy, try to make eye contact with him as little as possible.

To protect yourself from energy vampirism, it is important to strengthen your self-esteem and learn to love yourself

Use deliberately against the vampire what he is so afraid of:

  • don't be afraid to leave him alone;
  • boldly speak directly to his eyes about his mistakes and weaknesses;
  • learn to say “no”;
  • Be the first to invade his personal space from time to time.

Another way to protect yourself from a vampire is to build a barrier between you. Imagine that a wall is growing and strengthening between you, which reliably protects you from his influence.

Video: how to identify an energy vampire and protect yourself from it

What to do if you are one yourself

If the signs of energy vampirism indicate: “Yes, it’s me!”, Do not despair and “switch to dark side" Realize that during the current period you really need additional nourishment. Not receiving it naturally, you have unknowingly learned to take away vitality from those around you.

All you need is to learn how to replenish energy with the help of nature, your favorite activities, and physical activity. Be more positive, develop, enjoy even the little things. Then you will have enough strength and you will not have to take it from others.

An energy vampire can be calculated by date of birth or horoscope; the tendency is also indicated by external signs. But the most accurate way to determine it is to analyze human behavior. Constant complaints, provoking conflicts, manipulation - all these actions are common for those who drain the vitality of those around them.